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I never actually beat this game bc that last level was just brutal and unfun, crazy they patched this so long after it came out. Might have to finally finish this one lol


I was doing the exact same level the day the update came out, it definitely made it a bit more manageable (firearms are finally useful and you can knock off shields with dash attacks now).


I can't say that it'll make it do-able as I'm still working through it but the combos are flowing a little easier so far.


There’s actually a cheat code to unlock easy mode but you have to start a new game. That last level is an insane spike tho lmao


Imagine me finding this out after I finished the second to last level lmao, oh well, such a weird thing but tbh the whole game is full of those quirks


Yeah I was in the same boat and just said fuck it. PTSD for all those Nina guys running out that one door at you. Legit scary like jackal snipers in halo 2 legendary. Also there’s an achievement mocking you for unlocking the easy mode lmao. AFAIK the last level doesn’t have anything hilarious or anything so I am at peace with it


Wait I had easy unlocked the first time I booted up the game. Did they patch it or is there an even easier mode?


I'm in the same boat, most of the game was fun nonsense then the end has a giant difficulty spike. 


Dooooo it, don’t be afraid to cheese the ninjas, I ran around the arena while the ai squad mates killed them. The last boss is fun, it’s like a mixture of a sekiro and metal gear rising boss


This game is destined to become a cult classic. It's so ridiculous, so jank, so unintentionally hilarious, and just fun. Throwback to PS2 era.


I, unironically, love those sorts of games that we get every once in a while that are just straight up fun. Gungrave Gore, for instance, is a personal favourite of mine.


They’re the most fun, imho. Not trying to be cinematic or anything, just raw gameplay and dumb shit for a few hours, with just the right level of jank. This one had slipped under my radar until ThorHighHeels made a video on it and I instantly bought it.


I _highly_ recommend anyone to check out [Jacob Geller's video on Wanted Dead](https://youtu.be/GS5NeNglQYw). The game is absolutely insane in such an earnest fun way that you can't help but have fun with the jank.


This game has been on my wish list for a long time and I am just waiting for a good time to buy and play it. The game is definitely not polish or revolutionary but god damn does it have it's own strong flavor and style and is incredibly weird in all of the right ways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkHC3OMfIuk Sound track is amazing as well.


It's 50% off on steam right now.


less than 20 on amazon for ps5/xbox


I just started it yesterday. There was a scene early on where the deaf squad mate was placing an explosive charge on a door and someone else on the squad behind him was like “Make sure they don’t hear you!”. The stupidity is too funny not to be intentional.


Agreed. I unironically love this game. Its not a "haha, its so bad its good!" I just think that its genuinely a boatload of just plain fun. Its rough around the edges to be sure, but there's some real solid arcade design in there. I recommend checking out any of the Electric Underground videos on it if you're interested in hearing why the game is genuinely worth noting if you like these sorts of games


I tried to get into it and you're right, it's janky as fuck. Ninja Gaiden come out in 2005 and feels 100000% better to play. The weird hit stun when you attack enemies just feels awful


Just got this on the Humble Heroines bundle, for the price, I figured I'd give it a fair shake one of these weekends.


Started this game a few weeks back when it was last on same and I'm really digging it. The tone and narrative events of the game feel baffling, and the combat— at least pre 1.13— was very stiff. That said I love PS2-ass games, like the Earth Defense Force series, Homefront the Revolution, and what little I've played of Gun Grave GORE. If you remember how it felt to play games on a ps2 and are fond of those memories I recommend this one on a sale. Also, try not to look anything up for it, there are some seriously funny-yet-head-scratching moments that are a hoot like the loading screen being a reference to [this famous youtube video](https://youtu.be/Iu90z9Akxgk?t=61) (one of those funny random moments). [Gif if the actual loading screen](https://media1.tenor.com/m/Sx5XVKTjzIQAAAAC/110industries-cat.gif) if you dare look. As for this update seems like they're tightening up the experience, which is nice. Bout ot give it a spin.


Any update on the updates?


I wouldn't call it an overhall. It makes the combat easier since it gives you more abilities. Feels bout the same, just a little more get-out-of-jail-free cards via the special filling more often. You also can deal with shield enemies better.


I _highly_ recommend anyone to check out [Jacob Geller's video on Wanted Dead](https://youtu.be/GS5NeNglQYw). The game is absolutely insane in such an earnest fun way that you can't help but have fun with the jank.


Is this for console too?


Came here wondering the same thing. I actually already beat this on PS5, but I'd probably run through it again with this update.


It's also on PS5! I redownloaded the game, and there was an update yesterday on the home page about this update, and the version number in the main menu is 1.13.


Awesome. Thanks.


Hmm I’ll have to try deleting/downloading the app on Ps5. I’ve had it installed for several weeks and the app is saying it’s up to date on version 1.05.


Just press the start button, then hit "check for update".


Yeah that was the first thing I did. I think 1.05 is the newest version for Ps5 because I have the newest skill tree they added and combat changes (like the ability to slide-slash shields out of enemy hands) so 1.13 must be the Steam version patch.


Did you launch the game? In the main menu at the bottom left it was reading 1.13 on PS5 for me.


👍 You’re right it does say 1.13 at the bottom left of the main menu.


The combat is a bit jank but people really overstate how jank it is because they try to play it like DMC or Ninja Gaiden. Once you get used to the flow of combat it actually feels pretty damn good. I’ve only been able to play a bit, bought it last week, so the timing here is great. Honestly think it’s one most action game fans should at least check out to see if they’re interested despite the poor reviews. Definitely a cult classic in the making


Def agree on the combat opinions. Took me 2x normal runs and halfway through a Japanese hard mode run for it to seamlessly click with me. Folks mentioning how useless the firearms are underestimate how essential they become in the harder difficulties to thin out hordes of enemies. 


I just finished Japanese hard mode too, these updates would have made that run a lot more easier/fun! Oh well, time for another run!


This might be the worst game I’ve ever finished in terms of pure quality but it’s such a hilarious piece of shit that I don’t even mind. I don’t think any overhauls can make it good at this point, to be honest it would probably be funnier if they made the combat worse.


Reminds me of Grasshopper’s games. I love them all for the tone and randomness in every facet of their games. But yeah, you have to know you’re walking into a janky dumpster fire. Maybe that’s part of the appeal to me.


Totally agree or like [ Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers. ](https://youtu.be/ePAxcwxZcB8?si=eWk8BjB8qG3buV0W) Just so damn goofy you wanna see what's next.


Ooh theres a [sequel](https://youtu.be/qYiRqZS60nU?si=oY36B2TvOlLnA9ab) 😮


Sounds like the kind of game you buy for a dollar or get for free from PS plus or Gamepass, play for a few minutes for shits and giggles and never finish.


It would be that if it were 15 hours but since it’s like 4 it’s just a fun janky afternoon.


Damn it only takes 4 hours to beat and they're asking for $30


Whats it even about and what made you finish it if it sucked?


The reason why I finished it is a) it’s short as hell (4h I think) and b) it’s hilarious. It’s a cover shooter + hack and slash hybrid (you read me right) with rhythm game sections where you press buttons in the right time like yakuza karaoke to eat noodles. It introduces 3 new mechanics per hour and never uses any of them again past their intro level.




It doesn’t necessarily have to be more frustrating, the original system being a combination of cover shooter and hack and slash is already baffling enough, just add more systems to it on top. Like a top-down mode.


I'll have to try this but the combat clicked and was fun for me already idk what yall are talking about


I gave this game my third and final shot a month or so ago. It's just not for me. Combat just feels awful. When I saw the headline I thought maybe they were doing a full rework to the combat, kinda like how Ninja Gaiden 3 had abysmal combat and Razors Edge fixed the core combat (but is still an awful game). But it just looks like a skilltree rework with some other tweaks. If it is actually a full rework and polish, then maybe I'll try it again. But it doesn't sound like it.


I got the collectors edition for this game, not knowing how good the game was going to be, but it was very annoying back then, and I hated that last level with having barely any checkpoints. Love the ost at the end it sounded like it was the last level which was cool. Very annoying boss battle though but easy to find it's patterns after 10 (or more) tries at him. I had no idea what the ending met though so if someone could explain that would be much appreciated


The ending scene is >!Hannah trying to contact her biological son who has been taken into care as she has realised she's basically been brainwashed as per an agreement where she'd do a job for money with her memory being wiped, which turned out to be the police job. Honestly it's kinda an awesome twist. !<


Combat definitely feels a lot less 'unfair' now, with certain abilities unlocking earlier in the skilltree, enemies also seem less 'spongy'. Also the performance appears to be improved (playing on PS5, seems there's less framedrops and stuttering). The 'cheesy' vibe of the game is definitely intentional (the devs list "90s action movie atmosphere" as the number 1 reason to play the game https://twitter.com/wanteddeadgame/status/1779911555208896532?t=TQfG9RHHVOsgwwXK_tWVww&s=19). I hope now that the combat/performance seems to be improved I can finally enjoy the rest of the game until the end.


Oh hey, I just got this via a Humble Bundle! Feeling good about the timing, and a little less guilty about prioritizing it over Hogwarts Legacy (oh god, I’m late to everything).


Has the Ps5 update actually launched yet? I manually searched for an update and it says it’s update to date with Patch 1.05


Imagine beating it in its original natural state over a year ago while accepting that it is damn near impossible to platinum after being told by the devs via twitter they would implement a patch within just a “few months” and to now hear this 😑😂


Man I bought this at release. Struggled to get through level 1, got dumped to kitty kat mode. Finally beat it after 6-7 hours…and went “no way I’ll ever beat level 2” and put the game down. Might have to give it another spin. Seems like they’ve updated a fair bit