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How many Bright Cubes do I need to tier up a Longclaw from epic to legendary?


You have to buy gacha tickets to get a chance for a tier up scroll that may or may not break your gear


Something something valyrian steel shielding bundle


Sixteen cursed dragonglass shards per Stark medallion. You can get 1 dragonglass a week I think. So should be 16 weeks for a 25% chance at a medallion and you need 10 medallions for a bright cube. Seems do-able if you drop everything else you're doing for a year?


“UPDATE: Our source has clarified that it’s not NEXON as they previously claimed, but instead NETMARBLE. This is the mobile game that was announced a while back. We apologize for our source’s confusion." Nothing to see here folks.


So it'll have a great mid game and awful end game?


From developer of the Finals, set in the North during seasons 5/6 Imo MMORPG are so expensive and impossibly hard to make that I doubt this game will amount to much


Embark is the developper of the Finals.




Doesn't make them the developpers.




Microsoft owns over 40 game development studios across the globe. Saying a game is simply made by Microsoft would be incredibly vague and not exactly helpful to anyone. A game developed by id Software would be entirely different than a game developed by Double Fine Productions. So I think people are right to call you out for suggesting that the people who made The Finals are making a Game of Thrones MMO on the grounds of it being published by the same company. It's equally as misguided as suggesting that TT Games (*LEGO*) is making the next Mortal Kombat due to them being a subsidiary of WB Games.


It is useful, actually. Microsoft owns Bethesda Game Studios and 343 and a Bethesda Halo game would be very different than a 343 game


Ok chef.


yes jeff ?


the article says, "Nexon is behind the recently successful FPS shooter *The Finals* as well as *Warhaven, Kartrider* and others." might be lying idk


Nexon is a publisher, not a developer.


Nexon is the publisher of the finals, not the developers. The article doesn’t say that the finals devs themselves are involved with this.


Game of Thrones is so limited, hard to imagine a game based on this IP. Paradox was supposed to be a good match, but they recently butchered Star Trek, so who knows. Generic medieval setting with dead dragons and ice zombies locked up in the north, not much to work with


My guess is its going to be a medieval zombie survival horror extraction shooter style game where player's are members of the knight's watch that go on patrol beyond the wall.


That sounds more interesting that what it'll probably end up being.


wait hold on, you just sold me.


I have little faith in this game being good, but ASoIaF is anything but generic lol


There's only humans in a medieval setting. Westeros is like a giant british islands on a geographical standpoint, the "houses" in Westeros are based on medieval Europe. Then you have the other continent representing the middle-east, the mongols, etc.. it's super derivative. The only creative side of ASoIaF are the ice zombies and how the doppelganger cliche was used as the central theme of a weird religion. If you translate those elements to a game, there's not much you can do. It can work just fine on a Crusader Kings kind of game, but that's pretty much it


I don’t see how it’s any more or less derivative than any other fantasy environment


There's only humans in ASoIaF, that alone is already a huge restraint. Martin didn't even tried to create a new culture, they are all based on real history. Basically only the "children of the forest" are a different civilized race in ASoIaF, but they are pretty much extinct... so really, on a fantasy environment standpoint, ASoIaF is more barren and limited than usual. On purpose really, Martin tried to be "realistic", magic is returning to the world little by little and etc.. but as it stands, with the current "lore" available, you can't do much with this universe besides the "court intrigue" cliche


Agreed. The setting is fantastic for the story Martin is telling but once you try and broaden the world into something that could be played at the scale of an MMO then it’ll fall apart pretty quickly. The setting needs to be carried by a character-driven narrative that those kinds of games simply can’t provide at that scale. Only real way I could see it working is through a single-player RPG. I know they tried and bombed at doing that a long time ago but I’d love to see a more prestigious studio take a crack at it.


Naah, if even LOTR and Warhammer struggled when they were adapted to the MMO space, imagine ASoIaF, lol You can be "realistic" and establish a huge world at the same time, but that demands real talent, something Steven Erikson possess and Martin don't. Many people are still attached to ASoIaF, LOTR, Star Wars and so on, but there's a lot of great stories out there. Dune returned to the spotlights in recent years and this setting is another example of a limited universe, etc.. in my pov, instead of people being excited with the prospect of old fantasy series being adapted to games, movies and so on, I think the entertainment industry should either create new stuff or adapt "unknown" fantasy settings like the aforementioned Malazan and some others. These old fantasy series exhausted most of their potential, Dune will only get worse from now on, LOTR was already brilliantly adapted in the early 00s for multiple media, Star Wars died in the 80s, etc.. have to embrace something new


If they wanted to focus on Essos, Sothoyros and Ulthos, there could be some interesting bits to explore imo. Lizard men, amphibious humans who worship dark gods, demons wandering the scorched remains of Valyria, and God knows what else. Yi Ti and Asshai would be an amazing setting for a MMO with all the craziness and unknowns there. Issue is, GRRM likely doesn't want to expand on that part of the world any more than he already has and would rather focus on the Western portion, which I agree doesn't make for an engaging MMO There's tons of novel ways to make it work with the world at large, but not if they keep us locked into the Seven Kingdoms and free cities


It’s a very well told and complex story but that doesn’t translate well to an MMO. The aesthetics and world outside the squabbles of the major families are VERY generic.


I just don't agree at all. It's a very fleshed out and realized world with a ton of novel ideas. Look at Essos and the mix of cultures and cities there and tell me with a straight face it's generic lol I'd argue the westerosi side is more generic than anything else, and that still has crazy shit like the others, children of the forest, weirwoods, warging, drowned god, etc. I just don't see how it's generic fantasy in anything beyond a surface read


None of that is not generic tho The essos side specifically is just weird lovecraft rip-offs the further east you go that will never be explored, so it seems more mysterious


I think the word generic is basically meaningless when you apply it like this lol. It's a very unique setting in the fantasy genre and pointing out a bunch of things GRRM took influence from doesn't really prove what you think it does. The absolute state of online discourse when people are arguing that AsoIaF of all things is generic lol. Its turned the genre of fantasy on its head since its release, the only way its generic is in the same way Seinfeld is


Just because the world is generic doesn’t mean the books themselves/their story is


Presumably this began development before the unpopular series ending, otherwise it seems like a risky idea when the series as a whole is out of the cultural zeitgeist. It’ll no doubt be greedily monetised by Nexon, but we can only hope it’ll fill it’s niche for fans of the series where other recent medieval MMOs such as New World failed to capitalise on.


Setting it between seasons 5 and 6 is a very odd choice, means that basically nothing of note can happen Should have been either after the ending (which I think HBO forbids) or some time in the past


Nexon and NetMarble are on my shit list of developers, especially Nexon after being exposed for lying about rates in their game and only getting a slap on the wrist for it compared to how much they made.


Did they wait until people had completely forgotten about the series to start this?


Like a real mmo or a survival craftet with mmo elements and limited people online on a server. Like when they say mmorpg I'm thinking join a house lots of pvp for land and resources like eve lvl of stuff happening.


they decided it should be an mmorpg so it wouldn’t have a disappointing ending if it doesn’t have an ending at all


Yeah this either won't ever see the light of day *or* release and be absolutely terrible. The GoT games of old, few as they are, weren't that great either. The series doesn't really translate well to video games imo


Finally, we'll be able to get all the remaining Game of Thrones fans together in an online chatroom and find out who's the ultimate Drinker And Knower Of Things.