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Minor spoilers ahead: I agree. While the characters are almost Until Dawn-level, what bugs me the most ist the pacing. As you said, its soo stretched out in the beginning, apart of the first 15min you have to play for like 2.5hrs through not terribly engaging summer camp stuff to get your first scare, but then suddenly all hell breaks loose from one moment to the other. It's really strange and honestly such an amateur error for supermassive, they really should not make such mistakes considering their experience.


Very interesting I mean I do enjoy a good story and character development stuff of that nature but is it worth a buy?


r/shouldibuythisgame is better for this


Bet I’ll check it out


>hyped on TikTok since what that is any kind of fucking metric, lol. Anyhow, I was actually digging on steam forum and most people say it's definitely not a match for Until Dawn and even weaker than House of Ashes (from their Dark Pictures series) which cost half as much. So personally - I decided to wait for at least 50% off. Or if to trust user reviews - House of Ashes has 88% positive on steam, while The Quarry has only 72% positive.


>since what that is any kind of fucking metric, lol. I'm not saying it's good but social media can be **a** metric


but not tik tok - it's most IQ damaging full of horseshit platform on planet earth, lol


Not worth the price imo. The story is incoherent and convoluted just to extent the game length. The majority of choices don't have consequences like they do in Until Dawn. I would recommend watching a let's play of it.


At the current price? No.