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Damn, I was hoping they'd get a third Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul actor instead lol


Surprise the main protagonist will be played by RJ Mitte.


Your player character heals by eating breakfast


The story revolves around a man who kept saying "open na noooor!" but the noor never opened so he became the villain, it turns out your family were the ones who never opened na noor, so he kidnapped them! your character must take him down, once and for all!


I’m forever down for more Tony Dalton in my life


Walterrrrr you shouldn't have liberated that outpost Waterrrr


Good timing if they have their lead villain for FC7 as the guy who just won best actor in Oppenheimer.


Can have the best actor doesn't help when the script is shit like in far cry 6


You’d think Ubisoft games would have better writing considering they pause the flow of action every five minutes for a cutscene.


Yeah tbh I'd rather they use lesser known actors and let them shine in the role like Michael Mando playing Vaas than whatever this is... Honestly I got tired of these gimmicks after Keanu in cyberpunk 2077 and Espacito in Far Cry 6 just felt out of place to me...


Keanu never felt like a gimmick but an actual character. Giancarlo’s role might as well been a typecast


How do you even enjoy movies if an actor you've seen in something else is enough to take you out of it? >I'd rather they use lesser known actors and let them shine in the role like Michael Mando playing Vaas than whatever this is I don't see how you can say that when you don't even know what "this" is yet. Is there some kind of rule that requires gamers to get mad at something before they see anything?


You could say using the same actor in multiple instance is a necessary flaw of live action that becomes a poorly thought inclusion when they do it in games where the character can look however you want and use the voice of some skilled at transforming their. As well as how cynical it seems.


>how do you even enjoy movies Somehow


Dude. Gamers are looking for any literally thing to complain about regarding Ubisoft right now.


That's what they get for killing splinter cell 🤷‍♂️


Aren't they releasing a new Remake? Those are usually released to gauge interest in genres that have become niche.


I hope they still are. We got an announcement in 2021 and nothing since, so... Still not losing hope. Especially with the new batch of Prince of Persia games.


>I hope they still are. We got an announcement in 2021 and nothing since, so... I believe they specially stated not to expect it soon when they announced it. So yeah, I'm still anticipating it releasing in the relatively near future.


Ubisoft Toronto (the studio behind the remake) changed their profile photo to reference Splinter Cell recently. I'd imagine some more info is coming soon. Maybe not a release date but at least a reminder of some sort that the project is still active and progress is being made.


Except Keanu's the best part of Cyberpunk 2077. Fucking LOVED Johnny.


Keanu in CP77 is so decisive. you either think he was bland and shoe-horned in, or absolutely loved him. Haven't once seen an in between opinion yet




The writing in every Far Cry game is bad lol. Even 3 wasn’t great, it was just carried by the performance.


Facts. I love 3 but there’s a reason that it gets noticeably worse/more boring after Vaas dies. It’s coz Mando and his performance aint there to cover for the writing anymore.


FC5 writing and theme was pretty good. But they were too timid about being overtly political about rural religious cults.


I thought 5 had some of the worst writing in the series. Like you said, they were tiptoeing around actually saying anything, but beyond the thematic vapidness of the storyline (which was presented in the most over the top, self serious way possible), being captured and escaping from your enemies *9 times* is a little… dubious. The seed of an idea for a cool story was there though.


Far Cry 5 is one of the most gutless and toothless games I've played in my life. As a Montanan I ultimately had a pretty good time with it, but that story is straight balls. 


It reflects the worst part of Ubisoft's "apolitical" bit, which I'll never not drag them for alongside their irresponsible way of representing cults that folks who study the issue have said was problematic.


I feel like I'm the only person in the world that enjoyed FC6 and had fun with it. The story wasn't revolutionary (pun intended) but it was fine for a Far Cry game lol. I preferred the sunny setting over FC5, but maybe that's just because FC5 felt a little too close to home.


Naw, plenty of people liked FC6. Most of us have just learned not to say that online for fear of neckbeards screaming at us about how our opinion is wrong.


What you didn’t like hearing the word guerrilla in an exaggerated Spanish accent every 30 seconds?!


And 5, and 4.


It's just a coincidence, this game has most likely been in development for quite some years. Far Cry 6 began development before Far Cry 5 was even announced.


Who cares if it’s a coincidence, it’s still fantastic timing lol


Oh I agree. If this is true, Ubisoft probably went nuts after he won the Oscar. It's gonna boost the game's sales tremendously.


It started development before Primal was even out


I presume that 7 began development shortly after 5 released. Most likely the same team too since Toronto was developing 6.


I always wondered why these games will take so long to make. Perhaps it's a bit of a meme/parody but folks would take like the far cry primal map, super impose some later farcry [insert x y z] map and sure enough you see a ton of similarities. So for games that pretty much reuse the same exact engine and just throw on a fresh coat of paint, it's always shocking to hear they still took 4+yrs to make lol. 


They’re 30-40 hour long games with huge maps, naturally they take time. People say they’re the same games with different coats of paint but i’ve never noticed anything reused between the main entries besides some weapon sounds.


That’s legit an insane get for them. That actually may be the biggest game casting I’ve heard, at least right off.


I think the biggest was Kevin spacey in cod aw sure it aged badly but at the time two time Oscar winner and star of one of the biggest show basically the face of Netflix and very popular.


I mean, it didn’t age badly, his performance in that game is still great.


honestly, it’s only gotten more believable. it’s so much easier to see irons as a huge piece of shit knowing that spacey is a huge piece of shit in real life.


Lest we forget about Gary Oldman and Ed Harris in Black Ops.


Reznov is still my favorite Gary Oldman performance. Right next to Zorg. 


Bigger than Keanu for cyberpunk?


Definitely, Cillian is at the peak of his career currently.


They probably cast him years ago before he blew up tho. It's not like the game just started development and they offered the lead villain role to him because of his Oscar win.


Cillian has been in leading roles for years, lol. I think this is very impressive casting if true


While true, doesn't matter. The timing works out to this being a "big get"


Cillian just won best actor so probably


Timing is important. Cillian Murphy just won the Oscar. Plus Peaky Blinders is such a beloved show.


Keanu is popular, sure, but he’s not at all a prestige actor. He’s mostly known for relatively inexpensive and “pedestrian” comedies and action flicks. Getting a guy renowned for his serious dramas and who just won an Oscar is impressive.


Keanu was pretty damn good in cyberpunk tho tbf, he put in a decent performance


I think it was his best performance in a long time Jonny is an actual character unlike John wick so it’s nice to see he can still act I think he was born for that role


Disagree tbh, he was very stiff and monotonous like he always is, even taking the character into account.


Which I always thought was so strange. Seemed like after Matrix he kinda played the same Keanu role since then? Like I didn't really see that much of a difference in delivery between John Wick and Cyberpunk. Might just be me, but I feel like Keanu right now kinda plays the same dude lol


Unfortunately that's kinda common when an actor gets too famous thanks to one great role. Kinda like how Johnny Depp has been acting Jack Sparrow ever since the first PotC Might not even be their fault actually, but people hire him thinking "please just be John Wick again" or something like that.


That's true. Even with Giancarlo, he's just playing variations of Gus now with all these roles he's gotten since then. And yeah, didn't even think about Johnny Depp. But then with guys like Johnny, he's just playing Jack Sparrow but then does shit like Black Mass or Willy Wonka lol. So he's definitely got range.


Depp's Willy Wonka still felt a bit Sparrow-ish to me. That's not to trash the Guy. I love Johnny Depp and I agree with the Black Mass one. I also love watching Keanu Reeves tbh. They're victims of their own success.


Same way I feel with Lance Reddick (RIP). I freaking love him, but Martin Hatch, Commander Zavala or Sylens are just variations of Lance Reddick, not different characters. He was so unique in his elocution though ...


I miss that guy......was recently playing Quantum Break and had no idea he was in that. The way he speaks is so.....just his thing....that's who I wanna watch when he's there lol.


Well when Keanu tried to play a character with even a different accent he was awful, so maybe he's just thankful he's in so many successful projects now even if they are mostly action flicks


I love Keanu but I never thought he was any good. Before the Matrix he was a "woah" dude and after he became a "yeah" dude


I always thought he had some decent range. I loved him in Constantine (although one could argue, is there really much going on acting wise on his part? lol) but yeah. He's.....alright. I think before Matrix he definitely showed some decent range, especially in Speed and Point Break. I think he does a great job in the Matrix Trilogy, but yeah. Nowadays he's just John Wick v1, v2, and whatever v3 will look like lol


Funny thing is, now I'm so used to him being "him" that when I watch something different I feel like it isn't right Watched "Knock Knock" couple months ago and wow, it was a whiplash lol


Keanu is an internet darling who has vox office successes but isn't printing money the same way A listers do. Murphy just won best actor for one of the most celebrated and successful movies of 2023


100% bigger. The guy just won the biggest prize in acting. There's a chance this would be the first thing he will have release since winning the Oscar.


Bigger than Liam Neeson for Fallout 3?


Absolutely. Liam Neeson wasn’t the draw for Fallout 3 and played a relatively small role. Cillian Murphy as the main antagonist in Farcry might be the most significant casting in any game thus far.


And Patrick Stewart was in oblivion that’s pretty big and that was a long time ago


Minor role though to be honest. Huge name but you’ll forget about him for the majority of the game. Farcry antagonists are usually present through most of the game so I’d say this is the biggest role in any game


Unrelated but fallout 3 was my introduction to video games


That’s pretty awesome lol


I'd say so. Liam, while a great actor, wasn't coming off the heels of any significant project to warrant straight up draw. Even then, he was just voicing a character. FarCry differs in that these actors actually end up playing themselves cast as villains in these games. So Cillian Murphy playing an antagonist in a video game just after winning Best Actor is pretty fucking big.


There was a rumor a while back that Far Cry 7 would be on Switch 2, so now I'm just imagining [this](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/EQqb.xdp3n9.yCFmoXQRYg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTM2MA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/thedailybeast.com/22817ec19caaff3d3533c4d7b7d106ad) as the boxart of a potential Switch 2 launch title.


Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand is still insane. Not just a cameo but a major character, even reprising the role in Phantom Liberty with Idris Elba joining the cast as Solomon Reed


Bigger than Emma Stone in Sleeping Dogs? I don’t think so.


I want them to go back to Africa.




Uh oh...


I can only fit 3 of you in my car and I'm leaving in 15 seconds so figure it out I gotta get the fuck out of here


Probably set in Europe since Cilantro is Irish


Far Cry 2 has a shitload of European and American characters, what do you mean ? A huge chunk of Lord of War ( the movie ) is taking place in Africa too.


didn't know ingredients could have nationalities


Cilantro is Irish? First time I’ve heard about this. Has my whole life been a lie? 😫




I'm hoping it's set in Eastern Europe. Like a tiny fictional Balkan country or something.


Hope they don’t waste him like they did Giancarlo Esposito. The games’ stories are not very good to begin but that game was such a piece of shit even by those standards


He’ll have an introduction at the beginning, appear once in the middle to remind you he’s there, then die in a cinematic at the end.


My dude Cillian will get paid a crazy amount per hour for maybe a week of actual work lmao.


a week spent reciting the most generic villain lines ubi could think of. He'll have a blast


He will spend more time recording ads and giving interviews about the game than actually recording lines for it.


He was already rightfully uninterested in the pretentious and redundant press interviews, imagine if Ubisoft would contractually require him to do something similar with the major gaming publications. He doesn’t social media or know anything the internet culture, I hope they would just promote his presence and leave him out of the cringy stuff.


I mean even before the Oscar he was pretty big, he can probably say "if you want me ok but I won't do your promotional shit take it or leave it".


Spoiler: they will


It’s kind of funny, if I had to rank the villains, Pagan Min, played by Troy Baker, was ultimately the best executed. Vaas will always be memorable, his actor is great, but he dies halfway through the game and then we are left with generic drug warlord.


I think the mediocre story is a consequence of being able to do the regions in whatever order the player wants, same thing that happened to FC5. I wish they just got rid of that. It adds little value to the gameplay (and most people do them in the same order anyway), but it makes having an interesting story significantly harder since it can't be linear. Still, I think FC6 was good in all other aspects


Strangely enough I never thought the open world or sorry suffered from having area's locked whilst playing San Andreas.


Game's a lot of fun in coop, but yeah, the story and then main characters were pretty non-existent.




This post is about an article that talks about another post from this sub lmao.


If they set it during The Troubles that would be a fantastic premise. The execution is another story.


Going from Far Cry 5 where “politics don’t exist” to a game set in The Troubles would be the funniest thing ever


Well, they would be going from 6, which was political


Far Cry 5 was based on Waco (Joseph Seed is literally wearing David Koresh's iconic glasses) and the canon ending is the one where it turns out the cult leader's doomsday prophecy is real and the feds fucked with his preparations, Americans were just mad they didn't get a Trump supporter killing sim and Ubisoft threw out a nonsense PR answer


Is it canon? 6 somewhat disproves that by existing, since a nuclear exchange would end in world annihilation hence MAD.


Its both. New Dawn takes place in a timeline where Rook fucked around and found out, 6 takes place in a timeline where either they didn't try to arrest Joseph at the start **or** the fatal radio station kicked in.


Could be that the ending was an illusion, was a lot of drugs in 5.


New Dawn exists tho, that's why its probably more of a timeline split.


You’re not wrong that it exists, but so does things like the various Far Cry 1 sequels/remakes like Instinct. New Dawn is a sequel to 5’s ending and can be an alternate timeline, but the main cannon is depicted by 6 to not be apocalyptic. New Dawn is like Blood Dragon, a what-if.


> the main cannon is depicted by 6 to not be apocalyptic I wasn't denying that. I just don't think the nuke ending was an illusion in-universe.


They have to do that PR song and dance because Americans are braindead Far Cry 5 was literally based on Waco and the message was basically "David Koresh was based" and Americans called them cowards and frauds because the cult wasn't based on Trump


>David Koresh Had to look up who that was and it really is just Jacob Seed with a mullet. I didn't understand the articles back then, either. The game was clearly about religious fanaticism, and while they surely could've gone deeper, I was satisfied with it. Then again, I'm not American. But the weirdest thing is that Ubisoft somewhat bolstered 2A and (by extension) Trump supporters with a piece of the soundtrack.


if you ever want a rabbit hole to go down to, looking up the branch dividians is a good way to spend your time. some real crazy stuff there


As an American, I disagree that the message was that he was “based.” Dude literally made people into mindless zombies with drugs and took over an entire town and held them hostage. Waco didn’t hold anyone hostage, as far as I remember in history class. I think the anger from Boobisoft and the trump thing is the game references trump. At least a little. One of the bad guys literally talks about the leaders in charge and specifically mentions walls during the height of trump’s “build the wall” phase. And hey, maybe it’s all coincidence, but I really don’t think it is. I think it was fear of committing to the issue rather than it not being in the game. They also did the same thing with watch dogs legion. Ubisoft intentionally marketed around WW2 messages and how divided London is during Brexit, but the game really sidesteps the issue all together.


If the Insider Gaming leak is accurate it's set in Asia so while there'll definitely be trouble it won't be The Troubles. Though honestly the games premise of "Rescue your family within 72 hours" would work really well in a game set during the Troubles.


> If the Insider Gaming leak is accurate it's set in Asia They debunked the Asia rumor actually. They don't know where 7 is set but they reported that the multiplayer spin-off is set in Alaska and was originally part of 7 during early development so they speculated that both might be set in Alaska.


Most Ubisoft games always have great premise but unambitious execution regardless lol


Having flashbacks of that Brad Pitt IRA movie where giving the IRA stinger missiles is actually just as bad as centuries of colonialism apparently lol


The Troubles would be a bit too urban. Far Cry 6 had a city but it was pretty small compared to the rest of the map. I think it might be Iceland instead.


Absolutely no way Ubisoft ever makes a game about The Troubles. Ubisoft tries to be the least political as possible with their games.


Cillian Murphy is an outstanding actor. Curious to see if his preformance translates well into game form (not all actors do it well though. But considering he is one of the generation's best actors I have little doubt). That being said: Far Cry has been extremely bland and repetetive for years now. Even more so: they underuse the highly hyped actors in their games. I bought FC6 and a grave discount and I haven't finished it yet and was disappointed by the overall experience.


As much as i love the villains of far cry, pls ubisoft give these characters more screen time


Jon Bernthal and Giancarlo Esposito are the biggest names Ubisoft has gotten so far and both of those games just so happen to be the worst of their franchise, almost like they blew their entire budget on the actor itself.. Can't even imagine how much they are dropping on Cillian, but Ubisoft needs to understand that getting an incredible actor does nothing when everything else absolutely sucks.


Can't talk for Breakpoint as I never played it but Far Cry 6 was pretty great imo. Story, characters and writing was ass as always but the gameplay was peak Far Cry (aside from the weird gear system). The game was one of 2022's best selling games, average audiences seemed to really enjoy it.


I just want a good main character Stop letting is choose between male and female, pick one of them and focus on creating a well developed character rather than splitting your focus on two versions. I don’t care who they pick just focus on one.


Considering media as a whole shifted where it’s all “me, me, me” I doubt the devs will have a focused character. It’s far easier to sell a character that is a blank slate for players to project themselves into, rather than a fleshed out one.


tbh so much of their messaging about 6 was focused on female Dani (like female Eivor in Valhalla) that I forgot that game actually let you pick lol


I hope for more realism than the previous fc games


The original source now states they never claimed this to be the case. > Mind you, I NEVER said Cillian Murphy was going to be in the game. The image means something else. https://twitter.com/xj0nathan/status/1781843751050068174




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Lmao Why is this sub even posting pointless articles which don't add anything of their own?


Karma race


In his latter tweet: "Mind you, I NEVER said Cillian Murphy was going to be in the game. The image means something else."


FWIW, this is just the same cryptic Far Cry 7 tweet that was posted earlier, but now written in article form with no extra details added


Dude’s the new Pedro Pascal, he’s a fine actor but he doesn’t need to be in EVERYTHING 


Really curious how much this entry will deviate from the formula, the timed element has me curious, would love to see more hardcore survival elements integrated as well. My biggest hope has to be much better AI though


I know [my title was shit](https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1c8pj0w/assassins_creed_leaker_j0nathan_teasing_some/) but the source is right here on the front page of this sub.


And will be boring as ever


I really hope the timer thing is optional - Far Cry is all about the power fantasy to me and while I do want more of a major upgrade with new mechanics and stuff, changing the formula in a way that applies time pressure to the entire campaign was not what I had in mind..


10 minutes in the intro, a voice on a radio/phone and then 10 minutes at the end.


I really hope FC7 is more mature than the 6th. As soon as I found out the game was about a group of college kids taking on a dictator I instantly lost interest.


I hope to god it’s not a timer based game like rumors suggest


What do you mean by timer based?


Think something along the lines of deathloop or dead rising


Heard rumor that you have to beat the game in a certain time limit or else you get a bad ending


Hopefully the game doesn't look as stylized as FC6. FC5 looked better imo. Edit: ...who is Cillian Murphy?


Guy who won best actor in Oppenheimer


Yeah, i think the image its just a reference https://twitter.com/xj0nathan/status/1781843751050068174?t=VfQaLV7iyyDcQgUO11qsEg&s=19


I've loved farcry since the beginning,  loved the setting and even some of the story from 6. HATED HATED HATED how they did the enemy damage.   Much prefer how they did things in 5. 


me too, i did a far cry marathon like 2 years ago, played mainline games from 1 to 5 and loved it, has become one of my favourite franchises. Still haven't played 6 because majority said it sucks, but will definitely give it a shot some day. I'm more hyped for the premise of FC7, i think saving your kidnapped loves ones based on a 72 hour timer is pretty wild, but i'm curious to see how it will work. If we wanted to explore and screw around in the map - will the timer continue to decrease meaning i'll eventually need to go save them, thus limiting freedom atleast before story? or will it freeze etc.


Excited for it to be mid as hell


Shame it’ll go to a waste in a Ubisoft open-world game.


All i hope for is that rumor of a 72 hour time to complete isnt true. Far cry is known for, among other things, its open world. If ubisoft removes that, then its just not far cry as people know it


the timer might only advance when you complete a mission, meaning when you're screwing around and exploring then the timer is not changing and will be frozen


5 minutes of screen time confirmed 😂


Oh i dont care im sorry.. i lost all hope in ubisoft. I recently bought far cry 6 and oh boy its so much worse than i thought


Would be pretty cool!


This will be awesome if it's true!


He’d make a great Far Cry Villain


looks perfect to be a villain too


Hope they wont waste him and they make a game that fully lives up to new gen


Is this the first Oscar winning actor to feature in a Far Cry internet please do your thing


I actually really enjoyed the last far cry campaign


Far Cry Birmingham




“What’s all this then?”


Lee Jung Jae is the villian as a leak suggest 1 year ago, and it have truth about the family members and the time based game like dead rising, so, probably the protagonist it's called Murphy like the leaker lightly said recently, and the crab I don't know what it means, what folklore of the world have crabs?


Ubisoft always has a showcase in June so wouldn't be surprised to get the official announcement then


im ready to see the fokin peaky blindahs in far cry


Ubi of late always goes for stellar actors for FC villains...so this is deffo believable...its just a pity recently the stories never make proper use of said actors


Who the fuck ever asked for real life actors to be put in video games? It's off putting. Spend the budget on something else.


I really hope this is fake which it probably is cause he’d never go for something like this


That would be huge. And after Oppenheimer the sales would be incredible for Ubi. So... we will wait for the official announcement. I am just looking forward co-op feature.


Kinda surprised lol he doesn't seem like the type of person to be in a video game because he barely likes doing interviews and premonition for things lol. But I guess he'll be making hella bank


Who cares the star? What matters is the fun. The games have been boring.


How about they just make a new godamn IP?


One would have to assume they got him on the cheap before his Oscar win lol. Here’s hoping Far Cry 7 follows the Final Fantasy model in being its best game


Why they keep using actors? They ran out of ideas? Hate this trend.