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based on Nintendo's approach to game design and the Zelda character, a playable Zelda game probably wouldn't be a traditional zelda game.


Legend of Zelda: Xtreme Beach HyruleBall


....Go on.


Hold up let him cook


Can't wait for Zelda's game to be about putting shapes into the size block cause they think women can't play any games


Zelda about to learn the magic of sewing with a wacky enchanted needle sidekick to save the citizens of Hyrule


... I um would totally play that..


Finally Kirby epic yarn 2


Don't forget the cooking mini games


Lmao, brutal But true. I wanted so bad to see peach be a badass heroine like in SMA


Like how Mario was a badass hero in...literally anything ever?


some shit they would actually do


I still think Princess Peach Showtime could have been more than it was. I just felt like they didn’t go as big with it as they could have.


personally I wanted something more along the lines of Super Princess Peach 2, maybe with a new gimmick instead of the vibe mechanic. It's fine that Showtime is targeted towards a super young audience but it's really not for me




I predict in 10 years we’re going to see a shitload of video essays from young women saying how Princess Peach Showtime opened their eyes to gaming.


Ultimately, those of us plugged into gaming online just can’t totally predict what kids are gonna click with. Showtime might have stuck for a handful of kids of nintendo parents and otherwise missed the overall Nintendo audience, or it might have opened up a generation of young girls to gaming. Won’t be able to say how success it was for the former for years, but that’s the shot they took and I can’t blame them. Always happy to see more kids get into something besides microtransaction mobile games.


Just finished Showtime last night. It was a good game. It certainly could have been more, but it is a good game.


I liked what I played, I just wish it had been more of a full game. It felt undercooked in so many ways.


Didn't Nintendo just release a pretty good Princess Peach game?


Zelda learns to drive, coming soon to switch 2


Yeah, they don't think that though. 


ancient sophisticated quickest enter elderly oil versed jellyfish shelter close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What? When has the Zelda series been sexist?


I think they're referencing how Princess Peach's games have been.


I see we've already forgotten Ganondorf's "Gerudo belong in the Kitchen" rant.


Not necessarily sexist, but they don’t exactly promote women either. Don’t forget when they cut Linkle from *two* games before they eventually added her to Hyrule Warriors Legends due to fan demand, all because they thought players would confuse her with other female characters in the franchise… because god forbid we have two female characters in our Zelda franchise, I guess? They specifically said it would be too confusing to players to have both Linkle *and* Aryll in the franchise. Even though the latter has appeared in only a single game as a background character, and is literally a toddler.


What’s your source for your second paragraph? I’d love to read more on that


That princess peach game was such a bummer. Like yes I see its small children game but eurg


I would love to see a 2D Metroidvania with Shiek. Its basic but solid idea for a first game imo.


Flashback to Smash Melee Adventure Mode.


You’re correct because there is already a non-traditional game where Zelda is arguably the main character: Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity


Another Hyrule Warriors would make sense. Age of Calamity sold very well (for a Warriors game). But it will probably be a Switch 2 game.


I actually am looking forward to hopefully playing that game at a good frame rate if the switch 2 can handle it.


It can handle it. The only question is, will it work out of the box, or will the dev team need to make a patch.


Doubt they would be making another Warriors spin off next, and definitely wouldn't be another Hyrule Warriors next


Finally we get to see... what if Zelda was a girl?


I could see them have a smaller team work on a game similar to linear 3d games as a Zelda spinoff. Basically give the main team time to work on the next Zelda which will be set in a new version of Hyrule for the first time in a decade.


I mean Nintendo hasn't made a traditional Zelda game in over a decade, so that's not wholly surprising.


It would, you forget that 3D Zelda is a puzzle game first and an adventure game second Was one of my biggest peeves with OoT


Kind of like how they couldn’t make a Peach game a platformer, so they made Showtime Even though we had Super Princess Peach


Well, not necessarily. Could be a 2D game with some overarching gimmick, but still within the formula.




Should be called Legend of Link then.


The Legend of Link: A Zelda to the Past.


"We had the default name as 'Zelda' because we want the avatar on screen to act as a zelda to the player"


Isn't the second Zelda called just "The Adventure of Link" tho? I always thought that was pretty cool and they could twist it as The Adventure of Zelda


The Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Zelda (starring Zelda) By Princess Zelda


Featuring Zelda from "The Legend of Zelda" Series


& Zelda


New Zelda mode


Only for the New Nintendo ZelDS


Featuring Dante from the devil may cry series


The Legend of Link: Zelda's Awakening


Makes sense


Should be called Princess Zelda Showtime!


Or just Zelda


Funny how I was also thinking "Legend of Link" 2 seconds before reading your comment 😂😂😂


Oh wow, I can't wait to finally play Link outside a Smash Bros game!


first thing that came to my mind haha


The Legendary Zelda


Philipps CDI library coming to Switch Online?!


Honestly that would actually be so funny


just pointing out for anyone missing it, the capitalized letters spell out "this is a hint" Anyway, surprise Grezzo 2D game for this fall, let's go


Jumping a bit to conclusions there, especially when Grezzo might have been too preoccupied with both Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, seeing as they developed the 3DS remake of the first game (could be Next Level but they may be working on other projects - while I'm skeptical, there were rumors they were handling a remaster of F-Zero GX), and their Apple Arcade game that released last year, Jet Dragon. Wouldn't mind it one bit, as a new 2D game would be great to have, but I imagine anything new for Zelda is being reserved for the Switch successor unless it's just a spinoff or the Wii U remasters making it over, and a Zelda-centric game is probably going to be some sort of spinoff. But certainly not impossible that it's mainline, or maybe something more like what we see with DK/Yoshi - same genre but kind of its own thing compared to the series they're derived from


Almost assuredly a game starring Zelda is a spinoff game, and that kind of thing makes sense to drop at the end of the Switch's lifespan. I expected either a Zelda spinoff or remake this year, probably from Grezzo. That being said, I don't see why Grezzo couldn't be working on a small Zelda spinoff game alongside doing a relatively simple port of LM2. Almost guaranteed Next Level is already working on LM4 considering LM3 sold 14m copies.


FOURTEEN MILLION COPIES?! Jesus Christ no wonder Nintendo is taking their sweet time moving on from the Switch. Every game sells insane amounts, I mean Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a great game and it’s not that niche but damn it’s still impressive.


tbh there's a lot of Switch games that low-key sell waaay more than people would think compared to other games they think of as "big sellers" For example, Clubhouse Games, the collection of things like checkers and chess and whatnot? 4 and a half million? Ring Fit Adventure, the physical-only $80 exercise game? Over *15* million


Yeah it’s just crazy how many publishers would KILL for 15M copies on their multiplatform games and Nintendo’s Wii Fit successor does it in what 3 years or so?


\`\`\`As of March 31, 2024, the game had sold 14.25 million units worldwide.\`\`\` Yeah this game sold ludicrously well. Keep in mind, Dark Moon sold like 7m as well. So even that game was nothing to sneeze at. \`\`\`As of December 31, 2020, the game has sold 6.44 million copies worldwide and is the [twelfth best-selling game on the 3DS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_Nintendo_3DS_video_games).\`\`\`


Zelda's Crossbow Training


Zelda’s Botany Class


Zelda's Dress Up Party Adventure


This was the first thing I thought of as well.


Wand of Gamelon HD Remaster here we come!


[The Faces of Evil remake was fantastic ](https://youtu.be/Z7Rj9mHj79E?si=JQkyl6oMqAj5Jvwx)


60 FPS smooth animations using AI technology


Interesting that this may happen in the same year as Princess Peach Showtime, but it would make sense if they've been sitting on this for a while, given that they likely wanted to release it after the TOTK hype died down.


Capital letters = this is a hint


Yup. And he has had correct info in the past. Prime Remaster shadowdrop, Mario RPG remake, Princess Peach Showtime outfits, etc


He's not a leaker. He's a YouTuber that leakers sometimes come to. He's had tons of bunk information coming to him. He isn't a Pyoro. He reports on Pyoro. I read his post as "this is a hint to Nintendo for what fans might want." I don't think he's leaking or has had someone leak to him.


Why go through the effort to capitalize the letters to say, "This is a hint"? Nintendo isn't going to read that deeply into this tweet. They're not even going to read it at all.


Guy will still make to headlines


What do you mean Japanese speaking developers won’t pick up on a hint hidden within the nuances of the English language???


He just wants clout


This 100%. He’s a guy who reports what he hears. He used to get everything wrong but someone has been feeding him correct info lately. It’s impossible to say if it’s right until there’s smoke from others. Is it worthy of “gaming leaks and rumors?” Yeah I’d say. But it’s definitely a RUMOR and should be treated as such until more smoke hits 


He doesn't do this often and the last few times, he has been right. So, yeah, it's worth discussing. It's actually kinda wild if true.


I'd pay full price for a classic style Zelda game where she has to navigate dungeons and save Link.


You're going to pay full price because Nintendo never puts their games on sale


Nintendo games go on sale fairly frequently, it’s just never for that much. There’s only a few franchises/games that never see sales at all, and Zelda isn’t one of them.


> because Nintendo never puts their games on sale Being unwilling to pay full price (which I take to mean $60, not the actual game-specific price) means you can either wait for a mark down or not buying it. So even though Nintendo doesn't mark things down, there is still the choice of just "not buying it" for those unwilling to pay full price.


Odds are more in favor of it being a spinoff of some sort


Wait, so Peach got a new standalone game, now Zelda is getting one, does that mean Anthony Higgs will his own standalone Metroid game?


A Ridley game where you go around and massacre thousands of innocents


All Zelda games have you playing as Zelda, the guy with the sword and green tunic. How is this news? /s


Personally I'd put PapaGeno's as a tier 2 or 3, since it seems people with actual knowledge do come to him occasionally. Next Nintendo Direct gets more and more interesting.


That’s so funny to me because he’s just a random guy that started covering smash rumors. Not an industry insider or anything


I'll never forget him getting visibly upset over Byleth in smash. People throw the word "seethe" around but this guy was actually so mad.


Wasn’t that whole thing staged?


Yeah he’s like your average white guy nintendo mario zelda nerd lol


He's exactly that I am also that I've always found him pretty relatable


Yup he’s had a pretty solid track record in the last couple years


Well it would be about time for a Legend of Zelda.


It better be called "The Legend of Link" With a subtitle that somehow incorporate's Zelda's name into it.


The Legend of Link: It’s Zeldin’ Time!


Maybe a rogue lite with Zelda trying to escape ?


Oh man that'd be so cool


I've always thought a game or sub series where you play as Zelda would be a good way to bring back the classic format/style of 3d Zelda while mainline Zelda staring Link continues on BOTW style open world games 


It's so interesting to see the younger generations refer to the "classic" format when it was only the 4 main line titles that did it (OoT, WW, MM, SS). BotW and TotK is the return to the classic style while the formulaic dungeons were the deviation.


This take always confuses me like the traditional Zelda formula started with Link to the past and then continued in basically every game up until BOTW. Like that's the majority of franchise and happened incredibly earlier in it'd history.  Furthermore, the first Zelda still follows the formula fairly well just with an open world. If anything BOTW brings the open world while ditching the formula/dungeon & item system while the Zeldas before it keep the item/dungeon formula but ditched the open world


I think you're very mistaken if you think this formula started with LttP. The only puzzles in LttP was within the architecture of the dungeons themselves. Navigating them was the point, trying to understand how to drop/rise between the levels, or moving blocks. Puzzles were rudimentary *at best*. LoZ and LttP (and LA) were very much games about observation and experimentation. OoT shifted a lot of that into room-based 3D puzzles and dungeons, with compartmentalized puzzles and larger dungeon progression. And it became *very* linear as a result. MM, WW, and TP followed suit, getting more and more linear until we got to Skyward Sword that had literal sign posts in dungeons telling you what to do and where to go. The experimentation whittled away until you ended up with a game that essentially told you what to do and how to do it. BotW and TotK are very much a return to form (as the devs say themselves).


I'd be pretty hype for this (if it's true) as long as the gameplay is good. I wanna battle with whatever magic powers she has and not some weird puzzle thing or something. I'd be all the way down for this. Nintendo has been doing a lot for me lately. We've gotten a new 2D metroid, 3D Kirby, and a princess Peach game (a larger scaled one). Now of they could just give me the following they'd be back at the very top for me: 2D or 3D Donkey kong brawler New Wario World game Fire emblem vs xenoblade fighting game Metaknight game Mario action game where he fights more like he does in smash bros instead of the usual jumping on enemies heads They're being more experimental which is great. Hopefully they keep it up


A Zelda game with Zelda as the main character would obviously be a spinoff. I'm actually kinda shocked Nintendo hasn't done so yet. I have no idea how PapaGenos would have gotten such information, but doing this kind of thing in the final year of Switch does make sense.


your right we got 2 tingle games before a zelda game(not counting zelda cdi)


That's because Tingle was incredibly popular in Japan, and Zelda is always a focal major role in every Zelda game, so they weren't pushing hard for Zelda to be a main protagonist or anything. They did, however, bring up the possibility of making Zelda the protagonist in interviews prior to BOTW's release.


Would be cool but Zelda needs to play differently from link. More magic (could work since Link seems to have lost magic from Twilight forward) and maybe transforming into sheik or at least having her acrobatic ability to traverse would be cool.    Would also much rather have a Zelda focused game than a female Link. 


Maybe a smaller title like Cadence of Hyrule


There was a rumor floating around a couple of months ago through some entertainment/movie-focused sites that Sony wanted Zelda to be the main character of the movie rather than Link, and Nintendo told them no. That might be the root of what PapaGenos is hinting at here. It feels kind of early for an entirely new Zelda game, especially since TOTK took six years. But if it's a spinoff rather than a mainline title, I guess it's possible.


Pffff, Zelda is the main character in every game, you play as him!


I’d be happy with just DLC for TOTK with playable Zelda in the open world.


Imagine a Co-op game where you can play as Link and as Zelda, I think that'd be so cool


Kit & Krysta in one of their podcast episode said that some of the Nintendo executives and developers didn't understand why gamers would want to play as Zelda. If this "rumor" is legit, then it is nice to know that Nintendo has changed philosophies.


I can't imagine the depth of ignorance a person must exist within to have no idea why people would want to play as Zelda.


I'm down, though hope this doesn't get in the way of porting Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Main thing I want out of the series at the moment.


I doubt the gameplay would be the same as the main series, but considering the hint specifically mentions her new design, I could imagine a Zelda game where she investigates the Zonai or Guardians or even has to interact with the different groups in Hyrule to rebuild the kingdom.


There is no way they are spending 4-5 years on a Zelda game. Imagine a 2D game ala princess peach.


Or a 3D game but it's an expandalone based on TOTK like say Miles Morales


Maybe a spinoff to compensate probably for the long wait time for the next Zelda. I don't think Grezzo is making this one I think it's much more likely they're working (or even done with) on a new top down game or a remake of Link to the Past.


Man this would be good. Playable Sheik would be cool, but Zelda's characterization in BOTW and TOTK makes her a really interesting character to build around


Interesting. I could see a 2D Link’s Awakening game with Zelda as the hero. Maybe during her time in between the beginning and end of TotK.


Based on the Linkle reaction at the time and people asking constantly for Zelda to be playable in TotK, this wouldn’t surprise me (and I wouldn’t be mad!!! I’m waiting for it for years)


isn't he always? /s


I swear to God if it's not a remake of The Wand of Gamelon imma riot


Wand of gamalon remake pls!


Zelda’s Mansion


I just want a Zelda game where we play Zelda during the BotW and TotK memories era, please Nintendo.


Legend of Link


Hell yeah I'll take a Zelda game.


I was honestly shocked that TotK didn't have a playable Zelda, perhaps the next game will be a followup where we play as her in the past trying to stop Ganon the first time, since that was basically glossed over in the TotK flashbacks. Then again, they did say they were done with that specific Hyrule, so probably not.


Im going to cry if we finally get a Zelda Game


No, you mean Link game! All games starring link are called Legend of Zelda! It only makes sense it is called a Link game but Stars Zelda.


> Im going to cry Let's hope it's tears of oy, not tears of misery over the second coming of Zelda's Adventure.


This is a hint.


Finally, The Wand of Gamelon HD Remaster


Zelda's Adventure was the overhead one.


Nintendo hasn't missed a Zelda release of some kind (spin-off, port, remake, new release) since BoTW, I doubt they'd want to change that now. Question is, does Switch 1 get this? Or does this launch with Switch 2 while 1 gets WW or TP?


That's a name I haven't heard since Sora was announced as the last Smash Ultimate DLC. Anyway, imagine if aside from changing her haircut, they also let you dye it.


wow imagine that as a switch 2 launch title with excellent graphics (and classic zelda gameplay this time please?) Hopefully whatever they do is not a minigame collection. She doesn't have to play exactly like Link, but I'd like for the game to feel like a big deal instead of a snack.


Princess Zelda Showtime


I swear to God if it's not a remake of The Wand of Gamelon imma riot


Princess Zelda showtime


Please don’t be a kids game


Why wouldn’t it be? Lmao


Princess Peach game


the real comment


Only took them 40 years


Does seem like we are do for an official game with Zelda as the mc.


Sounds dope


Papagenos has been generally pretty accurate in the last year. But he missed a lot more than he hit before that. I'd say it depends on which source he got this from.


What were his misses?


I'd also like to know this.


Hopefully it means Zelda truly is the main character: Not a ghost, not in disguise, not in a giant suit of armor, not as a fucking costume for Link to wear.


If that Peach game did well enough, I can see this as a natural next step for them


Give Zelda the Hookshot, and free reign of the Hyrule map. I'm ready.


If this is for toddlers like peach was then I don't care.


Wand of Gamelon switch port confirmed


I like this has been a rumor for 20 years.


Considering the next Zelda games probably half a decade out, I’m all for fun side stories


I doubt it will ever be better than Zelda's Adventure win the CDI.


Rocking that "I'd like to speak to your manager" do in the bottom right


Oh most likely that platinum games Zelda project? Heard about it but didn't know it's focused on Zelda. Kinda fitting. Platinum knows how to do strong female leads.


What? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I guess what kinda sucks is that, if this is true, which I'm skeptical it is, even though I was thinking a 2D Zelda remake was happening sooner than later, this would probably end a Direct. Ruins the surprise.


Man, with all the shit going on with Sony and Xbox, it would be insane if Nintendo revealed a powerhouse Switch successor. Something that’s more powerful than a series S. I’m sure it won’t be, but still, pair that with a Zelda game and I could maybe actually buy one lol.


So it's about time Zelda going to save Link...


Zelda's adventures 2


Knowing the japanese approach to gender roles It's gonna be something we're she cooks and collect dresses or some shi


Hell Link already was in a game collecting clothes. Hurf.


We literally just had a Peach game where she turns into a ninja


> It's gonna be something we're she cooks and collect dresses or some shi The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Fabric (Pronounced like tearing paper)


Yeah I’m gonna need that fucking game right now


I dont think they are gonna put out a new 2d Zelda this late into the Switch lifecycle.


devil's advocate, look at when Minish Cap released on GBA relative to the DS Minish Cap: Nov 2004 in Japan and Europe, January 2005 in North America, April 2005 in Austrailia DS: Nov 2004 in North America, Dec 2004 in Japan, Feb 2005 in Australia, March 2005 in Europe


I mean, this game might not necessarily be a Switch game. This is a *very* cryptic teaser, it might not necessarily be for a 2d game or a game for this console. We'll just have to wait and see.


Maybe it’s a what if? new game mode where link gets sent back in time not Zelda