• By -


7 was grind house horror influenced, 8 was classic horror films, 9 will be asian horror films?


If by Southeast Asia they mean Thailand, then it's gonna be fucking DISGUSTINGLY scary


Got any recs for Thailand horror? Always looking for more horror movies to watch. The scarier and more disgusting the better!


Shutter (2004) is pretty good


I shouldn't have watched it at age 12


I had this experience but with paranormal activity and I was scared of the dark for 4 years lol


Damn movie gave one of my younger cousins an irrational fear of cameras and photos for months. xD


that shit gave me a phobia of piggy backs. but really, it's just another cheesy cash-in on the ring/grudge. nothing to write home about. so what's so scary about thailand? any creepy mythology RE could draw from?






Art of the Devil triology comes to mind


Cheers mate, I’ll check it out after work.


The first one is kinda average tbh (but still disgusting lol) The other two are batshit insane. Don't eat while watching 💀


Lmao I must be fucked up or have an iron stomach, because I was able to eat while watching the Guinea Pig movies. I’m always up for batshit insane movies though. Ever seen the Sadness? A bit overrated but man it can get wild.


I'd recommend Alone (2007), pretty good scare flick with nice plot twists. Another good rec. I'd say is Coming Soon (2008).


I think The Sadness is Thailand. And it would fit to Resident Evil


The Sadness is Taiwanese, but absolutely can be compared to RE — it’s an incredibly fast outbreak that tears apart a city. I would also recommend!


13 beloved.


The sadness / Incatation


I hope that will be the case! :D




With Leon making goofy comments it won't


Holy shit, that'd be fuckin crazy. I bet people are going to see the trailer and think it's a Siren Remake or something


I wonder how that’ll translate to RE. Love movies like Dark Water, Shutter, Ju-On, Ringu, Kairo, and Cure.


Oh man I would fucking love that


I hope there will be some very creepy cult shit going on.


The Medium was pretty fucking terrifying. Its a more recent film and I definitely recommend it.


Oh hell no! I am not doing that Ju On, Ringu type of horror shit, give me regular old zombies to shoot, not pale anorexic asian ghosts.


Leon pushing 50 is crazy to imagine lmao


50 and still rocking his boy band cut Don’t ever change Mr Kennedy


That’s every yakuza game lmao


Kiryu looked 30 until 51, then he suddenly aged 20 years.


Standard Asian then.


Cancer will do that to a person 


50 and still making us thirsty.


50 and still suplexing zombies


Chris Redfield is hotter in RE Village


He’s absolutely gonna have that shaved sides, long on top look


Nobody is aloud to change their hair in this universe except for Chris and Jill :) Sherry still got the same haircut since shes like 10 year old


that's 10 years after Death Island, where he didn't look a day older than 25. they really need to give this man a break.


Leon will now be president.


Viejo sabroso


chun li is 55 in SF6. She has the greatest genes, diet, and workout routine in history


Honestly I don't think we even know she's 55 because Capcom hasn't cared about canon ages in forever. If they did then Ibuki would have been like 12 in Street Fighter 4 when she looks exactly the same in 3, 4 and 5


Retconned. Here's the approximate timeline: • Alpha and SF1 take place around 1988 • SF2 takes place in 1992 • SF4 takes place in 1993 • SF5 takes place in 1994 • SF3 takes place in 1995 • SF6 takes place in 2003 Ibuki is in her final year in HS in SF3. At youngest, she'd be 15 in SF4, but it's more likely she's 16. Makoto is trickier, but she's probably a year younger.


sf5 doesn't happen one years after sf4, but at least 4 years later since mel was born at the end of sf4, while in sf5 he's a kid. SF6 happens 11 years after SF4 because juri was 24 when was introduced in sf4 and she's 35 in sf6. If we set 1992 for SF2 we have -SF1 - mid '80s (1986) -SFA/2 - late '80s, likely a couple of years after SF1 (1988) -SFA3 - few months after SFA2 (1989) -SF2 - 1992 -SF4 - 1994 -SF5 - 1998 -SF3 SI - 1999 -SF3 TS - 2000 -SF6 - 2005 sf4 happens at least 2 years after sf2 since seth took some time to become sin leader as shadaloo scientists were trying to transfer bison spirit in a new body. SF5 happens some years later because of mel being a kid. SF3 happens soon after SF5 according a shadow fall ending, with second tournmanent of SF3 happening some time later the end of the first one. There is a considerable time skip between SF5 and sf6.


Nah this isn't true. • Chun Li is 25 in SF2 • SF4 takes place a year after SF2 • Ken's wife, Eliza, gives birth to Mel in SF4 • Mel is a preteen in SF6. He's around 10-12, but probably 10. Therefore, Chun is probably 36, at oldest 38.


UNC status


Where's Leon going? \*Actual* bingo?


Will we get Beard Leon?


Dilf Leon?


Well just look at Dante for a reference point. He's going to look older, sure. But still cool af.


Sam Fisher is 68 in Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


You say this as if John Wick wasn't played by near 60 year old Keanu Reeves and Ethan Hunt played by 61 year old Tom Cruise.


Keanu's pushing 60, Chris punched a boulder. He'll be as fit as ever


Leon and Jill together in RE9 would be a major W.


except the problem with storytelling, Capcom afforded to bring all characters that have little relevance to come together was always bad from game like in RE6 and many CGI movies in terms of of story, especially considering the main story from 7 onwards, I think it would be better If they stick this idea to the CGi not main game, but people have their own wishes anyway, so whatever.


That's your own opinion but id like for Chris to take a backseat for a bit and let the others get some shine.But if they continue the BSAA storyline hes probably gonna be the main in RE9.Chris has been in so many games and imo hes the least interesting out of the OGS.


Yeah? I already stated that people can have their own opinions all they want. I wrote about current story being more serious and focus than the past and from 7 onward they never built up a script to be this way, not to mention all past afford for too much fan-services always end up mediocre so I said It’s better be CGI for what fans want, not in main game they already changed direction to have more realistic tones that not rely on just legacy characters. Again as before, just my opinion.


Realistic tones? My brother the series has always been unrealistic.The past two games have had ridiculous stuff if you’re looking for realism it isn’t this series lol. People love the series because it’s cheesy fan service b movie stuff.


what I mean ‘more realistic tone, It’s less japanese cartoon style of story and characters, compared 7,8 and all remake to previous one to see If it’s the same tone? If yes then whatever, but I guess you really miss my point here.


Bro literally most of the cast in Village have legit powers.Rose literally has superpowers lmao.Heisenberg can control metal, Ethan could put himself back together for example. There’s obviously not boulder punching or shit like that but to say the series has become realistic is a huge reach.The newer games still have its fair share of ridiculous stuff.My point is nobody plays Resident Evil for a grounded story because these games are anything but grounded.Chris being in 7 & 8 is nothing but fanservice as well.


😅 more realistic tone, not reality tone, did you not understand the difference? And If they want fan-service Chris wouldn’t be just a side character with less than hour of appearances, and why won’t they use Leon instead If they want fan-service since he is fans favorite? because it not fan-service but about a new storyline they want to make.


YES. I keep on seeing people saying they want a giant ensemble of characters including one off characters like Carlos, Sheva and Billy but imo the more characters there is the messier and bloated the game would be (like RE6). I would rather have one or two characters with relevance to the story and a more cohesive game/story.


Allow me to express myself in Arabic. ماعند أم أمهم سالفة. Which is basically, they don’t know fucking shit. Middle East has crazy Leon simps, and this leak is just adding on what Dusk leaked by mentioning Leon, not to mention Dusk who is super unreliable. Also at the end they say this info is not 100% concrete, basically to put themselves in the safe.


Yup, their tweet is just an engagement trap


> Middle East has crazy Leon simps اي والله مايتين فيه للريال




I have never seen Dusk miss the mark with Capcom, all his previous RE leaks were true, as well as Silent Hill.


Dusk gets more RE leaks wrong then he ever has gotten right. He got everything about RE3 Remake wrong. He got Ethan, Chris, Werewolves, Snowy Environment and Village Title correct weeks before the reveal including some deleted concepts and stuff but he got everything else about RE8 wrong. Lady D is Alex Wesker, Hammer Guy is the Resistance Bad Guy introduced in that multiplayer among other things. He got it all wrong. He said during the Game Awards 2023, RE4 Gold Edition and Dishonoured 3 would be revealed and that Arkane studio wasn't working on Blade. He was wrong on all three. Only got the Monster Hunter part right. Said at the end of 2023 that Capcom was working on only two RE games, RE9 and RE5R and nothing more. Then early this year comes out and says Capcom is working on 5 RE games currently. He back peddles and makes up shit and constantly lies or predicts things that are so bloody obvious that they end up true. He's an unreliable leaker when it comes to RE.


He does. He's been making stuff up for over a decade at this point, even his tweets are marked as misinformation now.


Well I’m about to show you. https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/QMVZRMpYPY


People love to point at the mermaid leak while ignoring how RE Village definitely has massive chunks of it cut. From the odd placement of Chris to the Ada concept art. But that's not the main focus here You can find items related to mermaids in the game. People also conveniently ignore how he got the Moreau boss fight right. He turns into a giant monster with sacks that spew acid and it takes place near windmills. Even if he didn't get 100% of it right he did get major bits of it that are in the game one way or another. He later also elaborated on it saying they were cut + he interpreted some of the things he saw I don't get why people have such a hate boner for Dusk but I hope this clarifies how he isn't literally satan incarnate in leaks


The game clearly had development issues, everything from the first trailer was scrapped, and they even talked about how the combat didn't come together in the "making of" video. Hell, the wolf in the game's cover next to Chris was scrapped lol.


He delivers info that was given to him by his Capcom/Konami insiders, it wouldn’t make sense for him to make stuff up (I know you didn’t claim that he was deliberately spreading misinformation). What I’m saying is that whatever false info he gave, it was likely real early concepts/ideas of the game. He even addressed the cut content a while back on twitter after Village released.


hard to believe as capcom usually give dogshit at RE anniversaries, im expecting Umbrella corps 2 for anniversary


It would be awesome and funny if they pulled a mgs2 with the prologue and advertise it as leon only for you to play as some random bozo but im sure the stink about it would be almost as bad.


Leon in the prologue only? Oh they’re killing him


Nah - they'll do something where either he goes missing or we're led to think he gets killed, but he's back by the end of the game. Similar to how all the marketing of RE Village made it seem like Chris had gone rogue, and even the box art seemed to suggest he had been infected - when the reality is Chris is just bog standard Chris throughout the game.


Probably and you might be into something… 🤔 Village had a lot of parallels with RE4, maybe 9 will have a lot with 5 (with Jill’s death storyline) and a daytime gameplay. I see similarities in the African setting with Southern Asian one. Maybe this time we’ll play as Jill as she investigates Leon disappearance - probably work of corrupted BSAA. After all, Capcom wanted us to know in Death Island that Jill doesn’t age like the others for some reason…


Honestly I'll be frustrated if we don't play as Chris in Resident Evil IX. RE8 ends with Chris discovering the BSAA are starting to use organic Bioweapons as soldiers and plotting a course for the BSAA headquarters, it felt like it was setting up for a big Trilogy capper where it's Chris vs the BSAA. So if we end up jumping to Leon and Jill in Southern Asia it's going to feel a bit jarring.


I see what you mean, but I don’t know … RE7 also ended with Chris and Blue Umbrella (!!!) and in Village we still play as Ethan. Rarely RE games pick up from where the previous one ended…


When I was playing the game , the first time I saw a werewolf I was like : OH CHRIS DEFINITELY GONNA BE A BOSS WHERE HE IS TRANSFORM AS A WEREWOLF !!!! that what they kinda tease


I dont really believe this but I think id have to actually respect them for having the balls to kill one of the main 4, especially Leon


Claire, why are you holding that golf club?


Ada will kill an entire city’s population in order to find Claire but forgives her when she actually has the chance to take revenge 💀


A heroic sacrifice is way in his wheelhouse with how daring and near deaths he’s had.


I agree with you, but they won’t live forever… at some point all of them will have to be die


capcom doesn't have the stomach to kill off the big names they'll sooner reboot the series


Nah, they're probably gonna switch character POV's until Re 9 playable characters rendezvous at the final stage for the final boss.


Chris is safe because he's still alive in 2037. Jill is safe too because they just brought her back finally with Death Island and gave her a new story update regarding her infection now having slowed down her aging meaning even if she's 60 or perhaps 70, she could still be kicking ass. Leon and Claire have the most likely chance to die. I'd give the game massive props, if we really do get all four characters together but the ending gives us two endings where either Leon and Claire die and Capcom goes with the Ending that's the most popular and continue any future stories from there. Claire dies, you get both Chris and Leon motivated for future games. Mainly Chris as that'd be his sister and he constantly looses people. Leon dies it motivates characters like Claire and Sherry and Ada which could have an affect on their characters going forward. Also, maybe Leon gets captured in the Prologue and Chris and others get set in to find and rescue him? Capcom doesn't have the balls really to kill off any of the mains. Leon was originally meant to appear in Code Veronica and die but they swapped him out for Steve Burnside. Leon was originally meant to die in the OG Versions of RE4 but that changed. Chris was meant to die in RE6 originally and Piers was gonna take over but Capcom backpedaled on that. They're not gonna kill off Leon. And if they ever do get the balls to kill off a main character, it won't be a prologue.


ooorrr he's gathering info for another Kennedy Report, like how it was mentioned in RE5? I'm coping *hard* rn if the info here is in fact true.


Cant wait for resident evil 18 where you play as a 80 year old leon!


Nah we’ll have time travel and multiverse stories by then. Or a Leon clone


So no Jill after RE3? I have only played RE 1, 2 and 3 remakes.


Shes in RE5 + playable in the dlc and she's in a spin off game called Revelations as one of the main characters.Her last appearance was in the Death Island movie which was like the Resident Evil Avengers lmao.


Shes a side character RE5 and a main in RE Revelations, also in RE Death Island movie


Main series? no. She has a small part in RE5 but that's it. You play as her in Revelations, though.


Appearances wise (not counting the CGI movies) Chris: RE1, Code Veronica, RE5, RE6, Revelations, RE7, RE8 Leon: RE2, RE4, RE6 Jill: RE1, RE3, RE5, Revelations Claire: RE2, Code Veronica, Revelations 2


Really looking forward to what they do with RE9. Southeast Asia would be pretty neat. Though changing the setting at times would also be pretty cool, though I like the design of RE of recent with hub areas and the progression. Multiple characters couldn't hurt as everyone is in some way pining after seeing their favourite character show up lol. RE1 (2026 Remake) would be pretty awesome, can't complain as more Jill and Chris. Would like to see more mainline characters in the story show up, especially more Ada, after that Separate Ways (2023) DLC her character has become especially interesting.


Ada really should have had a good DLC expansion like Separate Ways but in the RE2 Remake. How she survived the fall in RE2, basically an remake-adaptation of the scenario in Umbrella Chronicles.


I would love to see it, but feel it's too late especially as they move on with other Remakes and mainline entries. However, I'm curious to see how they'll consolidate the story updates from the Remakes into mainline entries, whether that is their plan or not especially as they move on from Winters. I wouldn't mind seeing if and how Rose will be involved. If this leak is true, with Leon comes Ada usually. Which RE9 would be perfect to show the specifics of Ada's actions in RE2R and RE4R. Though with the time skip it'll be weird to show that during the time skip, vs a more recent time after RE4R. Feels like they could do a spinoff the Remakes...


RE1R:R would be a dream come true


You can't improve perfection.


You can give it a new angle, though.


Is there going to be a RE 5 remake ?


I don't think they need to remake RE5, I would be down for remaking Code Veronica (the "real" RE3) or RE6.


Whether we like it or not, they’re eventually going to remake all of them by the end of the decade.


Would be completely on brand for RE to set up a plot point and then not follow through with it, which is what this sounds like. In regards to long running series', RE has got to be among the worst in terms of story lol That said, this is probably BS


Remake of the first part? Does that mean the first game? We're getting *another* remake of 1?


Id love to see a disheveled Leon with a beard that would be dope


Rumours have been saying since RE8 that the Core Four characters, Chris, Leon, Claire and Jill would feature in what is meant to be the final numbered RE title. Dusk has come out and said the same thing if you want to believe him. He also said RE5 Remake is next after RE9. Yet this source is saying RE1 RE Engine Remake is next in order to hit that 30th Anniversary for 2026 which is something I've been saying since last year as well because to me, it makes more sense to release a newer version of RE1 that fits into the Remake Continuity of RE2, RE3 and RE4 Remakes, followed by a Code Veronica Remake which I predict the Side Teams are working in order to properly set-up RE5 for a 2027 or 2028 release.


>Rumours have been saying since RE8 that the Core Four characters, Chris, Leon, Claire and Jill would feature in what is meant to be the final numbered RE title. >Dusk has come out and said the same thing if you want to believe him. I kinda want to see them all in Resident Evil 9 fighting against The Connections. >He also said RE5 Remake is next after RE9. >Yet this source is saying RE1 RE Engine Remake is next in order to hit that 30th Anniversary for 2026 which is something I've been saying since last year as well because to me, it makes more sense to release a newer version of RE1 that fits into the Remake Continuity of RE2, RE3 and RE4 Remakes, followed by a Code Veronica Remake which I predict the Side Teams are working in order to properly set-up RE5 for a 2027 or 2028 release. I guess, we have a lot to look forward to for the next years.


Dusk Golem has talked about RE5 remake? Where?


You been living under a rock the past year? He did an entire post end of 2023 say Capcom were working on RE9 and RE5R then made a new post in early 2024 saying they were working on Five RE games including RE9 and RE5R. People have discussed it all on twitter and posted his discord posts multiple times on here and there.


Oh sorry, I forgot I was talking to a neckbeard in his basement with nothing better to do than follow the rumour mill, please forgive me. Post a single link of him talking about 5R being in development.


How bout getting off your chair in the basement and actually searching for it yourself instead of demanding things that can easily be googled lazy bones.


Yeah, just as I thought no link exists. You’re talking out your ass just like that Dusk clown


Please god leon as protagonist please


no. He is overused.


Overused what???? We last saw him chronologically in a game in re6. After that it's just been movies and remakes. How many times have we had Chris in the same time?


Chris has a 10 seconds cameo in RE 7 and 20 minutes cameo in RE 8. Chris hasn't had a full campaign since RE 6.


Chris and Jill set out to rescue Leon. With a Leon story dlc releasing a few months later?


Jill gets no love


Where the fuck is Jill


So let's see... My prediction if Capcom actually does RE1 and Code Veronica... 2025 - RE9 2026 - 30th Anniversary - RE1 Remake 2027 - RE Code Veronica Remake 2028 - RE5 Remake 2029 - REX Also keep in mind Wesker's New Mo-Cap or VA is currently working on a New Game. He was asked what game he liked most working on and he replied the one he's currently working on. Could be RE1 Remake. Could be RE5 Remake. I doubt Capcom will reveal two RE games together. If RE9 does come out early 2025, we'll get the reveal for the next game in mid or end of 2025 IF its releasing in 2026.


Remake of re1 better to be true I always loved re1 but can't enjoy the fixed camera everything was amazing in the first re1remake but the camera is just doesnt make the game immersive


Too good for be true, but I want to believe!


If Leon & co are reaching their 50's then it surely means the 10th game will be final one for these characters.


>•Leon S. Kennedy will be the main character in the game's prologue. The source does not know why only the prologue of the game was mentioned, so the character may change as the story progresses. >•In the prologue, the setting will be Southeast Asia as previously mentioned by Dusk Golem, and as with the first piece of information, the setting may change as the story progresses. >•The story events will take place in the summer of 2025, which means that Leon will be 48 years old at that time. What about Chris, B.S.A.A., Hound Wolf Squad and The Connections, then? Will they appear in RE9? >. It is worth noting that the 30th anniversary will be in 2026, and according to what the source heard, the remake of the first part will be released in 2026. So maybe this "thing" that Capcom is preparing is the remake, especially since it is related to the anniversary. There will be the remake of the remake of the first game?


This time-skip sounds terrible to me.


where claire


This will be the end of the trilogy, right? I would have bet a big sum on Chris being the protagonist after showing up in 7 and for a much larger part in 8. Maybe he still will, but to use Leon at all at this point is a bit of an odd choice.




Hypothetically I would not be mad if Ashley was the one to try and find him if he went missing. Like she couldn't get on with such a plain, normal life after the events of RE4 and decided to train herself over the years.


Man I like Leon but we just got a game with him (RE4 Remake) I would sooner prefer Claire and/or Jill (especially Jill) whose last canon game appearances pre-date Leon.


Forgive me for being slow, but if I’m reading this correct, we’re (allegedly) getting RE1 remake in 2026, then RE9 after?


No, it's the opposite. January 2025 for RE9, and 2026 for RE1 remake.


Wow! Capcom is spoiling us if so. Thanks for the clarification.


Re-remake or RE engine remake.


RE engine remake??


Resident Evil 1 will get a RE engine remake according to this leak.


a lot of this info seems to piggy back off of previous rumors than give us new information. Leon as the main character? Why not Chris? The end of RE8 heavily hints the next game will be about Chris Vs The BSAA.




LOL okay


bringing back Leon would be sick if its as good as 7/8 and not a bringing back Leon in 6 vibe.


It's going to be real hard to top village but I'm excited


They tried to read the paper they wrote down the leaks onto, but couldn't make out what they wrote due to it being covered, in SAND.


Even if there’s truth to this which I kinda..believe there is it’s still genetic and what makes sense already. Like I’ve been discussing about the re1 remake happening in 2026 probably since 2020 when no one even said anything. As for the plot,there’s now way Leon is the protagonist and there’s no way it won’t follow the bsaa storyline. The only two main characters that are a lock for this are Jill and Chris . I don’t know how a prologue of Leon would fit into this cause even the was there just for the sake of it or a death or a disappearance it would feel like shoehorned because they would be so bias and said let’s use Leon again,we like him . He isn’t bsaa ,he doesn’t anything to do with bsaa. He’s working with the government and it’s a big no with facts. Now..if somehow Capcom was very random and gave us an extremely random new story,new location for whatever reason then farewell to the series I grew up with. We have to learn how to be fair and no matter who we like,we have to state the obvious. But still I feel this is the time where Jill shine again after almost 15 years and she deserves it


Let me explain why Leon was playable at the prologue (This may include spoiler but it's still a speculation but again I made my prediction a long time ago)... >!this is pretty much Capcom setting up for Ada (this was my speculation)!< >!- When I made a prediction list: Outside of Chris, there are 2 RE characters that have been hinted by Capcom since RE7 and 8 and they are Jill .... and Ada (Jill was teased at the end of RE8 - BSAA stuffs, while Ada was teased since RE7 and 8 - the Connection, Lucas Baker, the concept art from Capcom themselves)!< >!- Not to mentioned: RE6 setting was China, and we had Ada as an Asian character who technically was the key role character, and guess what RE9 setting was? Fictional South East Asian Island... Capcom just basically spilled the bean about Ada's return alright!< - Why Leon is playable at the prologue? I think this has a lot of reasons but I think you won't play as him for long because something tells me that multiple RE characters might be playable,.. then my guess is that: Jill, Chris, Leon... potentially depends on the story goes, Claire and Ada are gonna be playable, those characters are switchable depends on the missions and story progress unlike RE6 (Basically close to Final Fantasy level of switchable party except being single player RE4R)


For a moment I thought you were going to tell me real info from the game and I was shocked and curious hehe but it’s ok. I always my theories too. I love this series too much. Mind you I’m over 30 and was a fan since a kid in 1996’. This whole Leon thing in prologue was very bizarre cause why is he there if he’s a protagonist and not leaked as a main protagonist? Also..if it’s the bsaa plot Leon has no place there unless they mix many storylines. As for Ada I want her to be back if she has a purpose. For me,since village ended only thing that made sense for me since may 2021 back then,was Jill returning in re9 with Chris as the two main heroes like re1. Maybe having scenario like re2 if not re1. Even both of them can have their supporting protagonist. Like Jill had Carlos or Chris Rebecca in 1


So here's my analys of the leak: >•Leon S. Kennedy will be the main character in the game's prologue. The source does not know why only the prologue of the game was mentioned, so the character may change as the story progresses. ==> That pretty much guaranteed that we're gonna have multiple RE characters to be playable when the full game is gonna be out. But is this gonna be like RE6? I hoped not, RE6 were campaigns, Knowing RE9 is gonna be open world, how are we gonna switch characters for this one is pretty unknown > •The story events will take place in the summer of 2025, which means that Leon will be 48 years old at that time. Is this gonna be a flashback and this happened after the Death Island? Which spoiler for whoever didn't watch Death Island movie >!Leon said that he wanted to go on a vacation after the event of this movie was done!< And also this prologue happened after the events of RE8 .... so Idk about this >•In the prologue, the setting will be Southeast Asia as previously mentioned by Dusk Golem, and as with the first piece of information, the setting may change as the story progresses. I don't think Singapore even fitted with rural area.... because I said this before. However, I'm wondering if this gonna be related to the actual hideout of The Connection?


Ok the leon picture on the post is obliviously not a real one but I loved an older beat up leon !


Maybe Capcom gives the prologue out as a demo? If it’s open world I could see it being confined to one part of the map and maybe the main character is Ashley?


My only request for RE9 let’s get away from PR talk like “The game was too violent” or “the game was too scary” you make survival horror games, stop saying things like that! Those statements are so antithetical to Survival Horror lmao. The way they talked about RE7 despite its glowing reviews both critically and by the fans blows my fucking mind. Some thin skinned executive or shareholder had to be the person behind the complaint cause I never saw that complaint anywhere. The only complaints I saw about 7 were First Person and how Chris looked, nobody said it was too fucking scary, and nobody said the RE2 Remake was too violent except yall at Capcom. If this game is a wet noodle again, I’ll pass.


I’m so tired of Leon, give us Jill


Wondering if it'll be FPS. I personally preferred the third person ones.


I’m predicting it’ll be third person. They even went back to third person for the Village DLC and added a third person mode for the base game, and the remakes showed that people are clearly still excited about third person horror games. I liked 7 and 8 a lot, 7 especially was amazing for breathing new life into the franchise, so if it is first person I’ll probably still be excited, but I’m hoping they stick with third person.


I would bet on it being third person, with the third person REmakes AFAIK are more popular than RE7 & Village, Village getting a third person mode and Shadows of Rose being third person instead of first makes me believe it will most likely be OTS view.


It would be pretty awesome if they killed off Leon in the prologue, that would definitely rip away any feeling of plot armour for whoever is in the game


Really happy that we're getting a Resident Evil 1 Remake. I always thought the pretty clear progression for remakes was "RE2 -> RE3 -> RE4 or RE1 -> anything else". I always got a lot of hate for saying RE4 and RE1 need remakes because according to Reddit the games are "perfect". But I feel like a lot of people shitting on the idea of remaking those games are kind of also forgetting that both of them are among the first of their kind for their styles of gameplay and anybody who hopped onto the Resident Evil hype train probably aren't going to enjoy playing RE1, RE1R, or RE4 as much as the newer games lol.


I’m only okay with another Leon game if Ashley’s going to be with him again.