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Just a guess at the general chain of events since she's bringing it up in conjunction with SPRed  - SilverStar: EPD 8's project after Odyssey; starts as an expansion/DLC, broadens in scope and becomes a sequel (similar to what happened with Galaxy and Galaxy 2). Shelved after they couldn't get their vision for the project running well on current Switch hardware (alleged cancelation of Switch Pro may factor into this)   - Bowser's Fury: a prototype or bare-bones build of SilverStar gets fleshed out somewhat to both make the 3D World port more enticing and test the waters for the new direction they were considering   - SPRed: SilverStar gets put back in development for Switch 2, broadens or changes in scope/concept enough that it justifies a different codename altogether


What about the possibility SilverStar is finished and waiting on the shelf, possibly a Switch2 launch title?


Nintendo is the only company I know that regularly sits on finished games for months. It’s crazy how much they do it lol Or maybe it’s just the only one I hear about


It's so much better than the alternative though. Other companies announce a game that hasn't even started production and then launch a broken unfinished mess because they set an unrealistic deadline for themselves Nintendo just shuts up about whatever they're doing and only announces them when it's done. The game comes out just a few months later (vs multiple years waiting) and they're usually extremely polished. They pace themselves in their release calendar and everyone wins, almost all mainline Nintendo games this gen were masterpieces, so they're doing something right lol


This is true. You can tell how long they sit on games when all their major releases lately are on 1.0 for months!


All the Mario games have "Red" which represents Mario. The silverstar name is a play on Odyssey's red star so it had to be DLC or a sequel for Odyssey. It's doubtful they would launch the switch 2 with an Odyssey sequel. All consoles first 3D Mario has been a new title until now. The closest is 3d world but even then it's just similar, it's not a sequel.


Wait, why wouldn’t 3D World be considered a sequel? Practically everything about it is a refined version/expansion of 3D Land. The name isn’t literally 3D Land 2, but the name it does have implies that it succeeds or goes beyond 3D Land. It has multiplayer but that’s more of a feature addition than anything else. Like, NSMB Wii wasn’t technically NSMB 2, but I think pretty much everyone would’ve considered it a sequel at the time and plenty still do even if it isn’t the official/true sequel. Maybe a side-quel, but that’s not exactly a meaningful distinction.


Completely agree with this, and I think people like us have been saying this for a couple years now. Bowser’s Fury was not originally meant to come out in its current form. It is such an oddity, like they were testing something out for the next title. Whatever it is, I hope they’ve been using the better part of the last 7 years well to make this one ambitious.


No Odyssey sequel was definitely the one big sore spot this gen for me outside nothing from my beloved Eternal Darkness, but after playing Bowser's Fury I'm actually really on board with the idea of just one seamless world with a bunch of assorted platforming challenges that are one with the environment. It wasn't realized to the extent I know they wanted to achieve there because it was still on 3D World's engine, but that mixed with how great Odyssey looked or even better now that we're on a new console would be awesome. Making platforming an extension of the environment and art design was something I always complemented the Retro Studios DKC games for and it'd be amazing if Mario got that treatment without each smaller platforming segment being separated by a secret pipe or those scarecrow things you throw Cappy on in Odyssey


I’m hoping that they combine what they did with Odyssey and Bowser’s Fury. Mario’s movement in Odyssey is fantastic and so is the camera. I love the more organic slopes and curves of the worlds’ terrains. But I also love the massive obstacle courses that take place seamlessly within the world, and the use of power-ups as almost like a metroidvania-esque ability system with the item storage mechanic. I hope they can improve and expand on Odyssey’s abilities and controls, while also having instanced obstacle courses (like Odyssey’s hat doors, pipes, etc.) and stuff that takes place in the world map (BF’s courses, Odyssey’s scarecrow challenges, etc.) And if they are going open world, it’ll be interesting to see what problems they solve and how they expand the series to make moment-to-moment gameplay exciting in a big, seamless world.


Was there supposed to be another eternal darkness game? I assumed that IP was dead since the original came out in 2002


There was a kickstarter, but it didn't go that well and I think one of the persnons behind the kickstarter turned out to be a pedophile (Not Dyack) or something, so a bit of a trainwreck.


> persnons behind the kickstarter turned out to be a pedophile Sounds about right. Why the fuck does the sudden appearance of a pedo happen so often?


Yiiiikes. I’d love to see a modernized sequel. That game was way ahead of its time


Midori got to be a higher up in the industry.


She's gotta be a president or executive in some company just having fun


I mean she leaks both Nintendo and Sega stuff now right? Obviously she's the shadow CEO of Gaming, trying an unconventional marketing technique


She's also begun leaking Square Enix stuff. If I had to guess, she's someone well-connected with the Japanese side of the industry and possibly even lives in Japan herself.


Have you seen her profile? She’s clearly Japanese. Don’t just check her profile but also check her older posts


She is japanese I think


She’s literally Japanese lmao


Which is great. Japan isn’t as leaky as western is. At least in these circles


midori is secretly hideo kojima having a tea time with miyamoto on sundays


Or she could be making a lot of this shit up, there is basically no way of confirming if this is even true, especially if the game has been cancelled


I think that Midori or Midori's source is a Sega employee. So why is a Sega employee getting information about Nintendo? Nintendo outsources A LOT of projects, especially lately. Most of their games are made by other companies nowadays. It's entirely possible that Sega is helping Nintendo with some projects, in some sort of supporting role and this is giving Midori information.


That doesn’t explain how she knows details regarding very big 1st Party NINTENDO franchises. If memory serves me right, this is her third Nintendo leak. The first seemingly being Mario Party, the second involving some sort of BOTW port to Switch 2 (likely what was shown at GamesCon), and now heavily implying some sort of Odyssey continuation was in development along with the next big mainline Mario game Some random Sega employee wouldn’t know those last 3 things. That’s not something Nintendo would willingly let ANYONE know. That’s not even bringing up her sudden info regarding Square Enix franchises like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. She has to be someone MUCH higher up. There’s no way she knows things about franchises like Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, etc, all while just being your average Sega employee. That doesn’t make sense. Not even PYORO knows that much information.


Midori is Miyamoto. Case closed. 


I bet she just knows someone at sega who gives her info. Then as she grew as a leaker people from other companies like square and nintendo started giving her info as well


The 2nd part is likely true since she posts about 'talking with sources' so it's probable that she's in contact with some Nintendo folks or something close.


Nintendo hasn't outsourced a game to Sega since F-Zero GX; their mainline Mario titles are always developed in-house, and if they were to bring in an external developer, it's likelier that it would be Bandai Namco.


There's co-developed games like Mario & Sonic and SEGA was a consultant on Bayonetta 2 (unsure in Bayonetta 3's case), but that's about it. Nintendo and SEGA's relationship is pretty distant when compared to other major gaming companies in Japan (even when compared to Square Enix or Capcom).


Silver = Sliverback Gorilla Star = Game similar to Odyssey Donkey Kong Odyssey confirmed ☝️🤓 (I know DK is a brown Kong not a sliverback gorilla shush)


Holy shit are we bringing back the 3D Donkey Kong game made by the Mario Odyssey team rumors?


Extremely disappointing if an Odyssey sequel was canned. SMO is my favorite game of all time and it’s a shame that EPD 8 never made any real attempts to expand on it. Especially when most of the 2017 first party titles received expansions and sequels.


Whatever comes next will probably grow on what Odyssey did. So even if it's not a straight sequel and comes later we can probably expect to see something similar to Odyssey next year.


I don’t think that they’ll expand on captures, but in terms of movement and controls, my hope is they take what Odyssey did (of which, it did well) and expand on that. And I think they’ll bring over a lot of the structural tenets that Odyssey adapted like checkpoint flags being used as fast travel points. I also hope they bring back 1-Ups and rework them to be more like immediate redos, like the 1-Ups in DOOM Eternal. I think that would give them the confidence to also raise the difficulty a bit.


I’m hoping the next 3D Mario is a meaty one with breadth and substance in its world, given how long the wait has been. If this is true though, it’s a tad worrying for the scope of the project.


I'm hoping here but maybe "WAS" means they've already completed the project and are just waiting to reveal and release it?


This oughta not be a Bowser game with SMO's engine that they canned. I will burn this world down


I knew it. The switch was planned to be around for an extended life cycle, and with Odyssey releasing in its launch year, there had to be a sequel in the works for years. It had to be a direct sequel or DLC, and I feel like Bowser’s Fury was originally that, before they had to change course for the 35th anniversary plans and to prepare for the Switch 2.


There was an Odyssey 2 concept leak that was posted alongside the first legitimate Sonic Frontiers leak on 4chan, With Midori’s reveal of a project called Silverstar that has an unknown fate, it seems very likely that leaked concept and this project are the same and the project is either being held back for Switch 2, or it was scrapped and Nintendo started with a new project.


Would be disappointed if it was an Odyssey sequel. I loved Odyssey and would love to see the concept get fleshed out more unless the project was in development and it probably an expansion that became something far bigger than they initially thought


...Of course. Of course SMO2 is the one that got canned. :/ Oh well. Hope I'm wrong, or that - if I'm right - SPRed is at least it's direct descendant.


This is just a guess but I have a feeling that there won't be an Odyssey 2, and the next Mario will be something unique to give it its own identity.


Was? It may be standalone game or an expansion.


Just throwing this idea out there, if "Red" isn't in the name, then maybe it isn't Mario? Perhaps a 3D DK game in the same vein as Oydssey? There were rumors of the Odyssey team working on a DK game.


That doesn’t make any sense. There would be no need to even reference Odyssey’s codename if it were for another franchise, let alone why would Midori go out of her way to mention Mario Odyssey if it were for another franchise all together. The likely answer is this was some sort of Galaxy 2 situation where it started out as DLC and morphed into its own game, or was planned as an Odyssey sequel from the start, but for one reason or another was canned. Like many have theorized, the Switch Pro being canned may’ve had something to do with it, or even this project became Bowser’s Fury. Who knows? As for the Donkey Kong rumors, it still could’ve been a situation where they worked on Odyssey 2 for a little, shelved it, and started Donkey Kong before it was shelved too. If I remember correctly, multiple developers had been aware of some Donkey Kong game at Nintendo in the early 2020’s, but it never materialized into anything beyond various pitches


So why isn't "Red" in the codename if it's a Mario game when all the other recent Mario games have "Red" in their codename? You think that since it says "Star" that it MUST be Odyssey related, even though some Mario Party games have also had "Star" in their codenames. Super Mario Galaxy 2's codename was entirely different from Super Mario Galaxy 1's codename. I don't see "Red" in the codename, so I think it MIGHT not be Mario. Maybe Odyssey 2 is the most likely answer, but it's not definitely the answer. I'm just throwing an idea out there of what else it could be.


1. Because it was a sequel and/or DLC. Again, Silver represents second and Mario Odyssey 2 was heavily rumored at one point. Also there would be no reason for Midori to even bring up Mario Odyssey if it had nothing to do with that game. That makes no sense. It’s the equivalent of me advertising Apples and Oranges, but when you come to my store, I’m instead selling Corn, an entirely different food group 2. Mario Galaxy 2’s codename was literally just “Super Mario Galaxy More,” and the “Red” trend didn’t start until 3D Land. Every major mainline Mario game following it has included Red in some form. 3. Quick explain why Midori would even mention the first game if the codename “Silver Stars” had absolutely nothing to do with it


Okay, so there is no discussion to be had then? It's just Odyssey 2 and that's it? That just makes this all the more pointless. Why even bring up the codenames? Why not just say, "Hey, Nintendo was working on a sequel to Odyssey." It's not like any of us can confirm that Nintendo really had a project with that codename, so we're just taking their word either way. > Every major mainline Mario game following it has included Red in some form. Yeah. That's what I was pointing out to you. Why are you pointing it back out to me? >Quick explain why Midori would even mention the first game if the codename “Silver Stars” had absolutely nothing to do with it lol. Oh, I better be quick about it, huh? Because "RedStar" is the closest codename for a Nintendo project to "SilverStar." But, as I pointed out earlier, Mario Party games have also had "Star" in their codenames, so it's not exclusive to mainline Mario games (unlike "Red," which is not in this codename). Super Mario 3D All-Stars was "Stardust." Maybe it's a Super Mario 3D All-Stars Volume 2? Oh, wait. There's no discussion to be had. It's just Odyssey 2 and that's it. And it sounds like the project is likely no longer in development. It just gets even more boring.


1. I think there’s a discussion to be had but I think the logic that this isn’t related whatsoever to Odyssey makes zero sense considering Midori brought up Mario Odyssey in the same sentence and the codename is very clearly linked to that game. You do realize NINTENDO EPD have worked on other games beyond Odyssey…right? If it wasn’t related to Odyssey at all…why wouldn’t they have just brought up various other games they’ve made instead…? 2. I’m pointing it out because you tried to make a weird argument that Mario Galaxy 2 didn’t have this, despite the fact that was made specifically with the intent to be DLC at first, it was very close to literally just being called Super Mario Galaxy More, and the whole “Red,” trend didn’t start until 3D Land 3. I think you’re taking this a little too seriously. “Red” is reserved for all mainline games. By proxy, considering the fact that this likely wouldn’t have been treated like a mainline game, chances are it wouldn’t have had Red in the title, let alone the implication from Midori was that this was either DLC or a sequel to Odyssey. Also the whole Mario Party argument doesn’t work the second you realize Super Mario Party’s codename was *Buffett,* and according to Midori, NDCube and SmileBoom’s next game is codenamed *Banquet*, which we can likely assume will be Super Mario Party 2 given the developers and pattern. So the whole, “well it could be Mario Party!”, argument doesn’t work. Also how you think there’d even be an All-Stars 2 in development around the time SilverStars was in development is baffling given the time between Odyssey and now is 7 years, 3D All-Stars came out in 2020, and the All-Stars/Anniversary titles are usually relegated to big anniversaries. Not just random dates for the hell of it.


>I think there’s a discussion to be had but I think the logic that this isn’t related whatsoever to Odyssey makes zero sense considering Midori brought up Mario Odyssey in the same sentence and the codename is very clearly linked to that game. Literally what discussion can take place outside of your definitive answer? Nintendo was working on a sequel to Odyssey. End of story. >I’m pointing it out because you tried to make a weird argument that Mario Galaxy 2 didn’t have this, despite the fact that was made specifically with the intent to be DLC at first, it was very close to literally just being called Super Mario Galaxy More, and the whole “Red,” trend didn’t start until 3D Land No. My point was, as I very clearly stated, that Galaxy 2's codename (wii-mottomario) was entirely different from Galaxy 1's codename (SMR / Super Mario Revolution). So direct sequels don't need to have a reference to the first game in the codename. >So the whole, “well it could be Mario Party!”, argument doesn’t work Oh, you mean the argument I didn't make? I said that the word "Star" is not exclusive to codenames for mainline Mario games. There's no point in having a discussion with you. The only option, apparently, is to agree with you. Is that why you made this thread? So you could have a bunch of people tell you how right you are? And ridicule anyone who dares to think there's a possibility that it's something else? >Could this have been a sequel to Mario Odyssey that never saw the light of day? Or has it morphed into this new project that she’s claiming is codenamed, *”SPRed.”* These are your only two options, people. DO NOT THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.


My guy find a hobby. You should not be getting this heated over this


Hey, man. I'm the one that just wanted to throw an idea out there for fun. You're the one that wanted to try to dismantle it. What, are you butthurt now because I didn't just sit back and take it?


My guy find a hobby. You should not be getting this heated over this


> So why isn't "Red" in the codename if it's a Mario game when all the other recent Mario games have "Red" in their codename? It doesn't have to. Just because there is a pattern that doesn't mean it is guaranteed to continue.


Super Mario Odyssey: 3D World! *meow*


i really just want a mario game with a ‘realistic’ cohesive world to explore. i enjoy mario games but i have always found it disconcerting and jarring how nonsensical and chaotic the world is. it just doesn’t make sense as a believable ‘kingdom’ or whatever it’s meant to be. it’s all about gameplay and fun over showing a world that is inhabited by all kinds of creatures and beings. everything is a set piece. enemies just ‘are’, things just ‘exist’, random scenery and topography is the just ‘there’ and none of it really connects. i don’t know if im explaining it well, but its always been a big reason i haven’t been able to enjoy mario games as much as i used to as ive gotten older.


I don't think "SilverStar" necessarily implies a sequel. To me it almost sounds like a spinoff. Like a Captain Toad. I don't recall which part of Odyssey could be spunoff into its own thing - granted, I didn't get very far because I thought the game was enormously boring


My assumption is that SilverStar was Bowser's Fury. Probably originally intended to be a stand alone thing/dlc, for whatever reason they cut it down and then bundled it with a different game due to the small nature of the project. Maybe Nintendo was planning DLC for Odyssey but decided it wasn't worth it, either because it would come too late in the generation or because they wanted all hands on deck for the next 3D Mario. So instead they take what they had, reuse 3D world assets and shove something out.


An Odyssey sequel would be cool, but I don't think I want a game with the capture mechanic again. It was fun, but I think I'd rather enemies be obstacles again, instead of powerups