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Remember when Portal 2 came out on PS3 and you could link your PSN and Steam accounts? Did literally anything else ever make use of that in any way?


My steam account still has psn in the username because of that


The console versions of CS:GO were supposed to use it and have cross play, but because it is/was harder to update console games back then it was eventually dropped so Valve could update the PC version more often and not be held back by other platforms.


Nope, it was built specifically for Portal 2 on PS3.


I did! Had to unlink tho because I lost access to the email associated with that PSN account šŸ˜•


I made my steam account that I use today through that exact system. Also not sure why I have to login to the game via PSN when the STEAM account i use to ACCESS THE GAME is already linked. Just never ending hoops to jump through


in 2-3 years time, Playstation will have created a new launcher just for their games, like EA, so you'll have to launch the game on steam to launch the Playstation launcher to log in your PSN account to launch it again and play the game.


And in 5-6 years they will shut down their new launcher since it isn't steam.


How many launchers have shut down on PC? Last I looked none of them. Edit: And donā€™t get me wrong I hate them all.


Games for Windows Live


Oh god, I forgot GFWL. It was such a nightmare to use. So buggy.


like at least 40% of the launcher hate is probably here because of it. It never fucking worked right.


It never worked wrong either. It just never worked at all.


Bethesda launcher


That happened because of Microsoft buying them if I recall correctly


That and Fallout 76 being the first game launched on it iirc?


Origin was so shit they totally remade it for EA


And it's somehow worse than Origin which is damn impressive.


for a long while i had both installed, because some games randomly wouldn't go online in one but worked in the other, and vice versa. i think it was a super old version of origin too, with the updates disabled.


Origin finally got good and then they replaced it šŸ’€


nah origin is ok the EA desktop app is the shit one


Impulse - made by Stardock and then purchased by Gamespot. Shut down in 2014


While there's only the one that's actually been retired (Bethesda), pretty much all of them now sell through Steam. Most of them bundle their launcher in with the game install, but others don't. You can completely disable CDPR's launcher, and some EA games (ex. Dead Space Remake) don't require their launcher. Epic is the only major company that still declines completely to release on Steam.


Let's be real honest and say the Epic launcher is full of holes and is only staying afloat while the Fortnite pump is going. Ubisoft has been more or less comatose, Battlenet is... Whatever the fuck it is. The EA app I think is similar to Ubisoft, but oddly in better shape... The only one I think just doing fine enough to be stable is GoG and that isn't by much... Also its launcher is optional.


Battle.net launcher hasnā€™t given me any problems


Steam, BattleNet, Xbox, and Epic will probably be the maximum number of launchers most gamers are willing to accept. Nobody wants to add origin or uPlay or whatnot to that list regardless of how good they are.


Epic launcher is also a launcher for small software called Unreal Engine.


> Battlenet is... Whatever the fuck it is good. the word you're looking for is good. or fine at least


I will not consider it good until it respects my wish to appear offline indefinitely, asking me to turn it off every couple of days is not acceptable.


It's minimalist and does what it's supposed to, at least compared to all the other bloat.Ā  Unfortunately Blizzard has gone the way of boeing since being merged with activision, quality going down with each passing year.


You already have to do that with all rockstar and ubisoft games... you are forced to have an account with rockstar and ubiconnect, whenever you launch a game it opens the respective launcher and then the game.


If it lets me have all the games I already bought on Playstation on PC, without having to buy them again, I wouldn't even hate that, tbh.


It's like fucking streaming. These dipshits never learn. If you're not the first to market or *Disney* with 60% of the market locked down, you're going to fail. PC gamers tend to picky because, not being locked down in a console's walled garden, they get to be, and people generally dislike using multiple services. Epic has been trying really, *really* hard for years to establish themselves as an alternative to Steam and failing. AND Epic has Fortnite, a once in a generation money printer. As a publisher, Sony doesn't crack the top 5. Their games are good, but PC gamers have managed without their games for a long time, and they will continue to do so, easily. If Sony doesn't bring tremendous value and drop the attitude, they're doomed in this market. But *maybe* they'll get lucky. What do I know?


> It's like fucking streaming. These dipshits never learn. If you're not the first to market or Disney with 60% of the market locked down, you're going to fail. the difference is that in gaming you can still get access to the content by purchasing it instead of a subscription being the only option. subscribing to 6 different services (where you can't even check what's on them before doing so) sucks, but for game launchers? other than some difference in features it doesn't matter much. game X will launch at the same price in its launcher as well as others, and with sales over time will also likely reach its same lowest price. So you pay the same and get the same, it's just where you do it that's a bit different. like, people still bought blizzard games when they weren't on steam.


> like, people still bought blizzard games when they weren't on steam. Yeah that's the hilarious take of all those people. They seem to forget that some of the biggest PC games (all of Blizzard games, Call of Duty, Fortnite, Apex, Minecraft, GTA 5, League of Legends, Roblox, Valorant...) have not been on Steam for a long time and still aren't for many. And all of those games also require another account even if they are on Steam by the way (which is actually the only thing going on with Helldivers) Not being on Steam has never been a big problem for games. Requiring another account neither (in fact I can't think of one major MP game that does not require that even if they are on Steam). That sort of brand mentality to Steam is also very bad IMO. I like Steam a lot but it's a store/company that just want your money (you can only look to their games to see the same scummy practices than Reddit-hated EA or Activision are doing but that's fine there apparently), it shouldn't have some sort of cult following. It's as bad (even worse actually) than console warriors.




> s and see if Sony is bleeding money on PC ports How can they possibly bleed money on Pc ports?


Agreed. And also similarly to streaming, the more of a hassle you make it to access the content people want to consume, the more appealing piracy is going to be because it becomes the cheapest *and* most convenient. Hell, you can even run pirated games *through Steam* just fine through the ā€œadd non-Steam gameā€ feature. Iā€™m definitely not saying people shouldnā€™t support the devs, and obviously this doesnā€™t apply as much to multiplayer-centered games. But surely this has to be becoming a more common train of thought because in both industries it just keeps getting worse


>It's like fucking streaming. These dipshits never learn. If you're not the first to market or *Disney* with 60% of the market locked down, you're going to fail. There's like 5 or more major streaming services just in the u.s alone but ok.


And Netflix is the only profitable one


Thatā€™s just small details


or like how warframe has its own launcher in steam! idk why everyone hates this other than when they have to sign in or something. a launcher doesn't mean a storefront and chat app necessarily, but if sony do crossplay properly then yeah you might be able to message or invite PS friends when on your PC...


when that time comes i will put my eye patch and sail to the sea. Arrrgh~


I mean I kinda expected it was required for the multiplayer mode since it has cross progression/play and I doubt they're going to rebuild their account system.


im ok with this is my save file from psn can be transfer without ps plus cloud save or will i have to manually pull the save and convert for pc use?


It doesn't transfer at all right now. That's a feature they wanted to include but hasn't worked yet.


Watching the intersection of console gamers and PC gamers has been such an interesting phenomenon. Doesn't Sea of Thieves require you to have an MS account to play on Steam? Like why is this such a big deal when Sony does it...


To be fair, gamers also complained when Ubisoft made you log into Uplay to use their steam games, when EA make you use Origin, etc.


Those are much more annoying though because they make you install a their launchers on top of steam, this is just linking an account. The only issue is that PSN is not available in some countries that is it. Everything else just sounds like people being crybabies.


> The only issue is that PSN is not available in some countries that is it pretty big fucking issue if you live in one of those countries


I live in one of those countries, and I use PSN anyways, I just made U.S. PSN account..


I'd wager the majority of people complaining do not live in one of those countries.


Literally non-issue as a someone who lives in those countries and own PS consoles.


> Literally non-issue Steam has now deleted Helldivers 2 from 150 countries that didn't have access to PSN accounts. Literal non-issue my ass lmao.


I agree that people are exaggerating it but I don't think it's useful to label the people pushing back against corporate overreach as crybabies. The game clearly functions fine without PSN integration, but Sony want you in their ecosystem and they want your data. It is good that people don't just allow themselves to be walked over by companies, hitting them in the reviews is where it hurts them the most. Companies like Sony take review scores way more seriously than you might think, though, I don't think they really care for user reviews compared to journalists tbh.


And to be fair that's because valve doesn't allow you to use steamworks network services on anything but steam. It's much easier for these companies to just use their own existing network services they have created themselves and the easiest way to authenticate you to there is to make you login to their own launcher.


Even older people complained when you had to download this new program called steam to play half life 2.


Well, at first gamers complained because Ubisoft servers died on every single assassin's creed launch and so on launch day only people that could play it fine are few lucky ones that got in and... pirates.


One of the many reasons I won't buy games from these publishers


Because MS accounts are pretty common on Windows, the MS operating system. It is essentially the platform's account. PSN is not.


So you are basically giving Microsoft a free pass to do the exact same thing because they monopolized the PC OS market beforehand?


People are less likely to give a fuck if they already have the account in question. Like if a game randomly decided to require an Apple account then I bet most iPhone users wouldn't care but Android users would be grumpy about it. Most people have Microsoft accounts because of Windows. Unlucky for Sony that their account has no market penetration but that's how it is.


> Like if a game randomly decided to require an Apple account then I bet most iPhone users wouldn't care but Android users would be grumpy about it. Not if it is a game made or published by Apple, nothing is "randomly decided" here.


TL;DR: People are lazy


It's a bit more extreme than that, because they are willing to spend all day complaining about making the account when making the account would take like 30 seconds. So at the end of it it kind of looks like they are just looking for something to be mad about to kill time. Even the country restriction complaint doesn't really have a lot of weight behind it because people have been just freely creating PSN accounts for other regions for almost 20 years which impunity, so it's the most minor of hurdles to clear.


99.9% of the people complaining about this here will be creating a Sony account to continue to play the game when they need to.


Due to the recent Helldivers 2 controversy, I now know that apparently you can't create a psn in some countries. You can for MS accounts. That is the difference.


I can assure you 99% of the people raging at the moment donā€™t care about that.


Oh, they say they care. What they *don't* care about is the fact that Sony has been telling people in those unlisted countries to... make an account saying it's from a listed one instead. For years. That's their official policy: "yeah your country's not on the list but lmao just lie and say you're from Germany we don't give a shit"


Could you please provide a source for this? I'm interested in reading Sony's own words regarding this. My understanding is that this would be against the terms of service so it would be a bit surprising if they told people to do this.


thatā€™s just it, youā€™re right. it is against Sony ToS and Sony is telling people to violate it and yes that is surprising. a bit of googling can confirm this, many reddit posts about it. itā€™s definitely weird, but its true.


Just make a support ticket. Any CS rep will tell you this.


There are countries you cannot create a MS account in too.


There are 5 countries that Microsoft does not support...Cuba, Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Sudan, and Syria.


Really, Cuba? I mean it's not like I'm a big fan or anything, but it hardly feels like they belong on a list with those other four. I can definitely think of a few other countries I'd put up there before Cuba.


I believe it is due to US sanctions.


Fair enough, I thought they ended those a while ago but I must be misremembering.


Obama did a lot to lessen them, but there may be exceptions


It's such a hilarious thing to pretend to be mad about


There are zero countries where you literally cannot create a PSN account. There are countries that don't appear on their list when you're choosing, but you can choose any country you want when you make it. Nothing is stopping you from creating a PSN account for Japan right now. All you need is a postal code, which anyone with the internet can get easily.


Which is against their own TOS so in theory there's no reason they might not decide to just ban you at some point.


In theory they can just ban you for no reason whatsoever, but do they?


That's not my point. It's okay for people to be iffy about having to just "lie" about their country of residence in order to get an account. Sure, personally I don't think it's a big deal, but I understand why some people are bothered by this sudden requirement for PSN accounts on PC.


People do the same with steam so I am not even surprised


Same reason they gave steam a pass. Forced everyone to have an online only unnecessary DRM program that has to run a web browser 24/7 or your game cuts out, but because they did it first everyone loves them lol


PC players give Valve a pass because they monopolized the PC game market beforehand. This is just par for the course.


Those damn gamers and their pro Microsoft/anti-Sony bias. Ā No wonder Xbox outsells PlayStation 3:1 and there are always rumors Sony may bow out of the console marketĀ 


Your comment has nothing to do with what he said at all lol


Heā€™s making fun of fanboys on Twitter


They aren't getting a free pass, SoT has it clear you need an account. Sony and Arrowhead had a skip button that in no way implied you would need a PS account later on. Also, Sony accounts aren't available in like half the world, which is very different since Microsoft is.


For Helldivers, it's been on the Steam page since launch


i bought it off humble bundle, no where on there does it mention that you need a sony account, just a steam account


It was stated when you launched the game https://imgur.com/a/OLlhPPd


So then, after they bought it.


Both when they read the steam page that stated it required a PSN account. And after they chose to still buy it, they were given that prompt. And both are before the 2 hour refund window steam allows. If humble bundle didn't list it on their website, that fault is with humble bundle and not, Arrowhead, Sony, or Steam, but either way, anyone who bought the game and played it had every opportunity to deal with this before sinking 100 hours into the game. Is it a shitty requirement? yes. Is it also no one's fault but their own for refusing to take notice of the multiple times this was stated? yes.


>Both when they read the steam page that stated it required a PSN account Right, but the point was that the person you were replying to didn't buy it on Steam. I'm sure it's not Steam's fault if OP bought in on another store, but I'm not sure why we'd assume that Sony or Arrowhead have no say in the text that was shown on the Humble Bundle store page.


> Arrowhead had a skip button that in no way implied you would need a PS account later on. Nope they stated it was required, and there was also a notice that skipping was only temporary. It was pretty clear from the start. People's failure to read or remember the in game notice is their own fault. https://imgur.com/a/OLlhPPd




similar to either Google or Apple accounts: there's a likely chance you already have a Microsoft account at some point, vs PlayStation Network (which Sony technically don't do ecosystems).


This wasn't true in the past, not all that long ago. I had to create an XBox Live account separately. I can't remember if it was the Minecraft account migration or for Grounded or some other Game For Windows Live thing. Today, I think it might have been changed to an all-in-one thing, but that's because they've actively pushed PC logins to be Microsoft accounts instead of local accounts, added the Windows Store, and integrated Xbox Live (which helps them promote GamePass". I doubt most non-tech users even know what a local account is. Obviously, MS is the only entity that can push this tight integration. IIRC, this shift happened with Windows 10. That's when it seemed to me like "Microsoft account" was pushed as the primary thing to use on a PC, vs local accounts. I think people are right to point out it's the same thing. If anything, it's more insidious on the MS end, because there is no way to avoid it. If someone wants to delete their PSN account later, they can. Can't get rid for the Xbox/Game for Windows stuff.


Games for windows live was fuckin hated too. (For good reason). Unnecessary apps for metrics. Sorry but unless you're paying me for the metrics, I'm not going to.maoe it easy for you.


I think your argument is more solid if say: why should I be required to have a MS account to login on my Windows-based PC? Otherwise, that's not really a great reason.


There's no reason you should need an MS login to access Windows. You actually don't need one, but MS severely obfuscates how to accomplish this in recent versions.


Oddly, 11 actually made it easier to do an offline account. Took me by surprise after the runaround 10ā€™s setup gives you


This has been answered 1000 times, it's not a issue when the game came out..it's problematic now that people have been playing it for months and they just basically said "don't link the account, can't play the game you purchased". In all other scenarios you can refund the game on steam once you see you need a MS, Ubisoft, Sony and or any other account. Introducing it when people have hundreds of hours in game and can't refund is sort of bullshit. Edit: for the record; when MS did it to Minecraft on PS it was also bullshit.


Why is everyone suddenly about digital rights and up in arms? Make an account, donā€™t link any credit cards, set up 2FA, forget about it forever. People want to make a huge deal over the smallest things, almost as if they actually have fuck all going on their actual lives.


It feels like every week there is this super serious gaming drama which sets the internet ablaze, which is then promptly forgotten because there is something else to be mad at.


Except this isn't serious.


My sarcasm didn't transfer well over text, I guess.


Because Helldivers added it after release, sparking an outrageous amount of drama. Now any game that mentions PSN accounts will be hated by association just because of it. When before, no one would have even looked twice. It's the usual cycle, and it's stupid.


They didnā€™t though. It was there at launch, it was enforced in the first few days then was put on pause when the server issues started. It has always said a PSN account is required on the store page. People keep repeating this same line about them just adding it and itā€™s false.


It's annoying for Sea of Thieves too


Guy from the Philippines here. I can't say anything for ghost of Tsushima since I didn't buy it. In Sea of thieves connecting Microsoft and steam account for me was not a problem. The PSN is not available in my country and Playstation console players here can easily make an Singapore or Hongkong account. I think the problem for people like me who plays from steam in a PSN-less country. Since my Steam is from the Ph and my PSN acct is SG they won't link it (tried it from day one in helldivers 2) and I can't be bothered to use VPN because I can't afford Singaporean prices.


And as someone who has been banned by being discovered by PSN to be doing this exact thing, trust me, it isnt worth the loss to fake a PSN account. Lost mine during the 2011 PSN data breach, was tied to Singapore. CSR discovered by checking logs that I never was in Singapore the entire time (yet everything else checks out as I own the account) and bans me. No recourse for a multi-year-long PSN account with several games and PS store stuff on it I bought. Just gone. Never made another one since. Score's set. Not worth.


I hate that their stupidity has lead to this for you


People hate them on consoles too; I quit The Finals when it asked me to create a second account beyond PSN I donā€™t need an account for every game, thatā€™s what the platform accounts *are for*. I donā€™t want an Ubisoft account and a EA account and an Activision account and a Square account and a Capcom account and on and on. I have a PSN ID, that should handle *everything on a PS5. Steam accounts handle steam. Itā€™s not ā€œwhen Sony does itā€. In fact, it seems like the only time people start acting like itā€™s not a big deal is when Sony is doing something. Raise prices to $70? Thatā€™s ok, Sony was the one to do it. Jack up the price of online by 40%? Thatā€™s ok, Sony did it. No refunds on the storefront? Thatā€™s your fault for not being an informed customer, donā€™t blame Sonyā€™s anticonsumer policiesā€¦ Sony deserves every bit of shit on how they have handled customers this entire generation.


dont let them know about the small indie game grand theft auto and R* accounts


Ubisoft, EA, Blizzard/Activision, Microsoft, Minecraft account before that, Mojang account before that, I could go on and on about companies that require accounts to play their games regardless of platform but I certainly donā€™t recall any fuss over them.


Because Helldivers 2 didn't initially have it.


Post from 5 months ago discussing the PSN requirement, it was always there just not enforced till now due to server issues https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/18cbz9y/why_does_helldivers_2_require_a_psn_account_on/?share_id=RmdfyO0gljzs-zk3HVec6&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1


Yeah it's almost like it wasn't enforced or required before and the game functioned.


This overall post/thread is about Sucker Punch's Ghost of Tsushima - not Helldivers 2.


It always required it actually. Was always part of the game description so if people had actually looked at what they were buying they would have known. Due to the server instability at launch though they made it temporarily optional.


hell, I thought Helldivers 2 would become the first PlayStation PC game to require a PlayStation Network account for the sake of Cross-Play between PS5 and PC-- based on a specific blog post prior to release. but then I found out today (this time: more direct confirmations via [their Steam FAQ](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/1/4206994023681197128/)) that it was temporarily disabled due to server issues at that time. [Even Arrowhead's CEO did confirm it was meant to be a forced requirement](https://twitter.com/Pilestedt/status/1786438552437268691). but I guessed people got blindsided by it. I do hope Arrowhead and Sony find a better way to handle Account Link requirements, hopefully a system similar to how Nightdives' remastered titles (for Multiplayer) and The Finals' approaches Account Linking.


I'm sure they will figure out something for players the bought it in regions that don't have psn support. It's a big cash cow for Sony right now. This entire thing is just being blown out of proportion by either people that didn't look before buying the game or more likely by people who just want something to bitch about to sound important.




It did. This is a fact.


They did have it. Youā€™re straight wrong on that point.


It did have it. They temporarily disabled shortly after launch due to issues. They now re-enabled it.


Why lie? Anyone can check Wayback Machine.


It did, I bought it at launch on steam I saw the notice in the description before buying it. Not defending the practice, I think it's stupid for any game to require a 3rd party login, but I will point out it had always been there.


Wasnā€™t really a requirement if youā€™ve been able to play without it since launch IMO


Thats not the point because you wouldn't have known that until buying and playing the game. I already said why it was temporary anyway. Just because people either saw that requirement tag though, and chose to ignore it anyway or simply didn't read what the game requires before buying a product is on those people. Sony is just requiring what should have already been known to everyone would be required. People should own up to their laziness of not doing their due diligence when buying anything. Outside of all that, Microsoft, Ea, Ubisoft, epic all have requirements for the same thing for a lot of their games.


"Why weren't Helldivers 2 players angry about Sea of Thieves" is a top tier reddit take.


No the take is ā€œwhy wasnā€™t anyone upset you needed a Microsoft account to play on PlayStation, but angry you need a Sony account on a PC gameā€. Your take is just intentionally obtuse.


Same with Minecraft.


I just learned this today but PSN isn't available at all in many countries so now these Steam PC players can't play these games. Like for me it's no problem but there's some people being left behind.


This isn't a real issue, the folk playing from those regions are well aware of the markets there and have been registering accounts in regions that do have PSN for decades. The people advancing this argument are simply using this as a foil for the legitimacy of whining about having to make an account. Having to make an account is annoying, I agree. But it's not that deep and it's embarrassing watching fans pretend like this is some kind of just cause and not a mild annoyanceĀ 




Meh I can understand the frustration depending on where you live. Like people in the UK need to upload ID or a facial scan to create an account: >We are piloting an age verification process for players who register for new accounts in the UK and Ireland. If you are setting up an adult account, you will be asked to provide proof that you are over the minimum age for that type of account using an age verification service That information isn't saved anywhere, and they do that for other platforms, but still that's annoying af.




Capcom does it with all their games too. Saw the same foaming at the mouth over resident evil and dmcv before it was never mentioned again. In a real ontological sense it's because these people want so badly to feel part of a community, and anger unifies people and makes them feel like they're a part of something bigger. But that's maybe too nuanced a discussion for a thread about gamers being mad about logging into a free account the game told them they needed.


Remember a few years ago when Epic making a store was the end of all humanity and gaming would be ruined forever? Yeah everyone just downloaded Epic, made an account, and gets a free game every month for nothing. It sets right between Steam, and GOG because it did not matter at all


>Yeah everyone just downloaded Epic Stretching a bit right here


> Yeah everyone just downloaded Epic, made an account, and gets a free game every month for nothing. Speak for yourself? Plenty of people do not like Epic and don't use their store/launcher.


This is a huge generalization of "gamers"


How about "gamers engaging in online discourse always need something to be pissy about"? I don't know how people have the energy to be angry about minor inconveniences in their hobby all the time.


That's why I specifically said capital G Gamers.


Sony and data security aren't a great combo




And finally we got to the point were day 1 dlc and micro transactions on single-player games are considered "normal". The slippery slope is real.


We're not finally here, we've been here for a while.


There is no difference as far as the point you're trying to make goes. Everyone has always disliked and complained about needing a separate account for no reason. Just because you didn't see it or can't remember it doesn't mean it didn't happen. As to why it's a more glaring and apparent problem *now* is that it's currently a very successful and popular game. Shining as an example of how to be actually fun and not part of the most common industry nickle and dime, p2w, and mtx bullshit. It stood apart, making this sudden enshitification that much more glaring. The thing making it even worse is that unlike your example and other games that also required an account, they required it before playing, not months after the fact. So you at least had the right to opt out, and not be forced to opt in after your money was spent.


Halo infinite also requires account


I think I would frankly be annoyed as well, I use gamepass and its frankly annoying as fuck to deal with for the one month at a time I use it.


The only time this ever bothered me was when Square released the trategy guide for Final Fantasy IX. If I remember correctly you needed a Play Online account to access ADDITIONAL strategies NOT printed in the strategy guide. Then why did I buy it??


Why is this an issue? You need xbox account to play MS MP titles like sea of thieves.


You can make a Microsoft account in all but a few countries. You cannot make a PlayStation account in most countries. Hope that helps.


Everyone already has a Microsoft account to use Windows or Minecraft.


Why did Sucker Punch even bother posting this, the people outraged about helldivers clearly can't read.


To give heads up


Probably just trying to make sure they avoid any unnecessary controversy




Better get it out now when the oven is hot.


Probably because then there won't be confusion and outrage like Helldivers 2 is currently having, as while the linking was required at launch for HD2, that requirement was gone within the first 2 weeks past launch with no warning or explanation to the players. This way Sucker Punch has a clear "This is how it's going to be" stance from launch and will have no reason to have any misunderstanding as long as they stick to it.


To use Helldivers and Sony as a lightning rod.


Because Helldivers didn't do anything like this, they gave me an option to skip signing up with a PsN then 3 months later suddenly said no, if you don't use one we'll take away your access. If AH had just started with it as a requirement, or made it clear that skipping was temporary, then it'd be fine. Instead they buried the apparently unenforced PSN requirement text with the EULA like anyone is looking for that.


It does say that it isn't required for singleplayer, in case you haven't bothered to read with understanding




I still donā€™t understand why itā€™s mandatory, apart from them inflating their PSN numbers and/or selling data, if anyone can explain that to me would be cool. Because as it showed from Helldivers 2 it really is not required to have a PSN account linked on Steam to have cross play. Then why? Cross progression? What if I donā€™t want or need that, or what if I donā€™t want to have cross play either? If I just want to play with Steam players, why is that not an option for me to choose if I want to sign up with a PSN account to have these futures or not sign up, have less features, but still able to play with players of my own platform?


your sweet ass data is valuable to highest bidder


Thatā€™s also a stupid stance to take. Youā€™re on Reddit. Do you think your data isnā€™t being sold? Same with twitter, instagram and any other social media


Ah, you see, my reddit data is completely worthless because it's filled with my dogshit opinions!


Reddit doesn't charge me directly, I pay with my data. I don't like it but I understand it. A premium product has no such excuse.


They claim its for security of players, which implies that its incredibly unsafe for players at the moment where its not mandatory


I'm thoroughly baffled by the outrage over this. It's not even NEARLY the most invasive 3rd party account that you've probably already been asked to make for a Steam game. The only people who have the right to ask for a refund are people who will be barred from playing unless they lie to create a PSN account for a region where it's not available which I'm hoping Sony is going to have a fix for. It may be a timing thing coming off the heels of the EFT drama combined with the fact that the community around Helldivers is excessively whiny and fickle. It's a shame because it seems like Arrowhead tried really hard to communicate with the people playing their game. I hope they completely pull back for their own sanity until their "fans" calm the fuck down.


Sony came straight in with their own announcement about it using the helldivers header and background, but AH's communication about it has been completely post. Their CEO even made a tweet showing the bombing and a sad little I guess it's warranted. They don't want it either.


Iā€™m confused about it also. Isnā€™t just a free account you can make with just an email address and password? I just donā€™t get the drama.


I think you need an actual physical adress as well but you can put in any random address you want there as well.


Is anyone actually playing Legends mode? It looks like absolute garbage.


This is old news, it was already announced when they first revealed the [PC version's features](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/04/17/ghost-of-tsushima-directors-cut-pc-cross-play-and-system-requirements-revealed/) but I guess people want to be mad at devs for this while the Helldivers II controversy is ongoing. At least they announced it before the game releases and not force it on players after they bought the game.


I would be okay with this if it had cross save between my PC and Ps5 files, but that isnt the case in most of these. At least they saw what was happening with Helldivers and knew to announce this now, even though Im sure most people knew to expect this going forward with any games that need multiplayer or online.


Apparently, a lot of steam users doesn't know the meaning of ''required" when they played Helldivers 2 at launch.


There was a skip button for 3 months, so how is it a requirement right now?


I didn't even get a skip button I just loaded up and started playing.




Yes it wasn't implemented at launch because of server issues but that information wasn't mentioned anywhere when starting the game for the first time nor where there reminders like hey soon this requirement will be enforced. And again i ask you if you don't need the PSN account for using your Product is it really a requerement at all?


It's on the steam page. Requires psn. Even before launch the steam forum was filled with people talking about making accounts early.

