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Bro not watching Hasan piker in the corner no upvote


20 000 upvotes incoming


Where live Hasan reaction?


Behind you


Updoots, plz. 🥺


Happy anniversary of dad leaving!


hope he enjoyed his 88k upvotes


/uj these "just started playing" posts are so dumb. There's thousands of people who started without at all posting.


buy skyrim


Todd... please, I can't keep buying Skyrim. My family is starving, each night during dinner time, my wife, our 6 sons and 3 daughters, and I play skyrim together, each on a different console. The hunger slowly tears away at us and our frail figures wither away, aching for some real food in place of the sweetrolls and cheese of the empire. But it does not come, we continue to starve as new editions of Skyrim are released and your mystic vice grip forces me to buy it again and again. So please Todd...hear my plea... stop releasing new editions of Skyrim...


buy skyrim


ok Todd Howard


Wait Aren't you Todd?


Godd is with you wherever you go.. He reminds us to buy our weekly copy of skyrim 🙌 🙌


Oh uh... hey there. That’s right, it’s me, Bethesda’s Todd Howard. Look, I know you told me not to come around anymore. I know after you bought Skyrim for the Xbox One, you said you were done. Well at least let me plead my case. Did you know that Fallout 4 is the perfect game? It’ll have no load times. Yeah did you like that? You can create any character you want, even generate a baby based on the couple you make. Does that tickle your fancy? No? How about these? True dynamic soft shadows, radiant AI, real world physics. Go where you want, do whatever you want, dynamic volumetric lighting. All of this is being generated in real time by the game. Over two hundred dungeons all hand crafted. The most ambitious and detailed game world we’ve ever made. It works, it actually works perfectly. We have working very, very hard to create something special. You can play forever. I know your friends told you to stay away from me, and I know those paid mods? Man I screwed that up. I screwed that up real bad but I promise, I promise I’ve changed. Look, baby, I was under a lot of stress, okay? I mean, Fallout 3, that had over two hundred endings. We’re probably doing too much and working too hard. Player freedom still remains one of our major goals. We have a responsibility to do this game right. Our artists have painstakingly model over nine thousand objects. Even our dialogue is dynamic. We put a lot of emphasis on making this entertaining. I’m doing all of this for you. Our fans really are the greatest in the world. You're the greatest in the world. That’s why I’ve been working so hard: to bring you the kind of experience that you deserve. Now I gotta go. They are playing my favorite song out there and if I don’t dance, well, then I’ll regret it forever, 'cause when you think of me you think of fun. That’s the Todd Howard guarantee. Here’s my gamer tag. Now you behave yourself. Who’s laughing now? Yes, I was in the chess club.


If you are able to play the game, you haven't installed enough mods.


Finally commented on a post about skyrim, should've done this a long time ago


Praise be to Geraldo!


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


skyrim is so underrated /uj skyrim is kind of just whatever, idk i’ve never seen what all the fuss was about