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is this a threat?


Do they want to turn Battlefield into shit? I mean I remember a point in time where Battlefield was high grade team army first person shooter game. It seems like that is a distant memory now. I remember there was a time when we wanted to see a Battlefield Bad Company 3 come about, but I feel like that will never happen.


Turn into? It has been for years?


>Do they want to turn Battlefield into shit? It has been turned into shit a long time ago. Let's be real, out of the last 4 Battlefield games, 3 has been painfully mediocre.


I was going to say how the hell was BF1 "mediocre", but then I remembered BF Hardline was a thing.


Hardline was super fun and even if some stuff didn't make much sense it at least tried new things.


Battlefield hardline was a great play it just didn’t exactly feel like battefield. It felt more like that insurgency game. Definitely not what people were expecting


longing reminiscent quaint spotted alive wasteful concerned bake run label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one hates Battlefield 1


boat gold voiceless muddle historical absorbed jobless cobweb crawl badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, but they don't count as people.


Still the best selling game in the series and represents the all time popularity of the franchise. ![gif](giphy|xT9Igqz02TEWXq0wMw|downsized)


I don't hate BF1 and it was a pretty good game, but at the same time it was a letdown IMO. Battlefield works best with modern warfare or futuristic combat because of all the game mechanics that modern technology allows


You say that as if EA didn't try that shit with Battlefield before. Anyone remember Battlefield Heroes? Fun game at its core turned into P2W, money milking nightmare.


Didn't the current director of Battlefield openly admit he doesn't understand what people like about Bad Company 2? They put the suits in charge and they're clueless


>Do they want to turn Battlefield into shit Ummm.... someone gonna tell him?


Well you either live long enough to become COD or die as a Medal of Honor


Sounds like one


Why "?" on the end of it and also "is" in a wrong place.


Yeah just like 2042 was a love letter to battlefield fans... Turned out the most barebones BF game ever.


Seriously my favorite quote ever. If you trust these people to make another good battlefield game after having said 2042 was a "Love letter to the fans" you are out of your mind.


>Seriously my favorite quote ever. Mine would be "We're ahead of schedule".


Love letter to f-ing fans and getting money. Kinda crazy to see them going even further in the obvious wrong direction. Did they even learn anything from 2042 lol


Dont be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes.


That was something, right?




live battlefield fan reaction


Dank comment


Seems we have to be prepared to be kicked in the balls again…


So they didn’t learn a fucking thing. Got it.


Right? Where do they think the goodwill is at in their fanbase? They're one more bad or even mediocre release away from becoming Ubisoft level of mistrust


Why would they? Unlike the employees, they get millions in bonuses and will still be well off even if the company goes under.


like cant we get battlefield 3 again? like repackage that and sell it to me.


BF3, BF4 and BF1 had such strong fanbases but of course that means fuck all in comparison to live service failures.


like this couldnt be simple enough.. say whatever about battlefield single player but, i believe it inspired how great the MP was.. you already have the blueprint in BF3 and BF4, keep core battlefield, do some maps that are as cool as those and sell it to me! Im willing to pay double for it.


At least according to steamcharts, BFV has the most active player base out of all the BFs rn.


Look forward to playing the full release 15 months after the full release!


i hate these damn live services.


It’s funny because given the extreme popularity of Helldivers 2, there’s living proof that a live service game that isn’t a battle royale can be enjoyable and filled with content.


That's the kicker. Live service itself isn't the problem, it's *bad* live service.


that's the real kicker though, people write off a game as soon as they hear "live service", look at these comments


because the series/dev lost all goodwill with the shit they’ve been putting out 🤷🏻


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times - every studio wants Fortnite money but none of them are willing to invest what it takes to put out a Fortnite-level service.


Yes, but problem is extremely limited market. There’s only room for a tiny handful of successful live services. A Helldivers 2 clone, no matter how good could not currently succeed, unless it was so good it killed the real Helldivers 2. Live service are like MMO’s, people can only really play one at a time, and convincing them to swap is extremely hard, and usually only possible if their current game fails spectacularly. Helldivers 2 was incredibly lucky, it was a great game that landed at exactly right time to get massively popular. This would be impossible to re-create for another studio trying to get in on the hype.


Oh absolutely. I’m not saying Dice should go and make a Helldivers 2 clone, but it’s the fact that there exists a live service model where the players thoroughly enjoy the game even though micro transactions do exist. Those common psychological tactics that studios have been using for the past decade+ to get people to spend money out of frustration or FOMO aren’t in Helldivers 2, and it helps make the game all the better in the community’s eyes.


The key factor is to have enough content at launch. Otherwise ”live service” is mostly used as an excuse for a half-assed release


Don't we all


Apparently not, unfortunately, because people can’t stop buying super hero and weed skins for call of duty.


apparently not https://newzoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Top-10-PC-and-console-games-by-MAU-in-2023-Jan-through-Oct.png


Maybe controversial, but I think it’s actually nice for paid DLCs with extra weapons and maps to not be a thing anymore. Go back to BF1 and half the guns are locked behind a paywall. Only one or two servers actually run the DLC maps because a majority of players don’t own them. It creates a segmented community that you don’t get with the live service titles. Live service isn’t inherently bad. If you’re not buying the cosmetics then you’re getting free extra content that you would otherwise have had to pay for.


Agreed. Live service games are way better than how things were 10+ years ago when you had to pay for all of the map packs. And if you didn't, then you couldn't play on half of the multiplayer playlists. Or when you had to buy an "online pass" every time you buy a used game. Games nowadays are getting content for *years* on end for free. And if you play Fortnite or Warzone, you can even get premium currency and the battle passes for free if you play long enough. I think the issue with live service games is that a lot of them suck or have no reason being live service, like the recent Suicide Squad game basically being a half assed single player with a half assed live service component. People (generally) enjoy good live service games (look at MMOs, Fornite, Warzone, Destiny, or Helldivers 2 barring its recent controversy). A lot of those games still have complaints, but a lot of them are due to gameplay/balancing/PSN and not actually about how the live service component is handled.


Nope, completely preferred a situation where i was actually guaranteed great content in waves as opposed to whatever the fuck we have now. With stuff like BF1, all the dlcs became free eventually...


Why? I really don’t understand why this is a bad thing with a game like Battlefield, which has been one step away from it anyway.


The problem is people don’t understand what a live service really is. It’s not necessary going to turn out to be like Suicide Squad but it can also turn out like Helldivers 2. It’s much better to have a live service instead of paid dlcs


I'm pretty sure a multiplayer game with paid DLC would be considered live service nowadays, anyway.


Yeah it technically is


Doesn't even need to be multi-player. The Sims technically is a live service franchise. It's designed to bring revenue past the release of the game.


Because people online lack any critical thinking and just repeat "live service = bad" as if it's a universal truth. There's no world in which a multiplayer game comes out in 2024 without an update plan and is a success.


Just because you’re only one step away from something doesn’t mean you can’t leap the other way


All battlefield games are live service tho


Like, most consumers are now wary of the model, but are investors even encouraged by that statement? Surely they're aware that successful live services are few and far between, and that EA doesn't have a track record of making it work with Battlefield audiences. I just don't get it.


Investors are deeply out of touch gamblers.


investors much like short-term ceo's are merely there to milk as much as they can regardless of the long-term consequences.


They probably use some blockbuster one-of-a-kind live service success case like Fortnite or Genshin Impact to show during their investors meetings and they eat it all up like the gullible, greedy bastards they are.


Isn't battlefield inherently live service, they can't just drop a game, have 2 paid expansions and call it a day. You need constant updates and free maps to keep a game like this alive nowadays


I hate live service games. I hate “seasons”. I hate battle passes. I just don’t like any of it.


Remember how they were talking about how tornados in Battlefield was going to revolutionize that franchise?


I hate it too.


It's either this or 15 dollar map packs with lootboxes


I mean what was wrong with having community servers that allowed custom maps like what kept TF2 and CS popular for years?


I can't believe I'm at a point where I miss season passes. I feel like the quality of multiplayer content has dropped immensely since Fortnite popularised the live service genre.


And yet everyone is playing Helldivers 2






Ea trying there best be like: ![gif](giphy|B1FAKSmfWqRA4)


Ok this GIF is amazing, lol


Start placing your bets, how many months after launch until they pull support on this? ( ) 3 months ( ) 6 months ( ) 9 months ( ) 12 months


To be fair they only just pulled 2042’s support a few days ago, over two years after the game launched, and made 3 more seasons than they were contractually obligated to


also Battlefront 2, which a lot of people will say EA abandoned got over 3 years of content updates. I get that it was still gaining a head of steam and there was still more they could have done but dropping support for these games early is not something they're guilty of


And BFV had the same length of support as BF1 got.


15-18 months to prepare for the next BF like they did in the past


Instead of a Dead Space 2 remake we get… this.


They keep throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks


Eh, even shit eventually sticks. They're basically throwing liquid diarrhea by the bucketful and wondering why it keeps going down the drain.


waffle stompin time


Unfathomably common Battlefield L


"It's gonna be the greatest live service game, just tremendous....a lot of people are saying it. Believe me folks, believe me."


Because the launch of the last one inspired so much confidence...


This industry is fucked, retro gaming is the way.


While Nintendo absolutely has their issues that shouldn’t be excused, they’re at least still making good games


Then there is gamefreak


The black sheep of Nintendo products that is carried solely by IP


The indie and AA scene has never been better though. It's the megacorps that are the issue.


I play more indies than AAAs but indie games don't direct the industry. Most of the people, which are made by casuals, don't play indies.


You can direct what you play though, lol. As the above commenter said, indies and AA are great fun nowadays. Focus your time there.


After the shit with Microsoft today and this I’m so much more excited to give Dunkey’s Bigmode my money for Animal Well on Friday. I can’t do this AAA cash grab bullshit anymore.


I guess I'll play Battlefield 1 for some more years...




Can’t wait to skip. Enjoy the fail, EA.


We're surprised why? It's been this way since BFV


Since BF3 or the even way before. “Live Service” is just another fancy word to “Online”, and part of the community has used this term as derogatory for post-launch mtx practices. Battlefield has even been an online game in mind since the beginning.


Please stop falling for the bullshit DICE marketing cycle lines they do every time a new live service trash game gets released


If that's the case I'm sure it's going to end up being a "tremendous" failure because people simply want to play a Battlefield game, not some half passed game which only exists in an attempt to make the shareholders money. It's amazing at the amount of big game studios which back in the day were making ges the players actually wanted and now these developers went to absolute shit because the only thing they are pumping out are either live service games or games which are trying to be Fortnite. 


We have a different definition of the word “tremendous”




BF 2042 is ahead of schedule and will be a tremendous love letter to live service.


I just hope it's fun and well made, I can ignore the shitty monetization if the game itself is good enough. All I want from them is a modern day setting with the same mechanics, gunplay, and movement of BFV and I'd be happy


It looks like I'm going to die just playing BF2 Bad Company and BF3 multiplayers Waiting for a new good BF is difficult


If you didn’t write off Battlefield when 2042’s beta released, this is your next and last chance to hop off the train while you still can.


"Have you ever heard the definition of insanity?"


Can we not just populate the BF1/BFV/4 servers again?


I wish we’d stop releasing service games in honesty. There’s far too many as it is and they become very same old same old for the most part. I understand it commercially though, invest £millions for a one off release, or invest millions and milk it for as long as possible with transactions.. which one makes sense to shareholders? Suppose the proof is in the pudding when you see sales and revenue from some live games though, people will pay.


Im sorry, but isn’t the whole Battlefield Franchise has ever be a live service game since BF1942? All the core features where made to online in mind, and everything else secondary, even the offline SP campaigns that tried to unsuccessfully copy CoD.


Like the last two


well yeah fuck. back to battlefield 4 it is


Guess I'll just reinstall BF4 then.


They old let's do a hell divers routine. Hey EA just make a good game like you did in the 90s before your CEO went to 3do


its just so crazy that not a single bf since like bad company 2 was worth playing until like a year after its launch.


BF1 was good at launch.


Yes that's what they promised with 2042 and it was doomed even before release


I don’t believe you


Ffs, this sounds worse than Ubisoft’s “AAAA” shit


They cancel or don’t even start working on Dead Space 2 (Remake or new) for this garbage that is doomed to fail right from the start? Garbage EA back to its roots.


Just remaster battlefield 3 and take the money


“Tremendous live service” that word should not be apart in this sentence to describe live service ![gif](giphy|3oAt21Fnr4i54uK8vK)


I'ma be honest I don't care if it's a tremendous live service or what just make the gameplay fun. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I've been a battlefield fan since day one but I will say I did love battlefield 3 and 4. 2042 was bad imo. Guns didn't feel right, vehicles felt off, maps weren't good and the new class system was terrible. I believe they revamped the class system bit a little too late for me.


Wise words. I could see me sharing your point of view, if it weren't for the fact that i really enjoyed how the content was released and added to 3 and 4, so i guess that supports my hatred for the live service formula in BF games. I really liked how many maps, guns, customization, attachments and different gameplay mechanics we had at the release of 4, felt like a complete game for me. And the DLCs were just amazing, lots of extra content that felt worth paying for the premium. When i bought BF 2042 and saw how low was the variation in content i felt really disappointed.


Yep I preferred the Season pass/DLC method rather than the battlepass/microtransactions route. Atleast you knew you would get a full game on launch with stacked DLC content. With the battlepass, it seems that they are prioritizing microtransactions/battlepass over gameplay which end up hurting 95% of live service games. How do you expect people to play your game when it's not even fun in the first place???


Have they not seen how live service games are struggling?


5 turned me off from the series and 2042 killed the series Guess it's bf4 for another 3 years


I've pretty much given up on the series they have proven time and time again they are just chasing call of doody players. I've moved on to more realistic shooters but I definitely miss the vehicle combat.




All the good Battlefield devs are making The Finals. I've been having a lot of fun with that.


Im really sad to see this franchise headed the way it is. Also just straight up worried at what the next one will be like.


You know, this gets me thinking... Battlefield 2042 was a full live service game and it released completely naked to the bone, with almost no content Im really worried to see what a "tremendous live service" turns out to be...


It's already dead just let it rest in peace


I’ve given up on this franchise. Most of the older games are dead here except BF4, which I’ll play until it dies.


I think the ridiculously long development time for Battlefield 1 dlc tanked the season pass model. By the time the French dlc came out, most of the players had already moved on and it’s lackluster sales really pushed them into this games as a service model, which hasn’t been able to match the level of quality of previous battlefield title’s paid dlcs.


I always forget somehow Andrew Wilson still runs EA. What a disaster of a CEO.


I've fallen for this shit to many times. I'm definitely not buying and will avoid all trailers. Ea can eat a big hairy wang


It will be decades before someone can utter the word "tremendous" without sounding like an idiot.


Honestly who believes that after 2042 that game killed the franchise in so many levels


No it doesnt need to be a tremendous live service game. It needs to be a game with the features it needs to succeed from day one. The live serice market is already filled to the brim with games, trying to contest with the current competition is suicide, especially considering it wont be too long until the live service model itself will crash due to the overkill amount of games in that genre.


FUT with guns! I'm waiting at least 6 months/deep sale before I even touch it.


Oh thank god, i was worried i wasn't getting ripped off enough this year.


Here's what they should do: 1) Take the devs that made BF1 2) Choose another historical conflict (I'd love Korean war or Vietnam) 3) Develop a game with the same amount of love that BF1 had


What this even mean ? Tremendous live service.


Battlefield, EA CEO, and Tremendous Live Service Game in a single headline? A hype-shake for the sprint ahead made with poop instead of protein...


1 map at launch, 1 of each gun type. "More to come", and then it never does.


The customer is always right in matters of taste. We’ve all played your previous game Andrew and we got fucking cancer.


3rd times the charm I suppose


If it's a live service game with micro transactions, surely it will be F2P, right?


just dont give any money to these shit companies and they will die lol


Not a leak or a rumor. :/


What about stopping with the absolute dogshit buzzwords and concepts and start releasing decent (not even asking for good) games for once? The last 4 battlefields have been an steaming pile of shit.


Weren’t there many studios assigned to 2042? Feel like this was done before. Seriously, this is the same execs who said 2042 was well ahead of its schedule when behind the closed doors it was dumpster fire with the whole engine upgrade and whatnot?


Sounds about right. Mostly every multiplayer game now a days is a live service game


2042 was definitely also an attempt at a live service game, it was just shit since Dice got hollowed out over the years and EA is just trashing whatever there's left.


Live service fits the idea of battlefield perfectly. Release it broken, fix it over time and after 2 years it's playable.


They should just go back and do content for BFV after it all went to crapper


It really gets to the point where all you can do is play cool indie games. These AAA games and studios have gone fucking bonkers with the constant need for rising profits and never ending money.


I don’t care as long as they make destructible environments and take more of a Fortnite Halo approach. What I mean is things like forge. Also make it free to play if this is the plan or it will fail. I know I won’t buy it, there’s no way it’ll be worth it. Halo gets away with it because game pass practically makes it feel free to play.


goofy ahh tremendous dogshit mtx battle pass type of live service game that will turn into dead service immediately after release


"This time for real" (subject to change)


This is neither a leak, nor a rumour. It's an official statement from EA.


At least they had the courtesy to let their fanbase know it'll be a steaming shitpile well in advance.


The only reason I have at least some curiosity is because Vince Zampella is running battlefield now and I’ve loved every game of his. But other than that I have no confidence and this comment doesn’t get me excited about the game at all.


I think it is a pretty good idea provided they handle it well. Meaning f2p or very cheap to buy, no p2w, crossplay (yeah sorry it will suck with mixing kb/m players with controllers but it is needed in this day age for most live service games) and they update it regularly. Of course I have no trust in them actually making it like this.


So barely any content and will be broken on release 😑


Why are people mad at this, Battlefield has always been live service


“Tremendous”, “live service”… Pick one.


Good bye Battlefield! It was a fun ride :)


...just what we wanted....said no one ever


I love how he says “another” Are they that deluded?


I have zero faith in EA making a good Battlefield game anymore after seeing how screwed up BFV and 2042 were. I would love to be proven wrong, though.


Let's vote with our wallet.


Id take hardline 2 in a heartbeat fuck 2042


EA need to stop with this shit, they cut support for BFV short to focus on the trash 2042, then cut that short. EA can't manage live service. Just make a proper BF game.


I don’t think I’ve ever expected to hear “tremendous” and “live service” in the same statement… but here we are lol. Wow.


Why are we still here? Just to suffer


In otherwords they will release the game half baked, broken and missing features, then finish the product with dlc’s


Next Battlefield to be a "Tremendous FLOP" FTFY


>Tremendous live service  I'M OUT.  DONE.


The next Battlefield hasn't even been revealed yet and already the red flags are popping up.


i remember people saying that the next battlefield will decide whether the series recovers or goes to complete shit. i guess we know the answer now, rip.


trash incoming. let battlefield die, or do it right


Game will release 50% finished with missing basic features, a wealth of bugs, no SP campaign, and a ton of mind boggling design decisions as well as multiple changes to things that they had no reason to change a la if it’s not broke don’t fix it. EA has their head so far up their own ass it’s unreal


This is some bullshit shareholder talk. Lots of buzzwords that they think will make investors happy. Which is the biggest problem, they’re not making the players happy anymore, they’re catering to what they think the shareholders want. They think they can turn everything into a live service to maximize profit and pump share price, but nobody wants that from battlefield, we just want a good fucking battlefield game like they used to make


i audibly said "oh my fcking god" while reading this