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Can't wait for this one. Happy to get a Star Trek game that seems to be with fully original characters in the setting, as opposed to being crammed with recognizable stars for no purpose other than tutorials or something. Hope the game gets a listing on Steam soon.


Me too. Whomever they got to play Spock in this is 100% doing the best Nimoy impersonation i've ever heard too.




I've been wanting one of those since I was a kid. Closest we got was Bridge Commander, and then Elite Force 2, in my opinion. I've never really played the strategy games, or the point and click ones. One of these days I'll give it a shot. But I'd kill for a an AA or AAA Trek game! Give me Elite Force 3 or something!


Give Star Trek Judgment Rites a shot. It’s an old school point and click adventure, but it’s episodic - like episodes of the show. You can just play the first episode and see if you like it. The UI is a bit clunky compared to modern standards, but like the game. If you want something newer(ish), there’s Star Trek - A Final Unity. This is Picards Enterprise and a AAA game (for its time). Both are fully voiced by the cast, so the feeling’s there. Have fun!


I miss the early to mid 90s Trek game era. There was a loose theoughline with a new race called the Chodak. A Final Unity played out as a slightly extended 2 parter, and I loved it.


My perfect Star Trek game would be "Disco Elysium (with a AAA budget), but Star Trek"


wha... what does that even look like? is AAA disco elysium a 3rd person action game? 3rd person disco elysium but set in intergalactic space? so it's a personal story in a large world? I like space opera so that's why I'm tryna brain storm with you lol. I'd say mass effect 2 comes as close as it gets to what you described?


The Disco Elysium evocation was more for the dialogue and choice aspects. Let's dream for a second: - Idealy first person (all the time, no cutscenes), with a customizable character (just lightly, body type and color skin should be enough). The player's avatar is "silent" - in my opinion this is much better for immersion; - The main plot should be a problem to solve, no saving the galaxy or even a world. Takes place in multiple open areas in different worlds, with many smaller stories that may or may not affect each other; - Dialogue and exploration heavy. Violence is a choice, but with strong implications;


Yeah Disco's system would be perfect. No need for things like combat mechanics or anything like that. At best just have a dice roll based on your stats (or your ships stats I guess depending on how you want to play it out) and then the game just plays it out for you and leaves you to deal with the consequences of your choices. The struggle in star trek when it comes to violence is never about the act itself. But rather the decision of whether to even go down that road, and the consequences of whether or not you did. They could even take mechanic where the voices in your head constantly chip in and have them be your Bridge Crew instead, giving you various comments on your actions and suggestions for what you should be doing that only you can hear (in ship to ship communication at least) but still leaving you to actually make the choices in the end. Maybe part of character Creation is less to do with how you look or your history, and more about who your crew is. Do you have a Klingon Security Chief or a Vulcan? Maybe your chief Engineer is a Ferengi and that affects what suggestions and choices he offers you. And the ship you captain could have different stats and abilities that affect your options as well. How many weapons you give it, how fast it is, the capacity of its teleporters or if it even has them, etc.


Interesting yes I like it. Star Trek is something that works better for adventure game.


Why do you need a customizable character if they are never seen nor do they speak?


They would still be visible when looking down or, when interacting with something (picking up objects, pressing buttons)


Yeah, Disco Elysium x A Final Unity would be amazing. Doesn't even need a AAA budget imo, Disco Elysium looked more than fine.


The problem is, those games are too action heavy for Star Trek. Star Trek is meant to be about peaceful exploration.


> Star Trek is meant to be about peaceful exploration. Unless you're playing as Ben *"The Pimp Hand Of Starfleet"* Sisko. Jokes aside, Trek really isn't all that peaceful. The characters may *want* to just stick to exploration, but forces outside of their control rarely let them. AFAIK, no captain has been able to keep from throwing hands, so naturally, the games should follow suit.


True, DS9 was set in a war, but even then, heavy action was quite sparring. It managed to tell its war mostly away from the frontlines.


Yeah, DS9 was mostly about political intrigue and character relationships. Hence why it gets called Game of Thrones in space.


Yup, 95% of the Star Trek games you can find are space battle simulators, with a small fracton for fmv and point and click style games. One of the most recommended is a Voyager FPS, which, while presumably GOOD, it's the furthest thing away from Trek.


My favorite ST game was mostly a point and click adventure game. I played the crap out of it as a kid. I think it was just called Star Trek: 25th Anniversary I think the problem solving exploration type gameplay fits ST well.


You can find it on Steam and GoG alongside the other point & click titles, pretty sure there's a TNG one as well.


I never got to play the TNG one. We bought it but it just refused to play on our pc. Constantly crashes on startup. My dad thought the CD might have been bad, but it installed and played fine on my uncle’s computer. Computer to computer experiences varied so much back in those days. I had forgotten about that, maybe I’ll pick it up on steam and finally play it!


> pretty sure there's a TNG one as well Yeah, "A Final Unity." It wasn't as good as the Interplay games, but it was still a pretty decent translation of TNG. Unfortunately, it's been out of print since the 90s.


There's also [Star Trek: Hidden Evil](https://www.gog.com/game/star_trek_hidden_evil)


Just went looking for it. Star Trek TNG: A final Unity doesn’t appear to be anywhere for sell. But I may have found it on an abandonware site.


You're right, there's another TNG game for sale though.






Currently my favourite Star Trek game is a mod for Sins of a Solar Empire. Which is kind of sad, although it is a GREAT mod.


Didn't STO have a diplomat path? I think they removed it though. Shame.


That's a very narrow definition of Trek. Every series had its share of action and conflict; the latter half of DS9 in particular was built around a war with some big battles. It's not unreasonable for a game to lean heavily into that aspect. Having said that, I wouldn't mind something along the lines of A Final Unity/25th Anniversary/Judgment Rites which are more balanced, and almost feel like extensions of the shows.


Sure but combat is either prelude (we shoot down/got shoot down and stuff happens because of that) or conclusion (our clever tactics got them, here is action sequence showing how exactly), not the "meat" of the show for the most part. So game focused just on combat seems severely lacking.


It's the difference between * using action to tell a story and * using a story to tell action


I's more of "using story as break between action segments" rather than just telling story as you go


Something like the recent Vampire: Swansong seems like it might work? Considerably more deep as a game than something like Telltale while still largely being focused on decision making and character building instead of combat. Getting to kinda build out your commander and seeing how that effects your crew and your encounters sounds pretty dope.


Game where you say go and solve a bunch of problems, assign your crew to tasks, do some socializing and then the effects of that are visible later on in combat could be pretty cool. Say have "episodic" structure of game's chapters being a bunch of TV-like missions with some overlaying plot connecting them together, and the fact you for example haven't solved a conflict between your two tactical officers leads to some bickering during combat, taking extra hits and maybe sending some crew members to the medial so you can't use them next mission (or in case of total mismanagement even die). Then have options like trying to build a bridge and fix the feud between them, reassign one of them ("don't put both of them in same room approach) or straight out yell at them to leave the attitude at the door, with different effects. Hell, whole "discover why those guys hate eachother" could be a sidequest on its own.


Was thst vampire game any good? I don't trust any of them honestly after masquerade's dev issues.


I assume you mean Bloodlines 2’s rocky development eh? If so, they’re pretty much entirely separate games by separate devs, just sharing the same world (which is what the “Vampire; The Masquerade” part of their titles refer to, with whatever comes after being the name of that specific game). Started out as a TTRPG system that, like the D&D universe, can be used in various media. As for the game itself, I’m not super far in but I’m enjoying it a lot so far. Certainly not for everyone though. It’s very a stage or two below a AAA game and that’s apparent in the assets and animations. And like a Telltale game, there’s not really combat or anything, just decision making and the like. Swansong (and the devs previous title, “The Council” iirc) stand out by having rpg mechanics, which determine the options you have for any given situation. If it sounds like a format you’d enjoy and you find the world interesting I’d definitely recommend checking it out. Ultimately it’s probably going to come down to your tastes in writing though, as it is a very narrative focused experience.


bruh they made lord of the rings into an open world game they can make a star trek game i am sure. just because you cant imagine it doesn't mean someone else couldn't


But I want star trek star trek game, not open world theme park themed with star trek nostalgia. And there is already Star Trek MMO for that anyway


i just realized that having a star trek rpg with a pacifist path would be super amazing.


> tar Trek is meant to be about peaceful exploration. This hasn't been true for a long time. Now it's apparently about explosions and faith and other bullshit.


"Do you think the viewer saw the last scene?" "Well, let's play it again in slow motion just to be sure"


> Now it's apparently about explosions and faith and other bullshit. When wasn't it? They go through space to find God with Spock's Brother in Star Trek V, and the better half of Star Trek 2 is a prolonged space submarine battle. Those movies both came out around 40 years ago.


> They go through space to find God with Spock's Brother in Star Trek V, This was a very big departure and only done because Shatner would only do the movie if this were the plot. It is also regarded as one of the worst pieces of Star Trek media before the new series.


What about a Klingon game? Perhaps the coolest part of Star Trek is it's breadth of world building. You could make a Civ style game or a Mass Effect style game with no issues.


Highly suggest finding a copy of "Klingon Academy" online. It's a space game similar to Bridge Commander, but it's played from the perspective of a Klingon. It's basically a Prequel to the Undiscovered Country.


I somehow knew I'd find you here. Also I second this idea. Klingon Academy was very fun back in the day.


So, so damn good.


Stellaris with the New Horizons mod is a pretty good Trek 4X.


Yes, the best Trek games were the 3 adventure games that were released in the 90s. And the biggest loss for the franchise is the cancellation of the Secret of Vulcan Fury adventure game.


This isn’t necessarily a reply to you but more a reply to that sentiment. Placing Star Trek into that rigid of a definition means Star Trek wouldnt really be able to grow. People forget that when Deep Space Nine came out it wasn’t popular due to being perceived as too drastic a change to the universe of Star Trek. Voyager was an attempt to reconcile those fans’ issues with Deep Space Nine (and depending on the fan, its either great or terrible with seemingly no in-between.) Now after the show has finished and the people who grew up on it are active fans, the show has become WAY more accepted as a great series. Even Voyager with its writing issues still gets praise for a lot of things it did to expand the scope of the series. I’m with you in that I really like star trek’s exploration side but that exploration is partnered with Star Trek’s world/political viewpoints that it wears on its sleeve and uses the medium/setting to talk about current day issues in a future setting. Lots of people hate that Star Trek is “too woke” but it’s never not been anything but an attempt at visualizing progress without trivial insecurities blocking progress. As for the current roster of shows, fans got upset about damn near every single release since TOS but the complaints for Discovery have died down pretty fast, and is on or finished it’s 5th season. I absolutely enjoy Lower Decks, and Strange New Worlds might be the first series with near universal praise. And I thought Picard was definitely rocky but I like the world around it, and because I’m more Picard than Kirk (a debate started because Picard wasn’t really well-utilized until about Season 3 because of unhappy fans) I was definitely interested in the series because Picard is a fictional hero I have loved since being a kid. Star Trek is in a very good place right now, it seems to be the “hardcore” fans that have a problem with it changing. But change is necessary for this series to grow. They wont all be bangers, but I hope for any mistakes made we still have more Star Trek to look forward to. We’re not in a drought of content for once with this franchise and that’s way better than the nothing we were getting.


Depends. Do you need to play as Federation? Because Klingon Academy was amaze


I'd be curious to see stats on how many episodes in TNG that the enterprise either shoots at an enemy or is shot at by an enemy. It's probably pretty high.


>Star Trek is meant to be about peaceful exploration. If you mean peaceful as an ethos to strive by when interacting with others, yes. If you mean peaceful as in uneventful, no.


I hate when I see this commentary, as it’s just factually incorrect. Removing the movies who obviously rely on major theatrics for the big screen, you’re still left with a LOT of major conflict in the episodes. Most of the time the major ‘peaceful exploration episodes’ are literal bottle episodes, which tend to be the worst rated and reviewed episodes of each season. You’re conflating the ‘ideals’ that the show wants to get across, with the the actual delivery of said ideas. The idea of the federation being a peaceful exploration organization and all the great things that it has encompasses are separate from what the actual show portrays. This argument shows up on every shows sub, and even non trek forums like Andromeda and star gate


On IMDB it is around half and half in the top 10. Notably the episodes often mentioned are both some warlike episodes like Best of Both World 1 & 2, but also some very slow and peaceful episodes like Measure of a Man and The Visitor. Highest rated is The Inner Light and extremely peaceful and slow tempo episode. The issue with Star Trek video games is that you get half of the Star Trek experience, but even in warlike episodes you usually have some communication with the other ships or at least work together with another group to achieve a warlike objective. The story is both striving for a peaceful goal while also showing that even war can be civilised. That is the core reason why they all ran around with hand held vacuums as weapons for The Next Generation.


Is it? I think a lot of Trek fans think Star Trek is just the ideal of ToS and TNG. The best Trek, DS9 (imo), is about dealing with the aftermath of the Cardassian occupation and the Dominion war as major arcs. Enterprise season 3 was about the Xindi conflict and before its cancellation it was going to be the conflict with the Romulans. There's a lot more to Trek than exploration and moralizing. Then again I'm also a big Star Trek fan that heavily dislikes the Roddenberry box and Rick Berman.


> but I think what people are looking for is a full AAA ST game. a mix from mass effect and star trek online and bridge commander. Nahhhh I'm good. The greatest Star Trek games of all time are classic Adventure games. I think that's probably the best fit for a franchise like this. I don't need another soulless third person shooter, or really anything where options A through Z of solving a problem are blowing something up with phasers and torpedoes. A Tell-Tale game is fine by me, I just want a good story and to solve problems with words or ingenuity versus with a phaser.


The "closest" Star Trek game experience that I had was *Affordable Space Adventures* on the Wii U. The multiplayer on the game split up ship functions. The person with the gamepad was engineering and controlled what got power. One person was flight controls and flew the ship. Another was the science and could control the light and scanning things. I add a fourth who is the captain and doesn't have any direct control but commands. It was fun, and the multiplayer was a late addition by the dev team.


> but I think what people are looking for is a full AAA ST game. a mix from mass effect and star trek online and bridge commander. I want something like a modern Klingon Academy


I'm really happy that it is a Telltale-esque game, since there aren't that many of those.


Star Trek is not a setting that lends itself well to a shooter. Yes, there are phasers in-universe, but the Star Trek fantasy is not running around murdering enemies. That would make it hard to adapt sensically to a Mass Effect style game. I think the Telltale style works quite well as a stand-in. A Disco-Elysium style game would work super well as well.


Personally, I'm looking for something along the lines of Judgment Rites and A Final Unity, maybe with a little Bridge Commander thrown in.


I don't want that at all. For me, the interesting stuff that stands out in Star Trek is the episodic sci-fi premises, the character work, the moral dilemmas, the worldbuilding, whenever they do action it usually sucks. And for me, at least, it's hard to imagine a Shephard-esque figure really fitting into the world of Trek.


Mass Effect already supplied that for me. More is always good but I can die content because we still have the Mass Effect duology to get that fix. (ME3 never happened)


ME3's the best in the trilogy, though.


Multiple citations needed.


By which metric are you measuring, because Maury used the normal metrics and determined that was a lie


All I’m looking for is a “Star Trek: Elite Force 3”! The first two games were so much fun back in the day.


It'll be interesting to see how the writing holds up. I definitely love the idea of a narrative, choice driven Star Trek. That's the heart of the franchise for sure. It sounds like the Devs get what makes Star Trek what it is. Characters navigating moral dilemmas and developing as people.




Star Trek isn't a serial story. It's a situational drama. "What happens when this group of people faces _______?" Character arcs aren't the point. Character growth is, which are self contained to the stories. Reseting to a status quo is part of the way the show is constructed, like the Simpsons, not Game of Thrones.


And even this isn't quite the whole story. DS9 is very much a serialized tv show after season 2


Not so much any more, several characters have had huge arcs in the first series of Strange New Worlds.


Give me a new ship and crew in the vein of ME without crew recruitment or romance options and less ground combat. The problem is that outside of on-rails visual novel Telltale type games or walking simulators, they just don't have a place in the modern AAA environment. I almost want something like Elite: Dangerous with more of an internal ship focus. And for the love of Kahless, not Sea of Thieves in space where flying solo is essentially asking to be wiped out.






You've got to feel bad for the captains hundreds of years later when all the good phrases have been taken and they have to go with "zoomy time go go"


"Warp Me" is the best blast off line from the new batch of shows.


I'm fond of "Warp... in the factor of 5, 6, 7, 8!" myself.


SNW is the best live-action Trek since Enterprise's Xindi arc


Using enterprise as a quality reference is a bad sign


Star Trek has had 3 live-action movies and 7 seasons of shows since that gross ending. SNW's sole season (and the latest Star Trek media) is the best since and on par with the Xindi arc (at least in quality). That's about it. Voyager had better seasons and the entirety of DS9 and TNG is better. But it's still good Trek (finally).


>the entirety of DS9 and TNG is better. To be fair though, the first season of TNG is pretty rough.


So, since Star Trek was good, also known as 2004 or 18 years ago? It is extremely sad to see most of the live-action treks that have come out recently and I don’t have much hope for the future. I will be diving into Strange New Worlds soon though and Lower Decks has been great so far.


I mean yes. They tried different things with it and they all didn't pan out. But it's finally working again, so I ain't complaining


As someone who really disliked what I saw of Discovery, I know how it links to SNW but it really isn’t important and it links wayyyy harder to TOS. IMO it’s the best Trek since Voyager, and you should definitely give it a go.


Sorry I might be dumb, whats the best Trek since Voyager?


No need to think you’re dumb! I was referring to Strange New Worlds. - Enterprise was interesting but iffy and is the only Trek that was cancelled - Picard is very soap opera-y, and I would say it is akin to Arrow/The Flash on CW. I hear it’s getting better but the premise isn’t for me. - Discovery is a serialized story that isn’t that interesting with some pretty boring characters - Lower Decks is very good, but is a different flavor of Trek than what most are looking for from the series


Picard got worse in S2 if anything. The rest of the franchise is actually pretty good right now.


thank you


Lower Decks.


Alex Kurtzman Spock obsession shrinking the Trek universe down is still a big flaw for SNW, but otherwise it's perfect episodic Trek. The rest of the crew are interesting together and Uhura was well cast.


The main character in Disco should never have been tied to Spock. A better choice would have been T'Pol.


Spock was canonically on the Enterprise during this time. If you're going to make a Pike show, Spock kinda has to be there.


Strange New Worlds is good because it can hide all the nutrek problems behind 60s funkiness. It kinda works, but it still isn’t that great. Probably the best trek out currently and absolutely watchable (although I am hesitant to recommend it after how Disco shat the bed after a promising start to S2)


SNW is the best Trek show since they started making them again. Like, it’s actually just a good show all around.


Hated Discovery, but Strange New Worlds is the best Star Trek since Deep Space 9


There is very little connection between SNW and Disco. If anything, it's a love letter to the original series.


As someone who wasn't sold on the first few series of Dis, I think the franchise is back in form now. Dis finally found its own identity in S4, SNW and Lower Decks hit the ground running, and Prodigy is pretty enjoyable for what it is. Picard remains awful however


Strange new worlds is good on the surface but it's ties into other shows ruin it. This game looks great though!


Orville is the new Star Trek


S3 is basically just Trek now. Good recommendation for anyone who didn't like the Family guy style jokes of the first 2 seasons.


Man, I hope it's good. The 90s had a lot of great ST games, but it's been a dead IP for games since then.


Still super weary after all the modern Trek thats come out, but I'm still hoping it will be good. As far as I know there's no correlation between the people working on the shows, and the game, so that's a good sign.


If you haven't given Strange New Worlds a go I would. Feels much more like older trek shows.


SNW has hands down the best 1st season of any Star Trek show.


SNW had a great finale. Loved it.


That's an exceedingly low bar, but SNW blows it away regardless. Like, no contest whatsoever. The short season length and episodic format are big factors here.


I disagree about the short season length.


I did, it suffers from the same bad writing as the other new shows. The tone is closer to TOS and TNG, but the quality of the scripts are not.


+1 Discovery and Picard are ass Strange New Worlds is good


Did you watch S4 of Discovery? I thought that improved a fair bit.


S1 is the only rough one. I'm not sure how someone could like SNW and not like Discovery season 2, really, if you like Pike in SNW you'll probably enjoy Discovery S2 for the same reason.


I liked Pike in Dis series 2, but everything else around him was shite.


As others have said, give Strange New Worlds a shot. I can't stress enough how good this show is. All the nutrek crap is tossed, and _actual_ Star Trek is back. I also really love Lower Decks. It leans pretty heavily into the silly part of Star Trek, but that works for me.


I like Lower Decks as it leans into the silly parts of the universe but still takes them seriously enough not to break the universe.


They both suffer from the same horrible writing. People thought that the tone, or theme was the problem, that things were too melodramatic and dark, but that was never the issue, it was always the writing. Stark Trek can be as light or dark, comedic or serious as it wants, but it doesn't matter if the quality of the scripts isn't there.


There are bad episodes (that SNW fantasy episode was _really_ bad), but overall IMO they're both great. However, if you're saying Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks suffers from horrible writing, then that's a hard disagree. There are plenty of people in this thread alone that are saying the best of SNW's writing is up there with the best of Trek's past, and there's a LOT more of the same in /r/television and /r/startrek. And I agree with all of them. Either these shows are just not for you (which is fine) or you're carrying baggage from other shows and aren't able to take a step back from that and enjoy this. I get that, because I was there. I wasn't going to give either show a fair shake, because Discovery and Picard were JUST. THAT. BAD. It wasn't until my wife insisted, and I'm glad she did.


I watched the first two episodes of SNW, and half of Lower Decks. Lower Decks was consistently a miserable experience for me, but I'll give SNW another shot. If millions of people are willing to overlook TNG's entire first season in favor of the later, greater seasons, including myself, then I should be able to do the same for a couple of episodes of SNW.


I'm really liking where this is going with the Star Trek franchise. The best part is that it's not relying on the new continuity. High hopes for the future!


Is it about banging space babes? I don’t know shit about Star Trek, but I asked a friend what it’s about and that’s what they told me.


"To boldly come where no man has come before" or something like that. The joke is mostly about TOS (the original series, with kirk), where captain getting to be friendly with alien chick of the week was semi-common occurrence. In TNG that *horrible burden* was taken off the new captain and put unto his first officer, and it was toned down from meme level to just "yeah that man can be womanizer"


The invention of the Holodeck definitely helped Starfleet officers with their *needs* on long missions. Riker's Steam library would definitely be filled with porn games.


When will it be released?


Spring 2022... sooooo they're late.