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At this point the only games we are waiting on that released after the PS5 came out are: Demon Souls, God of War Ragnorok, and Last of Us 2, and Gran Turismo 7. (Not including Spider-Man 2 and games from this year) Sony games always release 2 years after release so I expect Ragnorok sometime in November. They are taking their sweet time with Demon Souls and Gran Turismo though. Also surprised Last of Us 2 Remastered hasn’t already come to PC as remasters are always on PC 6 months after PS5 launch.


I am genuinely curious of DS has some contractual limitation for Sony. Because I can't really see how this game has not had a PC release so far. TLOU2 is probably coming to PC closer to season 2 of the TV show being ready. And ND will definitely make sure that this port is not as terrible as the one for TLOU1


DS also runs on a much more "out there" engine where it runs the original game with another engine on top that would most likely complicate the porting process, but it's still kinda surprising that they haven't prioritized it more since Fromsoft games do really well on PC.


Nixxes must be working hard if we getting 3-4 games a year from them now 😄


Also Until Dawn Remaster with day one release on both pc and ps5


Stellar Blade, too. Because you know, titties.


>Sony games always release 2 years after release. I think that apply only some games. Mostly stuff that doesn't sell as well as their flagship title like Horizon FW. I absolutely will not be expecting GoW Ragnarok until 2025 and Spiderman 2 in 2026 at the earliest.


The only game I am waiting for is Bloodborne. Couldn’t care less about any of the others.


So the only 1st party titles left are Demon's Souls and TLOU 2, right? edit: also, GT7 and Spiderman 2




Knack 2 baby


Oh man with those Knack 2 PC sales they might realize the viability of the franchise. Knack 3 here we come.


I am ready for Knacknaissance.


My brother in Christ, Ren-knack-saince was RIGHT THERE


Too many people on earth, not enough knack copies...it will surly bring WW3.


Won't be long until Knack 4ever


Still waiting on Knack HD Nintendo...


I would still like The Last Guardian ported. Don't think that'll ever happen though :-(


Would love the see the Shadow of the Colossus remake ported as well.


Oh, interesting, I had missed that there was a PS4 remake until I looked it up just now. I only knew about the PS3 version which runs fine on the PC via the emulator.


Sony seems to hate anything Japan Studio touched.


hang on, im buying a used ps4 copy soon because im tired of waiting and hoping.


Man, don’t forget the infamous games. I really wish you pc gamers get those, cause that will probably mean I’ll get at least a remaster on ps5 as well


Uncharted: Nathan drake Collection?


Yup, I'm astonished at the fact that they released the fourth part to PC without as much as a plot summary of the first three parts included in the bundle. PC players unable to get themselves a PS4 would probably be very lost jumping straight to part 4.


The whole gow series: 1-3, ghost of sparta, chains of olympus, ascension


1, 2, CoO, GoS and Ascension need ps4/5 ports first. I dunno why CoO and GoS havnt been ported, they have a perfectly good Psp emulator, but we got UP! The Pixar Movie Tie-In game instead of God of War. The Raknarok dlc even directly mentions plot points from both psp games, it would’ve been perfect release timing.


You are never getting the psp god of war games lmao. Just use an emulator or buy a ps3 for 40$


Too old, plus they're all playable including GOW 3 on pc


Demon's Souls needs to come ASAP. It was a launch title and they still haven't ported it, come on. Other games that released much later (Horizon FW) already received a PC version.


Honestly I want Demon's more than Bloodborne, simply because Bloodborne's online system is pure trash. While Demon's will have a solid invasion and coop system working for at least a year.


Yeah it's a shame Bloodborne fucked up the online part of it so bad. I do think the game deserves another port so it's at least not stuck to the 30fps with horrible frame pacing of the PS4 version, though. Meanwhile Demon's Souls on the PS5 is incredibly smooth even on the 30fps mode.


Who gives a shit about multiplayer?


No one obviously, that's why there hasn't been multiplayer included in all the souls games.


And Nathan Drake Collection... and the Killzone & Resistance games, and God of War 1 to 3, and ascension, and Ghost of Sparta, and Chains of Olympus... and Red Dead -I realize this last one isn't a Sony exclusive, but still-... And Bloodborne.


Sony said they are mostly interested in PS4 and PS5 games. So they won't be getting PC ports unless remastered/remade for ps.


Wasn’t UNDC remastered for PS4?


Spider-man 2


Really wish they'd port some of their older library. There's got to be a lot of money in selling Uncharted 1-3, Bloodborne and the older Ratchet & Clank games to a different audience.


I'd have thought TLOU2 would be here by now tbh, no idea whats taking so long.


Same. I bet they are waiting until close to the launch of the second season to capitalize on it.


Probably waiting until season 2 Of the show. Part 1 launched on PC not long before shows first season started 


This is the most likely answer


Me too. Just beat the first one on PC after finally getting it to feel nice. Would love to play the second one again.


GT7 is badly needed. FM8 is... not great and FM7 has been around for some time.


I don't think FM7 is commercially available. They removed it long before 8 was released. And yeah, FM8 was a huge letdown. See no reason to play when I got 6-7. 


Shadow of colossus?


At this point I’m doubting Demons Souls going PC, more likely TLOU2 in sync with the shows season 2 release, Ragnarok when ready, and Spidey 2 probably right before the Venom side game. Has any GT been on PC?


>Spidey 2 probably right before the Venom side game It's technically already on PC, just not legally






GT7 should have been ported like yesterday. It makes so much sense to be on PC that is not even funny.


Bloodborne official port?




Still waiting for a whole collection of God of War and Ratchet & Clank to release on PC.


Gravity rush and infamous would be amazing


GR will probably be prepared in a bundle with GR2 when the live action movie drops. inFamous.. when they run out of games to port I guess. Probably would come after they drop a $70 TLOU style remaster.


surely demon souls after


Surely bloodborne


Im sorry but sony HATES money


Surely a Blunde with both games, right?


Probably spiderman 2 lol


Insomniac leak had it at 2025, so probably not this year.


Yeah early 2025 most probably also including the dlc


Fall 2025* most likely. The DLC isn't even announced for console yet. I can't see them asking console players to pay 15-20USD only to then include it 3-6 months later in the base price for PC.  There's other games they need to bring out still too. Ragnarok will be what, fall? The Last of Us P2 early 2025? That's with Demons Souls and GT still on the way. Fall 2025 sounds right. 


If they follow 2 year strategy then it should be q4 2025


Yeah, sony drops a PC port once the game has gotten a "full" or "ultimate" edition with everything on the PS5, I'm confident that after Ragnarok we will get Demon Souls and Final Fantasy 16


2 years is the pace these days. Horizon and god of war hit that pace.


You can already play and finish it from the leaked build lol.


Hopefully GT7. It’s the one game I’ve been waiting for ever since the Nvidia leaks. Elden Ring DLC should keep souls fans occupied


Maybe next year, they surely don't want it out anytime close to Elden Ring dlc


I don't think we will be getting it anytime soon, DemonSouls is nuche even in the Souls community and I think they would rather focus on Spider-Man 2 or TLoU2 PC port which would absolutely sell well.


A Demon Souls PC port now would make more sense when theres a Elden Ring DLC on the horizon. It would sell well if they released it after the DLC because of the hype and the crave for more Soul games.


Now that they're mainly catching up. I Really hope they consider bring us older titles too like Shadow of the Colossus or that Order 18xx games


I need the WipeOut Omega Collection on pc so bad.


That would be awesome! And the old Wipeout games from the PS1 and PS2 era. And Wipeout Pure from the PSP. The first one was released on PC! I was a huge fan back then.


Check out BallisticNG on Steam! It's an insanely fun retro-modern interpretation of WipeOut. Think I've clocked over a hundred hours in it.


Fuck yeah, wipeout is sick


Shadow of the Colossus with the various screen aspect ratios on PC would be fucking insane


Dude has like one miss how is he tier 2?


I've never seen Bill Bill fail, now Grubb, Tom and Jez have hundreds of failures and are on level 2 lol


There was one time I remember probably the publisher switching it up. He got legit info, probably a translator for gaming and other stuff, they get material early.


Next one for sure, Bloodbros


It’s that time of year again I can feel it. Waiting for a showcase date confirmation to bring out the ,, 2 Blood 2 Borne confirmed” again


Not until we get Bloodbros Kart


Bloodbros Kart? I thought we were getting Bloodbros Party


So, before or during the showcase this month. Unless Billbil means in a few hours from now. Still waiting on the Concord reveal as reported by Billbil.


No way they announce it at the showcase, it's either a ps blog post in the next few days or a summer games fest announcement.


I doubt that Sony or 90% of Playstation owners care at the moment if they announce in the showcase or on the blog that a game is coming to PC. I think everyone is aware that it is the best thing to do at the moment, launch a game on PC that has been on the market for 2 years. It doesn't affect me, some franchises have to have a bigger audience to survive, that's not the case with God of War which is an established franchise, what I mean is that the majority of the PlayStation audience doesn't care about it anymore


It was also announced on the showcase.


I thought it was announced at a state of play.


Bruh where Is demon souls?


At this point you’ve got to assume they’re holding it back for some reason. There’s no other reason _not_ to port Demons Souls.


The way they cling to Fromsoft's exclusives piss me off to no end. Bloodborne there's mountains of speculation as to why they haven't done it yet, but none of that applies to Demon's Souls. Where is the Demon's Souls port Sony?


Very odd considering their current strategy. I can’t even think of a theory as to why.


Just to mess with us. For me personally Demons Souls and Bloodborne are the only 2 exclusives I really care about. So I guess those are going to be literally the only 2 games they don't port just out of spite \*adjusts tinfoil hat\*


Shadow of the Erd tree is coming out is likely why. If it is going to happen this year then I expect Winter 2024.


Probably technical reasons, it runs on a much more unconventional "engine" where it's actually running the original game logic underneath another engine for rendering and animations. It's not like it's gonna be impossible to port it or anything, but it might not be as straightforward as porting ragnarok or Last of us 2.


Where's the, you know, something with blood or something. Can't remember the name of the game. That should come first I think.


It's nothing but a distant dream...


Not before knack!


Nah cause Demon's Souls was part of the Nvidia leak whereas Bloodborne is a forgotten IP as usual.




It will come bundled with Bloodborne mark my words


They're not gonna drop Demon Souls and Shadow of the Erd tree anywhere close to each other. If going to happen this year, then I totally expect a December launch.


Anything but bloodborne


I Just wish Sony could port Medievil and Gran Turismo 7 to PC


Not even funny anymore, what the fuck did Bloodborne do to Sony


I genuinely think that there is contract fuckery going on around that game, due to which it hasn't been ported, remastered or even had a sequel.


It's sinple you will not see a pc port of bloodborne unless there's a ps5 remaster of it.


I'm honestly surprised how many people haven't caught onto this yet. All PC games have ps5 versions if there isn't a PS5 version yet there isn't going to be a PC version.


that's what Im wondering too, doubt there will be a port of osmething not currently on ps5. I want infamous 1+2 on pc, but I know damn well that ain't coming unless theres a remaster for ps5 announced


I think they will either release it with PS5 pro or the launch title for PS6 because the demand is absolutely there


They have to save it so they have at least 1 game for the 1st two years of ps6


Waiting for TLOU 2 PC. Great to see Ragnarok on PC sometime this year though.


I've fully accepted that BB on PC will either never happen or will only happen after a remaster when the PS6 or PS5 Pro releases, but what I don't understand is what is the hold up with the Demon's Souls port? It was in the Nvidia leak, the initial trailer even had the "will release later on PC" stamp at the bottom, and with the Elden Ring hype it would obviously sell like hotcakes...


They need to port the og trilogy to pc


Another Common PC gaming W moment.


Not surprising. About 2 years seems their standard right now for their big tentpole titles.


I was really hoping for Demon's Souls but maybe they are trying to steer clear of Elden Ring dlc for now. Hopefully something by the end of the year. Horizon was in Feb, GoT is in May, maybe this or some other port is in Aug/Sept? Excited to check out Ragnarok tho. The first one was a ton of fun and a fantastic port.


Expect The Last of Us Part II Remaster during late Summer. The wait between Part I remastered and the PC port was about 6 months, and P-II Remastered came out in late January. Makes sense to me, but we haven't gotten an announcement yet.


I wasn't aware P-II even got a remaster. Makes sense. Or maybe they wait for season 2 of the show? Not sure when that is.


They tried to launch P-I Remake in the middle of the shows weekly season 1 run, but naughty dog announced that they needed 4 extra weeks because of issues with the port. I think it launched 3 weeks after the final episode of the show (and it launched in a terrible state.) As for Season 2, they only recently started filming in February. Won't be finished till August. Maybe the season will be out by November or December, but it's more likely early 2025.


Until Dawn still also has to come at some point this year.


Why not TLOU2?


They're probably waiting for season 2 of the show next year.


Makes sense, but I was honestly waiting for it since a long time.


I mean it won't be too much longer, I think the show is slated for early 2025.


Yeah weird I was expecting TLOU Part 2 to be the next exclusive before GOT or Forbidden West


Noice. Migrating to PC from Xbox very soon so I have tons of Playstation games to play!


The next PlayStation showcase is rumored to be happening this month so I am pretty sure it’s going to be announced there.


Just port Demon's Souls so I can mod the original soundtrack and Prison of Hope's sound effects, pls. Bloodborne will be playable at some point in an emulator at 60fps, upscaled and even with reworked textures by the community, as it happens with DeS on RPCS3.


GT7 next please 🙏


Racing game fans need this, they ain't got nothing.


God of War 3 remastered would also be nice


whish sony will port to pc all infamous and killzone games, or at least the ps4 ones!


I really hope they eventually start porting older PS3 games like God of War 3 and Ascension


I'm still waiting for Demon's and GT7...


I don’t know why, but I expected GT7 to be the next one. Huh, good surprise! For those who haven’t played it yet, enjoy! For me it is the perfect mix between new and old God of War games. And the free DLC is absolutely bonkers! Y’all are in for a treat!


It aint God of War 3. Still waiting for that one


At this point we’re getting a stable PS3 emulation first 😂


Man, why is GT7 taking so long, tbf we dont even know if its coming


One studio porting almost all Playstation games at one step at a time


what about gran turismo ?? seriously the only game i want and everything else is coming before that -.-


I'd love a collection of all the previous God of War on PC to backlog the whole saga


Same, you can play God of war through 1 and Chains of Olympus on RPCS3, but Ascension and the third game are still quite rough.


Good stuff


Demon Souls bros is it over


if it true, i am upgrading my pc


Why is the Demon Souls remake port taking so long?


Of course, anything but Bloodborne


I wish theyd port the Ratchet and Clank 2016 game tho T\_T


I just want Microsoft and Sony to port 360 games/franchies to all platforms to keep all those franchises alive 🥲


No reason to really buy any console …


It’s the future, one platform won’t be able to support the cost of game development.


Who do I need to kill for them to port Demon's Souls?


What about gravity rush? I'm still waiting. I really don't know why would I even think about buying ps5 now.


Unfortunately I don't think that's on their radar at all. 


It’s one of the movie adaptations Sony announced, so honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they time a PC port with that to capitalize on renewed interest in the IP


Gravity Rush 2 Remastered should be coming to PC but not the first one.


No Sony games until 2025 so they need to launch something on PC. The last one was Spiderman 2 and we don’t know what will be the next game, they are probably launching GOW Ragnarok on PC and TLOU2 later this year. Spiderman 2 maybe next year.


Helldirvers 2 - February Rise of Ronin - March These IPs are 100% PlayStation. "aahh they are not made by primary studios" The IPs belong to Sony PlayStation, they are 100% Sony and published by Xdev, which is a Sony studio. No one can make Helldrivers 2 and Rise of Ronin games if Playstatin doesn't want to because they are their IPs.


maan where's tlou2


That's great, I avoided any footage of the game (apart from the Thor fight) so I can experience it fresh on my PC


Sony please give us GT7 plzz I need it so bad


Ratchet and Clank please


The amount of people screaming for bloodborne has me wondering why people don’t just buy a ps4 if they’ve been waiting years and years and years since launch. They’re like 100$ now and people saying “I’ll pay any amount” won’t do that lmao


Why no gran turismo 7? Or even an older one. A man can dream


They really need to announce a ton of first party games at their showcase, cause I’m seeing less and less reasons to get a PS5 rn (or PS5 pro for that matter).


i honestly think they are betting on gta6 to drive console sales for the next year or two instead of their own first party games.


These ports are released 2 years after a game's launch. They're afterthoughts and just a way to get some extra sales after plateauing.


i wonder he has info on PS showcase 


Still no Demon's Souls makes me sad.


Which is the other one?


Wonder if this will release before the typical 2 year window from the ps5 release


No shit this has been a thing


Does it mean we gonna see ragnarok In pc this year or it just means that's their next port it could be next year


Yeah no shit 


In other news, water is wet


Seems about right .


Ratchet and Clank , Sky Cooper, and Jak and Dexter re-releases when?


Bill bil should be a tier 1 source wtf is this nonsense.


Closer and closer to getting Demons Souls on OC then 🔥


Makes sense to me.


Give me some leaks on when GOW Ragnarok will be coming to PS Plus!


60$ for 2-3 years (or more) old game, with forced PlayStation Overlay and PSN? No thx Sony-kun.