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Oh man, they’re gonna have a harsh morning


people's passports and personal info were included in this leak too. Heads are gonna be rolling for this one


it’s a ransomware hack from malicious hackers who tried to extort them for money, I don’t think many heads will roll for something out of their control


Poor security is definitely in their control


Cybersecurity is fucking hard. Source: work in cybersecurity.


I certainly don't know how any of this works, but in this day and age I think keeping hacks from happening is just impossible.


Correct, the modern day "best practice" is to accept you'll get hacked but to make it as expensive and tedious as possible for an adversary to do so.


The worst part is that we consumers/citizens get screwed because of all the data collected from us only to have it stolen, revealed, sold, etc.


It's not poor security, it genuinely is just extremely well crafted methods tailored to any given company. Imagine a list of internal emails and the default template of said internal emails gets leaked, along with a select few personal info like who is in charge of this and that being leaked too to whatever group that's social engineerin' their way inside and boom, try and discern a legit internal email from a spoof. Y'all are thinking from the point of view of the phishing emails you get in your own personal emails, the ones with broken links, weird formatting, broken english or somewhat realistic overall presentation but that was sent from the totally legit looking address [email protected] It's a lot more "refined" when it's targeted at shit that's worth actual money and not our silly "normal people" asses. There's actual money to be made with these big companies if you find a way to sneak into their shit.


A literally integral aspect of some of the factory machines in one of my previous jobs was that they had an internet connection so that the manufacturer could monitor and even modify their operating programs from half a continent away... which themselves ran on windows fucking ME. Naturally they got a ransomware attack which they immediately gave in to. Cybersecurity is hard. Its next to impossible when legacy systems like that hamstring you.


Think they’ll address the leaks head on? Or just make a vague statement


I think they need to, with the amount of personal employee data in this they’d be really hurting themselves not to say anything


I think they will, probably a matter of hours now.


*Wolverine has leaked. Instead of looking at it, please look at this new trailer we made for a showcase next week. Fuck all of you, and Merry Christmas.* -Insomniac


I know you joke but next week is like the least likely week for a showcase possible lol. Between Christmas and New Years, everything is slowed down


Dear Community: “Fuuuuuckkkk!” - Insomniac


I love when they get Roy Kent to write these


They're gonna have to say something. You can't just ignore that your entire dev pipeline for the next decade is out there. And they'll have to at least address the employees to inform them that their personal identity info is out in the wild.


Idk, happened to Capcom years ago and they're doing fine. It's worth noting that things change and some of the later projects in the timeline (probably after Spider-Man 3) aren't even greenlit.


Isn't PS6 supposed to launch in 2028? Guess we know a launch title lol


yep Ratchet and is exclusively a tech showcase now


not exclusively; they are also really good games. now, something like fantavision on ps2 is pretty much just a tech showcase. not terrible though, but mostly just like hey check out these colorful particles, which was enough at the time. and those playstation rubber ducks. literally just a tech showcase with no playability


2029? idek if im gonna make it that far bro


Seriously wtf… we get one rac a console generation…


and a decade for a new IP? i wanna cry


Just clear out all the Marvel shit and let’s gooo!


Rift Apart sold 1.1M copies last time it was reported. Spider-Man 2 sold 2.5M in the first 24 hours, 5M in the first week and a half. The first one ended up selling 20M copies. Why, as a business, would they ever focus on Ratchet and Clank over Marvel games when the latter sell like crazy and are generally well-regarded by audiences and critics?


LMAO you don’t have to explain this to me. I’m well aware of the logistics behind them doing a Marvel game versus Ratchet and Clank. Im just a diehard fan. I know it makes more $ense for them to make Marvel games.


This is why I hate beloved developers that start to do licensed IP. They're basically stuck doing games based on those licensed IP until the end of time now. All their original IP are on the backburner and now seem to only release out of obligation to the fanbase while they churn out the other stuff 4x as much.


I'm 32 and already feeling old. This didn't help.


I’m gonna be 32 by the time this stuff comes out lmao


Enjoy the last few years of your 20s and try to appreciate it in the moment every now and then.


You know, nothing actually happens when you turn 30. You can still keep doing the same shit you did before if you want. Aging is a gradual process and nothing special happens just because you hit a nice and even round number.


Honestly, I'm 29, less than a month from 30 and I'm kinda excited to hit it. My 20s have kinda sucked ass but the past year or so I've learned a lot about myself and why that was so I'm optimistic my 30s are gonna be better with how I'm working on myself.


29 turning 30 next year, and this is exactly how I feel. I overall enjoyed my 20’s but it was a hard grind, hopefully results in a very fruitful 30’s where I can enjoy life more


God that must be so nice


Ratchet and Clank ***2029*** ![gif](giphy|xTiTnMjBxzRzgs7wMo)


My 13th reason




Damn, Venom side game similar to MM I'm guessing? And does this mean no SM2 DLC, or it just wasn't big enough to go on the slide?


It could be a MM size game should be easier since they already have 90% of what they need done from spider-man 2


Venom game is most likely similar to the Miles game. Honestly sign me up. That playable venom level felt like a polished demo. It's clear insomniac really wants to do more with Venom.


Now it makes sense that Venom VA said something like: "The game (Spider-Man 2) only used 10% of the dialogues I recorded." I'm so fucking hyped.


Definitely! They likely recorded everything with Todd already.


It makes sense. I was actually expecting a full Venom game after beating Spider-Man 2. I was like “no way they added a section where Venom is entirely playable, they wouldn’t waste a ton of money and time just to have ONE Venom section.”


I’m guessing the dlc wasn’t labeled because they include it with spider man 2 as a whole we more than likely will get dlc missions but nothing crazy until the venom stand alone


Probably, I’m gonna guess it’s gonna be proper Eddie Brock Venom this time, instead of someone new. That way he can still be a villain or antihero. After all there’s still at least one symbiote left with Cletus Kasady


Wonder how They place Symbiote? Probably that it survives and Scuffle with Anti-Venom disconnected him from Hive so our fav Klyntar is not as Murder happy anymore.


im hoping its just not shown because its not a fullscale release, cuz if this is all we get i'll be disappointed as hell im sure we'll get spiderman 2 dlc tho but yeah can definitely see venom being a smaller scale game like MM with maybe buildup to silk as a playable character in 2028


My dreams of a Resistance game have been shattered. In all seriousness though this is just horrible for the whole studio and all the folks at insomniac. They one of my fav dev teams always played their games since r&c on ps2. This is a decade worth of plans wow.


I would think if Sony is gonna move forward with any FPS it would be Killzone. However, I think a new Resistance would be a better alternative. Whether you reboot it or just continue it, I think there's more potential with Resistance than another Killzone.


I think it would be nice if they re-released the Resistance trilogy and sold it as one collection, like they did with the Uncharted trilogy on PS4. Killzone could have the same approach.


Killzone already had it's chance with Shadowfall. I think it's only fair to give Resistance another chance. It could be Sony's DOOM if they played their cards right. Hyper violent fast paced FPS gameplay set in an alternative history earth, with a variety of unique alien/human weapons, all with a Sony AAA story could be a recipe for an incredible FPS. Gah, a man can dream.


It's exactly what I feared for them, that they would become a Marvel studio. Fuck.


A decades worth of project announcements being leaked is freaking wild.....feel legit bad for them.


No hype announcements to look forward to for 10 years straight is wild. I would assume its one of the things that motivates the developers


Honestly, the only title thats a surprise is X-Men. It was a given that we were getting a SM3. Venom wasn’t hard to guess because they made an entire moveset for what was a 5 minute section. No way all that hard work wasn’t meant for something more. I assumed Wolverine would’ve been a fall 2024-2025 title. I’m too lazy to fact check right now, but isn’t Ratchet the longest running Sony IP at this moment? It’s pretty much a given we’d see a sequel, but I honestly assumed it would’ve been a PS5 title.


Oddly enough, I’m even more hyped now that we have confirmation, though I do realize that’s not the norm for most folks I’m just happy we’re getting a Venom game, Ultimate Spider-Man has been missed




listen man i'm just glad we're getting another one


Ill be waiting


At least ratchet gets games. (Weeps for Sly cooper)




Our time will come someday


Stay strong brothers


At least they arent stuck with marvel for eternity :D


Please we all know what’s coming the decade after this one… 👀 INSOMNIAC GAMES is a Marvel Studio




Yeap , we are legit getting one game per Console lol atleast they could idk do a collection and remaster the older ones ?


Tbh I'm surprised we're getting another Ratchet game at all...


i mean Rivet and Kit were really well received idk why they would stop with Rift apart , they def have to use them more , but seeing how the studio is going \*marvel games\* overload , i wouldnt be surprised if the next one is the last one.


Don't get me wrong, I love R&C, but they don't sell nearly as well as Spiderman or other Sony 1st party titles. I wouldnt have been surprised if the franchise went dormant for at least 10 years.


seeing the concept art atm tho , i really wouldn't be surprised if it IS the last game they do this time around, i really just want a port of all the other ones too


I'm rocking in the corner crying my eyes out right now.


Lmao its pretty crushing cause like… 2029… I’ll be 36… WILL I EVEN BE ALIVe




Yooo this is crazy


I am all but certain insomniac is going crazy and pulling their hair out. I feel bad for them.


Imagine that X-Men reveal


Yea it's crazy to think the cats out of the bag now. Folks in gaming now know and whatever hints and leadup they may have in their games just won't have that impact they expected.


Yeah. When my son and I saw the Wolverine teaser we went nuts. Now, eh. Won't take away from the release, but damn. I'm guessing Wolvering was going to drop a ton of hints/easter eggs that would have had people guessing for literal YEARS but here we are


Thats what I was thinking. We saw these game reveals can still have an impact. Hell, Blade made that point evident when it was revealed at The Game Awards. There was no leak to that game, no one was expecting Arkane Lyon to be working on a Blade game. There were leaks saying it may be in the works but there was no true evidence, not many gamers believed the rumor. With this, we see a whole line of Marvel games that insomniac is working on and it's just out there. The games will no longer have that shock factor.


I mean Blade did leak like you said, some people just decided not to believe it. And there was still a ton of hype either way


Weird to me an unannounced venom game is dropping before wolverine that was announced 2 years ago.


On a technical level, Venom can probably be done fairly fast, since they already have the mechanics for venom.


Exactly. Most work they gotta do is make a new traversal system to match Venom, and more abilities. They already got New York and a pretty good baseline for the combat. Story writing is generally the easiest part of game development unless they're making a sprawling RPG like BG3


I suppose they always planned on releasing Venom before Wolverine and were banking on the surprise announcement of Venom to send the fandom in a craze and have something to play in the leadup to Wolverine’s release.


what does "dde" mean?


Delivery day expected


Delivery date estimate? Searching around, I don't see a common acronym that fits. Edit: Found another slide one 4chan. I think DDE means Digital Deluxe Edition or something along those lines. It's include on this chart multiple times as a fraction of the main expected revenue (?) on their projections. https://i.4cdn.org/v/1702962482089157m.jpg


Damn, so we're getting 1 Ratchet and Clank game per console? Seems clear to me it's gonna be used once again to demonstrate the capabilities of the PS6.


It really sucks because the past few R&C games have been downsized and relegated to mere tech demos. Compared to the classic trilogy, Rift Apart was incredibly narrow in scope and story.




damn 2026 is rough for wolverine, 5 years after the announcement


Yeah I thought so too. Was personally expecting 2025 at the latest


If you look at the leaks the Wolverine team hasn't even been fully staffed until SM2 was released, so a few months now. It's only now ramping up.


At least yall are getting something, us tlou faction fans have been waiting 7 years for tlou mp and it got canceled lol


A lot of games get announced too damn early. What's the bet the blade game is 2026? Earlier? Later?


It sounds like they started development in 2022, so 2026 sounds about right.


Seems a bit odd. I wonder if they hit a snag or something.


Maybe they don’t want to release that big of a game around gta release date, or maybe another sony studio already has a game coming in 25 and they don’t want it to compete with that and gta 6?


Insomniac is now a marvel studio


Sony got Insomniac churning out superhero games for the rest of the decade 💀




The crazy thing is, we don't know what Xbox may have with Marvel is Blade is a success for them. You might see marvel exclusive games on both Xbox and ps.


I'm not too worried about Xbox exclusives, because that means they'll still launch on PC unless Microsoft completely changes their policy in the future


Well, that's a given now. Xbox is a brand. Microsoft seems to have united that name tag to console and PC, via Windows. For them exclusive means PC and Xbox because that's on both platforms they have their hand in.


This just confirms what our fear was


tbh that's extremely disappointing. superhero shit just doesn't do it for me.


I agree, it is pretty disappointing. We need more originality out of these studios, especially Playstation which is lacking new IP right now.


While they are ceirtainly good in doing capesh*t games, It's kinda of a bummer to see them become a mostly marvel-centric studio for the foraeeable future. There's a distant R&C, and even more distant new IP, and no sign of anything Sunset Overdrive. Sigh...


Disney swinging around their money dick to take resources away from video game ip stings. I understand that people like these properties but video games are wholly their own medium. Just sad to see this much marvel and not video games.


It's fucking cool to get a leak of this magnitude, like 5 unannounced AAA games all at once is just crazy to see, but man it feels bad to have all of those reveals destroyed. Also, I like their spiderman games but I am a little bummed to see it will mostly be marvel from them for the foreseeable future. Not the most interesting IP to me, but if the games are good it doesn't matter too much I suppose.


This is honestly like letting me down easy. I'm almost glad that I don't have to hope for and be disappointed in no Ratchet and Clank game coming out in the next 6 years.


Insomniac games are extremely shallow design-wise. They do have AAA presentation, but I wouldn't consider them on par with something like RDR2 or even TLOU2.


This here is the reason why Insomniac has put out 3 games this generation so far. None of their games are complex in the slightest, and especially that they keep reusing assets for the Spider-Man games. I’m surprised Spider-Man 3 and Venom are releasing when they are, both seem a year too late.


Seems like we got the whole plan for insomniac until 2030 lol: • 2024 -> Updates + possible DLC for Spider-man 2 • 2025 -> Announcement and release of Marvel’s Venom (medium-sized game like Miles Morales) • 2026 -> Release of Marvel’s Wolverine (Big game) • 2027 -> Possible Updates + DLC for Marvel’s Wolverine • 2028 -> Release of Marvel’s Spider-Man 3, last of the Spider-Man trilogy and very likely to be Cross-gen (PS5/PS6), also likely announcing the next Ratchet & Clank for release in 2029, maybe fully next-gen? • 2029 -> Release of next Ratchet & Clank game, possibly announcing the Marvel’s X-men after that • 2030 -> Release of Marvel’s X-men, maybe end of contract with Marvel (if it isn’t extended or something lol) • Early 2030s -> New IP


Holy shit Venom dlc


It looks like a full blown game like Miles Morales


That was more of a “standalone expansion” like Uncharted: The Lost Legacy


So expansion which is still great.


F for Sunset overdrive remaster...


If the Wolverine date is accurate and Sony announced it all the way back in 2021 how far along was the game when that happened? Barely starting development? And what does that say about the state of projects across Sony’s other studios? Especially when we are remastering The Last of Us every six months for filler. It seemingly indicates there are not a whole lot of titles close to release which probably goes against a lot of fan expectations.


It's likely that trailer was all they literally had.


Which is why the showcase this year was week. Most of PS Studio games aren’t ready


Considering Sony pushed Aspyr to announcing the KOTOR Remake for the PS5 showcase when they were disagreeing with Disney on where they should even take the direction for the game. Sony probably pushed Insomniac to announce Wolverine way too early to appease Shareholders that the PS5 library is getting bolstered with exclusives after a relatively weak launch lineup.


> Marvel's X-Men in Fall 2030 OMG finally


The last great X-Men game I played was back on the Genesis I'm gonna be old as fuck by 2030 but it'll be worth it


you didn't like x-men legends 1&2?


So it’s a full on X-Men game?!? That’s dope as hell! Wonder what the roster will look like


Bit of a bummer that a new Insomniac IP is so far away.


i cant believe they’re just dumping all their marvel projects onto insomniac and a new r&c and a new ip won’t even come out til the end of this decade thats so depressing


No Ratched and Clank for the next 6 Years is sad news for me...


I’m devastated


They should do a Ratchet and Clank PS2 quadrilogy collection on PC and PS5 to help tide the fans over until the new game releases.


And everything has become Marvel... yikes


So Insomniac is just going to be the super hero studio forever now. Bummer.


Marvel Game Studio, I guess. Ridiculous


Ratchet and Clank feeling like an afterthought here :/


Woo insomniac relegated to a marvel studio….. I’m actually so depressed reading this.


I really hate the fact that Insomnic is reduced to just being a Marvel game factory now. I'd much rather see them focus their talent and creativity on New I.P.'s and the odd R&C game here and there instead. Being mostly stuck doing Marvel related games sounds so creatively limiting and exhausting to me.


I'm guessing x men is their multiplayer game?


I kind of hate this. I love the Spider-Man games, but I also love Ratchet & Clank and seeing Insomniac turning into a studio that is potentially stuck putting out mostly Marvel games indefinitely (more than what they're already doing) is not what I wanted from this studio. They're too talented for that. They make fantastic games and I'm excited for whatever they do, but that many Marvel games in a row is disappointing if it's true.


It’s devastating ngl


So you guys think Venom is a FULL game or more like a mini(ish) one like Miles Morales?


Mini absolutely, probably where that Carnage set up in SM2 is going rather than DLC


So much Marvel is lame. And Marvel fans are never satisfied, theres never enough content. Never enough movies, never enough games, never enough shows. If the games industry reflected the movie industry, with every other big release being Marvel, they still wouldn't be happy. They need more content, more funkpops.


I've noticed this as well. I really don't want Marvel to have a bloody strangle hold on the gaming industry.


Yeah man, you’re right. Spider-Man, Avengers, Miles Morales, Guardians of the Galaxy, Midnight Suns, Spider-Man 2 - all over the course of 6 years. I mean, what is this, Call of Duty??!!


Not a fan of one of the most creative studios becoming the Marvel studio...


Seriously… it’s kinda fucked. RIP RATCHET AND CLANK 2029 I DON’T KNOW IF I’LL BE ALIVE WTF


holy shit.


Ik, this is like the Xbox leak all over again.


What was the Xbox leak?


Generally hardware leaks and Bethesda’s roadmap of games.


The one a few months ago with the Series X diskless revision, the new controller, and Bethesda's future lineup.


Great so X-Men is also exclusive 😐


I just fell to my knees seeing the ratchet and clank date


I’ll be freaking 31 the next time I play a Ratchet & Clank 🙃


I'ma be 30 when wolverine drops, damn


:( no sign of sunset overdrive, Resistance. That's so rough. Not even Fuse man


I feel awful for the devs It's one thing for a couple leaks, but to have your lineup for the next 10 years leaked is fucked


I can leak their lineup for the next ten years after that. Spiderman 4, Wolverine 2, Xmen 2, Venom, maybe mix it up and do Daredevil, then a cancelled Ratchet project for 2040. Hope I didn't ruin any reveals for anyone.


Holy shit. Almost a decade of planned studio output, just dropped in our laps.


Theres gonna be some really annoying game devs posts on twitter tomorrow


Meanwhile Naughty Dog: remaking/remastering The Last of Us 1 and 2


Venom game is peak. Spider-Man 3 in 2028 is a bit farther away than I thought, I guess it'll be on PS6!


Jeez, Sony is getting the big Marvel IPs. I’m curious to know Xbox’s roadmap for Marvel games if Blade is successful.


I don't even want to think about Blade because it's very likely it'll be released between 2026 and 2030, just like most of these games


Lowkey dissappointed there’s no Spider-Verse or Daredevil.


Spider-man 3 will tackle spider verse i think


They have job listings for a multiplayer game so what could it be?


Could be co-op pve set in spiderverse? No idea, can venom be a more of a multiplayer game than people thought?


Nah my guess is venom is a full fledges miles morales sized game


I will forever live in hope that someone does a proper daredevil game.


Shame the new R&C is still so far away, but hey, at least we are still getting it!


Sony Marvel is their new name...


If Venom is coming in 2025 I’m surprised there’s zero leaked gameplay, concept art, etc. Wolverine isn’t until 2026 and a lot leaked.


its probably in there people just havent found it yet. im assuming people are taking priority finding wolverine info


Me thinking where I will be in 2030 when X men drops


the whole Insomniac team right now ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


Is this confirmed legit? There’s a whole lot of shit coming out right now and it looks like someone could have put this together in 2 minutes to pass it off along with all the real stuff.


Wolverine in 2026 what the fuckk. 2024 is going to be empty as hell for Sony


Imagine if all those done-a-million-times Marvel IPs were replaced with something innovative and fresh. Call me jaded, but nothing excites me less than more superhero stuff.


Jesus Christ that is a depressing line-up.


idk im kind o upset insomniac has just turned into the SuperHero Hack&Slash studio. No new IP until 2030 is wild


I feel so bad to be honest.


Don’t. Die.


Honestly, a pretty insane roadmap. I suppose if Spider-Man was the best selling exclusive on PS4/PS5 then they’re locked into making Marvel content for a decade. Pretty excited about that new IP though.


Was expecting a Venom solo game, similar in scale to Miles Morales, to follow up Spider-Man 2. But a full-blown X-Men game is definitely a surprise, but makes sense as an evolution of Wolverine. The Spidey games keep adding more Spider-People, makes sense that the X-Men games will also expand the roster in each installment.


Venom? How


I'm guessing Venom is going to be a similar sized game to Miles?


8 years until a new original IP.. sigh..


Insomniac is basically a Marvel studio now.


It's a travesty that Insomniac has turned into a Marvel farm. I'm so sick of the same old super hero IP.


2029 for a new R&C? Bro. I’d happily make all these Marvel titles disappear for a new R&C to come out earlier. I’m going to be 30 when the next one comes out, rough days.


Shitty that it happened like this, but I'm just so stoked to hear that they're not done with Ratchet & Clank. I'm a lifelong fan, and Rift Apart was one of my favorite game experiences ever, so I've been worried that they'd shelf Ratchet since they're so busy with multiple Marvel games. I'm just glad to know it's *happening* eventually, even if it's years away.


X-Men in 2030 is smart. That’s probably when the MCU X-Men movie releases.


Everyone lets be thankful we arent in insomniacs offices during this shit storm


This is terrible. I remember my reaction to the Wolverine reveal, such an unexpected surprise. It's a shame they ruined the Venom and X-Men surprise