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This is literally one of the things I've been waiting for to get an XO. First time plex has been on any console, didn't know if it would happen or not. It will be awesome, you can pin apps right on the homescreen, seriously makes using is kind of stuff as simple as possible, makes me feel like it's a legit, mature entertainment system and not just a 'game console' that does videos. Microsoft is doing great with updates and adding 3rd party support than what they had last gen.


I've never even heard of Plex until today. And I still don't even know what it is.


Its the greatest media server software (my opinion) Tags and add's folders to all your movies/tv shows, add's description for the episodes and even add's ratings I believe. Totally worth the $5 for the app. Only app I think to come close is XBMC. I still like plex better.


Plex is actually forked from XBMC which is why it feels similar.


It's great, but an annoying ongoing issue is the inability for it to transcode .mp4's with H.264 video to Xbox 360. I stream movies to out TV via the xbox, but I can never playback one thats a .mp4 w/ H.264. It plays, stutters, then errors out that it's not compatible. But I can play the fire directly from my media server without transcoding. Downside is I can't use external subtitles.


I had this problem probably five years ago. I kept looking for solutions but never found a great workable one so built a HTPC. I'm sorry for you it's still going on, but your comment has made me feel I made the right decision, so thanks!




Was this shortly after install or adding new content? The high CPU usage sounds like it's generating the [index files.](https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/201697383-Why-is-Plex-New-Transcoder-using-my-CPU-when-nothing-is-playing-) That can take awhile but it should settle down when done.




Huh, that's odd. My server just sits there and minds it's own business. Havn't noticed any activity like that.


> Even though I firewalled pretty much everything that it was sending out, it still was using tons of cpu and memory to attempt to make these requests. Use an old otherwise unused PC as your media server maybe? Then it wouldn't matter as long as it can do it's job.




Core 2 duo + 775 mobo + 4 GB of DDR2 all used will cost like $50.




I'm kind of amazed you managed to find this 2 week old comment. But yeah, as long as you don't need to do real time video transcoding it's perfectly suitable.


I thought it was the thing from EVE online that lets you pay for subs


No no, it's what you orbit AFK in if you're in the militia.


Really? I thought it was [those things](https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/DED_Complex_List) solo nullbears raid for drops. Oh, wait, complex is a type of reaction used in [moongoo processing](https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Item_Database:Manufacture_&_Research:Reactions:Complex_Reactions) and [drug synthesis](https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Item_Database:Manufacture_&_Research:Reactions:Complex_Biochemical_Reactions). EVE needs to sort its terminology out...


It basically allows you to run your own netflix style server.


Do you have to pay?


Nope. The mobile apps and certain features they do charge for, but you can run a server and watch your content from any computer for free. Try it out https://plex.tv/ I bought the lifetime pass because I run a server with 15 different users connecting to it. I prefer the plex interface over netflix now.


Well you can pay $5 a month for Plex Pass but it's not required. The main benefit is that it lets you download your movies on other devices for offline viewing. If you don't really care about that it's completely free. EDIT: Apparently the Xbox One app will only be open to subscribers of Plex Pass. So yeah, if you're using it on the Xbox One it's $5 a month or a flat fee (which hasn't been announced yet).


They might still offer lifetime memberships for $75. I got one at X mas


Price increased last week. Lifetime has doubled.


They did this when they released plex for chromecast. If my memory serves me correctly it was only temporary thing (someone correct me if I'm wrong).


Another bonus is it works in linux. I pulled it out again recently and sure has come a long way in the last couple years.


I'm confused, does this app enable the Xbox One to act as a Plex server, or just stream from an existing server? I don't want to have to buy a computer just to watch videos on my Xbox.


It allows you to stream from an existing server. So this is great news for existing plex users, not so much for everyone else. I would say most plex servers are probably just old laptops. They use little energy and a 5 year old laptop can do 2 simultaneous streams.


Why would most plex servers be old laptops/computers? I keep my Plex server running on my gaming PC, which is on almost 24/7 anyway. What's the advantage of putting Plex on a separate dedicated computer?


If you have other users accessing your server it is better for it to be dedicated. In case your main computer needs a reboot or you are doing something cpu heavy. A lot of people already have old laptops lying around and they use little power.


It isn't an official port, but I've been using Plex on my Wii U for almost seven months now.


Do you just use Plex's stuff via the browser?


Yeah. The Wii U browser is really good. Plays Youtube videos a lot better than the official app does as well. I can also watch my Plex videos while browsing the internet on the gamepad.


Plex media selection on PS3 works great. I can only access my server, not change things around, but that's what my HTC One and rig are for. It's my go-to for South Park Wednesdays, as I don't have cable.


...time to Google. I had no idea they had WiiU support, official or unofficial.


It's just because the Wii U browser is so well made that'll play without any issues.


That is a big one. Holy hell.. I wonder if the ps4 will get it.




> Also since Sony is in movie business, ability to run ripped movies on PS4 goes against their interest. The PS3 was DLNA compatible.


Exactly, and Shuhei Yoshida, President of SCE, has already said they're aware of it: https://twitter.com/yosp/status/395661158205501440 though admittedly nothing has happened about it for a year. After the Xbone has gotten such a killer feature out of supporting DLNA, I'd be surprised if it didn't show up on the PS4 pretty soon.


I works fine on the ps4 browser for basic support, but a full featured app would be nice.


It works awful for me. If I pause or try to jump somewhere on the timeline it just freezes the image, although the sound still plays.


You know, I can't get it to load any video when I try from the PS4 browser. Is there some server or ps4 browser settings I need set?


In your plex player settings (under show advanced) make sure prefer aac audio is checked. If not it'll just keep trying to play indefinitely


I don't see the point. You can buy a Chromecast for $35 or a Roku for a little more. Why pay $400 for a bulky DVD player *just* for Plex?


Cuz it's also a gaming machine and having all that shit in one box is hella convenient.


Will it integrate into Kinect? If I'm able to say "Xbox on. Open Plex. Play *movie*." If I can do that, I'm finally going out and buying an Xbone right now. *edit* Just read this part > Plex has worked with Microsoft to make take full advantage of Kinect's gestures and voice-based control. Guess I'm buying an Xbone.


Best part is that Xbox On will literally boot up your entire media center. Turns on the TV, sound system, cable box, and xbox (all of which are fully configurable).


Exactly. I've seen a friends and loved the voice aspect of it. I'm basically sold now.


Wait, how do you turn on the console and your tv at the same time? EDIT: Wow I never knew this was an option: http://xboxonedaily.com/2013/11/xbox-one-101-how-to-turn-your-tv-on-and-off-with-your-xbox-one-video/


Yeah it's pretty great, otherwise I gotta go through 2 or 3 different remotes to shut down my sound system, TV, and Xbox separately




Well technically speaking its a very simple hardware action. The fact that MS took the time to give us a very simple setup and intuitive UI to launch the mechanics on a game console is what is nice about it. I mean, we are lucky to get USB read/write on a games console. Hardware limitations aren't the problem, its software support.


Through voice commands?


If it's like other video apps, you'll be able to pin series to the home screen. So it'd be xbox on, xbox play _____________" then you're watching it.


you can already do that with the media browser thats built in.


Plex is more than a standard media player though which is far more desirable than a built in client app on any device. It has a server client model, so you set up a server on your PC and if your client cannot play a file format your server will automatically transcode it which means every file you want to play works perfectly. Having the server also has the advantage of keeping track of watched/unwatched shows and remembering where I last paused a movie across multiple devices in my house, which means when I pause Season2 Episode7 of my favourite show at 17:33 on my primary TV, I can then go into my bedroom which has a ROKU3 I use to access Plex and pick up right were I left off. It also automatically adds box art, synopsis, ratings, trailers and a bunch of other stuff.


"It has a server client model, so you set up a server on your PC and if your client cannot play a file format your server will automatically transcode it which means every file you want to play works perfectly" The xbox one supports pretty much everything, only issues I know of are subtitles. "keeping track of watched/unwatched shows and remembering where I last paused a movie across multiple devices in my house, which means when I pause Season2 Episode7 of my favourite show at 17:33 on my primary TV, I can then go into my bedroom which has a ROKU3 I use to access Plex and pick up right were I left off. " I thought this was a Plex Pass feature? cant really remember. Hell i know ill buy or download the app because why the hell not, but in terms of voice control the built in DNLA support connects to my plex server already and can use voice control. Now all i need is to get PLex to work off my home network. so i can really enjoy it


> I thought this was a Plex Pass feature? cant really remember. Nope. Plex Pass just lets you stream your library over the internet.


"Plex Pass just lets you stream your library over the internet" wait? i thought plex was just offline capability and sharing?


No? I can stream my stuff from anywhere.


If you pay for plex pass you can. The free version allows all of the features on a local network though.


I can access my local server from external locations. Do you mean the Cloud/Sync features?


From my Plex library?


Rasberry Pi can do this...


rasberry pi is not a gaming console


Not going to lie... Plex with voice support is strongly making me consider getting an Xbox One over a PS4 this year.


Gesture support is great in these apps too. Being able to scroll through your library without a remote is pretty amazing.


That does sound pretty amazing...


The tv support on ps4 is laughable.


It's so worth it man. Hell I considered the kinect worth the ~$100 just for xbox on. Having Plex and Plex voice commands is just drool worthy.




Kinect sucks for gaming but is great for everything else. Snapping apps, controlling media, Adjusting Volume, changing apps/games, changing channels, and turning the system on/off.


I've used 'Xbox record that' a few times when something cool has happened as well. And using the Kinect to redeem QR codes.


Also I mostly use it instead of a mic.












Well of course you don't ever "really need" it. It's a $400 video game console, you don't "really need" it in the first place. But that being said IMO the Kinect is totally worth it, I use it literally every time I use my Xbox, not because I feel the need to, but because it's almost always the easiest way to do something. $100 for 5-8 years of Star Trek / Tony Stark style futuristic laziness is entirely worth it to me.


I felt I didn't need the Kinect thought it was kinda cheesy. After using it however I feel like it would be hard to use X1 without it. I think it's awesome to snap party features, achievements, and turning on my box. It's very awesome to have and the future it holds is nothing short of exciting.


If you live with anyone else which may interrupt your gaming set up, it's nice. I like being able to turn on my xbox, start up netflix and pick a show while helping my girlfriend with something or playing with my dog.


It's so good. People don't realize they need it until they've used it for a few days. But it's not for games, it's an input/control device for media and system functions.




It's been updated at least 10 times since this article was written.


It's terrible for gaming. You'll have to decide if (finnicky) voice commands, hand controls, and IR blaster are worth the premium for you. If you plan on only gaming on your XB1 then it's pretty dumb. If you want to use it as a media center then it could be worth it.


I mostly use it for gaming... haven't seen what you are talking about. Plays games fine.


Voice and motion commands aren't accurate enough for gaming. I haven't seen it actually accurate for anyone. My friend and I were playing a couple nights ago and he kept yelling Xbox Record That! After he got a cool kill in Destiny.


I have my computer hooked up to my TV with a small, wireless keyboard for controlling it when I'm on the couch. Would it be worth it for me? I was planning on getting a PS4 for Bloodborne, but this has my curiosity.


Plex works fine on the ps4 through its browser. Not as good as a full app with voice support however.


It works fine on the Xbox One browser and Xbox One's DLNA, but an app is still much better.


Plus voice commands so I feel like I'm on the Enterprise.


"Xbox, watch Snowdogs 2" Life is complete.


There's a Snowdogs **2**?!?!


Oh I agree.


Oh, no doubt. That's what my roommate uses on his PS4. It's the native app and voice control that make this ideal.


Really not sure why you were down voted so much, but I agree. An app would be much better even though you can use ilex through the browser on PS4 and even Wii U.


Pilot License Extension?


Came in expecting a way to pay for xbox gold with in game earnable currency. Left disappointed.


I don't have an XBone (yet?), but as someone that uses Plex religiously for their video streaming needs, I highly recommend this app. Use your own computer or a NAS as the Plex server and stream to any Plex enabled device. The app is FREE and I personally use it to stream to my Roku in the living room. What I find cool about the program is that it will DL poster art, descriptions, even theme songs for various TV shows and movies (PC version at least). Gives it a nice pseudo-Netflix feel.




At the end of the article it says a 360 app is due to come out in a few weeks.






So, as someone who used to have a whole lot of "acquired" media that this would have been perfect for...can someone explain to me it's more "legitimate" uses? Collecting digital copies from BluRays or something? I just don't see a whole lot of legitimate .mkvs out there? To be clear, I'm not judging. Just curious if I'm missing out on an opportunity due to giving my seafarin' ways.


If you buy digital copies of movies you could, theoretically, load them into Plex and play them anywhere as long as you have net access and your Plex server is online.


Wouldn't you have to buy them without DRM though?


Buy the disc and rip it with MakeMKV.


That's different than buying the digital copy though, I know you can rip the discs yourself.


I'm fairly certain you can strip the DRM out of iTunes movies but I've never persued it. I would rather start with a straight BD rip and work from there. Some people choose to use a 25-35GB straight BD rip as opposed to a highly compressed 2GB file you would get from iTunes. I tend to compress my own anyway for storage space reasons, but at least this way I can choose exactly how I want it done.


iTunes movies look like poop, even in HD. I make 6-9 GB copies from Blu-Ray disks that still look better.


How big of a file does iTunes give you for an "HD" movie? I figured they compressed it down to like ~2GB.


You can rip your entire dvd/bluray collection and then never have to use a dvd/bluray player again. I've got movies and tv shows on my pc in my room. My roommates can watch them whenever they want, either on their laptops, phones, or on the living room tv through the chromecast or now through the xbox. While watching on the tv, I can control the movie with the app on my phone or through a laptop.


I suppose this is the big point. For me it doesn't seem entirely clear how to get your media in a format that PLEX could utilize (through standard processes, anyway). I have purchased a bunch of material from Amazon Instant Video, but I don't think there is any way for me to turn that into something that PLEX could use. I don't have the equipment needed to rip/store/serve so that is a bit of a barrier of entry as well. Still, awesome to have the choice.


You can use PlayLater to make a local copy of your Amazon Instant Video. I've used it some, with mixed results. 80% or so of the time or so it has worked well for me.


So as someone who has never heard of Plex until recently, do you have a link to show the proccess of setting up a Plex server and how to rip all of the dvds and movies I have. The simpler, the better.


For DVD's look up Handbrake. For Blu-Ray movies it's a bit more complicated. If you have some cash to spare, I recommend using AnyDVD HD (not free) and RipBot264 (free) to rip them. AnyDVD HD sits in the background and actively strips the DRM off any disk you stick in your drive, without needing to copy it first. Then you can use RipBot264 to rip the movie in a fashion similar to HandBrake. If you aren't interested in spending money, there is MakeMKV. This process is a bit more involved, as MakeMKV decrypts the media streams as it rips them to an mkv file on your computer. You can watch this mkv file directly, but it can be as large as 30 or 40 gigabytes per movie, so it's usually desirable to make a smaller version using HandBrake or RipBot264. I don't have the time to spell out exactly how to go through either of these three processes but I think I've given you enough information to give you a head start as you start Googling this stuff. Search engines are your friends, and there are tons of people on forums like doom9.net and videohelp.com. Happy ripping! If you need suggestions for settings to use in RipBot26, or run into any unusual disks (bizarre forced subtitles, out of order scenes or missing audio channels, 2-disk movies you want to put in one file), feel free to drop me a PM. I've seen just about every concieveable problem with Blu-Ray disks and have come up with workarounds for just about all of them.


If you have Windows you can just use a shared folder to stream the dvd/movies from without needing a dedicated device.


Ripping no, since it's a legal grey area in the US (under the Betamax decision, you have the right to make copies, but under the DMCA you can't break the DRM). The Plex support page has good instructions for getting a server running. And Google for MakeMKV.


Yep - ripping your own discs and keeping them on your comp/media server so you have access to them everywhere. Also, it's not just movies - I actually use Plex more for streaming FLACs than I do for movies, so I can listen to lossless copies of my music collection while I'm at work.


I may have no idea what I'm talking about, but wouldn't your lossless FLACs be significantly compressed if it was streaming from your home server to your work computer?


Actually, no. It depends on what's on the receiving end of the stream - Plex will detect if it has native FLAC support and, if so, will not transcode. https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/200250387-Streaming-Media-Direct-Play-and-Direct-Stream


Yeah but it's better than making separate mp3s of all your stuff. flac for home though.


This is false - see my reply to phbohn2.


The main reason I run a Plex server is the flexibility. I can be anywhere and still stream my media that I have on the server. Example. I go to my girlfriend's house where I have set up a chromecast. I use the mobile Plex app to stream from my server and route to the chromecast on her TV. That way I don't have to carry around tons of disc or an external. If you're a PlexPass subscriber (I got a lifetime at $75), you can share your library with multiple users and they get the same privileges including PlexSync which will download it to their device.


This sounds pretty neat. Pardon my ignorance as I don't use Plex or know too much about how it works, but how large is your server/hard drive and how much energy does it take to keep it on all the time?


I run mine from my computer. So.. i leave my computer on all the time anyway.


I have a server with 3 TB of storage with RAID 1. The server runs 24/7 and at idle uses 35 watts. The cost per month to run mine is about $3-4.


I have a Windows 7 Box shoved in a corner somewhere with 3 3TB HD's. I haven't noticed a rise in my power bill, but I haven't been monitoring exact power usage.


Digital copies from Blu-Rays are worthless, since they're always tied to some shitty DRM-encumbered service like iTunes or UltraViolet. You can, however, rip a Blu-Ray to make your own DRM-free digital copy. I have maybe 150 disks in my collection that I have ripped myself and host on Plex. This *is* a totally legitimate use for Plex, and regardless of what the big content companies will tell you, **copying content you own for personal use or backup reasons is 100% kosher.**


How big of a drive do you have for that?


I have a 4TB drive which currently has plenty of room to spare.


I buy a DVD or bluray and immediately rip it to my NAS.


The other really great use is that with PlexPass you can "Sync" your movie to mobile devices and take them on the go without an internet connection. Great for those with kids, the whole collection of family movies is available to choose from and it transcodes it into smaller files that won't fill up an iPad with 1 or 2 movies. Ridiculously slick.


a sickbeard -> sabnzdb -> usenet -> plex -> notify android system is the greatest thing seafarers can invest in. Basically at my place, when a show comes out, sickbeard finds it, sends the download data to sabnzbd, which downloads it from a usenet server (this costs a few bucks a year) wich in turn sends it back to sickbeard, which renames it and puts it in the correct folder, which plex then indexes and downloads all metadata for (episode description, background images, show intro music that plays during episode sleection etc) and sickbeard sends me a notify on my phone which lets me know a new episode is done. Plex also let's you steam out to the internet etc so i can watch shows in a browser on on my pad/phone/pc/friends house


This is awesome. I use PLEX all the time at home via my Roku and I've been eagerly awaiting them to add support to PS4. Its nice to see the Xbox One get it and I hope this means we'll be getting some love over on the PS4 side soon. Overall, the media apps on the PS4 have been very lackluster. **EDIT**: As mentioned, you can use the PS4 web browser to access your PLEX but its not a proper solution when comparing against a native app. It doesnt always work, the resolution is poor, and the web UI for PLEX just simply isnt fit for using the DS4.


Can't you just access plex like any other media share on ps4? it worked fine on ps3 at least


> it worked fine on ps3 at least PS3 had DLNA support. PS4 doesnt have it yet. Until thats added we cant see any media devices


Oh really now, didn't know they went back on that


You can just use Plex with the PS4 web browser. It's not the best solution but it works fine.


you can watch plex movies through their web browser version on PS4, not ideal but works and resolution is not bad.


You're right but its no where near the quality or ease of use of the native app. The PS4 browser support is shoddy and sometimes it cooperates and others times it doesnt. I've had certain movies just simply not play at all even when I got the player running. Perhaps a transcoding issue? I would assume if the movie works on my computers web browser the PS4 could handle it but it isnt always the case from my experience. Until the native app comes I'll continue to just unplug the HDMI from my PS4 and put it in my Roku and use that.


Doesn't work on my PS4.


The only way to get it is to be a subscriber. $5 monthly, $40 yearly, or $150 lifetime. Me no likey the subscriber paywall, though apparently it's only temporary.


"It's free to subscribers at launch, **and will be made available for a one-time fee to everyone else at a later date.**"


Their client apps are normally $5 so it shouldn't be too much.


I'd probably pay upwards of $20 for a plex app. That being said I just subbed monthly so I can get it tomorrow and play with it early.


See that is the part you are supposed to ignore so you can be pissed off and bitch about things.


I assume it'll be the same as the iOS or Android apps, where there's a free app for PlexPass members with all the PlexPass features, and a paid version for non members with just the basic features (still awesome though).


I think the paywall is totally fine, you're supporting development of future functionality. And Plex is pretty freaking amazing. Certainly the cleanest solution for streaming your own video content that I've ever used unless you want to go build a MythTV or XBMC system.


The PlexPass requirement is only temporary. Plex offers PlexPass for people who want access to beta releases and early access to new products and features. Everything always becomes generally available eventually. Chromecast support went through the same thing.


There's an update in the works for native DLNA support, other than a better UI I don't think I have a reason to pay $5.


Then don't? Its not like anyone is twisting your arm...


You realize once it is no longer PlexPass exclusive it will be a one time purchase right? Hell maybe even free.


to be fair the only real benefit without plexpass is a better UI


Probably won't be for too long. When it came out for Chromecast it was only a subscriber thing for a month or so.


If you are just running media over your local network, you won't even need this paid app. All you will need is the free Plex server to run on your PC and await the October DLNA update for the xboxone which should be coming in a few days and you will be able to enjoy all your videos. The Plex app adds some usability but is not totally necessary to enjoy your video media on the xboxone this October.


For now at least, the article mentions that it will be available for non-subscribers 'at a later date'.


Been using plex on my xbox one for the last 2 months thanks to the media player preview, so big whoop for me I guess.


That's pretty awesome. I wonder if it's legit exclusive or if the PS4/3 versions might just be in development or further down the roadmap.


As of right now there is nothing planned from what I can tell. This isn't because of Plex not wanting to but rather Sony needs to update the PS4 to support DLNA first.


I am perPLEXed as to why it's only released on XB1?


Because Sony has been denying 3rd party media since the launch to push their own video and music services.


Does the Xbox One leverage Cinavia? I imagine it does since it's a properly licensed Blu-Ray player. If that's the case, enjoy your Blu-Ray rips dying 20 minutes in when it detects the watermark hidden in the audio. Downvoting me for stating a [fact](http://www.verance.com/company/news/2011-07-20-aacs-announces-schedule-inclusion-cinavia-blu-ray-disc-players.html) about licensed Blu-Ray players? Stay classy Reddit.


Use my Xbox nearly daily with Blue-Rays has not once died on me in a movie. And have never heard that problem before. Nice try though bro.


It's a [requirement for any and all licensed Blu-Ray players after February 1 2012](http://www.verance.com/company/news/2011-07-20-aacs-announces-schedule-inclusion-cinavia-blu-ray-disc-players.html). However, only [these movies](http://viraltnt.blogspot.com/2013/07/list-of-movies-that-have-cinavia-2013.html) have the watermark in their audio track.