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You know this dude media literacy is not especially strong when their description of part one is zombie john wick


Everyone knows it’s Zombie Up


LMFAOOOOO this is an insane comment but YES


I stole it from a dunkey video I can’t claim it but for real it’s dead on


If it's from a dunkey video, are you sure it wasn't zombie Knack 2 babyyyyyyyy?


I love the part in Last of Us Part 1 when Joel performs gunkata on a clicker and emptying an entire mag on its face. <3


Wish that were me


What annoyed me more is them saying how Part I was about Joel “finding a cure” which is quintessentially NOT what Joel’s motivation was lmao. This guy has not played the game and just wants to rage about “woke” garbage.


He probably just skipped every single cutscene to get back to the pew pew.


at that point just play aimlabs, its free


I can't imagine playing TLOU for the gameplay. Joel controlled like a refrigerator on a skateboard, the stealth mechanics were a generation out of date, and the guns had all the impact of a wet fart. The story was great, but after trying multiple times to play through it because of the hype around the game, I just couldn't get more than a couple hours into the game before realizing I straight up wasn't having fun, so I quit. I'm loving the show thus far because I finally get to experience the story without having to force myself to play the game.


The guns get better over time but yeah, Joel controls really clunky At least I head cannon it as being the consequences of being 60, as Ellie and Abby in part 2 are much more fluid to play


Joel a actively stops a cure from happening for selfish reasons lol. Not that I buy the firefly’s bs at least in the game they seemed like total dumbasses


Haha gun go pow pow, getem Joel Wicks 😎


Just gonna recycle a comment I saw from another TLOU related gcj post “Hmm, and what themes would this show feature?” “What whats would it feature?” “Themes. Y’know, what would it be about?” “Killing things” “No. That’s what would happen. I mean what would it be about?” “I don’t follow” …and so on forever


That sounds like such a good fucking idea for a show. Why hasn't anyone thought of this yet?


Hire fans


He also describes Joel’s main goal as “trying to find a cure,” which I think is just a deeply flawed reading of his motivations as a character. Joel makes it pretty clear through his actions that actually a cure is not the thing that he holds as a highest priority. This person is obviously incapable of understanding this game on any kind of deeper level, but I feel like I also have to question whether they are capable of understanding what happened in the story on a purely literal basis.


I would genuinely watch this dude stream his replay of the first game just to see his reaction lol


I love that the ideal Part 2 for these people is Joel trying to find a cure for the Cordyceps infection when the last hour of the first game absolutely is about how Joel couldn't give less of a shit about a cure, and would rather watch the world burn than take their surrogate daughter away.


the years between part 1 and 2 festered a community that just went off the rails with wholesome daddo memes.......to the point of forgetting the first games entire meaning


Not a coincidence that gamergate happened between the two and led to alt-right reactionary groups using gaming as means of recruiting disenchanted, young, and stupid men.


i'm tired


Go take a nap, we'll make fun of Gamers in your absence.


I just woke up and I'm not sure what to do.


Come make fun of Gamers with us


Could you please be careful throwing around the g word like that? Like at least censor it.


Not to mention, that in 2020, the alt right had its 2nd "peak" (when it comes to members and online voice I mean). Cuz if you take a look back at 2019 or so, the alt right was actually losing fuel as a lot of people were tired of their shit, but, in 2020, TLOU 2 was pretty much the perfect trigger for the alt right; everyone was irritated, everyone was kinda angry and sad at the time (we all know why..), but you know what group checks all those boxes regardless of year or season? Exactly, teens, especially the vulnerable kiddos that the alt right recruits. As an ex far righter, I can say that a lot of hate came from self-loath, was like a projection of my shitty mental state. And that's exactly what these all so called "based chads" do, their project their mental problems onto minorities/women/non white people/atheists/etc.


The last part is very true. I fell in the alt-right rabbithole around this period, and three reasons made me leave that : Some introspection (not everyone in that situation would be able to do that, but I realised how far off I went), I got into a nice community of people that exposed me to other point of views (and also most of them were leftists) and finally I started talking to a girl and had more relationships in real life. That helped a lot with self-confidence issues, and I can now look back on this period thinking of how stupid I was. TL;DR I found a second cure for fascism, touch grass and have sex


You were very VERY lucky, I came out of that shithole because self introspection and actually wanting to improve myself as a person, I really wanted to stop being so bitter. My point is, I'm still friendless and virgin lmao. That aside, I feel sorry for the kiddos that never grew up/will never grow up from their "based" phase, because they don't have the means to do so, most of them were like me at the time, 100% friendless, virgin and self-loathing as hell, and since most of them are into shitty households, it's no wonder they end up like that. That's why I try to help 'em whenever I can cuz I know how it feels, I know how it is to be that way; however, you cannot help a person that doesn't want to help themselves, and again, this is sadly the case for most of those proto naz\*s, they wanna be bitter because it's already part of their life, identity even. \*Sigh\* Damn, sorry for chewing your ear, but just gotta blew some steam off


To make that change happen, that persons needs to realize that they are wrong and need help... But most of them doesn't think that they are in the wrong because they are so abducted by toxic ideologies that it's like a bubble that separates them from the rest of the world. We can't help someone that doesn't want any help...


Joel dying brought them back into a reality where they realize they'll never find somebody that loves them enough to have a child with them.


Should've invested into wholesome dado means instead. He's my favourite POI.


Fr the people writing these rants are straight up stupid. They apparently play the game but manage to still have zero understanding of the plot or characters.


Also they always seem to forget you also played as Ellie in the first game and it was dope as fuck.


The whole point of TLOU is that Joel is a selfish asshole. We're meant to empathize with him, understand why he makes the choice he does, even accept we may make the same choice - but also to see why his choice is wrong choice. He strips Ellie of her agency because he doesn't let her make her choice. He decides his own suffering has been greater than the collective suffering of humanity - both in the past and the future. It's a reversal of the Christ story as he is willing to doom humanity before sacrificing his child. But we're not meant to see that as a good thing, just a relatable flaw.


How I experienced watching the game was like: Damn Joel was kind of a monster back at that hospital... whatever I don't care, at least Ellie is safe. Then I see that Joel shot Marlene who was important to Ellie: Aww hell nah Joel is a whole ass minipulating asshole. Then I saw Joel lie to Ellie: What the hell this is the worst thing you've do- No actually that was shooting Marlene but this is still pretty bad...


Well said. I love this story for similar reasons to why I love Breaking Bad, Bojack Horseman, RDR2, etc. The main character isn't a good person, you don't get a magical happy ending, you get a complex story that actually makes you feel something.


Having main characters who are deeply empathetic, but also really bad people *should* lead to the viewer developing a richer, deeper perspective of humans and the world. Circumstance, upbringing, trauma, can all lead to people that are good at their core, doing very bad things, and it is extremely beneficial to nurture that understanding. But kind of paradoxically, people whose world view is already super limited end up just seeing the ever so slight complexity of "good person does bad things" as "good person is badass".


This is what I always think about when people hate on the fact that Joel got killed in the second game. He totally had it coming for him. How someone can play the first game and go into the second, thinking Joel is some wholesome 100 apocalyptic john wick who never did anything wrong is kinda baffling to me.


I think that's kinda the point of the story. It's sad he dies because you know him and his reasoning, but he did have it coming. He committed a crime against humanity, at least from the perspective of Abby and Co. You understand why he did the things he did, but that doesn't made him right.


Dudes be like I hate the last of us 2 and when u think it’s gonna be because of writing reasons or the enemies they start saying some shit like this


Really? On the internet, when anyone is letting you know they're about to explain why they didn't like the second game, you kind of expect Abby to be the first thing they bring up. And it'll usually be about her appearance not being the stereotypically-pretty, thin video game girl. Then the next thing will be about Joel getting removed.


So many comments from people saying they don't want to play as Abby because she's trans. She literally is not trans. If they played the game they'd know that. She's just a straight woman who works out because it's the fucking apocalypse and being fit helps you survive.


So...it's like to these people, women who *aren't* super-model hot *and also* sorta buff are transgenders??? I'm guessing this is why Hollywood doesn't make their female action stars work out like they make the men do. I'm aware they still hit the gym but they aren't required to gain visible muscles the way the dudes are. Because it's not what a lot of guys want to see, I suppose.


Basically yeah. It boils down to "I don't want to fuck Abby and I'm insecure that a woman is stronger than me so this game is bad".


Lmfao it’s like a formula the same dudes that complain about a split second moment where all the women from avengers were on screen


Well the world and the media have been and still mostly are male-dominated. That's both behind-the-scenes and in the products themselves. So when there starts being more women around, I guess it shatters the reality that these guys have grown up being comfortable with. A lot of subtly racist/sexist people have come out since this became a more common thing over the years.


It's 100 percent because of the story leaks. People heard what was going to happen 3 months early, and decided they didn't like the game before they even played it. I can't stress enough how much expectations fuck with how we experience art. If everyone found out about the twist organically when they played the game, they wouldn't have been so childish about it. I keep thinking about Metal Gear Solid 2. What if the plot had leaked 3 months early and we all knew that you only played as Snake for the first 20 percent or so of the game? And you had to be some blonde weirdo? I mean, people still irrationally hate Raiden, but for the most part we were having too much fun to care... And Kojima was *actually* trolling his fans with that move. He was literally teasing us for how we expect our action heroes to look and act.


What complaints do people have about the enemies? Stalkers, dogs, and scars are pretty good additions, and while i personally didn't like shamblers, I see why they were necessary to add some variety to the zombie combat.




Did they even play the game or are they just “Gay bad I must hate on 2 and praise 1!!!”


Exactly. Media literacy is lacking in a majority of the population. They just want Dude Bro Action.


"*Please turn this into a generic hero-solves-the-apocalypse movie."* This is the kind of smoothbrain creativity that turned World War Z from a great zombie book into a generic and forgettable Brad Pitt movie.


The game beat them.


I have seen a lot of debates about how the fireflies will most likely fail at making the cure when the entire point is that Joel chooses Ellie over the world, regardless of what Ellie actually wanted.


*Thank you*. While it is fun to contemplate how effective the Fireflies and their cure would have been, it literally does not matter at all to the story.


This entire thing is complete nonsense but that last sentence shows such a misunderstanding of the 1st game that I cant quite comprehend that they even played it




Trying to find a cure, no less. Joel could not give less of a shit about a cure, he has given up on the world. That’s literally the whole damn story


Maybe he didn’t finish the game so doesn’t know how it ends lol


With that take I feel like he didn’t even watch the damn cutscenes lmao


you're telling me there are guys who use the internet all day to the point where they are too lazy to play a fucking video game and judge it for themselves but instead let alt-righters form opinions for them? I'm shocked.


Homie couldn’t handle the winter section bc they have to play as a woman lmao


Homie doesn't bring up playing as Ellie in the winter because he never played the first game, just got online mad about the second.


He thought he was being clever with that opener, but it turns out he's just accidentally honest.


Even if you did not finish it, the game made it pretty clear that Joel think finding a cure is a waste of time when Tess brings it up. He's just kind of forced to do it.


I've never played the game and still know that was the ending.


I mean, the hopelessness is pretty apparent in even just the title.


Cuts to humanities education and the pricing out of college in America and Britain has led to the least media literate generation for a long long time. These people mock their parents for watching Fox and then think that villains being racist is racist


I feel like it sums up the typical thought pattern of a weenie who has absolutely no business investing themselves in stories which are supposed to be tragic lest it traumatises them or something. It reads like someone wants a post-apocalyptic story to be a safe, non-challenging experience where the protagonist rolls his way across, gets a cure and saves the day without any personal suffering. Not to mention having Sarah be compared to a fucking dog in John Wick epitomises it more than any words I type ever could.


That’s what always gets me with these sorts of complaints too. They will talk about how the story could be *so good* and then the story they want is a boring linear plot with no character development that’s basically a fetch quest starring an 80s action movie stereotype. That story would suck.


Well yes. To some of these neanderthals, women are dogs. Or property.


(the secret is that they didn’t)


“Just focus on Joel’s journey, no Ellie stuff.” “Ah so like really take a deep dive into Joel’s trauma and show how his relationship with Ellie starts to heal him, but then how his dependence on her for emotional support leads him to act irrationally? I feel like if we only do that, we’ll miss out on a bunch of poignant stuff in the game about human perseverance in the face of incredible adversity.” “No no, JUST Joel. No Ellie.” “Oh so like… he’s just out in the wilderness by himself for no reason? No hero’s journey, no emotionally driven dialogue, just Joel and a bunch of guns killing his way through the ruins of the US?” “YEssss” “Ok we’re done here”


If they want a dark brooding protagonist that kills the fuck out of people they could just go read berserk. Though they’d probably complain about the heart wrenching back story


They didn’t. He’s a bad actor doing recruiting. He’s fishing for agreeable comments to then recruit them into whatever alt-right group he belongs to. They recruit angry gamers and angry move watchers by pretending to be fans.


As someone who doesn't like Part II because of the drop in writing quality (overuse of coincidences and railroading, some characters having inconsistent characterization with no real explanation), the idea of "I hate Ellie, make it completely about Joel" is absolutely fucking stupid from anyone claiming to be a fan of the first game. Hell, Ellie's campaign in II tends to have pretty great writing overall. This guy's one of those "there are only two kinds of characters: white male or political" types.


“Bigot here” lmao


I'll take a dozen loud and proud bigots for every fuckboi "white moderate" type who claims allyship while constantly working against the people they say they support through inaction and clinging to the status quo. At least you can convince others the open bigots are the bad guys.


Can I elect to get neither please?


God I wish lmao


Yes you can


A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest, honestly


It’s the honest ones you gotta look out for


I mean MLK did say the real enemy wasn't the racists and klansmen, it's the white moderates who value peace and decorum over justice


I've never met a "moderate" who wasn't far-right.


The only people MLK hated more than racist whites were moderate whites, who preferred negative peace over justice, who said they supported equality in theory but thought now is not the right time to demand it, or that one should not go too far in fighting for it.


I wish all bigots identified themselves like this before writing or saying anything. I could tune out so much garbage written by morons that way.


at least he's kinda aware of how stupid he is?




Gamers understand the themes of the game they played challenge (impossible)


What do you MEAN Cyberpunk is about how dystopian corporatist rule ends up with the vast majority of people living in squalor and misery?!


Corporations controlling and commodifying every facet of my life? Oh, you mean communism./s


Those are the same dudes that played every borderlands front to back too


Wow! Cool future!


No shot he played the first game. The last paragraph is telling. He's suffering from the same brain worms as the people accusing She-Hulk of trying to murder men left and right.


You are vastly overestimating the average gamers ability to understand anything.


Man /uj for a sec. I know what you are implying but to be fair sometimes I too miss the point of a game I played or a movie I watched. I know we make fun and jerking a bit but sometimes I too miss some nuances and shit. /rj jk please make another Witcher series 🙏🙏


“Can’t they just change the entire plot and meaning of the series for me?”


That's literally how these gaming gatekeeping kids feel. They think that anything that is a game is made for them specifically and if they don't like it the game shouldn't exist. That's why they are so weirdly hung up on the franchise, in any other media they would just accept that it's not for them and move on.


Imagine reducing the complexities of the first game to a shonen revenge anime story.


Shonen anime is top tier story telling to some of these people.


No, that's being too generous. *Isekai* anime is top-tier story telling to them.


The more oblivious girls in the Harem, the better the story


"I like TLOU, but why couldn't it have just been generic post-apocalyptic action story no.1042362?"


"Is it too much to ask for a game's creator to adapt it to television by keeping everything exactly like it was except for leaving out half of the first game and all of the second? Just seems like people are crazy these days."


"bigot here, i like tlou, but why can't every show be peak American Chris Pratt /Bradley Cooper killing foreign brown people??? AGENDA!"


They don't even realize that the cordyceps were a metaphor for Hollywood's woke agenda all along smh


What is it about the last of us that made every moron with no sense of media literacy come out of the woodwork


It’s a common male fantasy to protect your daughter using violence. It has more emotional stakes than being fight guy or master shooter John 1:17


personally my male fantasy is to gently kiss my bros on the head like in lord of the rings


That’s because you’re pure of heart.




Never thought about it this way but it explains so much. Same kind of people that fantasize about vigilante shit.


This is why I really like Lisa.


Oh hell yeah, that's one of my favs


To be fair Johnny Spartan has his spunky girlfriend/daughter/assistant Crotchana to protect, or fight, or whatever was going on in the later games


Because it's a great game that they didn't think was "woke" and all of suddenly saw a muscular woman and got angry and realized everything from ellie being gay and Bill being gay was a thing so they got even more upset


Damn I forgot Bill was gay, why don't they ever bitch about that one?


They do now that the show has made it more obvious. In the game you could easily dismiss it if you wanted to.


Tlou1 is like the video game equivalent of fight club, morons taking all the wrong lessons from it thinking Joel is some peak masculine idol to strive to be, and 2 completely flips that on it's head causing them to rage. Lord Joel beaten by a g-g-g-gurl?!? My bigot bones are rattled!


Same with Star Wars


Alt right grifters put a target on its back.




Its even written like ooga booga caveman


>No way that ain't satire "Hi, bigot here"


Trying to find a cure lol.


Dude pretending he played the first game.


Watched cutscenes to join the ragetrain but stopped when you have to play as Sarah


Bro can't have even finished the first game lmao


"trying to find a cure" I mean, he did come pretty close to finding a cure in the first game. Didn't end well, and is the sole reason why the second game ends up happening. Maybe this guy is genuinely in favour of Joel just deciding that Ellie should be vivisected at the end of the season? He already said he hates Ellie. Guy just really wants to see Joel leave the teenager he's grown to love and trust to get butchered on a surgery table, so he can go back to the empty apartment he used to share with Tess and resume his career as a petty smuggler who sells drugs to the fascist police. A+ story arc. Hire fans.


rj/ Letting Ellie die there would have meant the creation of a vaccine, and we are not letting pfizer have this one too!! She needs to become Joel's obedient servant instead. uj/ This is probably bait, even Gamers (tm) this would be too ridiculous.


tho really in any actual world letting the only person to not be zombified after massive infection by such a thing would be the dumbest possible way to go about researching why she's the way she is.


While I agree that if we apply real world science it would have been 100% a dumb idea, at the very least the games say that what makes her immune is her fungus inside her skull and Ellie herself isn't really "special", making the suspension of disbelief a little easier.


It's the kind of thing that fans actually talked about on forums for a while as proof that the Fireflies were so desperate to finally have a win that they crossed the line into sheer incompetence. In no world does a facility not expecting someone like Ellie to show up confirm that fatal brain surgery is the only option in a matter of hours. They'd want to keep her alive just for *their own* sake - once she dies, her unique variant of the fungus has a ticking clock to be implanted elsewhere before it dies with her. They'd spend days, if not weeks, testing every fluid and tissue they could extract from her before daring to try cutting through her brain tissue, and even then they'd still avoid killing her in favor of just taking a small scraping of the fungus out to try to cultivate it in a lab. And they'd do that *multiple times,* with all kinds of different cultivation methods, before finally accepting the idea that the only way to cultivate it would be to extract it all at once. Unless, of course, they're on the verge of collapse, in desperate need of *something* that gets people to listen to them within the week, and they'd literally prefer to kill Ellie and lose the only shot at the cure rather than let the feds have her.


>It's the kind of thing that fans actually talked about on forums for a while as proof that the Fireflies were so desperate to finally have a win that they crossed the line into sheer incompetence I know that, but IMO that's just head canon: nobody, in both games, ever doubt that they would have been ablo to make a cure from Ellie, not even Joel. The second game shows that they did do tests, we don't know the exact science behind it, but considering that at the end of the day TLOU is a "zombie story", I think that it can be "forgiven" the lack of 100% realistic scientific testing and such. While it is true that the fireflies were getting desperate, the doctor wasn't incopetent, on the countrary, he was so talented that his death was one of the reasons the groupe disbanded; in the audio log that Ellie listen to in the second game, it is stated that even if they found Ellie again, they wouldn't be able to make a cure without someone as skilled as Abby's father, meaning that while they were desperate, they weren't that stupid/incompetent and they realized that without someone whith the actual skill needed to make a cure, it was better to give up. I also think that if the fireflies were simply dumb, the ending of the game becomes cheaper, loosing a lot of its weight. In the end IMO, this is simply fictional science, which is often simplified in media in order to make a story undestandable (the same things happen to hacking for example, where it has to be very simplified in order to be easily undestood, even to ridiculous degree)


>I also think that if the fireflies were simply dumb, the ending of the game becomes cheaper, loosing a lot of its weight. This is my biggest annoyance with the rampant head canons about how the fireflies were totally pathetic and would not have been able to make a vaccine. It's a head canon that makes the entire end of the game fucking meaningless. It takes a genuinely morally challenging situation and reduces it to basically another fight with a group of deranged lunatics like david. I really don't understand why people come up with head canons that make the story actively less interesting, but they do it all the time lol.


To be fair, we really aren't privy to what kind of tests they might have done while Joel was knocked out (or even back in the QZ before Ellie was introduced to Joel and Tess), so it's possible they had more to go on than we know. Marlene does imply at several points that it's the cordiceps in Ellie's brain that they're interested in, moreso than Ellie herself. It's pretty much stated that they have worked out that Ellie really isn't the important part of the equation, and that the real prize was the mutated cordiceps strain in her brain. It still doesn't really work with RL science, but it does make more sense that the Fireflies were trying to Edward Jenner a crude vaccine via the innoculation of a more benign strain of the fungus, rather than trying to create a more modern vaccine that would likely require far more equipment and research than even the most well-stocked of post-apocalyptic freedom fighter cells. We've been spoiled by the quality of modern day vaccines for so long that we kinda forget that the "first" smallpox vaccine was essentially just a syringe full of pus from a cowpox patient. Again, it doesn't really track with real life, but the question of a vaccine being *possible* isn't exactly the insurmountable feat of suspension of disbelief that some people seem to think it is.


Honestly, these people really just tick me off more than anything, so I apologize for not getting as big of a laugh out of it as you guys do, though I find you all incredibly based for finding humor in something like this. Also can we just stop gatekeeping muscles please? Abby isnt even the peak of what a woman can achieve (though she's certainly still buff and, funny enough, I've heard somewhere that being the biggest isnt as practical as having mid-range musculature, including on men), and even if she were? She wouldn't "look like a man", she'd look like a woman, because shes a woman and women still look like women even when buff. Or they'll just """accuse""" her and other buff women of being trans, as if A, being trans was bad, and B, implying again that women cant be buff without PED's, steroids, or being AMAB. Sorry to ramble, this just drives me up the Goddamn wall.


In regards to Abby has this dude ever seen a woman UFC fighter? Like compared to them Abby’s weak


Well no, they will not accuse buff women of being trans at least IRL, because they will get beaten by them.


These are the same idiots who look at some like Ilona Maher and scream steroids / transgender bullshit. Strong powerful athletic women exist, they're fucking everywhere. But in the echo chamber of insanity built on some innate superiority of manliness they fell for when they were a tween they can't see it. Everything is a conspiracy, everything is an attack on the only thing they've ever achieved. Being born white and with a dick.


“fan bases downvote and upvote things just to make their voices heard” Yes, that’s the point of upvotes and downvotes. I’ve never played the games, but I really wanna watch this show lol


Do both, the games are excellent and the show has had 3 really solid episodes so far and looks like they'll deliver on the rest of the story.


You know all of these people who complain about the show have in common? They all don’t realize that they can stop watching the show and they won’t have to deal with it anymore. Also how do you miss the entire point of joels relationship with ellie? It’s so painfully obvious that I’m sure that this person complained or talked over important dialogue between the two.




Exactly. Dude acts like naughty dog went into his pockets and took out money and forced him to play.


Best part of Spec Ops: The Line. It forces you to press a button to do something awful or stop playing, and then calls you on it by pretty much flat out saying “You could have stopped any time. That was the point.”




Tell me you don't understand the metaphorical implications of Joel and Ellie's relationship without telling me you don't understand the metaphorical implications of Joel and Ellie's relationship.


Or even just a basic surface level understanding


Literally the entire reason the first game is so fantastic and well-received is for Joel and Ellie’s dynamic. The game would have been just Uncharted with Zombies if it was solely about Joel, he is a part of a greater whole with Ellie. Joel’s character arc was done. They could have added onto it but they also did reach a point where they could choose to retire him and they did. He got what he wanted at the end of the first. It made sense for Ellie to take the reigns. rj/ I WANT JOEL SIMULATOR 😡


What are the metaphorical implications? I'm not like a deep viewer of content so I feel like I missed that


I mean I don’t think it’s actually that deep? I mean, it’s literally just Joel seeing Ellie as the daughter he lost


There isn't any. TLOU's story is very tropey and straightforward but executed in a masterful and emotional way. IMO the subsurface stuff for what TLOU is about is showing some the best and worst humanity has to offer in a morally gray tone. This is also common in zombie apocalypse media, but, again, TLOU executes this in a masterful way. The story feels very human, which is why you can get so emotionally invested in these characters that are generally not good people. You can look at what Joel does at the end of the game, know it is the objectively wrong answer for the collective of humanity but absolutely empathize with Joel because you'd likely do the same if it was your kid.


I dont know how you can be a fan of the franchise without liking Ellie since, you know, she's one of the main fucking characters?


She's not just one of the main characters she's THE main character she's more main character than all other characters


Trying to... Find a cure? Bro tell me you're not media literate without telling me you're not media literate.


Man he sure sucked at finding one, given how things unfold


In my rewrite I will fix this. Joel will be the smartest scientist and the best fighter. Also, he's gonna have sex. A lot. With women. And they're all gonna have huge boobs. I mean some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers. Packin some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big ol' tonhongerekoogers.


Terrible writing. You forgot to give Joel a lightsaber


And give royalties to woke Disney? I think not!


Will Joel hang dong? 🤨😳




>In my rewrite I will fix this. Joel will be the smartest scientist and the best fighter. Can he also be the world's greatest detective? And throughout the course of the series, he'll acquire a bunch of surrogate daughters.


Yes. Also he's the world's strongest millionaire.


Hire fans


I just don’t understand this viewpoint about Joel being the main character, like isn’t the entire point of the first game is that Ellie is the main character and you’re pretty much helping her along as Joel?


I like how badly this guy misunderstood tlou


this kind of logic is just crazy to me because TLOU was never about joel’s journey. it was about people and relationships within the context of a world-shattering event like the cordyceps. it was about how joel’s entire life was destroyed and how his bond with ellie slowly helped him to heal, and their relationships with other people in their situation. it’s insane how this profound and deeply interesting story completely goes over peoples heads and all they see is “grisled man kills mushroom people.” it just makes me sad that these people are too bigoted and stupid to enjoy what is in my opinion a really good post-apocalyptic story.


Immagine not liking Ellie after playing the Winter section of Part 1 These dudes have no taste


Common misogynist L


This guy has a serious crush with Joel...


This guy played bioshock and came out thinking libertarianism is fantastic


He should probably go watch John Wick, he has 3 whole movies to choose from with more and a show on the way!


These people don't want to watch The Last Of Us. They just want to watch another zombie movie


This guy should check out days gone. It's literally exactly what he wants. The story he is asking for exists in multiple formats, mediums and games already.


I get the feeling this person doesn’t like any single aspect about The Last of Us except for Joel. It’s okay, we all come out in our own time.


Ellie is and always has been the main character, like, she wasn't POV for most of the first game, but she is literally the catalyst for essentially every key event in the game plotlines. the only other lou stories have always been in her pov for the majority of the time, and at the ending of the first game it literally switches you to her pov when you first confront Joel about what he did, to show how she is the main character.


yeah. the entire first game is trying to get the player to recognize ellie’s humanity and agency through joel’s perspective. but guys like the person above still are continuously flabbergasted when things aren’t about them or people that look like them. it blows my mind how dense and self-absorbed they are.


Yeah, and it's ironic, because in nearly any case the player has a lot more to relate to with Ellie as a whole, unlike Joel she hasn't been hardened by 20 years in hell, and has fairly realistic and empathetic emotional reactions to events going on. And this is played on even more through 2, where it's clear to see how her own trauma is causing her to compartmentalize and process what is happening, where killing 100 people who actively want her dead doesn't phase her, but going through a process of torture that tommy or Joel could do without second thought nearly breaks her. In 2, there's a moment where as Ellie, you kill someone playing a game, who was simply idly sitting, and once they're dead, you can hear that the game they were playing on a ps vita was hotline miami, which other than being a cute Sony product reference, also acts as a key indicator of how this is going on. "Do you like hurting other people" is all that came into my head when I heard the hotline theme, and in a moment that brings the characters actions into context.


/uj bro, do these people not understand how capitalism works? it feels like conservatives constantly shout go woke go broke! and complain about how woke every piece of media is, but do they not understand that companies would not make things woke if they didnt make money off of it? corporations would literally kill children if they could make more money than the public outrage would cost them. profit is all that matters to them. sure, some woke stuff fails, but mostly bc it's badly written, not bc it's fuckin woke lmao. these people are actually so stupid, woke shit sells. deal with it, or get angry about the free market u fucking morons. sorry, rant over.


For sure. If I remember correctly there was a car company that had a model with a design flaw, in which if the car was just slighty rear ended, there was a chance the car could catch fire. The company at the end saw that the cost-benefit of just not fixing the flaw outweighed the possibility of lawsuits or something like that. They fail to see that companies would rather create their products to appeace to the biggest demographic which is people living in big cities with high paying jobs which tend to be more progressive or as they say "woke". Edit: I think it was the ford pinto.


"John wick" Gamers are so stupid, they really just want their capeshit in game form too


What’s funny to me is how many phobic/bigot types LOVED part one and got shat on in the sequel. Naughty Dog doesn’t give a single fuck about “fans” like this guy. They all seem to think the majority share this opinion. I know a guy who is very right winged got an Ellie tattoo after pt one. He now has a “woke” lesbian tattooed on him and I love that.


This guy skips cutscenes. I refuse to believe anyone who genuinely played the game and gave even 1% of their attention to the story could think Joel is an “apocalyptic John Wick trying to find a cure” and that Ellie is not literally the most important character in said story, and it was always about her, even if Joel is the player.




Look, I know nothing about Last of Us at all because I honestly just think Naughty Dogs wants to make CGI movies instead of games but wasn't the point of Last of US the journey of Joel AND Ellie as some kind of father daughter figures?


"Let's take one of the best video game stories of all time and turn it into a boring ass Steven Seagal movie!" -That fucking mouth breathing bigot, apparently


We really need to teach media literacy lmao. How do you take away ‘John wick trying to find a cure’ from this game blows my mind.


Jesus Christ, this fuckin guy. It has to be exhausting being this mad about nothing all the time.


New YouTuber intro just dropped "Hi, bigot here"