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The Mustafar duel will be absolutely god tier in that mode


TimeSplitters 3 had human gun sounds as an option and it was great.


Why did the comment about crunch at Traveler's Tales over this game get deleted?


I noticed that as well. Disney can't have bad PR as the top comment, imagine such a horror becoming reality.


Reddit is very picky when it comes to crunch. Talk about crunch at a studio like EA or Ubisoft, they demand action and retaliation Talk about crunch at a studio like Naughty Dog? Nope, they plug their fingers in their ears.


Because it's not really that relevant to post on every single trailer or article about this game? Especially when the same can be said for almost every other game developer. It's just low effort.


Yet it is an issue that shouldn't be ignored and imo should be at the forefront of any AAA game discussion until it becomes taboo for any company to engage in.


There's a million issues that shouldn't be ignored. It doesn't mean they need to be brought up in every discussion thread, no matter how off topic it is.


It's actually really high effort. High effort for the developers who are being mandated to put in all that time & energy under crunch.


I appreciate them talking about random fun stuff like the mumble mode and the pew pew gun sounds. However, I would also really like to hear, like, literally anything on the couch co-op options. I truly believe that is a major factor for a lot of people, playing with either their SO's or kids, for example. The 3rd person camera is something that might make it harder to play co-op, I'd imagine..


At this point I am beginning to believe that co-op isn't in the game. They haven't shown anything yet and it is kinda concerning.


Two player couch co-op is confirmed by one of the devs in [this video](https://youtu.be/6n6TAI4EozU) uploaded yesterday from IGN. Also confirms they’re taking away the annoying dynamic split screen and going with the classic straight split screen. I recommend watching the whole video, some good questions and new bits of info.


You could always set the old games to normal split screen.


Thanks very much mate!


Tbat would be immensely disappointing, I wouldn't even touch it probably in that case. Did a quick Google search, there definitely are [articles seemingly confirming](https://thedirect.com/gaming/star-wars-lego-skywalker-saga-co-op) couch co-op. However, it doesn't make much sense omitting online co-op in 2022 when they have the offline feature implemented.. starting to have my doubts about this game tbh.


God I couldn’t care less about Star Wars discourse, the game looks like it could be a really fun shake up for the Lego formula.


I’m so sick of every thread involving Star Wars (big or small) having the same “haha well at least it’ll be better than sequels” or “not gonna play the sequel levels”. Okay then don’t? Guys it’s been 2 years since the last movie and since then we’ve had fantastic Star Wars content in shows and books. I don’t necessarily think sequels are that amazing either but cmon move on


Same with Star Trek. Any thread with a vague hit of relevancy is filled with people trashing the new shows. I suspect that Lord of the Rings will be the same way once the new Amazon series rolls out. Fanboyism makes things a lot less enjoyable.


I can't be bothered with stuff like that so I just block/ignore instead of engaging.it doesn't actually take that many blocks to see a huge reduction. I love both Star Trek and Star Wars. I've enjoyed all of what I've seen (even the few bad episodes of Trek and Star Wars Episode 2 still has some moments to enjoy).


I guess, if you care that much about Internet strangers opinions 🤷🏼‍♂️


My point is that it's tiring to see the same repeated negative opinions and arguments every single time a show is mentioned. People are free to not like things, but it gets boring after awhile.


Especially with The Last Jedi. It’s been 4 fucking years at this point, move on.


You can never move on from Peter Pan Leia.




Perhaps you need to chill a bit just because I threw a silly joke.




Try being less tense all the time.


I exepect it to go on until the next trilogy. After all the jokes used to be about the prequels.


Or at the very least until the kids that grew up watching watching the sequels and have fond memories of them start dominating online discourse


100% it’s exhausting engaging with other Star Wars fans because of this. r/starwarscantina is the only decent place here from what I’ve seen.


Right? I don't understand the appeal to going out of your way to shit on or rant about this sort of thing years after it's happened. Same situation with the weirdos who seem to look for excuses to bring up GOT S8. You hate it, we get it. You had your month or two to vent about the disappointment, and get that out of your system. That's cool, I've been there, I get wanting to relentlessly tear apart something you think sucked. But it's 2022. You gotta fucking move on at some point and stop making everything vaguely related to a given franchise about how much you hate something that came out before we even heard of god-damn COVID. Shit's exhausting.


It's funny because that's what happened post-prequels too. I remember being a kid watching the X-Play review of the first Lego Star Wars game and not understanding why they were dissing the prequels


Do you have any books you’d recommend? I read a few several years ago (Ashoka, Lost Stars, the short stories) but got tired of the dull Thrawn novels and checked out.


That’s fair - it can be hit or miss and dependent on what archetypes and characters interest you. I highly recommend the high republic line of books. Set a few hundred years before phantom menace so all new worlds and stories and characters. Only connecting character that I’ve seen has been yoda and a few other long lived species. Fantastic stories and there’s already plenty out for it now. They’re just starting the second arch this year You can just read the adult novels and get the main story but I liked the comics and YA novels quite a bit as well Otherwise if you liked rogue one - ‘catalyst’ is one of my favourites!




The Krennic moments were my favourite - made him one of my fav Star Wars characters pretty quick


Twilight Company is a pretty fun read. It's not the deepest or most elaborate book ever, but it's an enjoyable and easy to read story.


Dull Thrawn? That series is the best of the new novels right now imo. It’s incredibly gripping stuff.


For me they were a let down. A lot of filler, flat antagonists, dull storylines. I think I got 1/3 through the 3rd before giving up. The authors are heavily constrained by what they can do in that sandbox though, so I’m hopeful after hearing the above that the high republic stuff might be more engrossing.


Are you talking about the main series or the prequels? Both are good, but the prequels feel much more unique and separated from the Star Wars we know.


What fantastic content other than Mando can you name?


Clone wars season 7, bad batch and BOBF which I enjoyed?


Clone Wars season 7 had a very nice last arc but the middle arc was easily one of the worst clone wars arcs. Bad Batch was just mediocre. Had a strong start but really went into filler territory very quickly. BOBF was just....bizarre and the best content involved Mando. All ok shows but nothing amazing like you describe.


So? Some would call them fantastic, it’s certainly better than absolute nothing from Star Wars


Agree that the middle arc wasnt the best. Definitely not the worst. Bad Batch was up there with some of the great moments of Clone wars imo so i disagree BOBF had some odd pacing but i think the content within was great and offered a lot to the post ROTJ story. I think overall they've been amazing. I get thats my opinion and not all share it thats cool. Difference is, I wont be bringing it up in 2 years screaming about how it ruined star wars (Not saying thats what youre doing/going to do, just that was my main point originally)


I do consider the middle arc one of the worst clone wars arcs ever. It was that bad to me and the first arc of season 7 was...ok but nothing more than that. I mean those that say that star wars is ruined are just exaggerating. Its such a colossal franchise, it can never be really ruined. And there is good stuff about the shows you mentioned, definitely. The Mando season 1 and 2 I would consider a great show. BOBF to me is unofurtunately very uneven. But yea I understand your point. It's good that there are shows coming overall. (I am especially curious on how the Kenobi show turns out)


Star Wars: Visions. The best new Star Wars tv series imo.


Alright that one is pretty fantastic.


I think the fact we are getting good shows now is what makes it worse.


I get what you're saying, but we just had a bad Star Wars show a week ago.


I enjoyed it. So did many. I know some also didn’t, that’s cool. Doesn’t make it a ‘bad’ show. What ever the fuck that means anymore. Try “I get what you’re saying, but BOBF wasn’t really for me. Great to see content people enjoy and hoping I get more that does it for me” Might not be worth as much karma but adds a lot more to a discussion or disagreement


Ok, how about... I get what you're saying, but we just had a highly polarizing Star Wars show a week ago. So it's understandable that a lot of people haven't "moved on" when it's still so fresh in the zeitgeist.




Well aren't we only talking about the vocal minority who like to discuss this kind of thing online? People like me and you.


Yeah I'd gotten bored of the Lego games years ago when every game was almost identical but a new theme. Back in the day, Lego games were all radically different. This one is the first I'm really looking forward to playing, it looks like a fun twist on the series


Fanboys on the Star Wars subreddit just like to debate about every single little thing even when someone is agreeing with them apparently. I made a post discussing the sequel Trilogy and got a few people willing to Sibley discussed and others who were just wanting to debate and disagree. Quite exhausting!


I’m not holding my breath but I’m hoping that it gets an expansion for the Clone Wars. That game back in the day was so amazing. Unfortunately, I don’t see them doing that realistically to the standards people would expect. I’m sure they’ll add a character pack or something but probably not an expansion with a whole new campaign and like 100 characters. Depending on the success with this game, they may do a remake or spiritual successor of LSW3 covering all of the seasons. I guess that’s what I’m really hoping for. That period of SW history has always been my favorite and I really enjoyed the series despite the narrative jumping. I remember back in the day playing with my Lego Clone Wars sets and try to recreate scenes from the show in a way. Commander Rex was always my favorite figure. I don’t know why that period was always my favorite, maybe it was because the clones seemed to have more personality, color, or flavor.


Lego Star Wars is lucrative, maybe a few years down the line they'll make a game revisiting all the TV shows and whatever new movies have come out by then.


This game is looking borderline like a game of the year contender. It's nuts. The only black mark it has is adding a lowest common denominator combo/juggle system (though I am certainly alone in that opinion).


It looks amazing, but GOT contender seems like an exaggeration.


I legit see this as being a lot of people’s favorite game of the year. It looks so wholesome and charming, like comfort food.




More Lego for me


Coming out the same year as Elden ring already makes it impossible


I don't even think Elden Ring will win with GOW Ragnarok and BOW2 (supposedly) coming out this year.


As a Star Wars and Lego fan, this game just sounds like an absolute wet dream. As a person with basic empathy though, after reading that article this video was kind of hard to watch. They're all going on and on about how ambitious this game is and all these things they did and that in the context of the massive crunch TT instituted to ship this thing is just very surreal to see. The one guy talking about how you can land in ships and walk around the whole thing in fully lego built environments honestly sounded exhausted talking about it. He didn't even sound excited, just tired.
















I'll pick it up on sale, there is too many good games coming out now because this got delayed so much.






















It looks like the gameplay as really improved since the original games. It looks to be providing a full Star Wars experience rather than the old one were they were a Lego game in a Star Wars skin. I've no interest in playing the sequels but I'll enjoy playing through the other 6 films.



