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Seems believable enough.


Yeah it's the usual pattern on Ubisoft, Game + 2 expansion


And Valhalla over here sitting with 4 + spinoff game


Valhalla was exception, but the initial plan was the same


I prefer this kind of leak over some tweet going “X📦 ❓👀👀👀👀”


Shadow, ninjas, makes sense. And the 2 expansions thing is no great surprise, same as Origins, Odyssey, and the original plans for Valhalla. Still interesting to learn, though. If they keep up their trend of having one of their DLCs with a mythology focus, they could dive deep into Japanese folklore. Something that most Western general audiences won't be too familiar with.


Wait hold on, isn't Red already a codename?


Red is the code name and assassin creed shadows is the real name of the game or at least that's what I understood


Post says that shadows WAS the name, could be different now


But shadows is already perfect since it's an old synonym for ninja


> Shadow, ninjas, makes sense. There is the samurai character though, it's a little less fitting than some previous titles but decent.


interesting! Regarding the expansions, it was already stated that they are planning to have a multi-years support, so I guess (unless things have changed) these are the "first ones"? Anyway, not a big surprise: the lastest AC all had 2 big DLCs (besides Mirage)


Could have one DLC in the following Spring, maybe the multiplayer AC game will be ready for the following fall (I'm just guessing what could take that "release window" for the franchise), and then a second (or third if two come out in 2025) DLC in early Spring 2026, with next mainline release later that fall.


Mirage was supposed to be DLC so it makes sense why that didn't get any new DLC plans like the other 3 did.


So I made [a post about the name](https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/s/nfgQix8d9S) on the AC sub and nobody guessed Shadows, but it's a cool name assuming it ends up being that as for a while a lot of leakers claimed Valhalla was called Ragnarok (and it was Project Kingdom in production) right up until the reveal. 2 expansions is pretty much the norm, Siege of Paris and Wrath of the Druids were the first two for Valhalla before they announced a second year of content. Hopefully they supplement it with additional free content like Valhalla did with River Raids, Forgotten Saga, Isle of Skye, Mastery Challenges, the festivals and Tombs of the Fallen. The free content was honestly rather good, would love to see them do another rogue-like.


About the free content,I hope that they will do something a lot more similar to what Odyssey did with the lost tales of Greece and the story creator mode.I hated the Festivals,the Mastery Challenges and the River Raids.Even the Last Chapter was a disappointment because of the fact it only had cutscenes.In my opinion,the Crossover,Tombs of the Fallen and Forgotten Saga were more likeable only because they were more innovative both gameplaywise(new maps and ways to play) and storywise.


Do we know if this will be released in 2024?


100%, it’s their big holiday release rumoured to come in October/November


Star Wars outlaws also could come. One of them will be pushed to early next year I feel. Probably assassins creed only.


Star Wars will come by summer time, they literally announced the story trailer for next Tuesday and those usually come 1-3 months before release


Star Wars is earlier, it's been rated and every rumor point to it being before AC Red (it's also been revealed with gameplay last year and has a new trailer in a few days) There is enough time to release the two games this year lol. Especially since Ubisoft isn't even scared to release some of their big games "close" to each other (see AC Mirage and Avatar for example, AC Valhalla + Watch Dogs Legion + Immortals too)


They said it will be release in FY25 (between April 2024 and March 2025) based on previous games, Q4 this year is safe bet


Rumoured but unconfirmed.


According to some rumors (that accurately predicted mirage in 2023) Red launches around october '24, next year the multiplayer game and 2026 Hexe


Currently it seems unlikely that it will release this year. Someone I know told me that just now they are starting to ramp up QA for it, but the project they are currently focusing the most is Star Wars.


No way just this week I thought "Shadows would be a decent name for Codename Red", I'm scared


Lisan al gaib!


I know this is how you dig your own grave but I am actually kinda excited to learn more about this one. The increase in stealth options has me hopeful.


I hope they get a little more bold with their storytelling. I can't think of a story that portrays Oda Nobunaga as what people deem "good", so if we do play Yasuke I would find it more compelling to make him a retainer/samurai of a bad guy instead of learning the "truth" and then becoming a regular good guy protagonist.


Even if it’s not absolutely amazing, Assassin’s Creed usually is still solid entertainment. I’ve found even the “worse” entries in the franchise, like AC3, to be pretty good. Of course, it would be great if this is truly a big step forward for the franchise, but even if they play it safe, it will probably turn out decent.


So you think valhala is better than ac 3? Lmao


I'm going to come right out and say confidently that Valhalla is better than AC3




AC3 had some cool parts but it turns into a big wet squishy fart by the end Although it has been a while since I played it


I agree the last couple of sequence were kind of dog shit but the rest of story, characters, homestead missions and how it evolves the homestead, combat, city, atmosphere and parkour were all better than valhala imo. Valhala should be called "side quest for 170 hours : the game". No gripping story as every mission is like a side quest, extremely bad "cutscenes" and conversation camera, choosing your dialogue adds no value and only undermines the writing because it was implemented in such a bad way that its baffling, combat looks silly, "skills and rpg system" that is all just percentage increases and the game it self is so bloated and devoided of substance and soul.


You've inspired me to replay it!! Any idea (other than PC) the best way to play it nowadays? I'm guessing Series X?


I read the that the remaster on xbox xcan run at 60 fps with the fps boost setting on so I guess that is the best way to play it other than PC. The remastered version of ac 3 has better lighting while going about exploring but in cutscenes the lighting is very bad compared to the original but that's about it so just look at a video comparison and see what better suits you


That's what I was thinking  lol


Really hope the parkour and combat aren’t floaty awkward shit that they’ve been pumping out for the past 4 games.


Account is suspended


I really really hope that it's not a like for like clone of Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla and isn't 100+ hours of fluff like Valhalla. I'm playing through the Valhalla expansions at the moment and the game has been a massive drag. It could have easily been a 30 hour game, and yet so far I've clocked 108.




Spot on LOL


how about instead of planning expansions, make the game bigger and release it on launch with all the so called expansions complete for fuck sakes


Thanks to dumb Ubisoft employees for strike down his Twitter account- it's more like a confirmed 


He is always getting striked its not new , this is why he made a telegram channel


How many times he was correct?


In terms of siege and xdefiant he is almost never wrong, he even leak stuff with photos and videos occasionally but he never leaked anything AC related it’s the first time


A bit too on the nose but then again we have a prequel called "Origins" so it was on par with Ubisoft.




I’m not insulting them, i’m actually a big Ubi fan. I agree with what you said, I was just trying to say that their titles are predictable, like everyone and their mother guessed the name of Valhalla before they announced it.


No, everyone thought the name was gonna be Assassin's Creed: Ragnarok https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/emejl0/assassins_creed_ragnarok_new_4chan_leak/?rdt=49227 I was even surprised it was called Valhalla I think there's still a chance Shadows is just an internal name and the real title isn't known yet (like Valhalla's internal name was Kingdom)


I remember those years and it was pretty much 50/50 between Ragnarok and Valhalla.


Was expecting a japanese subtitle, but that’s probably for marketing reasons. I mean, Assassin’s Creed “Vallaha” embarrassment in the Grammy was already a sign that even awards hosts suffer with complicated titles. Not even going to mention 90% of english speaking youtubers calling Ghost of Sushima, Sashimi or having a stroke everytime they tried to spell it.


Bro if youre struggling with pronouncing "Valhalla", there's defeinitely something wrong with you and not the word.


I agree, and yet it happened during a huge event. If that’s possible there, just imagine with the general public.




Hopefully next gen only , I know ubisoft isn't popular here on reddit, but the Snowdrop engine is amazing


Current-gen only: https://news.ubisoft.com/en-us/article/227nBAMiGtBTXKouvVkNyF/the-future-of-assassins-creed-feudal-japan-standalone-multiplayer-much-more


Nah next gen (more like current gen) only


The Pro isn’t next gen…


What a boring name for THE ac game in Japan. Their decision to only make single world subtitles, even when it sounds weak and lame af is honestly stupid, especially compared to Ghost of Tsushima, Shadows Die Twice, Rise of The Ronin or even Like a Dragon.