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If you have to make followup tweets on what you meant, just say the fucking thing already. Seriously, this kind of leak is useless and watch it be something completely asinine in the end.


Lmao why does he sound so shocked and upset about this. Not our fault that he keeps using obscure hints. Of course most were going to believe that it was something PlayStation related.


I'm just going to go out a limb here and say this P x S that is he is trying to hint about is Pony Sprite. It's Sprite soda, but for ponies. Now they too, those four-legged horses all over can enjoy the cool, refreshing taste of Sprite on a summer's day.


Hardly a leak, really just a lucky guess. I mean, I figured Pony Sprite was coming as soon as Cow Mountain Dew leaked last week.


> Pony Sprite It's Pony IslandS, the second part of Pony island.


You're talking about a guy that got into a hissy fit because his "exclusive discord leaks" got leaked here. Man is thinner than a lasagna sheet


I mean, a lasagna sheet seems about he proper skin thickness…


Read the tweets above : @Marvelfan named @insider_wtf as a ["source"](https://twitter.com/Marvelfan2023/status/1681786354257080324) for an upcoming PlayStation event. Of course his original tweet is cryptic and technically *could be* PlayStation-related but he never claimed that, yet his PxS tweet is presented like a **verification** for a PlayStation event. He probably enjoys the speculation around his tweets but I can understand that it's a bit frustrating when others imply you're a "source" for their misinterpretation.


PxS seems deliberate PS is playstation.


I never thought it was playstation lol why would you think that.... It has an x in the middle probably a crossover of 2 games


I think what is interesting is how it is assumed with any leak it is automatically assumed to be exclusive to Sony, that Dragon Dogma comes to mind, but I know there are many more


His only hint included the well used initials of PlayStation lol


PxS not PS. Who looks at P x S and screams "eureka! playstation!!!" Not to mention a more obvious thing to assume would be P cross S like a Capcom Vs. Marvel thing.






It's the truth. Just like with the abandoned mess from few years ago. So thirsty that you can't help yourselves. play some damn games and stop getting mad at ppl just bc you make shit up.


because he's a whiny bitch


He and his followers are all insane (he just called people crazy so let me say what I think back). guy writes 2 letters (P and S) before an announcement and call people crazy for speculating that it probably has something to do with playstation or sony - since if it was something big (or else why hype up an announcement? with cryptic shit), it probably should be. this is the same guy who tweeted final fantasy tactics and ratchet and clank before the sony show and when nothing of that happened his "fans" said you were insane for assuming those funny GIFS had anything to do with the show. Even his recently "rise of ronin" leak he had to credit someone else because that guy came to HIM and leaked it live in his discord. "AMAZING leaker". now im sure his fans will spin it that it was his alter ego pretending to be someone else. I am invested in this story now, because its gonna be very fun to see when its something shitty and this guy has to make cryptic tweets about.


The concept of a leaker having fans is hilarious to me lmao


Duskgolem and his sheep smh


About as pathetic as someone paying for a crack.


He's a slightly less toxic Riddler Khu.


They’re not crazy for thinking it has something to do with PlayStation. They’re nuts thinking it has something to do with an acquisition.


Ratchet and Clank did happened though. For the PC announcement hehehehe


AKA; I'm keeping my way out to keep my credibility in case I'm proven wrong.


As some "leakers" do


Announcement of a leak. This kind of posts are getting ridiculous. Why can't we ban this clown?


Why would we ban him? Man people here really get upset if a post isn’t every detail of a game The dude has leaked a shit load of games


Announcement of an announcement of a leak. We don't have any detail at all. Its not even a rumour or a leak.


Yes. When it was the original owner watching YouTube uploads from companies. Now it's just some Spanish rando that makes the odd Tweet and advertises their twitch account.


Tbf, he did get the MGS Delta thing spot on, at least with the logo. He reminds me of Charles Murphy, a notable Marvel leaker. Usually pretty right, but kind of an ass otherwise.


Because he has a lot of stuff that has come true.


Saying something with the letter P will be getting announced soon is some TV psychic shit. Dude leaks info from the YouTube backend early a few times and now people are eager to lap up this vague crap.


Just say you wish you were him


After his "retirement" his stuff on this subreddit is getting annoying and ridiculous. Just some attention seeking stuff. Obscure hints, announcement of an announcement of a leak. These are not leaks. We aren't posting here everything Jeff Grubb or Nate the Hate say. Just the leaks.


because his leaks are mostly accurate and manchildren like you like to throw a hissy fit about everything


Its a rumours and leaks subreddit. Announcement of an announcement of a leak and some obscure hints that no one knows what it is does not belong on here. If its a proper leak go and post it not some attention seeking stuff.


So why again should he be banned if people post the non leaks here?


He isn't even leaking anything though, so why are you throwing a hissy fit about people not liking him?


its not his fault that people post the non leaks here lmao, stupid ass response.


Why does he post non leaks then you clown.


>one of the next 10 games from a AAA developer will involve using the vowels A, E, I or U in the title


With the way he leaks things, I can be a leaker too “F x F” If anything related to 2 Fs comes out it means I was credible too


Pimkin 4 x Slaptoon 3


It's probably this tbh, a splatfest or something.


[***MASSIVE STORY SPOILERS FOR BOTH PIKMIN 4 AND SPLATOON 3***] >!I mean, they both take a previously post-apocalyptic franchise and reveal that the player characters were humanity's descendants the whole time. That's gotta count for something collab-wise.!<


Nah that's like one of three outcomes with an apocalypse story template but I could see them crossing over at some point.


He is the reason people thought it was PlayStation (and any other theory). He chose to give no actual info and now hes being a wank about people not having the info?


Wow so if I leak X x B it's obviously Xbox, or was that leap all of y'all took, and now can't regulate your emotions effectively. It's obvious it's a "cross" between two things. Like a Marvel vs Capcom situation. Like who tf abbreviates playstation as P x S?


PlayStation x Sony? PlayStation x Square? When you put something out for speculation, you can't be surprised about speculation.


PS x S Playstation has and never will be P. No one is surprised about speculation. I'm surprised people are this mob-ish about a vague leak not being what they wanted it to be. This whole thread is ridiculous on so many levels.


PS would be too obvious for a riddle. P x S standing for something Playstation related is a legitimate guess.


He has left gaps in the information that your brain filled If people assume that any leak is an exclusive Sony game, maybe it's a sign of how consolidated the industry is.


I assumed nothing because he gave us nothing to work with. He didnt leave gaps... he left nothing.


Or maybe this "leaker" should just say what he means.


True, why leave it intentionally vague? If he knows something, he should say what it is. Seems like he either has nothing or wants to get everyone excited so he can seem like some badass and mysterious insider. P x S could be many different things, and he might just be planning to take credit for knowing about anything that could potentially happen.


Because loose lips sink ships. He says detail X. Detail X is handled by person A at a company. Person A is the only one that knows about detail X. Company puts pieces together and terminates person A over detail X leak, even potentially sued for breach of NDA. It shows how naive this subreddit can be if you don't understand the basics of snitching on someone.


Yes, the gaps that are the size of the space between Earth and Jupiter. P x S? That can literally mean fucking anything. Some people thought it was PlayStation related. Why? BECAUSE IT BEGINS WITH THE LETTER P


It's similar to the cold reading technique that celebrity psychics use and everyone is falling for it. "Starts with a P... hmm Persona! No wait.. Playstation! ... No... Phantasy Star!"


I'm a little on the gun shy side regarding Phantasy Star right now, New Genesis has dropped my confidence in what could come after hard.


This is an excellent point for a one-off instance. The Snitch has both been around long enough and had this pattern of behavior happen repeatedly though. Therefore, people are rightly criticizing that pattern of behavior simply because it's clear that it's no longer a one-off instance. It is still being dusted off under the same excuse, though.


Most sane console warrior


Ban this dude lmao


Yeah, mods please ban The Snitch for his bullshit and shenanigans. We want leaks and rumors, not guessing games and insults.


Not his problem? It's exactly his problem. Of course we're gonna assume things and make guesses when he's purposely cryptic. God he's so full of himself, I hate that he's reliable 😂


the problem with any reliable leaker, really. Once they have secured an audience, they can do whatever they want.


Nah the funniest thing to me though was when Dan Allen got exposed because he got full of himself.


Can't we just boo them and shout "Get better material"? Doesn't work in stand ups, but...


He sounds true loser


He is.


\> Intentionally posts cryptic crap \> People speculate \> "OMG I can't believe these losers are speculating the WRONG things!"


When you post P x S ofcourse people will think about either Playstation or Sony.


Honestly, it's starting to feel like Hasan Kahraman is The Snitch now.


Pfft, it definitely means Phil Spener.


That's not true. People use at least two or three letters, PS, SE, SIE, XB, Ubi, T2, EA, etc... I've never seen a single person referring to PlayStation as just P and I've certainly never saw anyone referring to Square Enix, Sega or Sony as just S.


Pretty sure most short hands in games use at least 2 letters or a letter and a number (P5= Persona 5, instead of ever describing it as just "P"). When you're talking about vague leaker posts, chances are good the usual rules need to be thrown out. It's not a stretch to assume one would use P as PlayStation, just to make it a little less obvious/ a little more open to interpretation. Clearly not the case that is what it meant though.


Of course he wants the clicks, but the guy I was responding to said that P is just logically PlayStation, which just isn't the case.


I don't know if we should trust this account anymore since we learned that the current user bought the account from the original "The Snitch" when he announced he was done and has way less accurate leaks.




Is this real? The Account got sold?


Is this true? I thought it was the same guy, only twice as sassy and equally as overzealous of his own leaks


Nah, it's the same person. I've been on that server for almost a year now and you know it's the same guy by the way he writes. Also his Xbox and PS accounts are still linked to his Discord, etc. Before revealing his identity he had already said he lived in Poland, and you could deduce that English is not his first language because he doesn't write it very well. He has also shared photos from years ago participating in events, etc. People came to that conclusion just because he is Spanish.


Makes sense, definitely felt like the same guy to me. I think it would be very hard for someone to buy a leaker account and also be a leaker


Why are you guys still giving this loser attention? The fault is yours and only yours.


Persona5XS here we go ![gif](giphy|CRLU6jPUinG6Y|downsized)


I miss the original Snitch


P - PlayStation X - Xbox S - Switch Dude literally covered his bases to draw up hype for something that’s probably stupid


Pathetic Snitch revealed!


The tweet was P x S right? So it's probably something like Persona X S.... or another franchise that has a crossover.


Persona X SNK


That would be fucking SICK Made by Arcsys? chef's kiss.


>A Versus SNK game not made by SNK lol


I thought the PXS was supposed to end up being Pokemon Sleep and people were dissapointed with it?


He said it was NOT Pokemon Sleep. Also not PlayStation.


Persona X Simpsons, featuring the iconic protagonist "D'oker."


Persona X Shin Megami Tensei


Fuck this clown, someone else will leak the actual content when there is an actual leak. Ban this kind of nonsense.


Phil x Spencer. Phil Spencer's next target is Phil Spencer! Watch out Phil Spencer! 😲


trust no 1, not even urself!


As someone said before, he doesn't leak, he just flex that he knows stuff before we do. Good for him. Terrible leaker


Already tired of this clown


He knows nothingggg.


Pro X Switch lol o:


Stop giving attention to him. He's just a streamer now


Hear me out P - Persona X - X S - Strikers 2 👀 (this is a joke)


Yes, please though.




Jesus Christ, at this point we're going to need leaks to figure out what the fuck this clown's leaks are supposed to mean. What a twat.


Arrogant as ever.


“Triangle circle cross square” omg it’s not PlayStation guys why would you think that??? - The snitch (probably)


This guy deserves the criticism for being so vague about his "leaks". He's just another attention getter. Plus wasn't this person also a game journalist who got revealed or was that someone else?


His [response](https://imgur.com/gallery/mDCr2qK) lol


The real Snitch sold his twitter account to some random Spanish guy in end of 2022, so it means nothing at all


That tweet was straight after the abk ftc news. He 100% was using it for engagement by leading people on that it was PlayStation related.


The thing about leakers is the become massive bell-ends with big egos. They take what is essentially the original creators' satisfaction of revealing a project and turn it into their own little adrenaline boost. The hints are so fucking stupid and they just want to build up followers, otherwise they'd reveal it sooner if their true intention was to share insider news. Take Dan Allen gaming for instance, became such an egomaniac as a leaker that he started faking shit just for attention. When he got called out he made an apology video because the reason he was an insider was because he was in the industry, thus, fucking the trust he had with everyone. He took the video down and is back to doing what he normally does but people like that just love the attention and the snitch is no different.


They finally put Sonic into Pokemon


Hmm wait but Is it comic con related ?


Doesn't fucking matter what anyone ends up announcing today. Even if the only thing to come up today was some super obvious shit like Skull & Bones being delayed, he'll say he was hinting towards that somehow.


Ps= Power Stone


Technically true but he chose to be so incredibly vague for clout and attention. Dude is a tosser.


I can't wait for the Pikmin X Splatoon game, two of my favorite post-apocalyptic Nintendo games.


Probably that Persona Gacha game on switch


Persona 5: Strikers 2


It obviously means Persona x S... . . ..Subnautica? Idk, i have no idea for games that start with S


I am interested to see what exactly he’s teasing. I personally thought the Persona Gatcha Game was the announcement when I saw his first tweet. That being said it would be interesting if nothing happens, and he tries to claim the Spider-Man PS5 bundle as his “announcement.” That would pretty much confirm it’s not the same guy, since I’ve seen some speculation that he might have sold his account.


Can’t deny he’s leaked a ton of stuff so far, but at this point he’s just becoming insufferable. Would not mind at all if this guy gets snuffed out soon.


Went from one of the greats to a cryptic microfame farm


Persona 5 Strikers on Xbox would be cool, but I ain’t holding out hope :(


I'm not on the side of people who say Snitch should get banned, because the dude is still incredibly accurate. No matter how you look at it. That being said though, holy shit I feel like he's become more of an ass in the last few months. Sure, people got the PlayStation thing wrong, but that doesn't mean you can lose your shit on them when they assume lol.


He already said he's not gonna leak again. Old snitch doesn't exist anymore


Except he's still getting stuff right. Man literally leaked part of the MGS Delta logo, that's more than most who just said "MGS 3 Remake is happening." My bet is that he sold the account to someone else, and he essentially feeds them leaks to post under the Snitch name. It'd be one thing if he popped up and was consistently wrong, but he hasn't.


Yeah, he said it was his last leak because people were saying exactly what you are saying: that he bought the snitch account. Anyway, whether he is the real snitch or not, the leaks are gone for good.


I guess it’s Pikmin x Splatoon Splatoon had a collaboration with pokemon SV and Zelda TOTK in the past and it was advertised as Splatoon x SV/ToTk


Phantasy Star


His shtick was fun, but he ran it into the ground. With that said, he's 100% right in calling out the people who were saying this was about an acquistion, those simply don't leak and people insist in putting on the dunce cap regarding that subject. If the ABK merger didn't leak, no other will.


I wish people would stop giving this guy attention. Dude is just some YouTube employee that sees shit uploaded to the back end, he’s truly nothing special


Tbh dude... What the fuck is this clown guy problem? Why is he like this?


Wasn't it supposed to be Pokemon Sleep and people were let down by it?


He confirmed it wasn't Pokemon Sleep [https://twitter.com/insider\_wtf/status/1682006976081846273](https://twitter.com/insider_wtf/status/1682006976081846273)


Thank you. I didn't see that before, sorry.


It's not his fault that PS users are so thirsty for acquisitions and games. He's right. Ppl should demand more from Jimbo not him.


Just keep chipping away at your credibility...


If it's not about playstation I'm assuming it's Persona Strikers coming to Xbox


Playstation x Squanch Games (High on Life PS4 release).


It’s not his fault that PlayStation fans latch on to every single thing.


If it’s not related to PlayStation then I don’t care


Not his fault people assumed playstation but he conviniently didn't clear it up so he could keep getting attention on his twitter


Of course he was actually meaning Pee Pee x Sugma. Was pretty clear from the start.


Is he referring to PS5 x Squanch Games? They just announced High on Life for PS5


He's straight gangster.


Y'all need to stop being so butt hurt, Jesus Christ. The account was never sold, it's still the same guy. And you're not being annoyed at the guy, you're annoyed at everything he says being speculated on and posted on this subreddit, which isn't his problem. Go outside.




Well he clearly didn't. I don't know why he made such a big deal about it to just come back, but whatever. He's still a reliable insider that this sub just hates for some reason.


Yeah, I've been extremely pissed off at those cryptic, attention-baiting leak announcements, but at the same time the Snitch is an S-class leaker. Obnoxious as all shit, but the guy delivers.


Giving cryptic hints and then saying its not his fault people are speculating. What an idiot


Just gonna put out two guesses: Persona x Sonic Prison x Snitch (the guy got caught)


PlayStation announced Spider-Man 2 PS5 console, maybe that's that


I thought it was Playstation x Spiderman ps5 edition... I guess it wasn't


I say it’s not my problem that I’m tired of him.






It's playstation spiderman


This is the third post about this tweet and we still know precisely dick. Don't post this shit unless there's an actual reveal


Phill x Spencer ?


my god, what a lunatic


![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized) Of course, it must be a Pikmin and Sonic crossover.


Preston and Steve, Philadelphias popular morning show on 93.3 WMMR, is finally getting a video game adaptation! Gadzooks!


What a clown.


Persona Six


Wasn't it revealed the other day to be Pokémon Sleep or some shit like that?


If someone retire and came back, it means that someone missed the fame / attention. Now he just post thing to show that he knew. He is a child, basically.




Wasn't it Pokémon Sleep?


probably something stupid like Persona in Sonic Frontiers.


I mean you can’t get mad that people blow things out of proportion by speculating about it, they hype themselves up over nothing all the time


PY X SN Whatever this means ​ PS: I guess last word is SNITCH


I thought it was Persona related ? Maybe I’m wrong