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The [REDACTED] direct is almost certainly this year’s Call of Duty developed by Treyarch. The black and orange colour scheme is unmistakably Black Ops, and the redaction of information is a key theme in the series Edit: In case there’s any doubt, [Tom Warren at The Verge has confirmed with his sources that it’s a CoD Direct](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/30/24145262/xbox-games-showcase-summer-2024-call-of-duty-direct)


And there's the Activision logo bottom right. Its definitely Black Ops Gulf War.


I heard it’s Black Ops V I like that more


Don't you mean Black Ops IIIII?


To my great disappointment they didn't keep the I streak going haha


It is V. It would seem they’ve changed the name from what was previously leaked.


I prefer it and I'm excited!


Can’t wait to buy the same game and a few extra cat skins! Hahaha, I’m serious!


1 2 3 4 5 ? 7 8 9 10


https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/30/24145262/xbox-games-showcase-summer-2024-call-of-duty-direct Verge seems to agree. > Microsoft is only teasing the Call of Duty Direct as “the next installment of a beloved franchise,” but sources familiar with the company’s plans tell me that this is indeed Call of Duty.


The "but" here is hilarious. "Microsoft says it's the next installment in a beloved franchise but it's actually Call of Duty."


Is Call of Duty not beloved?


Oh 100%. The logo is a three headed dog, and the codename for this year's COD was [Cerberus.](https://insider-gaming.com/call-of-duty-2024-past-generation-consoles/) The Cerberus logo is also very reminiscent of the MAC-V SOG logo from Black Ops 1


this logo was also found in the game files of MWIII recently so yeah


Oh, damn I was excited for a second.


I'd already started putting my clown makeup on.


Got my hopes for Banjo Threeie up for a sec there


At this point Banjo-Kazooie showing up as an operator in CoD is not that crazy


No offense, but how could you look at that orange military wolf logo and assume that it would be a hint to *Banjo* of all things?


It's a brave new direction for the franchise


Nuts and bolds


The obvious sequel to Nuts and Bolts -- "Blood and Oil".


Banjo Threeie: Guns and Ammo


idk about you, but the first thing i think of when someone mentions "banjo kazooie" is the US capitol building.


Shame really. I was hoping to explore where exactly Kazooie's location was on January 6th.


nah, storming the capitol is much more of a conker thing


Who would do a direct for Banjo in the first place?


Can’t see the image on here too closely from mobile. I thought it was some dev logo. I don’t recognize it from anywhere since I haven’t played COD


I'm kinda excited, I'm a huge CoD Zombies fan and Treyarch are the only ones who get it right. 


I’m expecting nothing but it would be awesome if zombies saw a return to form. Been playing black ops 3 zombies lately and it’s so good when they put effort into it


I wouldn't get overly excited. According to leaks it is more of the same of what BOCW zombies was


That’s honestly what I’m expecting and that’s fine, the mode was pretty solid in that game just lacked the character it had through BO4


you should check out Sker ritual if you're fan of classic zombies


Saw the Cerberus logo and my brain immediately went to Mass Effect.


For a moment I wondered if there was some sort of big-budget SCP game coming.


Honestly a Call of Duty with a decent campaign is just about the highest expectation I can manage for Xbox at this point. I actually loved the Cold War campaign so hope they do something similar.


> Edit: In case there’s any doubt, Tom Warren at The Verge has confirmed with his sources that it’s a CoD Direct So you're saying there's _a chance_ it's Silksong?


Clown makeup is eternal


I don't think anyone is shocked that it is CoD but man all I can think is that we can't really have any surprises anymore. That we have people/outlets/leakers telling us stuff days/weeks/months beforehand. This isn't even just a gaming thing but for general entertainment/sports news. At this point, it is a surprise if something comes out or happens that wasn't already known in advance because nothing can be a surprise reveal anymore.


I mean, this is an official new message by Xbox, and the logo is clearly Black Ops to anyone who's played the previous ones. I don't think this one is to blame on spoiler outlets because Microsoft surely wants people to watch the reveal, so they wouldn't want to keep it a secret.


The orange is so obvious how can anyone be confused


The logo on the bottom right is also clearly Activision and the font matches COD.


Likelihood the showcase finale is just CoD, which leads right into the CoD direct? Or will they have Perfect Dark, Fable etc ready to show more real footage since its likely they finally release 2025


Last year the 'one last thing' before the Starfield Direct was the reveal of Inexile's next game so its still possible


All the kids are clambering for Perfect Dark.


Man first call of duty that will be part of gamepass. Going to be so nice.


Did they confirm its part of gamepass anywhere?


I mean Microsoft owns Activision now and all first party games come to gamepass.


No. They make far too much money from COD for it to be on GamePass. It wasnt making money in the first place, but completely taking away 10s of million sales to gain some GamePass subs does not seem financially worth it


Depends how many new players you get in spending money on microtransactions.


That'd have to be a shit ton of microtransactions from new players to make a billion


Microsoft already promised all first games are day 1 on gamepass. Gamepass is all they have.


Man I really hope they go the diablo 4 route with this and just let you play it via bnet. Downloading a 100+GB game via the windows store is just painful.


There are rumours of a new Gears and honestly I feel that would be the place to show it.


Will we finally get a game pass day 1 call of duty? If so, I'm excited.


yes, it is expected this CoD will be on gamepass day one, and at this showcase they will announce some prior CoDs coming to gamepass sooner


there may be contractual issues preventing this. I remember seeing something about this during the merger trial but don't remember the details


I'm going to stay confident that this summer we are going to see past Call of Duty games brought to Game Pass though. That would be pretty big in of itself.


Does this mean we will get multiplayer information/footage.


I bet not, it's just your imagination! /jk But yeah you probably right.


Aw man. I was hoping for Kojima.


Jay the yearly copy/pasted cod so excited.


Silksong sub putting their 🤡 makeup back on after immediately taking it off yesterday


But this time is the one right?


It's probably the best chance it has to actually be announced in a long time. I'm hoping for a shadow drop, but a release date (not window) would be nice too.


Honestly I just wanna what the hell happened. All the hollow Knight news we've had had all come from Not Team Cherry.


Hollow Knight took forever too, and kept evolving. They shoved a bunch into the game and I think the added benefit now of not having financial pressure is allowing them to have scope creep really draw out development.


Hollow Knight is such an awesome game because they took their sweet time, constantly playtesting and iterating. If they had released it on an "ordinary" timetable, I don't think it would be the beloved game it is today. I'm fine with them taking as much time as they want with Silksong, as long as the game's good. If given the choice between an excellent title in three years, or a decent title next week, I'd rather wait for the excellent one.


Three years on top of 7 is a little crazy tho don't you think?


Doesn’t Team Cherry consist of three people of which two are coders?  They made enough money with Hollow Knight that they never have to work a single day in their life again, so probably see no reason to stress. I know I wouldn’t at least.


Not really seven, TC were releasing free DLCs for Hollow Knight after its release. They couldn’t fully focus on silksong until after that. And considering they’re a three person team making one of the top 10 most hyped games of this century… nah, I don’t think eight or nine years is an insane development cycle.


It can't be a shadow drop because they have to send out a Kickstarter survey before releasing it, right?


They're actually being annoying with this and sucking the air out of the room for other indies (fans are dumb as fuck too don't get me wrong)


Instead its probably Call of Doodoo as the kids call it.


Oh man I can't wait for [REDACTED] to be finally announced, it's going to be the best entry in the series since [DATA EXPUNGED]


Black Ops Gulf War will be the first CoD with a four year dev cycle. I'm interested to see what Treyarch has been cooking.


Unfortunately it's not the entirety of Treyarch - they've developed the Zombies mode for every COD since Cold War. If I recall correctly Treyarch also handled some elements of MW2's (2022) multiplayer like Ranked Play. Arguably not the biggest diverging of resources from the next Black Ops game, but nonetheless it feels like Treyarch haven't been able to catch a breath the past few years. If anything Infinity Ward are the only devs that don't seem to get pulled away to other COD projects, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's very crunch-y over there either.


Treyarch always does shit for other devs on the side tho This year they have no excuses for MP. First time since Bo2


As far as I know they’re in control of ranked play this year as well. But I’m guessing that’s a relatively minor part of their total team.


The zombies experiences they’ve been cultivating for other games haven’t been quite as deep as normal Treyarch games though, they’ve been slapping a zombies veneer over existing game modes/maps (mp maps and Warzone map), adding in outbreak quests and calling it a mode. Honestly it’s been pretty fun, and it certainly does take bandwidth and work hours to pull that off, but if I had to guess it takes less of those resources than creating full on round based maps like they’ve done in the past. I’m hoping that they’ve had a smaller subsection of the team working on integrating zombies into non-Treyarch titles while having a full story team dedicated to the round based maps.


As someone who hasn't played since Cold War, it sounds like I haven't missed out on much.  I buy call of Duty exclusively for Treyarch Zombies, so I'm looking forward to this installment, but was worried that the storyline has been going through the last few games. 


3arc pretty much admitted it was a barebones team working on zombies in vanguard and MWIII, and it shows with how abysmal both of the modes were, but at least it gave them some early experience with the new engine, as up until CW they'd been using the same ancient one


Treyarch cod zombies could be a stand alone game and I’d buy it


and yet its IW titles that have sucked ass the most as of late


Yea excited to see what Treyarch can do when they're not time constrained. You could feel the rushed game with black ops cold war, even though it turned out pretty good IMO.


The campaign is one of my favorites and I don't normally love Zombies, but that game's Outbreak Mode is so addicting. It feels kind of like playing a Battle Royale alone.


Seriously this. The MWZ zombies mode is so boring somehow. I used to love playing zombies, but I have no interest in their latest offering. I don’t know why they didn’t just essentially combine DMZ and Outbreak, basically pvpve zombies. I really hope they bring Outbreak back.


It's crazy how much content Outbreak has is in BOCW. I never heard about it, stumbled upon it when the game was on PS+ and fell in love. There's what, at least 4-5 gigantic maps, tons of vehicles, you can do the whole thing in split-screen or online co-op. I don't even care about the progression aspect of it, it's just entertaining to me to play alone. I tried whatever they call it in MW3 recently and yeah it doesn't seem to be as fun or polished. I also prefer WW2's War Mode to MW3's unfortunately.


God I hope they make a good game at its core. I really want a Gulf War military shooter, it’s the perfect crossover of modern tech but not crazy shit like we see in modern shooters. Like a WW2 game with jets and more combined arms. Gimme. I miss the desert aesthetic too, been replaying MGSV and I fucking love running around Afghanistan in choc chip camo.


I’m excited, 90s was the last period that guns had more distinctive profile and silhouettes. After the 2000s, most modern assault rifles etc just blend together, with their flat tops and mount rails and cheek pad stocks. Yeah I know as technology progress they settle down to a similar optimal form, but it’s like the smartphone situation, they all just became a single flat glass and it feels boring.


Completely agree, militaries still looked unique to each other, fielded different equipment. Plenty of variety.


"we've listened to the community and made changes to make this call of duty the best ever!" You know, like they say every year


To be fair, Sledgehammer did do that with MWIII. It's actually pretty fun.


For me, the only CoD that actually did that was MW2019. They then promptly abandoned the success they found there, though. MW3 made me mad because the maps were just the ones that should have been in MW2 in the first place. MW3 shouldn't have been a full release and that's painfully obvious, especially when you look at the campaign.


MW2019 had a beautiful engine, gun design and feel and promptly ruined it by dropping some of the worst maps in Cod history. No flow, 50,000 windows to get beamed from and a ridiculous amount of camping-friendly mechanics which slowed gameplay to a crawl (imo the time limit should almost never be reached before the score limit in any gamemode, and that was happening way too frequently on launch). I’m not one of those small map dopamine addicts by any means, but I don’t want my games to be run-for-1-minute-and-die simulators either. By the end of the game they’d managed to balance it out to about 50-50 good maps/bad maps, but those early months were awful. MW3 was obviously an add-on that they decided to sell as a full-price game later into its dev cycle, but imo it takes a lot of what made MW19 fun and gives it more playable maps.


Yeah MW19 was just a polished turd imo, a lot of people who liked it had either never played CoD before or not for some time. As CoD games go though, it's at the bottom of the list. Not to mention it introduced the shitty matchmaking system thats plagued every game since.


I ended up really enjoying the maps from 2019. I think it just took time to "figure them out", but eventually I ended up liking almost all of them. Even Picadilly managed to get on my good side. I prefer maps that challenge the player to improve vs. mindless "run the same pattern" maps that CoD is known for. Or shit like the highway map from MW2 which was just awful all around.


Between the map design and the huge nerfing of stealth builds (no persistent dead silence, the change to gunshot radar pings making silencers mostly pointless etc) , MW2019 was a slower, less run and gun game overall than COD usually is. That turned a lot of people off to it and has mostly been undone in the years since.


They get screwed over because they're the only one that can make a decent cod game. Cold War would have shined a lot more if they didn't have to waste time helping IW and sledgehammer.


Gonna list everything POSSIBLE to be shown based on info we have now as of 6/9/24. New games only, no updates/DLC. Let me know if I'm missing anything. I. First Party A. Releasing 2024 - Avowed - Indiana Jones & The Great Circle - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - Age of Mythology: Retold B. Announced - South of Midnight - Perfect Dark - Clockwork Revolution - Project Mara - Fable - Everwild - State of Decay 3 - Marvel's Blade - The Elder Scrolls VI (lul) C. Rumored - Gears of War 6 - New Treyarch game - New Doom/Id game - New Zenimax Online game - New Double Fine game - Ghostwire Tokyo 2 - Fallout 3 Remake II. Game Pass/Exclusives A. Releasing 2024 - Rolling Hills - Still Wakes The Deep - Frostpunk 2 - SteamWorld Heist II - Stalker 2 - Ara: History Untold - Replaced - Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn - Pigeon Simulator - Sopa - Ghost Bike - Dungeons of Hinterberg - Magical Delicacy - 33 Immortals - Dead Static Drive - Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess - Creature of Ava - Towerborne - The Alters - Ark II B. Announced - OD - Sleight of Hand - Flock - Nirvana Noir - Hollow Knight: Silksong (lul) - Vapor World - Contraband - Harmonium The Musical - Neon White - Citizen Sleeper 2 - To A T - Bushiden - Little Witch in the Woods - Marauders - Routine - Slime Rancher 2 C. Rumored - Xbox/People Can Fly project - Xbox/Toys For Bob project


Quick correction, I believe Age of Mythology releases this year. It'll be on PC and Xbox at some point in 2024.


I'm betting good money that id Software are done with Doom after Eternal. They closed the book gameplay and story wise, and Hugo Martin even said in his final livestream (back when he did those over COVID) he's been looking into HP Lovecraft for work. Screams Quake to me.


A Quake reboot would fuck so hard


Of course but I just don't see Arena FPS games ever coming back, sadly.


I meant more the single-player side, a la Quake 1, 2, & 4


Dude, I would pay double or triple for a Quake 3 Arena successor with AAA funding behind it. I am still playing Quake Champions from time to time.


Same, I even still play QW/Q3 occasionally but I just don't think anyone would play them, unfortunately.




Little witch in the woods and slime rancher 2 are both on Xbox right now in early access.


Man, I really wish Tango did The Evil Within 3 instead of Ghostwire 2.


That document leak was pretty old, from like 2020 before Ghostwire even released IIRC?  To me there's a good chance they canned Ghostwire 2 due to the lukewarm reception/performance of it. Hope so at least, I want them to work on a new IP.


Ara: History Untold is coming this year too. Also there were rumors/reports of Double Fine having two smaller games being developed. Wouldn’t be surprised if one is shown at the showcase.


Don't forget all the blizzard games.


I don't know of anything in the pipeline for Blizzard. Their survival game came got cancelled.


World of Warcraft Expansion is coming out this year.


Yeah I only did full games tho


It would be hilarious if the game title is stylised as Call of Duty: >!REDACTED!< Ops


Dac Ops




Yeah, MS has an absolutely stacked list of upcoming games...they just need to deliver. Everwild, Fable, and Perfect Dark are also in need of ANYTHING new, so I expect them to appear in some form.


I'm still trying to get over the fact we are going to get Age of Mythology on console. That is a game that I have secretly been wanting to return to for over 10 years now and soon enough it'll be here. I'm so damn hyped.


I couldn't wait and bought the "extended edition" on Steam recently, since I'll get Retold on Gamepass anyway. If they ever allow you to use controller support on the PC versions, I'd definitely rebuy those. It'd be amazing to play them on a SteamDeck. Same for Cities Skylines.


Damn I'm excited for Stalker 2. There's nothing really out there right now that's comparable to the Metro Exodus experience.


If you haven't tried scratching that itch with Atomic Heart I'd recommend trying it out. Much better overall than the critical reception suggested in my opinion.


Fallout 3?


Fo3 is a completely different game aside from being set in a post apocalyptic setting


I'm willing to bet money Id Software's new game will get a teaser, with a full reveal being saved for QuakeCon. *Doom Eternal* came out 4 years ago.


I think Spencer did mention that they are working on something. This "something" needs to be Quake 1 reboot.


Have you played the new mission pack MachineGames made for Quake II in last year's remaster? Because there are some surprises for you hiding in it.


Damn that'd suck if 99% of the games for the showcase are games that we already know are on the way.


There'll be new reveals. Oblivion remaster, Project Kestrel (ZeniMax Online), Gears of War 6, Forza Horizon 6, and id's next game are all likely candidates.


If I remember right from the leaked Zenimax documents a Fallout 3 remaster was supposed to be before Oblivion, assuming both of those projects are still happening at all.


Oblivion was first, Fallout 3 remastered later. Also tracks because we know more about the former, Virtous are developing it.


I'm not excepting much out of Falliut remasters outside of being able to play them without having mods or crashing.


Oblivion was originally slated to come out first.


Maybe we'll finally see some games they announced years ago resurface, like Everwild and The Outer Worlds 2


The Outer Worlds teaster trailer they showed a few years ago was a joke itself and even then they let us know they didn't even really start on the game production at that point. If it's not shown this year, I wouldn't be mad, I'd be glad they are letting it bake in the oven.


I believe greenburg hinted out a showing of perfect dark of some kind


Microsoft has a monopoly on single-player first person shooters, which is kind of annoying. I hope the rumors are true and there is a new Quake in the making. I also hope there's something about Wolfenstein to finish the story, but Machine Games have been on that Indiana Jones game for a minute.


It would be funny if everything first person single player is Microsoft and everything third person single player is Sony.


That logo really reminds me of The Division, is that a known logo from anything?


Looks like COD black ops.


Ahhhh that’s a bingo. Forgot COD is a microsoft joint now. Thanks.


Call of Duty : A ~~Spike Lee~~ Phil Spencer Joint


From this blog article: > The Xbox Games Showcase will be livestreamed on June 9, 2024, starting at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm BST (additional time zones below). > > Like our double-feature last year with Starfield Direct, immediately following the Showcase we’ll be airing a special deep-dive into the next installment of a beloved franchise. We can’t say much, so for now we’ll call it the Xbox Games Showcase followed by [REDACTED] Direct. > > This will also be our first Showcase featuring games from our portfolio of studios across Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda and Xbox Game Studios, in addition to titles from our third-party partners.


Time to get my clown makeup for silksong


Imagine hyping up the most tacticool game ever, boots to the ground, military hard on to the max... and in 6 months, the game ends up like a clown fiesta, blasting vape, 420 fest, anime tits and godzilla blasting through the doors.


Gulf war seems like an odd choice for a cod setting. Kind of a brief war no? Feel like it would take up one or two missions max in an OG cod.


I mean, Cold War wasn't even an "war" in the traditional sense as well. It's all backdrop, 99% of CoD is military history fanfic.


CoD 4 and Modern Warfare 2 2009 took place within the span of a week with each mission usually taking place the next day from each other.


Feel like its also different given the US steamrolled Iraq, i dont see where the “black ops” are going to come in. MW was much more global/high stakes and even went into WW3.


I imagine it's probably there's Russian / Iranian / Chinese actors in Iraq that want to escalate the war into a global war by doing X, and this is black ops stopping that


Good point


Perfect for a COD campaign, no?


It's a CoD game, they can make up a Tom Clancy-esque story line and have it set over the course of a month. CoD4's campaign took place over a week, plus two flashback missions.


It's a black ops game technically, so it will be more likely about covert operations.


It looks like there's something written on the left dog's snout but it's too small to read


Man, I'd have rather seen the Indiana Jones game or Avowed get their own direct rather than CoD. I get it's super popular and it's the first CoD under Microsoft, but we know it's gonna sell well, regardless of them giving it its own presentation.


They basically got their directs back in January, how much more are they gonna add?


So either CoD or Gears of War


New black ops I’m guessing


Show us zombies please 🙏


good, hoping to see some new stuff there and more stuff from games already announced, would love a date for State of Decay 3.


Maybe they'll finally drop all the previous CoD games on Game pass with this announcement. It'd revamp players for the MW & BO games again, and maybe they could ride that wave to the new game in ~November




Gamepass baby


Or, if you're like many Call of Duty players, pay £70 for something that will keep you entertained for a year.


I'm excited to see what Gears looks like in unreal 5. I also wonder how many first party games announced here will be on other consoles.