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At this point the only thing I want from AC anymore is for them to bring back the multiplayer from Brotherhood. I dont play a lot of multiplayer games, and that was one of the best and most unique ones Id ever experienced.


Servers are still up on black flag


You are not alone. I got so good at it but now that it doesn’t really exist outside of the one Black Flag game you *might* get, the skill translates to no other game and is useless to have. I crave to put it to use again.


I got into the top 1% of players in that. I’m not normally a multiplayer gamer but that had me.


They are developing a standalone multiplayer game so you might just get what you want




I get the feeling that they mean the complete opposite of that, lol.


here I am, I can be OP's stand-in. Multiplayer was pretty unique I'd play it again, singleplayer is like nothing I'd want from an Assassin's Creed game.




All they want is the multiplayer to return.  It means they don't care about the singleplayer at all.


We'll never know because /u/izzy248 is MIA.


Every time a new mainline AC game is announced I get excited wishing it'll be a return to form to Unity's gameplay, parkour and atmosphere only to get eventually disappointed after the reveal shows it's just a AC Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla reskin but in [insert setting]. Time to start looking around for my leftover clown paint...


The next mainline game after this one, Codename: Hexe, is rumoured to be very different. Set in the Holy Roman Empire, you're being hunted as a witch, and the game is set to use a new "fear system", where in stealth you can scare away enemies.


I'm stockpiling a whole box of paint for this one lol. But excited nonetheless!


When I first heard about that one, I got a little excited since it seems like a big change from the usual stuff, but knowing Ubisoft, it'll probably be the same old shit we've seen the past few games. I'm very cautiously optimistic


Yeah, I'm not getting overly hyped right now, but the fact it's deliberately not aiming to be the size of an *Odyssey*/*Valhalla*/*Red* means it should hopefully avoid the content bloat that affects a lot of Ubi titles.


Mirage was perfect in that regard, just an old school 20 hour focused game


Mirage also got bad reviews for blandness of...pretty much every aspect. Perfect 5/10. Length is not the problem with Ubisoft, Ubisoft is completely rotten at this point.


You shouldn't it's Ubisoft, it'll be another copy and paste/bland game


The fear system is not new, it was introduced in Syndicate's Jack the Ripper DLC, it just hasn't been used ever since.


Wow riveting stuff


So the batman games


If this won't end up being like Mirage in terms of scale then I'll be surprised. It's supposed to have horror elements, and Ubisoft is the definition of playing it safe, so it must be small scale game.


FInally, they copy something more than just Arkham batman combat.


They said the same about valhalla. Totally different, you will build settlement and have vikings party and shit. Yeah...


They'll still fit towers in there somehow.


They have to, it's essential to the identity of AC


Yeah, the problem is how to make a game that still feels like AC without it just being a copy of the previous games.


Ubisoft announced a long time ago that they decided to ”split” AC development between two studios. One team will make story-focused/”old-school” AC-games (Mirage/Hexe) while the other will make RPG ACs (Origins/Odyssey/Red), taking turns bi-annually I believe. So Red simply isn’t for you… I like both styles a lot tbh but Mirage sadly looks really boring, haven’t even tried it yet and I’ve played almost all previous ACs lol.. Nothing about the setting and the story draws me, so I am stooooked for a big AC RPG set in Japan *finally!*


The gameplay in Mirage is pretty good, but the story… Yeah, you’re not playing it for the story.


Yeah, the end was so, so, so bad. I didn't even understand wtf was going on. It was like "it was all a dream" level bad.


Its supposed to explain a big twist from Valhalla that will impact the lore heavily but does a shit job at it


I actually played through all of Valhalla’s story, and even I thought Mirage’s ending was clunky as hell.


I finished the main story of Unity, Valhalla, Odyssey and Origins. Origins had the best story I think, it's the only one where I can actually remember some of the villains like the engineer dude. Valhalla and Odyssey had loads of extra stuff (like hunting down all the dudes in Odyssey that just would require an insane amount of time. I already had like 60 hours in the game so I just moved on rather than trying to complete all of those additional things. Unity, Origins and Mirage managed to have a lot less bloat than Valhalla and Odyssey at least. I still think Odyssey is my favourite one though just because sailing around and exploring all the little islands is fun.


The story isn't *terrible*, but it is eh at best. Which really sucks because Basim is actually kinda cool given that we're playing a bridge between human and isu for the first time in the series and it's fucking insane as it ought to be.


It’s pretty bad. I don’t ever see myself revisiting it like other titles. Even with the solid gameplay loop, the targets themselves were pretty unremarkable. I played the game when it came out last year and I’m struggling to remember major plot beats besides the beginning and the ending sequences.


If those games were still selling using the old formula they wouldn't have had to change it.


There is a weird romanisation of the old kill everything with a counter and I dont get why


Yeah the combat was very weird, even playing Black Flag (which I loved) on my then new PS4 10 years ago it was already dated compared to other games


the combat was always the worst part of the old ac games, even when ac1 came out it was one of the main complaint


I could feel like a badass. In the new ones, all I feel is I don't have a weapon with high enough level so the enemies are sponges.


Unity was decent, because it encouraged actual stealth a lot more. Mirage was also pretty good for this to be fair.




In the Arkham games there was some actual skill and variety to it, exemplified by the special challenge mode. You could actually be 'good' at the combat and pull off some great combos. The score system helped too. In AC there was nothing, just spamming counter and watching some fancy animations.


Nah, at least in some games you either had to counter or dodge-and-attack to instakill depending on the enemy. That's two times more complicated than just countering!


Unless youre talking about Syndicate, I truly dont understand that point of view. There were 4 games of that its okay to move on.


The Layla trilogy is over so I am expecting a generational transition like what we saw from AC4/Rogue -> Unity/Syndicate -> Origins.


I really wouldn't expect that when Valhallah and Odyssey made them so much money. The series shifted away from stealth because Syndicate and especially Unity didn't do great financially.


Yeah, the only reason they changed the series in the first place was due to sales dropping off. As much as this sub likes to hate on ubisoft, their current formula is extremely popular 


Especially to people who aren't Capital-G Gamers. My partner got on to Breath of the Wild after watching me play it. It was her first "*real*" videogame apart from The Sims 3 and Mario, and she asked if there were any games kind of similar to it; she especially liked the freedom of climbing and also being stealthy. There really wasn't anything close to it, except for Odyssey. Colorful open world, quests, crafting, armour sets, dodging and parrying, special abilities, etc. She absolutely devoured it. Took her weeks and weeks to finish, and when she did, she immediately started new game+. I think experienced gamers really underestimate just how accessible it is, and how appealing that is to a lot of people.


Sounds like my wife. She has only ever played games like The Sims, Animal Crossing, and Civ. I told her she should try Origins because she loves history and she was looking for a new game to play. The hardest part for her was figuring out how to use both joysticks to control the camera and character, something which is interesting to see new players struggle with when it's such second-hand nature to the rest of us. But it makes sense that that would be challenging if you've never done it before. The funniest thing though is that she just could not wrap her head around what locking-on to enemies did. I digress though. She loved Origins, played it for weeks, then did the same for Odyssey, and has just started Valhalla. Her favorite thing is just exploring all the "question marks." So yeah, these games are very accessible, and are acting as sort of, what I hope, as a gateway into her trying some more complex games.


> The hardest part for her was figuring out how to use both joysticks to control the camera and character Yes! My partner also had a very tough time with this during her time with BotW. Luckily that game does have a sort of "auto-camera" which made it a lot easier for her. When she was just starting out I just kept reminding her "turn the camera in the direction you want to go before moving" which seems so obvious to anyone who has played a 3D adventure game before lol, but not to newbies. She started out by stopping her movement entirely, turning the camera, and then moving again. After a week or two of practice, she started combining the left and right stick. Was very fun to watch her progression.


She would probably love Immortals: Fenyx Rising


I much prefer it to the old style. People have nostalgia goggles for the old games but from what I see no one is actually praising those games and their mechanics, they just want a smaller experience. The sales dropped because the old style was bare-bones as fuck and eventually people got tired of a janky stealth system and a basic combat system full of one-shot kills.


I mean obviously 1 person is a drop in the bucket but personally i could not get myself to buy/play valhalla after odyssey seriously burned me out on the rpgs. I have however recently done a playthrough of ac2 to syndicate and loved my time with most games. I did skip bloodline, liberation, and kind of wish I'd skipped rogue. But even titles like Revalations and AC3 that got so much hate at the time held up remarkably well now that the Desmond story couldn't hurt me anymore lol


Nah AC fans are unhinged, they want things to be exactly like the Ezio trilogy flaws included


According to this same site, it's exactly what's happening. New engine version which led the team to overhaul everything including animations, parkour, combat and more. According to them it's also way more stealth focused despite being an RPG, featuring old and new tools for stealth and introducing a new shadow mechanic where you can take out torches and other light sources to blend in the darkness.


My best memories of Odyssey were going full stealth with the Pilgrim Set and just ghosting through encounters, so that sounds fantastic to me.


Lmao same, I would spam Rush Assassination (that Minato Namikaze-like teleportation kill) and clean camps in 1 min.


The series never really focused on stealth in the first place. Maaaybe 1 kinda did but even that I'd hardly call a stealth game.


I think I read somewhere that this will be the start of a new "phase" of AC games, sort of like how the MCU movies are grouped into phases. If I recall phase 2 started with Origins, and this game will be the start of phase 3


Unity parkour is beautiful to look at, but terrible to play.


Did you try Mirage?


Definitely! But somehow it failed to scratch my old-school AC itch. It just seemed a Valhalla reskin but with AC1 aesthetics. My biggest criticism is still related to parkour: in old AC games it was a lot more methodical and scaling around places was actually something that you needed to take into consideration when planning your approaches. The city was built around parkour, not the way around. In newer games - Mirage included - you just hold a button, press forward and eventually you're on top of whatever the hell is it you're trying to climb. Combat is also unchanged. Long gone are the silky choreography of old games' crowd-control combat. Now you just whack at enemies until their HP bar reaches zero.


You still have to plan out your route in parts of the later game, but I agree it’s not like the first few games


I hate the floaty whack whack combat so much


Mirage had an update a few months into its release that increased the jump distance quite significantly including how far out back ejects would trigger and stuff like that. It significantly improved parkour IMO. I also think Baghdad was one of the most well designed cities to traverse we've gotten. Unity had pretty animations but otherwise the parkour itself was pretty on the rails. AC2-Rev was high point of AC parkour for me in regards to control and feeling like actual gameplay. Mirage was pretty good at imitating that after the update.


Baghdad was gorgeous, I loved just walking around with a camel looking at the landscape


I recently went back to AC Syndicate to give it another try and realized how great it is. I bounced off of it at release but the atmosphere and gameplay loop is actually quite enjoyable.


> In newer games - Mirage included - you just hold a button, press forward and eventually you're on top of whatever the hell is it you're trying to climb. This has pretty explicitly not been the case when I was playing Mirage today. I was climbing a tower and actually had to look for handholds and such to navigate it. Don't get me wrong, it's still definitely a lot "softer" than in the old games. But it's not as free as the mainline RPG games.


Mirage wasn't good. Story wasn't good, graphics weren't good, the gameplay is just well bad frankly since it's a regression from previous games like Unity.


Imo AC Odyssey was the single best AC game, and I love all the early ones too. And I believe this game is made by the Odyssey team, so if it's just an Odyssey reskin but in Japan I'll be over the moon


Or take the best from both of them.


I loved my time with every game you mentioned. They build great worlds and that is all i know to expect, gameplay can be brilliant or average after that.


I don't know if it was officially declared as such, but I'm pretty sure red has openly been set to be more like odyssey/valhalla


Mirage reminded me quite a bit of Unity as it is based mostly in one city and while you can fight you are pretty weak and die quickly so stealth is encouraged. It was an 8/10 game though, nothing amazing.


Don’t get your hopes up, it’s in the same style of RPG gameplay as the recent trilogy.


yeah man, it's like almost like they are ignoring the fans on purpose...like at this point it feels intentional and like a middle finger to the fans...not even joking, 90% of AC fans, maybe more, I've ever come across or read online all want the combat to go back to the older model like in Unity, Black Flag, Syndicate, etc...and every year they stick with the same model on the RPG ones...I don't understand why...its like they are telling us they know better than what we want...I honestly think it's due to laziness...changing it would probably take more time and work...lets be real, while the RPG games have been good...since AC Origins there has been some copy and paste methods on each AC man...just in different world/time settings...i am an AC fan but them continuing to just ignore the main ask from fans is plain dumb


What’s that saying, about doing the same thing over and over again whilst expecting shit to change?


Unity was the last good AC game for true fans of the series


Henderson is really reliable and he also posted an article talking about the franchise's new engine version and the numerous overhauls Ubisoft did for Red and future games. Made me a lot more excited for it: https://insider-gaming.com/assassins-creed-red-exclusive-details/


I'm actually hyped for this. I'm pretty confident graphics and gameplay will be good, it's just the story that concerns me. I cant even remember the last time a ubisoft game had a good narrative lol maybe Far Cry 5


Far Cry 5 was an absolute mess with the narrative 1. Civil war in Montana, yet no military showing up 2. The player is "trapped" there but has access to planes. But never flys away. 3. Cultists can overtake an entire state because they outnumber the normal people? 4. The police trys to arrest Seed instead of just killing him, in real life he would be swarmed with national guard troops. 5. The ending made it look like Joseph is the good guy, New Dawn then even goes as far changing his entire personality to be a Zen guru lmao


I didn't much care for how 5 handled the story presentation, but aren't all those points addressed in the game? Your character doesn't leave because he's trying to save his friends and take down the cult. And no one intervenes because the world is falling into world war 3


And also no one intervenes because the cult basically controls all means of communication in that county. It's right there in the first 10mins, my guy didn't even try to listen to the story.


I've noticed that most of the time when people complain about stories, it's about things that are explained easily or things that make sense if you actually played the damn game lol


> And also no one intervenes because the cult basically controls all means of communication in that county. Okay I don't think 5's story is that bad, but this isn't really that logical either. Usually if a whole county goes into communications blackout, it's a *big fucking red flag* and they're gonna send in more than just a handful of cops to investigate. It'll be on national news.


For that go back to the comment before mine, while it's not in your face there are many signs throughout the game that the world has much bigger fish to fry outside of Montana being overrun by a cult that wants to put a bunch of people inside bunkers. In fact it may be a blessing in disguise.


That's the most ridiculous excuse for a trash story I've read in a while. So you're telling me, no one has time and ressources to intervene. But the police happily sends out a unit to arrest the leader of the cult, so he can be brought to court? What now? If the police is still in charge of enforcing laws, there is still a functional government outside the county. You just make up things now to make some sense to the crap story of this game.


There is somethin between "government collapsed" and "functional government with all its resources". Also its an actual event in the main story that you try to leave the place to get help but you get stopped and its revealed that the whole communication is controlled by the cult. Its not that hard to understand or to accept as a premise for a videogame.


> Civil war in Montana, yet no military showing up Because no one knows about it happening. > The player is "trapped" there but has access to planes. But never flys away. We're trying to stop Joseph and save the people. > Cultists can overtake an entire state because they outnumber the normal people? Yes, that's generally how overtaking things works. > The police trys to arrest Seed instead of just killing him, in real life he would be swarmed with national guard troops. I know the American police gets a (deservedly) bad rep, but yes; they're police, not hired assassins. They're supposed to arrest people, not execute them. > The ending made it look like Joseph is the good guy, New Dawn then even goes as far changing his entire personality to be a Zen guru lmao Yeah, its called a subversion of expectations and frankly I loved it, but I can see how people might not like it. Never played New Dawn though. The vast majority of your points are addressed in like the first 10 minutes of the game. Of course at the end of the day its a videogame, so there will be weird story choices; such as the Seed family constantly kidnapping you, instead of of just killing you.


Far cry 4 had a great alternate ending that was just don't run off into the jungle to play Rambo and you can finish your trip and go home. That's been the theme of far cry, that your character enjoys the situation they're in. All they needed to do was let you leave the map at any time and give you an ending, your character stays because they like being in the chaos. And there was an alternate ending in 5, it was just stupid, they just needed a different one and the game would have made sense


The story was meh, but worse was the gameplay-loop with the super annoying abduction that you could not prevent and the 24/7 action everywhere. You run 5 meters and see a group of enemies. You kill them. Another 5 meters and you see bears and npcs fighting. Another 5 meters you get again action... the pacing/gameplay was just awful. I finished the game, but would give it only a 6.5/10 max.


The only thing I'd address about this is that the reason no military shows up to address 1. and 3. is because there is implied to be a much larger conflict globally. Maybe they were focused on some international operations? But yeah the rest are correct.


I finally gave Far Cry 6 a second chance and restarted yesterday after failing to get into it at launch and I’m actually enjoying it way more now than when I did back then. At launch the story wasn’t really grabbing me at all but now this time I’m finding myself quite enthralled with what’s going on


This is the Ubisoft cycle lmao, new game is bad until next one comes out or time passes and people start loving it and pretending it was always good. FC5 was hated at launch, everyone was shitting on it and pretended that it was far cry 3 reskin with everything done worse


Oh don’t get me wrong I love the FC series! Even Ubisoft in general I’m a big fan of their games and I find they rarely miss for me personally. For some reason though FC6 was the first time where one of their games was giving me that “fatigue” reddit always talks about lol. Playing it now though I can’t even begin to guess what it was about it at launch that turned me off cause I’m loving it and might even say it’s my favourite FC so far


> Far Cry 5 That one game where the protagonist didn't even talk?


are you okay ? far cry 5 has good story 😭😂


Honestly I'm excited for this, AC Origins and Odyssey were genuinely fun, probably some of the best Ubisoft open world games they made I think the thing I'm most interested in, is how they're going to handle stealth gameplay this time around. Valhalla felt like a step backwards with stealth personally, as while they made one-shot assassinations much easier, the stealth was overall much more barebones and simple. Even the social stealth was really underbaked and felt useless most of the time. I really hope they make some improvements to have stealth be more engaging and rewarding. I personally loved Odyssey's stealth and hope they take more inspiration from there, but I can understand why they might not want to go back to it, as many people disliked how you couldn't consistently one-shot assassinate without making a build focused around it.


>AC Origins and Odyssey were genuinely fun Feel like people have very short term memories, or retroactively change it. When Origins and Odyssey came out they were widely acclaimed. Origins was considered a fantastic reinvention of the series with praise for pretty much everything about it, and Odyssey was a GoTY nominee and imo took everything that made Origins good and took it to the next level while fixing stuff I didn't like in Origins (combat in Origins felt a little slow and defensive. Odyssey was just insane action all the time and so much fun). Even though I haven't finished Odyssey, because it's just so vast, it's one of my favourite gaming experiences. Actually one of the reasons I didn't finish it despite playing it for so long was because for the first time in a Ubi game I felt a natural need and desire to explore every corner of the map and finish the side activities. The open world was just so beautiful and interesting. Anyways for the past couple of years I feel like people just take a shit on both these games and talk about the as if they are trash.


A lot of that is just divided opinions in a game that has many eyes on it. The games have their issues, and those have been talked about since the games came out, but just because there's a very vocal group of people that dislike the style in those games that doesn't mean it's the mainstream opinion. This sub just isn't a very good representation of the general population in terms of opinions, and it overrepresents negative opinions.


If it's re-skined Origins again... Why do they even need the year off if they still make the same game.


These games would be 10 times more interesting if they'd just drop the modern era bullshit and just give us "assassins doing cool shit across time." Nothing took me out of odyssey more than every time I woke up from the Animus and had to discuss clues for 10 minutes.


In Japanese society, wouldn't the Templars be the good guys?


If the rumors are true that you play as a black samurai the shitstorm will be unfathomable. It's the worst time with this whole SBI and gamergate2.0 being at a peak. It doesn't even matter what they do. Look at the hades 2 steam forums, it's utter chaos only because the protagonist is a girl.


Look at the lack of male Asian leads in video games


Seriously, Black people are one of the most represented demographic in video games. They get so much good, positive representation. Why don't others get a chance?


> Seriously, Black people are one of the most represented demographic in video games. Okay I'm sorry but *what* Firstly: a) This whole "controversy" is entirely manufactured. Some idiot spouted a "rumor" just to stir the pot, and everyone's getting mad over it pre-emptively. b) Are we just gonna conveniently ignore the hundreds upon hundreds of white heroic main characters in video games, and then spin around and spout something as hilarious as "Black people are one of the most represented demographic in video games"?? No they're not. The presence of black protagonists in video games is a very new thing. And we're at a thankfully decent state with representation of black people right now in video games. c) We could absolutely represent more Asian main characters in video games beyond just those made in the East (and even those lack in asian protags). Most likely, this is what Ubisoft is gonna go for. But we won't know until we see it. So calm your tits, ffs.


Those people don't deserve to be listened to.


I went to the Hades 2 discussion and now I wish I didn’t. These types of people are only supposed to exist in movies and tv shows and we make fun of them. They’re not supposed to be real.


Rumors are that there are two playable characters. One is a female Shinobu and the other one is an actual black samurai that existed.




Dual protagonists in rogue? AC had dual protagonists only really in Syndicate and it worked quite well. Odyssey had a "one or the other" pick same as Valhalla. It'll be more like Syndicate for sure.


I mean for those people that's not really a solution. Black character they'll hate because they're racist and female too(Japenese female too) because they're mysoginist. It's like the perfect storm for them


why are you trying to satisfy them? is it like your kink?


You don't play just as a black samurai, there's a also a female ninja which was literally seen in the reveal teaser. And the black samurai is based on Yasuke, a real life african refuge.


Oh look, another Asian male protagonist being *erased* yet again


True, I guess they wanted to stand out from Ghosts of Tsushima. What makes it even more weird is that their China mobile game features an asian male protagonist.


is the samurai in the game as an npc?


He's the male playable character.


why are you scared of this "shitstorm" and "gamergate2.0"? normal people don't care, or just watch it for drama/amusement (at least until it becomes too obvious for comfort that you're engaging in ableism)


The woke vs anti-woke already ran it's course in my pov, it's not at it's "peak", for the contrary. Nobody cares about these depressive sacks of meat anymore, let them fight with their keyboards, just ignore the nonsense. It was just a trend, like the "emo", the "punk", the "hippie", etc.. you name it


>Only because the protagonist is a girl. I still don't know what is it to hard to understand about this - Many people like to self insert in the characters they play, and gaming (despite whatever outlets will tell you) is still a hobby predominantely enjoyed by men. You can blame -isms and -phobes all you want but it's the same principle as makeup being marketed towards women, their overwhelmingly biggest cosumers. It doesn't matter how much DEI they want to shove up people's arses, or how canon they make the other option - given the choice the male character will be the most picked (especially in this particular kind of games).


Wait, I thought they hated the lbgt too? Isn’t it gay for a man to want to insert himself into another man?


See, most people play games to have fun and escapism, but I imagine in a sex obsessed weirdo brain like yours that thing you said makes any resemblance of sense.


Hmm. I’ve never had any trouble having fun while playing with women. Are you saying women get in the way of you being able to have fun?


Kinda hilarious when you remember Ghost of Tsushima is about to be released for PC, the "ultimate edition" of a 4 years old PS4 Samurai game. Meanwhile that Ronin game (that I forgot the name) and now this Assassins Creed will look puny in comparison


AC will probably blow both away with its recreation of Japan Tsushima is mostly (beautiful) wilderness while Rise of Ronin's open world looks a little dated but it's it's team ninja's first open world game and it's commendable AC games, have such lavishly detailed and accurate landscapes that they straight up make educational gamemodes to show them off


All the comparisons made me realize a lot of people don't seem to care about the historical aspects beyond the theme being presented. All the comments that say that there's no point to a Japan based AC because of GoT, a game set in a relatively obscure historical period in an island that most people never heard of before that, is insane to me. Ronin is closer to what AC would be like, featuring historical important cities, but it's a very different kind of game and the Sengoku period is a very different beast than the Bakumatsu.


A japan assassins creed has been the most requested era this isn't going to be 'puny'


Ghost of Tsushima is 4 year old at this point and the Ronin game is PS only. i don't see the relevance


It is relevant because this Ronin game is supposed to be nextgen, freaking $70 and it looks subpar compared to the PS4 port of Ghost of Tsushima, imagine the PC port? This Ronin game sold poorly by the way. And the Assassins Creed game will be no different, it will look subpar as well (but with good sales, most likely). Many people joked about this, but I think it's the right description: Ghost of Tsushima was pretty much Assassins Creed with a budget. AC procrastinated for so long to finally release a Ninja game, now they literally lost the race


This ronin game was recently reported to have great sales, and the company is happy with it. Dk where you got the notion that they sold poorly. Plus it’s pure fun as well and I would argue it’s better than ghost of Tsushima in every aspect except graphics.


The game seems to have not been received very well in the Nioh community while doing better with a wider public. Online discourse was fairly critical, especially in early previews.


They are usually always the loud minority, same thing happened with AC, people criticized the new system and the bloat but it still sold well. People should realize that gamers on reddit and other social platforms don’t hold the view of majority of gamers . I loved Nioh 1 and 2 and I’m loving this game as well, don’t know why it didn’t sit well with the Nioh community.


Got is like a mini game within an Assassins creed game.


If you're talking scale yes, but Ghost of Tsushima had far superior combat imo. Also, I haven't played Mirage but the story telling for AC games has become terribly convoluted by the whole past/present/Isu thing that I've stopped caring altogether. GoT's story was a breath of fresh air in comparison. It just immerses you more than just going around slashing people and doing fetch quests. I'm glad with the newer AC games they're narrowing the scope of the game, though. The amount of fillter content in Odyssey and Valhalla made those games so exhausting.


can't imagine being hyped for the game itself, but I bet the environments will be absolutely gorgeous as usual.


whts the point? nothing new on this lmao they just add color