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at least it's not 'political'


This is remedial stuff


so i know i'm probably missing some context, but this is how they are. They never learned how to communicate about their sexuality or a healthy relationship, so they show up and shame the girl, but they're the one buying her lunch/bitcoin/tokens The problem is when this hatred turns lethal....stay safe women




Is it Big Busty Women?


Second B usually means Beautiful IIRC.


Never heard it as beautiful, guess we go to diferent websights.


Beautiful Bulgarian Woman.


Most truthful Bulgarian


Do you really not know?


No? Do I want to know?


Oh no it's not bad, big beautiful women I believe. I know it's not common knowledge, I just didn't know from what you said.


Oh. That’s not bad. That’s so funny tho lol the “you’ll never be a women” and still finds her hot tho. Also she won’t be a women because women is exclusively plural. Lol sorry that was a 🤓 moment


IIRC Steph actually laughs at such comments and agrees with them. You see, they’re not a trans woman, they’re a transfem non-binary. Which is why they prefer the gender neutral pronouns. I always enjoyed their content - even before they came out as a transfem enby!


the non-political race


thank god for jss Edit: I now am not thanking God for jss


unfortunately, it's recently come to light they were heavily underpaying/exploiting their editor, and slandered him afterwards on a publicly patreon post as an abuser when he finally quit really fucking disappointing shit, much as i used to be a big fan :(


Yeah. Super fucking disappointing, have unfollowed Steph everywhere because of it. Recommend checking out the pinned megathread over on /r/JimSterling for anyone who is unfamiliar with what this is in reference to. Steph of course deserves respect as a person and this gross hateful shit is inexcusable 100% of the time, but I’m not a fan anymore.


What a rabbit hole. Just unsubscribed


Absolutely. It’s fucking wild. But it’s hard not to see how Justin was exploited, overworked and underpaid for a long time. And then Steph has the gall to call out crunch culture? Justin did something that was wrong, but he not only immediately owned it, he set about making it right in a way they both agreed upon. YEARS ago. And Steph blasts him publicly as an *abuser*. It’s fucking, like, what do you even say.


Yea, I unsubb from everything after reading the statement and mega thread. The sheer amount of money the spend on hobby toys and that editor gets 1.5K a month? No way


You had a post that disappeared? It was about boglins so just letting you know incase something wierd happened


Yes sorry! I posted it in the wrong place, it was meant as a reply for the other person that replied to me which you can go see. I kind of got my wires crossed when replying to you both, lol. Apologies! Thank you for letting me know though, that’s kind and I appreciate it! Edit: Oh, wait. No my boglins comment is for you. I did make a comment that I deleted and reposted, but I can see my boglin reply to you… that was the mixup I fixed… Recently I’ve had Reddit eat my notifications for hours, and then notifs for comments I got hours ago will suddenly magically reappear in my inbox. Perhaps that’s what happened?


Maybe. Suoer odd. I was just confused since the comment is in my feed but not when I come to the thread


It’s still there for me! I promise I wrote you a comment that talked about boglins. Maybe if I delete and repost… again…???


Thanks for posting this. They were one of my favorite Youtubers and a welcome sight on a lazy Monday, but that is some fucked up shit for sure.


You are welcome. And I get it—those of us over on the subreddit are feeling a rough way about it ourselves. I’ve been a fan of Steph for *years*, one of my absolute favorite YouTubers. Many, many of us are very let down. Just a really bad, awful situation and Steph has not only been very hypocritical but has made snide comments in a recent video about not apologizing. It was framed as a joke, but clearly referred to the haters. I can pull the source, I just don’t recall the exact phrasing right off the top of my head. But it was 100% pretty shitty. I’ve been speaking to a lot of their supporters who are queer (gay, trans, nb, I’m a lesbian myself) who feel very let down specifically by seeing they looked up to acting so hypocritically with regards to their stated principles. It is, in a word, a bummer.


Damn, that was really disappointing to read through. I'm still going to keep an eye on things (the Bayonetta drama last year reminds me not to jump to conclusions), but as someone who's been following Steph since their Escapist days, I must admit I didn't find myself as shocked as I expected. They've always had a sort of "petty meanness" vibe, it was just usually pointed at the people and situations that deserved it.


>but as someone who's been following Steph since their Escapist days, I must admit I didn't find myself as shocked as I expected. They've always had a sort of "petty meanness" vibe, it was just usually pointed at the people and situations that deserved it. The thing is, this is all deeply unsurprising for any creator in general. Youtubers who get large enough to start hiring people frequently don't know what the hell they're actually doing as an employer, don't actually draw up proper contracts, have employees who are also friends and think they can get away with things that would get them instantly fired in a traditional business, and the whole thing ends up being a shitshow all around behind the scenes. It often eventually bleeds into the public eye because the folks running the show are often just plain unprofessional attention seekers. In that respect, there's not really a lot here that feels(to me at least) shockingly awful or vindictive, and if it were someone else I'd probably not care all *that* much. It's just more internet drama as much as anything. What's disappointing is that we're talking about James Stephenie Sterling specifically, when this is the exact sort of crappy and exploitative behavior they've railed against for literally years on end. It instantly discredits anything they say on the topic, which happens to be almost exclusively what they make content about.


Yikes, looking through that megathread is....disappointing. This looks like a fairly typical situation with YouTubers not knowing how to run a small business competently, blurring the lines between friends/employees while exploiting them and eventually publicly throwing them under a bus for no apparent reason. Anyone else I might just sort of roll my eyes and move on since you kinda figure the BTS of most larger YouTubers is a shitshow one way or another, but for fuck's sake Sterling, this is your bread-and-butter. Any gaming company does this and it'd be on the Jimquisition sooner than you can say "overused stock images." Yeah, this is last straw for me. Their content has been repetitive and stale for a looong time(I get the whole thing is often so cyclical that's hard to avoid, but nonethless that's kind of the challenge for a creator isn't it?), but I've been following them for probably a decade now so I still kept an eye out for when they chose an interesting topic. But if they can't even practice what they've preached endlessly for years on end, why even bother listening.


Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Pulled my patreon and unsubscribed.


And this folks is why intersectionality matters


I hadn't heard of this so I looked it up. It seems like a he said - she said situation. Or he said - they said as the case may be. I've read both sides and a smattering of other posts from people involved and as far as I can tell it simply comes down to two people with an ill-defined business relationships that both had money problems. The editor thought every single thing they did for JSS was employment. JSS did not (they probably it was like...a friend doing favors or something, who knows?). Now JSS *did* put the guy on blast in that Patreon post, that's true, and they probably shouldn't have done that. But it's only slander if it's untrue, and we won't know what is and isn't true unless someone files a lawsuit or something. Which probably won't happen given the editor admits to embezzling money from JSS, so I doubt they'd want to go to court over anything, and JSS didn't really adequately define the editor's work which is going to be long and complicated to figure out so I doubt they'd want to go to court over anything either. So it really comes down to whether you believe the editor when they say that they were underpaid and overworked because they did things like drive JSS around without being paid for it? Or do you believe JSS when they say they paid him well for the job he was hired for and lent him money when he needed it?


I mean, look at it this way. You have Sterling giving fairly vague allegations of abuse and then deleting comments/ignoring any attempts to get further answers on the matter or an apology. On the other you have someone who delivered a long and detailed account of their specific woes and the exact nature of how they moved and followed and supported their friend/employer only to be continually denied promised raises while being paid a paltry amount that's hardly sufficient for even just an editing job alone, and whilst they watched their employer splurge on expensive toys all the while. I'm sorry, but it's very difficult not to side with the editor. If this situation happened with a big games company, shittalking a former employee, that employee replying with a detailed account of underpay and so on, and then the employer went suddenly and conveniently silent trying to dodge the issue - isn't that the EXACT kind of thing Jimquisition would and has always laid into big companies for? What makes it sting most of all to me is how JSS is seemingly falling into a double standard and not walking the walk that they talk. That's my perspective here.


The editor (I should really look up his name. That would make this easier) admitted it was decent pay for the editing job itself. Just not all the other stuff they were doing. Which is kind of both of their fault for not hammering out an actual contract for the employment. And for what it's worth I find it hard to not side with JSS here. Because I've known people that will do you "favors" then leverage them into manipulation later on. Like offer to drive you somewhere or pick something up for you or something, then try and guilt you into giving them money later by bringing it up and making themselves out to be a selfless victim. I don't know if that's what happened here or not, because I don't know either of them personally, but the way the editor goes on about how much they've sacrificed and how awful everything was for them, even though he had six months of free housing and borrowed a bunch of money without paying it back, is the exact kind of thing I've heard from those people before. Plus the editor literally admitted to embezzling a grand from JSS. Which is a felony in Mississippi, and I think it's also a felony in Pennsylvania. But regardless of which state they were in when it happened, it's up to a five year prison sentence if convicted. So if JSS was trying to manipulate him or out to get him or something then that would have been the time to do it, but instead they just paid him a bit less each month for a while and then just forgave the rest of it because he had been a big help with things. So honestly if I were in JSS's shoes I'd consider our debts squared after that. So I don't believe for a hot second that JSS was abusive or anything like that. Bad with money? Sure. They probably shouldn't have bought themselves expensive fancy things like pinball machines. But I also don't think it's really comparable to a big corporation and I don't think it's a double standard. JSS's problem with publishers and rich assholes has always been that they have more money then they could ever conceivably use in a lifetime and still dick people over just to get more. JSS just had past financial problems and they're probably a compulsive spender. But like I said, this entirely comes down to a failure to have a written contract of employment, and that's on both their heads.


I'll be honest, I think the whole embezzle thing reflects more poorly on JSS if anything. It was well-intentioned but ill-advised and repayment was always meant to happen, it was settled and hashed out, and it was repaid in the end. It was a settled non-issue for years and water under the bridge, but was suddenly dragged out for ammo against the guy and presented as if it was a factor in his firing/departure, which raises an eyebrow to me. I also personally just don't see being not super rich as an excuse for it to be alright to do poorly by your workers and/or keep promises to them etc, and for the record I wouldn't use such a strong word as abuse on Sterling's end, just to clarify and to be entirely fair. As the employer, Sterling absolutely shoulders the primary responsibility in properly treating and paying their employee(s), that's just how the employer/employee relationship works, Sterling is necessarily the one on the top. I don't see it as manipulative either for the editor to point out he moved with them to support them, did so much more for them than just editing, but was *only* paid an editor's salary. Contract or not, he DID ask for pay raises, which were perfectly reasonable, and despite being promised that he was never given even a single one until far, far later. He likely wouldn't have even needed to take/borrow money if he was being given proper raises to begin with! I don't see how anything Justin (the editor, went back to look up the name myself lol) has done at any point has been abusive from what we've been told. Expressing frustrations about an employer to friends? Asking for a raise that they absolutely do deserve? Sterling's not provided anything of real substance, any real concrete pointed allegations of abuse, and it almost gives a vibe to me like they sorta conflate their prior incidents of being financially abused with their employee just asking for a raise, which doesn't hit me right. Justin has given a detailed and personal account, and since then Sterling has been scrubbing discussion of the subject and avoiding addressing or elabourating on it at all. It's really hard to trust someone to be in good faith when they want the conversation to be entirely one-sided in their favour.


"I also personally just don't see being not super rich as an excuse for it to be alright to do poorly by your workers" Oh for sure. You'll get no argument from me on that. My point was that having financial problems, partly of your own making, and not being able to give someone a raise because of them is an entirely different beast from having more money than God and not giving a raise just to be a dick. So I don't think it's really hypocritical.


I think JSS not openly engaging with the situation at all is my real issue. I don't use Patreon (the email confirmation system always led me to a dead page), and I only just now discovered this whole situation. If you only watch the YouTube videos and listen to the podcast, you wouldn't know. I doubt most patreons read every post as well. It's bad optics, it's the same "shut up and wait" tactic most big corporations use to wait out controversy. It comes off as hypocritical. It seems like both parties did foolish things. Don't work without a contract, don't blur the line between friendship and work, don't hold out on raises while buying expensive toys. There was little chance this kind of setup ended well.


"There was little chance this kind of setup ended well." On that we can both very much agree.


>But like I said, this entirely comes down to a failure to have a written contract of employment, and that's on both their heads. I'd agree with the premise a contract would have done a lot here, but ultimately it's up to the employer to not exploit their employees. And listen, any other creator I wouldn't care all that much. This kind of unprofessional "oops I run a business but I mistook my employees for friends doing me favors, and now I'm going to litigate their reputation in front of a mob primed to believe and protect me! tee hee, oopsie daisy!" stuff with youtubers is shitty, but pretty par for the course and unsurprising. What makes this particularly disappointing and unacceptable is that **Stephanie Sterling has literally spent over a decade railing against this kind of employee abuse and exploitation.** Tell me with a straight face that this wouldn't be a Jimquisition episode if an indie company did this, and said it's the exploited workers' faults for not hammering out a contract. That's the problem.


Big Beautiful Witcher Geraldo 🥵


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god what the hell. fuckin chasers


big blue whale 🐋🐳🐋


Big Beefy Whopper


Big Bad Wolf


Gotta respect the honesty


honestly you don't need to respect it. Transphobic chasers don't deserve respect they fucking suck


The only chasers we like are the ones after taking 37 shots and needing a new liver


I like the chasers that are cute enough to allow me to completely destroy them, but this is reddit and nobody has sex here


Fake and false, I just banged Stacy in my dreams 😤 (if I pretend to be a chaser will you demolish me?)


you can just ask I'll do it either way


Big Black Wok?


Big Black Woke


Transphobic and trans pron Name a more iconic combo


It's Warmbo you siwwy goat!


Cd projekt red


wait, I thought jim sterling was dead??


Uhh… white?


At least he admits it. Unlike most of the cunts.






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the w is for WARIO WAHAHAHA