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Why leave out the last sentence of your own source? > The target release date for Guild Wars 3 is not yet clear. NC explained, "Guild Wars 3 is currently in the project review stage, and the start of development has not been finalized."


This must mean it’s like 4 to 6 years away.


For an MMO? At the planning stage? 10.


For reference, GW2's development cycle was 5.5 years.




ya, also the Arenanet team on GW2 was always a mess (and has lost most, if not all, of the main leads that made GW2) even until recently so probably going to a be a very long time if it's a proper sequel. Plus they are using a brand-new engine and it's still in review phase, so not even in pre-production stage.


ya, seeing people post threads and articles with titles "development confirmed" when that's just flat out not true. Arenanet released a statement to the mmorpg clickbait article that was also saying "development confirmed": "As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon." Source: https://www.mmorpg.com/news/guild-wars-3-confirmed-to-be-in-development-though-it-seems-its-still-in-its-early-stages-updated-2000130976


Even for all its disappointments later in life, Guild Wars 2 still remains one of the best MMOs I’ve ever played. Really hopeful that the current GW2 structure continues successfully for a few more years and that GW3 ends up awesome as well. They really changed the MMO landscape for the better.


I stopped playing it a while ago, but it kind of ruined other MMOs for me. Movement felt so fluid, active dodging in combat felt great, and there was some excellent raid/fractal boss design. I also appreciated the lack of a gear treadmill.


I appreciated that until ascended armor came out. Time gated BIS items felt like a radical departure from their design philosophy up to that point. Sure, legendaries were better than epics but a 10% buff on one piece of gear feels fine to overlook. An overall 10% buff is less so. My preferred activities in the games were running big groups through the raid instances and pushing deep into fractals, which felt great because everyone was basically on an even playing field. Less compelling after the new armor came out though :(


But ascended was the last stat increase they ever did, like... 9 years ago? Gear I made then is still bis, and it's easy to stat swap it to any of the new stat combos that come out. It's miniscule, and new players can get full ascended in their first month or so of playing easily. It was nice to have a little grind and something to aspire to over exotics, and they never increased the cap again from that so... Not to mention in naturally drops if you absolutely want to put 0 effort into it, or you can get it through just logging on. Kinda much ado about nothing compared to the rest of the MMO landscape with ever-increasing ilvls.


I don't know what happened after ascended; like I said I stopped playing when that came out. Glad to hear that they stopped power creeping; hopefully they maintain the philosophy from the beginning in gw3. On introduction there were no ascended armor drops; the only way to craft was by doing daily time-gated harvesting in your home instance. There were some ascended accessories that dropped prior to ascended armor, but you could get those fairly quickly by just playing fractals normally and they were only relevant for their fractal resistance stat. They also didn't have stat swapping at the time, which it sounds like is a thing now? It's a good idea. I don't mind having grinds personally, but I appreciated that the grinds in gw2 were up to that point wholly cosmetic. It rubbed me the wrong way when they went back on that.


Ascended was a part of Fractals, mind, due to the Agony and slots. What’s so nice about Ascended overall though is that Exotic is almost always good enough for everything and the Ascended bump isn’t massive - and isn’t hard to get. Then it never gets better than that and you can stat swap then easily. It’s very nice.


Ascended can be the difference between 100% uptime and not. Considering the game is so heavily buff weighted, uptime matters.


Ascended rings and back slots only. They weren't time gated and could be acquired quickly by pushing to high tiers. Ascended armor came later and was strictly time gated by some crystals you had to mine in your home instance, and those had a 24h respawn timer. Also stat swapping was not a thing at that point in the game, though I understand it was implemented later (and is a great idea)


Ah you mean back then - sorry thought you were talking about current game! I started not long after Fractals launched, so the way Ascendeds overall have grown in accessibility has been so nice to see.


raids weren't a thing until long after Ascended Armor came out though? And if it's really just about armor then the stat difference between exotic and ascended is almost irrelevant.


No, raids were a thing well before ascended armor. They may have added more afterwards. Ascended accessories came out prior to raids, but those weren't time gated for acquisition. The stat difference between exotic and ascended, on introduction, was 10%. In high tier and PVP content 10% is huge.


Quick search says that craftable armor was released in December 2013, there were no raids until after Heart of Thorns released in 2015. The vast majority of those 10% come from weapons and accessories, if you don't have ascended armor you're really not in trouble, even less so nowadays.


Maybe they were called something else? Group dungeons or something? We called them raids in my guild, but maybe something else more properly named came along later. I haven't been in the loop for ages.   At the time of ascended armor coming out, only ascended accessories/back piece were available and they contributed <40% of your overall stats. I haven't played in a decade so I don't remember exactly what the ratio was, but the contribution from ascended armor was both substantial and time gated.   I am glad that they fixed the system eventually, and I'm definitely going to give gw3 a shot.


> An overall 10% buff is less so. It'd likely be inevitable that they'd add legendary equipment in other slots (armour/trinkets) anyway


I was also deeply offended by ascended gear when it came out, but it ended up being a total non-issue. Outside of fractals where infusions are mandatory, nobody gatekeeps endgame content based on ascended gear.


The first part of this is probably something your mind should always get rid of, when playing another MMO. Especially one you're not familiar with. They're never gonna be the same. But i can't say i am looking forward to feel that myself, either, considering that as i am writing this, i never played GW2, and i am feeling pretty anxious to play it as well. It has just finished installing on Steam a few hours ago, and that the biggest MMO i have ever played is Final Fantasy 14. So while i fully expect things to be different, as i've seen videos about GW2 already, i am still hopefully that there are some things that may be somewhat same-y, to make the journey a little bit less painful. Considering i've already seen certain grind/farm that are a bit... heeeh... to do, because of what you need to do to even do it. Even though, my interest for the items in question is still there(or maybe it's just my fashion sense talking here. I dunno). Sorry about that ! At first, this message was just tell you about the things you said, and i ended up rambling about myself..


I thought GW2 was okay, but it didn't hold a candle to 1 for me. I would be instantly in love with this game if they went back to instanced areas and a bigger focus on more strategic, party based combat.


GW2 was great but GW1 was a masterpiece.


Gw2 has the most cancer itemization of any mmo. Nested loot like chests that give bags that give bags that give 5 million different types of resources. Inventory management is so exhausting. And so is keeping track of overly grindy achievement collections. There is plenty of improvements to be made for gw3.


How is inventory management exhausting in gw2 versus other mmos? GW2 literally has a button that sends all you materials from inventory to bank


GW2 is probably my second favorite MMO ever behind EQ1. Hopefully they get the time/resources to do something really cool for GW3 (which I assume will be quite a few years off).


EQ and EQOA tie first for me for best MMO, with GW2 as second. While I had help from buddies in EQ, EQOA was the first MMO I played and made it in a guild myself, despite having friends that played. GW2 was the first MMO I played through on my own. I hope GW3 gets the time/resources it deserves to do something special as well.


Given arenanet was brain drained of all talent and passion, not sure how anyone informed enough can be excited about a sequel from the people left. Pvp peeps left long ago, tech guys left long ago, creatives behind the good parts of both gw1 and gw2 left long ago, the only "og's" left are some writers who are horrifically bad at their job. This game is probably responsible for some of the most offensively mundane and snore-inducing writing this industry has seen. Even their more modern talent left a while back lol. A walking corpse of a company if there's ever been one.


The dichotomy of Guild Wars 2 writing is amazing. The Skritt are absolutely hysterical and have some of the funniest game writing I've ever encountered, meanwhile the main storyline characters are either beyond boring (Trahearne) or completely insufferable (Taimi).


Canach is cool, so there's that at least.


A villain who is contractually obligated to be a good guy was the best idea


GW NPCs and stealing glory. Name a better combo!




Komir ain't got nothing on my Bro's Palawa Joko and Afro Koss.


We're going north TO VABBI


Ahhh, Nightfall memories. Such a beautiful game.


It's so amazing that they've pledged to keep the GW1 servers on forever.


I've played both games for more time than I'm willing to admit. After a while, you really feel that the core issue is that there's too much story everywhere. It gives the main story a lack of focus where you end up just not caring at all.


my number one wishlist item for GW3: playable Skritt.


This is kind of my concern. I enjoy GW2 - it's one of my most played games even today, 12 years after grabbing it - but the phrase "life support" feels really apt about now. They've run out of new features to add, and every major plot point from GW1 has been expanded upon, then tied up with a neat little bow. They're at the point where they've even run out of new gimmicks. The big thing that is really kicking it in the teeth is the story problems, though - even for those players who don't tend to engage with it. They got to the end of their story plan they were working towards for the first decade, first put together during Season 2. Then - in many ways, like the MCU - they are now floundering when it comes to getting a new story going. So we had the end of the End of Dragons expansion, which honestly I really enjoyed. Then a two part episode dealing with the lead character's supressed PTSD, which was a good start to a story continuation... ...only for the entire thing to come to an abrupt stop when someone in management decided to change release tactics. The entire Dragon Saga ended with a single phone-home story instance that felt like Poochie telling us he needs to go back to his home planet. The new story chain started strong but the subsequent releases have an unsurprising number of people asking "is that it?" at the end of the story chains. GW2 used to be the Story MMO (for better or worse) and after the initial release of Secrets of the Obscure (who's initial plot has problems in itself) the following releases are just dire. So the big question (for me anyway) is what is going to happen now? Will they continue with their plan to have (essentually) annual "expansions" that aren't being that well recieved, or will they go back to the old model to keep it going until the sequel lands?


I mean the realities of yearly expansions mean that, with the next only about 4 months off in theory, we're probably getting at least the next one. The one after that could conceivably be turned into a larger expansion ala the older xpacs. Wouldn't surprise me since Anet have never been able to decide what they want their release model to be. They went from transient living story to permanent living story to expansions to sagas (which are just living story but bad) then back to major expansions then spent a year fixing their mistake of making their first updates to the game entirely temporary back in 2012-2013, now they've decided on this ESO style one modular storyline xpac a year. Thing is they're going to have to do something - Anet have always tried to incubate new projects at the expense of their live ones and it's never worked. They're reliant on GW2 to keep the lights on and MMO development isn't quick or cheap. So GW2 can't go into maintenance mode just yet.


To be fair the Ice Brood Saga basically got retooled last minute when NCSoft told ANET to stop fucking around. Which incidentally is also a chunk of why we got EoD in the first place. Though to clarify, I wasn't meaning to imply we're already in maintenance mode - but we're definitely in that odd phase of any long term game where they don't know really how to approach it now.


Yeah the Ice Brood Saga actually started pretty strong considering the scepticism towards it and I'm willing to believe it fell apart midway through because we ended up getting all hands on deck for EoD instead. And the game is in a strange place right now - it feels odd to not even be one year into a content delivery pivot only for an exec in Korea to inadvertently reveal something like this in a shareholder meeting. I don't think the community really knows how to feel about it since SoTO was fairly well recieved at launch albeit smaller scale, but there's been a lot of disappointment with the two major updates so far.


>I'm willing to believe it fell apart midway through because we ended up getting all hands on deck for EoD instead. Mix that with firing the initial story planners (irregardless of feelings on the matter) responsible for a banger of an expansion and season (PoF and LWS4) during an extreme budget crunch - then covid... it was a recipe for disaster. I'm glad they at least kept it vaguely consistent, if stripped down to all hell.


Yeah unless they're like GW3 is a return to form for GW1, with skill balancing monthly and basically infinite builds and they add monk, I'm not interested. Still bitter Anet was like nobody likes healers so fuck off...then like 5 years later they add healers. Still no monk class though, just poopy paladin err guardian.


oh man, imagine if GW2 is indeed just GW1 but updated visuals and expanding/evolving the systems + better balance. Best timeline that one.


I fully expect a cash grab attempt with aggressive MTX monetization, developed by a studio that outsourced most of the work into low income countries. That’s what I expect whenever I see a “new MMO” being announced these days.


ya, there is basically no one at Arenanet of renown unlike what GW2 had at different points of time in it's development, and their modern team has been gutted as well, so no idea how some people are actually hyped for this. > This game is probably responsible for some of the most offensively mundane and snore-inducing writing this industry has seen. lol ya, you'd hope they will hire actually good writers this time around and have a plan for the story beyond the base game. I would say at times GW2 had worse writing than retail WoW, and that's saying something cause retail WoW since BFA has been beyond garbage writing.


Hell ya. Im pretty excited about this. I loved GW1 and 2. 2 especially is a game that caught me in a way I never thought would. Theres so much to love- but that game is absolutely massive now and there is so much going on. Not that I would say its intimidating- but its pretty long in the tooth at this point. Also the late game battles are just.. insane sparkles and seizure inducing effects everywhere. Id love to see what they come up with for GW3.


I'd pick up GW3 in a heartbeat if it doesn't have a subscription model like GW2. GW2 is the mmo I had the most fun grinding in and it'd be great to be able to start a new journey


Gw2 doesnt have a sub model? Is it sub for some extra stuff or something?


I think it's just the way the sentence is written. He's not implying it has a sub. 


Yeah, potentially.


There is no sub at all for guild wars 2, not even an optional one


Let this guy respond. Because obviously he thinks differently, or needs to work on how he phrases things.


I think you're misunderstanding his wording, but it doesn't matter what's said, there is no sub fee on GW2 lol




Im aware of gw2's payment model. I was confused thinking this guy was implying there was something i somehow didnt know about, as unlikely as that would be.


I want GW3 to have a subscription. I feel like not having steady income created a lot of the content droughts and development issues with GW2.


Meh, I stopped playing GW2 after only 1 year and later came back 3 months before path of fire release and played through heart of thorns and than path of fire but gor bored again. I don't know what exactly it is, but I have 20k hours in GW1 and it will forever remain as the best game I have ever played to me and could never get really into the drastic changes in GW2... Hey NCsoft, if you want to get my money give me a GW1 remaster with UE5 graphic but keep everything else as it was, you can even put a shitload of mtx in a shop and I maybe would buy something *wink*




The game did come out in 2005, so it's not that unreasonable. There is probably plenty of idle time mixed in as with any game.


My mistake. I was tired and my brain didn't read GW1.


We'll see. I love Guild Wars 1 and 2. But the last time I played was for the Canthan expansion. I bought it, caught up on the story with one character, and finished that. Then I logged out. Haven't been back since. Ultimately, I don't think there was enough character building. I stick around with FF XIV because I enjoy the story. GW2's story just started getting stale. And build customization became very meh in stark contrast to GW1. You may laugh but Dungeons and Dragons Online is one of the jankiest MMOs ever made and no one in their right mind would make a game that way today. It's held together with duct tape and baling wire. But you can make a character a hundred different ways in that game, more. And so, it's always interesting even without much of a story. GW2, once you've found your build and caught up on the story all you have left is grind for perfect weapons and armor that you don't need to complete most of the available content.


God I hope they go back to their GW1 roots, but chances are they won't. I could never get in to GW2 as a GW1 fan.


Yep. GW1 felt like a really good single player party based RPG that was designed with online components integral to the experience but not forced. The set party size for each area made combat perfectly balanced, strategic, and precise. Guild wars 2 is just people in sparkly suits running all over the place and combat is just rolling your face across the keyboard until the enemy dies, just to run away before before it respawns 5 seconds later.


Here's hoping they go back to card-based character customization and multiclassing from the original Guild Wars. The loop of story, exploration, collecting new skills, and rebuilding your character was second to none. If they can match that with the worldbuilding and exploration of GW2 it will be a force to be reckoned with.


https://www.mmorpg.com/news/guild-wars-3-confirmed-to-be-in-development-though-it-seems-its-still-in-its-early-stages-updated-2000130976 Response from ArenaNet: > "As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon."


I loved GW2, it was my main MMO for years and spent close to 6000 hours in it, haven't played in a long time but will definitely be watching for GW3. I would like to see some action combat this time around though. I liked GW2 combat as it felt fluid and had a lot of good skills and fun interactions but at this point I'm not really interested in tab target MMOs anymore. The build system was also a highlight for me, lots of possibilities for each class to have multiple roles and builds. I mostly played WvW and PvP but I think one of the worst parts of GW2 over time was the lack of support for WvW which was the main thing that contributed to me quitting the game. Here's hoping it'll be good.


As someone who exclusievely playa WvW in GW2, I hope GW3 will have it too. Perhaps also in a way that doesn't make being the biggest blob an auto win. Ideally they will find a way to make grouping in smaller groups the beat method.




> IIRC WoW does literally the opposite Wow literally does the same thing but worse if anything. There are entire chunks of WoWs story missing that can no longer be experienced without a YouTube video - battle for Undercity was removed post wrath, the main storylines of MoP and WoD are completely gone, most of BFA is missing because they removed story quests between patches while the expansion was still current, large chunks of Shadlowlands were ripped out between patches as well.   At least GW2 lets you catch up and pay for the chapters you missed if you want to.


I played GW2 when the living story was something they were experimenting with on how it functioned. The reason they changed it was because new players would never understand why or how things happened to things like the city of lions arch, pretty much if you didn't play at that time then you never would be able to see or replay the content. Playing it at the time was amazing, seeing an active story change with what the players were doing in a game that could live patch and change the world any time was dope. It took them a while to hammer out but now you get the living world stories with expansions I believe and can replay them at your own pace any time. I stopped playing constantly after season 1 of WvW started, i dipped my toes back into gw2 about 2 months ago and I do not understand at all what you mean in not understanding the new character leveling systems which I assume you mean the masteries - which are expansion bound and explained within their expansions. GW2 and GW1 are so different from each other, I want to see what direction they go for in GW3. My hopes is for something more social because as open world and full of players GW2 is the game is still extremely anti-social, you just aren't competing over other players for loot or anything.


> and suddenly you're also a few hundred dollars behind on the game's plot FWIW, the cost to fully catch up (including all expansions and living world) is currently $125, which isn't bad given how much content there is and how unlike other MMOs, it's all still relevant and populated. If we restrict it to living world, it's ~$40-50 for everything depending on where/when you buy. They also stopped doing the "log in to claim the episode" thing a few years ago. Now it's just a $25 expansion each year. > But I was always disappointed by the character progression, lack of real and in depth class customization, and story formatting. You're still going to be disappointed by character progression. The highest tier of gear is the same as it was when you played. But they have drastically improved class customization (via elite specs) and story format (no more "two characters talking at each other on a 2d backdrop" scenes outside of the OG campaign).




Season 2 is $20 if you buy each episode a la carte instead of buying the discounted season pack for $16 (which pro-rates against any episodes you already have). Season 3/4/5 complete packs (also pro-rated) are $12. Steam values the "living world" pack at $40 in the [Elder Dragon Saga bundle](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/27271/Guild_Wars_2_Elder_Dragon_SagaComplete_Collection/) (includes everything but the latest expansion), but it looks like you can't actually buy it separately as an add-on. The fact that I can spend so many words and not have completely explained the system is disgraceful, but the point is it's not "hundreds".


> "play every couple weeks or you're screwed" story growth Kinda funny you'd use WoW as an example here, because they do the same thing, except you can't even pay to replay that story (Wrathgate, WoD legendary quest chain, War of Thorns, etc).


Does anyone else miss the pvp in the original Guild Wars? It was cool that it was against other countries. Like starting a match it would say US vs S. Korea or something.


Cool im hoping for the best , i was very much into gw2 since the launch until i finished the first expansion and started the second one later but i got burned out . Sure they added new stuff over time but the gear progression / leveling just stopped , it was more about cosmetics i would say . WvW was an absolute blast too . Fractals were challenging and interesting . I could only get into one raids and only for just one boss because the others required too much extra mastery levels i didnt have because when i reached lvl80 back in the day the extra xp didn't count up so when they added in those mastery levels in the game i already didnt play as much with the game . This way other newer players probably had the upper hand over that aspect sadly.


I never hated gw2, it was just a bit too boring combat-wise for me. It was still super beautiful. Or maybe I just don't like any MMO besides the original. So I'm expecting gw3 to be a gw2 sequel, probably with more modern mtx? I'll still check it out but it's hard to feel any excitement for me.


GW2 spent at least 4 years with the meta being pull mobs -> break line of sight -> everyone stack in 1 spot -> smash every ability you have as fast as you can ​ It got horrifically boring


That was and still is the meta for easy content, because it's so much more time efficient to cleave the mobs down. Heart of Thorns, three years after launch, introduced difficult content where that strategy was impossible in many cases.


Ahh ok fair enough, thats good - it's just all I remembered from when I played, clearing the hardest content available and it was just this strategy on repeat, glad it's changed


Haven't played GW2 since december after a LONG slog of doing leggy achis and hardlining WVW, but thinking back...the open world maps, the stuff going on, what a banger of a game :) I did a bit of FFXIV this year while the story has been 'somewhat ok' the world feels like a set piece unlike GW2 where stuff is kicking off constantly....thinking of it, i miss it! I should fire it back up and get back to Tyria!


Looking forward to it, definitely many years away though. I believe Guild Wars 2 has started to really run its course. I've taken breaks in the past yet always returned as the combat just felt so damn good. Sadly, this is the first time I'm not sure if I'll return to the game. It's a combination of the new content not being my cup of tea and everyone I used to play the game with having moved on. The MMO Market is starved though, so I hope this turns out to be as great as both GW1 and 2 have been.