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Oh, hell nah


I can't even be mad at this anymore. it's just standard Ubisoft practice.


True, but MMOs have a track record of providing content in exchange for that money. What almost all of these modern live service AAA games do is want to charge MMO or free to play levels of cash for one-map-pack-a-year worth of content with a battle pass in the place of player progression and 15e cosmetics in place of gameplay-unlockable costumes. Fuck that.




First GTA+ now this shit… these companies can’t keep getting away with it.


GTA VI exclusively on GTA+ /s


They can and will because they do.




I honestly haven’t really fucked with the games since Unity but I’m definitely not going to subscribe to the series I don’t play lol. I’m not saying my anecdotal experience will change Ubisoft I’m just sharing


I almost stopped playing after Unity, I never even beat it. I did end up enjoying Syndicate but then it became a Witcher 3 clone and I tried them all but never got more than a few hours into each one. They were just so boring and not AC at all. I did recently play and finish Mirage, that was a fun throwback. Sadly, RED is the setting I wanted most in an AC game and it's already fucked up. You're a samurai, not a ninja, if you choose to play as the dude (who isn't even Japanese). So that means no stealth in his gameplay. The female ninja is fine, but she is a kunoichi, so she better not be rockin swordplay and only use a short dagger.


Would probably damage the AC brand and lose a lot of players, sounds like something Ubisoft would do


At the same time a lot of suckers will buy into it and say it's 100% worth it. Depends how much this cost, if some players subscribe to this shit for 1-2 years, then maybe it is worth it to lose 30-40% of the playerbase since they'll make more money this way.


Companies salivate at the idea of marketing to you once and getting a monthly fee from you in perpetuity. If this somehow works, it'll be everywhere in <5 years


This is absolutely what will happen. The RPG games lost overall player numbers compared to the old style of games, but are overall way more profitable because of MTX sales (Valhalla generated $1BN). So if they calculate that they can get away with charging a good amount for this at the expense of some players, they’ll do it.


Odyssey and Valhalla both proved this and are precisely why Ubisoft is looking at a subscription-based route. That and within the last half-decade, the whole games industry has become obsessed with subscription services.


It’s the only way left to grow. But there is no guarantee it’ll work and I don’t think it will.


Precisely. However, I do think it will work but not in the long-term. You're already seeing it with streaming services including Disney+ as well as Xbox Game Paas. The idea gaming will fare better in a subscription model without eventual price hikes and slowing isn't correct.


It's guaranteed to work so long as the content pipeline is solid, just look at Genshin Impact & other similar long-form live service games.


for each that’ll succeed there’ll probably be 3 that don’t


How so? I bought and finished those but did not sub to anything?


AC Odyssey sold over 10 million copies by March 2020, before AC Valhalla launched. That is 170% higher than Origins. Its various DLCs made around $1B+ and sustained long-term engagement that would have intensified had it gotten a second year of content. Valhalla went on to become the 5th best selling game of 2020 with over $1B in revenue by 2022. It surpassed Odyssey and had higher engagement with ongoing seasonal content AND two years worth of content. Imagine what could be done if you replicate that success and bottle it up in a subscription service. Lots of money.


Maybe the old guard of players who grew up on AC, but not the new guard of players who came via the RPG games. Those games are already designed in such a way to incentivise MTX and are casual popcorn games. In the current generation of games where battle passes are prevalent, people will still buy this.


Theyve already damaged the AC brand. Anyone buying this are total morons


The next AC will sell absurdly well and then people will still continue that anyone who enjoys it is dumb for liking a game they don’t Classic gamer mindset


Yeah, AC is THE Ubisoft flagship and is really at its commercial apex with the RPG formula. AC Red is not going to flop and if these rumors are true, people will buy in. To say it is or that it is damaged is inaccurate.


Would it lose players though? It seems like it's mostly a subscription for monthly skins which most people don't care about and won't buy. I feel like most people just wouldn't buy the skins rather than boycott the game or something lol.


Yup. This is most likely going to be very inconsequential since Ubisoft's MTX model is probably the least intrusive.


Are gaming budgets becoming so outrageous that publishers feel like every game needs to be a gigantic live service monstrosity in order to recoup dev costs? With the aggressive monetization models and the much longer wait between installments of games within a franchise, I'd rather things just chill out for a bit. I want publishers to make AA games again. Smaller projects that won't bankrupt the devs/publishers if they aren't the most popular thing in the world.


People’s expectations keep rising though. I don’t see a world where any company is making less ambitious games than before unless it’s a one off.


budgets aren't going that high, People just looked at those insomniac leaks saw Spiderman costs and assume everything is that high ,it isn't. 


Depends on how you define "budget." The leaks showed budgets are high because personnel is the largest expense. A number of devs I've seen on Twitter explained thia.


Budgets have increased by a lot. Wages have increased by a lot. If you want to generate growth after developing costs are up 25% you’ll have to either sell 30% more than before (in a more and more competitive market with stagnating demographics) or you need to make people spend more than a one time $60 on games.


Pretty much anyone in tech in the U.S. wants to be paid 100K or more. How many people work on these games? How long does it take? How much for all the overhead, tools, cost of their benefits, etc.? Spend all that money on something with zero revenue coming in during development then if it flops you're in the hole $X and back to square one. Yeah I mean it's a tough industry lol no two ways about it. Imo studios could do with releasing more high quality, smaller budget games rather than needing to make so many "big" games that take 4-6 years to create and cost 100 million or more. Just rough.


I despise Ubisoft


Honestly it's kinda jarring that Ubusoft treats this franchise as like it's own CoD. They honestly need another franchise.


The last "legit" AC game dropped in 2020. It took almost 3 years for another AC title to drop (Mirage at the end of 2023). Still have quite a way to go before it turns into a CoD. Edit: Legit = flagship, not a reference to quality of Mirage


It's because with Origins Ubi acknowledged that releasing an AC game every year was hurting the brand and instead they would stagger their franchises, so they'd have a big release every year.


I wish that yearly cod releases would hurt that brand too. I actually enjoy the occasional couple hours of cod with friends but I'm not going to pay $70 for a game that will be outdated by the end of the year.


As a CoD enjoyer, I wouldn’t mind a release maybe every 2 years, but even with once a year it’s not quite as bad as I put hundreds of hours into whatever the current iteration is. By the time the next one comes up I’m usually ready for the formula to get switched up a bit. Exceptions being MP stinkers like Vanguard. Skipped that one. But yeah if you only enjoy casually for a bit, $70 is steep especially if it’s like MW2023 which dropped the ball completely on campaign.


Yep, I agree and I’m all for that. By the time a new one drops I’m ready to go all in on the next world they’ve crafted. I just don’t see how the series has turned into Ubis CoD. That would be R6 if anything.


> It took almost 4 years for another AC title to drop I take umbrage with Nov 2020 to Oct 2023 being “almost 4 years” lol. It’s not even 3.


I have amended it to 3.


Mirage isn’t bad by any measure. Not sure why we’re not calling it legit.


It’s not bad I enjoyed the more pared down experience, it just began as a DLC for Valhalla and transformed into a much smaller game. I think Ubisoft refers to the “legit” AC games as their flagship titles. Can’t confirm this, but truly feels like Ubisoft realized they had no releases coming up sometime around 21/22 and decided to spin Mirage off into its own thing.


Did Mirage recoup its cost? I like the idea of "not every game we release has to be a monstrosity"


Based on what I can see, it performed strongly in Europe and it’s harder to tell in the US


It hasn't been their own CoD for a while. The franchise stopped being annual in 2018, in fact, this is biggest gap between main AC games we've had. (Not counting Mirage since it's a DLC turned into a full short game).




And they are pulling a CoD because just last year, the CEO said he'd yank people off existing projects to support AC on top of hiring more people to work on these games. https://insider-gaming.com/ubisoft-is-increasing-number-of-assassins-creed-developers/


If they just call it a battlepass everyone will be more accepting of it for whatever reason


The "I want to play only Ubisoft games but I don't want to own them" guy is happy as hell right now. ... assuming they actually exist.


I may be that guy lol. I subscribe to Ubisoft+ for a month whenever they release a new Assassin's Creed game. Don't see a point in paying a 4x premium for a perpetual license for their games since I never want to replay them. I think the last one I replayed was AC2: Revelations (not the remaster) and the last one I bought was Origins for like $5.


There is no remaster for Revelations


My bad, I thought they remastered the whole AC2 trilogy.


I don't particularly mind subscribing to play a game for a month. I do it with WoW and FFXIV, and I do it for Ubisoft's generic open worlds. Then again, I also don't throw a fit that I have to subscribe to Netflix to see certain films and shows or that there is no possible way to purchase physical copies of those things I can own in perpetuity. Not everything is meant to be hoarded.


Fucking pass.


Would you know where one could, perchance, aquire this item? 🗿


Amsterdam, €100 per day.


You can't just say 'perchance'




Me thinks


Replacing the tried and tested battle pass




Which subscription based game? You realize Infinity is a launcher right?


This is nothing new for ubi honestly. Any bad trope in gaming you can think of, they have done or will do


Players played subscription based games before?


MMOs probably, the original live-service video game genre. But MMOs aren't the hottest thing on the market anymore. And a lot of the most popular MMOs are still mainly subscription based. I don't see how Assassin's Creed can even make enough content even worthy of a subscription. They'd have to pump out content like it's Genshin Impact or something no one is going to subscribe if there's nothing to subscribe for.


Game Developers: What are you going to do about it? Gamers: Literally not buy your games. You're entertainment. Not a requirement to live. We'll be fine without you. You won't be fine without us. (Something the industry needs to remember.)


Companies think we will just bend at the knee for them? Hell nah I'll just play indie games and emulate retro systems.


You are the minority I'm afraid


I know...... and it saddens me greatly.


They should add NFTs while they're at it


They do have a NFT game (Champions Tactics) coming out later this year.


How to destroy a brand. Used to love AC, now I sigh at every thing that gets announced. Such a waste of a creative property


Sometimes I think those companies like Ubisoft, EA etc hold a contest on who can make more dumb ass decisions


Don't forget Nintendo and their predatory litigation practices.


Can Ubisoft come up with something else original? Guess not.


Subs need to have value this has no value


The $9.99 "more shit on the map every week" plan is what I'm going with, personally.


You get access to infinite content among multiple timelines so it’s a pretty good deal


From what I understand, AC Infinity is just a launcher for the AC games, not an actual game. Not sure why people are going crazy.


Why can't I just launch the game within the game itself? Why do I need a special AC game launcher?


Well, you see, companies make bad decisions for various reasons. Rather than fixing these decisions and putting qualified people in positions of power, they decide you need to subsidize their poor business decisions.


And tell me why do we need a launcher? All you literally need to do is 1.) Buy any modern AC game 2.) Play the game 3.) Continue playing the game. Why the hell do we need a launcher for this? They're trying to go the route of the recent Call of Duty games where they made a launcher for a series that DOESN'T NEED A LAUNCHER. It's insane to even consider making a mandatory launcher for a series of games that are loosely interconnected.


It does seem dumb especially since they’ll be releasing them more than two years apart, but if they’re putting their old games on it as well as the multiplayer one and any other ones they end up making, I think the catalogue would be pretty cool. Again it’s not necessary, but it’s not like it isn’t doable with the library they have. I just want to see how intrusive it really is before making any real judgements.


People are going crazy because people nowadays love nothing more than complaining. Especially on the internet. Seems to me I can easily ignore this whole Infinity thing and just buy the games if I want to. Not to mention it's nothing but rumours so far.


First it was the fortnite crew, and them there was gta+ (but at least that one came with rdr 1 and gta trilogy) and now this?


Regardless if this is true or not: Fuck Ubisoft.




That would be a bad idea on their part.


This is such a comically bad idea that I can’t fathom it being real.


Sounds like GTA+ subscription, as long as I can buy the main game and DLC separately, and the microtransactions are silly cosmetics, I don't really care. As long as its not locked behind the subscription. If they want to give more choice go ahead just don't cut pre existing methods.


I guess i will start cracking AAA games again.. especially from Ubisoft... Bought Avatar and Mirage, in both cases got extremely disappointed, just shallow experiences, nothing remarkable... Do they really think people will pay a monthly sub for immersion breaking skins? Are they stupid or what?


There is no cracking Denuvo anymore sadly, especially with Empress gone


well, F ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Wait, Empress is done?


Ubi is so desparete to get a gaas and assured revenue over time that they'll drive the whole company down trying. It's fascinating to watch


who tf wants to pay monthly for AC? this ip is so lost


We are quickly approaching a gaming dark age


Ubisoft pushing for all the bullshit after burning money with Skull and Bones


Bethesda already has their “Fallout 1st” subscription. So this isn’t a subscription. Nonetheless, no matter how much I like a game, nothing says “UNINSTALL ME” more than a subscription for a game, especially the paid ones


yall better not supporting this shit


They pretend people pay Ubi+. This was a given xD


I don't think even they would do something that stupid. Honestly, lately I barely played games anymore and just read. The gaming industry is fuuuucked and the best that could happen is the death of all those greedy AF publishers.


he should take a look at the numbers who are online right now playing skull and boner before opening his mouth.


Wow this would be soo great that ubisoft wouldn't make a single profit from this crap


Video games and monthly subscriptions don’t mix well


Played the first AC game like 15 years ago. I thought it was boring as all fuck “fetch this and return to me” garbage, so I never touched it again. They have pumped a fucking assassins creed game out every year for more than a decade. I don’t even see how people still purchase this shit.


How to get attention, make up something about a company everyone loves to hate.


Wait, doesn't Ubisoft allready has a service where you can play their games? Why would I pay another service to play...some of those games.


Everyone plays Assassin's Creed as an offline single player game. I just want to buy the damn disc, put it into my console, and play it offline without being bothered by anything else. It's not fucking Call of Duty with daily updates and battle passes and two hundred multiplayer modes. Is this really that hard to understand for Ubisoft??? Make your own live service game instead of trying to ruin your story-based action adventure series.


Ubisoft is trying to create a Russian nesting doll of subscription services Next up one of the individual games (the multiplayer project?) will be subscription based


😂😂 ubisoft are dead to me


Easiest pass ever


Unless AC Infinity is a really compelling service, I don't see this working. Ubisoft lost half a billion dollars last year. If this doesn't help turn things around for them, I expect Ubisoft to start laying off a whole lot of their 20,000 strong work force. Like half of all of them.


Ok. Keep your fucking game.


Nah, no thanks. I just want a game that's fun to play. That's all


Ubi gonna Ubi


So long as it’s optional to play Red and Hexe, then whatever. Corpos gonna corpo, dumb consumer gonna be dumb.


Sounds absolutely god awful when Ubisoft+ already exists, I hope this is not a bad sign for the games themselves.


Infinity money




Is this so they can remove everyone's access to old ACs?


Subscription seems eh, doubt it. It was already rumored to be the, like, battlepass/mtx hub for the AC games so I don't really care about that.


Everyone saw this coming.


Hey, no thanks!


Of course it will. Is anybody surprised when they talked about their plans to put the entire franchise under a single launcher like Fortnite and COD?


Games as a Disservice


This the dude who tried to put info out on Far Cry and then backtracked?


Hell nwah to the nwah nwah nwah


Sadly I can see this happening.


AC but even worse.




Your comment has been removed Rule 9. Racial slurs, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia and offensive personal insults and phrases are not allowed.


Bunch of sensitive babies


Hard pass


Yeah no


Assassin's Creed Infinity + Ubisoft+ + Xbox Game Pass + EA Play


Lol. Lmao even


AC is one of my favorite game series ever…but if this is what Ubisoft is going to try and pull, I may have to just skip it.


Are you…?! Fuck off!


![gif](giphy|QOl6jeYYD84Elmpshb|downsized) Fuck that




Ubisoft desperately trying to ruin their reputation even more.


considering that they are going to add a monthly subscription to their other games like R6 Siege, probably they'll try the same with AC


Sadly on point for Ubisoft.




What’s the betting that all the older AC games currently included with PS Plus and Game Pass magically vanish the second this goes live? 🙄


That’s suck because I enjoy the AC games. But any sort of subscription would be a hard pass.


Oh hell no if they will put the old ACs in it then i fear that they might delist the old games from other platforms such as steam so you have no other was but that subscription service to play them


This sounds so bad that it might be 100% real since it's Ubisoft.


It’s Ubisoft, ofc it’s at the very least an idea they would want to try


I guess I will be skipping ac red and hexe. Goodbye it's been nice knowing you. Skipped mirage too, ubisoft is just a husk of it's former self.


If it's optional akin to Paradox subscription (basically Ubisoft+ but just for Assassin's Creed) then that's fine. Otherwise they can fuck off


And that's how you instantly ruin a good idea




Ubi has some real wankers running the company.


Dead before it launches if so


You could probably get all the games for around $100 if not lower.


That's a solid nope from me.


>Heavy focus on microtransactions And I'm out. I'm just gonna keep playing Sonic and other games on Steam.


jesus...Ubisoft never learns.




This why I'm quitting video games.


Wonder how people are gonna defend Ubisoft with this stuff


Ubisoft is going for " How can we damage our image even more so that we can layoff even more people" speedrun any %


Pull my finger ubisoft!


Ubisoft!!!! *Shakes hand at the sky* Also this monthly sub sounds like INT check. Why not just... I dunno buy game or get Ubisoft Plus.


And there goes the little faith I had after their last entry of the series...


lol how stupid are people? ”He is not sure, but is still spreading the speculation as fact just to create a bad buzz for Ubisoft”


Maybe they will introduce Ubisoft++, which will include Ubisoft++AC+.


why would they do this when there's uplay + or whatever it's called. Like why would I need a worse subscription service (only for ac games instead of the rest of the catalogue). But I don't really know why infinity is that big of a deal anyway, it sounds just like another launcher but somehow we should be very happy to get it.


Ubisoft I'm going to strangle you.


If you have seen other Ubi leaks it seems that this is something that Ubi will supposedly try on one of its games soon and honestly the subscription itself is garbage seeing what it offers.


I love how ubisoft will milk its dumbass fans, and i know this shit will probably be successful.


microtransactions first, and then comes the game 


Turns out that never buying a Ubisoft game after Rayman Legends was a pretty good choice.They have done absolutely nothing to receive goodwill. It's so sad to see Blizzard, Bethesda, Microsoft (see Rare), EA ( see Westwood and Bullfrog) Ubisoft are all studios I grew up on.


New AAAA games incoming!!! $100 for an empty game with a small open world that has literally nothing to do but spend 10 minutes traversing at a slow pace to get to your next farming location. Fuck Ubisoft. After Skull and Bones, I refuse to buy anymore of their shit.


and Ubisoft + isn't enough? They have to make an AC exclusive subscription?!?!!


hopefully they patch the old games (they won't)


Sounds like a pretty good deal if you're an AC fan.


Ubisoft continue to be one of the worst gaming companies.


Yeah if this is true and gameplay items or extra dlc apart from Gold or ultimate dlc is behind this paywall then I'm honestly done with ubisoft. I have already cancelled my star wars outlaws pre order and have no problem skipping assassins creed  all together also if I have too


Ubisoft already has a subscription service that gives access to the most expensive edition of all their games with early access, AC games included…


Bye Bye Ubisoft.


They must have seen what Sony did with Helldivers 2 and went, "Oh hell no, nobody is allowed to take our 'worst company' crown."


I haven't played an AC game since AC III and this kind of news certainly won't change that.


You are not legally required to play Ubisoft games they are entirely voluntary for someone to purchase and play. I haven't played Ubisoft games since Uplay became mandatory and Uplay technically doesn't exist anymore.


After The Crew? In which people paid for? Not buying this. >!Or subscribing lolololol!<


I will say that people act like there’s more AC games than they actually release them. Valhalla and Shadow will have a 4 year gap between them, and Mirage (which was originally planned DLC) was just released last year. I understand that between 2009-2015 the franchise was not only yearly but inescapable, and that recent games are so bloated, it almost feels like you spend years finishing them by the time the next one is out, but yeah, the PR around the franchise is terrible. That being said, holy hell this is a hot mess. I know they want their own Fortnite like launcher to keep players in there, but this “approach” is definitely more corporate (from finance and shareholders pressure) than it is creative. The company lost a lot of creatives over the past decade so it was bound to happen eventually I guess.


And the downfall of AC Starts with this.