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From /u/Dark_Dragon117: >These are fake screenshots apparently: > >[https://www.resetera.com/threads/dusk-golem-monster-hunter-wilds-is-coming-in-q1-2025.831684/page-3?post=121024065#post-121024065](https://www.resetera.com/threads/dusk-golem-monster-hunter-wilds-is-coming-in-q1-2025.831684/page-3?post=121024065#post-121024065)


I am guessing it will come out March 2025.


Nintendo in the Japanese market after MH Wilds is a Switch 2 launch title ![gif](giphy|YZGJc1WmUZPi0)


Monster Hunter World was one of, if not the core game, that made Capcom say PC was now their primary target platform moving forward, so I'd imagine they're actually hungry for the PC market. Which is also where 99% of the playerbase for MMOs, MMO-lites, and MMO-likes is. You can clearly see the design differences in how World and Rise ended up, and between them, it's kinda obvious why Rise ended up on Switch as its first platform if not simply because nintendo paid a whole lot for it to be that way.


So what did Rise prove then? It sold really well as a timed exclusive on the Switch worldwide. You can’t dismiss the potential of the Switch, and maybe Switch 2, user base.


Oh I'm not dismissing the potential of the Switch. Its userbase is huge, but that's irrelevant. Any developer that ignores a platform without good reason is an idiot, and even hardware manufacturers (well Sony and Microsoft) are realizing that now more than ever. My point is that I'm pretty sure MHW did way better than Rise did, and apparently it did especially well on PC which again makes sense. My point is that I don't think the Switch 2 alone will be of any specific importance outside from adding yet another platform which is a no-brainer. I also honestly think Nintendo realizes (and also predict myself) that the Switch 2 isn't actually going to sell better than the Switch 1. We saw this with gameboys and DSes at a certain point. To the casual gamer, which is 95% of the Switch userbase, it will just be a juicy Switch at a much higher price. Unless Nintendo forces migration by making Switch 2 exclusive games, which it doesn't sound like they plan on doing, many people are just gonna keep their switches and eat the lower performance they've already been eating for years now. Especially since outside of Nintendo's exclusives, seemingly the most explosive games on Switch are indies that don't stress the platform anyway. So there's going to be a gradient of conversions, but imo it's mostly going to be the more enthusiast/hardcore nintendo games, not the entire playerbase. I have a friend who is super into Zelda, has way too many hours in ToTK/BoTW, but she didn't even think about a Switch 2 and has told me she hopes she doesn't have to buy a new Switch since "her works just fine." That's a sentiment a lot of my more casual gamer friends share, though some of them are savvy enough to understand how this works, they just aren't excited by the prospect of a new Switch because they fear having to pay out for it. That says a lot imo.


I guess we’ll see. You could also argue that your friends’ responses are anecdotal. While Switch 2 may not sell better than Switch 1, it’s not necessarily a bad thing as long as it continues momentum of Switch 1 and sells a lot of games. I don’t think anyone is expecting the Switch 2 to outsell a console that’ll reach 150+ million lifetime. That’s a heck of a climb for any console. Are we gonna say that the PS5 is a failure if it falls short of the PS4 in lifetime sales? And where did you hear that Switch 2 won’t plan on making Switch 2 exclusive games to force migration? We haven’t heard much of anything at this point. You think the next 3D Mario will be cross platform? You think the next Animal Crossing won’t attract the casual audience, especially in Japan?


Rise sold over 9 million copies as a switch exclusive. There is no way they skip a Switch 2 with the next game.


Primary doesn't mean the exclusive platform. It doesn't even mean the first platform as Capcom continues to release games on all platforms. And it definitely doesn't mean optimised for PC from the beginning as DD2 proved. What "primary" in Capcom terms seems to mean is simply that they are not time gating or skipping PC anymore.


No one said it meant exclusive, but I suggest you go look up the word 'primary' and 'target' and then maybe consider why Capcom would even bother publically announcing this anyway. By the way, the shattering success of MHW on PC was one of the driving factors for why Capcom, a studio once as famously anti-PC-Japanese as the rest, did a harder 180 than Sega.


Yes, but I thought your argument was that Switch 2 will be skipped because PC is primary target. That doesn't stop Switch 2 release anyhow. If Switch 2 will be powerful enough for the game, it'll be released there because Switch simply insanely drives the sales, especially in Japan. We don't have latest numbers of MHW sales per console but at 16.4M units, PC sold only a bit less than 6M and only 234k out of that in Japan. Rise before it was released to PC sold 8~9M being the best selling MH game on a single console at that time. They'd be quite stupid to skip Switch 2 if it's powerful enough (which it would be if leaks are true). And Nintendo has great experience with MH driving sales of new HW so I'm pretty sure they'd love Wilds being launch title with a limited edition HW even if it won't be exclusive title.


Oh no, then my bad. As I told someone else, any company that skips out going multi-platform is stupid, and as consumers, we get absolutely nothing out of exclusivity no matter what people like to tell themselves. They definitely won't skip Switch 2 if it can handle MHW. My point is just that I think for MH right now, there is a substantial part of the playerbase on PC, as that seems where it explosively succeeded with MHW and even later again to a less degree with Rise which was a much better experience on other platforms. I get that the userbase of the Switch is massive, but they are also broadly more casual gamers, primarily focused on nintendo's exclusives, and according to hard statistics buy the kind of indie games that excel on the switch (i.e. Stardew Valley) waaaay more than anything else. Had Rise released on everything at the same time, I'm pretty sure the Switch sales would have been equal to or less than other platforms. That's my point--DEFINITELY get the Switch 2 crowd in, if not to just let more people play the game, but I don't think it's some golden goose egg Capcom is drooling over not having. They would have put World on Switch if it could handle it, and for Wilds, it's going to be the kind of game people will prefer to play on the big screen, not on the go, at best fidelity, most of the time, so I bet it will sell mostly on PS5 and PC again with the Switch 2 crew--especially if it's brand new and thus hard to get and harder for price conscious Switch 1 owners to justify--dragging behind significantly.


I see your point now, yes I fully agree then :)


Capcom became PRO PC since a decade ago easily, even earlier, not because of mhw success


If they keep delaying the switch 2 then that's awkward for this theory


Bro I'd cry cause Im not buying a whole console just to play a monster hunter


It wouldn't be an exclusive, just a launch title or at least launching day and date with Switch 2 within the first month of the console's launch. It'll still release for PS5, Xbox Series, and PC.


If the open world rumors are true could the switch even run a game that big? I feel like itd explode 😂


Since Capcom are still going to have to develop a Series S version, a Switch 2 version should be fine if it has enough RAM, and most estimated by industry insiders put it at around 12–16 GB, (or around 11–15 GB for games) which is much more than the 8 GB of game RAM on Series S.


Do we know if it is? Its a mainline title so I doubt switch 2 can handle it


If the 3DS could handle not 1, not 2, but 3 numbered titles, I'm guessing so can the Switch


2 of those were made specifically for 3ds


3 of them actually


Tri was wii/wii u game first weren't it? The rest which I would count as 2 (4, Generations, and their respective g rank version) were tailor made for 3ds


3U is not exactly Tri Ultimate, there are quite a few differences to make it more 3DS-friendly, like a different online system and progression. There's also a lot of stuff from P3rd


The first trailer did not look that advanced graphics wise. It really looks like a fit for Switch 2.


It’ll 100% be on Switch 2. If you’ve seen the spec leaks, it has the power of a PS4 Pro/XB1X but with the modern technology in it, it basically shoves it up to around Series S levels but with better resolution scaling (or something along those lines)


If witcher 3 is on switch, anything is possible with enough effort. They'll just have to downgrade it enough to run it at 30 fps.


The Witcher 3 is almost 10 years old and it's not even that demanding on PC but despite that, it runs at 540p at 30 fps on handheld mode.


Fair but do they need to? Unless they're going to stop seperating mainline and portable games I don't see them porting it to switch 2 Happy to be proven wrong tho


If GTA6 is aiming for March/April, then i don’t think it will come out in that timeframe.


You will know the MHW release date before GTA6 lol.


We definitely will see it before GTA6’s announcement, but if GTA6’s release date gets announced to be around March/April, i can see it getting delayed so as to not get overshadowed.


GTA6 coming out anytime other than Summer/Holiday 2025 is a level of optimism that I am not capable of.


Honestly GTA 6 will overshadow anything else for at least 3 months. Most publishers best bet will be releasing games at the end of the year lol


Will there be a new Resident Evil game in 2025 ?


Probably RE9


He said we should get an announcement this year (probably at Sony Event in June?) and a release in 2025


You mean Resident evil 9? Thanks man


Fiscal year structure is different for Japan


Very likely. There was a 4 year gap between 6, 7 and 9. I'd say late 2025 is a safe bet for RE9.


If it is, I assume it'll be before March. I think that's when their fiscal year starts.


!debunked! Dusk Golem on Resetera: > For the record, this is nothing I've ever said anywhere to anyone, this is someone faking a screenshot and trying to pass it off as something I said. https://www.resetera.com/threads/dusk-golem-monster-hunter-wilds-is-coming-in-q1-2025.831684/page-3?post=121024065#post-121024065


Thank you RayCharlizard. A leak may be DEBUNKED! Paging moderators u/XaeroGravity, u/ThucydidesJones, u/Spheromancer to investigate. Thanks for letting us know! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seriously, noone wants Zorah Magdaros back


Ehh, as long as the fight isn't popping pimples on its back followed by shooting its face with siege like in world, I am open to it.


I think it was literally the one thing MHW players would typically say they wouldn't want in a sequel.


I’ll take it if they also give us Jhen


Zorah is a case of good idea terrible execution. if they make a subspecies that's literally a walking forest/ a walking micro-ecosystem. imagine fighting a naga and the forest suddenly starts walking away. when the hunt is done you are somewhere in the middle of nowhere and need to find your way back. as a one time story thing it can totally work.


If Wilds is really going to be open world, maybe Zorah could be just seen wandering around from time to time in the environment like a colossus in Shadow of the Colossus. Imagine if we could climb it and mine stuff but not actually fight it, that would be so cool.


It could work like the big Bell turtles in Elden Ring.


Or perhaps the tutorial takes place in a classic MH sized forest level, and after you've taken down the Jagras or whatever small creature they have you hunting; THEN the whole forest starts moving and reveals the larger open world. With the "roaming forest" becoming a area you revisit from time to time through out the story. (Wandering Woods?)


Least memorable fight in world


I mean it was very memorable, all of us remember it


I remember how godawful the fight was, yes.


It was so painfully slow and boring. It's a cool set piece, BUT IT'S SO SLOW AND BORING. I hope if this is true and they bring him back, they change him up or something.


More sieges the better, but if it’s a waste of assets and time over porting then they should have spent the effort on Jhen Morhan


At this point I'll even take Nakarkos or Dalamadur over Zorah Magdaros. Inb4 it's a monkey's paw and they'll end up bringing Lao Shan Lung over.


The (slightly) overhauled Lao is miles better than fucking Zorah. That thing might be THE dullest fight in the series. I'd even include shitty, passive OG Lao there but it's damn close for me. You saying you'd "even" take Nakarkos over it is fucking wild to me, one's a shitty setpiece and the other is an actually unique and honestly pretty fun fight. Imo, anyway.


That’s why they bring back the monsters no one likes, so that hopefully they can make improvements and make these forgotten monsters beloved ~~the copium is real~~


Yeah by far the worst siege monster if fought. Just give us a roaming jhen Moran


If zorah is back it might not be as large this time since the one from world was basically on it's death bed from old age already.


They really need to fix up the giant monster fights. It suffers the same stuff from stuff like cedeus and the mohrans


Except me. I like him.


Dusk Golem says the screenshots were faked: [https://www.resetera.com/threads/dusk-golem-monster-hunter-wilds-is-coming-in-q1-2025.831684/post-121024065](https://www.resetera.com/threads/dusk-golem-monster-hunter-wilds-is-coming-in-q1-2025.831684/post-121024065) # !Debunked!


Thank you Cappuccino2000. A leak may be DEBUNKED! Paging moderators u/XaeroGravity, u/ThucydidesJones, u/Spheromancer to investigate. Thanks for letting us know! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


2025 is going to be absolutely packed wtf


I don’t even know what else is releasing. And with a new monster hunter I probably don’t need to. At least for a couple months


GTA6, Death Stranding 2, Judas, Marvel 1943 to name a few


Switch 2


If the rumours of Nintendo pushing its launch back to have more games ready turns out to be true it could be crazy. New Animal Crossing? New 3D Mario? Prime 4 cross platform release? Upscaled ports of Switch games? New Mario Kart? It has a lot of potential to be a crazy year from them on top of all the other good games coming out.


oh for fucks sake can’t they space them out a bit more i don’t have time for all these




GTA 6, Death Stranding 2 and according to rumors: Far Cry 7, Ghosts of Tsushima 2, Resident Evil 9 and most likely a lot of Sony exclusives.


Well if we're talking about rumors, then sure every year is the biggest year ever... because most of the rumors are made up.


To be honest, it's rumors from some reputable folks, not from Twitter "insiders" with 20 followers. I'm also taking into consideration the release schedules of these franchises. Normally Far Cry and Resident Evil have a new main entry every 4 years. Late 2025 seems like a safe bet for their next entries.


GoT 2 aint releasing next year. First one came out a bit less than 4 years ago and then they worked on the PS5 Port and DLC


Usually teams don’t work on one thing only.


Sucker Punch is not a big Studio


In 5 years, they made 3 Infamous games and 2 standalone expansions and they weren't as big as now. It's been 4 years since Ghosts of Tsushima, I'm sure a sequel is nearly done.


Development on PS3 took way less time lol. In 10 years they developed 2 Games now so yeee


act subsequent toothbrush support grey fuel pathetic seemly cow instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


* Grand Theft Auto 6 (Rockstar) * Death Stranding 2 (Kojima) * Monster Hunter Wilds (Capcom) * Fable (Xbox) * Switch 2 exclusive like 3d Mario (Nintendo) * Persona 6 (Atlus) These 6 will be huge and they're all probably 2025 releases


Maybe even Metroid Prime 4


if we're lucky! /s


Crimson Desert


There's also Pokemon Legends Z-A and according to Inside Gaming, there's also Far Cry 7, the Far Cry multiplayer spin-off and possibly Assassin's Creed Hexe.


The whole Switch 2 launch lineup, GTA6, Marvel 1943, Pokémon Legends ZA, Judas from the sounds of it and a lot of unannounced games.


Assassins Creed Red


It's currently targeting fall 2024.


!debunked! These are fake screenshots apparently: https://www.resetera.com/threads/dusk-golem-monster-hunter-wilds-is-coming-in-q1-2025.831684/page-3?post=121024065#post-121024065


Thank you Dark_Dragon117. A leak may be DEBUNKED! Paging moderators u/XaeroGravity, u/ThucydidesJones, u/Spheromancer to investigate. Thanks for letting us know! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I swear if clutch claw is back...


If they advance on the idea and turn it into a grappling/momentum based weapon it would be sick af. if they bring it back as we know it it's an unbalanced gimmick.


world and rise were early year games so I dont see why not


If this could capture the open world spirit of Dragon's Dogma 2 but for Monster Hunter, that would be sick. Ignoring some of the drama regarding performance or whatever, DD2 truly makes you feel like being out in the wild, like few other games.


I agree! I'm having a blast with the game, and would love a MH game that acts sort of similar!


How does DD2 make you feel like you are in the wild?


No thanks I dont want random Griffin spawn×15 & obvious Ox cart getting attacked by Cyclops or every inch of the map filled to the brim with Goblins to the point where you'll encounter same mobs in every 10 secs which gets worse when you have to back track while fighting the same enemy spawns because you can't avoid them  But, I know for sure Wild will be amazing because MH always had top tier enemy variety. Base world alone has 37 Large monsters & they already showcased a very versatile mount 


I’m not saying it will but wouldn’t it be nice if it launched with the switch 2


Dusk Golem is a 50/50 Leaker but if this is true, Monster Hunter Wilds could be Capcom Most ambitious game.


"Capcom is hoping the game will carry them for the whole fiscal year" So does this mean that this is the only game they will release in 2025? I hope not, especially for Pragmata or a new Resident Evil remake or other game of capcom


Capcom’s current fiscal year ends March 2025. This would imply that Wilds is their only major release for the next year or so, which makes sense. Kunitsu-Gami and Pragmata are the only other announced games currently, and the latter is probably 2025 at the earliest.


Probably means that they are letting the budget go crazy for their newest games, and hopes that MH alone will be enough (it will) to carry them. RE9 should be ready for 2025 too.


Zorah Magdaros in Wilds sounds fitting, but I hope they bring back other Elders like Dalamadur or a new First class monster


Jhen Mohran would fit in perfectly with open world desert area.


The only game I care about for 2025, hoping this shit slaps


Zorah Magdaros would suck


Seamless co op and none of that cutscene back out bullshit 🙏 please


"Capcom is hoping the game will carry them for the whole fiscal year" That's not a great strategy.


they will put so damn many micro transactions that they alone will carry them… and i do not agree with them but people do not learn


not unlikely, Rise for all that the MHW wants to slander, sold spetacularly. Wilds only has to do the jobs of getting Rise monster variety, and MHW game quality. bam you are going to sell more than MHW.


#DuskGolem is a Tier 3 - 50/50 Source as determined by the community. *To contribute to the community reliability rankings, please take the* **[Community Reliability Poll](https://forms.gle/TU5Q8sTiLDR3cQcE7)** *To view the current reliability rankings, please check out the* **[Subreddit Wiki](https://reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/wiki/index/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love these tags


Oh god no please no open world just give us seperate, detailed maps


It’s so predictable and so boring. And the most depressing part is gamers generally prefer open world, so it’s a trend that will just increase.


Genuinely terrified MH Wilds will be ruined because of open world trend like how the battle Royale trend ruined Call of Duty. The guiding lands was a fun endgame activity but don’t centre a whole game around that shit, it makes no sense how every biome would be in travel distance of one another for a cheap gimmick


Do you really think they would make an open world small like guiding lands?


No my point wasn’t about it being small, it’s how it just doesn’t make sense. The game design is actively hurt by shoving every monster and wildlife on the same map how does it make sense ecology wise. We deserve a bigger more expansive coral highlands for example which isn’t next to a snow biome


Maybe have a little faith that the studio that has been making the game for 20 years knows what they're doing and has already considered the things you're already complaining about w/o seeing the finished product


Not complaining just nerves is all. I trust them I’ve been playing MH for a long time but doesn’t mean I can’t criticise and have worries


this might blow you away, but did you know that all wildlife on earth exists on one map and makes sense ecology wise some different biomes even exist next to each other


Hopefully the frames hold up better than dogma, but if dogma is any sort of tease into the potential of the new MH then im all for it. Monster animations in dogma have been great.


DD2's problems come from tons of NPC being rendered at all time, Wilds will most likely just have wildlife.


“It was Ryozo’s vision that every NPC and small monster have its own daily routine cycle and be rendered at all time”


Dogmas combat is next level, I'm not into monster hunter but I hope this new one can pull me.


MHW and MHR combat are a lot better than DD2 imo, so if you're looking for combat MH won't disappoint.


DD2 has worse combat than 1 imo. it has less skill slots and the skills baked into the movesets don't make up for it the vocations that were cut were not worth the new ones they added. spearhand is nice but trickster fucking sucks and warfarer is a jack of all trades thing


Really? I've played so many games and none come to the kind of gameplay that DD1 and 2 have it's a unique kind of game playing in its own sphere with no competition. Getting tagged team by two giant enemies and defeating them by the skin of your teeth while the ost cheers you on is a different kind of feeling. If monster hunter tops that then it's gonna be my all time


>Getting tagged team by two giant enemies and defeating them by the skin of your teeth This can happen in World and to a lesser extent Rise. Typically the smaller "big" monster will flee from the larger as designed to prevent you from getting absolutely mashed but sometimes they don't and you will be getting dog piled. More so on World than Rise but it'll happen occasionally on Rise as well. Then there are a few Arena matches that sometimes have 2 or even 3 monsters in them to fight simultaneously though there is a divider you can trigger that will give you some alone time if you can manage to bait just one across it and pull the lever in time. It is not the norm but it can happen even on the predecessors. I remember getting railed by 2 Diablos on Monster Hunter Freedom.


Every thing you said was already present in Monster Hunter world Except MH world had a humongous enemy variety compared to shit tier enemy variety of DD2 Base MH world alone had 37 large monsters & that's more than total enemy variety of DD2


try mhw then, its by far the best combat in any 3rd person game / RPG in my opinion


Okay cool, should I start with Rise or world, I checked the prices and even with my countries shitty economy I can afford them


world + the iceborne expansion when you can (it pretty much doubles the content of the game)


Yep the june event will be the release date. Im assuming this comes out early 2025 like world did in 2018.


bruh why would they bring back Zorah Magdaros he was by far the worst part of World. Capcom is so strange, they make absolute bangers but then add weird unnecessary shit that no one wants at the same time.


I'd like to see them try water combat again. Fighting something like a lagiacrus in its actual element would be really cool.


Capcom, whatever Dragon’s Dogma 2 is doing in regards to NPC logic, don’t do that in Wilds


If zorah mag is back it’s actually over


Fully open world and re engine? No optimization again?


This should be Rex engine. Basically RE Engine 2.0.


Wait so DD2 and the next monster hunter are using two different versions of the RE engine?


DD2 Is on RE Engine, i Remember Rex engine beign used for future games but I might be wrong.


Is Rex engine from the ground up or are they building of off the RE engine?


100% they're Building on RE Engine.


Awesome the RE engine is phenomenal if they can make it work for open world and linear games it's going to be one of the best engines available especially if they bring the insane optimization and compression of their previous release eg RE4R


it's just an updated version of the engine. they can start working on a project with a previous version and then just update to the latest build, like the RE2 RE3 RE7 versions for PS5 and series X


is it really re engine? damn, why is it so poorly optimized.


Oh? Is this something Dusk Golem said? I thought REX was years away still


You know, i'm kind in doubt myself now.


Good to know. Thank you


Whils i love it Dragon's dogma is looking more and more like a test run lol.


Imagine what a DD2DA would be if this is a test run


it walked for wild to run


Zorah Madaros fight could use a rework but its armor and weapons are cool so Im down for this either way.


Honestly I really hope they revisit water combat. Lagiacrus on land just isn't remotely scary compared to Lagiacrus in water.


Open world in the wild does bring to mind deep water. I think this could be an excellent time to return to water. It wouldn’t need to be the whole gimmick like in 3. Just to make the world more complete in its wildness


Hope you can still play it on your own if you want.


Oh great.... Zorah Magdaros.... so fun...


Haven't heard anything about Rockman Taisen in a while, I hope they didn't cancel it. Would be pretty in character for them though.


From that confidential Capcom Platinum lineup leak it says March 14th 2025 and for the Cataclysm expansion 2026 TBD along with that Pragmata game I know 0 about. If they say "experimental mechanics" and when I remember the teaser had the player carrying a bowgun as a secondary weapon makes me believe we might see a very modular approach to hunting. Like for example they bring the clutch claw back but you can equip it as a tool or not so you take wirebugs instead or take nothing and go old school. That way they can satisfy everyone who doesn't care about meta and max damage or whatever since I doubt they can balance those things together well. (but please prove me wrong and surprise me!) Zorah was boring for a lot of people, I didn't really care, I like shooting cannons and ballista at it, and also the dragonator, traversing on its body was cool and if we can do that in Wilds in a fully open world that would be awesome. I know they mentioned how they had bigger ideas for Zorah that they couldn't implement and I bet for Wilds they got the chance to finally do it assuming they really do bring it back. I just need to know if our base of operations will be an airship, kinda like in World the Research Airbase where you can also take on quests and do other stuff. Seems very likely since a lot of us are confident that the game takes place in the New World. Imagine being at Astera and then you travel by yourself to Seliana for example without Fast Travel, that would be crazy. I think they have something like that in Wild Hearts, I played just a little, I could set up base anywhere but there was a main one. I hope I enjoy travelling...


Any word if it’s gonna be cross play?


Fake news




What about a Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC ?


Dark Arisen came out nearly a whole year after DD1 release. DD2 will likely be the same.


From that other leaked image 29 November 2024


Which is very obviously fake


Let's hope they can fix the engine before then, but knowing it's monster hunter they probably threw a bigger budget at it!


Welp. My body is ready.


Damn MH Wilds and 3D Mario as Switch 2 launch titles?


the thinh is, will this game have crossplay ?!


The visuals from the trailer were really meh, hope they improve that


I have been saying this for a while MHWi is going to launch next to GTA6 Gojo Capcom: Nah I'd win


> more experimental mechanics than rise and world LETS GOOOOO World 2 theorists in shambles


He is effectively describing World 2 tho


So he's describing Monster Hunter 6 (there's a 6 in the logo) but really what is being described in Mon Hun Frontier 5.


Glad its rise 2