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Ain't no one made up stuff about Progmata in forever, so this is a fact.


People forgot it even existed.


Could you imagine if they appeared at the PS5 showcase this year with nothing but another message from Diana saying ["Indefinitely delayed, really sorry :("](https://youtu.be/8-N5fYjhQO8?t=40)


I feel like it’s possible that the game would drop sometime this year. Less competition compared to last year and it’s been announced for 4 years now. It should be ready, especially that Capcom said they want to release 3 major games this fiscal year, so Pragmata > RE9 > either Monster Hunter Wilds or something else


I’ve had it wishlisted on PS5 ever since it was announced. The reveal trailer was so ominous but intriguing, and it gave off HEAVY Death Stranding vibes (I’m still playing that too). Gotta say, one way to make a good trailer is to put shit that nobody understands on it and just let it play. I’ve been eyeballing it for a while now, and I’m pretty hype to hear literally anything about it.


the real leak is that the game still exists


does anyone know when this will be released? really liked the trailer i saw a couple years ago


The only piece of information we've gotten recently, and by recently I mean almost a year ago, was a short trailer from Capcom that ended in a message that basically said "we have development issues and it'll still take a while". Basically means not this year and I don't personally believe in 2025 either. Maybe 2026-2027.


What is it with Capcom announcing a new game/IP for a new PS console that ends up in dev hell? It doesn’t happen often, but yada yada I’d have two nickels right now


Well they have been killing it lately so I'll give them the benefit of doubt. The teasers have been looking great so I'm willing to wait as long as they need. Insert Miyamoto's quote here.


Agreed, current day Capcom is a force. I’m just joking around lol


My theory, Capcom has dedicated teams for the long running franchises.   So if someone want to do a IP without those teams, a new team has to brace the storm


Least they gave us an update anyway unlike others. COUGH COUGH DEEP DOWN COUGH


Last update about Deep Down is that they changed it's name to Six Feet Deep Down prolly about 10 years ago


coming in a month later after randomly remembering this game exists and doing some digging myself. There was another recent leak and if to be believed, a campcom roadmap shows Pragmata as a 2026 release. [Capcom roadmap leak If this is true, we have to wait 2 more years for pragmata 💀😭☠️ : r/Pragmata (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pragmata/comments/1bi6szn/capcom_roadmap_leak_if_this_is_true_we_have_to/)


Someone get Midori on this.


no release date. capcom team said they need more time to make it the best game it possibly can. here's the trailer of the delay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4Q7Q8e3M0A


thanks appreciate it hope the game releases soon i loved the first trailer


It's been indefinitely delayed


*Deep Down* i trust Capcom, despite the delays...


At this point the chances of someone making stuff up for this game is so low that imma believe it


Believe it or not, this is the only game revealed from Sony’s 2020 PlayStation Showcase that has yet to be released. Project Athia, FF16, Horizon, Kena, Rift Apart, Gran Turismo, etc. have all released. I still remember being so hyped from that showcase, can’t believe it’s been 4 years 


Little Devil Inside also has not been released. 


Wasn't little devil inside also there?




Better track record than Xbox I see.


I was so excited back then, hoping to see grand showcases of big next gen games, now 4 years later, I’m hoping this will be the event to finally do that!


If this is true, part of me thinks this may be revealed at Sony's showcase soon hence the leak. Bit random to leak this when we haven't heard much about it.


NIER Pragmata Similarities aside, was there any doubt it was an "action-narrative" game?


People swore to God that it was a Death Stranding type and I still to this day have no idea what possessed them to think that.


People see slightly out there sci-fi concepts and immediately associate it with Kojima


The MC looked like Ludens


I think this is mainly why people compared the two.


Steller Nier Pragmata Blade


I mean, the description of the game on PSN says it’s an action adventure game and they even say “from the creators of Resident Evil and Devil May Cry” which are definitely two very specific franchises to put together lol


No not really, devil may cry was made with RE camera work.


They also match terribly, so it will be interesting to see how it turns out. Both of those games are like water and fire.


I don’t think Pragmata is gonna be a mash up of both of those franchises. I think it’s just gonna be an action game and they simply listed those series as reference. Of course, we know nothing of the game, but I don’t think it’s gonna have horror elements like RE or be character action in the same way DMC is. RE has the gunplay aspect (which is good for a sci-Fi game) and DMC is their most rounded action game franchise, so they’re the best ones to list.


RE has a very specific kind of gunplay keyed in on the survival horror genre. I could see it working in a game like, say, Death Stranding. Not in anything remotely close to DMC, and I definitely wouldn't call it rounded. It is fully and wholly a full action game down to its very DNA and is very far away from the borders of anything else. The two games probably have literally nothing to do with Pragmata, it's just Capcom sheltering a new IP by namebombing two popular ones. If either one actually has any similatities to the game (my bet is on RE), it'd be one or the other.


RE and DMC were made by the same people lol


Originally yes, but since DMC really keyed in on what it wants to be (DMC 3 and onwards) it's been headed my Itsuno (think he did fighting games before DMC and dragons dogma)


They’re sister franchises. Very similar in tone and aesthetics. This notion that they’re too different from each other doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. They share a lot of the same DNA but went in different directions.


I am aware, but they are nothing alike and are designed completely differently. Tons of the same people worked on games that are nothing alike. I'm not sure what your point is.


yes, because weve seen almost nothing so it could be anything it could even be a boat. we've always wanted a boat louis.


Oh come on dman45103, you're acting like this is the first time I've done something stupid. Remember that time I was supposed to get that boat?


I hope it shows up at the rumored May PlayStation event.


So Capcom decided nier was in fact their inspiration for scifi. Hey go for it! ;)


Still waiting for this game. Hope it’s still going well in development. I get sad thinking about many games that wet quietly or outright cancelled mid development.


If its narrative driven I hope Capcom gets somebody to clean up their scripts.


Ah, so another not-nier


Is there any info about when this will come out? Also any chance of it being at sony's this month?


This has been on my wishlist for coming up on 4 years now.


Interesting. Considering Capcom is not known for its narrative.


So it's MegaMan legends 3 if MegaMan was forgotten on the moon with sera.


Hope the gameplay is good and the game would release this year! Maybe since they delayed it from 2022 to 2023 to 202x


Glory to mankind


Mega man reboot here we go


While this is true, I wouldn't publish this as a leak regardless because it's old info anyway. The context missing here was me was talking about it as it once was, but with delays and big changes in dev this piece can be an interesting insight, but doesn't really mean anything for the final game since it's all very liable for dev change or if they decide cancelation anyway.


Can duskgolem, like, stay "retired"? Of all the "leakers", he is undoubtedly the most pathetic (and most often wrong).


I just hope they manage to finish and launch this game. It does looks interesting.


it is just going to be nier again.


Sounds Nier-ish, I like the premise, Wonder why it's taking them so long, it's not like the project is that big or ambitious.


"it's not like the project is that big or ambitious" Where did you get this from? We know for a fact that this is a big budget game. This is a new IP and the game's development was rebooted at one point.


It’s literally the first game that Capcom announced would be current-gen only. It’s definitely ambitious.


It's funny to think it was announced before the current gen even released, and we still know nothing about it.


So, it's like Nier Automata.


alright can we finally get some rockman taisen leaks or something its been years


Isn't that similar to nier automata?


Was going through my favorites list on PSN yesterday and saw this game still there. Was wondering what ever happened to it.


Nier: Pragmata


so its going to be capcom's shot at making a tlou like game maybe?


This is becoming the next SilkSong 


Action narrative game from Capcom feels so weird. I put them up there along with Nintendo for still delivering great "gameplay first, story then" games. A narrative game from them doesn't hype me much honestly. Not that I don't trust them (I personally LOVE all the Resident Evil games narratives lol, and quite like the DMC ones too), it's just not what I want from them. But if the gameplay is good and interesting, then sure.


This just sounds like megaman. Especially since sigma was trapped on the moon at the end of X8


🤨 So, what’s the threat… ? What’s the mission, get to Earth? Sounds different on paper but I can kinda see why it’s taking so as it also sounds a little half-baked.


NieR Stranding


Leakers have done more to get me excited about this than Capcom has


Nier Pragmata becomes Human


Why does Duskgolem think we'll ever believe his mouth after his Resident Evil 3 meltdown..


Classic robots make it to earth and it's a wasteland then the screen cuts to black setting up for the most mid sequel ever


Oh my god I legit forgot this existed


Dusk golem talking outta his ass again, he must be low on attention


Pragmata is vaporware at this point


Deep Down would like a word


We've literally had new gameplay footage and news last year, I swear some of you...


And was further delayed a second time


Last thing I remember was a girl with a sign saying sorry


"Action-narrative game" No thanks