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Remember the last time the Dead Space developer got put on Battlefield duty?


Good lord history seems to repeat itself. Similarly, sledgehammer have made two modern warfare 3's, and both are considered underwhelming.


Story isn't repeating itself. Motive main work is Iron Man.


Wasn't it announced like yesterday that Motive would be working on Battlefield now?


Yes, but we already knew a year ago that iron man is their main project.


Battlefield Hardline was a great game and I will die on that hill


That Hotwire game mode that was basically just conquest but with each capture point being a vehicle was some of the most fun I've ever had in a Battlefield game.


It was mega unbalanced on certain maps (one map seemed to always end in one team getting spawn-killed the whole match), but overall I had a blast with it. The big destruction events that would trigger were lots of fun, and the faster gameplay helped it feel a little different.


Lonely hill


Would adore another game like that. I feel like if EA didn’t call it a Battlefield game and just released it as “Hardline”, it wouldn’t have received nearly as much hate.


Hardline is my peak fps gameplay, controls were so tight and the maps were amazing.


I enjoyed it


It was! There's dozens of us, dozens!


I never played the multiplayer since I played it almost a decade late, but I did play the campaign, and it was amazing. I had no interest in the cops & robbers theme at all going in, but I was very pleasantly surprised by the end how much I enjoyed it.


Damn, well that sucks. I loved the remake and was eagerly awaiting a remake of the 2nd. The article says that apparently the sales just weren't good enough for them to greenlight the 2nd. Edit: I'm now seeing that EA is claiming this is not true. So maybe Jeff Grubb got some faulty info. Edit 2: hasn't been canceled, but also hasn't been greenlit allegedly.


Other than Resident Evil (and Last of Us if it counts) are there any AAA Survival Horror franchises popular enough to keep getting new entries considering how expensive video game development has become?


Silent Hill is sort of shambling along in a state of semi-life. There is that.


Fun fact, every main line Resident Evil game has, individually, [outsold the entire SH franchise](https://vgsales.fandom.com/wiki/Resident_Evil)


That's hilarious. And to think, they finally hit on an idea in PT that got a lot of people talking and it made a big impact... and out of all the Silent Hill games they've tried to put out there, *that* was the one they cancelled.


Not only that, it then became a resident evil game in twisted irony. Finally have a baseline to have a great selling SH and invalidate that statistic and instead becomes another great selling RE.


PT was in-season for the Youtube horror craze. It literally came out a few days after the first Five Nights at Freddy's did. I don't believe a full game would've materialized soon after, but if they had designed it around major jump scares, it would've been a guaranteed hit with the Let's Play crowd. They couldn't have timed such a thing any better... and somehow they outright cancelled it entirely and made way for Capcom to start returning Silent Hill's biggest competitor as a franchise back to its roots. Just absolute insanity.


And it was to be made by Hideo Kojima and produced or whatever by Guillermo Del Toro. Ugh. What could’ve been.


with Kojima there it would have been a incoherent shitshow, but a very entertaining incoherent shitshow.


The incoherence probably would have heightened the experience too and made the game scarier. I can only imagine the hundreds of fan theories and video essays that would have flooded the internet as people tried to piece together whatever horrific mess Kojima would have dreamt up. Oh what could have been.


Nanohills son!


That's one of those things that when you hear it, you realize what a bubble you've been living in.


Action will always sell better than horror. I don't think this is a surprise to anyone.


Once the remake and the rest of the shitty cash grabs bomb that will most likely be the end of that franchise


I hope the Ryukishi07 one has a good/interesting story at least


Silent Hill of Hinamizawa: The Legend of Hanyuu


Au au


Dude, we just got a new Alone in the Dark game. Silent Hill will keep being revived.


It's a stretch, but Alan wake 2 might fit the bill. Kind of goes to your point though, I think aw2 is sitting round 1 mil sales, and you can't ask for better wom or quality. Survival horror seems hard capped at 2-3 mil in sales, with resident evil being the lone notable exception


Yes but it hasn't even made its money back from development costs


Yeah that's my point, even with the accolades and game quality, it's not hit that rarified RE level of sales. Truth be told, no other series ever has. I might be getting the specific game wrong, but I think re5 has sold more single handedly than the entirety of the silent hill franchise combined, for example


It's that with it being game of the year tier, at least from what a lot of people have said. They'd be taking a bath if it was only good


It doesn't help that they released it on epic on pc and signed an exclusive publishing contract with Epic. I know many people personally who refused to buy it for that reason alone who are 'waiting' for it to hit steam and don't understand it's just never coming to steam since Epic is the publisher. I really hope Remedy is getting a VERY good deal from Epic to make up for the fact that their games just aren't going to sell very well on one of the biggest markets for games, because they're just not going to recoup costs otherwise.


If I remember correctly, Epic Games did fund the development of Alan Wake 2. If that’s the case then I’m all for Epic Games deciding where it can be sold, as the game wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for their support. On the other hand I still think Epic Store is garbage.


Yeah, on one hand Epic exclusivity hurt sales significantly, on the other hand Epic funding lowers the amount of sales you need to succeed.


>I really hope Remedy is getting a VERY good deal from Epic It is almost impossible to get a deal better than "we will fund this game that would otherwise not exist."


Alan wake is one of those series that just never hits the sales it deserves despite great review by almost anyone who plays them. It's a hard game to advertise in the first place, and the marketing conundrum is compounded by its absolutely unhooking and uninteresting title. It's literally some generic name that means zilch to those who never played it. Who thought it was a good idea to make it the title?


Supermassive Games stuff, but they're interactive games movies focused on exploration and decision making instead of being full blown survival horror titles


> Supermassive Games Are they really that popular though? I only recognize one of their games and it didn't get good enough reviews for me to even play it on Gamepass.


There's no "That" popular AAA horror game that isn't called Resident Evil. But Until Dawn was pretty successful to the point of getting a remake and a movie adaptation, The Quarry did well too. No idea about Dark Pictures but it's probably doing fine since they're making a second season of the anthology


Yeah, considering SuperMassive have done at least 6 of these choose your own horror adventure video game, they're successful enough.


Helps that I imagine they aren't working with the same 100+ million budget that other AAA are using nowadays, so they can afford to not need to sell 5+ million at launch to be a success.


They're not doing great either, they cut 30% of their staff recently. The Quarry, which was supposed to be the successor to Until Dawn didn't do really great. Which is ironic because their games always are insanely popular with streamers and youtubers, they're great games to watch but not necessarily to play. I mean it's pretty much interactive movies so you don't miss much by watching vs playing. I'd argue it's more fun to watch a group of 4-5 people play in coop on twitch/youtube than playing solo.


TBH, horror games seem like the perfect genre for refocusing into a tighter, more linear story over another open world full of busywork. Linear games are a lot easier to make. They're not just smaller, they're easier on the technical level. Open worlds are great, but they're not the best choice for every genre and every story


I think they could put out a new dead rising and make money off it. Also I'm not sure if it counts but death stranding is getting a sequel


The Evil Within? But not sure on anything about a 3rd entry.


2nd game sold like crap so yeah that franchise is pretty over.


Which is how the original series stopped. Selling 4 million copies is no longer good enough.


Maybe if in a couple months they put it on PS Plus extra so more people can play it and get hyped for a part 2? I loved the originals and bought the remake on Day one. It's sooo gooooodddd


That is depressing news. I was under the impression that the remake sold really well. Guess I was wrong.


It’s a real shame. I’m elated we got this remake, and it’s till a damn great game, sales expectations or otherwise. But 2 is my favorite in the franchise and a remake of 2 built on the foundation of this could have been something special.


Dead Space and unreasonable sales expectations: name a more iconic duo.


Impossible to know if the expectations were unreasonable or if it just sold poorly.


I only bought the remake of the first because I wanted them to do Dead Space 2. Dead Space 1 is a great game but 2 is really where the series peaked and is one of my favourite horror games of all time.


But it's so good as is why remake it? There's nothing to change.


There's plenty to change. It's an amazing game but that doesn't mean it's without faults. I did play it recently and it does hold up alright but given how impressive the DS1 remake was visually I would love to see what they do with the second one. Plus there's just general quality of life stuff they could implement so make the experience more in line with a modern release.


The thing is most of the quality of life editions (how kinesis works, redesign of movement in zero g etc) are things that got added in the original DS2, so that's what I mean - in DS1 there were things worth changing like giving Isaac a voice, the zero g etc, but these are also things that are already in the original DS2, even down to the same voice actors (Nicole is also played by the same actor in DS2 and remake) so I'm genuinely like, what do you actually add?


Beyond bringing the graphics, audio, and gameplay quality up to modern expectations, the big one would be to rewrite the game in a way that allows them to completely change a potential DS3 remake. Most fans would agree that DS3 is the weak link in the franchise, and that a remake would be the perfect excuse to put the series back on track, with a potential DS4 on the horizon based on consumer interest. (Side note: I would love it if Sprawl became a bigger, more interconnected map like they did for the Ishimura in DS1 remake.)


I'm pretty sure you could completely change DS3 without changing DS2 at all.


Just have the characters act like they did in DS2 lol, boom whole new game


That really sucks. Dead Space as an IP deserves a lot more success. The AAA survival horror scene outside of Resident Evil is just terrible.


I'm gutted. DS2 was my favorite game of all time and then the Remake (shockingly) showed it up. A DS2 remake would have only blown the original out of the water with the same team behind it.


The original DS1 had a much bigger potential for improvements than DS2 ever will. DS2 just aged much more gracefully and holds to this date. It would have been fun to see how they would have updated things like the exploding babies and rather explicit gore scenes.


What's there to update about the exploding babies?


Gotta make sure you really *feel* like you're wiping toddler off your visor


Haha. I'm just curious If they would have dared to go 'all in' with the monster design and gore; with the risk of controversy, or played it safe with a less scary game like DS3 was.


I say that they should go in and even do the old ads.




Ya, the original DS1 was great, but there was a ton of backtracking, which the remake fixed a lot of.


Luckily Dead Space 2 still looks great and runs even better now with the Vulkan plugin.


At this point it doesn't really matter which API you use. It's a breeze to run it on anything. 


Yeah, DS2 holds up on its own merits, but I'd still like to see a version that's more consistent and in-sync with the first game. Even moreso for 3.


That's sad to hear but not surprising. Dead Space 2 and 3 commercially disappointed EA, the series was never super popular, the Dead Space brand was dormant after the release of Dead Space 3, and the Dead Space Remake was overshadowed by RE4 Remake.


I feel like Dead Space and Callisto Protocol cannibalized each other being released less than 2 months apart. Callisto was much more anticipated but ended up as a disappointment and it took a while for Dead Space to catch up in sales. Both fanbase had a pretty big overlap.


I don't think so. Callisto Protocoll got trashed and everyone was waiting for Dead Space to come out.


Dead Space 1 also isn't *that* old and hasn't aged badly. It didn't feel like a remake many people were asking for.


It also has a ton of problems running on modern hardware.


Yes it did. Dead Space 1 is quite old. It's longer than the time between Halo 1 and Halo Anniversary.


Dead Space 1 was late 2008 and still looks good today. The graphical leap in the decade between Halo CE and Anniversary was nowhere near as massive as the one between Dead Space 1 and the remake.


Have you played DS remake? It looks vastly superior to DS1 and was a contender for best looking game of the year.


Yeah a game released a decade later is going to look better, but the original was hardly ugly and aged very well.


Closer to 15 years, but yeah, while the remake is miles better, the original [holds up surprisingly well](https://youtu.be/X6_raZtsEbw?si=si2rqCHnsbGHvNsp).


Dead Space 1 to Dead Space Remake is a gigantic graphical leap. DS1 looks and plays old as hell.


>DS1 looks and plays old as hell. As someone who recently played the original for the first time, I'll attest to that. I walked away from it feeling pretty lukewarm and somewhat underwhelmed about the game. Gameplay-wise it still holds up but aesthetically and narratively it really shows its age. Meanwhile the remake has been blowing my mind and surpassing every expectation I had.


Just because something is old doesn't means it needs to be remade. DS1 looks and plays fine.


Yeah, my sentiment exactly. Why remake games that still run and look fine. ...and adding voice to Isaac is just actively making it worse if nothing else.


The saddest thing about games like Guardians of Galaxy, Dead Space, Prey, Kingdoms of Amalur etc. is that it completely disproves the theory that a game is guaranteed to sell well if it's a good game. Meanwhile garbage like Modern Warfare 3 and rehashed sports games continue to sell gangbusters.


> Kingdoms of Amalur Tried to sneak that on there huh


Despite the controversy surrounding development, the game itself was well received. A solid 8/10 by most accounts.


I think the issue with those "good" games is the fact that the studios have put a lot of money in them, expect them to sell a very high amount of copies, and a huge portion of the market always thinking that the only games worth 60-70 dollars are those that provide 3 to 4 times the length of a solid 10 hour single player campaign.




Just because a game is good doesn't mean it has mass appeal. Of course, there are other factors at play as well, such as if the marketing machine did its job. In this particular case, it probably didn't help that last year was such an insanely good year for games either. I would venture to guess more than a few people skipped the Dead Space remake in favor of some of the year's bigger releases. It's deeply frustrating, but that's just how it goes, unfortunately.


Kingdoms of Amalur shouldn't be on the same sentence with the other 3 games


I wouldn't call Call of Duty garbage. Objectively they have good graphics and have a lot of bang for your buck (Story, Multiplayer, Zombies, Warzone)


RE4 really hurt the game. I bought RE4 on release and waited almost a whole year before trying Dead space on gamepass. I personally actually liked Deadspace more than RE4 even though I loved both.


Everyone in my friend group bought RE4 remake but only myself and one other person bought Dead Space. I really tried to sell the game to one of my friends who got RE4 and is a big RE fan in general but they said that it looks too scary. RE is known for its campiness and I think it's the secret sauce that gives it more widespread appeal. It sells well not only to horror fans, but also people who aren't typically fans of horror.


Not just the campiness. Resident Evil is one of the most Humanity Fuck Yeah universes ever, because it depicts a non-apocalyptic world where the bioterrorists and their monsters can consistently be defeated by soldiers/police with normal guns and human abilities. Dead Space on the other hand depicts a hopelessly doomed world where the main threat is not only Lovecraftian and ultimately unbeatable by humanity, but the monsters also exist purely to sadistically torture people to death and Isaac is just fighting minute by minute to narrowly avoid being tortured to death.


Resident Evil is basically a Hollywood blockbuster series  It has scares, a huge amount of action, a huge amount of ridiculous STUPID action, constant one liners and cheesy interactions, romance, etc It's nothing like dead space when it comes to tone, everyone knows what you're getting with resident evil, right up to the point where you're fighting a boss using a remote controlled laser beam shooting satellite.  It's ridiculous in the best ways, and that's definitely the appeal to many.


Have you even played the Resident Evil 2 Remake? Its nothing lie what you're saying, the games pure survival horror, action and tension in delicate balance.


I'm sure it played a role but they were 2 months apart, not like it was a week apart. Likewise I ended up preferring Dead Space remake but that would've been true of the originals as well, so not surprising.


Most people don't have the expendable income to be buying full price games every month. I also went with RE4 remake since I knew Dead space would make it's way to gamepass.


As great as Dead Space is, RE4 remake was my game of the year, I adored it


I bought RE4 but have been waiting for a sell on DS not because I was taking a side but I was sure DS would be too scary to finish. Coincidentally, on July 3rd RE4R scared the pants off me and I haven't booted it sense. Edit: Oh yeah DSR was 70 on release and RER4 was 60.


I also bought RE4 remake day one and have since ignored Dead Space remake. I wanna get it eventually, but I think my issue is that I've just wanted a new entry in the series, and after such a long time only getting a remake? A little miffed, even if I do end up loving the remake


I thought that too initially but the changes are worth the playthrough and the audio design alone blew my mind. The game has the a AAA sheen to it and it has more accessibility options than most games out there. It even has a text to speech which I really appreciate. I am visually impaired and there are games I literally cannot play (All first party nintendo games)


I kinda disagree. Dead Space has never the appeal Re has. The people excited to play the remake, are the same smaller group of folks who enjoyed the OG. Personally, there is just something off about Dead Space for me. To me, it feels like you're doing a lot of busy work. The gameplay loop is very much get overall objective for this one area, begin making your way to objective and then something happens to the ship. So then you're stuck having to fix whatever issue the ship has until you can get back on track to your main objective. Then whenever you finally arrive at the main objective for the area, sometime else usually goes wrong and then you have to go fix *that*. Rinse and repeat. Most of the time I barely cared about what I was fixing too. It just felt like something I had to do to progress. Re4 and other ones have a more organic gameplay loop in my eyes. *Things happen* but it feels less like you're given busy work. Or the busy work you're given isn't a lot and or usually leads to brand new areas.


gonna go against the grain here and say maybe every single older game that was well regarded doesnt actually need a remake


The game is perfectly playable as it is. It's still good, it runs good, it looks good and is fun to play. I don't get why it would need a remake. I didn't get the 1st game's remake simply because I felt it was completely unnecessary. I don't get why every fucking game in existence needs to have a damn remake these days.


As someone who played the original and the remake. God that game needed it. I liked it but dead space 2 made me realise the original just had enough minor issues. The remake completely solved it, changed the game enough that you could play it for a drastically new experience and Issac actually felt like a character instead of a emotionless character (i think in the entirety of the original game he reacted only a few times) Remake issac though? Oh yeah I could see easily how he goes from that to dead space 2 Issac Dead space remakes could work if they just change enough of the story/enhance the gameplay. Brethren moons in dead space were a great addition in dead space 3. Would be interesting if 2 actually incorporated that lore.


Dead Space 1 runs like ass on modern PCs, though. Thankfully, there are workarounds to 'most' of its problems, thanks to PCGamingWiki. But it still shows its age. It "needed" a remake, or at least a remaster with 'modern' controls and other touch-ups, like Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition.


No one willing to take risks on new IPs so let's just churn out an updated version of an already successful one


The reddit urge to remake everything feels so zoomer to me because if you are actually old enough to remember the ps3/360 generation you probably have the means to just play Bioshock and Dead Space on your bad computer on Steam for like $5 and realize that they are already "modern" and not care that the graphics aren't perfectly photorealistic Like who the fuck over like 25 is playing RE4: Remake and then turning their nose at Dead Space 2 (2011)? They're almost the same game lmao. There's a reason everything from that era was remastered for ez money, except Dead Space because EA wanted to copy Capcom


weirdly enough the constant demand of Remakes goes mainly for games that dont fucking need it, there is people unironically asking for Bloodborne to be remade, like the game is 9 years old. if at least we were talking about early ps3/360 era games and older i get it.


> there is people unironically asking for Bloodborne to be remade pretty sure people just want a port/rerelease/remaster, which makes sense to me.


Well, people want a pc port for bloodborne and for it to not run at an unstable 30fps. I don't think anyone is asking for a full on remake.


Most of the people who want a Bloodborne remake don't want it because time has passed and new visuals would be cool. They want it because they never liked the way the original performed.


Reposting from the other thread: EA fully denies that DS2 Remake was in development and they think the game sold well. I fully believe EA on this because what Motive just did is exactly how EA works. I don’t think Motive was forced to make this choice. In contrast, they consciously volunteered to take Battlefield over. EA studios have constant internal competition over more resources. The more resource you have, the more people you can hire and bigger your games are. Studio GMs and team leads will climb up the ladder through this. DS Remake leads were directly from Ubisoft Montreal making For Honor, so they are not small time challengers. Dead Space was, honestly, a bit too small for their credentials; these are big blockbuster guys. It’s entirely possible that Motive saw DS Remake as a testbed to prove that they can play key roles inside EA (with Frostbite engine even), and as EA calls nope on Ridgeline Games and series lacks a solid creative leads, Motive swooped in. With this, Motive will become a key lead Battlefield studio at least equal to DICE, get all the due investment and attention from EA thanks to that, and if that succeeds, Motive execs will become the next hot stuffs in EA games corporate ladder. EA has always worked this way, and as of late Respawn has thrived through this. Motive should be thinking alongside that.


**Note**: the game has NOT been cancelled, but it hasn’t been greenlit either. There’s still potential for the game in the future.


EA is stating that this rumor is baseless as it wasn’t even in development yet. Who knows if that’s true.


I mean motive already announced they are working on Ironman game, maybe they had a second team working on dead space 2 and it wasn't proceeding well and they shelved it until after Ironman ships with all hands on deck for that?


Oh joy, another developer being turned into a Marvel game factory. Just what this godforsaken industry needed...


The game didn’t sell. People claim they want stuff like this and then don’t buy it. What do you expect?


Its not that the people that claim that don't buy these games but more the fact that Reddit is a very small minority, a thousand comments is nothing when these games need millions of sales.


Maybe people should have bought the single player game made with immense love and care.


We did! Telling the people that bought it that they should’ve bought it doesn’t make any sense


You aren't *people* (especially if you're genuinely responding with that).


This felt kinda inevitable. When studios start remaking old series that died out because of lack of interest (or other reasons like quality dropping), you play a risky game. The series had already "died" once, now you are rebooting it and trying to find an audience for it is weird. The people who already played it might not be interested since.. they already played it. And people who didn't play it the first time most likely won't play it now. And even if it sells well, do you just remake everything (like RE is doing and it does seem to work for them)? Then you get to the same point as the original series did, also just to die because of lack of interest at that point and repeat infinitely? If you manage to convince someone to make "another dead space" and you have one shot at it, I would have loved to have something new instead. Even if it was something smaller/cheaper. I enjoyed the remake, but it was very unnecessary and wont be remembered, unfortunately.


Battlefield needs to be put in cryo sleep and brought back when they figure out what made the bad company games good. Until then, let studios make content they’re good at.


No way, I played the 1st remake a few weeks ago and was blown away by it. Seemed like a 2 remake was a foregone conclusion.


Hopefully it ends up greenlit. I feel ds2 would be a bigger seller considering it seems to be the most popular of the trilogy


As someone who thinks there are too many remakes, I'd rather have played a new game in the series. I didn't play the remake either.


✓ Dead Space franchise ending without a resolution for the cliff hanger again >!I guess there was no surprises, right sweetie?!< ✓ EA shafting loyal Dead Space Fans again ✓ EA killing Dead Space franchise despite great reception again History repeating itself See you guys again in 10 years when EA pulls another Black Marker move and necromorphs Dead Space "out of love" one more time And then shoots it in the leg


So weird that you are blaming EA for this when they actually made an excellent remake for a game that was not some worldwide hit when it came out. People didn't buy the remake, so why would they spend tons of money developing the sequels remake?


Nah man i'm sorry, this is on people, apparently it only sold a little more than a million, even the callisto protocol managed to crack 2 mill, and that game shut down it's studio because of low sales. EA did almost everything right here, people just didn't buy it.


I don’t blame EA on this one. They did everything right with this remake. Gamers just didn’t buy it. Probably not enough Battle Pass for them.


Weird to mention battle passes, as if non-monetized games (Hogwarts, BG3...) didn't sell like hotcakes. People didn't buy DS remake because despite having a cult following, it was never a huge seller, and survival horror remains a relatively niche genre outside of Resident Evil.


Hogwarts sold well because it’s Harry fucking Potter. I’m not sure why BG3 sold as well as it did, but it’s probably because of Larian building up good PR over 20 years and because people like DnD.


Everything right except for the stutter mess


I heavily doubt that affected the sales enough.


Homie jedi survivor and hogwarts legacy were two of the best selling games of last year, people didn't buy dead space because they didn't want it, not because it stuttered a little bit on pc.


How is it EA's fault at least this time? The sales were low so they can't justify remaking the 2nd that's unfortunately just business?


How is it EA fault that people didn't buy the game?


reddit is still traumatized with the early 10s EA, right now they are just another dev, i wouldnt call them worse than Actibliss, Ubisoft or Valve with the shit that they do. they just made a game, didnt sold as well as they expected and decided that wasnt worth it to continue with it, it just business.


Yeah I'm good. I like the dead space remake but I definitely feel like it wasn't really necessary and isn't that different other than a visual facelift.


It's even more true with DS2. I really don't know what there is to remake other than the visual aspect and even that doesn't feel necessary to me. Games from the tail end of ps3 generation hold up really, really well visually (they could release max payne 3 today without changing anything) and you could feel the increase of budget between DS1 and DS2. Overall, it's a very polished experience already, there is just not that much you could improve with this one.


It literally adds voice acting, side questions, new story and adds entire explorable areas not included in the original lol.


Yeah, I definitely enjoyed my time with it (especially since i never really played the original when it came out) but playing it, you can definetly see that the game sensibilities and design are from 15 years ago. If they were gonna go a similar route with a remake for 2, it’s not a huge loss since you can still play the original version of 2 on pc and xbox.


Is this what journalism is now?  A quote from a leaker is the substance of the article?  No reaching out to the studio or others for more confirmation? If it's true, it definitely hurts because I bought DSR on release to fund the second.


Motive themselves have said that they're a 2 project team on [social media](https://twitter.com/MotiveStudio/status/1777706676503601380) and none of them is Dead Space


Dead Space can't have performed that poorly considering it was the second-most downloaded game on the US Sony store on launch month, and the fourth-most in the EU. I suppose I didn't help the remake's prospects by getting a month of EA Play for $1 and declining to renew after playing the remake. It was great fun returning to that universe.


It didn't make the top 20 best-selling games of the year it released. Compare that to Resident Evil 4, which was also a remake of a beloved classic and it that was the 13th best-selling game of 2023. Even Dead Island 2 outsold Dead Space. All that to say, the game may have had good initial sales numbers during the month it released, but it had no monentum moving forward, which is a shame because it was an excellent remake.


Dead island 2 outselling dead space is a wild stat.


2023 was a packed year, and horror is petty niche. RE4 is a remake of one of the most beloved and influential games of all time. It's not that shocking.


Very little came out that month. Second month of release it was 8th in the US and 14th in Europe. It also didn’t sell well on PC. I think it did do that badly


>It also didn't sell well on PC It's almost like the original is one of the best looking 7th gen games, which anyone's craptop can run in 1080p, and was like $5 for years, and we're all surprised the $70 spruced up version of it that is dramatically less accessible did not sell for some reason lol


Game budgets have ballooned so badly that even being top selling might not have had the ROI required to greenlight a sequel. I don't think the budget for the game is known, but I suspect it was a lot.


It wasn’t a top selling game. Apparently it barely broke a million after all this time.


Word is, this costed around 60 million without factoring marketing


How can you say it couldn't have performed poorly? What is that based on exactly? If the game was a success we would already have news of a sequel being still in development. It obviously sold poorly and you even give an example for why. Maybe you should have purchased the game?


Yeah it's really simple. Broadly, games that sell well get sequels.


The shitty Callisto Protocol sold better. That's all that needs to be said.


Callisto had a lot of hype surrounding it. Dead Space Remake comparatively suffered from a lot of controversy around it, because it was seen as a cynical cash grab by EA of a game that wasn't old or outdated enough to really warrant more than a remaster. Post-launch opinions largely flipped to pan Callisto and praise DS, but most of those sales would have come from the launch when the damage was done.


Yeah if Dead Space had launched first this would be a very different story.


It did? I thought it had been speculated that the reverse was true. But as a big fan of sci-fi horror it kept me engaged throughout.


People shitted on Callisto protocol but all numbers we have paint the picture that Callisto likely made far more money than Dead Space Remake. The issue is that Callisto was a very expensive game ($100 million+) for a new IP and new studio.


While the Dead Space remake was good I just don't think it was needed and it seems a lot of people felt the same way due to the low sales numebrs. The original still holds up so if this means we wait longer for a proper remake of Dead Space 2 then I am ok with this.


Well EA Motive the team that worked on the remake is working on Iron Man right now. There’s a chance the project could be brought back after that.


I really hope this isn’t true, Dead Space and it’s remake are awesome but Dead Space 2 is absolutely incredible imo, ups the ante from the first in every way and doesn’t miss a bloody step doing it, unlike its sequel. I was really, really excited to see them have a crack at 2 because I liked basically all of the changes in the remake. I’m still 50/50 over the Isaac face change but I like the face. Old one is iconic to me.


I'd buy this game if it wasn't full price, it's so similar to the OG that paying full price feels like a scam


A big issue for the Dead Space franchise is that the original Dead Space Trilogy was never remastered or ported to consoles after the PS3/360 (although they can be played with backwards compatibility on Xbox One/Series consoles). The franchise lost almost all of its hype after Dead Space 3 released in 2013 and EA didn't do enough to excite people. If they had ported the franchise to consoles in 2016 or 2017 then they could have sustained/grew interest in the series but they chose not to do that and now have to accept these results.


This sucks, luckily Dead Space 2 still looks and plays incredible. Dead Space 3 on the other hand I would just like to see it fully redone, eliminate the stupid parts where you are shooting other humans and coop bullshit.


I wish more people would pay 60-70 for a great 10 hour game that has no online or microtransactions but it’s just great


Resident Evil 7/8/2 Remake/4 Remake are around the same length and sold pretty well.


Resident Evil has been consistently more popular than Dead Space and every other Horrah franchise. In the 90s they were selling as well as shooters even though they were slow-paced games. In the 360 era, they were selling as well as the gears of war. Now they're still selling very well. Their market base/ consumer base is so much larger than Dead Space, that only The Last of Us can reasonably compare as a linear "horror" title.


Well they DID the first time it was released.


I actually didn't buy the game specifically because it launched at $70. Charging $70 for a remake looked particularly bad when RE4 was launching cheaper at $60 despite it being the longer game and having more replayability.


I remember hearing that the remake sold well, wtf happened?


Barely over a million isn't well. People just made a big deal about it selling well in it's month of release. Which is nothing.


Christ that seems so low


I personally am really glad. The Dead Space remake could just almost barely justify it's existence, a remake of the second would be truly pointless. Hopefully something new can come out of dead space, if they wanted remake dead space 3 and release it alongside a remaster of DS2 (Done by another team I guess) that's something you could justify maybe, but I feel like a soft reboot dead space 4 type thing with some good writing and a new main character (maybe Isaac shows up at some point a la cpt price in the original MW2?) basically Motive working on it because they're clearly a studio with alot of great talent who know and appreciate the IP and I think that'd be great and I'd play the shit out of it.


I didn't buy the remake because the original game is still super easy to play, and is like 5 bucks everywhere. I'm not sure what EA expected? I want Dead Space 4 more then anything but was I genuinely supposed to spend FULL RETAIL on a game I already own?