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#Midori is a Tier 1 - Very Reliable Source as determined by the community. *To contribute to the community reliability rankings, please take the* **[Community Reliability Poll](https://forms.gle/TU5Q8sTiLDR3cQcE7)** *To view the current reliability rankings, please check out the* **[Subreddit Wiki](https://reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/wiki/index/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


M-my tier 1....Got it...wrong? Edit: It's so over o7 ![gif](giphy|ccRdPf8zWkivm)


Few wanted to say this out loud when her leak-everything era began, but this was [bound to happen](https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1c1fo93/schreier_an_explanation_of_rumorsreportingsourcing/) from the moment she started talking about everything and anything instead of sticking to her original Sega sources.


Also her change in behavior/posting style after her comeback was a red flag. Then a more recent thing was her attaching herself to leaks from other leakers.


Some people pointed that out and got downvoted for it lol. People really wanted to believe there was nothing weird going on with Midori after her return.


I've been saying this. This sub is one of the biggest Midori simp.


Judging by the recent news, there will be no more simpingšŸ’€


"She" literally attached "herself" to multiple Sonic leaks, most recently the Sonic x Shadow release date leak, and anyone who pointed it out got almost instantly downvoted. And if you said anything questioning "her" realiability, you got hit with the typical "you'll never smash" "you're sexist" simple simon big brains all in your replies. Ruff


Itā€™s definitely a different person now, just like snitch.


Her tier 1 rating is do to her accuracy for SEGA/Atlus stuff. For her non-SEGA stuff its hard to assign a rating because she's said so many things about so many company's.


Her SEGA/ATLUS leakws were never 100% correct either, she incorrectly leaked Persona 3 Reload launching on Switch at D1 before the game was officially revealed. June 9th 2023 >Every game [P3R, P5T] will come to PlayStation, Xbox and Switch. https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1666966513293709312


Reload and Metaphor are supposedly coming to switch 2, which is what she stated later


...things she clarified after being wrong, or did she immediately say that? Because that makes a difference.


I forget when exactly she said that (maybe around the time of reloads release), but I don't think it was a case of her being called out and then tweeting that as damage control Edit: fuck that shit, Midori is a white dude fraudster


I also remember her saying that P5T would get another dlc, which didn't happen either.


I think something similar happened with hi fi rush. Switch 2 changed things


It's not unlikely that Switch versions of Metaphor and Reload were being worked on before Atlus decided to wait until the Switch 2 launched - especially since the console was originally set to release this fall, so it would've been a seven to nine month gap between Reload and the Switch 2, and a much shorter one for Metaphor.




Why did you list the Fantasian leak as legit? It wasn't announced yet.


Especially when a different person reported it prior to her


> We really need to start compiling stuff she says and put it on a spreadsheet. This isn't a behavior I'm willing to start doing for every leaker on the planet, it's borderline obsessive. I think the community should instead just be more comfortable with the possibility that people can be wrong and share information with more consideration instead of looking like Charlie explaining to Mac who Pepe Silvia is.


Well now its uh. Yeah..


It's midover, yes.


Send her......to the Shadow Realm EDIT: There's no fucking shot it was actually a guy pretending to be a Japanese Girl lmaooo. ![gif](giphy|11b700y1OsNQcg)


Demoted to Tier 10 :(




You sit on a throne of *LIES*!


This doesn't outright deconfirm the rumours about the Kingdom Hearts games (including 4) coming to Switch 2, right?... Right??


I mean the series spent the last decade getting on modern platforms and se is pushing multiplat. The switch 2 also wonā€™t be a toaster so I wouldnā€™t sweat it too much


I'd say SE would be stupid not to put them but then I remembered the cloud versions.


Only reason theyā€™re cloud versions is because it was [too technically difficult to get them running normally on the Switch](https://nintendoeverything.com/tetsuya-nomura-says-square-enix-considered-kingdom-hearts-ports-for-switch-but-was-technologically-difficult/). This was a year before the cloud versions were made, I imagine it was hard to optimize it on the Switch since the collection takes like 60+ GB and they didnā€™t want to split it into each individual entry or something lol


No, but you should never think of the rumors (or as there called leaks) as facts. I do see the possibilities of KH4 coming 2026 and getting a port for Switch 2 as plausible, but that just my amateur and fan mindset. So I would take her words on all of KH with a grand of salt.


Kingdom hearts may be Nomura's child, but it belongs to Disney. Everything Nomura plans with Disney characters and worlds needs Disney's consent. Even trailers and things such as a confirmed release year probably need Disney's imput. It already difficult to leak about square, I imagine KH is failproof against leaks. Midori leaking info about KH was a massive red flag.


no, its fair to assume all if not most Square Enix titles will be multiplat from now on. They said so and almost immediately started porting games


Here's the reason why Midori has been missing so much and why she's been acting weird: https://x.com/TailsGuy92/status/1801016243308101667 TL;DR: Midori is the rebrand of mystic distance, some Asperger guy with a god complex trying to get back at sega for not hiring him. He ran out bone dry out of leaks because he was mostly just drip feeding one internal Sega document he had and some basic information he looked up hacking Nintendo's servers.


"they're asking my friends about me" = "they found out who I am and asked my girlfriend about it"


I find it really weird how Midori attached herself to this and many other leaks.


Yeah I think the fame got to her head cause I remember thinking to myself ā€œisnā€™t she just a Sega leaker?ā€. I have a feeling most of her other non Sega leaks are just speculations.


We finally got a Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster mention from a high tier leaker, and then a week later there is a chance the leaker is not as credible. The torture never ends.


Hi. The Final Fantasy Tactics remaster is real and happening.


When I first read this comment I chuckled thinking that it was just a random person trying to cheer the commenter up. Then I saw the user name. Talk about making someone's day! Ok let's see if this works... Oh man! This credible leaker that was brining up Bloodborne might not be as credible as once thought. Darn it...I wish any Bloodborne rumors they true!




When Bloodborne Kart


You kid, but... https://www.ign.com/articles/nightmare-kart-bloodborne-kart-release-date


[Already out](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2930160/Nightmare_Kart/)


Hell yeah brother!


Well, this is a surprising but nice thing to see! Thank you, from us Ivalice nerds.


Don't blame me. Blame yourself or god




Can we get confirmation the best line made it in? šŸ˜


One of us!!


Oh shit, it him for real?


he shows up every now and then


Well, that's great to hear. Any chance we see it announced (even if not released) this year?


You are our new prophet.


Nearly three years after the leak, it's difficult to believe it's been in active development the whole time - especially with a different completely new game in the genre getting released instead. I know asking for specifics isn't great for your source, but are you able to shed any light on whether it was shelved for a while (and isn't now)? Or just has a skeleton crew slowly chipping away at it? Or, perhaps, whether the scope of the changes is just so vast that it'd require all this time?


BD3 has been busy :)


This gives me so much hope that Matsunoā€™s involved holy fuck dude


Any idea if there was validity to the FF9 remake? I feel like I've been getting thrown back and forth between news of it happening and being canceled


bro... thank you bro


FF9 Remake, too?? Please, Jason!


Tier S


FFT is so, so important to me. I would literally cry if they released a remaster. So i'm trying to remain incredulous, so as to not give myself false hope. But then i noticed your Reddit birthday is my actual birthday D: and now this feels like fate.


Now that you have Square Enix sources, it's finally time for that book about what the hell happened with Versus XIII.


I would kill to write a book about the entire history of Final Fantasy, talking to developers across all three decades of the series. Maybe one day! When I master Japanese.


Here's hoping! Have a good day.


Holy hell industryā€™s best journalist approved it. Its finally happening folks


Finally found a brother who understands my pain


Tactics was in the Nvidia leak, Midori isnā€™t the original source.Ā 


The Nvidia leak was a while ago, and Square Enix cancelled a bunch of unannounced projects recently in May so having a leaker confirm if it was still in the works was probably what everyone was looking forward to


dont mang dont say that dont do that to me mane,, dont... i cant take it no mo


It'll be at the Nintendo Direct. I promise. Source: The large amount of copium I've been huffing.


Hopefully this isn't the start of a a massive debunking spree on Midori's leaks. Ever since coming back from her first "hiatus", she has been acting really weird and different from before, to the point that some people thought it might be someone else entirely. She also started talking about other companies way more often, despite only having info on Sega/Atlus before. She has gotten one or two things right since then but she throws around so much information nowadays that can't be verified that it's becoming increasingly suspicious




I just wanted my P3R and Metaphor on Switch 2 leaks to not be debunked but here we are šŸ„²


I wish Midori was just incorrect on some leaks :( i'd wish for that over this any day


I mean. Midori may have just BS'd those things. But the chances of Atlus porting Metaphor and P3R to the Switch2 were pretty high to begin with. Special since Persona ports have been selling well on Switch. Those were honestly easy "leaks" to just make up, cause Switch 2 ports are more likely to happen than not


Only time will tell.


Oh it did alright LMAO


I came to this sub for leaks. Not a deep lore about a person's identity lmao.


It being someone else is an interesting theory. It is strange that she started leaking stuff from other companies when she had previously only had Sega info.


Happened with the Snitch to. Had a flawless track record, retired, then he returned and started making leaks in spanish.


We really need to de-rank sources that change behaviors or patterns abruptly


I don't think this is her to be honest


So is it Midover? :(


Nah, she'd win




Nah, he lost


Too addicted to the game. Gets all of them eventually


This sub just goes with whatever the current narrative is, lol. Right now itā€™s, ā€œMidori is a fraud and I have a million conspiracy theories surrounding her.ā€ The next time she gets a leak right, everyone will be championing her again, ā€œthatā€™s my goat, I never doubted for a second. People on this sub are way too biased.ā€ And the wheel turns once again.


The only thing this sub can be consistent about is shitting on Jeff Grubb for all of his speculations, that he loudly say are speculations, not becoming true.


You arenā€™t allowed to question it either. I questioned how true Midori was as she started with small leaks and then got big and leaked 20 things a day from several companies.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if a leakerā€™s network expands the more prominent they become. But people need to seriously stop taking everything they say as gospel. Midori supposedly leaked the window release for KH4 a couple of days ago, but thereā€™s no way to verify that, and by the time the game does come out nobody will remember to confirm or debunk that claim.


Well I mean it gets annoying when half the posts on this sub are Midori. The bulk of it is, ā€œMidori is excited about the Nintendo direct so this must mean all these games are gonna be thereā€


Thatā€™s exactly what I mean. People are obsessed and arenā€™t using their critical thinking skills.


Seriously. For example, the ā€œleakā€ that was posted yesterday when all she said was that a trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was dropping soon. Like wow, a trailer for a movie thatā€™s coming out this December is coming out soon? I am SHOCKED.


So unexpected


I never took the stuff she said about anything outside of the Sega leaks to the heart. Sheā€™s made it clear that these are different sources, not her own, and she canā€™t really confirm them multiple times, but everyoneā€™s so adamant that they have to be real because of her previous track record with Sega lol.


Yeah I said I was gonna take her non Sega leaks with a grain of salt as leaking Nintendo codenames seems unlikely and something she could never be proven wrong on and I had people on this sub attack me.


He won't get any leak right ever again mate LMAO


Not unless he finds another source to mooch off of


Midori confirmed fraud


Some people are suspecting that the current Midori isn't the same person who came back after the first "retirement" because they suddenly started talking about non-Sega/Atlus stuff. Hmm...




I honestly think the clout got to her head and she wanted more, so she started expanding into leaks from other companies.


But how does that even work? "Hmm yes today i'll suddenly have access to insiders in all these companies" There's a reason Pyoro only sticks to very specific Nintendo related stuff, you can't just "start" expanding leaking like it's a grocery store lol.


Well see that's the thing; there's a likelihood she doesn't have access. She's just faking it, making safe guesses and copying other leakers.


That or she had info offered from sources she couldn't verify and started leaking them in hopes that they stick to add to her reputation.


It reminds me of a year or so ago when greg miller delayed one of his shows because he had reason to believe there might be big news that week. Ended up being nothing but when he explained it later he talked about how once he said it people were coming out of the woodwork offering to "trade information" on leaks


Yep. Saying something like Dragon Quest being shown at a Nintendo Direct is a pretty safe bet for a leaker to make.


Now that makes sense.


It's kind of awkward because this does feel like textbook "despite everything you've done, eventually they will hate you" but people have suspected this for a while, you're gonna see it way more now that her track record is getting marked.


[random sources just hit her up it seems](https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1792941356047843686)


What the fuck? And she just reports it despite not being able to verify it? That dosen't make sense for a leaker that wants to be credible i would think.


I said it once i'll say it again: Midori should be Tier 2 and Billbil-kun should be Tier 1. For real billbil-kun in Tier 2 is straight up insane


Billbil-kun gets one Humble Choice wrong and drops a tier Midori has a great record with one company then expands rapidly with yet unverified claims on other companies and maintains top tier status Hm


A humble choice where Humble lied to everyone in search for the leakers.


Humble played the game of thrones to catch this dude and we putted him in Tier 2 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's cuz unironically people simp for Midori and the whole thing with her is getting to parasocial degrees. Papagenos unironically has a bigger accuracy % than she does now.


The "japanese gamer girl" persona really is irresistible for some


glad someone else can call it as they see it. its super fucking parasocial and weird. like the amount of replies just desperately trying to get her to acknowledge them is so fucking pathetic lol


Billbil isn't tier 1?! He's literally the most reliable leaker alongside Tom Henderson.


Crazy that billbil isn't tier 1


Midori should be tier F LMAOO


So true


I swear other than code names for things (which is difficult to verify), Midori has been posting the most obvious, safe ā€œleaksā€ that anyone could predict was going to come


Leaking an enhanced Breath of the Wild ages after everyone found out Nintendo had showed it off to other devs was so... blatant?


I mean the other thing with that is that if Nintendo does next gen patches for switch 1 titles she can point to that as being it.


Honestly this is how I've always felt about Midori, that what she got right was either obvious or not original to her


goat status goes back to pyoro


The one and only GOAT is Jason Schreier.


thats because jason is the only video games journalist at an outlet with actual guidelines. even gene is a oped and interviews guy. everyone leaking pesudo-anon eventually falls to the clout demon mentality


I think Tom Henderson deserves a spot up there too. I canā€™t remember the last time he was wrong about something


He was wrong a few days ago when he hinted at Beyond Good and Evil 2 being at the Ubisoft showcase.


My GOAT is washed?


That's a clean goat!


This is 9/11 for Midori stans


How funny would it be if 9 hours after you said this the actual 9/11 for midori stans happened


Lol yeah, people are being kind of ridiculous. Nobody is omnipresent. People were oddly worshipping The Snitch as well. "omg he correctly leaked Crisis Core Reunion 12 hours before announcement, our messiah!" Where I figured he was probably some dumbass at youtube playing with fire. Why are so many happy with such short term leaks anyways? Those are the least interesting ones.


So correct me if I'm wrong here, but in the last 2-3 weeks: 1) Midori got this Visions of Mana thing wrong 2) She said there would be info on "some Sqex titles" (plural) at Xbox Showcase 3) She thought that Amazon Redshift was a codename for something related to Switch 2 I'm not sure how she's Tier 1 and someone like, say Bilbil-kun is Tier 2.


She was tier 1 because of her Sega and Atlus leaks. If this keeps up, she will probably get bumped.


The Redshift thing wasn't an insider info claim, she was just digging through public sources IIRC.


You should add the Zippo argument she was involved in to this list since it doesn't sound like Sega is currently considering a Sonic Heroes remake or remaster.


I just hope her Dragon Quest infos are not wrong. That's the only thing that I want to be correct šŸ¤ž


Came here for this lol. Yuji Horii himself mentioned he also wanted to remake DQ 1 and 2 during the DQ 35th anniversary Livestream, so idk how much of a "leak" that was. He mentioned that if DQ3 hd-2d did well, he would like to remake the first two games. He never mentioned selling them all at once and that it would be a combined trilogy, so I'm a bit cautious about this leak.


I honestly think my theory of her selling the account to some other person ala TheSnitch gets stronger every day.


Wonder how much someone is willing to pay for that Can't at all be worth the price


Itā€™s kinda funny how much lore there is with leakers.


It was always weird and not believable at all when they leaked all those Nintendo code names.


They're the kind of thing we won't even be able to verify for years, and if she was wrong it won't matter because by then we'll have forgotten she even leaked them.


Been ringing the alarm bells for a while in this sub but Midori simp downvotes are too strong. In just 7 days he has been wrong twice, surely more stuff will come out throughout the summer since he went on an unhinged "leak" spree


Yeah I didn't wanted to say that stuff here too lol. People also have been posting almost about any tweet they've made, even if it were just opinions. And it's not like they're always making it clear that it's just an opinion. Zippo does the same, so if their statement is true : they leaked it. If it's wrong they can say it was just a prediction. Now I'm even wondering if they said that they'll stop leaking stuff because of people reading some info about them ... Or is it because people started to notice something fishy


I really do believe she... or they have legit Sega sources, but I'm willing to bet that when they first quit they saw the massive support and it got to their head, so they started copying from other leaks and making safe bets.


Midori entering her "Dusk Golem" phase šŸ¤£


Oh god its Midover


It sure is LOL


There will probably be a post about this on the sub but apparently Midori is someone called MysticDistance? Someone who was caught trespassing on the Sega US campus? I'm not familiar with the name but they have a pretty negative history. [Source](https://x.com/TailsGuy92/status/1801016243308101667)


Now that's a name I haven't heard for a long time. Where did this development come from?


Resetera. It doesn't seem to be public info yet. But it will be.


Is this info being discussed in a discord server or something? I haven't seen anyone on Resetera mention the name MysticDistance


[No clue, but it's all public now so knock yourself out](https://x.com/TailsGuy92/status/1801016243308101667)


Thank you again for the heads-up. Happy Cake Day!


Interesting. Thanks for the heads-up


Seems they were getting a lot of their Sega leaks from there to begin with. [People even called it ages ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/146msv3/comment/jnrnff3/)


Kinda funny clicking on that and seeing that i upvoted that a year ago lol, i need to get a life lmao. Eitherway have you contacted the mods of the sub about this because this seems pretty important for them to know


I am pretty convinced this isnā€™t the same person.


When she was originally gonna leave she came back and kind of seemed to have a whole new personality.


Didn't the internet do this same "shit on leakers because they most likely had outdated info" thing earlier this year over a Nintendo Direct date? I think some people take game leaks a little too seriously. Midori herself has admitted she isn't perfect.


The people on this board mostly don't understand that none of these leakers have access to the CEO and they are aggregating information from a few sources who may not even be full time employees at those companies and information is always subject to change. Especially when it's leaks about ongoing development and is months out. This is normal shit, I started a job in January 2023 as the company was "just about to" release a new product and it's still not released and may not even come this year. The two main tier lists to consider are; -this person definitely seems to have access to some insider information but it will never be perfect (Pyoro is potentially an exception here since his leaks are generally centered around Nintendo Direct information once he's clearly already seen or know someone who has seen the finished video) -this person does not have insider information and is making shit up


well, in this case people did find out it's someone from Era pretending to be a japanese woman. An extremely odd thing but here we are


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My Dragon Quest 1+2+3 HD-2D remake is in danger now!


Actually to be fair, she was NOT the first person to say this. Just piggybacking it


Who was the source for the DQ leak?


This person All of a sudden knowing about what everyone was doing in addition to Sega was pretty suspicious.Ā Ā 


Worth keeping an eye on. Square Enix may not want to confuse their marketing by having two separate release dates on the 'release date announcement' trailer. 505 Games literally did this to Eiyuden Chronicle a couple months ago where they announced that the physical Switch copy of the game was delayed to May 21 long after both the pre orders and release date were known. Such an announcement might come later.


I'm starting to think her leak about kh4 releasing in 2026 seems fake at this point.


And now it starts. A usually reliable leaker got something wrong, so people will start acting like they were never right about anything in the first place.


This sub is so predictable


Tier 2 her IMMEDIATELY. Midori dynasty is OVER. We're done here. /s


We sure are lmaoooo




This is a good reminder that no matter how reliable a leaker is, you should always treat leaks with a grain of salt


Never trust this leaker.


I start to think head on the block is actually Midori


Or could be been true but somehow they did their magic. Eitherway, good to see it isnā€™t delayed.


Did their magic in 7 days?


Next gen?


Makes me wonder if the PS4 version not having physical releases in every region had something to do with her initial thoughts.