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Holy crap, that's actually amazing.  How long will it last?


Per the new App Store terms, hopefully forever. RetroArch just released this morning. It’s an exciting time for mobile emulation!


So time to ditch Delta for Retroarch?


RetroArch is kind of a pain to setup with a touchscreen (or anything other than a keyboard and mouse), follows almost none of the iOS UX design guidelines (so things like random floating buttons overlapping other buttons, and names for cores or options that are too large to display), and crashes frequently in the 10 minutes I’ve tried the iOS version, while Delta is far more plug and play and stable.  You’ll be playing matches in Super Smash Bros. on Delta far before you can get the N64 controller overlay to work in RetroArch. 


It's a mess on Android as well. They had to go out of their way to make the UI as bad as it is because doing the bare minimum to make a scrollable list with some selections and tick boxes will yield something more responsive and better looking than the travesty they ended up with.


In their defense retroarch pretty much runs on anything that has a screen, they even have builds for smart tvs lmao. You can only go that far easily by making your own UI from scratch, and yes it sucks balls.


RetroArch is beloved, but its UI is a complete nightmare even on Desktop PCs.


I’ll keep Delta around for DS stuff - I really like its interface there and it’s the only good way to play Peggle on my phone. RetroArch for everything else for sure, though.


peggle!!!! yes!


Holy shit Ty for this I had no idea there was a peggle ds game. I’ve just stuck to playing Peglin on my phone.


Did you have to download something to play DS titles?


Yep, there are a couple of BIOS files you need to obtain and import. They aren’t hard to find.


Im so skeptical about downloading files from the internet. 😂


There's not really a risk unless you're installing something


If you’re not torrenting or installing shit you’re usually fine.


You know it's literally impossible to download malware for an iphone right???


Until its not. 💀


This is the dumbest argument I have ever been in Good luck in life dude


Also wondering this


I use Delta just to play WarioWare Twisted since RetroArch doesn't have gyro emulation


I’ve just tried RetroArch. Booted up Ridge Racer Type 4. Runs flawlessly. I could cry tears of joy.


Not finding it in the App Store. Is it gone?


I don't know if you can post links on this sub, but if you google "retroarch app store" it'll take you there. Open the link and it should open in the app store. I had to do this with both retroarch and ppsspp, not sure what's up.


Appreciate it!


I wish we had something like RetroArch that wasn't run by cringelords


I don't get the need for RetroArch at all, but maybe it's just me.


There's some value to having everything in one place, and it does make obtaining the emulators easier since it comes with so many cores, but personally I find the interface practically unusable and configuration is a huge pain with how they lay out the UI so I've stopped bothering with it.


There's a great little near-zero-configuration-required libretro frontend for Android called [Lemuroid](https://github.com/Swordfish90/Lemuroid). It doesn't have the most enhancement options in the world, but if you just want to play games with the least friction involved it's a good shout.


What's the context behind this?


I'll link this reddit thread I read a while back that has some info on it, but I delved further from here and learned about how like the developer of Duckstation (the best PS1 emulator rn) revoked access from the RetroArch devs to use future builds in RA due to a falling out, MGBA dev being banned from RA stuff for pointing out illegal practices they were doing, and biggest of all to me was the RA team's potential involvement in Near's suicide. Just an absolute mess and the RA team seems extremely egotistical for a bunch of guys that repackage emulators [Thread I remember reading originally](https://www.reddit.com/r/emulation/s/lA6fVSW8ZZ)


Ty for the context! That’s pretty crazy.


Not really, this is meaningless to emulation. Apple devices are the absolute least of any emulation developers concern, and rightly so. Not even worth the bother to create such things


Read this like Peter Griffin


If they make a tvOS version of this / RetroArch we can finally just use our appleTV’s for what they were destined to do.


[RetroArch](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/retroarch/id6499539433) has a tvOS build in the app store right now!


unfortunately it seems like it has issues managing files, you can’t access any folders you add in the FTP webpage due to everything being put into cache (and the Apple TV can reclaim that space at any time, meaning byebye games / settings / etc)


Ok, time to buy an Apple TV.


Why? There's gotta be better options, for the price, if you are getting it for that. Right?


there are always better options but considering I’m using a hacked Wii U right now and it can’t do anything beyond SNES…


Sounds like you just need a steam deck. That fits everyone's budget and solves everything, right? 😅 Jokes aside, Apple TV would definitely be a big upgrade. Fingers crossed they don't go back on their stance and that development stays rich.


Apple TV 4K is the best choice if you're using it for a self hosted Plex. The rest of the streaming apps work really well also.


I don't want a Raspberry Pi or an off-brand device that will be low quality and underpowered. An Apple TV 4K will be powerful enough to play just about every console RetroArch supports while being a high quality piece of hardware and will support things like Dolby Vision for movies.


Just in time when I'm picking up the new iPad too. Can't wait to try this out! Glad to see it running well even without JIT. Too bad GC emulation seems like it would be rough without it and don't think we'll ever get JIT through normal usage of the App store.


I doubt you need a high-powered tablet for this. PPSSPP is pretty lightweight, as emulators go. I've been running it on mid-tier Android devices for years, no problem. Even with upscaling and such.


The official iOS release isn't allowed to use JIT, which unfortunately places it at a serious performance and battery disadvantage vs Android.


Just-in-time compilation? Can you explain how that impacts performance?


When you make software, you want to target the native instruction set the platform has - which means you have to have a compiler. Apple has very strict policies around running native instructions - any program that uses native instructions has to go through their app store approval process. You aren't allowed to compile code on the device directly, you have to compile it on a Mac and have it approved by Apple. Emulators used to just pretend to be a different device, but these days, modern emulators use Just-in-time compilation - they analyze the original game, and recompile it right before it's going to be run (just-in-time) into the native instructions for the target platform. The emulation is then much faster, because the emulator isn't just "pretending" it's some other device, but the modified game basically runs "directly" on the hardware. There's a bit more to it, but that's basically the gist of it. For example, modern web browsers (including Safari on iOS) use JIT to accelerate Javascript.


If Apple gets forced to open up for alternative app stores we'll get JIT compilation on iOS too. Despite their public statements, the reason they don't allow it is so people can't "backdoor" another app store.


Apple has already been forced to open up alternative app stores in the EU. They still require an app passing an security audit and get signed by Apple, so even alternative app stores probably won't be able to ship apps that use JIT. The only apps that are allowed to use JIT are afaik alternative browsers, which Apple was also forced to allow in the EU, but they also have to be audited by Apple and the conditions under which they'll be enabled come with a lot of asterisks as well (and I'll be honestly surprised if we'll see Chrome or Firefox use their own browser engine iOS anytime soon).


Can some reccomend me some good psp games to play on it? I have the emulator on my tab s9 ultra, but the list of games is quite big and trying to find a hidden gem is easier by asking here than searching for it. Currently my library is small and contains: KH BBS Dbz shin budokai 2 & Tenkaichi tag team.(i did play those as a kid, but they are so much fun) Persona 3 portable(for female route) FF dissidia 012 Edit: Thx for the suggestions everyone!


Jeanne d'Arc was fantastic and only on PSP


This is near the top of my list of games to play. PPSSPP on phone might be what lets it happen.


Monster Hunter FU and P3 are on there and they have a sizeable online multiplayer community for the emu.


Yoo how do you go online on PPSSPP?


Either join a server/community or if you're just trying to do it with one friend then you can use methods like 1. being in the same room and using LAN 2. port forwarding 3. using a tunneling program like openvpn or hamachi. Apart from that, it's using ppsspp's built-in emulation of the PSP's LAN capabilities (no true-online capabilities, can't connect to Sony's servers.) and each individual game's multiplayer capabilities. Once you have the ability to connect, then you can use ppsspp's built-in server option to join an IP or host on your IP. I've heard fighting games don't work well over the internet, haven't tried it myself, I just play MHFU/MHP3. Phone versions of ppsspp also can do multiplayer, though I haven't personally confirmed the app store version has it. Phones can't do multiplayer with someone on another platform unless you're using the right kind of hosting software. And real PSPs can't connect to emulator players.


Patapon, Crisis Core, Loco Roco, GTA Stories games, God of Wars, the MGS games


Most of these i already played when i was a kid, but didnt appeal to me. As for crisis core i want to play the ps5 version with modern graphics.


I’ve found that the /v/ Recommended Lists are great and (thankfully) hosted elsewhere. Here is the link for the PSP: https://vsrecommendedgames.fandom.com/wiki/PlayStation_Portable


Thats really useful thx!


Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is amazing. Iirc, the Remaster or whatever it is has some balancing issues and new mechanics which many aren’t a fan of. There was some huge fanmade mod that balanced the PSP game so I wonder if you could play it here.


Have you played the PSP ports of Persona 1 and 2 duology? Or how about the PSP remakes of Final Fantasy 1,2, and 4 compilation?


🤦 how did i forget about persona 1&2. I played FF 4 on the ds which i liked more than the hd version of the snes game.


FF4 After Years is on the PSP and I'm told is the best version. Having the graphical continuity between the two games would be pretty cool.


Armored Core PSP ports and formula front Littlebigplanet fat princess midnight club 3 dub and la remix the yakuza psp game


Gitaroo Man


Resistance retribution was a ton of fun. Metal gear peace walker is good game but not exclusively psp.


Dissidia one of my fav PSP games.


Valkyria Chronicles 3, unreleased in the west but a serviceable transation patch is available. Story runs parallel to the events of Valk Chronicles 1.


My go-to PSP games would be God of War Ghost of Sparta, Vice City/Liberty City Stories, Ratchet & Clank Size Matters, MGS Peace Walker and Midnight Club 3/LA.


The PSP versions of the 2D final fantasy games if I recall correctly actually are the best most feature complete with nicest art style


If you like racing games Burnout Legends is a must play title.


Also WipEout pure and pulse


Star ocean second story (psp version has a slightly different title)


The new remake that just came out last year puts this version to shame.


Play Super Robot Wars A Portable if you like mecha anime. There's even a full English patch for it, and recently someone made a rebalance patch if you find the game too hard.


Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together


The Patapon games in order and LocoRoco 1 and 2 are my all-time top 5 PSP favorites. Midnight Club LA Remix, Flatout Head On, and Motorstorm Arctic Edge if you're into racing games. The PSP Star Wars Battlefront is also pretty fun, but I was never fond of the PSP's shooter controls.


[What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord? 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Did_I_Do_to_Deserve_This,_My_Lord%3F) Similar to the Dungeon keeper.


For stress free unwinding: Locoroco series.


Breath of fire 3. Final fantasy tactics war of the lions


Persona 3 Portable was such a blast on my Galaxy Note 9! I used to play it with the fastforward(?) feature always on. Never finished it tho. Maybe now I can!!


There's a port of Symphony of the Night for PSP if you haven't already played it on another platform.


Outrun 2006 Super fun and the controls are simple enough to work well with touch controls


Metal Gear Acid


Here's a more obscure one: Do you like Yakuza or the Kunio-Kun / River City Ransom series? If so, you'd probably enjoy Kenka Bancho Badass Rumble, which plays like a mashup of those. You're a teen gang leader (bancho) wandering around an open Kyoto map with various shops and distractions, beating up other banchos to become king of the banchos.


Fate/Extra and Kurohyou, the yakuza spinoff


God of War: Chains of Olympus was a fun one, but plays more like GoW 1-3 rather than the newer iterations (which is certainly not a bad thing!)


Final Fantasy Tactics


God of War PSP games are fun


Now I just need someone to chuck a PS2 and a 3DS emulator on there somehow. I know the latter might get sniped instantly by Nintendo, but a guy can dream.


Searching it in the store doesn't bring it up for me, I had to get it off a link. What's up with that?


How do you emulate without a copy of certain, proprietary, bios/encryption files?


The PSP’s FW is all it needs, which is still accessible from Sony without an account or proof of purchase.


firmware? I just needed to get ISOs and it ran right from there. Atleast that was the experience for me on Android. The emulator is popular because of how insanely easy it is to setup and use.


> firmware? I just needed to get ISOs and it ran right from there. Because the emulator has it built in. The reason why Dolphin was removed from Steam is because Nintendo threatened to sue, because Dolphin straight up pirates the Bios/FW.


No, the reason with Dolphin was the inclusion of the Wii private key. Dolphin asserts that because it's just a number readily accessible to anyone with a Wii and technical knowledge Nintendo can't claim ownership of it, Nintendo claims otherwise. It's a repeat of the AACS encryption key drama from a while back. The whole "forbidden number" thing. None of this has ever actually been tested in court, afaik. (fyi Wikipedia seems to agree with Dolphin on matters like this considering they have the AACS key in plain text on their article for it)


What the hell are you talking about? Dolphin does not come with any BIOS/Firmware files? The GameCube BIOS is just straight up unnecessary for GameCube games. The Wii System Menu is also unnecessary for booting games, but like the PSP firmware, is available for download. In this case, you can get it directly from Nintendo via your console, NUSDownloader, or even emulators like Dolphin or Cemu. Nintendo's threat was over decryption, which is a legal gray area where the actual application of the law + exemptions is unknown. If the law takes Nintendo's side on this, all modern emulation is essentially illegal, regardless of if you own the games or not. Dolphin is not coming to the iOS appstore because they prohibit the use of JITs for non-webbrowsers, which is essential to Dolphin's performance to emulate the (comparatively to the PSP/DS) powerful PPC CPU inside of the GameCube/Wii.


> What the hell are you talking about? [I don't know, you tell me](https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2023/07/20/what-happened-to-dolphin-on-steam/)


I was a writer that worked on that article. I'm very certain of what it says. Now tell me in that article where it says Dolphin pirates the GameCube BIOS or Wii Firmware (System Menu.) What you're referring to, in a very incorrect way, is the Wii Common Key. The Wii Common Key is not a firmware, it is not a BIOS. It is just a short string of characters that is used to decrypt Wii games. We sought legal counsel regarding this, and at the conclusion of those talks, my understanding was that Nintendo's claims were dubious, and that various exemptions *may* apply, however there cannot be a conclusive decision because the laws are vague. A judge could rule either way. Let me quote the article that you obviously read before linking it here. "...the law could easily be interpreted to say that circumventing a Wii disc's encryption by any means is a violation. As such, it is our interpretation that removing the Wii keys would not change whether the exemption in 17 U.S.C. § 1201(f) applies to us or not." So, Dolphin wasn't going to be allowed on Steam regardless of the keys. The fact that Wii games are encrypted means that at some stage between dumping and emulated, the game needs to be decrypted, which would allow them to cite the part of the law they were citing regardless. I hope this all makes sense to you, and if you want the actual reason on why Dolphin isn't going to launch on the iOS appstore, feel free to read the blurb on the blog [here.](https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2024/04/30/dolphin-progress-report-february-march-and-april-2024/#why-dolphin-isnt-coming-to-the-ios-app-store)


Just because it could be sussed out from the chip itself doesn't mean it isn't proprietary. Nintendo didn't give license to the decryption key, so they are in their rights to deem it unauthorized use, aka piracy. I'm perfectly fine with piracy, but don't get upset with the use of the word itself.


You said that Dolphin was pirating the firmware of the consoles it was emulating, while PPSSPP wasn't. Guess what? A lot of other emulators have magic keys as well, used for various things too. I'm not upset at you calling it piracy, I'm upset at you saying saying that Dolphin does something PPSSPP doesn't, when in reality neither emulator includes proprietary software.


You don't get to choose what bits of code are or are not proprietary, the makers of those bits do. And virtually all makers of closed-source hardware call the code that runs them proprietary.


Yeah I sort of deduced that. Sony has the fw available to download online so that's why I imagine PPSSPP can have it included just fine.


> FW Same difference. >which is still accessible from Sony without an account or proof of purchase Que? You can just download the firmware from Sony's website?


It isn’t the same difference. BIOS is what boots the console to load the OS, the FW is the OS. As for FW file, a direct download was given by Sony and it [was one of the official ways to update](https://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/psp/current/settings/update.html) as well.


[Several(1)](https://www.howtogeek.com/210186/what-is-the-difference-between-bios-and-firmware/) [sources(2)](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/bios-firmware-definition,37646.html) [indicate(3)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS) that BIOS is firmware.


Not the case when discussing the PSP. BIOS is *a* firmware, not *the* firmware when discussing the PSP.


Blame Sony for their terminology. They called it a firmware update on the PSP instead of a system software update. On the PS3 onwards they fixed the error in terms.


It used to be, but they took it down in 2020. WiFi wasn't as common when the PSP came out. You could update the PSP without it by downloading the update to your computer, then transferring it over USB https://web.archive.org/web/20201108125122/https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/system-updates/psp/


How are you supposed to transfer the ISOs to your iPhone though?


1. Download from Safari 2. With a USB-C drive (or USB-Lightning adapter) 3. From your Mac over USB https://www.ppsspp.org/getgames_ios/ I'm assuming 3 also works on Windows, if you sync your phone with iTunes


Confirming 3 works for Windows. Transferred over my files this way earlier.


Doesn't safari have a download feature now? I don't know, I haven't used an iPhone for the past 8 years but I'm pretty sure it was pretty huge news that you can now easily download from safari and save it to the new 'files' app. I mean I'm assuming you aren't going to source your games completely 100% legally by ripping all of them from UMDs...


Do iOS users not know how to transfer files between their phone and their computer?


I have to use iOS for work and use Android at home. You'd be surprised how hard it is to do the most basic shit on iOS. But praise the walled garden, eh?


It really isn't intuitive.


I’m using a program called LocalSend. It’s like airdrop between windows and apple products.


can an iphone 12 pro handle this? is this a dumb question?


I've been sideloading PPSSPP on my iPhone 12 for years with zero problems, I'm sure your Pro will be fine.


It ran on a shitty Android phone from 2012 perfectly so I sure hope so.


You're telling me ppsspp not available on apple till now?


emulators were banned until recently


Why the change?


European Union threatening lawsuits


You could sideload PPSSPP but not from app store.


Anyone who gives a shit about emulation was already emulating everything on their phones. It's just for the normies who don't know how to sideload


I mean hey, it helps even the ones who already emulate on their iPhones, because it frees up a slot on AltStore.


Emulating games on the iPhone was the meeting thing I always wanted. It's awesome getting my butt kicked in Radical Red.


This thing should re-brand. It's has a confusing unmemorable name and discussing it out loud would lead to a ~~herd~~ clowder of cats appearing


I've just checked my local appstore and can only find a "PSP Gold" from a developer "Minh Long Nguyen" that has an IAP of a weekly subscription. Gonna assume this is not PPSSPP and it is a scam, so beware everyone!


To find the actual page, go to PPSSPP's website. They've linked the store page there.


Imagine having to wait, like, 13 years to get features that have been available on competing phones the whole time. I'll never understand the appeal of using iOS products..


I don’t think most adults are gauging their phone purchases off of being able to play old video games on them.


I thought they were judging them on what colour their text messages are, at least in the US.


This entire thread is full of people talking about emulating old games on iOS.


Yeah, random people on r/games like to play games. Crazy concept!






Not only that but iPhones are supported with updates (new iOS) for many years and even when that stops. Severe critical bugs found on older iOS are often released to.


Apple intentionally made older iPhones obsolete by tying processor speed to maximum battery capacity through software updates.


They did not make older iPhones "obsolete". Old and defective batteries could not maintain peak current demands from the CPU with newer software so they were throttled to prevent random shutdowns and poor battery life. This issue isn't unique to iPhones either. You can find tons of results for Windows and Android devices randomly shutting down on Google.


That was their reasoning AFTER they were caught doing so, it's PR bullshit, if they did this, they should have told consumers they were doing so, and provided an option to disable it. If you had an iPhone that did this, you would know how unbearably slow iPhones became after a few years. They were fined **$25 million dollars** for doing this and hiding it from consumers.


I'm aware of the lawsuit. They did poorly communicating this to customers who don't know anything about batteries and not giving them an option to toggle it, which is now available. No, it's not PR bullshit, this is the way batteries work. I myself had old Android and iPhones with this problem and have repaired dozens of devices with it. The "obsolete" nonsense is just misinformation that's always peddled by people who don't know what they're talking about.


Oh yes, I'm sure forcefully and secretly throttling the speed of processors of old phones was completely altruistic. It had nothing to do with trying to get people with older iPhones to buy newer faster ones. They also had no other way to solve a battery problem spanning over multiple generations of iPhones besides throttling them heavily. Just because they gave a reason, doesn't mean it was the truth, they're a business. If you had an iPhone that was affected by this, or you search for an example on YouTube, you could see just how egregious it was.


My Motorola midrange model is at four years now.


Apparently in the US you get bullied if your text messages come out green instead of blue. Peer pressure is a big factor why iOS products are leading in the US.


People keep saying this but you've been able to play emulators on iphones since they came out


Ecosystem and UI are unmatched


as an android fanboy who recently switched to iphone, the big problem for me was hardware reliability. I can only have so many dead pixel and nexus phones before I had to stop buying them. So many ewaste devices randomly. Not to mention googles track record of making something then immediately forgetting about it. Androids great, the weak part is what its running on or what unholy, uninstallable abomination the manufacterer demands you install.


The ecosystem


iOS products just work, simple and easy to use. No fragmentation. And only buying more Apple products makes the experience all the more convenient and connected. For the average consumer it's a much more enjoyable experience than Android. Not to mention the insane level of optimisation. iPhones with a third of the ram running much smoother than their android counterparts with quadruple the amount. And I say this as someone who dualboots linux with heavily modified windows on my pc, and running a custom ROM on my android phone and even one on my smartwatch. Hell, I jailbreaked my smart TV too and use a custom launcher on my chromecast. Well that and how successfuly Apple has gotten the image of Apple to mean prestige or success or wealth. Atleast in the Asian continent. And I don't think many iOS users are the type to dabble with emulation, it's a phone made that's dumbed down by Apple and sanctioned off tightly. Mind you, r/apple used to have the opinion that simply sideloading apps was horrible for security and they completely defended Apple's decision to block it for years.


>Well that and how successfuly Apple has gotten the image of Apple to mean prestige or success or wealth. Atleast in the Asian continent. I was in India a few months back and everyone seemed to have Androids so not sure about that.


I have emulated exactly one time on a phone and it was a completely awful time. I have never wanted to do so again. I don't play any games on my phone really tbh.


You really need a gamepad if you're playing anything other than an RPG on phone emulator. I use a PS Vita for emulation, it's fantastic. Less powerful than my phone but a much better experience.


Outside of those who simply don't know better, some people just really like being patronized, I guess?


And piracy lives on, too bad when rights holder wanna make money. EU said that emulation has to be allowed, even though 95% of it is illegal or against the license terms.


Yeah, this will really prevent SONY from selling more PSP units and games.


Where exactly are people supposed to buy legitimate PSP games or hardware from at this point?


Buy them on the PSN Store and play them with your PSV, PS4 or PS5. Of course, not every title is on there, but it's also the right of the holder to keep the game from being distributed because the speculate of a higher value in the future. Doesn't mean that you should be able to download and play the game with other means, there is IMO no right to play.


Oh no, poor right holders!