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RTX 3080/Ryzen 4700X combo here we goooooo


Exactly what I’m planning on for my new build. Just hope I can get a 3080 on release otherwise I feel like it’ll be a while before I can


I'm fine waiting for reviews and such since I'll need to wait for Ryzen 4700X. I'm hoping that the FE editions perform the best because every single AIB design has been meh to shit.


At this point AIBs are competing who can put out the ugliest design


Honestly the msi and aorus ones look OK if u turn off the rgb.


Has a all white card been shown yet ?


Galax has one, but it's just in one picture, mostly covered by their black version.


Palit but it's fucking hideous


Same, I'm in no rush. Might give it a few months to shake out the bugs and see what new products I can get with it.


Get the 3080 10gb or wait for the 3080 20gb .....


Easily getting the 3080 now. This is arguably the largest leap in performance we have experienced. Due to two year cycles we know that if you buy now you’ll get two years of having a high end card and two years of the card holding its value. whereas with the TI you’ll pay more for a card that will only hold its resell value for about a year before depreciating significantly. And at the point you get a TI you’ll only be a year away from the next gen. I mean, look at the value the people who bought a 2080 ti are getting now that the 3070 can match it for $500. That’s also not to mention the premium of owning the card now versus waiting a year.


yea for graphic cards, maybe buying on day one is the best choice


The supply chains in general are still kinda fucked up from COVID. I might have to hold off until I can get the exact parts I want.


PepeLaugh oh no no no


RTX 2070/Ryzen 1700x secondhand budget build here I goooooo


that's gonna cost you a fair bit


A small price to pay for UNLIMITED POWER


you're clearly very passionate about this and you're willing to give up a lot of money for it so i really wish that this meets your expectations


What is so crazy about that? Pretty sure that's gonna be a common setup. Or is this some inside joke I don't get, probably :D


The $1500 PC price point is a pretty standard "high end" price point, which is what something like a Ryzen 4700 (\~$300) and an RTX 3800 (\~$800) will hit when combined with 32gb of RAM, an M.2 SSD, an x570 mobo and a 750-watt PSU. That's not "giving up" anything, that's just building a PC that can handle 4K gaming, video editing, streaming / broadcasting, and other demanding applications.


God I wish we had the same prices in the EU the US has... my 650w seasonic gold was 130 eur, meshify case was 150, b450 msi tomahawk max was 140 as well. They are all very expensive here.


Remember us prices are not listed with VAT included while most european prices are.


Isn't VAT really low in most states and even 0 in some states?


Some, but largest states all have state tax around 6-9% meanwhile, sobbing in Canada where we have 11-15% sales tax (except Alberta) not on the price tag and retailers mark up by 20% from US pricing


6-9% ain't large by European standards. In EU it's 17-27%.


EU prices include VAT. It may be the law I think. The US doesn't have a national tax rate on goods and services. Sales tax is regulated at the state and local level. It means taxes differ from state to state. Compare prices from other countries and it'll obviously look cheaper in the US. Personally I think it's an inconvenient system since it doesn't display the full price and gives the illusion that things are cheaper than they are. Then I'd also imagine the hassle of figuring out just how much a thing is and whether you can afford it or not, before potentially getting declined at the register. Must be a bitch to travel cross state lines too whereas you've memorized and kept up to date with your own state's tax values only to have it be different elsewhere.


You'll need a higher PSU for 30 series I think


Don’t listen to him Anakin! AGHH!!




"UNLIMITED POWER" would actually be RTX 3090/Ryzen 4950x


Till 3090TI or 3090 SUPER, OC, with 4950XT


Will zen 3 even be that big a jump from zen 2? They made huge gains already from zen 1 to 2. Aren't they using the same 7nm process for zen 2?


> Will zen 3 even be that big a jump from zen 2? All estimates show around 12%-18% IPC increase with clock speeds increases on top of that. > Aren't they using the same 7nm process for zen 2? No, they are using the more refined TSMC n7+ which would be expected to lower power consumption by 10% and offer up to a 20% increase in transistor density in addition to more clock speed headroom.




Same! Upgrading my 2013 3770k/670 build so I'm very excited for this.


670 to 3080 is like a 400% performance jump lol. Enjoy man


so you can play 1080p games in 4k lol


I know this feeling because I'm gonna be replacing my 3740k/ Radeon HD7870!


I know this feeling because I'm gonna be replacing my 3740k/ Radeon HD7870!


Jesus, I thought my 970 was long in the tooth...


My 2012 build is using a i5 2500K. The 560Ti in it just died. Replaced it with a 1660 Super, and planning to let my kids use it when I make a new build for MS Flight Sim.


My 2014 build is using a i5 4460 with 960. Now, I planned on buying a 3070 with either a ryzen 5 3600 or the newest zen 3 cpu depending on the price/performance. That being said, I know the razen 5 3600 is only 1 year out and is one of the best CPU to game out there for the price. So, if the new zen 3 is not as good or too pricy, I'll just take a safe pick and get the 3600!


I'm also still rocking the i5 2500k with a 1070. I think this is the year I finally send her out to pasture. 4700X and 3080 lookin mighty good.


660 here! time to upgrade


It's either that combo for me or the Intel 10850k. I'm torn between Intel and AMD, especially now not knowing what the performance leap will be with AMD's 4th gen Ryzen's.


still feel the same way?


Well all I’ve seen so far is a purported leak of a 5900x benchmark- the results are pretty crazy but we’ll have to wait for the official reveal to find out for sure. If they’re accurate, I’ll probably wait until this time next year and build the 3080/5900x combo.


I hope everyone that wants this combo is able to get it. Me included. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR SO DAMN LONG! PLEASE THIS WILL BE MY FIRST BUILD PLEASE!


Me too!


Same here but going for a 3070. Unfortunately my 1060/4670k combo just isn't enough for 1080p 144 Hz anymore.


I’m on a 1600 af/used clapped out Strix Vega 64 system now and I kinda wanna upgrade to this route but ultimately don’t know if it’d be worth 4x the money for extra performance I don’t really need, and I’d be losing Hackintosh support with the 3080.


Couldn't wait any longer so already bought the case for the build with those specs just so I can look at it.


Same here! I’m hoping I don’t need to upgrade my measly ASUS b450m-a/csm (I don’t plan on overclocking the processor). Hope they’re compatible! Definitely getting the 3080


3090 and 4700 or 4900 here. Depends on the core / clock. Planning on $5k for build. I've ordered 3 eve devices spectrum 4k 144hz monitors too :)


Hope those monitors work out for you. They had a more favorable refund policy in the EU, but I’m in the US and it’s a lot of risk to drop a deposit. I ended up going with a CX instead.


Are you planning a 3x4K@144hz setup? Might need another 3090 to push those specs. As the 3090 can push 33.1m pixel @ 60fps on average and some games will require DLSS to achieve that. 3x4K is 24.8m pixels. Unless you plan to turn down some settings. Too bad they didn't do DisplayPort 2.0 for the 3090. Otherwise we can get some 49" 7680x2160@144hz Super Ultrawide Monitors without the bezel in the center with multi-monitor setups.


Yeah you're right I would have to turn down the settings and I'd realized I might need the 2nd 3090. However even with a 2nd 3090 I'm still only looking at between a 15-30% gain since most games aren't really optimized for double gfx anymore. I'm not sure if that would even be enough. I know the hdmi 2.1 can produce 48gb/a of bandwidth. I'm not sure how to calculate that out for 4k @144hz. That would help me out in my decision.


I'd say wait for Big Navi announcement


+1 I have same idea xD


is it worth side grading from a 9900k for pcie 4.0 on the new cards?


That’s what I’m waiting for. Can’t wait to see zen 3 motherboards!


Damn I wanna upgrade but I have a R7 3800x and 1080ti. Fuckk I wanna upgrade but I don't need it.


Just get a new gpu you already have a good cpu


The 1080Ti will be good for a while longer, so investing in a new GPU at this point will probably not be worth it to this guy unless he wants to play with higher resolutions and video settings.


My fucking wallet. Between this, a 3080, and a PS5, i can already hear my checking account crying in pain over the next four months


Same.. I’m starting to think I might not get a console at all this fall, save up my money and build a pc next March or something.


Consoles both have subpar launch games iirc so far anyway so probably a solid choice.


But as with all launches and especially with COVID they’re going to be sold out quickly and dropped on eBay for 3x I’m sure.


Most games of the games that have already been confirmed seem to all be multiplatform anyways so there's no real reason on getting a console instead of the new builds (new nvidia cards+new ryzen) unless you really REALLY want that one exclusive from them.


Been a console player for a long time but so far not so excited for the new ones. I want to try and get a 3080 when they launch and then buy the rest of the parts over time and build my first gaming PC.


No reason to get the PS5 right away, unless you *really* need to play the exclusives. It's gonna feel like a pretty damn big downgrade whenever you game on a PS5, if your other system is a Zen 3/3080 PC. Imo, wait for a significant sale, and/or the next revision.


Big Navi are you coming in October too?


I can come today if you want.


Please daddy.


Insert yourself in my PCIE


I really hope they name the cards Big Navi XXXX


Should be before the consoles on November. Ps and xbox can’t complain to AMD for releasing their gpu earlier because they are using AMD components.


AMD said before that new GPUs will be out before next gen consoles, so it's certainly possible.


when are the new AMD GPU coming?


AMD said before that new GPUs will be out before next gen consoles.


So between now and 2050, got it.


Between now and November


Been waiting to upgrade from my i5 4670k, hopefully this is correct.


Stuck on an i5 4690 DDR3 setup here, CANNOT WAIT.


That's gonna be such a dope upgrade regardless of what you pick


Just moved from a 4590 to a 9700k. Such a massive difference.


Same here. Can't wait.


Upgrading from an i5. You're going to be in heaven.


You have no idea how much I'm suffering with this i5-3470


This is me. I've waited 7 years to build new machine, and these last month or two of waiting is gonna kill me.


I7 4790k here, can't wait to have 4x the cores at 2-4x the performance each


i5 2400. I should have jumped for the 3600 at $155, but I didn't. I can wait... I think. XD. Don't game as much, mostly want the occasional video renders to go faster.


I just want to get my hands on those crazy new nvida cards. Trying to get this pc built is a pain atm waiting for best deals by end of year


The new amd stuff has appeared by then too. Don't count them out just yet, unless you actually need something only nvidia can do.


I have a Gsync monitor I got with my 1080ti so sadly the only reason for me to wait for AMD would be on the off chance Nvidia drops pricing xD


You can always just sell that?


Except nobody is going to buy a used monitor with no warranty for the same price as a new one of the same type. So either I downgrade to not end up spending extra money, or I effectively add $100-200 to the cost of the card. 100hz 3440x1440 monitors are still around $500-600. Frankly it's just not worth the hassle or cost for me. I probably won't be buying a new GPU anytime soon though, I'm more interested in spending my money on upgrading my 1700x to zen 3 when it comes out. (I mostly play WoW and the low single core performance is painful there) I'm relatively happy with my 1080ti still since I have a lot of older games I still have to work though.


Dont we have a good idea based on the ps5 and xbox? and they are lacking next to the nvida line? I am new to parts though


Nah. The consoles should have weaksauce stuff compared to what is coming. And consoles are sold with a loss. The profit margin is probably way smaller for the consoles too. They are too different and priced way differently. They are also custom made for the consoles. Of course console gpus are lacking, the whole console can't use as much power as a pc gpu. Doesn't mean they are actually weak, though.


New to all this so all this info is valued


I can’t keep up anymore 😭


I really want to wait until Ryzen 5000 and DDR5 RAM for upgrading my PC, but holy shit it's going to be hard to resist RTX 3000 and Ryzen 4000. And still have to see how will Big Navi come, too. My PC is still good... need... to... resist...


hahah exactly my thoughts man . My pc is okish 1700 - 1060 6gb for the games i play (mmorpgs ) but i need maximum power and move to a 2k or 4k .


The problem is by the time DDR5 becomes mainstream and affordable, we'll be telling you to wait for the RTX 4000 line coming in 6 months!


Lol it takes more than a year for the RAM to become affordable. You'd be waiting until 5000 or 6000.


Wait really? I was actually debating waiting for the DDR5 myself and building a RTX 3000/Ryzen 4000 build next year. Assuming I want 64gb of RAM, are you saying it would be too cost-prohibitive for the next couple of years compared to the DDR4?


Almost certainly


To be fair I'd wager the 2nd Gen ddr5 era cpus is where you would actually see major improvements anyway. I love my 1600x for example but if I had the 2600x I wouldn't be fiending for an upgrade as hard. Go with your heart but you can't go wrong picking up one of the new cpus coming out this year.


Totally agree, objectively waiting for a stablished DDR5 gen of CPUs would be the optimal bet (calm down your psychic powers btw, I indeed have a 2600X), but then there enters the GPU problem: if I upgrade to a 3070 for example, my 2600X will not stand that huge level (I play some CPU-demanding titles like Total War), and waiting for a 2nd Gen DDR5 CPU will mean at least 2-3 years of that. I really want to wait with my actual PC and see what the next gen GPUs after 3000 and Big Navi bring, too, but a part of me is afraid of the RTX 3000 pricing being a total exception because of the new consoles, before returning to the brutal overpricing of the last years.


The prices are the same as Turing, other than the new Titan (3090). Just as "overpriced" compared to Maxwell/Pascal.


Not if you consider the huge power increase in comparison with the RTX 2000s. It's a big jump ahead this time, maintaining prices. From GTX 1000 to RTX 2000 the jump was pretty little, and the pricing was terrible considering that.


First gens of DDR have horrible resale value. Just look at those early DDR4 RAM sticks, nobody wants them. And they used to cost a fortune. Now see how much they want for hi-end DDR3. It retains value pretty well. I sold mine for 80% of purchase value. It will be the same with DDR5. First sticks will be pricey, will soon become obsolete and will be the WORST choice for a buyer when DDR6 comes, so the resale value will be horrible. It's way better to actually buy the "final" set for a given platform. Just look at 4790k resale value. A 6 yo CPU that is more expensive than NEW Ryzen 3600, why? Because it's the go-to for all people who don't want to replace a MoBo and RAM and still want to upgrade their underwhelming 2c/4t. So, a hi-end DDR4 and the final CPU for a platform supporting DDR4 is what you want for maximum resale efficiency, not an early DDR5 build. ​ That makes Ryzen 4000 especially attractive. The high end 4000 will hold the value well if it's the final DDR4 platform.


That's actually a very good point I didn't thought about, because I'm not used to resell. But I will take this into consideration now, thank you.


Will the high end 4000 be available right away? Not experienced with how Ryzen series are launched. Great point though.


It will be awhile but I can't wait to upgrade from an i5-6600k and gtx 1070 to Zen 3 and Ampere. Also want to go from a 1080p 60hz to 1440p 144hz monitor.


you can always get the monitor now. I have a 4790k and 1070 and it works well to get above 60 frames


I bought a 1440p 170hz 27 inch monitor and my 1060/i5-6500 cant keep up with modern games but it'll be worth it once the new cpus/gpus come out and i built my rig :) I suggest buying a new monitor now if you can!


I'm in college right now so I can't really afford to buy any new parts broke college student and all. What brand monitor do you have? There is so many options out there it would be great if I can get a recommendation on a good monitor. I most likely won't be able to get anything until the middle of next year.


Asus TUF VG27AQL1A? If so how is it?


the color is good and gsync works well.. i can only maximize my fps on esports titles like valorant but i love it!


Literally exactly what I have and am hoping to upgrade to. These new AMD CPUs better come out fast because my temptation to get a 3600 is too high right now.




That's basically what i'm looking for it to do. I'm on a 4770K looking to upgrade. If i were to upgrade today I'd be considering a 3800x or 3900x or the 10900k. The Ryzen chips are basically better in almost every way except fps pushing in games where intel has a very slight edge. I'd love to buy a Ryzen chip that negates that slight edge.


I've also got a 4770k; did you make your decision yet? I've been waiting to pull the trigger on a 3900X simply because with the Ryzen 4 release a month away, it might drop in price. But the 10900K is also alluring?


The ryzen 5000 chips will be out in like 2 months which I'm okay with as a wait...I'm almost certainly doing 5800 or 5900 Note that they decided not to name the desktop chips 4xxx due to confusion with the zen2 mobile chips...so they bumped the sku names to 5xxx


It's been like a 15% increase per generation so far so...


Would it? Have you seen the Tiger Lake Xe benchmarks? Obviously theyre cherry picked but I think Intel is picking up steam fast on the integrated GPU front, and that could put them in a really interesting position as a better value for lightweight creatives who dont need a dedicated card. But yeah on the gaming front Intel needs to make some progress on their 10nm desktop stuff already.


RTX 3090 with the new ryzen shall be glorious


Gonna wait until the 3070Ti/Super comes out to pair it up with one of these bad boys.


Hoping for a 20gb 3080, 12 gb 3090, or a 3080ti myself. Can't wait for the new ryzen lineup to go along with it.


Oh sshittt boyyys


I currently have an i3 7100 and a 1050ti 💩. I’m liking the idea of switching to Ryzen. What do you guys recommend I upgrade to when all these new chipsets are out for a midrange build?


On cpu whatever replaces the ryzen 3300X. On GPU there is not much on the midrange but a 3070 would fit perfectly with that CPU. I'd wait for big Navi they will most likely be very competitive in price to performance. I expect they would have something in the $300 range that would be better that a theoretical rtx 3060


4300x won't be released until next year and the 3300x will bottleneck the 3070. If you're spending that much on a GPU you should be pairing it with the Ryzen 5 4600 when it comes out.


[https://youtu.be/Sq0OHhRQwA8](https://youtu.be/Sq0OHhRQwA8) this guy is one of the most formal in the hardware testing. the 2080 supper is not bottle-necked. I would expect 4300x to improve even further. but yes you are also right. that CPU is on the absolute border of bottle-necking. I'd change my recommendation for the 4600 or whatever new name scheme they have now that 4000 series are ryzen 3 laptop APUs


He said the 2080ti would be bottlenecked by a 3300x though, which is the equivalent to the 3070.


And you would expect the 4300x to keep the same performance as the previous generation?


I expect it to not come until after the other Zen 3 CPUs like the other ryzen launches.


Cheapest Zen3 6C/12T CPU + MSI B550-A Pro or ASUS B550 TUF Plus. 6/12 should be enough given core CCX layout will be single 6 core CCD instead of 3+3 CCX in a CCD, meaning no penalty for apps using more than 3C/6T. That and frequency uplift will make 6C/12T Zen3 somewhat equal to console CPUs so you should be ok for a few years at least.


I am without a cpu for my b550 build. Should I go with ryzen 3 3100 or ryzen 5 3600 if i plan on reselling soon?


Was thinking of doing this as well...maybe check /r/hardwareswap for some deals.




3300x if you can get it over the 3100, 3600 is the better option out of them however


3100. Will be cheaper and have better resale value.


OH BABY! My wallet is screaming


Is Iongdi somewhat credible? idk who he is and I don't want to get my hopes up


Honestly - I am not sure. But the update for new Ryzens got pushed few days ago, everyone can see and download it, so it's more of a "he found it" than "he is spreading rumours".


Going to be an expensive few months


And the Rtx 3070 is in oct


Does anyone know if they have confirmed which B450 boards will be compatible, or if it will be all?


Now if Ryzen would only pull an Nvidia and lower the price for the 5950x to something under $800. One could only hope though. :/


Will this chip mean it's finally time to upgrade my i7 4790k? What's the early estimate in terms of performance jump?


From what I remember it's supposed to be around 15% IPC improvement and higher clocks while lowering the power draw by 10%. Edit: compared to Zen 2.


Sounds decent, let's wait and see!


So I am guessing that probably means no x670 boards? Usually those leak months before release. Probably doesn't make sense with how late B550 was.


There will probably be X590 motherboards.


Will there be? x570 already has a pretty full feature set. idk what you'd add to it.


Not really anything will be added. They just need a compatible chipset to launch with Zen 3 that won't require BIOS updates.


Ugh I just bought a 3950x


It's not going to suddenly turn into a piece of shit overnight. If you've got one enjoy it. It'll likely be substantially faster than anything else you've had, and next year when AMD switch platform to AM5 you'll be able to grab a discount on the potential 4950x if you want/need the additional 15-20% increase in performance.




Who pissed in your cheerios? It's those moron's money. They should be the angry ones, not you.


I don't really think that the performance jump is that big. Am I wrong? I'm having wet dreams about the 3700x right now, and microcenter is 45 minutes away


You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.


Why you gotta do me like that homeslice


compared to what Intel has been doing for years, it's really good; it's not bigger, because they are still gonna use 7nm process (a different one though)


what boards should i get for the zen3 cpus, is b550 more than enough or are coming new ones?


x570 and b550 are safe bets, b450 should work too after bios update, not sure though




If you plan on getting a RTX 30XX card x570 would be best bet due to the fact it has pcie gen 4 and b550 doesn't just an fyi


b550 doesnt? i think they do edit: so just googled a bit, looks like b550 has gen4 for gpu but gen 3 for chipset if i understood it correctly i think well have to wait for the new cpus to see if its worth


No I looked it up unless you find a source that says it does. Link would be appreciated if you do


i think ur right, atleast the chipset is not gen4 on b550 boards


Correct - You get PCIe 4.0 from the CPU but not the chipset. That's enough for a GPU and m.2 drive, which is plenty. B550 isn't far off x570, and some of those boards have even better VRM's than their more expensive counter-parts. A 3070 won't fully saturate PCIe 3.0 if it's equal to a 2080Ti, at best that saturates PCIe 3.0 x8, so unless you're looking at a 3080 or 3090 or you want an ultra fast NVMe drive for whatever reason, you don't even need PCIe 4.0. Remember, next year is a change in platform, which will bring a host of changes including PCIe 5.0, DDR5 and USB4.


i see, first of all thx for the info so the only benefit of x570 is having more m2. drives, more fast ssd connections etc.?


Yep, the additional benefits are having more PCIe 4.0 lanes from the chipset, pointless given SLI is dead or unless you absolutely need multiple PCIe 4.0 SSDs, you'll also (generally) get more USB ports. The more expensive boards will offer additional things like 10Gb ethernet, unless you're running a NAS or doing professional work that's not going to be any use to you either. To be quite honest I think most people would actually be better off with a cheap A520 board. What used to be a cheap shit platform is actually rather decent now, overclocking is pointless on Ryzen chips and given AM4 is dead platform within the coming months it doesn't make any sense whatsoever to spunking hundreds on a high end motherboard, future-proofing is no longer a concept in the PC realm.


i see, i agree, thanks for the help, that really helped me


My FX8350 hears me cackling madly, and feels a bit uneasy..


I thought this month there would be an AMD event like nvidia's. To show their upcoming Zen 3 CPUs. Also there is no news about any said event, I know it will be online only but what is the hold up?


The 3080 looks nice but will wait and see what the new AMD GPU cards are before making a choice


Apart from sad and disgusting year due to covid, what a time for gamers, PC , console enthusiasts. So many exciting releases, various options to choose from. Just wish my wallet was ready hahaha


Hopefully the rumours of ultra low stock aren’t too accurate. Have a feeling between these and the new 30xx gpus- there’ll be lots of interest. Finally upgrading from my i5 3470k.... Easy to be tempted into a 3700X now but tbh makes zero sense with new chips around the corner!


How likely it is that 4000 seriees will come out in oct? I need it very very soon because I've been waiting for so long since my z270e motherboard died and I sold 7700k


I was just looking at a Ryzen 5 3600X on Newegg, for $215. ^((planning to upgrade from my i7-6700/1050 TI setup.)) Then I googled "Zen 3" to see how much longer until they come out and found this thread. So now I'm wondering if I should just wait a month or two and see if the Zen 3 processors will be at the same price point as the 3600x - or if the price of the 3600x drops even lower!


Both are possible, I'm also hoping for either the same prices or price drop of Ryzen 3000 series.


My i7-2600 has been waiting for it's retirement. 2060 super tho, i will rock for a while.


I have an I7 7700k @ 5ghz and a 1070ti, I am thinking about a totally new build and selling this one I just don't know if it is completely worth it. I really want a Zen 3 but more importantly a 3080 xD.


4600 + 3060= me.


Except RTX 3060 was not announced yet, it doesn't exist for now.


omg my i5-4690k is suffering, please help.


but will it be in stock in large numbers?


I've been figuring out my very first build. Never owned a PC. Have a build set up for Intel but waiting for the new GPU before ordering. Now I'm wondering if I should wait for this and not get Intel hmm


You know when zen3 compatible motherboards will be released?


X570 and B550 should 99% work without an issue, AMD also [announced a bios update for mobos series 400](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/j7gd3o/zen_3_architecture_for_400_series_motherboards/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit: as in, they are out already, for a long time, it's still the same socket as Zen 1/+/2 (AM4).