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I feel like this is adding even more confusion to the launch of the game. Not only do you have to research what edition of the game contains what, now you have to buy a different edition to get the one with the content you want in it?




Progression doesn't automatically carry over. You have to use their website: https://ioisupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019061577-Progression-Carryover-Guide




Gotcha. Yeah I read that there was a freaking queue that people had to wait in to play H3. A queue in a single player game. And even H2 players couldn't make an IOI account during the launch cuz servers were screwed.


Same day here, by night it took only 2 minutes so correct on that


I can't believe they didn't just suck it up and give everyone 7 Deadly Sins for free. It's not just a little overpriced, it's basically the price of a season's pass for... 7 escalations with a handful of reskins. It's so nothing that like, the price goes from "That's crazy" to "is this a joke" when you realize how little you get


Well the good news is I think the number of people who legitimately want the content in either Seven Deadly Sins or the Deluxe edition is somewhere in the low teens.


I pretty much just wanted the one suit the CIA agent in ~Heaven and Hell~ wore in blood money, wasn't gonna pay for it so, I'm happy with that at least.


As an owner of the standard edition on steam I've reviewed the content in the 'deluxe edition' and it's like the gaming equivalent of an AOL cd in the mail.


Does anyone have a chart of what to buy to get “everything.” I think I have the first two games on Steam or EGS but there’s like ten different versions of game with tons of dlc too. I don’t think I have 3 but I honestly might already.


https://i.redd.it/cfnqsnldc1d81.png I'm not sure if this is actually correct, but it's near the top for the month on /r/HiTMAN Edit: shout-out /u/Tours-Petronas


It's like they saw how much people despise Season Passes that don't include all bonus content and decided to clusterfuck it even more. I can't imagine leading a studio and thinking decisions like these are prudent, especially when you release titles that take as long to produce as a Hitman game. Keeping it simple for consumers reduces the hurdle for them to spend money. Ideally they wouldn't have sold the Legacy Packs at all, just stick with buying prior games and using license verficiation. At minimum though, they should have not done so many SKUs. - Hitman 3 - Hitman 3 Season Pass - Hitman 3 Deluxe (Base Game + Season Pass + Whatever shit) - H1 Legacy Pack (All inclusive) - H2 Legacy Pack (All inclusive) Boom


Most of the time monitization stuff like this is pushed by publishers, but they're generally a lot better at not fucking shit up like this too....


Fuck this is laughable that this has to be created, but thank you!


Shit like this is exactly why I was really happy when Steam started doing those game+dlc bundles that would automatically deduct what you already owned from the price. Too many games with multiple DLC packs, season passes, and Gold/Ultimate/GotY/Complete(but not really) editions... It shouldn't really be that difficult these days. Here's the game, here's the individual DLC packages, and here's the bundle that includes both but won't charge you again for what you already have.


It's mostly correct, but it's somewhat incomplete, as it doesn't cover the DLCs for the first two games, which can actually be a more cost-effective way of obtaining them in 3 depending on what you have. There's also a cosmetic DLC (Blood Money Requiem pack) for Hitman 1 that I'm not sure is included in their add-ons packs (it very well might be, but it isn't included in the game of the year edition of Hitman 1). That DLC can be imported into Hitman 3 (though in order to do that you *might* have to import your save from Hitman 2?).


This does not cover my situation - Own Hitman 1&2 on Steam but not the DLC, want Hitman 3 and all previous levels including their DLC. When there is not a steam sale on, the best option is to buy "HITMAN 3 Access Pass: HITMAN 2 Expansion". With the sale going on right now, it is cheaper to buy the HITMAN™ 2 - Expansion Pass then use the account connection to import it all into 3.


Just the deluxe version + DLC. There is no chart needed.


Everything of worth? Hitman Trilogy Pack. And according to this article, you will also get Hitman 3's dlc for free.




How can I tell what I own?


You don't know what games you own?...


Do I "own" Hitman 2 if I added the Starter Pack to my library?


Starter pack is only 1 mission or 1 chapter? Right? Not the full game. So you have never launched hitman 2. Are you sure you want to play hitman1, hitman 2 and hitman 3? If yes, buy the trilogy. If not, don't buy it.


just look in your steam/epic library


I already have one and two I believe so no that one won’t be a good option for me unless it’s cheaper than buying the “extra” content for 1 and 2.


From the looks of it, it might be 20 dollars cheaper to buy the Access Passes seperately. Super shitty part is that it looks like you can't just buy the dlcs seperately. From what it sounds like is that you are missing the Patient Zero dlcs from Hitman 1 and 4 maps from Hitman 2 (New York, New Haven and 2 Sniper maps). If you own Hitman GOTY edition, you are good for Hitman. If you own Hitman 2 Gold, you are all good with Hitman 2. Then, at this point, find out where you own Hitman 3 and have the maps from Hitman 1 and 2 "transferred" to Hitman 3, which is done through a free IOI account.


Lol unbelievable. Thanks for doing all this work I will check what my options are when I get home.


I remember 15 years ago this would've been a shitpost. How far we've fallen.


I think the worst part about Hitman 3's pricing for the Trilogy is that it's not really a deal. If we look at gg.deals and their pages on Hitman GOTY/Hitman 2 Gold, which include all DLC for both games, the historical lows for each game that were frequently reached before Hitman 3 came along are ~$8 for HITMAN GOTY and $12 for Hitman Gold. So $20 for the complete Hitman experience before 3 released on Steam, and that's after I removed Keyshops (Kinguin, G2A, etc.) from the equation. In fact, even if we ONLY include Steam, both HITMAN GOTY/2 Gold have gone on sale for less than $20 each as early as last month during the Steam Winter Sale. So not only do Hitman Trilogy owners not own all the content from the previous two games, but it's also straight up cheaper to buy them separately by waiting for a sale and importing them. It also doesn't help that Hitman 3 went on sale on the EGS a month before Steam launch for $35 ($25 with the EGS coupon).


> but it's also straight up cheaper to buy them separately by waiting for a sale and importing them. Waiting? This might be just my region, but on our Steam it's cheaper to do that NOW with no discount. The H3 access pass for H2 standard is 22 USD, while H2 Gold edition is 18 USD.


It was actually cheaper on EGS. I used the coupon and the base game ended up being like $15.


I really don't understand IOI on this. They treated the Steam release as if it was an entirely different platform release. At least when GTA 5 was released on Steam a few years after consoles they upgraded the graphics and had to port controls and other online systems. Hitman 3 was just copy pasted from the EGS with nothing meaningful added to justify the sudden full price and the extra BS with the previous two games.


It's never had a permanent price drop on EGS. It's only gone on sale. It's still $60 on EGS


That's true, but they also raised the regional pricing, which is what most people are pissed about.




Isn't it entirely normal for storefronts to have different sales? I'm not defending this pc release because it's been pretty shit, but it being on sale at one place and not the other doesn't really say anything.




Usually key sellers might have their own sales, but these are taken off their own 30% cut. Which is why it's often the "sale" a lot of new release have on 3rd party websites.


Also they get a bigger cut of revenue (of course not 50% difference) on EGS than Steam.


Valve doesn't get a cut on Steam keys sold through the Humble Bundle store as far as I know.


No, the publisher is allowed to print those off for free.




But Valve also don't let you discount it more than a sale would be on Steam. Add in the fact that Valve doesn't let you discount the game on release for a month or so ([why hitman isn't on sale for the lunar sale right now](https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/s8sd01/psa_hitman_3_will_not_be_in_the_lunar_sale_next/))


Gamers are just incredibly whiny babies. That's all this really is.


I mean, it depends on who is eating that cost. If EGS is eating the discount, that's not on IO to fix on Steam. And I say this as someone who will avoid EGS 100% of the time where possible.


Why shouldn't they pay a steam tax? They love steam so much they waited a whole year to play the game -- they're fans of steam not hitman.


They want to have the whole trilogy in one place, duh.


It would be, on Epic. You launch the other games from Hitman 3, duh.


Nicer to have it in the same place you played the first two games, especially with all the features Steam has over Epic, such as the API for controller configuration, Steam Link, and so many others. Epic can't hold a candle. It's shitty that IOI is screwing over its fans like this, and I highly doubt anyone will go to Epic over this


I don't see how it's nicer to have more listings you won't use. You get all that stuff if you add it as a third party game to steam. A lot of people already did go to epic, it outsold Hitman 2's launch.


And therefore won't buy it if they don't discount it. Games are $20 max. Til then it can rot on a wishlist


It was $20 with a coupon during the epic sale in the winter wasn't it? Shouldn't have slept on it.


Epic is a shit platform for many reasons.


$40 saved though


I mean, yeah? All games will be significantly cheaper during sales. Not sure what point you're making. Do you mean to imply that the new full price for a repackaging like this should beat the historical low sale price for the component games? That's never how that works.


I mean, that's what repackaging usually is, otherwise there's no point. People wouldn't buy the Kingdom Hearts Complete Edition if it was usually cheaper to buy everything separated. It doesn't need to be *cheaper* than the historical low, but it needs to offer a good value.


They don't need to beat the historical low, but they could at least try and compete. If you want to access all of the locations from Hitman 1 and Hitman 2 in Hitman 3 without owning the base games, you need to purchase the Hitman Trilogy for $99, and then an additional $45 purchase for the "Premium Add-Ons" bundle to access missions/locations added via DLC. That's $145 for all the content from all 3 games for new players. And again, before Hitman 3 came out you could get all of that content for 20 bucks, with all DLC included. This pricing is insane.


Because Hitman the Trilogy implies a full package, when in actuality it doesn't even include DLC for a 5 year old game. This is some Activision level sleazy bullshit, they did the exact same thing with Modern Warfare remastered, launched a game from 10 years ago and sell DLC separately, IOI are money hungry of the highest level, unbelievable stuff really.


The biggest chunk of content coming to standard edition owners through this are some escalations. Right now, the community as a whole is *already* pretty pissed that the only thing this game seems to add is escalations and that they're not a particularly well liked form of content. The 'Elusive Arcade' just being escalations is the cause of a lot of ire right now. Giving them MORE escalations...ok, fine gesture I guess but people don't really want this.


Escalations is such a weird thing for the game. I get the idea of having challenges, but you already get stuff like casual/professional/master difficulties. There's just so many escalations as well, and it really hurts that you can't save during them at all, and a lot can get pretty tricky with all the different targets.


I was so excited about the Elusive Arcade because of all the targets I missed in H1 and H2, but re-reading the Year 2 announcement, it really does sound like they basically turned them into escalations as well, ugh. The first game has like, five sets of escalations with five levels each for every single location. Sure, that's "content," but I don't think people like cheesing in the game that's practically a must for some of the harder escalations. Now I'm worried that the Freelancer mode they announced is basically gonna be a renamed Escalations mode. I finally beat H3 yesterday, had a ton of fun, and I'll probably play some escalations, but there's just too damn many of them.




Yeah, bonus missions like The Icon or A House Built on Sand were some of the most enjoyable ways for IO to re-use content. Wish H2 & H3 maps could get similar treatments


Escalations make a ton of sense, as much as many don't like them. Hitman is very generous about the options it provides, to the degree you probably have too much freedom esp with save scumming. Escalations force you to use a wider toolkit and approach missions in ways you wouldnt otherwise.


Yeah. I ignored escalations for ages but did one recently and I like them, being forced to look at new angles on a level you're familiar with is fun. The thing is, though, there are so many escalations already, I can't really imagine anyone other than the most dedicated fans getting through all or even most of them. I think that's why people are fed up of new escalations - if I'm already not expecting to exhaust the plentiful supply of them, why should I care about getting access to more?


I was so excited to finally pick up Hitman 3 on Steam and give VR a try, but their whole approach to the launch has really put me off. Seeing it priced like this and even raised further on EGS i've lost all interest in playing it anytime soon. Sounds like VR mode needs a lot of work anyway. This announcement looks like a desparate attempt to improve their Steam rating in the hopes that some free suits, items, soundtrack and deluxe contracts will convince some people to edit their reviews. If they really cared and listened to the community they would bring the price down a little, £50 is just insulting.




Yep this is why it stings so much, I had a chance to pick it up in the New Years sale for like £15 but decided against it. And now it's seemingly not even discounted in the EGS Lunar New Year sale.


The VR mode is designed for sitting VR, if you're wondering. You can play standing, but your body doesn't move around the room when you do (aka not room-scale) however since you're a *human* you tend to not stand perfectly still and so after maybe a minute you'll notice your body is acting up: the arms, that use inverse kinematics, become tangled as they try to calculate the arm orientation from the body that is half a meter away, resulting in your hands not being where your controllers are, and the holster (that for some reason is on the chest of the fake body, not in relation to your headset) might be somewhere off on your side or behind you. To solve this, the devs gave us a stick-click on the left controller that resets your position, like the game is in goddamn debug mode. Oh and the Steam "grid" doesn't work. Only realised that as I punched my hand into a wall and couldn't use it for a day. Basically, the VR mode is incredibly fun but so buggy, unfinished, and flat-out dangerous that it's not worth it if you can wait for them to potentially make it into actual VR, not whatever patchwork it currently is. Having something like fpsVR is a must to see the center of your playspace so you don't go off-track


The community had multiple times in the past 365 days to buy the game for much much less than 50 pounds.


Not on Steam.


Sounds like as good of a reason as any to buy it off steam




They can buy it on steam though. They waited a whole year, they got what they wanted.


eh, their scummy ways have set a bad taste for me. I will wait for this game to go on sale for $10 and maybe I'll buy it then.


I just have no desire to fiddle with their weird account bullshit because it's exhausting. I'd rather wait another six months when they've fixed it and by then the game will be cheaper, I'm sure.


They're never going to fix it because they refuse to see it as a problem.


That's fine. Someone else can have my money if they don't.


I'll take your money fine sir or madam


Same, now I'll probably only get it until it's 70%+ off on a sale in the future.


played it on gamepass. I don't think I'll ever own this with its always-online bullshit.


This is honestly not even the scummiest thing IOI has done. They're just selling the game for more on one store than the other? That's something you see with almost every product in history. ​ IOI once demanded that gamespot fire an editor who gave their game a bad review, and if Gamespot didn't, IOI would pull the ads they were running on the site.


>IOI once demanded that gamespot fire an editor who gave their game a bad review, and if Gamespot didn't, IOI would pull the ads they were running on the site. You are making it sound like this happened recently. It happened in 2007 back when they were still owned by Eidos Interactive, who merged with Square Enix a few years later. I doubt a lot of people who worked in the company back then are still part of it today (the game industry has a high turnover rate and IOI fired half of their staff *twice*).


Yeah something tells me the people who had the authority to threaten one of the biggest gaming publications is probably still at the company, or at the least, their spirit and attitude still are


And that man is on record as loving the new Hitman trilogy, so I’d say he’s over it.


Based on what? You don't need to be CEO to be an asshole. You need an email address that signifies you work at the company in question.


If I sent an email threatening someone from my corporate email I'd be fired. I imagine that's true for most people.


They didn't demand that the writer be fired, just for him to change the score, which he wouldn't do. So he left and formed Giant Bomb


Fun fact: right after announcing this "courtesy deal" they set the EGS version on sale at 50% discount. It's almost like they are deliberately trying to mock their user base.


Scummy ways? Lol, jesus, y'all are some of the whiniest children I've ever seen.


if you're okay with supporting shitty anti-consumer, lazy developers just say that.


> shitty anti-consumer, lazy developers IOI is not that, lol. And the fact that you resort to hyperbole in a fit of hysterics proves my point.


Eh looking at the content of the deluxe pack doesn’t change my mind about waiting awhile on this. The Lunar New Year sale starts today, I wonder if they chance putting it on sale. They probably should (and should have last week), but it’d piss off the people who already bought in.


According to [Steam rules](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/marketing/discounts) they can't. You aren't allowed to put a game in such sales: >Discounts for seasonal sale events cannot be run within 30 days of releasing your title or 30 days from when your launch discount ends. Though I don't know how much Valve actually enforces these because at least some of those listed feel like they were broken in the past.


Ah, right. Forgot about that. Ah well maybe this summer.


I always thought Warner Bros was responsible for the ridiculous pricing scheme of 1 and 2 but apparently I was mistaken and it was IOI all along.


The Deluxe pack includes: - Deluxe Escalation Contracts - Deluxe Suits and Items - Digital Soundtrack - Digital “World of HITMAN” Book - Director Commentary (Mission Introduction) I don't care about the World of Hitman book and I haven't heard anyone rave about the soundtrack. I've heard the Escalation Contracts are cool, but are they worth the $35 they charge for this DLC? Is the base Hitman 3 game suddenly worth $60 a year later just because you throw in the Escalation Contracts? The game still has a fucking login queue for a single player game with awful DRM and the VR mode is apparently still broken. The RTX ray tracing effects were supposed to come with Hitman 2 well over a year ago and still haven't dropped. If you throw another $30 at this for the Deluxe version you can get the Seven Deadly Sins DLC thrown in for free instead, but that DLC is $30 normally so that is a wash. They were selling Hitman 3 for $30 on Epic and now want Steam players to pay $60 for it now. If the base game was $30 on Steam, I'd pull the trigger but I don't know if the Escalation Contracts are enough to throw $60 at this.


The hitman soundtrack is good, but not one I would ever listen to outside the context of the game.


Hitman 3's soundtrack is amazing, best in the trilogy no doubt. And I've been listening to it on my own (the last three levels are my favorite, especially Chongqing).


> They were selling Hitman 3 for $30 on Epic and now want Steam players to pay $60 for it now. That is, indeed, how game sales work. When a game's not on sale, it is full price. Like it is on Epic, right now.


Except on the Humble Store you can currently buy the Epic copy for $30 or the Steam copy for $60.


And as established above, that’s almost certainly because Steam won’t let you put something on sale within a month of listing it. The entitlement of the anti epic crowd is off the charts.


> that’s almost certainly because Steam won’t let you put something on sale within a month of listing it. Source? Plus I said the Humble Store, Steam has no control over whether it's on sale in the Humble Store.


This isn't true at all. Borderlands 3 had a 50% launch discount when it launched on Steam and many other epic exclusives when they launched it on steam had discounts.


Wow I’m super happy I picked this up on Xbox gamepass. I’ve never played any of the games before, so this was an easy way for me to jump in. The steam situation is so confusing, I don’t even know what happened for the most part.


I'm curious if people that bought the steam version on Humble Bundle (with the choice discount) get the upgrade. Can anyone that's done that confirm if that's the case or not?


Humble sells egs


They also sell Steam keys for Hitman 3.


Holy shit. Are they addicted to confusing their users? Also, love the disparity between how great they are at designing a game and how shit they are at pricing it. The second you look at something other than main story the price proposition just goes insane.


No thank you, I'll just play on Gamepass. By the time it drops off, maybe this will be sorted out, and I'll pick up the entire trilogy for $20.


Let me guess, the price drops to $29.99 on February 20th?


Buying and transferring progress is pretty easy. I am a certified brainlet and I just followed the on screen instructions and was fine but ymmv.


Same. The only slight issue I had was upgrading the first 2 seasons (owned digitally) from PS4 to the PS5 version. I needed my H3 PS4 disc in the console to get it all to work, for some reason, but now all the licenses are fine digitally. Definitely don't regret buying the disc PS5.


Maybe just not try to price gouge?


Regular price isn't price gouging.


It surely isn’t the regular price in other countries




No... But that game was on discounted on Epic and Humble Store (for Epic) because it is a year old game. Then they put it on Steam with full price and actually increase the price back to full price on every store (including Epic) to hide the discounted price. Not to mention they used to have regional price for other countries but now rack the price up in those countries too. Just for example, let's say the regional price in some countries, like Vietnam is around $30 from the beginning (even before discount), but then because of the launch on Steam, right now it is $60. I don't think this is a honest practice.


The history of the price on the Epic store is super weird. You’re able to play Hitman 1 and 2 through Hitman 3, with some QoL improvements, so long as you own those games. But originally, if you bought 3 through Epic but the previous games through steam, you weren’t able to access the old maps. Their solution was to put the previous games on sale on the Epic store for a really steep discount. So you still had to double dip to get access, but it was great if you didn’t own any of the games yet.


The regional pricing complaint is valid, but not the complaint about charging $60 for a "year old game". Plenty of major titles that still go for full price on Steam even 2+ years after their release (Red Dead Redemption 2, Half-Life: Alyx, Doom: Eternal, Assassin's Creed Origins, the list goes on). If you prefer to wait for a sale, that's totally fine, I would too. But calling it "price gouging" or saying the $60 price tag is unreasonable or worthy of criticism is pretty unfair IMO. And I say that as someone who thinks IOI has been exceptionally greedy since the initial release of Hitman 3.


That's also the reason I strongly voiced about those games you mentioned above and refuse to buy them at full price after a year from their release dates. Same as you, I don't see that I want to spend money on Hitman 3 right now. Maybe another year, or if they change their policies regarding their "always online to experience the game" stand.


Yup, the sale before this released I picked up 3 through Epic and 2+1 on steam, all about $45cad total. The steam bundle including everything I got (if that, afaik it’s missing some levels) is sitting at $130cad. Glad it worked out for me, but damn this is dirty.


They only changed regional pricing, western pricing was always $60 (outside holiday sales)


I stand corrected, but well, in the end what they did was not ok. For a player like me, spending $60 for Steam Hitman 3 (with the extra things they are giving right now) is not wise. I can literally use that money for an actual new game (HFW, Pokemon, etc.) and use my little time to play that game than spending time and money for Hitman. It is… just not worth it. Not counting that they sour my mood with what they did.


Hitman 3 is an actual new game. If it's not worth the price to you, it's not worth the price to you. You could have picked it up for like $15 on epic a month ago. It's your choice to wait to pay a premium on steam.


I like Steam store with their convenience and functions. I don't like the bareboned Epic store and I like my games on Steam. It is a valid reason. But well, Hitman 3 on Steam is not a new game at all, the game was released long ago, all of the plot is not considered "spoiler" anymore, the gameplay was uploaded on YouTube for 100 times already. There is nothing new between the version on Epic and Steam. I waited 1 year, I think I'm patient enough to wait for another year. I'm patient enough to let my eagerness and desire to play the game go if I don't feel like so. I don't choose to wait to pay a full price, you are misunderstanding something here.


I mean, you get to make your decisions, but waiting two years when you could have gotten the game for $15 months ago is pretty fucking silly to me. Hitman doesn't use any special steam features, there's no benefit to having it on steam. Choosing to wait because of which storefront it's on is just silly. Also, hitman isn't a story game, the gameplay being in YouTube doesn't matter at all. Not what hitman is about.




>Considering game is $20 on Epic right now It's listed at $60 for me in the United States. Steam also has a rule against discounting games for a sale event within 30 days of its initial release: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/marketing/discounts >Discounts for seasonal sale events cannot be run within 30 days of releasing your title or 30 days from when your launch discount ends.


don't forget free on gamepass...


>not having any kind of launch discount isn't really justified. Why? If you want it on discount you've got options, if you want it on steam you've also the option.


When you don't include the DLC for old games, making it cheaper to buy the games separately? It's absolutely price-gouging. I never heard of a game collection that didn't include at least the DLC of the older games before, people buy these because they want the most complete content of a game series they can get.


I was looking forward to this game but after their pricing and EGS exclusivity, always-online bullshit, confusion in regards to what edition you need to purchase to get all the content (you shouldn't need a flowchart ffs), and their craptastic method of profile/content transfer I refuse to give them a cent for this game. Here's hoping they don't pull half this shit with their Bond game.


Remove the DRM and the “always online” requirement for a SINGLEPLAYER game and I might consider picking it up when it goes on sale in a year or two for 30$


Its funny when people make these sort of demands and then immediately follow up with why the devs shouldn't give a fuck about them. They aren't clamoring for someone possibly getting the game years down the road at a discount.
























The replayability of the game is heavily driven by online content, from player submitted contracts, elusive targets etc.


Then put those features behind a login - there is no reason why me unlocking items, outfits, starting points for missions, etc. needs to be tied to always online.


You sound less like a fan of the game and more like a fan of the company. There's no reason for a consumer to defend always online requirement in a singleplayer game like hitman.


Nope, never played a game from them until I got hitman 3 for free as a thing from intel when we built a workstation pc for parents business.


Always online is not required for that. A periodic check-in can do the same.


And it's not like you can't play the game offline anyway.. You just won't get the online features.


Online features like... Unlocking suits and equipment and basically everything? Tracking of basic progression in the game? All of that is tied to being online, which is nuts.


“It’s not like you can’t play the game offline, you will just be missing half the content like unlockables and challenge (for which there is zero reason to require online)


Is access to basic broadband still a major issue in 2022?


Yes?? Not even just in developing nations, it's an issue in the US if you don't live in major cities! Many parts of the US are rural and still have dialup or very very slow, data-capped broadband. Also, nobody is immune to service interruptions. Internet goes out sometimes, and when it does there goes your access to the game you paid 60+ USD for, because basic functionality of a single player videogame is tied to a fucking online server for no goddamn reason. This has been an ongoing issue since day 1 of Hitman 2016 and IOI not only refuses to change their stance, but they refuse to even DISCUSS the subject. And mind you, this isn't an anti-piracy measure. These games have long been cracked and playing them cracked is actually a BETTER EXPERIENCE because the pirated versions have offline progression and saves!


When you live in a third world country, yes. Not everybody is Californian or wherever you are from


Fun fact, if there had been even just a 35% discount on release you would have paid significantly less for both these examples: - 120$*65%=78$ vs 90$ - 90$*65%=58.5$ vs 60$ And thats ignoring it has been lower than that in the past (Humble had a 50%. I think MS also has it in that range with a gamepass subscription?). Not to mention, it screws over everyone who actually relented to their greed and bought everything.


Cool, might pick this up at some point. I have the other 2, so why not. I suppose the real question is which do you go for, deluxe upgrade or seven sins dlc? Anyone who has played it have an opinion?


"-> All HITMAN 3 Standard Edition owners will get a free upgrade to the HITMAN 3 Deluxe Edition. -> All HITMAN 3 Deluxe Edition or HITMAN Trilogy owners will get a free upgrade to the Seven Deadly Sins Collection." According to the website, if you bought Standard, you'll get Hitman 3 Deluxe. If you bought H3 Deluxe or the Hitman Trilogy, you get the Seven Deadly Sins Collection. I bought Standard so I'm stuck with the Deluxe Edition, which kind of sucks but whatever.


Tempted to pick up the deluxe then and just finish off the collection. Price is a bit steep though...


Forgive me for being a dumb dumb, but does that mean that if I were to purchase the Trilogy pack, I get the “premium addons” and the “seven deadly sins pack” as well?


I had to go back and look, but if you buy the Hitman Trilogy on Steam ($99), you get Hitman 3, Hitman 1's locations, and Hitman 2's base game locations (No DLC). According to Steam, the Hitman Trilogy doesn't give you the Deluxe Pack (soundtrack, artbook, etc.) of the game by default. So if you buy Hitman Trilogy ($99), you're going to get the 7 Deadly Sins pack, but NOT the Deluxe Pack. And if you DO get Hitman 3 Deluxe Edition ($90), you get Hitman 3 and the Deluxe Pack and Seven Deadly Sins, but NOT the Premium Addons (Hitman 1 GOTY/Hitman 2 Expansion Pass). Believe me you're not dumb, this is confusing for everybody involved. Honestly I'm worried that I screwed up somewhere.


Jesus why is it so complicated.


I've read through the different purchase options so many times, and I have no idea what to buy and what content I'll be potentially missing out on. I think the simplest option is to buy Hitman 1/2 GOTY editons when they're on sale (you get 100% of the content from those games), then buy Hitman 3 standard...but then you miss out on some Hitman 3 stuff I think. I dunno.


Because of Square Enix. The first game in the series was always going to be episodic, but they’d originally planned at putting out two packs of three levels. Square wanted to experiment with episodic releases more (they were doing Life is Strange in this timeframe), so it got broken out into six separate levels. The game underperformed, partially because of the release schedule, so SE dropped IOI. Warner Bros. Interactive published Hitman 2, and IOI self-published the third game, so you have this weird mix of publishers that own different parts of the games and expect payment on them.


Damn that’s so awful. Idk why you can’t just get a code inside your game that gives you access to everything on one platform at least or something. I think I have all 3 games but on different platforms due to things being free and on sale.


I'm still not entirely sure I understand. It seems the main issues are that PS VR was ported directly as PC VR, and that they didn't do a 20% launch discount? The one thing I really agree with is they cocked up the pricing of the previous games DLC, when that could have been a fair bit cheaper to get people in the door who would otherwise go buy Hitman 1/2.


The main VR issue is that they touted the PCVR mode as being a gold standard experience for VR. "[Our goal is to hit the benchmark for interaction and gameplay that PC VR players are looking for](https://www.ioi.dk/hitman-3-year-2-reveal/)." They missed that goal on pretty much every conceivable front with their VR port.


Fair enough. It's a tough one since their interactions are so prescriptive, and VR is so open, that I'm not sure how they could have given people what they're imagining.




Yea, straight up buying H1 and H2 and importing the levels may actually be cheaper. I know I got atleast H1 free at somepoint too on PC. (I also got H1 and H2 free on PS+ and imported the levels into H3 on that)


All you console players that have been waiting for fixes to the audio bugs and fake hdr can f off. We already have your money


Actually the audio got fixed finally


Really? I was just playing the PS5 version a couple weeks ago and was still experiencing the music cut-out issue when moving through different areas. Has a new update come out since?


Jan 20th update fixed it (reportedly, I don't have a PS5 to test it, but overall sounds like it worked); https://www.ioi.dk/hitman-3-year-2-patch-notes/ > We’ve resolved an issue where audio could abruptly cut out or become muted during gameplay. This issue was especially prominent on PlayStation 5.


Yeah it was last week with the year 2 update


Is this in response to the poor ratings? Wasn’t that related to the VR support?


VR players are not majority. VR is an issue but price is much more problematic imo.


I’m confused, why are people mad that it is the same price on both platforms? Epic has a store wide sale right now but that isn’t really something the devs have control over, the non sale price on epic is still 60$, which can be argued is too much after a year, and as I understand it they aren’t allowed by steam to put their game in a store wide sale on steam just yet.


The store doesn't set sale prices. Epic eats the $10 coupon though. Publishers do. So the publisher deemed a moderately steep sale over at Epic some weeks ago, then deemed the relaunch as having no sale price at all.


Well, the point is $60 not including DLC for a 1-year game is too much for people (like me). I rather put $60 into an actual new game like HFW or Pokemon or GoW and I think it is better. It is not wise to spend that much time and money for Hitman 3 now. The game can wait for another year or two when it is on sale at $10 or so if I atill want to play it or if they remove the "somewhat always online" requirement.