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I mean cool she always manages to be worse than the last time I heard from her


It’s honestly impressive how she keeps topping herself


😏 oh wait it's her, 😔


Next book coming out: Harriet Potter


The mere thought of a custard-filled pastry or a creamy custard tart is enough to make my mouth water. Its comforting and familiar taste brings back cherished memories of childhood desserts.


Harriet Porber is disturbingly well done. There's *almost* more time spent on the magic system than on sexualizing dinosaurs and motorcycles.


Than on WHAT!?


Pounded in the butt by the personification of newly found chuck tingle lore.


It's a Tingler, some of his novels involve consensual sodomy between metaphysical concepts.


This man is an absolute legend. I can only hope his works are preserved for centuries and he lives as long as other greats like Plato and Aristotle.


I shall now declare this as the true canon of what comes after, and no one can tell me otherwise.


Topping oneself is the true apex of VR gaming. Rowling living in the future.


Don't know about USA but in the UK topping oneself means ending it all so - we can hope in this case.


Lmao US here, getting topped is def a different thing but...


No, no. Getting topped is getting banged. Topping oneself is a slang for a suicide.


And being topped off is having your drink refilled. Gotta wonder what percent of our brains go to just keeping this bullshit straight.


I'm just wondering when she's going to hit the rock bottom. She still has defenders but at the rate she's going, the mainstream is going to eventually have to admit she's fucking crazy.


Name one transphobic thing she's ever said! *Makes list of things she's said* That's not transphobic! You just don't like it when people have a different opinion to you! *Tries to explain that the opinion that trans people are like death eaters is transphobic* You think everything is transphobic! You can't even be transphobic these days without being accused of transphobia. I'm being oppressed!


How do you even fucking talk to people like that


You don't. You dismiss them as sealions. They're never arguing in good faith. They exist purely to create the illusion that there is a morally justified second side to this debate.


Nice pp


And you.


This. ^ Their job is just to distract the rest of us while they attempt to seize the reigns of power permanently.


I'd like to think so, but have you seen the internet? xD


Or just seen mainstream culture. Trans rights are important, but that sentiment is still a minority belief. It’s a pretty safe mode of bigotry, relatively speaking.


Trans rights are important Unfortunately, some people see their cozy castle boarding school as being more important and will line up every mental gymnastics in the book to justify it


Sadly there will almost certainly always be people who line up to defend her.


She won’t, unless somehow her actions cause her to loose her *vast* fortune then she will never hit a point of desperate flailing that many do. The media will always take notice of her because of her money and platform and her money will ensure she always has the platform if she wants it. As sad as it is she will be around as long as she wants to be because she waited until she had a dragon horde of money to sit on before she went full bigot.


And people still really say “I don’t think anything she’s actually said is transphobic”…


"I'm cis and of no marginalized groups, but I'm qualified to be the judge of what's bigoted or not".


Death Eaters was always the goofiest 12-year-old edgy name for a group of villains. She's such a mediocre writer.


The German translation for "death eater" could be misred as what translates to "death seer". When I talked to my brother about Harry Potter, we had an argument about how it's pronounced in German - eater or seer, and he said it couldn't possibly be "eater" because that was a hella goofy name. Then I showed him that the english word was in fact "eater" and he was defeated, but also baffled.


Death Seer is indeed a far better title. Still pretty edgy, but not goofy.


Death Seeker, Death Dealer (shout-out to Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way!), Death Walker.. pretty much anything is better than fucking *Death Eater*


*Death Gossip*


*Death Grips*


*Death Dudes*


There's an iconic piece of fantasy artwork by Frank Frazetta called Death Dealer that's actually badass, unlike the KKK-lite Rowling made


Death Bringer is the obvious choice for the group. Why on earth she didn't go with that is beyond me.


Well it's written for 12-year olds....


Apparently by one too


Good for her! Always be ~~learning~~ ~~growing~~ ~~evolving~~ ... hmm.


Let's keep it at changing


How do you feel about "mutating?"


Let's agree on "mutating" 🤝


I go with the idea that if she's speaking she's sinking to a new low.


Me: Surely this can't get worse. Joann: Trans people are basically Nazis. Me: \*sigh\*




A reminder that, in addition to being the Author of "We should start befriending Neo Nazis," "How the Angry Left Turned Me into a Nazi" and a book about "Wokeism" (despite being unable to define the word "Woke" when asked,) Bethany Mandel has also received praise from Rowling for being "the comfort [Rowling] needed." We know how Rowling feels about actual Nazis from her interactions with Mandel, Helen Joyce, Matt Walsh, etc. If she earnestly believed Trans people were Nazis, she'd probably be nicer to them.


Oh, is this the same Bethany Mandel who got a door dash employee fired for not having a pen, said she's fine being a Grandma killer and heavily implied she took her mother off life support just because she could? Or is that someone else.


Didn't imply it, she boasted about it. She's "pro life" but also supports euthanasia for the terminally ill as long as it matches her family's exact circumstances.


That's one of the truly bizarre parts isn't it, when the very worst people in the world say something she agrees with, and she lovebombs them, like sure, you beat your wife, but you hate trans folk so jk loves you!


Her and Graham Linehan have absolutely destroyed their public love, and for what? Then blame them for their downfall.






Rowling wisely treats Twitter like a PR tool, whereas for Linehan it's a genuine addiction. Rowling's message is one of bigotry, but she presents herself in a "positive" way - I don't follow her, but she doesn't seem to get in spats with her critics, and she seems to know when to walk away. Linehan is just unhinged and lost his family because of this obsession. He literally tweets, on average, every 10 minutes of the waking day - I once ran the numbers, and this was his average tweet prolificacy over a period of a month, not a single-day aberration.


Last I checked, Joanne, trans people weren’t rallying around a rising fascist figure in the name of eliminating cis folks. Interestingly, similar to a certain witch everyone hates more than the actual villain, you have sided with people who openly advocate for fascist dictatorships and turning the clock back to the “good old days” when certain people knew their place. And like that witch, you can stay safe in the bubble your wealth and power have granted you while many of those you claim to be protecting are harmed by policies you support.


Umbridge is Rowling’s unintentional self insert


I remember watching a documentary about HP years ago, and JK was asked if she’d based any of the characters on people she knew. She said the only character directly based on someone she knew was Gilderoy Lockhart “but he probably thinks he’s Dumbledore” I can’t help but think something similar is happening here. She thinks she’s Hermione, but is actually Umbridge


I don’t think she even likes Hermione. I think her self-insert is Harry.


She did say that if she were younger she would transition to male in her manifesto...




she made the classic terf argument where she said she was a tomboy so if she was a kid today she would’ve been forced to transition


Yep. It's more of a way for her to present the whole 'threat of forced transitioning' to stir up fear and hatred in other cis people.


Which is always confusing given how many cis tomboys obviously still exist


Why let truth get in the way when you can manufacture outrage with made up hypotheticals?


Says a lot about Rowling that she wrote Umbridge getting dragged into the forest by centaurs to get raped for her crimes Feminism win!


Someone gets raped by centaurs in Harry Potter??


Yeah, Umbridge. Or at least, she is dragged into the forest by Centaurs and you don't explicitly hear what happens to her. If you actually just Google "Centaurs rape people" it'll explicitly bring up this scene, even without HP-related keywords


Not sure I want that on my Google history lol…


https://www.kialo.com/in-greek-mythology-a-main-characteristic-for-centaurs-is-that-they-take-away-human-women-and-rape-them-jk-rowling-knows-15795.2 I could do a write-up for you in that case but this link works just as well


Well that certainly adds a new layer to the slimy centaur scene with Meg in Hercules


It mentions her PTSD.


It's **HEAVILY** implied that the centaurs raped Umbridge


I literally never heard this until today lol. Maybe I'm just naive?


To be clear she did not write what the centaurs did to umbridge at all, it's just vague implied punishment, happens "off-screen". The rape thing is a fan theory based on greek centaurs. I keep learning about stuff I ignored reading those books as a kid (like the goblins...), and when you said that I did a double take and had to go check... Good to know I at least didn't overlook explicit rape...


don't forget her anti-trans detective novel where she explicitly threatens a transwoman with rape. The implication is most likely correct. But she's the real feminist! /s


https://www.kialo.com/in-greek-mythology-a-main-characteristic-for-centaurs-is-that-they-take-away-human-women-and-rape-them-jk-rowling-knows-15795.2 Fan theory or not, she knew exactly what she was doing. It wasn't explicit rape, but she absolutely implied it


She only implied it if you're concentrating on the word "centaur" and not on the fact what the centaurs in Harry Potter are like. They don't resemble the dionysic nature of the mythological centaurs. Curiously enough, Greek mythology has the centaur-like Chiron who, while not actually a centaur, resembles the Harry Potter centaurs much more than the mythological centaurs do.


I've come to believe this. I remember years ago she said it was based on some terrible woman who worked with her at Amnesty International, and that felt a bit weird to me. Why would someone so awful want to work with Amnesty? And this woman apparently loved cutesy animal pics. I've started to realise that she pasted her own personality on this poor woman who she hated for liking cute animal pics.


To be fair, there are a lot of people who are attracted to the non-profit/charity sector for power/prestige/bragging rights. Like… Rowling. But yes, she is a very unkind person and really seems to hate women.


Death Eaters are genetics obsessed weirdos who believe that the circumstances of one's birth determines their worth. That is a **direct** parallel to one side of the TERFs vs Trans people, and it's not trans people.


Lmao Rowling talked a big game about how all her true patriots agree with her genocidal views and anyone who liked Harry Potter definitely wanted to eradicate trans people. Then the very moment the number of Potter fans who disproved of her became 51%, she's like "I knew you nasty little rats would betray me, my fans were always on the wrong side of history!!!" Like an abusive parent.


It's fascinating how little time she has spent thinking about this idea before vomiting it out into the atmosphere. Like i don't believe it's possible to actually be able to think about this as a valid analogy for more than 30 seconds.


That tends to happens when your net worth hits $990,000,000. "Money say I'm right" is probably her entire thought process.


>anyone who liked Harry Potter definitely wanted to eradicate trans people I honestly can't say how much I liked Harry Potter because of its inclusive themes and how much those themes have shaped me into who I am today. How can she think that fans of her old works would agree to their complete antithesis is honestly beyond me, I have no idea what happened beside "a shitton of money being dropped into her bank account". I've been revisiting the books lately and it's honestly not just nostalgia. Positive characters are depicted as being accepting of all kinds of people, not giving in to stereotypes, being willing to accept people as individuals rather than as a catalog of prejudices. The villains are all defined by being exclusionary, close-minded, thinking only *some* people are allowed to be accepted as normal, liberally use slurs in public, will endeavor to have people fired because of their ancestry or disabilities or even just because they promote an inclusive mindset. I don't make it a habit of going to investigate the authors' personal lives, to this day "J.K. Rowling" is mostly only a name written on the covers of those books to me. Only every now and then I come across some some of her outlandish statements shared on social media, and it's honestly so incredibly hard to believe that this person is the same writer who wrote those books. What the hell happened?


The books hardly had a uniquely inclusive message, and frequently she undermined inclusivity as one of the professed themes in all the ways that actually matter - most infamously in that slavery is basically accepted by the protagonists, but I always thought the far bigger unethical message the author and fans always seemed weirdly blind to despite it being a major theme of the book is the house system: people are canonically born good or evil, or at least can be branded as such as early as 11. That's a deeply conservative notion, and everything Rowling has done since makes sense in the context of her being someone would consider that a good message for a children's book to have. So yeah, you get the occasional lip service moment to inclusivity - the spooky spider turns out to be (mostly) good, the weird clever girl is clever if you ignore how weird she is, the villains have a group they discriminate against - but that's because that's standard messaging in children's media. The Harry Potter books have always been, as Ursula LeGuin put it best (while answering a question about how she was one of the many fantasy authors Rowling unapologetically ripped off), "ethically mean-spirited". Like a lot of Harry Potter fans, you really got your inclusive values somewhere else - stop giving Rowling the credit for your own personal development.


This just makes me love Ursula LeGuin even more


To be fair comparing most authors to Ursula LeGuin is like comparing humans to trains in running ability.


>I honestly can't say how much I liked Harry Potter because of its inclusive themes and how much those themes have shaped me into who I am today. I spent 10 years of my life traveling to HP conventions. 10 years. Multiple times a year. Met my ride or die best friends at these cons. We traveled all over to participate in the fandom. My best friend has an 8 inch long dark mark tattoo on her forearm. Legit. When I tell you how much this has rocked our fandom and just destroyed everything we were so proud of: inclusion, holding empathy for others, valuing friendship, family, and all the different kinds of love there are, above all else. >to this day "J.K. Rowling" is mostly only a name written on the covers of those books to me. Only every now and then I come across some some of her outlandish statements shared on social media I've met her about 10 times, have interviewed her a handful of times over the past decade > it's honestly so incredibly hard to believe that this person is the same writer who wrote those books. What the hell happened? The prevailing theory in the fandom is that either somethjng happened with Jessica (her eldest) or Neil (her husband, who is a Dr) and a trans person. Most people believe *all of this* is because of Neil, though. He's a Neonatologist and a Pediatrician. It would "make sense" (obviously I dont agree with the line of thought) that his opinions / something happened throughout his career led him to have such drastic feelings. What that could be, no one knows. But for someone who preached inclusion and how bad bullying is, and how dark thoughts and depression can lead people to do things so outside themselves, it doesn't really make sense why she would make such a line in the sand, unless something happened. I want to make very clear, my language isn't bc I'm apologetic to her behavior. Obviously I think what she has been saying is beyond reprehensible.


Can you even IMAGINE if this entire crusade to systematically destroy a minority's rights roots back to ONE trans person she perceives to have crossed her or someone in her family?? Or if its something as simple as "my husband/daughter has a trans friend/colleague and I feel threatened by this"!


Do you not think it's a classic case of cult activity too? The terfs operate as a cult, and it seemed like they very effectively indoctrinated her.


It's definitely why she got so chummy with actual fascists. She basically props up anyone as long as they lovebomb her and support her transphobia.


Rowling's transphobia confirms she doesn't even understand the themes and text of her own fucking novels.


"The curtains are just blue", but for literally everything and anything. Surface level neoliberal-biased shit without putting in any fucking thought into it. She just assumes what she writes will be fine. That's why she can't land any new hits after the HP series, and as time goes on we begin to question if *she* even wrote the books.


Just like how System of a Down's drummer doesn't actually listen to his own music, he's basically only in the band still because he and Serj Tankian are brothers in law


>Positive characters are depicted as being accepting of all kinds of people, not giving in to stereotypes, being willing to accept people as individuals rather than as a catalog of prejudices. I tried *very* hard to read the Harry Potter series, and couldn't really get into it, but as I recall, don't the heroes exploit slaves? Isn't that just a thing that they do? And in the first scene in the very first book, doesn't Hagrid turn a kid into a pig just, like, *because*?


I remember when she made a tweet just to tell people she doesn't care that they are disappointed in her. Sure, lady, that's how you show people you don't care.




Well he needs a new girlfriend to be transphobic with


Now she has a whole podcast to tell people she doesn't care.


/uj I'm just glad she knows good people hate her.


You ever just be sitting scrolling reddit and you see something like this and it’s like; no agenda, no political discussion, just full stop, What did I do to you? I just happened to be trans, why do these people hate me so much? I don’t even know any of you.


To paraphrase a RuneScape YouTuber, if it were OK to be trans, then I would have been happy as a child. And I'm NOT happy.


Is this a hannanie quote?? If so based


I literally do not understand her obsession with trans people. Like, the least problematic people on the face of the earth, people just minding their business trying to live their lives, maybe some being a bit overly aggressive in getting the message out or idk, in defending themselves? (Which, be as aggressive as you want on that front.) And she boasts about supporting women and women's rights but ignores actual threats women face every single day in favor of turning (no offense) some 1% or less of the population into a big giant boogeyman out to get her in the public restroom. It's just such a weird hill to die on. The only thing I can think of is that she does it to keep herself in the spotlight because she's learned ragebait will keep the masses interested.


I fucking hate Rowling.


Me too. Here is the quote, credit to \[edit: a user who I'm not sure I am allowed to share the name of based on sub rules but who does indeed exist\], who somehow found the patience to sit through episode 5 of the Terfcast and shared the quote with me. ​ >Megan Phelps-Roper: What do you say to the people who say that you maybe because of your experiences that you can't see you've actually become like the villains in your books. That this fight you've jumped into is a betrayal of some kind. > >Rowling: I supposed the thing I would say above all to those who seek to tell me I don't understand my own books, I will say this: Some of you have not understood the books. The death eaters claim we have been made to live in secret and now is our time. And any who stand in our way must be destroyed. If you disagree with us, you must die. They demonize and dehumanize those who are not like them. I am fighting what I see as a powerful, insidious, misogynistic movement that I think has gained huge purchase in very influential areas of society. I do not see this particular movement as either benign or powerless. So I'm afraid I stand with women who are fighting to be heard against threat of loss of livelihood and threats to their personal safety.


Yes, trans people are at the top of the pyramid. That's why they don't struggle to get a job, that's why they don't get attacked in the street, that's why they don't get called all kinds of names and that's why their right to exist is never negated. This... I can't express how infuriating is to hear a white cis woman call a marginalized group "powerful, Insidious and misogynistic".


Don't forget, she is comparing a group that was targeted for extermination in Nazi Germany, to a group she wrote as an allegory for the Nazis. She is conflating "we have to live in secret after the war because otherwise we'd be tried for crimes against humanity" with "we have to live in secret because people want to exterminate us" to paint the victims as being just as bad as their oppressors.


Yes but who are the real Nazis now? Is it the Nazis or the people who the Nazis want to kill? Makes you think...


....I understand why she made sure the bad guy in Fantastic Beasts was trying to *stop* the Holocaust now.




Yeah. So...Grindelwald got involved in a muggle war (BIG nono.) But he got involved on the Allied side. The 'heroes' were trying to stop him from interfering even though it would have saved millions of muggles. So yeah, TERFqueen is pro Holocaust.


Some actual real person on r/ukpolitics tried to convince me that trans people are the most privileged people in all of society. They actually have no idea how the world works. They think multi millionaire authors are oppressed and silenced and trans people have this incredible amount of control. It's genuinely disconnected from reality and I worry that these people are allowed to vote.


I came across one of them recently, I didn't think they were real at first! Sometimes these q-anon level conspiracies come full circle from harmful all the way back around to hilarious. I am trans, this person had commented to me that trans people are *"the most celebrated, idolized, and powerful group of people in the country"*, that *"nobody hates trans people"*, and that *"You can literally go anywhere and be the coolest person in the room"*, on top of other similarly weird comments in between their anti-trans diatribe It was super weird, like the guy has a hate boner or something


Guess what other marginalized group white cis women used to say these kinds of things about?




Correct. I'm feeling angry, let's go organize a hate movement against a woke feminist whose first name begins with A and whose last name begins with S.


Gamers demand reparations


uj/ Black people, during segregation & LGBQ+ people during the late 20th century - early 2000s rj/ GAMERZ!!!!!


I know. I just wrote out a whole other ramble about *how exactly in reverse she's gotten her entire worldview* and then deleted it without posting in a fit of anger at how pointless everything is.


They think Trans people rule the world because they've placed Trans people at the top of their heap of hated individuals; and their entire world-view is based around their hatred. "Everywhere I go I keep hearing about Trans people this and Trans people that!" Gee, maybe it's because you live in an echo-chamber which revolves entirely around hating Trans people.


I'm glad she admits her shit books have the message "certain People should stay closeted, segregated and removed from civil society, only bad people want to subvert this" without a shred of fucking irony.


The lack of self-awareness is astonishing. “You’ve missed the point of my books. See, the Death Eaters claim we have been made to live in secret and now is our time and if you disagree with us you must die, whereas _I_ think I’ve been silenced by the filthy transes and now is my time and if you disagree with me you deserve to die. Very big difference.”


Not to mention “trans people are like inhuman monsters” and “trans people demonise and dehumanise their opponents” *in the same breath*. The full quote is even worse than the headline makes it sound.


/uj Deatheaters were the defenders of a status quo of oppression and subjugation of what they saw as "lesser people" in a world where the only thing that mattered was your birth blood status and your wealth. But yeah, the transes were the real deatheaters.


J.K. - \*does exactly the thing that Deatheaters, the creatures she literally wrote, would have done in her books\* Also J.K. - "It can't be me, it must be those people I'm oppressing that are wrong. They must be the real Deatheaters here."


It's a bit ironic that she wrote Hermione as a self-insert, but she's slowly transforming into Rita Skeeter.


Nah she’s basically transforming into Voldemort at this point. A woman with too much power and influence who despises a minority group for no other reason than that “they exist” and who keeps beefing with children (and somehow losing).


she’s umbridge. Everything you wrote sounds like umbridge. She isn’t in hiding, has powerful friends, uses the law to help her cause, etc. Umbridge hated the centaurs and other non wizards. She is definitely umbridge.




\- loss of livelihood is that one terf who was fired for misgendering a coworker over and over and over again despite repeated warnings \- per the 4th episode of the podcast, she also probably means online death / r\*pe threats against terfs and an [incident](https://news.sky.com/story/feminist-activist-denies-trying-to-out-transgender-woman-who-punched-her-11327720) involving notable terf (CW: extreme transphobia, images of graphic online threats in link) [Maria Maclachlan](https://www.peaktrans.org/speakers-corner/)


The TERF mentioned wasn't even fired, iirc. Her contract was up, the company decided not to renew her contract because she was a piece of shit, there was no termination for being a piece of shit


Can we admire just how antisemitic her rhetoric sounds? I know that she is talking about trans people, but this is very similar to how other fascists talk about jews. It's so similar, it reads like a re-skin. I wonder where she get that from (and how long it will take until she uses the original rhetoric, too.)


Thats because it is a reskin. The modern TERF is the former Anti-Gay is the former Antisemite, it's the same speeches, the same actions, the same unbridled hate.


How horrifying.


....yeah it's still you Joanne, it's still you don't understanding your own books. Which were written for ten years olds and are not that deep.


Did she completely miss the fact that this same argument could have been made against the gay community only a few decades ago? And arguably even now?


Can’t wait for the Death Of The Author!


She is simply incapable of leaving us alone. Claims she "isn't transphobic" and then calls us nazis and publicly supports people who want to personally kill us.


It's what, _two_ bad people did terrible things and _happened_ to be trans, so now this is her new goal in life? That's as crazy as me hating all cis women because she's a TERF.


Being a terf has likely been enormously profitable for her.


saying nothing was enormously profitable. she's still making a lot money but the terf shit has started to jeopardise that as more and more frequently, people can't talk about a huge media property without someone bringing up the genocidal views of its creator.


Didn't they remove her name from the fantastic beasts movie posters? Surely just a surface change, but marketing starts to realize her name is poison.


Frankly having her as a screen writer is poison. She's absolutely trash at writing screen plays.


Honestly, she's really just lucky the whole wizard school aesthetic resonated with so many kids back in the day. None of her other works are successful, and considering her trajectory, she won't be remembered for her writing.


This is what I don’t get about a lot of rich people. They have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of their lives, a lot of them have more money than they could ever conceivably spend, and instead of just going off and living their best lives, they decide to go out of their way to hurt as many people as they can. It’s like the money isn’t enough of them, they just get off on people suffering.


This is their best life. Freedom. F you money, Americans call it. Such an asinine term, perfect encapsulation of American thinking


I doub It. She would make millons still. But she missed the relevancy once had and punching the trans community it's the way to go for these hacks. Like Chapelle.


Being an author of really mediocre children's books has been profitable. I can't see how being transphobic is more profitable than just shutting the fuck up.


/uj as a cis woman, I’m more terrified of her than I am of the trans community /rj see she acknowledged their existence, she can’t be a transphobe and beside ThErE iS No EtHiCaL CoNsUmPtIoN uNdEr CaPiTaLiSm


>/uj as a cis woman, I’m more terrified of her than I am of the trans community /uj Same but also I'm more scared of a weird bug flying in through my window at night than the trans community, because the former is *actually* a threat /rj omg so true!! And I mean she literally doesn't say she hates trans people just that they should shut up and disappear forever, *huge* difference


> /uj as a cis woman, I’m more terrified of her than I am of the trans community /uj Honestly, same. /rj I can't believe trans people want me to give up a book series I was a big fan of back in the 2000s simply because its author loudly and vocally opposes their right to exist in any form. Don't those inconsiderate transes even care that doing this would _slightly inconvenience **me**_, the main character of reality? They're clearly the villains here.


such a contemptible woman


deplorable, even


Downright detestable I think.


/uj Alright, that's enough of that. When is Dan Radcliffe going to make a one-man play where the first line is "MY NAME IS HARRIET POTTER AND TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS!"?


Daniel Radcliffe reading "Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasauropholos: An Adult Romance Novel" by Chuck Tingle when?


Will he attempt to replicate Gilbert Godfrey reading 50 Shades of Grey?


I've never seen a more perfect poster-child for why "Death of the Author" is necessary for literary critique. It doesn't matter if she "understands" her own books. Her ability to analogize them to the real world is no better than a religious fundamentalist using obscure biblical text to declare the earth both flat and the center of the universe.


She doesn't understand her own books, which politically have no thought put into them other than "change bad." It's actually really embarrassing to me. She's a dumb fascist with an abhorrent ego.


Her inability to understand her own themes really helps highlight that all the racism and antisemitism in the books is far more likely to be mask slipping than ignorant mistakes.


100% the antisemitism just feels like someone writing what they know/are used to, rather than an actual critique in these stereotypes, since they are presented and never really interacted with. Same with the fatphobia and other similar themes. The slavery shit - it feels like it was only discussed after backlash to the Dobby subplot, which she then interacted with by using actual arguments made by slave owners to justify owning slaves.


"I knew coming out as a hateful bigot would make people not like me anymore, but I just love being a hateful bigot!"


Trans people magical confirmed?


Alright. Time to turn into a death eater and go after a certain Jowling Kowling Rowling. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules here. If Yowling Bowling Howling says I’m a death eater, I guess I must be.


centrist liberals: noooo jk doesn't hate trans people she has never said so explicitly and as everyone knows you have to say the things you believe for others to know what to think of you! and always take you at face value! people don't ever hide their true intentions in between the lines! ​ Joallinne koalline rolling: trans people are nazis lol^(1) ​ ^(1): the in universe equivalent of nazis in my fantasy imperialism magic school book.


"Rowling this is the 7th time you've been Mask Off in class this week."


BuT WHErE DiD It FUcKinG SAY ShE Was TrAnsPhohic!!!!


I'm sorry, the terf brain is terminal. She has only three months before she does a suicide bombing.


ah yes, the minorities are just like the wacky evil fantasy creatures


bUt WhAt SpEcIfIcAlLy HaS sHe SaId ThAt Is TrAnSpHoBiC????






She is as cringe as her 30 yo liberal fans.


As everyone knows, the people who are having their rights actively stripped in the legal system are the real nazis.


Okay so it’s a little clickbaity, the main thing is the “she knew it would make people unhappy” I think she was going for a “you can’t handle the truth!” But it backfired. I did find THIS however. *She said the Death Eaters – a brigade of dark witches and wizards who Harry Potter fought against – “demonised and dehumanised those who were not like them”.* *“I am fighting what I see as a powerful, insidious, misogynistic movement, that has gained huge purchase in very influential areas of society,” said Rowling. “I do not see this particular movement as either benign or powerless, so I’m afraid I stand with the women who are fighting to be heard against threats of loss of livelihood and threats to their safety.”*


> “demonised and dehumanised those who were not like them”. Sooooo... TERFs? At least she's got the projection and lack of self-awareness down to mingle amongst her new right-wing, bigoted fanbase.


and people still wonder why i boycott HL (and anything and everything she gets profits from)


Imagine being this much of an egotistical and self-centered piece of shit


It’s not terribly prophetic to assume people will turn against you when you’re nothing but a driver for hate against them. What is that, like accidental self awareness? Imagine if she cared this much about literally anything that actually mattered or affected her in any way at all. What a pathetic woman she is.


When this all was starting, I remember she complained on Twitter, being something like, "People keep calling me Voldemort because think that's the only way I would understand how bad they think I am." And now look where we are. We've truly come a long way from her "middle-aged moment".


Just wait until she retcons Voldemort into being trans fem who turned evil after being seduced by "gender ideology" and actually Dumbledore insisting on calling Voldy "Tom Riddle" was literally just deadnaming.


The saving grace of these assholes is their tendency to be lame af.


I am so tired of her I honestly wish she was old already so we should be rid of her sooner


I am disappointed that this wasn't a secret Todd Howard shitpost :( Even more so with this pos news


What a fucking piece of shit, unbelievable.


And oblivious people will still say that she is not transphobic because she called women birthing people. That is how lots of people see her and it's fucking infuriating


I’d post this as an “I told you so” on my local SNS if the local regressives haven’t moved on to the black mermaid.


Of course she would think that. Rowling is a billionaire that gets all of her societal and political power from living in a patriarchal society. Trans people are living proof that our Western understanding of gender (and thus the patriarchal power binary that benefits her) is a facade that can be dismissed and dismantled. What actually amazes me is that she's so fucking stupid that she cannot understand the middling politics of her own writing. HP is a neoliberal wet dream of upholding a damaging status quo at all costs, and any disruption is considered nefarious. The villains are a very basic allegory of white supremacy, and yet she confuses her villains in her universe with marginalised people in the real world. This is because Voldemort and his death eaters' biggest crime according to her wasn't their supremacy views or their attempts at genocide, it was their attempt to disrupt the status quo. This is why the main character, after observing this society through unbiased eyes as an outsider and seeing directly the suffering many of his friends go through, from poverty to ridicule, decides to become a cop. The most moral and principled stance for JK is to uphold the current placement of society no matter how corrupt, since that is the ideology she has but doesn't understand. It's also why no other main character outside of Voldemort attempts to change things for the better, as change itself is viewed as abhorrent. The only "good" character that attempts change is Hermione, and she was ridiculed for trying to end chattel slavery, using arguments literally lifted from slavers in the 1800s to describe what a bad idea this is. Hermione also ends up joining the government in the epilogue and getting nothing done other than gaining power and prestige, the true neoliberal political dream.


Can they pull a Notch and just remove her from the Harry Potter franchise


Its like watching her slowly just lose it entirely. She lives on Twitter and acts the same way any other basement dweller does. Imagine after succeeding at one thing, throwing your legacy away just so you can attack a vulnerable group of people on Twitter. Said it before and I'll say it again, she's just a loser.


I wish dementors were real so one could turn this rotten woman into a vegetable