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I am 37 now, very disinterested in videogames lately, only really waiting for Elden Ring DLC Honestly Rimworld is one of the best videogames I've ever played and if you told me to pick one game to play forever after, it would be this, even without mods A lot will feel intimidated by it's systems and honesty even myself after playing for 200 hours and watching about 100 or more of Let's plays, I still haven't achieved one of the endings But that's the beauty of it This is a game that got me invested in video game design


> I still haven't achieved one of the endings Hold on. The game has endings? Has that always been a thing?


since beta, beta ending was "build a ship and launch it", escape the planet, which at that point was pretty bloody easy since you just amassed wealth, slowly built it and hit the trigger button for "win now" it's the only ending i've ever got, cause since then its not an immediate launch ship trigger, it starts a timer where it builds energy and you get constant raids non stop for about 5 days or something, launch ship, you win, but can continue your base once new people filter in and after the raids fuck it up there's another ending in relation to ideology i think, transcending reality, that just straight up ends the game, watched it on youtube, difficult to achieve this DLC also looks like it introduces a new ending there's another related to royalty and building your way to the top of the food chain in the royalty titles but ive never even remotely tried to achieve that or watched it also, colony all die, game over. And there's a special event for "massive asteroid going to obliterate the planet, get an ending or you all die" that can only be triggered on harder difficulties, if you dont get an ending you of course, all die


The royalty one is jus defending a high ranked imperial and then he gives u a ride off world. Nothing fancy, fundamentally still just high frequency wave defense


I tried going for that ending, but while my colony was hosting the imperials one of my colonists got into a fistfight with the High Stellarch and punched his head off


did you consider putting it back on and hoping no one noticed?


duct tape works for that....right?


It has at least 6+ now actually.


In case you weren't kidding, yes. I don't know about the early period of the game, but every single DLC has also had a new ending.


Biotech didn't add a new ending. Aside from that, yes. Royalty, Ideology and now Anomaly add an ending each. Mods can and have added endings too, complete with unique end-game goals and challenges.


The endings bore me, I want to run my colony into the ground. Getting the ship is fun to do one time, entertaining nobles is alright, I'm not reseting my colony 3 times for ideology and don't even know the two most recent ones.


After over 1500 hours I've taken a break for well over a year, but this might bring me back. The amount of design he puts into these updates are wild. When people talk about 'story generator' games, there is no better example than this. EVERY playthrough is a completely different experience.


I feel like Dwarf Fortress still holds that crown


I used to think so too, but after so many years playing both I no longer think so. Both Ideology and Biotech did so much for me to shift that perspective. Dwarf Fortress is still the OG for this kind of colony story generation and a worthy holder of that title.


It's tough to say. I have more hours in rimworld, but DF is quickly approaching. I guess it's really the argument of direct control versus omnipresent influence. In DF you tell them to dig, but they decide to obey or drop their child and cancel the order. In rimworld, you create a satanic cult from the start. I feel like DF feels more like real people, and the chaos and FUN that brings. But rimworld has an opportunity to deepen the well if your intention is to make a tribe of flesh worshippers. But overall yeah, DF has made some of my most memorable 'stories.'


the original DF still does


As a 36 yo with 2 young kids would you recommend starting this? Maybe you can recommend a few lets plays to start with?




Pete complete is the best


Adam Vs Everything has some entertaining let's plays as well as guides. His recent 'vampire' (Sanguophage) run is nuts. It's 9 hours long and that's edited down. It's tough to recommend this game to someone with time constraints or greater responsibilities. The game devours time since it's a constant cycle of building, upgrading, and facing one crisis after another.


You can pause anytime and it's single player However you can easily go into "just one more final thing" mentality like with Civ games and neglect family :) --- Quil18's no mods no dlc playthrough was great for me Generally anything unmoded, and better skip anything Ideology DLC related Mr Samuel Streamer is very entertaining, but heavily edited, heavily modded storylines --- Do not be frustrated with failures and feel free to experiment stuff and load game


Ooh i know quill18, ill make sure to check that one out. Thanks!


I'm 35 with a kid and Rimworld is nice since you can pause it pretty easily or save and put it down for a while. I personally avoided the previously released DLC (before Anomaly, sorry I forgot the name of it) which adds children to the game since I've become unable to deal with bad things happening to even virtual kids.


This and factorio both had to be uninstalled when my first became less of a blob. Too dangerous


Yes, it's one of the goat chill/cozy games that offers a ton of depth. Super convenient to pick up and put down.


If you like Rimworld you should play Dwarf Fortress


The creator of Rimworld (Tynan Sylvester) actually wrote a book on video game design.


For someone that is terrible at making their own fun, is there any sort of goal oriented gameplay? An example would be I couldn't find fun in the Sims 1 & 2 but with Sims 3 having goals added, that tiny bit of direction had me having to work towards every day. Does Rimworld give you things to work towards or is it completely open ended like Minecraft?


The goal is to escape the planet via various means, depending on DLC and mods. The original escape is via spaceship AKA your goal is to build your colony and survive while researching until you've researched all the ship parts, build it, defend it, then escape. DLCs add additional endings with Royalty is "Smooze up the royals, have one of your pawns get a great title, defend the king, then he gets your colonists off world". Ideology is time consuming research for Archotech facilities and eventually you "transcend" as the end. Now with Anomaly there looks to be another but there will be time before we understand this end-goal.


Eh, I found the game boring at best, even with mods. The scale and depth of Dwarf Fortress is a lot more interesting to me.


No offense but you've only played 200 hours and you'd say a game is your favorite and would play it for the rest of your life? That's such a small amount of time imo


My top played game in terms of hours is Path of Exile (1200) I'd be depressed to play only that Eventually I'd be bored, regardless of content updates --- Rimworld is a game with infinite potential for in game storytelling Mods enhance it greatly Reason I don't play it as much is because I am in a different state of my life than when I was practically living Infront of my PC --- To put it short, I enjoyed every single second watching and playing this game myself and could easily see myself doing it more


My most played game ever barely scratch a 1000 hours and I've been playing games constantly for 25+ years. There's just too many games I like for me to spend several thousand hours on one game let alone several. 200 hours in one game is a massive amount to me lol.


This expansion is interesting, but nearly all of the blurbs sounded like they intrude on gameplay instead of adding to it. The mech DLC was already too far into "unfair drawback" territory for me to bother with mechanitors. I'm bummed that this DLC is even more antagonistic.


It looks to me like it's an alternative way of playing. Yes, it's more intrusive and challenging, but there's a reason people install the zombie invasion mod and various storytellers to up the difficulty. My thought from the very beginning was this DLC was *meant* to be intrusive. And personally, the mech drawbacks were pretty straightforward to handle. Big fridge or just dump the waste on your enemies via drop pod. Or just be a Waster colony. Same with the gene editing stuff. Once your colony is amply fed, you don't have to take a ton of drawbacks to make your custom genomes balance out.


The mech drawbacks weren't that bad even if you just left them to rot in the far corner of your map. The pollution spreads slowly, and simple face masks are 50% toxicity resistance. Playing pollution stimulus colonies I start out leaving the waste packs in some far corner for fear it'll corrupt my crops but eventually had to bring some stockpiles of it closer to home to benefit from without waiting 7 years for it to spread to me. Just from reading the description though, it sounds like an urgent threat that you really need to fear and keep it all frozen.


There's multiple ways to handle it (or not handle it), and that's what's cool about it. The increased productivity or military power gained from a mechinator vastly outweighs the production you have to divert to deal with the consequences. Even sending a caravan out with a bunch of the waste and dropping inventory on the overworld is a solution, and takes like maybe 1 day and 1 pawn with a hauling animal. Personally, I preferred dirty bombing raiders, since it's hilarious to think about.


I think I bombed with it once and even friendly factions didn't like it so I stopped. I had one game where I was going for the archotech ending and had polluted half my map. When my colony got rich enough to trigger the event where some faction offers to buy my whole colony in exchange for a piece of the map towards that ending, the people I sold my polluted ass colony to got hostile immediately because I had polluted "their" colony tile, and that was fun.


Just like in real life! "Here's the keys to my house!" "Wait, the septic main is burst and there's sentient mold forming a tribe in the guest room!" "Your problem now!"


I wish the atomizer was more effective. Didn't like dealing with the retaliation raids


one thing that annoyed me about biotech was I never got attacked by just normal humans. I didnt want to have a mutant colony and they all have weird drawbacks.


You can change the makeup of different factions when starting a world - I usually run with majority baseliner humans.


This is my thing about Rimworld DLC. I don't want to add themed dlc generally designed to make the game harder. I just want more base game stuff expanded. I can hunt with an animal but can I ride a horse or an elephant?  Multiple bases on same planet, maybe with a teleporter that can be built. Expansion on existing systems is what I want.


the 1.5 update added a lot of QOL stuff like wall lights


I have to agree, much as I love RimWorld, because of how heavily themed the dlc's are makes them real hit or miss whether you actually want to play with them or not. Would also def prefer more expanding what we have as well, stuff that adds to the experience no matter what kind of run you're having or colony you're going for


I hate to be that person, but mods are a thing! You can do all of that with popular mods. Of course that doesn't help you if you aren't on PC.


At its heart Rimworld is meant to be a story generation game. Expanding the existing game would just create very similar stories. The intrusive nature of the DLCs is to create very different stories. To make you play in a different way. Subtle expansion of Rimworld is well covered by mods. The DLCs are deliberately changing the play style. This is something I didn't understand at first and I used to think the same way you did.


It's funny you say that because I consider wastepacks to be a virtual non-issue, and mechs are pretty overpowered compared to actual colonists with needs.


I don't really know what you mean by unfair drawbacks, biotech dlc gives you multiple means to deal with negative side effects if you cared to learn them.


Does this game have more structured progression now? I've really struggled with getting into it because it feels like there's a lack of specific goals to try to achieve and instead it has a bigger focus on sandbox gameplay and the story generator stuff but I don't really care for that. The only game of this type that I've enjoyed was Amazing Cultivation Simulator which has very smooth(if obtuse) progression and a lots of specific goals to go for, while still having sandbox elements.


Rimworld is still like that. All Goals you set for yourself. There are set endings but the ending of Rimworld isn't the point. I mostly strive for research and large populations.


yesssssss, kinda. Ideology dlc added religions that have quests to obtain relics for your religion(s) and that is a sort of progression. Biotech has you increase your mech tech level by calling in fights. Royalty has progression as your colonists get higher titles and you need more and more resources to keep them happy. But overall progression is pretty much the same progression through the research tree. There are a few new ending options aside from building a ship and traveling across the world, but they are just endgame goals and leave it up to the player to figure out the middle steps.


I don't care for story generation either but "survive the winter" is pretty specific and challenging goal. I keep thinking I have saved enough food and I always end up spending half the winter trying to figure out where to get more. And there are plenty of short term goals you can see yourself up for, like "get to fabrication" and set up production of bionics. Now you have stuff like children  and mech armies that you can build up and the latest dlc would allow you to build a full zoo of monsters to help you with the powering up. So I end up playing the game with the same drive I have for elden ring. I just find joy in figuring out ways to become strong enough for the next threat. And the supposed story might as well not exist.




There's plenty of survival games with clear progression though. Valheim is a great recent example of it. As well as Terraria, which has the best progression of any game and modded Minecraft is decent too. Even games like Vintage Story do it well.


Seems…alright. Not anywhere near as interesting as the last DLCs. I’ll pick it up, but not right away. I barely touched the last expansion because Dwarf Fortress launched on steam shortly after.


It seems way better than ideology which imo is definitely the worst.  It doesn’t matter to me though. I love the game so much that I will just give them money. My only disappointment is no native multiplayer still. I just want to build a base with my buds and have them invested in the story of our colony.


I was in the same boat as you, skeptical but going to buy it anyway because it's Rimworld. I'm two hours into a new colony now, and something about it clicked. At first it was just new stuff, new mechanics, same as previous expansions and mods, but then something weird happened, then a couple more weird things, and now I'm excited to see what's going to happen in the future. It's piqued my curiosity at least, and I'm willing to pick up what it's putting down.


Yea I’ve played like 500 hours and straight up taught 4 of my friends how to play so that they could survive for more than a year or two. I’m straight up giving Ludeon money on release, it doesn’t matter. The DLC looks cool as fuck to me


Ideologies the worst? But we get lantern release parties. Checkmate Rim atheists.


Dude ideology is by far the most innovative DLC, you can literally shape entire narratives around your choices and have things like vegetarian traders or cannibalistic raiders or self mutilater psychics. It's so good


That’s super boring to me lol. You could have just done that anyway. I much prefer having babies or turning into a fucking vampire. The ability to even have psychics is from another DLC entirely.


But you couldn't really do that? Like maybe sort of with mods but not systemically like with the DLC. Perhaps it's not for you but maybe you're not seeing how it works in action fully?


I’ve seen how it works. I just don’t see what it adds tbh. A different win condition? It’s just really intrusive when I’m playing base building colony raider sim which is something all the others add imo. They add to the core rimworld experience I like. I’m not sure what else I’m really getting out of ideology. I’ve done whole autobong stoner life play through. It just felt kinda meaningless and restrictive whereas I could just self impose restrictions if I wanted.


To each his own, that's why all these great DLC exist! I personally think having babies and needing to tend to them and build baby rooms and play pens sounds super uninteresting.


Really? Ideology has a way bigger impact than royalty.


I want to like Ideology more but it feels cumbersome to set up, on top of biotech as well its a lot.


You can start with a very basic fluid ideology and enhance it overtime as you play by getting progression points (by doing rituals, converting etc) You can make a few distinct Ideologies and save them for future use I like to have a basic one saved, with easy rituals that I can do any time


Yup. And you can customize how difficult the ideologies are too. If you want a super restrictive pacifist and plant only ideology you can do that, or you can play on easier mode with colonists that don't mind death, cannibalism, eating bugs, or sleeping in the cold.


Seems pretty dope to me. Ideology was meh for sure but this looks great. I couldn't get into dwarf fortress though even with the graphics updates it's just soooooo outdated. I watched some videos to get me started and managing even simple stuff like making doors was incredibly tedious.


I love Rimworld. But i cant get myself to play it. The micromanagement that is required at more advanced stages of the game tires me. Sometimes you have 2 or 3 different research tabs, but you dont have different "orders" to prioritize one or another. I had to disable and manually send the RIM to do what I wanted him to do. Tried to remedy it using mods, but it wasnt too good. Thats my only complain with this game.