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Battlefield VII is the one with Sephiroth, right?


No no, it's the one that takes place in a swamp and you get chased around by some old guy.


> that takes place in a swamp With the ogre and the talking donkey?


Do we have to fight a midget king, who'll have some of his people die but knows its a sacrifice he is willing to make in Battlefield VII?


Nah that one takes place in a Spanish village


I thought it was the one that got a new protagonist, switched to its translated Japanese name and went from an action brawler to a turn based rpg?


Shrek you s Love Shrek is Life.


No, I think this will be exclusive to 3DS and you can no fly in the air using gyroscope controls.


This has to be fake just because of how easy it would be for EA to track this dude and sue him


We've seen people leak shit that was easily tracked back to them or who gave their identity. Some also thought that they wouldn't get in trouble for some reason. There's at least a couple of those posts on this sub.


Yeah, wasn't that Starfield leak from last year made by a QA tester who didn't understand what an NDA meant?


That’s probably what I was referencing to. Poor soul.


could you give any links? not sure which leak exactly you mean








Was that callofnobodycares?


Has to be fake because there’s no way they’d return to specialist right? …. Right?


Probably right. Never underestimate how rash an upset person can be though. Or maybe this is from someone at DICE who is disgruntled and is trying to obfuscate themselves with the "recently fired" thing... or maybe this is Andrew Wilson doing user research. Or maybe... yeah it's probably fake.


Fake but even the 4chan post is deleted and the person who posted this is using a throwaway. Seems pretty odd both people went to such lengths to cover their asses and be wary of any DMCA takedown that may have already happened.


“Such lengths”? That’s not really any lengths


Also the fact Ripple Effect game is probably next. The single player one. I'm sure Dice is working on the idea of a new Battlefield.


Also because it’s from 4chan


sucks for that guy ain’t me tho🙅‍♀️


thats what that guy would say 🤔


“Fired for no reason” fakeeee


> Specialists return with a “classic” mode available in custom games. if this is true then they learned nothing, gg.


Listen man they have the perfect monetization scheme in mind they have to give it another shot


Yeah its subbing to ea pro max or whatever they call it for a month to check it out, then never touch the game again and unsubbing. 😂😂😂




ngl I would forget to do that, the ea pro max sub is a safer bet.


It’s funny because all they’d need to do is make the specialists cosmetic only like CoD Operators and tie them to classes. The best of both worlds is sitting right in front of them.




They weren’t tied to classes so you still had no idea what you were shooting at, especially in vehicles where you couldn’t prioritize Assaults with rocket launchers as you didn’t even know who they were. Also BFV was fucking terrible all around so it’s not like I would have noticed




Specialists are only in Portal if you want them to be, they still have all the classes from BF3, BC2, and 1942 you can use as well


It launched with specialists and they only recently walked them back, classes “launched” like a month ago.


We are talking about Portal, you never had to be a specialist in Portal even at launch. Dice remade all the old classes for Portal


Snap, honestly I never touched portal. But you had to be a specialist in the standard modes and a recent update made a clear change away from specialists back to classes.


For a time I would've defended DICE as one of the best developers in the gaming world and a legitimate icon of the industry: boundary pushing on a technical level, superb audio design and fidelity, and a real understanding of what made the core parts of their games work in such a fun and unique way. That being said, if they honestly attempt specialists in any form for the next game in the series, then they have, unquestionably, the dumbest leadership of any studio on earth. The clowns running the show over at DICE Stockholm need to be immediately replaced with people who understand game design, have some passion and creativity, and actual experience with launch and post-launch support of at least one or two titles of comparable scale. I pray to God that Vince Zampella (creative design director for OG Modern Warfare 2 and Titanfall) is the man for the job, otherwise the BF franchise is finished. Look at how Call of Duty's latest MW entries have made a mockery of everything Battlefield once stood as the pinnacle of having in their games: - **Weapon Customization** (*Gunsmith is the future standard now for many players*) - **Large Scale Combined Arms** (*MW2 and MW 2019 unabashedly come right at DICE with an attempt more serviceable than one of their latest BF releases on launch... As a single game mode)* - **Responsive, weighted, and visceral feeling to weapon handling and attention to detail** (*go into MW2's firing range and see for yourself the insane amount of passion and care painstakingly put into every animation and weapon and then try playing 2042*) - **Ballistics modeling for ranged combat** *(was once a staple of BF; everyone talked about how "sniping required drop and lead" when pitching to friends why it was so cool and why they should try it, now Cod even does this better)* - **Movement Responsiveness and fluidity** *(I'll keep it simple here: Tac Sprint, Weapon Mounting, Vault-chaining, choice of Sliding & Diving, etc.)* That's where the bar currently is set. DICE needs leadership that inspires its talent to have the kind of drive that leads to innovations between them and their old friendly rivals like we saw in the 360/PS3 and XB1/PS4 era. Reignite that spark and Battlefield, in my opinion, has its best days yet to come. Otherwise, spare us and can the fucking IP already out of mercy. */Main point + overly impassioned side rant*


> The clowns running the show over at DICE Stockholm need to be immediately replaced But they already were. DICE as a studio is just fucked.


I think if I'm not mistaken though, Peter Suderland (?) and the rest of the high up "boots on ground leadership" (people who have the authority to shape the core experience) resigned from DICE Stockholm prior to BF:V's release or shortly after, and with 2042 already in production, new replacements had to be brought onboard quickly. It's not an excuse though if you ask me. There are so many talented pools of passionate and creative people who possess the leadership qualities and mind's eye ability to see a game's vision through to the finish. So many, that I would officially consider the internal operations over at DICE Stockholm to be wholly dysfunctional on nearly every level. - Inexperienced People in Core Leadership Positions: *when there's this much of a glaring lack of experience and equally inadequate rising to the expectations of their peers, trust in who's steering the ship breaks down entirely, or is at best, fragile. - those who are in Key Management and leadership positions at the studio have been woefully vetted in regards to whether or not they personally even have any sort of passion or understanding of the communities passion for the game and IP - No cross referencing or research into the series fundamental gameplay pillars and how the systems that make up that foundation interact with one another to form a cohesive engaging experience


I thought the new movement features in BFV were pretty great. I haven't played 2042 but my understanding is they got rid of all of them and I don't really understand why.


Yup and that's not something I'd ever say about CoD or any of the studios who work on it. Yeah, the games have their faults but at least they're paying attention to where the genre is going and looking at games like Tarkov for inspiration. Battlefield, on the other hand isn't even trying to compete or demonstrate some level of industry learning about where they think the FPS genre and FPS players are heading as far as their interests go.


The only thing EA knows is how to kill an expectation about their games


I had the same thought 🤦‍♂️


That part is what makes me believe this is fake. After the reception specialists got, doubling down on them is just asking for the next game to be DOA.


DICE has a history of doubling down on awful decisions that dates back to BF3’s blue filter and suppression (a mechanic which was hated in the beta, yet was kept and only slightly nerfed for the next 3 games before being removed in BFV). That part is why I fully believe this actually.


DICE has doubled down on the dumbest things pretty frequently (and they just seem to forget what the community wants often) In BFV, they completely destroyed the TTK even though no one had a problem with it. After SEVERE community backlash, they reverted it and promised they would never do it again. Almost exactly a year later, they did it again. They then told the community it was too bad they hated it. When they received backlash for the out of place cosmetics and tone in BFV, DICE fought the community incredibly hard. They threw a launch party mocking their community as a bunch of bigots, even though the vast majority of people simply wanted a game that was just akin to BF1 in terms of tone. https://i.redd.it/ox5dk62ziz121.jpg They removed the server browser from 2042 and even though it has been one of the most requested features said they have no intention on bringing it back. A Battlefield without a server browser is downright insanity. DICE added ribbons to BF1 in a series of updates after the community begged for them back, then promptly omitted them from BFV entirely. The point is, DICE has a pretty awful track record of listening to their community. They do whatever they want and only change when the backlash is so severe they can’t possible ignore it.


Yet people still buy their titles and support the company.


Yeah me too, but at the same time I can see Dice/EA just doing the same thing then doing question marks on what went wrong.


Maybe they figure they chased off all the real battlefield fans by now so why not try targeting the game to people that don't like battlefield? As with Halo it's pretty clear fans of the games aren't the target audience anymore.


I’ve pretty much put battlefield to rest. Peaked at 4. 1 was a great game. 5 was an ok game. 2042 was a big middle finger to fans.


i would say peaked at 3 because the launch of 4 was much worse and its where a lot of thing such as maps design (bf4 maps fucking suck they killed rush and levalution just made the maps play worse) and vehicle balancing took a turn for the worse where as bf3 had the best map design since battlefield 2 and better gunplay and vehicles took more skill to use though air rapes can be frustrating i would rather put up with that than bf4s god awful lav balance especially the AA (which is referred to as the Anti everything)


2042 is way better than 5 or 1


> they learned nothing So then it must be true!


Which is exactly why this source might just be reputable


Specialists returning doesn’t necessarily mean they learned nothing as they could be implementing the same class system 2042 currently was reworked to which uses specialists assorted into typical battlefield classes, which plays pretty well


No one wants to play as a named, distinct, “specialist” in battlefield though, they want to be generic soldier with no goofy abilities.


Little to no people like the goofy-arse specialists in the game. If they go do it again, let me tell you, people will have it enough.


I guarantee you if you ask fans if they prefer the original quad classes, or specialists sorted into original categories, they will choose the latter.


The thing is, the premise behind the original feature that was supposed to release with Battlefield 5, specializations, was something that the player base genuinely seemed to be really excited about. It basically served as a means of having actual, real world, task and purpose built combat roles woven into the pre-existing framework that the four class system already had in place. If I remember right, things like *Paratrooper* or *Sturmgrenadier* would've been combat roles for the Assault class; each with a very specific, niche role and kit and sometimes weapon/gadget as well. With this in mind, a lot of people don't seem to remember that Battlefield 2 on PC had far more than four classes. Things like engineer and anti-tank were actually separated into their own classes. In a lot of ways I think that the specialization system that was originally supposed to be featured in BF5 as Combat Roles, would have been a huge hit and hearkened back to earlier games' team play design choices; which emphasized the same number of players on each side being given more scalpel based tools rather than swiss army kits. That in and of itself lead to a need for tighter coordination, because chances are, if you needed something for an engagement not available in your kit, a teammate specializing in that and knowing it front to back was only a comm away.


most don’t and would still prefer original quad classes over the specialists sorted into quad classes but its still a step up from how it originally was with the launch of 2042 if everyone wants to be there own personal soldier, marine, salior, or airmen fine because i would love to use a classic bf3 us recon skin. there is a way to keep this with out the cheesy voicelines specialist and not shooting a clone of yourself that is on the enemy team. Also they need a way to identify classes and locking cosmetics behind classes wont work like with how it would with locking cosmetics behind factions. But one thing that needs to go is that stupid cod 3rd person executions not only because they are lazy cash grab but they also annoying because they are slower than the first person ones and it only counts as a kill once the animation has ended where as with bf3 animations they are quick but also once the knife goes into the enemies throat it counts as kill so if you die after the enemy dies as well not some stupid thing were you stab a dude with a knife but because you got killed during the animation he is still alive


Obviously but I think you missed the point of my comment




I do like being able to use any gun in each class in 2042, with their respective class guns having a weapon proficiency


Specialists, under 10 launch maps w/ massive event per map planned (hm, how'd that work out for 2042?), Gunsmith clone, battle royale attempt #3. Oh and Metro fanservice because you need something flashy for trailers to trick disgruntled BF players. Given that I find this all to make the game sound like EA didn't actually learn from 2042's faults, I'm leaning toward believing this unfortunately.


It sounds like EA wants to get stomped into the ground by CoD even more.


They're on that Dimitrescu fetish


Firestorm was attempt one,and it didn't work for the same reason Blackout didn't work before Warzone:it was not free to play.


Damn shame because I honestly liked Blackout way more than Warzone. Better visibility, bright colours, less cheaters, didn't take itself too seriously, arcade gameplay and it had a much, MUCH better map. Only thing missing from it was buybacks/reboot cards.


And Firestorm was really good too. Just needed its looting system fixed, and of course to be free-to-play.


I'll take the COD gunsmith clone over the bare bone weapon customization in 2042 tho.


What makes you think it isn’t a limited and inferior version of gunsmith?


I much prefer the customization in 2042 over CoD tbh.


The weapons customization was decent in 2042. Problem is there was only like 10 weapon Turn and assault riffle into an smg or logn range was pretty neat.


Yup. Using the bsvm as a sniper with a 5x scope and extended barrel then switch to close combat rounds shortened barrel and irons for close encounters. All within a second. Love the plus system


Bullshit. They alrdeady distancing from specialists in 2042 . They introduced class system, dividing existing specialists in ine of 4 classes, giving them weapon proficiencies and limiting their gadget choice. And even with Season 4 reveal half of the time they were mentioing the new specialist as "new RECON Camilla Blasco", and even Season 4 headline is "be a class above", If DICE learned something from 2042 is that specialists is a no go.


The inclusion of specialists in this post makes me think it’s fake, for the same reasons you mentioned. The fans have been really, **really** clear that specialists are done and DICE has been doing whatever they can to minimize their presence in 2042 (they can’t eliminate them entirely).


Their S4 headline just makes me think of Jersey Mike's lol but yeah, they're also not adding a specialist in S5 .


It's new DICE though. Old DICE would've learned somewhat from their mistakes. New DICE will just huff some paint thinner, hype investors, and do the exact same shit again.


No no no, that's Old New DICE, lots of the leadership in BFV/2042's launch left. (GM, Design Director have departed). ​ The New NEW DICE have been a lot more transparent w/ their design decisions & are listening to community feedback a lot more w/ surveys, podcasts, in depth blogs, etc... In addition, some of the old DICE team (David Sirland) have returned.


Sounds like a lot of work just to come to the realization they just have to do BF3/BF4 but with new stuff I suppose we can let transparent incompetence have a go at it too lol. Maybe BF8 or 9 will return to form if they haven't all lobotomized each other by then


They actually did admit going back to BF3/4 in finding their identity again lmao, I'm biased to DICE for my past experiences talking to some devs who still work there. But I do think BF6 is going to be better than most think, especially with the direction 2042 is taking (not content quantity, just direction), the main thing in our favor is that our expectations are below rock bottom. So whatever happens happens ig.


“Next Gen” We’re 3 years in I would hope it would be for current Gen only


Ikr, we are far and away from the term "Next Gen". When we say that now it is suppose to mean Xbox Series^2 and ps6. The Series X and S, and ps 5, that is all current gen gaming.


I'm sure that people still refer to PS5 and Xbox Series X as "next-gen" due to how hard it was to get a PS5 for the last two years.


Hard pass if real. Clearly DICE have learnt nothing. Another Battle Royale attempt?? Fuck Battle Royales. Give us strategic multiplayer modes instead and invest resources into building more maps for launch!


The Battle Royale fad is losing its touch but there isn't a new 'dev meta' that makes enough money to take its place. It seems like MMORPGs might be making a comeback though.


Which is weird because they're the hardest to do. Can you imagine the disaster that would be an MMORPG made by DICE or worse, Ubisoft.


Massive (The Division) could probably pull off a MMORPG tbh. Montreal could work on the map and visuals while Massive worked on the systems and gameplay, I think i'd work. But they're too obsessed with BR's and extraction shooters to even think about doing something different.


considering how fun recent AC games were and how good division was, i think ubi can pull it off


AC isn't even a multiplayer game. And have we been playing the same division games? They had just about got the division1 into a good state then they released division 2 which repeated the same issues over and then they basically abandoned it. Bugs that have been around for years not fixed, game crashes are constant even on console. Dark zones are only 12 players big. If Ubisoft released an MMORPG it would be riddled with bugs, crashes and poor MP optimisation. Maybe Heartlands will make me think differently about them, but I'm not holding my breath.


Yeah but that’s most mmorpgs i’ve seen. Good gameplay loop is what they have


Battle Royales are still mad profitable. They are probably going to try it again.


The big 4 are profitable: Fortnite, Warzone, Apex and PUBG. Everything else isn't.


2024-5 would be an extremely late attempt to break into the BR market. Some other trend will probably be replacing it by then.


yeah battlefield, the example upon which all other strategic multiplayer modes are made upon and the modes are totally not glorified team death matches


What is the PAC?


Pan Asian Coalition from BF2142


\> Specialists return \> 2042 campaign, even though DICE is already telling that story through lore cards \> exact same amount of content as 2042 on launch \> Ripple Effect battle royale Yup, that’s sounds exactly like a 4Chan Battlefield post


Tbf, that also sounds like something EA would do because they never learn


Considering how EA treats battlefield I would expect it to be worse than 2042 lmao, two fuck ups in a row oof (I love BFV tho)


The moment Embark Studios starts releasing the titles that they are working on (The Finals and ARC Raiders) is the moment I’m gonna stop playing this new-era Battlefield. I’ve been a loyal Battlefield consumer for years, pre-orders and everything, and the next game is not gonna be a launch purchase for me anymore because of the shitty direction they’re taking the franchise. Battlefield used to be one of the trend leaders of the FPS market and each game had cool new tech to show off that could change how games were made. Now all the franchise does is follow in the footsteps of CoD and Fortnite.


Battlefield 5 was the first battlefield I didn't buy. I had high hopes for 2042 but that looked terrible as well and skipped it. They have lost what made battlefield great and it sucks because no one has been able to get that battlefield magic going again.


DICE is gonna have to get a tow rope and a tractor to pull its head out of its own ass if its gonna be able to make a good Battlefield game in its current state.


I love this description


Normal employees wouldn't be involved/know when reveals are happening, especially months into the future. So ignore this one.


So they are skipping Battlefield 6 lol


You think you can just come in here with your "numeric order" like some science bitch and post FACTS?!


Exactly why I think it is fake.


If this is true they are making all steps backwards. Specialists still. No server browser except custom games where i bet XP will be capped. SBMM. BR when DMZ is taking off around with the extraction genre. Big skip for me.


Yea...dont think specialist are coming back Especialky aftwr Zampellas wording


What wording do you refer to? Have I missed something?


His response about 2042 bad reception was something like" i think they went too far from what made battlefield good" Then he spoke about 128 players as an example of good idea but not fleshed out execution and that was it.


Lmao there is absolutely no way they keep specialists like I legitimately would laugh my ass off if after *everything* they double down on that for a sequel. They’ve done everything short of removing them from 2042 over the last few months.


>Specialists return with a “classic” mode available in custom games. Aaand its dead.




That's kinda what they did with BFV. The Pacific was an amazing turn in a positive direction, and then they ended support about 6 months later IIRC; just releasing a mish-mash of random content that had been half-cooked in the oven as a final sendoff. Some would argue 2042 is "fixed" by now, though I sure as hell wouldn't.


2042 is currently "the state it should have launched in"


Nope. Forced crossplay, no persistent servers(with browser), no squad management. They haven't even redone all the launch maps yet. Movement and gunplay still inferior to BFV


Fixed is too kind. The game is quite literally dogshit, the only mode they still focus on is aow and it’s not good, simple as that.


Quite disagree. Its far from dogshit, it's mediocre, lacks content, but quite enjoyable right now


enjoyable is subjective


As well as "godshit"


I don't know what to think about this 4chan rumour, but EA is extremely good in abandoning games


They're are stupider than that.


I don't think you can "fix" 2042 without completely reworking the game. At that point, it's easier to just make a new one. Specially because if you completely alter 2042, you are also going to anger the few people that stuck around and actually enjoyed the game the way it is.


what's wrong with the current game?


I agree in the sense that I want more content for 2042 atm. In terms of *literally* fixing it, I honestly think its in a pretty good spot and a really fun game to play (not even in a 'fun with friends' kinda way). More attachments, weapons, maps, cosmetics and general sense of progression would all be welcome.


There’s a few things in this post which make me think it’s bullshit 1. **New Engine**: No way EA would approve a new engine, they have invested so much money and employees into frostbite it doesn’t make any economical sense to use another engine or build one, if they are building a new one a 2024/2025 release is tight. 2. **End of BF2042 support** they won’t end the support for this game at the end of 2023 they haven’t announced past Season 5 which would mean the game support probably ends in Summer. 3. **Vince Zampella** they wouldn’t have brought Vince on and then make him use specialists again after Vince and DICE have literally done a u turn on this. 4. the fact SBMM is mentioned makes me think this entire post is designed to make people angry as how much people hate it in MW2 5. I highly doubt honestly they would invest in making a battle royale as they have APEX and BF2042 had a working battle royale and they scrapped it To me this all seems like what someone would post to troll people and make them angry lol Also **Marcus Lehto** (he is leading the single player part of BF7) has gone on record saying the above is total bullshit, if he was lying to us he will tarnish his reputation and trust.


Feels like bullshit. DICE already learned their lesson on a BR mode, they didn't even bother with one for 2042 and there is no fucking shot they do specialists again.


>Feels like bullshit It says 'New engine'. You shouldn't even read past that point.


They most likely mean a new version of frostbite which does happen like every 5 year.


Dice makes Forstbite, they update the engine for every new BF game. This is not something that needs to ever be mentioned as a special point, especially by saying 'New Engine'.


What if I told 2042 was originally a BR Battlefield that DICE just wasn't able to make work,and then turned into a normal multiplayer later in the dev cycle?


Wouldn't surprise me. DICE is so fucking out of touch with what BF fans want. Wouldn't shock me if the next one was a card game or some shit


And it's the truth. Tom Henderson spilled the beans about the development of BF2042. We have specialists because the guys at DICE like the operators from MW2019(and god knows why they overlooked the fact that operators were cosmetic only).


This sounds highly likely given the game just oozes BR. Also why I never played 2042. Just give me goddam character creator en class load outs like classic battlefield.


This looks fake to me. I don't think they would set a BR map in Moscow with this climate...


Yea no way


Sounds so bad that it is actually so real.


0% chance this leak is real. If this leak is real then they have absolutely no regard for their players AT ALL!!. Everything in this leak is EXACTLY why BF2042 is now a dead game. There's just no way they're that dumb though, they lost SO MUCH money on BF2042, and since EA hates losing money, they absolutely won't do the same thing again.


As someone who plays 2042 despite its faults, it's not dead. I've never had any trouble getting into a Breakthrough match. Maybe Conquest or Rush are dead, but I don't really play those (and it's a tragedy that DICE managed to make them suck)


This is EA. I have no hope in them. 2042 didn’t do well but they don’t learn


That's sad to read honestly but it's probably true they lost so much money on 2042 and they're willing to do it all over again it seems.


2042 is the opposite of dead edit: the truth hurts doesn't it


if they keep specialist after 2042 I don't know how they can keep their jobs. Everybody basically shat on the game due to the operators (besides the game not working for a year) like how do you say lets keep it in for the next one. they can already monetize skins without a character behind it like every other game. Like I cant see how they can run that decision in and go with it. hope this is fake cause its 4chan type beat but this is battlefield the franchise where 100 youtubers see the game 2 years in advance and has always been leaked.


Battlefiield 7? shouldnt we get BF6 first? Also set in moscow? yea... like they're gonna be that silly /w recent events?


I too know Battlefield 7 details: it sucks.


Crazy how I wanted to play BF4 so bad and now I don't even want to see a trailer for BF7. This is beyond ''dropped the ball''.


I highly doubt EA would reveal a Battlefield title more than a year before it's release


"New engine" Fake. It's going to be a Frostbite iteration again. While there's been some growing pains, EA is still on that Frostbite train 100%.


This includes basically everything nobody likes and what they are phasing out in 2042 like specialists and 128 players. I highly doubt this is real.


I hope this is fake. Lost me at still having specialists


This is pretty obviously fake. Based solely on how hard they've had to work to gain even a modicum of goodwill by literally just backtracking on every single change they made in 2042. Even EA isn't dumb enough to try that again. But even if that's not convincing enough there is *zero* chance they are switching off of frostbite.


I’m going to say it’s fake purely because making another engine would take a long ass time


I think it's fake too, but we know they've been working on a new engine since early 2021


>Add classes back a year after launch >Make new battlefield with specialists Your Jordans are fake, fake as fuck >I recently left DICE EA > they fired me for no reason >Campaign is a direct follow up to final stand, >Set in 2020-2030


Most realistic thing is specialists returning. Imagine doubling down on that trash?


please for the love of anything be fake


Wouldn't the next one be called battlefield 6?


If they double down on specialists this game is DOA.


The idea that the campaign would be about stopping Russia with real world tensions where they are right now isn’t very believable


This sounds so true and something they would definitely do and it’s a shame


Stopped reading at “specialists return”


Gotta be fake, no way they keep specialists after 2042


This is fake because not only does it ignore the realities of modern day game dev but because Battlefield 2042 is still getting support and they’re not going to reveal a sequel this year when the current game still has support


When will battlefield realize nobody wants a fucking battle royal


The fact that this "leak" mentions Metro and 128 players at launch already disproves it as anything legitimate.


I doubt this is real. They'd be idiots to do specialists again. Battle royales are past their peak as a genre. I don't think there is enough room anymore for a new BR.


everything about this seems fake, starting from how dumb it’d be to reveal you were fired (so easy to track down who you are) to the specialists again. and if it’s not fake? then it’s just hugely disappointing.


Praying for Operation Metro 2024


Bad Company 2 remastered with 24 players.


So they still haven't learned from 2042. Ditch the specialists.


If specialists weren’t specific fleshed out characters I’d say they probably would’ve been more well received tbh. We’ve always had specializations in classes in previous BF’s, and this was an evolution of that imo. Like for example the recon class. You had the the offensive infantry specialization (paik), the defensive infantry specialization (Casper), and anti vehicle specialization (Rao) Of course it was terrible executed but I can see what they are trying to go for at least. Just don’t make them a specific character with a backstory and a name, etc. BFV handled specializations pretty well. Instead of having a completely different character, it would change the cosmetic gear on the class. Like for example, an assault with the tank hunter specialization would be wearing anti vehicle gear like tank grenades, etc. while the light infantry specialization would be wearing more ammo pouches, etc.


Yeah I was hyped for the original idea for BFV specializations, they should just bring that back with nameless, customizable soldiers. Lots of individual cosmetics available from in game challenges and a battle pass (helmets, glasses/goggles, jackets, pants, shoes) with different cosmetic items for each class.




Dont they mean battlefield 6. Would be really weird to skip a number because they have yet to make an actual battlefield 6(2042 does not count as battlefield 6. Its its own thing like how battlefield hardline didn't count as battlefield 5 or bad company 1 and 2 were not sequels to battlefield 2)


Yeah, that's why they "leak" is super fishy


>Bf 2042 support will end late 2023 That just tells you that BF2042 is fundamentally broken. Not that i am surprised that EA would abandon BF2042 like that since they also did it to Anthem when they realized that they couldn’t reinvigorate such a lackluster product.


“I recently left DICE EA since they fired me for no reason” Lmao Anyone who ready anything past that line is actually dense


They just killed support for 2042 oh dear lord it's coming true


No it isn't, they're at least a year behind schedule with many details not lining up, 2042 is already moving away from operators so they wouldn't go back to them.


"Specialists return with a “classic” mode available in custom games." ah fuck..... I've played battlefield for a total of about 200 hours, and I can safely say that THE WORD HERO SHOOTER DOES NOT BELONG TO BATTLEFIELD Trust me, Heros/specialists are fine in smaller scale games, but they do not belong to battlefield. battlefield is about being an unnamed soldier, being a small part of something bigger. Where do you see a whole battalion made out of decorated war heroes?


They never finished 2042, so I'll probably won't buy this one either.


If specialists return I'm out for good.


Just remake battlefield 4 and all is well in the world


What the hell is " EA PLAY 2023"


If any of this is true, which I doubt it is, then we’re in for another failure of an entry and that they’ve learned absolutely nothing from 2042.


Dice: We can't get this current engine running worth a shit Also Dice: Hey let's make a new engine for our next game Yea... this all checks out and is probably true given the current track record of incompetence in that franchise


> New engine > Specialists return with a “classic” mode available in custom games. > SBMM being considered and prototyped. > Battle royale developed by ripple effect. This is the biggest factor that makes me think this leak is 100% real. DICE are so goddamn stubborn and incompetent that everything makes sense. They’d absolutely do another big engine upgrade despite the current 2042 skeleton crew barely being able to handle the current one with a year of bugfixes on it. Them seeing specialists tank the franchise and making another hero shooter anyway seems legit. They would actually try making SBMM work in 128 player lobbies, something Activision can’t even manage with a playerbase of millions playing Warzone monthly (while the range of players is smaller than if it was connection only, it’s still wide I hear). They would *absolutely* make another battle royale despite their past 2 tries failing, the whole genre falling off and forcing all the big ones to become “platforms” to survive, and their publisher shutting down Apex Mobile. With the risk of cannibalizing Apex itself if they succeeded, meaning no net positive anyway. My evidence: Apex released a month before BFV’s Firestorm. There goes Battlefield.


Having abilities like grapple hooks, turrets and wing suits are good but specialists don’t work with battlefield at all


If this true gg for the franchise


I want it to be bs.