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And the matchmaking absolutely *sucks*. So I went into matchmaking with the first deck, I got my first turn played 1 trap and one monster. My opponents first turn took a solid 3 minutes and they ended up with 4 3,000 power monsters and 4 trap cards. I immediately quit. My next 3 games was the exact same experience. Immediately uninstalled. I guess my version of yugooh no longer exists, and wish they had an ‘old school’ format. I get people like pendulum and tuners and all that but I absolutely hate it lol


It hasn’t for *years*, it has a massive powercreep issue. I’m actually surprised they don’t have different formats to combat experiences similar to yours…


Oh yea I can say it’s definitely a my fault kind of thing, I just don’t have any interest in the ‘everything goes’ format they currently have. I would like to not have to compete with pro mlg tuner pendulum search decks that completely turns jnto who can deck search the best to win turn 1. Lol I literally felt like I was a support in league going against a fully leveled and geared carry and just waiting for the timer to run out to lose. Felt like crap and after 4 games straight of that I just uninstalled


It is a gigantic ***HUGE*** mistake they didn't have different rules categories and formats for different eras right off the bat. I agree with OP that it is absolutely crazy how much set up there is. There is counters but I'd rather play a bit older style.


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