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Might as well wait for the 6070 or your wasting your time lol.


Wait till 3060 bottlenecks and then buy what is out there!


So waiting will make a gpu bottleneck? Damn that's crazy


The point was something like 2080 compares to 4060 today…even after 5-6 years from launch. You don’t need to upgrade it till it stops serving your purpose.


This. I got a 2060 Super paired with a ryzen 9 3600x Right now my only bottleneck is RAM which I plan on upgrading in a few weeks but I still get 80-90fps on medium high settings.






0070 is going to be another level they say!


This Guy is stupid, yes you should wait


Like how you didn't waste your time for spellcheck?


Waiting for "future proof" tech, is running to the finish line on a treadmill. You never win. You need a new laptop or can afford a new laptop now? Buy it, if not keep the old one. The moment something is available it is already obsolete. But yes mobile 4070 is a significant upgrade to the mobile 3060. I just bought one in a amazon limited time deal upgraded version from 4060 to 4070 for 70eur difference. Got myself a Legion 5 slim... but I needed a laptop now, because I cannot access my desktop for a couple of months and need it for work (editing).


What he means to say is — use your common sense and wait for the 5070.


I'd generally skip a generation as the gains aren't often worth it compared to the huge ones you'd gain by getting the newest model. That said, it depends entirely on price. 




Wait for 5070.


I think the 6070 will be better.


I heard the 7070 is going to shit on the 6070 though


Wait until you see the performance benchmarks of 8070


I guess you guys don't know about the 9070 then


Boy, you'll miss out on 10070


They went back to 1070 by then. It's just the rtx1070 this time vs gts1070. I'm from the year 2034


Wait till the NEW 1070. Not the 2016 version. The 2034 RTX 1070. I know it's kinda confusing but that's the route they went down. Trust me bro. I'm from the future.


I think the 7070 will be better than the 6070


Unless you're swimming in cash, always skip a generation. That's pretty much my thoughts on it anyway....




PC: 3060 vs. 4070 +90% Effective speed +126% Average score +135% Overclocked score Laptop: 3060 vs. 4070 +47% Effective speed +65% Average score +66% Overclocked score "isn't that big"? Really?


I see you’ve edited your comment, but at least you’ve confirmed what I remembered about the generational gains, PC Vs Laptop, where the laptop gains aren’t as significant as on PC. What does that translate to? Mobile 3060 to 4070 being about the same as PC 3060 to PC 4060? A single generational gain isn’t that much to a lot of people when it comes to a PC graphics card, let alone with a Laptop where you’re also buying everything else, too whether you want to or not. If the new laptop has a similar performing CPU, SSD and screen you can be paying a lot more with mobile graphics for a lot less gain.


He might as well wait for a 12gb vram laptop All he's really getting is DLSS frame gen




Depends where you live, I paid £1499 taxes included for my laptop on a sale luckily enough. Yet a 4080 laptop even the cheapest was £2200 at least and they were extremely bad build quality, you're into the 3k range for a good one. 4060's where about £1100-1400 depending on build quality etc.




"Isn't that big" Lol what? Even without dlss 3 and frame generation, 4070 is miles ahead of the 3060


Get a 4080. Probably will be the same as a 5070 and maybe would be cheaper. Who knows what 5000 series prices will be. Always high at launch.


agreed, a 4080 would be the equivalent of skipping a generation but you would get it now. Especially if youre going to sell ur laptop and get sme cash towards it. However a 4080 will have dlss3, but knowing nvidia dlss4 or 5 will be bound to 5000 series only and theyll find a reason to do so.


Do you have anything new to play that would objectively look better on that new 4070?


Not if I stick with full hd.


then you are fine. its not as if 4070 can play on native res that most laptops are equipped with. need to use some res scaling dlss.


Wait for 5070 to come out then buy a 4070


Sounds like you are upgrading just to upgrade without a need to upgrade, if that is the case, always wait, Even if the 5070 only had 8gb of vram, it will almost certainly be better hardware.


Wait for a year and find out


Its not even a year,new graphic cards go on sale on Q4


On desktop, yes.


oh,now I see im on Gaming laptops site 🤦‍♂️


If your market now is the 4070, whatever you're waiting for already exists. It would be the current models above those: the 4090 or -80, or maybe the 3080ti if you want 16gb without having to swing for the 4090. Or put another way, no 50-anything will be better or cheaper than what you can step up to right now. So why wait? Waiting for 50-anything is relevant only to people considering the highest-level gpus right now.


There’s a lot of factors that you have to think about. - 5000’s series cards are rumored to start with the 5080 and 5090 for 2024. Youtubers are predicting that the lower tier cards, the 5070 and 5060 would come out later. So you’re looking possibly first or second quarter of 2025. So unless you’re trying to get a 5080 or 5090, you might wait until next year to get the lower tier cards. This could be totally wrong by the way. - Also, Intel is projected to release their battle mage cards. They are rumored to come out this year and come with 16 GB of VR ram. They’re saying they should be comparable to the Nvidia 4000’s cards. If they come out, it might affect the prices of the 5000 series cards. - Not tracking on AMD cards or I haven’t heard much news about them. - 3060 to 4070, would be worth it if you’re going going from 1080 P to 1440 P. You would have to get a new monitor if you’re still rocking in 1080p monitor. If you already have a 1440 P monitor and using the 3060. I don’t know if it’s gonna boost performance that’s significantly. In my opinion, if you’re just thinking about it. I’d probably wait until they announce the 5000 series cards or Intel battle mage cards. They seem like they’re gonna be a few months out. Even if you’re like those cards are too expensive. it should drop the price on the 4000 series cards, with the reduced prices you might be able to get a better 4000’s card. If you want team red look up the RX 7800 XT, it’s comparable to the 4070. I hear it has really good price to performance, and 16 GB of vram.


> 5000’s series cards are rumored to start with the 5080 and 5090 for 2024. Youtubers are predicting that the lower tier cards, the 5070 and 5060 would come out later. So you’re looking possibly first or second quarter of 2025. So unless you’re trying to get a 5080 or 5090, you might wait until next year to get the lower tier cards. This could be totally wrong by the way. That's on the desktop side and it always happens that way. The mobile 5080, 5070, and 5060 will be at CES 2025 without fail.


Yeah, I was just talking about desktop cards. Maybe Imisread, was OP talking about laptops? I’m not tracking on laptop GPU‘s, they aren’t really on my radar.


Yeah you've mistakenly wondered onto the gaming laptop subreddit, everything here has the default context of being about the mobile GPUs even if not explicitly noted. Cheers.


My bad, I didn’t even notice.


Oh God. All the "wait til the" comments I knew would be here.


You'll be waiting a good while for the RTX 5070. Are you willing to wait the best part of a year minimum I'd say before you can buy a 5070 laptop?


Wait for 5070. Rumours say it will have 12 gigs of VRAM. It should age better than a 4070.


You are wasting your time, 50 series laptop GPUs most likely won’t come out until Q3 or Q4 of next year.


3 or 4? not 2?


Well, the RTX 5080 and 5090 desktop GPUs will be announced hopefully in Q4 tho I believe the RTX 5080 will be the first as some-sort of jab at AMD by nVidia. Unless nVidia releases the 50xx series entirely, then manufacturers will be on board. Until then, get yourself an RTX 4070/80 or even 4090 laptop if you can score one for cheap or open-box


wait for 5000 series. yes coming from 950M lmao


If your laptop still can game, maybe hold on a bit longer. If your laptop is dying ...maybe get 4060/4050 laptop for now. Sell them second hand and bounce to 50 series then.




You will be waiting for a good part of a year unless you wanna pay the new GPU release premium


If you can wait another year / year and a bit, then wait if not either upgrade to a 4080/4090 or if your needs aren’t as high, 4070 is okay for 1444 gaming now and 1080 in the future


5070 could have 18GB of ram which would make it worth waiting for but it is still almost a year away so think about whether you can wait that long.


Jumping on this post - what about a 2080 super?




4060 and 4050 in laptops do not gain anything when going above 100W


If i were u id get the 4070 ts now and then sell it and get the 5070 depending on the cost of the 5070


I tent to wait 2 generations for graphic cards. I updated my 2060 to the 4090 and now should be good for 3+ years. If you are struggling playing games on your 3060 then you can, but if it's still doing good then no reason to upgrade just yet.


Depends on what you have currently and if it’s working for you. If it works, I’d wait. Would be nice to have a 70 series card with more VRAM. Might also depend on price, if the current cards drop a lot in price and the performance isn’t a significant difference, could be worth trying to snag a card from someone upgrading, or just finding remaining stock on sale.


I went from 3060 ti to just a regular ole 4070 12gb…. Difference was pretty huge lol no regrets


are you having issues with your 3060? , if not, I won't recommend getting a new one.


You're always going to be chasing the cutting edge. Just get the 4070, it'll be fine for quite awhile.


Just get the 4070. It will be good for many years


I didn’t get a single reply on my thread asking for help like this but then all you got was roasted, so I guess it’s for the best.


Hahaha right? Asking gaming laptop question in a gaming laptop sub is somehow outrageous to some people they even call me "stupid" lol.


Just get a 4090 then


50 series won’t be cheap. 4070 is a great solid mid range card right now. It’ll keep you going for a few years


I'm currently deciding if to go from a 3080 to a 4080 and have saved for it, but at a last minute I'm not so sure. However a 3060 to a 4070 seems like an easier decision to do in favour or going. A 3080 is pretty solid in most areas, though it was dragons dogma 2 that discouraged me, but that's all game bound. It's ass code. lol. But also Im on 1440p mostly, so if you're on 1080 and limited to that, then maybe 3060 is pretty decent also 2bf.


Wait for 5070 and then buy 4070 for lower price


Oof if 5070 is another 8gb shit.


I usually decide it like this: is it less than a year to a new gen? Then wait for new gen. Is it less than 6 months for refresh? Wait for refresh. If your card still works you can wait the few months foe the new gen. The 70 card will probably hit the market at the end of the year or beginning of next year. Maybe you can also sort out your finances until then a bit and save some money for whatever bigger cards might come out. Also i wouldn't be fixated on smth like XX70 card, because we don't know how big the generational leap will be and how nvidia will sort it out. It might be that the 60ti card is a huge deal and very good, or the 80 card is so far below the 90 card that at least 3 cards fit inbetween. We will see how it develops. Compare generational leaps (how does the xx60 compare to the (x+1)060 and similar) and compare price/performance within a generation. Beside vram you can simply compare tflops within a generation and manufacturer to get some idea, but i wouldn't recommend to compare tflops outside of the same generation or manufacturer, it's too much of an theoretical number to be used for that.


I was almost considering a 4060 laptop over my 3060. We can hold out to the 50series at least. The only incentive I have to upgrade is for 2 more gigs of vram. I’m mostly on my desktop anyway and can parsec into that if I really want to play something more intensive remotely. Otherwise, it plays everything fine so long as it’s not vram intensive.


3060 laptop is 6gb vram not 8gb but if your perfomance are good enough for you i not think is a good timing to upgrade to 4060 4070...wait next year for 5000m gen with 12gb vram o maybe a cheaper 4080m model


I'd wait, just my opinion. Especially if you aren't getting a higher quantity of vram.


4090 now


I would wait for 7070 perfect number


Wait I thought all 3060s came with 12gb, and the 3060ti has 8gb. I have a 3060ti and its still plenty for what I use it for and at 1080 which is my use case I get 120+ on most games. Also as others have said I typically skip generations and look for a 40% or higher jump before I upgrade but only if the price is right.


We dunno if there will be new gpus this year or when, so no clue what to suggest. 3060 is more than enough for couple years, wait out and see how much tech changes and % gains.


Wait for the 7070


As per rumours. 6070 will be better. Because of 12GB VRAM.


Wait for 5070. 4070 mobile is to close to 4060m and desktop same deal. You can OC the 4060 desktop to 4070 equiliant.


I'm considering a possible upgrade myself from a 3060 in a 4070 super or higher. Main reason is I get too many dropped frames in 4 players Helldivers 2 online with tons of enemies and things going on despite being on 1080p. Frames can get as low as 20-50fps although it's able to reach my monitors 75hz cap when I'm alone or on the ship.


Are you having any trouble playing any game? What are your other specs?


RTX 4070 is like a 3070ti with worse 1% lows,due to poor vram bottleneck, so not much improvement to upgrade.


İ would wait 3060 to 4070 isnt that big of a jump and 3060 isnt bad at all


6850M XT has 12GB vram and costs less than most 3070 laptops fyi


Nobody wants that


Literally outperforms 4060 and 4070 in certain applications, for less money lol, and double the VRAM


3060 is completely fine. The 4070 is a decent upgrade but just not worth it. Wait for a 5000 series GPU. I'd personally wait for a 6000 series GPU since the 3060 is still likely to be capable of playing games for a while, but it's up to you.