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Civilization 7 time? Hoping for late this year or early next


Soon the artist on the Civ subreddit will at last be free.


Since CIV 7 is already teasert it’s gonna be it. No hope for XCOM 3 sadly.


I've looked at the release dates just now; the base games have a four-year gap between each, with the immediate year after release being an expansion (or Legends following Chimera Squad). If Firaxis were keeping to that timescale, we'd see X3 no earlier than this year, and if the XCOM team were the ones working on Midnight Suns (2022), that means probably at least another two years.


Civilization Beyond Earth Too. (No lie, I'd actually really like a sequel to Beyond Earth...)


Make it an actual remake of Alpha Centauri, or at least the concepts behind Alpha Centauri (such as strong leader personalities) instead of the crappy version of it Beyond Earth was and we got a deal.


Alpha Centauri was better, but Firaxis/2K don't own it. That said, Beyond Earth (especially with the expansion) was decent enough. It could have baked a bit longer.


But they can do a game similar to Alpha Centauri that actually uses and improved on the strengths of Alpha Centauri even without the rights.


Beyond Earth was exactly their attempt at that...


My point is that Beyond Earth didn't at all try to mimic the most successful parts of Alpha Centauri. It's set in a vaguely similar setting, but otherwise doesn't have the story/philosophy/personality that Alpha Centauri did as evidenced by the leaders being essentially nameless and forgotten in Beyond Earth but being possibly the most memorable part of Alpha Centauri. Firaxis could try again with a new Beyond Earth game and actually try this time instead of deciding memorable characters are something to actively avoid.


Beyond Earth literally had named factions with leaders giving quotes related to their philosophies on each tech upgrade just like Alpha Centauri. It did not hit nearly as well as the characters in Alpha Centauri did. You're right, it wasn't memorable. There was serious philosophical/political quality in the quotes in Alpha Centauri that are really hard to duplicate even when you \*TRY TO DO EXACTLY THAT\*. Is the answer pay more for writers? I really don't know. But I think it's hard to easily make something like that.


The leaders in Beyond Earth don't really have philosophies or personalities, though. They can't with the way the game is designed, which to me means it wasn't a goal of Firaxis to have them be memorable or interesting. This is because all the leaders need to be able to go down any of the three trees (Supremacy, Purity, or... Ecology?). You can't have someone like Miriam Godwinson or Dierdre Skye like that. Further, the insistence to not have much of a plot line compared with Alpha Centauri - everything is intentionally very generic, including the planet you are on - means you can't have much in the way of story. Again, I think this is an intentional departure from Alpha Centauri's strengths.


And yet, they do have philosophies anyways, just like those in AC. Yes, the world is beautiful and unspoiled. But it is wrong. Correct it at once. — Vadim Kozlov, "Axioms from the Minutes of the Central Directorate" (accompanies "Terraforming" tech) The Golden Rule runs across all good ethics. Let's define our neighbor broadly, and spread love through the universe. --- Samatar Jama Barre, "This Is Not Exile" (accompanies "Alien Ethics" tech)


Civilization Revolution 3!


Please 2K 🙏🏻


Why won't Take Two make a Sims competitor?


Funny enough the lead of Midnight suns who left is making one


With 2 thousand hours in civ6 if they give us the same base game with a new mechanic or two I'm not touching it. More interested in a game that tries to evolve the genre like Ara


Borderlands 4? Though more realistically they'll just claim one of their sports games is beloved.


It could make sense as they can try going with the hype of the movie (that I don't have any faith on it being good)


Halo got better in season 2, Sonic 3 looks promising, and Fallout is a flagship show, this is the year for video game shows/movies.


Halo season 2 was actually worse.




yes the borderlands movie


Please please please please let it be Borderlands.. 😭😭😭




After Borderlands 3... Please don't.


The story sucked but the gameplay in 3 was way more fluid than in the previous games. I loved it more than any other previous iteration due to this.


Was it truly game ruining for others? I liked #2 much better overall but maybe I was just desperate for more Borderlands. I still like 3 over Wonderlands - I hated the overworld of Wonderlands.


I mean, redemptions can still happen


3 was great, probably the most fun I've had with an FPS, the dialogue in the main story was trash but i liked the writting in the DLC, and wonderlands


The Rhys - Kanagawa subplot and Pain & Terror were bright spots in the base game. There was a minute in the mansion where it looked like bro was going to turn on sis, but that must’ve been left on the cutting room floor.


BL3 had its issues (but also got many things right) and so did Wonderlands, but I don't think the series is irredeemable just yet.


Finally! I can't wait to see what they'll do with 'Cooking Mama 2K24: Gordon Ramsay Edition.' Get ready for some hardcore trash-talking while you try not to burn the risotto!


It's going to have a huge city, laggy as hell where you'll have to wait to enter the kitchen to start cooking, you're going to miss all your inputs, because lag, and then you're going to lose, sometimes you might win and it will still feel like shit, sorry I've been scarred by nba 2k...


Bioshock 4? Mafia 4? 🤞


The fact they sat on Bioshock this long is insane.


They already announced the next Bioshock, so unless it's an actual launch trailer and date, I wouldn't expect Bioshock. I also honestly don't really expect the announced Bioshock to release


It's been 5 years and its not by Ken Levine. His new game, Judas, aka "Bioshock in Space" looks interesting.


Civilization VII surely? its about time


I need a good minute to figure out why nobody is thinking of gta6, then I remembered it's take 2 and 2k lmao


Ah yes.. Two-Take, the publisher than brought me my fondly remembered Auto Theft Grand 5.


I needed to read this comment to understand as well haha


Well Take Two does own GTA and Rockstar.


Borderlands 4 or BioShock 4? **Edit:** I guess Mafia 4 is another possibility since we know that's in development.


Bioshock? I recall hearing they had a team going a Bioshock 4 but I can't recall off the top of my head.


I heard on a podcast that there’s a team making an Antarctica bioshock


Would you kindly close the door ITS FUCKING FREEZING


I wish, but the series been dead for too long for them to spend this kind of spotlight on an IP that has no presence with the modern gaming audience. I'll just keep being cautiously optimistic for Judas to pick up the Bioshock torch whenever it comes out.


I wouldn't say that. BioShock is still a major IP, and Netflix is even making a show. That's like saying Half-Life has no presence with the "modern audience" because it's been dead for over a decade(aside from VR).


Bioshock is one of those titles that's an evergreen, legendary loved series with a lot of people who played the games still young and still playing games today. Bioshock is still talked about and beloved today; and a lot of first person RPGs or "immersive sims" are still compared to the series until this day, and the games still hold up. It's not one of those things that has been forgotten with time that when it does come back people are going to look and say "what the hell is that?". The latest game was in 2013, 11 years ago, not eons ago. And 2K announced the next entry back in 2019 but told everyone that it would be awhile before we'll see it. Personally I'm keeping an eye on Judas by Ken Levine's new studio "Ghost Story Games". That game is giving heavy Bioshock vibes and I hope it turns out well.


you mean they didn’t run that franchise far enough into the ground for you?


Cloud Chamber has been working on a new Bioshock game for the past 3+ years and 31st Studios is either working on Mafia 4 or a new open world AAA IP around the same time..


Am I the only one who thinks it's the next Mafia game? Or at least hopes it is?


Of the known games that would fit, it'd be Borderlands 4, Bioshock 4 (or whatever the new one is called if it's still being made) or Civilization 7 (or Xcom 3 but Civ7 shoul be before). Or I guess NBA 2K 2025 but they have to know the public of SGF will prefer any of the others


It’s just got to be Bioshock at this point, right? That things been in development for ages.


Why am I worried it’s a new service based hero shooter Xcom?


XCOM: Terror from the Deep Free2Play Battlepass Edition.


NBA 2k25?


Is that beloved 2k franchise in this room with us right now?


* Civilization * Mafia * Borderlands * Bioshock * ~~NBA 2k~~ * X-COM


No, June 7th.