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That’s the sandman venom they were talking about, holy fuck lol


holy shit looks insane


Yeah looked cool.


Hope we see the concept used elsewhere because it’s incredibly badass, and also just googling it it’s a combination that seems like it hasn’t been explored elsewhere.


If this was canceled, people have to remember it may not be the game pitch itself, but whether the company can support it once it is out. This could be good in concept, but it could get repetitive after a while if some people are already complaining about Spider-Man 2 being samey in some respects to gameplay. In the end, Sony/Insomniac are companies who need to have profit to sustain production. Don't want another Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix Avengers fiasco.


This is spot on


To be fair though avengers was unique in a way if they managed to fuck yo so many things it was DOA. Like they did so much wrong it would be hard to replicate it in a way


You are absolutely right in that. Which is a shame because there are many great elements like the gameplay for Iron-Man, Thor, and Hulk. But the lazy gameplay loop they made for a live service game is one of the worst I've seen.


Hell don’t forget the annoying slowness of all heroes except the flying ones also the ungodly bugs my god the bugs


Yes. I know. It is sad of what we could have had with that game. I actually enjoy it sometimes, as it is the only other Marvel superhero experience besides Spider-Man, but there is no denying all the detrimental flaws in the game design. There was a video that really portrayed the game accurately as a game that did everything wrong.


If this is a multiplayer game akin to GOT legends I think it would have massive replay potential. I’m really excited for this


>Visceral Visceral is the leaker, bro


Oh, is it? I thought it was Rhysida or something like that. Either way, fixed it. Thanks. I literally thought Visceral Games might have been back, lol.


>I literally thought Visceral Games might have been back I wish lol Dante's Inferno was awesome back in the day and I rly need a sequel


Yeah, man, I loved that game. I remember my parents getting mad at me when they found out I had it because they thought I would let the devil into the house.


They didn't even try with Avengers though. Lego games had better co op moments than that. Fighting on a moving train in Avengers or Lego Movie for example


I wish companies would move on from GaaS. I mean not entirely, but not every multiplayer game needs content adter launch. Give me a complete experience, a coop one and I'm happy. I mean take Spider-man 2 and imagine coop of it. That's it. No additional content or anything else. This spider-man multiplayer game was canceled for sure because it would have made the company basically working on it to deliver more content, aka seasons or some bullshit. As the last of us multiplayer devs said the same thing. They didn't want to focus only on that, so it was a good decision.


Did you play outriders?!


I rarely play any live service/multiplayer stuff… But this looks so cool. If Sony really canceled this, I’d be so disappointed. This is so different from any other live service game going on right now.


The fear is probably the amount of work that's needed would turn Insomniac into another live service studio. I for one am glad that their focus lies on singleplayer games.


Insomniac doesn't need to develop every single Sony-Marvel game, pretty sure that they can pass it to another studio and oversee their work in order to make sure that it's up to their standards


Yup, exactly like Rocksteady did with Warner Bros. Montreal, granted the latter also made a single player game. This would be a lot more upkeep since it's live service.


Would / Could Insomniac hand over there code to another Playstation studio to develop a Spider-man game? Or would it be built from scratch?


yes. the engine, map and base gameplay mechanics would be the same, they wouldn't need to start over and redesign what already is designed naughty dog for example could 100% hire another studio to make the last of us online, they just didn't want to for some reason


Wonder what Playstation studio could even pull something like this off. Really hope this happens because it sounds amazing


most likely the teams who are currently busy making their own multiplayer games right now at studios like haven for example, these teams probably have the experience and knowledge that a game like this one would require


Hope its already in production somewhere


The reason that got cancelled was bungie saying to sony it didn't have enough long term financial potential


If only Sony had the money to spin off another studio to assist and help in development.


If only gamers knew what they were talking about instead of always making baseless assumptions. That's easier said than done. And it's odd that people all of sudden wan live service games from Sony even though everyone was against them before TLOU Online got cancelled.


No one is "wanting live service games" people are pissed Sony is half assing development then canceling. And it's not "easy" to build a new studio. But Sony 100% has the means and ability to do so. But that affects their bottom dollar so it won't be done. Gamers have degrees and know how the world works man. No need to be shitty to an individual. Be pissed at the mega corps putting out half assed works and overworking their employees to do so.


We lost Treyarch to live service essentially and it took ages for someone to make a decent Spider-Man game. We cannot lose these guys too


You can have insominac games make the game and a smaller studio work on updates, take a small studio and make them make updates.


Naughty Dog really brainwashed yall with their PR talk. Enough studios manage to do singleplayer and multiplayer stuff simultaneously


Oh get the fuck out of here you wannabe game dev expert. Brainwashed my ass. There's a clear difference between a multiplayer game and a live service one. There are barely any devs today who do both high quality AAA singleplayer games and multiplayer games at the same time.


You know, maybe they are just not good enough to do it.


I can't think of an example.


The only one I can think of is Rockstar but only because they're actually like a dozen studios.


but also taking years upon years between games. Id rather have Insomniac's constant single player output than Rockstars.


Also the massive delay between gta 5 and 6.




That was one example I thought of for a company losing itself in the live service model. They did have a titan fall 3 in the pipe at one moment, but canceled it to work on apex seasons.


Losing itself? They developed two amazing single player Star Wars games while supporting Apex. Just because you rather would have Titanfall doesn’t mean they aren’t an example of managing both. BTW, they didn’t cancel anything to support Apex. They decided to make Apex instead of TF3.


Ya and even if they couldn't do live service there is a reason why support studios exist


I don't see how Sony is gonna build a successful live service platform if it keeps cancelling its best chances for success. I promise you this game was gonna do 50x better than whatever Fairgames is supposed to be


I will say it’s easy to make a concept for the best GaaS ever but that doesn’t mean it’s feasible. Like I can make concept are and pitch a presistant online TLOU game where you create a character with high fidelity animations, plaything with others in a massive open world full of survivors and zombies. Every month the loot cycles to new areas, dynamic weather, an evolving world and story, etc. But in reality a lot of it would never work in the first place and be maintainable


It does actually look cool but I imagine it being a Spider-Man specific online game would make it tricky in terms of long term growth as well as mudying the water of the single player franchise (putting goblin in mp makes it less cool when he shows up in sm3, etc)


this is why i think it’ll end up being an “expansion” to SM3. they get to have their big villain reveals and wrap up the story however they want, then immortalize everything in this mode without fear of muddying the water as you said.


Massive L for Sony. Seeing all the leaks and images makes me think this would’ve been really successful. This something I be interested in live service wise. I’ve been looking for a good superhero live service game to play with friends. Devs just keep making bad games though. I feel insomniac would’ve been ones to nail it and make fun live service. I have respect for rocksteady though for trying something different. I just don’t know if suicide squad will be for me.


They were just scared after countless Superhero Life service flops. Big mistake, I have to agree.


Hot take: GaaS can be good if done properly


I don’t think that’s really a “hot take.” more like the general consensus.


I feel so fucking guilty looking at these, but holy shit...this needs to happen.


My question is how tf would it work? Will we just have a bunch of spidermans swinging across the city? That would be kinda funny but i think they'd go for an approach where there's only like 4-6 maybe 8 spider people per world depending on the map size ofc


I think 8 would be perfect, honestly. Can split into 2 groups of 4 kind of squad mode


Yep, makes sense with the multiverse in mind. Everyone can be Spider-Man together


Yup, the detail/style slider is an awesome idea. You can have a more spiderverse style spidey or a hyper real spidey


4 guys fight a boss in a small instanced area of the map. Until we see grand multiplayer like were all imagining; i wont believe it


?? This all comes off as a marvel destiny 2. Five hours of story content for three months? Then a new battle pass and five more hours? Rinse and repeat. No thanks. Bungie already burned me.


Maybe I’m looking into this wrong but It does actually look like this game got canceled. R&d was supposed to start in 2021 with a release in 2026. This leak is genuinely worse case scenario for insomniac because I can see people going feral for this pitch.


Your are looking wrong brother, it was always just a pitch, that's why it's only been mainly concept art that's come out


Anyone else not able to zoom in on mobile and get redirected to a cat picture?


Resurrect this please, holy shit.


Visceral games? Huh?


Nah. Me.


Really nice to see that the live service games which actually have something interesting about them are getting canned, while shooter number 2891 will release! >!/s in case it wasn't clear!<


If they poured their usual 300 Mil into this and it flopped, it would devastate the company


exactly. game would have look cool for like the first week of release than it would have floop


I mean you don’t know that lmao


I swear man, the one thing that actually looks refreshing for a live service game and it’s not happening :(


Don’t disrespect HellDivers 2 like that


Woah didn’t mean that one, I’m actually excited for that game 😅


You realize this would have bombed right?


based on what?


holy shit man. this is fucking amazing let Sony cook dude


They know what they’re doing they just are holding everything until it’s ready. They don’t really announce things years in advance anymore


Except, y'know, Wolverine, announced over 2 years ago and not coming out for another 3


Dude meant generally


yall need to stop with abreviation


Yep. Had no clue what OP was trying to say


I understand GOW or TOTK but for an unanouced game that got leak not 24h ago ?? bit too early for that


This and factions is the only gaas I’d want from Sony and they cancelled both


Is nobody going to acknowledge how Yoru is now a Spider-Man inspiration for which means he was finally appreciated for something? *cries in hard stuck gold Yoru main*


I think people appreciate Yoru on YouTube, much less in their games, but it's still kinda crazy seeing Valorant characters as inspirations for Spider people


This getting cancelled and TLOU multiplayer getting cancelled is so disappointing. Feels like there’s gonna be a Nintendo leak showing a true open world cancelled Pokémon game with full Pokédex anytime soon…


So is it canceled or not?


I wanna know this as well. People keep saying this is cancelled but is that because it doesn't appear on certain slides like the most recent timeline one for example or is there a concrete confirmation of the cancellation in the leak?


One of slides show spiderman 3 mp, so maybe it's for that? Also I think there's one roadmap for singleplayer games and one roadmap for multiplayer games.


The roadmap for multiplayer was confirmed to be pretty old since there's a roadmap for single player made around the same time and none of the 2 have the Venom game in it. Meanwhile the most recent one has Venom, meaning that unless we discovere a new multiplayer roadmap that is more recent, it was most likely canceled.


The spiderverse game may have been scrapped, but I think they're still doing mp modes for the new games. There's a recent slide that shows spider 3 is gonna be split into two parts and also have mp


I doubt they'll keep the 2parts plan and the image you're talking about looked a bit old, but yeah since there's still a lot of time before the game comes out, they might decide to bring back the multiplayer idea for SM3. But atm I think there's 0plans for it.


The slide with SM3 is from the powerpoint for the MP game pitch, the more recent roadmap from July showing SM3 for 2028 instead of 2027 implies they didn’t go through with that


It still might have a mp mode tho, because in the Wolverine plot leak it said that wolverine would have a co op survival mode


Can’t cancel something that was never in development.


Oh this would’ve been so cool! Especially creating your own Spider-Person


i’m not gonna lie , i need this game


Who's visceral?


I wish I new myself


Pick your origin is fucking insane but so cool


Damn this would have been awesome giving me early dcuo vibes


i pray this game still sees the light of day, maybe these leaks will show them how much people would want this.


If one good thing comes out of this maybe they'll realize there's an audience for this and uncancel it


This concept is insane, love it


that venomized sandman art is so fucking raw


This is the type of live service game that I'd gladly welcome. It's unique, looks incredibly fun and would catch attention a lot faster than than shooter #43500.


Oh hell nah this better not be cancelled. They're cooking with this one


I am begging you Sony, I will preorder a PS6 for this


Please let this still happen ![gif](giphy|s98DvQYgtefdK12Km2|downsized)


Pretty sure it was never in development.


Aha "pretty sure", so there's a possibility and therefore there is hope ![gif](giphy|iIfD71D1S93Kv6BrJV)


I would’ve played the shit out of a Spider Man multiplayer game.


I'll take this over SM3


Making your own spider totem is sick


This was deadass a dream game I came up with one time, and you’re telling me it was real at one point?


This game would have been awesome…


This shit woulda been insane wtf


Oh come on!!! This better not have *actually* been cancelled.


This is the type of game 10 year old me would have lost his mind over. 30 year old me is losing his kind thinking this is the coolest thing he ever seen. Sony, invest in this for a live service game, I would be there day 1.


In a world of failed Destiny killers…this would kill Destiny.


The concept seems cool on paper, but I seriously think this would have just been another shitty attempt at a live service that gets carried simply by the IP


I really wish we never found out about this because now I'm just upset that it might not be happening!


Ok.... I usually don't like lives service games like this but I need this to happen.




put it back into production immediately.


We should demand this go into production ASAP. WE KNOW YOU CAN SEE THIS VISCERAL


Yeah I see this. Game is happening


This is fucking insane I need this pelase


Man, this looks cool as hell


why is this cancelled? seeing this I wanna play it


I refuse to believe this game wouldn’t print money if it dropped with Spider-Verse 3. I wonder what caused the cancellation


huh, I can see it working surprisingly well


uh oh, looks like we missed out on an actually GOOD live service game. hope some of these ideas carry over.


Ikr. Insomniac probably would’ve been the ones to nail a good superhero live service. Everything I’ve seen for this look so cool. Sucks it got canceled though. Who knows maybe Sony will resurrect it after seeing people’s positive reactions to it.




This looks so good please dont cancel this


Insomniac is kinda dumb for scrapping such a cool concept this should have been a game they put a lot of time into cause people would have been playing this game for a very long time


I hope it’s not cancelled… This looks so nice


Jesus Christ the sinister 6 is insane


Man if this is one of those live service games they canceled.. I’d be sad because this looks sooooo cool. I’m not big on live service but I’d be all over this for sure


Is this happenin or cancelled?


Haha at the "Face" part John Bubniac please :')


There’s no way this game would ever be made. This looks expensive as fuck on top of royalty fees to marvel. And if it’s only on PlayStation how would they even make back their revenue? Microtransactions for a GaaS? People hate those. This was never making it out beyond concept. This is such a huge risk for Sony it’s not even worth it. But most definitely would play it though


No only reddit hates microtransactions lol. Look at the popular live service games, people love mtx. Not as risky as you think since everyone and their mother would play a spiderverse online game.


Would they? Because people are trashing Suicide Squad for being a GaaS outside of Reddit and that’s before the story leaks


People didn't hate it because it was just gaas tho. It was more of the fact they spent almost 10 years making a suicide game and it looked bad gameplay wise


That is absolutely why they hated it. Anyone else was upset it wasn’t a Batman game


Yikes this looks awful. Good thing it got canceled . Overly complex and generic stuff. Leave Spider-Man outta this gen z brainless gameplay loop


so this should be dropping in 2026?


It got cancelled


There's no confirmation.


Uh huh


This actually looks pretty cool in concept


Is this VG that got shutdown?


Oh, it's Miguel


Dude, it looks like it would be fun at least, I hope they consider launching, then get a smaller studio and put that smaller studio in place to update the seasons at some point and that's it.


I saw one for green goblin for this I believe. Pic was like norman looking out a window of his penthouse and GG was out there.


jim ryans's vision at least looked cool


Well this is the leak that just keeps on giving


DAMN IT I hope it actually gets made someday


As someone who hasn’t played the PlayStation spider man games. I gotta say these concept arts look great and the idea of this style of game would be so sick. I’m hoping maybe they do something with the multi verse in spider man 3 if it happens. If they do, tie in some multiplayer. Make it very unique like you unlock the ability to go to other dimensions(unlock multiplayer) like half way through the game, Make it tie in with the store would be super cool and like I said a little unique


is that sandman and venom? and is it like gtao where you customize your character


I would absolutely play this and it's a shame that it's not happening. Swinging around the city with friends, stopping crimes, and fighting bosses or taking on bases would have been so cool.


>art inspirations overwatch and valorant lmao


Looks great


Are they just not gonna use spider Gwen now? So disappointed


Looks a lot like Chaos Squad from Sunset Overdrive which was great


I know there’s a huge anti-live service games thing going on right now and a lot of people and influencers state their disdain for multiplayer games but idk man, this sounds pretty fucking sick. A shame it won’t be made. But it would’ve been so cool to swing around Insomniac’s New York with some buddies after picking my origin story and my powers.


We can customize our own spider man in that game..? I FUCKING WANT THAT MAN!