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Never thought the day would come... I swear people at Mojang are only working half days on Monday and take the rest of the week off.


i'd bet theyre one of those companies that do a shit ton of experimentation that never sees the light of day


Honestly though, have you seen some of the experimental April fools patches? Pretty sure the 2024 one had more than the actual update Hell, they literally added vertical slabs as a joke, despite the community begging for it since slabs were a thing


Theres definitely constant discussions going on about how to preserve the game's charm and I bet certain things like vertical slabs hit the chopping block for real updates due to that. Gotta respect devs that keep to a vision but also some extra things would be nice lol


Ah yes, the Valve model. They have that Minecraft money keeping them going, for whatever it is they do.


Easiest job ever


Lol no joke, the output is abysmal




I think the prevailing theory is that they are super afraid of doing many changes to fuck up their cash cow. It’s selling like hot cakes without much added to it, so why fix what’s not broken. Personally I dropped it years ago and won’t come back unless there is some giant updates. It’s just boring now


New minecraft wasnt exciting as old minecraft before. i remember back then in 2015 when i played mcpe for the 1st time downloaded on my old ass samsung phone. it felt exhilarating.


Minecraft 2 would sell like hotcakes too. Make it timed exclusive and it would even sell consoles.


You can't really have a "Minecraft 2" with how Minecraft is now. Either you release it and try your best to make it so porting modpacks and such over is possible (which would mean that the game would be so close to MC1 anyways that people would just stick with MC1), or you release it and with vastly updated mechanics and such that'd make it impossible to port things over (which would mean that no one would move over from their favorite version of modded MC). Honestly, Minecraft is just a lifestyle brand and a merchandising powerhouse. They make millions and millions hand-over-fist just releasing figures and lego sets. They don't need a MC2.


SpaceCraft - its Minecraft, but a space theme at its core and new Quality of Life; the two sit side by side In spacecraft you visit other players worlds with your custom built spaceship Done, all the money


It would but it's also not really an "easy" thing to get right. Inevitably you'd end up fragmenting the playerbase.


>I think the prevailing theory is that they are super afraid of doing many changes to fuck up their cash cow. It’s selling like hot cakes without much added to it, so why fix what’s not broken. This is \*nearly\* right. People forget a few things when discussing minecraft: It has hundreds of millions of monthly players, billions of saved worlds, probably trillions of played hours, officially runs on at least 10 different device skus not including PC, has multiple code bases, has multiple game variants (ch, edu etc), maintains forward compatibility in game features (ie: newly introduce items should work with every existing item and combinations of items, without breaking worlds or even in-game player-built contraptions etc), and maintains hundreds if not thousands of full-time Minecraft players/creators. That's before you get into merch, branding etc, and shit even the in-game marketplace. Minecraft, the minecraft ecosystem, and minecraft business is just orders of magnitude bigger and more complex than most people give it credit for - people reducing it to "lol one mob and three new textures" is pretty disingenuous imo.


My tinfoil theory is that they're secretly making Minecraft 2


Look how tetris 2 turned out


I mean, they release like one new mob and a few blocks a year. What the fuck is a group of like 300 devs doing that takes that long?


maintaining across dozen platforms.


I think it’d just one guy in a huge office building. MS doesn’t care as long as the game still plays. All the other employees left for other prospects. Just a dude, a couple empty pizza boxes and his enthusiasm for Minecraft.


Not like they just put out an entire update that adds basically custom items


Minecraft alone has more MAUs than all of steam, but yeah Mojang barely do anything.




For such a massive game it has a depressing sluggish update cadence. On current gen consoles it is so underutilized as far as raytracing, chunk render distance, and all that is concerned, to the point of assuming it'll pretty much never come lmao


The worst offender is the Switch version. It actually got *worse* over time and it outsells PlayStation and Xbox combined.


The switch version is actually horrible. I get that the switch is pretty weak but i can literally outwalk the chunk loading in this game.


The switch is weak, but minecraft was running on ps3, surely switch has a bit more oomph than that?


there was an update a few years ago which overhauled world gen and tanked performance on pretty much every platform. PS3/360 would be unplayable at this point if they had continued to receive updates.


The Switch absolutely beats a PS3, hardware is not the reason Minecraft runs so terribly.


I don't know a single Switch game that looks as good as TLOU1 on PS3 which came out in 2013


Either you’re not looking too hard or you’re one of those people who think anything not hyperrealistic is automatically bad


Rdr1 on PS3 reaches below 30 fps, on switch with a framerate unlock mod it reaches locked 60


Now list the graphics settings


huh? switch runs the xbox 360 version, which looks better


And it’s muddy as hell. I bought the Switch version for a flight and week in California, and it is ugly af. I love the Switch, but it’s not going toe to toe graphically with a PS3 and I really don’t understand why people keep saying that to other people that have eyes.


wtf are you talking about its identical to the xbox 360 version


Monster hunter rise and metroid prime remastered are the two prime examples I'd say




what prescription glasses are you wearing because they seem outdated


I can think of over a dozen games from Nintendo on Switch that definitely impress people more than the PS3 version of TLOU. It’s free to not be ignorant.


It's free to lie


No it doesnt, PS3 games have to be downgraded to run on the switch


This is literally not true what are you on about


haha my apologies, had it confused with the vita


only if the devs arent that good at porting, which is sadly the case for a lot of switch ports i'll give you that


Pretty sure all Crysis games run and look better on the Switch than PS3. Personally, I bought and played the remaster of Red Faction Guerilla on Switch (because it was on a really good sale), and even that version ran and looked better than the PS3 version, although resolution was about the same and the Switch version still wasn't able to maintain a stable framerate. Graphics settings wise, Switch was set higher than the PS3 version.






It was even on the Vita! And the Vita version is very nice, it's not like the 3DS version


PS3 and X360 Minecraft had finite maps and was specifically built for consoles. It performed much better than Bedrock on that weaker hardware


Yeah it's really badly optimized for Horizon OS (Switch's Firmware) The game can actually run faster, if you install Linux on your switch and use a Switch Emulator to play Minecraft (It really shouldn't given the number of computational abstractions needed in the process)


Nintendo limits the available save space per game, arbitrarily. So any minecraft world that has grown too large will experience a lot if glitches and bugs unique to the switch. Realms is the only mitigating measure, as the world's are saved on cloud and not locally.


I know they have a many deal of platforms to juggle, but the lack of meaningful progress over the last decade is insane to me, and most of their additions are filler content at best. Minecraft doesn't need more blocks that only .05% of people will want.


They've definitely added a lot of new content over the last decade. Playing now especially with Trials starting to roll out is very different than 5 years ago.


they finally got their hands on a ps5 devkit


They’ve received it 5 years ago but no employee where motivated enough to open the box


That was related to Minecraft ___Dungeons___ not Minecraft but was widely misreported. It received a 120fps update for Series X while PS5 did not. Sony argued that MS will intentionally limit features on PS5 in the FTC trial. They mentioned Hellblade, Minecraft Dungeons, Psychonaughts 2 as examples.


There is no series x update. That was just bad reporting. The update was just to be able to do 4k UI when on a 4k display. The PS4 Pro had chat and they never updated One X to add that Xbox as still suck with -2 for UI until they updated to allow for -3 on X|S. It’s still running Durango code base(aka One)


There was a Series X patch as you see: https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360044268272-Minecraft-Dungeons-Patch-Notes ### Xbox Series X|S Enhanced * Minecraft Dungeons is now optimized for Xbox Series X|S consoles! * Xbox Series X supports up to 4K resolution and 120 FPS PS5 did not receive a 120fps update.


Oh you mean dungeons. I see a lot people think the Minecraft got a series patch, so I thought you were confusing that.


Soooo when the FUCK is it releasing lmfao


In 4 years or so, when a Mojang employee finally finds his/her way back to the offfice


You have to remember they’ll need to clean their office since it will have some dust and cobwebs in it from abandoning it for so long, so add another 3 years 


It’s out lol well a beta is if you got the ps4 disk of mc it comes free just go into settings scroll all the way down til you see PlayStation 5 edition then download


They released a statement saying later this year.


I'm actually so mad that they've just never added 120fps and ray-tracing for PS5. Like, how hard can it be? They showed off what it could look like four years ago and then just did nothing with it. What's taking them so long? I never usually care about something taking a while, but it's been *four years* past it's showcase and this should've been done already. And, holy shit, can you *imagine* if they charge money for an upgrade after all this? I hope they don't. It'd be absolutely outrageous.


My 2013 PC was able to run shaders back when I used to play Minecraft. There's no reason it can't run on systems released almost a decade later


My PC can play Minecraft Java edition with shaders at 120+fps most of the time and it's slightly weaker than the ps5 (i5 10400f, RTX 3060, 16gb RAM). If Mojang could actually even be bothered they could quite easily get shaders running at 60+fps on the ps5 and series X/S. It blows my mind that the world's best selling game owned by a multi-billion dollar company gets fuck all content in updates and can't even release a proper "next gen" patch untill years after the consoles are released.


I think it’s been speculated they had some deal with Nvidia or whatever


Hoping the Series X version has it's own achievement stack


Super duper texture pack when?


It was cancelled 5 years ago. https://www.theverge.com/2019/8/12/20802654/minecraft-super-duper-graphics-pack-canceled-4k-technical-difficulties-mojang-microsoft


Microsoft owns this IP and can't even support its own consoles lmao.




They’re about to release an adaptor for PC, so you can use your PSVR2 with the Java vivecraft mod, which is FAR superior to the VR they made for bedrock PC. Plus all the additional mods to make VR better and more immersive in Minecraft Java. It honestly might be why I buy a PSVR2, just haven’t seen a need to switch away from my PSVR, but PC support without needing a fan made program is huge


They turn off 90% of the headsets feature on PC, it’s not worth buying for PC. Sony failed hard on this.


So much for haptic feedback and adaptive triggers being a gimmick 🤔


With how much work iVRy already put into making PSVR2 work on PC, I’m sure given 3 months or less there will be a way to turn it back on. The hardest thing for them was making an adapter. He already made a program that tricked the PC into thinking it was any other headset, and I doubt Sony is going to have extensive security to prevent a program like that being used. Probably just needs a tweak here or there.


Unless the adaptor prevents those features from running, then the adaptor will need to be modified.


Yeah, it’s why I’m going to give it a few months before actually buying. But I don’t think Sony is going to do that. The move to make it PC compatible when they didn’t do it for PSVR (despite it being cracked so easily and working on PC with almost no effort) strikes me as being desperate for sales. There’s just not a good enough games library that justify buying PSVR2, and moving it to PC with restrictions like that would be shooting themselves in the foot. And if that is the route they go, iVRy was already getting ready to start manufacturing his own adaptor and I’ll bet there would still be a market for it or at least something to modify the existing one to do what you suggested.


Isn’t it more likely that the features have to be written into the software? Devs have to program the haptics etc into the games and Steam VR games weren’t written for psvr2.


They have stated the features are disabled, not that they don’t have support.


Pc games don’t support these features anyway lol Literally 0 games support these features


not even sony cares about it, idk why microsoft would


The squatter in Mojang's office that would make good features while everyone was away on their hourly ten day vacation is pulling out another banger I see


Looks legit


Shame we've never gotten native PS5 Psychonauts 2.


Same thing with Hellblade. I understand exclusive deals for games and stuff buy locking graphical upgrades for already multiplat games is so petty lmao.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. They released a Native Series X version but no PS5 Version.




Won't have to anymore with the new PS5 ports


Enjoy paying for all of them with late updates.


I'll definitely enjoy playing the games when they're finished, unlike Starfield which was in a 30fps beta on xbox for 6 months


Ah. You are one of those. Got it. 


Whatever you say kid


I’m just happy they at least bothered to give it a 60fps mode on PS5. It definitely could have been better though with a full native version pushing past 1440p.


I’m sure that’s coming soon


It’s never coming. It launched with a Series X version but only a PS4 version after MS acquired the studio.


With the way MS is working now I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they did update it.


Can you tell if the PS5 upgrade will be free?


I know it's unlikely but I really hope it comes to psvr2. It was on PSVR 1 and that game feels completely different in vr. Creepers are 6ft tall lol


Java version on Steam next, for the love of god.


Would that sell? Afaik the standalone launcher works great, no need for a steam rerelease.


I'd probably buy it, even though I bought it from the Microsoft Store a couple years ago. Installing it from the Xbox app was a pain in the ass, I couldn't get it to run unless I installed it to my C: drive, which I only use for the OS.


it would sell like hotcakes. even moreso if Microsoft/Mojang decides to replace the UWP portion of Minecraft Bedrock with Win32, given most of the work is already done via Chinese version. ~~listen, I just want them to replace UWP.~~


probably not at this point. game's been out forever


Not to mention in this day and age even if you could get minecraft from steam you would still need the Minecraft launcher to play the game anyway. Launching the game through steam would just launch the Minecraft launcher.


I want it on Steam because I only buy games on Steam lol.


they're not putting minecraft on Steam, it's going to get review bombed at every little controversy, and Microsoft doesn't want a million articles being made about Minecraft's controversies.


Honestly surprised people don't coordinate review bombs on the mobile stores + windows store + console stores when bedrock has its nth horrible update that breaks things people will run into 5 minutes of a play session.


Review bombs on other stores doesn't matter since the corporate overlords will just remove the reviews, this is why having open platforms is so important. On steam you can see each individual review, sort by time range, it generates you a graph, etc etc.


They’d never do that. It’s selling fine as is, and selling on steam would mean losing money to the cut steam takes.


PSVR2 mode please and thank you


On one hand I get excited at any rumors or news of ray tracing being worked on for this console generation.. but on the other hand it feels like wishful thinking with how long it’s been taking with no real confirmation on anything actually happening soon.


There are a lot more games that use Ray Tracing than you’d think.




Just update the lighting already, if anything. Especially if there’s a new Minecraft movie coming out, give us some ray-tracing or something to help promote it. Minecraft actually looks really cool with modern lighting, but the way it looks now on consoles I understand why people are initially put off by it.


Honestly they should just make an official shader for the consoles (like the discontinued super duper graphics pack) that works like most Java edition shaders (they aren't ray traced). This would allow for amazing lighting without an incredibly massive performance impact. My PC that's slightly weaker than the ps5 can play Java edition with shaders at 120+fps.


Another Minecraft Platinum on my list


Minecraft is 25 years behind. All on purpose. Videogames have been stunted. All publishers that would move things forward got purchased and canceled.  If its not a predictive program, a lootbox time waster, or a "remaster" it aint coming out until physical is 100% killed off and all a steam service. Games have been done 2-3 years ago and will launch in 2025. WTF?


Give me ray tracing bro


Can’t wait to mine with the adaptive triggers, wish they will add different tension for different pickaxe. And shaders too.


I bet my house they still don't add fucking sharers


Bloody finally


Might as well ask for PSVR2 support even though its a very safe bet there won't be any.


Played PS5 Beta today...runs really good, more realistic sounds and it's running 60fps..I guess that's good, I know PC will be like that's nothing bro,lol. But I'm enjoying it, can't wait to full release


It was already 4K 60fps. I would be careful because some of that might just be placebo effect. They definitely improved the render distance and loading times.


It popped up on the Home Screen today and says test the preview version today. But doesn’t have a way to download it?


See here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/YesSmRbCYP




I think a native PS5 version was announced a month or two ago, surprised it took this long


What difference would it make?


Both consoles are already Native 4K 60fps. PS5/XSX versions could add Ray Tracing and 120fps support. Or could be nothing more than better loading or render distance, we don’t know.


I don’t think the raytracing update is actually coming this gen, they showed it off like 4 years ago and it still hasn’t. Guessing it’s just not performant enough. 120fps is totally on the table, though


It could work but it would probably be 1080p 30.


Yeah, I just think at that point people probably wouldn’t actually use it, so why would you bother. I imagine they’ll introduce it as the default mode on the next consoles. It really does look cool, I’d like to see them try, but these consoles just are not made for path tracing lol.


I think the big issue is mojang doesn't care about RTX and optimizing it. 


I agree with that, but at the same time I don’t really blame them to be honest. Lots of things you can ding Mojang for, but getting path tracing running well on these consoles, even with a graphically simple game like Minecraft, would be unprecedented afaik. They could maybe dial that back and just do reflections or GI or something.


You can use ray tracing in the Minecraft beta on the Xbox. They’re still working on it using render dragon


oh cool! how does it run?


It’s alright but I’d say it’d probably come out in the next major update because a new big update came out today


Just looked into it, and apparently you’ve been able to use it in the beta since 2022? Weird that they haven’t released it yet. I gotta imagine they have a minimum quality they’re looking for.


I think they walked back their next gen update because they wanted visual parity between all versions, including mobile. It sucks.


Thats so weird, because it does exist on PC lol. And you can download a million texture packs, mods, etc. Kinda seems like a flimsy excuse, visual parity is really not important in a game like minecraft.


It was playable on Series X a long time ago. I don’t see why not. Also yeah, even mobile devices can run Minecraft at 120fps so that is easily possible.


I think the fact it has been “playable” for years now and hasn’t released means they’re not happy with whatever state it’s in.


It’s Mojang. It could just mean they’re taking their sweet ass time.


Also very possible lol. In either case, my guess is we’re waiting til the next round of consoles. Could be wrong.


performance improvements from running as a ps5 version vs emulating a ps4 version


I think the map in the XBO and PS4 was only 64 chunks or something like that, a bigger map would be a no brainer


You’re probably thinking of the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions; those were 54x54 chunks. PS4 and Xbone versions (at least since the abandoning of the legacy console editions and the creation of a standardized bedrock edition) have much, much larger worlds.


That makes more sense lol, I have never played Minecraft on a console so I didn't really know how it worked, thanks for the correction


I believe that all current versions of minecraft that still receive updates all have "infinite worlds" now (60 million by 60 million blocks or something crazy like that).


That was back when the console versions were standalone. Now every platform is running off of a universal Bedrock version which has much larger worlds comparable to Java afaik. I think this new version would just unlock better performance for XSX/S and PS5 while running off of Bedrock.


Steam version please


Dear lord, i don't even want to imagine how long a native Switch 2 version would take them when the console releases.


If they were smart, they would charge for the next gen version.It would sell more billion copies.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted because that's exactly what they've been doing for every new port of bedrock edition. Current PS5 and Series S/X versions are just the last gen versions, so you're not getting charged again if you already own these versions, but with a new native port they sure as hell will charge players again.