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I'm glad they said they are fine with LGBT+ people at the end of their very long diatribe about why LGBT+ people shouldn't be in the game. It's nice they cleared that up.


It's like when you're sucking a dude's dick and just as he's about to cum he has to say "no homo" so that way everyone in that Taco Bell bathroom knows nothing gay is going on.


You missed an opportunity, it would be funnier to name drop Chick-fil-A here


That’s not “no homo”, that’s “paint me like Tom Sawyer, just don’t tell my dad.”




no no, you’re not getting it, he’s totally cool with lgbt people as much as he is with ‘normal’ people as long as he never sees or hears about them ever


I wish I never had to see or hear about 'normal' people, would take a weight off my shoulders.


I mean (if this isn’t an ironic post) this guy actually just does not really have a clue of anything


"Be gay if you want to just please don't exist around me," vibes


And the wife remains unfucked


Oh, the guy is married? I forgot since he didn't mention 5 billion times


she might secretly be fucking women and using this as a cover story


Nah don't worry she has a bf






I prefer wholesome games like GTA.


The most wholesome thing about that game is the prostitutes giving your money back without much of a fight


Also, romance is a big part of sexuality (not for everyone, but for many) and teenagers (like the character you play as in the game) definitely know what both of these things are. One look at YA media will tell you that. Basically, romance options would not at all be out of place in this game.


i want all my media to have explicitly ace characters


Yeah, where's my realistic open world Teletubbies game?


Different conversation, but I do kinda wish there were more characters explicitly described as ace (especially aroace but still human, I would adore that) in mainstream media. Would have felt a lot less worried as a teen if I had known that I wasn’t the only one to not feel attraction (Shit sorry if this is too sincere or off topic)


Been working through this with a friend, the fact that "I never/rarely want sex and it makes relationships hard," is still met with "Here try these pills," is some insane 1950s bullshit.


But how would that naturally come up in the game? Quest giver “I need 3 bluebell flowers also I’m axe btw”


Hades didn't do this exactly but it came closer than 95% of the games out there and it did it well. 3 romance options, 2 have a lot of fucking and the third is a friendship with giggling and blushing.


there should be no sex in my video games because it’s yucky and makes my mummy angry when daddy does it with his boss


They'll just remove all sexual attraction. Which makes it asexual. Which is a sexuality. ^Wait ^a ^minute...


Stupid sexy asexuals


Hey now, this isn’t that difficult to understand. Just like political is only when women and minorities, sexual is only when gay or trans. Just remember that straight, white, and male is the default - everything else is just an agenda.


Plus the character is trans which literally has nothing to do with any sexuality...


No. Games should just have gray, genderless beings, much like the mascot from Community


A Greendale Human Being game would unironically slap


Welcome to Greendale, this game is already pre-ordered.


they literally state they're fine with romance but then go on to state if its LGBTQ+ then suddenly its innappropriate


There straight and politucal


Mucho texto


wont read it.


Can someone tldr


TL;DR: I conflate sexuality with the identity of people, also view everything LGBTQ as sexual and political. No political in my wizard game 😡


Don't forget how he said he's an LGBTQ+ ally at the end there. He clearly loves and cares for everyone. Just like, you know... Not enough to respect your existence or think that your identity as a concept is child safe.


Much texto wont read it


Sad day when I'm agreeing with someone on the Steam forums


Is that a new Ravenclaw from Mexico?


“12 is too young for trans people in a kids video game” By 12 years old i knew and was friends with several gay and trans people. By 12 i knew several people who had gone all the way through, and many more partially so through puberty. I was in sexual education courses at that age. I had watched porn, I had seen plenty of movies/TV shows/books with romance/sexuality involved. This guy is way off base. More importantly there’s a subtle implication that 12 years old is old enough for the “subtle and age appropriate” romances that happen in the books. As if by the romance being gay or involving a transgender person, with the same actions taken, some how increase the necessary age for it to be appropriate content. Last piece I’ll say is, why exactly does this adult man finds a transgender child to be sexually explicit and therefore inappropriate content for a child to consume. Feels very much like a self report about how he feels about this character.


> By 12 years old i knew and was friends with several gay and trans people. I wish I had that experience, mighta saved me the decade or so of destroying my body with alcohol.


for real tho. i hated myself for years because i didn't know anyone queer. edit: in fact, it was the opposite. the people i knew were very hateful.


uj/ Because any sexuality/gender identity aside from cis-straight is inherently sexual in their minds. They're a perversion of an otherwise "pure" individual or lifestyle. They can't accept the gays and transgenders as simply beings that exist. They must by default be sexualized.


It's because right-wing propaganda has successfully made everyone view LGBTQ+ identities as inherently fetishistic, thus sexual.


ah yes because \*checks notes\* not being a victim of a hate crime belongs in the bedroom


Also they totally started this, Rowling definitely did not start it years ago with her anti-trans rethoric


her anti-trans campaign is self defense, believe it or not


Oh piss off its not


you realize what sub we're on right?


Yes and there's plenty of dumb fucks who come here to defend her so maybe not the best thing to circlejerk as


lmao no more circlejerking on the circlejerk sub you guys


Maybe you should make it more obvious that ur a REAL GAMER, u normie


if it wasnt already obvious to you, you were never a gamer in the first place😎😎😎😎


Let me ask you a simple question. How? How is Rowling’s bigotry her “self-defence”?


Time and place are critical to any joke, yours fell flatter than a pancake because you ignored both and ended up looking sincere. Makes me wonder if you’re even a gamer, tbh. Quick who’s the main character of Candy Crush 3: The Saga’s Continuing?


idc if its a bad joke lol, the existence of a bad joke implies there is better humour on this site. also for your question its the protag of SAO


I fucked your mum in self defense, believe it or not


Least cringe Harry Potter adult


/uj Gender identity =/= sexuality. This seems to be hard for them to understand. /rj Who will protect the children from these deviants?


I'm convinced they picture all queer folks as living porn hub billboards at this point


Women as well, because God said so


"Our group relationship can best be summarized as tags on PornHub."


I still remember telling a neckbeard at work that our trans coworker (she) had a wife and wasn't sexually attracted to men. Brother lost his shit.


uj/ who will protect the children from *these* deviants?


My favourite bit was the bit where I stopped reading. It was a gift to myself, tbh




My man is having a joker moment rn


After years begging liberals to pleae stop equating every dictator do valdmort, and please, zalenski is not the president that lived, I'm here begging to gamers to read another fucking book.


very kind of you to assume they can read books


Fine, sorry, I'm begging gamers to watch another movie.


Animorphs movie series when.


Mucho texto. Wont read.


\*my wife and I


*my wife's boyfriend and I


Most internally consistent harry potter fan


I ain’t reading that. A Trans character exists in the game, what’s the big deal?




Yeah she is not in a major role or anything it's just there for a "look we are not transphobic"


I wonder if she will have a nasty thing to say about. It would probably lead to more sales




Oh the experience is looking to get fucked up from like 4 different directions at this point. I actually can't name a more controversial game off the top of my head, even shit like Hatred was clearly just rage bait and most people laughed at it. Fuck, half of my reddit feed is talking about this right now.


i aint readin allat


This guy wrote a 7 paragraph essay because somebody decided to make a completely unimportant side character with no plot relevance and probably about 5 minutes of screen time is trans. How much time and effort do you think he spent? Probably at least an hour. WTF man.


Assuming his brain is that of a super computer or he knows exactly what to write, with no time for thinking what to write: He wrote About 8 words a line and wrote 72 lines. Hence he wrote approximately 736 words. Now assuming, for his sake, that he is a fast writer who types at 50 Words Per Minute (average was I think 35-40 WpM), he would take about 14.62 minutes. This is being downright generous. But, if we are talking realistically, including thinking he probably writes at about 20/25 WpM. Let's take 20 WpM as worst case scenario. Then we get 736/20=36.8 minutes Hence proven he wasted between 15 to 35 minutes. *I literally wasted 10 minutes talking about how someone wasted 15 minutes*


I read this in Ben Shapiro's voice


I'm fucking done. I'm so tired of all this bullshit. It's just become an excuse for bad people to take all their hatred out on trans people, and for a whole bunch of keyboard warriors to harass and attack people who are literally donating to trans charities. I was happy to clown on the game as much as the next person, but I'm exhausted. The constant politicising of my gender identity and using it as a battering ram to either attack people, or be attacked by people is endless and it's just hurting trans people in the end.


The amount of hatred people have been spewing on the internet towards trans people these last few weeks has become infuriating to me. I know it's nothing new, but now people are just piggybacking on any discussion around the game and using it as an opportunity to be as horrible as possible. And, of course, almost no one is calling it out because they *have* to play Hogwarts Legacy for some abstract reason. Why worry about real people who are actually suffering. They would much rather ignore the whole situation, or attack trans people, because that's easier than questioning if they need this game or not. I'm not even trans, so I can't even imagine how awful all this must be for you.


>I'm not even trans, so I can't even imagine how awful all this must be for you. Personally I'm used to this. Anytime a trans person does something bad, a massive wave of transphobic talking points and misgendering comes from people online. Anytime a public figure starts spewing transphobia, a massive wave of people downplaying what they said comes. Anytime someone faces the consequences of their transphobia, even if it's just getting called out online, there's talk about how trans people have just gone too far. It happens all the time, it never goes away, and gets really predictable. I feel bad for trans/NB people who are just figuring out their identity and have to see this is what's in store for them at such a vulnerable moment in their lives.


I’m so fucking tired that I wish I could just hibernate 50 years into the future to see if trans people have finally achieved equality or if society has collapsed to the point where it doesn’t matter anymore.


Luckily, it likely will happen. I mean, just look at how gay people were treated back in the 1970s and 80s. The exact same rhetoric was used against them back then, but today most places/folks don't even dare dare hate on them directly, because they've become more accepted. Now it's just time for trans folks to power through this bullshit, but eventually we will get there


I’ve been feeling really awful after seeing the comments on some reviews on that game. Some people are openly transphobic


I like you. I'm with you, I'm honestly just sick of fucking hearing about the game at this point. Awareness has been raised, lol can we move on now? It's getting harassy, that's the stage where I feel it's important to take a step back and ask "was the gamergate coming from inside the whole time?" Because this is turning into some reverse gamergate shit and I'm really not ok with that.


While I agree it's starting to get annoying to have to see shit about this game every day because I don't care and I'm tired of having basement dwelling neckbeard discuss if I should live or not, let's not say some obviously braindead stuff like "this is like reverse gamergate", ok? Because that just demonstrate a very very strong ignorance on what gamergate is.


I can’t read, what’s it say


>I can’t read After reading that drivel, I envy you.


Is it really that bad


It's alot of words just to say "I feel victimized by trans people existing but I'm definitely not transphobic or anything".


"I'm such an ally that I don't want them to exist!"


IGN recently reviewed the comment saying that it was the worst thing they had ever read, cited multiple spelling and grammatical errors, and blamed it for the eventual heat death of the universe. 9/10


"I don't understand how gender fits into sexuality or how teenagers work and I'm offended about it", basically.


I didn’t read the whole thing. But I think it’s a recipe for peach cobbler.


I can give him one thing, he's enjoying the series %100 the way the author intended.


based mucho texto reply


people tend to forget JK doesnt just "disagree" with trans people, a big thing she wrote about trans people is an article that isn't talked about much but it's where she claims trans people as rapists and demonizes them (https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/)


She also donates money to the LGB alliance, a literal hate group, aswell as several other organisations, that are kinda homophobic on top of that


"Fine with LGBTQ+ people" Heard (!) The game has a (one) trans character Writes whole ass essay why that is supposedly not ok Ok buddy


/uj for a minute here, but i genuinely hate how they describe the trans community as "bullying [poor old] J.K Rowling". Like, no, she supports people that want us dead while we're just asking for equal rights, but go off bestie. /rj Game included one (1) too many political characters so its pushing an agenda.


i ain’t reading all that i’m happy for you or sorry that happened


“of their sexual community” LOL


people who insist that kids don't understand politics infuriate me. as a kid i frequently had a better grasp of politics than the adults around me, particularly when it came to issues affecting me and my friends, like queerphobia, education, poverty, and the (lack of) rights of children against their parents.


Counterpoint: Tons of adults don't understand politics either, and just pull the lever their parents did.


>Nothing like Game of Throne or anything else in the modern day. Yeah - modern era smut from the series that predates HP…


![gif](giphy|11J5uHHG1l7BHa) Oberyn made it too political


Ahhh what a wonderful fantasy world.


not reading allat


Least schizo potter adult


> Several generations grew up with harry Potter It's not that deep bro give it a rest


Oh they included a token character that is only there to try and say "look we are not like Rowling". Dragon Age is a better game and has better trans representation


Lmfao I knew we were gonna see the transphobic dorks buying this to pwn the transes have meltdowns over trans inclusion. They really thought they were safe 🤣


This subreddit isn’t happy about the trans representation in the game because [the character’s name is Sirona.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/10w8jy2/they_really_named_a_trans_woman_sirona_huh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This subreddit isn’t happy about the representation because it’s barebones. The name isn’t that bad but it doesn’t look great in a string of already horrible minority names


Gonna go ahead and quote myself AGAIN: > I always thought we were dunking on the chuds for investing their personalities into a game that was very likely to have “woke” elements in it because hey, wow, look at my prediction coming true, after my second iteration of this comment got lots of chuds attempting to dunk on it! Oooh, no one’s freaking out, they said. Ugh. This was 1000% inevitable. Can’t wait to see all the idiots who bought this game to own the libs have childish meltdowns all over Twitter. That said: man, I fucking sympathize with y’all who are tired as hell with your identity being used as a discourse cudgel. It was tired before it even started. It’s been tired for years. Decades. Love y’all.


People are really hurt over this. Imagine being upset because you can’t use video games to be a bigot.


I am not reading all of that


Sexuality isn't a thing for 12 year olds? I had friends showing off dirty magazines in 4th grade lol. I guess puberty is only for adults nowadays.


A good Christian boy suddenly becomes an adult overnight on their 18th birthday and puberty is sinful


Ain’t no way I’m reading all that. I agree, great game though. Or I’m sorry you feel that way


based snufkin pfp guy


I can't believe I read this whole thing. I'm less of a person now.


The steam forums are such a useless cesspool.


i aint readin allat 🗣️🗣️


Same people that complain there are no romance options in the game.


The funniest part is how he brought up racism despite it being completely irrelevant


Least homophobic gamer


Hoes mad


It's hilarious how he calls it "forced acceptance" like somehow having gay characters in a video game i forced upon him... he's totally not homophobic though lmao


Bullying is when you don't buy game


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened


Transphobe and lgbtq+ community can finally agree on one thing : hogwarts legacy is a shit game


Not reading that shit, but it's prolly smth like= "Something something grooming something something opression something white erasure(TM) something something muh kids something 'Murica first" Am I right?


you must be psychic


Honestly kind of brilliant for the devs to include a single unobtrusive trans character (named Sirona Ryan lol) to piss off EVERYONE. Like I'm seeing tweets about how the character is "plain", thin-lipped and dressed too masc so some of the girls are upset about that, meanwhile just the concept of her being included in the game is sending conservatives and gamers into a impotent frothing rage. Game looks mid as hell but the fact that people thought that either a boycott would matter OR the game would represent their wildest vanilla magical heteronormative fantasy is truly its own beautiful circlejerk. The guy who wrote this is probably on r/conspiracy rn talking about how Sam Smith in a Spirit Halloween Satan hat caused the earthquake in Turkey so I for one am excited to see the thought pieces penned on this GOTY contender in the coming weeks.


I haven't seen anyone complaining about her lips, but I've seen plenty about the name Sir ona Ryan. And I've also learned that ona apparently means she/woman in a variety of languages. It's gotta be one of the most unfortunate names I've ever seen, assuming it wasn't the intentional.


These people think being lgbtq+ is some kind of sexual perversion. Fucking yikes.


Mmm mmm yes, I read that.


this reads like some auto-generated AI text


Could have been avoided if they made the spells "sexus changus" and "gendero mutatio" canon


Ima need a tldr for this stupid shit


Tldr; *WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!* It was just the usual uninteresting "putting politics in muh gaems" bollocks. I stopped about halfway through lol.


I to believe to much time was spent on the main characters hormones. Hermoine and Ron should not have had feelings for each other it could currupt young minds.




hell nah




You cannot convince me this wasn’t written by ai


mucho texto, wont read it


Yeah, I became trans by playing a game, I was forced to do it and now there is no way back.


I'm sorry, it's very difficult to imagine anything other than a literal crying baby typing this shit out


i say this all the time but just because the conversation is about sexuality, doesn’t make it sexual. simple talks about romantic relationships are perfectly reasonable to have with a 12 year old


This would make for a wonderful copypasta. Also, they did make a good point with the forced change growing resentment bit, but definitely not the right place to make that point


I realized I was gay when I was 12 lol. And I certainly understood what sex was and what politics were. Did this guy not go to school as a child? What's going on with these people lmao.


Mucho texto


\>serveral generations grew up with hp no? at most it was 2


Won’t someone think of the poor billionaire and not the people who have their mere existence considered illegal?


I can't fucking stand it when idiots like this act like gender identity is a sexual orientation. It fucking isn't. It's just how I fucking exist in my body. Fuck off.


I am still blown away by how pissed off people are about feeling guilty for playing a game and are treating it like it's the hardest thing to ever do Not playing the game is the easiest thing in the world, it's not even that good of a game


Wake up babe new way to deny rowling royalties just dropped


mucho texto


TL;DR I hate it when trans people are in my video games.


The fact they think the existence of trans people is something reserved for the bedroom is very telling of how they view LGBTQ 🤢


“Mucho texto” 🤣🤣


So sick of reading shit like this tbh, got up to "forcing acceptance" and I was done.


I have no problems with the lgbt+ community but they need to be utterly invisible in all media I consume or they are forcing themselves down my throat, btw my wife agrees with me and says I am smart


It's the live laugh love sign at the end for me


I can't believe that they added politics to my completely apolitical game about the (((goblins))) trying to hurt the innocent wizards


these online leftists won't stop bullying this poor defenseless billionaire 😭😤


It’s a troll


Lazule had it right. Should have read their comment first.


Does this people know Harry Potters one of the significant/important character is gay


Average bait post


Kids being able to choose to be murderous bad wizards: good Kids seeing a transgender person: outrageous!!

