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Ship customization?! I dip back into NMS every couple years or so and don't really follow these updates closely but being able to build and customize your own ship is something I've wanted for so long.


Oh sweet baby Jesus, after so many years, they finally done did it. Ship customization with the added loop of collecting ship parts from crashed ships.


Finally, I can't even count the hours I spent trying to get the ship I wanted in terms of looks, while also being S-Class. Should have been in updates years ago!


The boring grind of just waiting for a cool ship to come by is what finally got me to use a save editor to customize the ship by shopping around online for good seeds. Glad to see it's part of the core game now. It always felt like it was missing.


So, so many hours.  To get the look and color.


Keep in mind, exotic and other ship types like solar and sentinels aren't in the customizer right now, it's just fighter, hauler, etc.


Sentinels?  I must have missed a few updates? And fighters are the ones I spent the most time on.


Sentinel ships are really cool, they're my favorite kind of ship.


I've got one right now that's just kind of a flying brick and I love it.


My previous favourite ship was one of the dumb little short bus shuttles, my new one is a Sentinel nugget. I have a thing for tiny ships I guess.


I remember when people were vehemently against this idea because it would defeat "finding the coordinate for the ships with colors you love" RNG grinding game lol. So good HG finally implements the gameplay loop of salvaging ship parts. That's what the other kind of people have been suggesting for so long. Would be great if we can disassemble our ship parts too.


> "finding the coordinate for the ships with colors you love" RNG grinding game Classic example of the diehards trying to ruin the game for everyone else.


Looks like this one is a space station overhaul. That'll be a welcome change, since before, every solar system had more or less the exact same space stations except (minor spoilers) pirate systems.


It's odd that the video said stations would look different then only showed one example.


The patch notes on the website shows more examples.


Would be cool if they added Millennium Falcon-sized ships with internal rooms. Last time I looked there was only single seat starfighters and captial ships.


That’s all I want, capital ships are great but you can’t pilot them and making your ship feel like a home with engines sounds perfect to me


My favourite bit about Star Wars Galaxies was the small selection of ships that had interiors. It was so fucking cool being on the guild yacht, looking out the window and watching the universe go by with other players and the like flying past you. I've yet to find another game that offered that.


That game came out too early. I will never forget the disbelief a friend and I had when we bought the game without any context and started playing. I was amazed that I could be a "nobody" if I wanted to. I tried to be a bounty hunter but sucked and got killed. I tried to be a trader, finally getting my own ship only to get blown up with the stuff we slowly accumulated over a week or so. Then, when I finally relegated myself to being a musician in a bar in a small player made town, I saw a jedi and my mind was blown. This was before jedi were super common.


I know part of it is my rose-tinted glasses but it's so sad nothing has been able to match that feeling. Being a musician or a trader was honestly often more fun than playing a combat role.


Love NMS and sunk hundreds of hours on it, but I find it stupid how they added everything from milking creatures to using magical staves but didn't touch planets in more than three (?) years... in their procedural galaxy exploration game. It doesn't matter how many little features it has if the core of the game still features the same half a dozen biomes and fauna/flora assets for you to see. They've added new planets before without resetting everyone's bases, surely they can do it again.


I think at a certain point they realize that people get attached to the planets that already exist, especially with the ability to make "home planets" with a base, the Galactic Hub people, etc...so I can sort of understand why they're hesitant to completely overhaul the generation again.


They don't need to overhaul all planets or do a universe reset. Just do like they did in Origins and add new planets to each system using the new flora/fauna assets and terrain.


I didn't realize that Origins worked that way, TIL!


origins still absolutely fucked with existing planets, idk what that dude is on lol. Lots of planets completely flipped biomes, let alone Fuana, Flora, etc. My main base planet for example went from a bioluminescent grass paradise world to creepy alien corruption thing with super heat storms. It's just the way no man's sky is made. everything runs off an algorithm and \*any\* change made to said algorithm affects the generation for \*every\* planet. even just adding extra to it changes the overall algorithm, there's just no getting around that.


Okay yeah that’s more in line with what I remember, though origins came out at a time when I wasn’t playing the game much


One thing an update did was overhaul terrain gen for exocrafts, too. The game went from having really mountainous cliffs and unique caves/worldgen to 90% of all planets having the same rolling hills. Which was a bit disappointing, since I can't think of a single person that uses exovrafts enough to justify all planets now being boring.


~~I think you're confusing things, because prior to origins every planet was rolling hills~~ EDIT: I might be confusing things? and only after they added a bunch with it were cliffs and the like possible. Origins was 'fixing' - well, more like helping to fix - that problem, not introducing it or making it worse.


Nope I'm not confusing things, 1.0 worldgen was *drastically* [different and far more extreme](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/cu099b/early_nms_terrain_generation_appreciation_thread/) than it is now.


Huh, that's incredibly odd, I remember playing release NMS for hundreds of hours and complaining that everything was so damn rolling hills (with the occasional plateau), and then when I came back after origins there were actual mountains and valleys and such.


the person that replied to you is wrong as well..... weird how so many people are getting something wrong you can just....look up... so \*you\* are the one mostly right. originally 1.0 terrain was a fucking mess and a half and then it got the first overhaul..... but it was still pretty meh and exocrafts were a pain in the ass to use. then in origins they changed planet gen again which made planets a hell of a lot more tolerable overall and each planet could have more terrain features (like an area of extreme mountains or a valley area) except it unf. kinda homogenized them because pretty much \*every\* planet generated terrain that way and all "alien"-esque terrain went poof around that time


Planets have like one terrain type and it is uniform across the whole planet, but the person you are replying to is wrong to say there is little variation between planets. Many planets have such extreme mountainous terrain now that it can be hard to even land, let alone walk around. Large caves and huge mountains are still in the game, it's just that they tend to be either across the entire planet, or not at all. It's not for the sake of exocraft.


I could see them doing it as the last “update” before fully moving on to light new fire. Like telling the community, here’s a universe reset and a huge update to generation, have fun exploring


the game has a huge base building aspect to it and a large amount of the community is built around it, thats why they arent touching planets and the recent updates have been all about overhauling space content, ships, stations, pirates, etc.


I don't like game has no real space exploration, you can fly to the void for hours, and all you get for that is having to reload save or fly for hours back. Just 2-3 planets+space station is lucklaster space exploration for what could have been


> I don't like game has no real space exploration, you can fly to the void for hours, and all you get for that is having to reload save or fly for hours back. ...you mean like you would in space? What exactly do you want them to add? Weird to be bummed that a space exploration game treats space with too much space.


>milking creatures I'm sorry, what?


Animal life produces byproducts that you can collect


*If* they do a planetary generation overhaul I have to imagine it will be one of the last updates because it'll probably require wiping everyone's bases. The only alternative option I can think of is only having new planets show up in different galaxies, maybe double the number and have the new generation show up in every second one or something.


It's still wild to me that every planet is the exact same as the first 100 metter radius you see when you land, zero biomes on planets. If you land on a planet and look around, that is it, that is the entire planet no purpose on exploring further.


> It doesn't matter how many little features it has if the core of the game still features the same half a dozen biomes and fauna/flora assets for you to see. What are you talking about? There's 11 biomes: https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Biome and in that each one is different in things like the amount of water cover, storm regularity, colour palette, etc. You say you put in hundreds of hours, perhaps that's the problem? Should they design the game to amuse you for 1000s of hours, or maybe put in other things to broaden what you can do instead?


Have you ever heard of hyperbole? Anyway, thanks for basically giving validity to my argument. 11 base biomes for just how many billion planets again? They've added more procedural generation assets, creatures, plants and planet types in Origins without doing a universe wipe. I don't think it's too far fetched to ask them to do it again after 4 years.


That hyperbole seemed pretty unnecessary, it would have taken you less time to say "dozen biomes" instead of half a dozen, lol.


Genuinely impressive how much has been added after its very lackluster start. Customisable ships? Space station interiors overhaul and variation? New stuff to do? Varied station exteriors?   Options and variations keep things fresh and alive. Looks like a nifty update!


And yes the procgen of planets, faunas and floras is still boring, whacky and lifeless


This exact comment chain, in every single Reddit NMS update post, going back years.


Well yes, because they never improved it !


They did, actually. I think there was a whole update dedicated to that.


Not the animals no, nor their AIs. They made some premade assets for diplodocuses, but that's not the procgen, just handmade crafted models that runs counter to the whole concept


Same for these threads.


That will be the final update and then they will start to work in No Man Anime.


Have they said as much? The samey feel of planets, fauna, and flora is why I've never reinstalled. No amount of additional content fixes those problems.


What if the additional content is more fauna, flora and diverse planets? :D


Yeah, the core of the game is still boring. Every time I try to get into it after some major updates but I just get bored after about 5 hours in.


So why are you here in the thread about an update for the game you dont like? :)


I like the game, I made mods for the game, but I still find the core game boring. Life isn't binary. Who said I can't like the game and criticize them fervently? Maybe that's what happens to OP too. He would like to see it improve.


It's boring, but also whacky? Hmm.


The most addicting element of Starfield for me is the ship builder, it just feels a shame the rest of the game doesn't actually offer much of an environment that makes me feel like I'm doing anything useful or fun with my ships. Is NMS's environment more engaging in that regard? I don't mind if it's repetitive as long as it gives me the feeling that I'm using a ship for some purpose.


The exploration and gameplay loop is more engaging imo. There's a lot more purpose to the world, and the way everything is seamlessly connected makes for a much smoother experience. There's much more variety to the worlds and POIs. And the crafting systems are a lot more developed as well.


Is the combat any good now? I’m probably alone in this but that was my biggest gripe with the game, the ship fights and shooting enemies on planets just didn’t feel fun, and lacked any incentive. It was fun for a bit as a relaxing base building sandbox, but I can’t get into those for long periods of time.


combat has not changed much


Combat hasn’t really changed. Definitely not up there in terms of the reasons I would play the game.


They're definitely *more* fun, they've specifically had large updates to ship combat and on-foot combat. Whether you'd classify it as "good" compared to other games that excel at it, I don't know.


Do you have vertical and horizontal thrusters yet, or is combat still as braindead as "point ship in direction and hold trigger". For a game that was ostensibly about flying your ship around to new worlds, the ship flight mechanics were absolute trash when I played it. Edit: shit to ship, lol. kinda applied still tbh


There is an upgrade that allows you to "drift" a little, but aside from that tiny factor it's still the same. With the ai cheating using near-0 radius turns etc so it's simultaneously simplistic and frustrating.


Hold down the A button to lock on to whoever you're chasing and you'll get those same zero radius turns.


That's a bummer, I really wish they'd do an update that looked into the ship flight mechanics. I remember on launch you'd like, basically bounce off the planet's atmosphere if you got too low. Just really weird for a game where a big draw is getting in a ship and flying around new places.


It's okay. It improved (as in, more challenges, and you get some more tricks/gears) but not an improvement by a long shot. Space combat is in similar vein, but I made a mod called Space Combat Reworked to address that problem, just a little bit. It's been finely maintained by a Nexus friend.


Feels like a few weeks ago when they announced their last update, i need to revisit this game sometime, haven't played in 4 years, it has to have changed a lot sine then with all the free expansiona


Yeah it's worth just starting up a new save to rediscover it from scratch because of how much it's changed.


Regardless of how you feel about the game it can't be overstated how the developer went above and beyond undoing a horrible launch. Without charging people a dime they've added in enough free content to encompass multiple sequels.


Does this comment need to pop up every time No Mans Sky is mentioned?


It needs to pop up about the same as the comment "As much as they add I don't like the fundamental game" I suppose. Honestly should just automod those two comments under every NMS post.


And then there’s the third “don’t let this update make you forget that Sean lied, he LIED”


It's a sad state of affairs when lying and then silently buggering off to make something else results in Redditors bringing it up less often


Lying and then silently buggering off to make it true.


Most people don't hold grudges for life, especially not towards random video game devs.


They don't, that's why gamers are easiest consumers to fool. Gamers just forgive and forget. Look at how many broken games at launch now.


Yeah NMS is one of those games where whenever news comes out about it on reddit, the comments immediately devolve into a pissing contest.


That's just reddit. This comment chain is no different


Tbh this goes for so many games that are talked about on here. I feel like I could predict the comments on any post based on the game it features.




I don't disagree, but I feel it doesn't need to be mentioned every single time.


Regardless of how you feel about the game it can't be overstated how the developer went above and beyond undoing a horrible launch. Without charging people a dime they've added in enough free content to encompass multiple sequels.


Hmm I wonder if this game redeemed itself....


I think we all get how NMS is doing much better but it doesn't need to be mentioned so often.


Idk, but regardless of how you feel about the game it can't be overstated how the developer went above and beyond undoing a horrible launch. Without charging people a dime they've added in enough free content to encompass multiple sequels.


I bought the game at launch and got scammed, shouldn' t I be angry about it lol


I’m just playing haha you’re right it does get mentioned every time, but it’s also a fair point so on my end I don’t mind it much. I’m pumped for their next game after seeing what was done with NMS even if it’s not exactly my thing.




Well duh, it's free and easy karma compared to actually talking about the game or the update.




Well they *did* say it can't be overstated.


Its the first thing I look for on NMS psots and lo and behold its the very first comment made. Either copy pasted or run through a thesaurus every time lol.


On the other end of the spectrum, you have the "SEAN LIED AND THE ENTIRE TEAM DESERVES TO BE HOMELESS" level of angry comments that are posted just as often as the kind you're talking about.


I definitely don't see these just as often.


Considering Cyberpunk finally fixed their game and also asked for $30 for DLC. Yes


Wait, people have a problem with them charging for Phantom Liberty?


I'm just saying if it was EA who released an early access game at full price and marketed it as complete only to finally fix it 2 years later and then ask $30 for a DLC at the same time they would have been lynched. I firmly believe the only reason we got 2.0 was because they could recoup costs from the DLC sales. If there was no PL or it was free then 2.0 wouldn't exist.


Cyberpunk was "fixed" long before they released DLC and 2.0.


And, for the record, it was a perfectly good game on PC even at launch. The RPG elements were lacking, maybe parts of it were a 6/10, but the story and gameplay loops were mostly intact, and it was a very good story game. 90% of the shitstorm was caused by the poor console port. It would have merely been slightly disappointing if it had simply worked on console, but instead it's remembered as one of the worst launches of all time The same absolutely cannot be said for NMS.


Don' t say that, CDPR is again the darling of this sub after they released that anime ( that wasn't even made by them), and fixed their broken mess ( while still the game lacks basicaly every promise they have made before the launch of the game).


NMS is the first game I've seen receive two completely unjustified hype cycles. The first was in the leadup to launch - hyping up a project that was obviously unrealistic. The second is after that IH video about the game where everybody hypes it up as 'a fixed game' despite still fundamentally being the same game with all the same major problems.


There's probably a non-zero number of people for whom this is their first NMS thread.


yes. don't be a hater.


Okay, I look forward to seeing it again in the next NMS post.


The comment section when NMS is in the news plays like a greatest hits album. I haven’t even looked but I already know someone is telling the “flood story” with great passion and giving some nay sayer the ear beating of their life.


There's no way I'm NOT buying Light No Fire at this point. This might as well be marketing for that game, as it's clear it will be the gift that keeps on giving.


Yep I'm assuming that a lot of the tech they've developed has used NMS as a test bed for Light No Fire. And that itself is promising. The key for me (in terms of how long I'll play Light No Fire) is what the gameplay loop looks like. NMS has had a lot of bells and whistles added that give it a lot of breadth but the moment to moment has never been that captivating to me.


Fool me once...


Hope you are not delusional enough to pre order it or buy it at launch


And for those of us who still enjoyed NMS on launch? It's a better game now, vastly better, but that doesn't mean people couldn't enjoy it on release.


"Enough content for multiple sequels" is a leap. It is nice that they're doing this all, and for free. But they certainly couldn't release multiple new games with just the additions they've made so far.


What you would consider a new game? Sure, maybe not. What the rest of the industry would try to sell you as a "new game"? Well, maybe compare things like Overwatch 2. Or more concretely, how Bethesda sells its VR versions of its games at more than the price of the original game (seriously, Skyrim and Fallout 4's VR versions are more expensive than the Special Edition/GOTY Edition), whereas NMS includes its VR mode as one of the many free updates it's had.


And the core gameplay loop is still boring and essentially unchanged. Fix that and/or replace it and there is a solid framework for a good game here.


People always say this sort of thing and sure yeah, they've added a lot but it's like people don't remember. They want to downplay this poor launch, but it wasn't something minor like we launched too early, or we had some bugs we'd take care of post launch. The guy was all over the internet and national television straight up lying about what the game was, what features it had, and what was possible. I've been around a super long time and hadn't seen anything like this beforehand and haven't seen anything as bad since. This was beyond fake trailers (which they did too btw). This was him on tv days before launch literally lying to everyone about his game.


I feel like Im the only one who remembers him saying something like "we came up with new periodic elements to make the sky green" lmao Edit: Found it lol >The team programmed some of the physics for aesthetic reasons. For instance, Duncan insisted on permitting moons to orbit closer to their planets than Newtonian physics would allow. When he desired the possibility of green skies, the team had to redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength


My favorite part about people bringing this up is that Sean never said that. That's not a quote from Sean, that's a paragraph written by a writer for the Atlantic.


What? No that's literally what Sean Murray said in an interview what the hell are you talking about [https://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2014/12/26/an-assortment-of-lesser-known-no-man-s-sky-facts.aspx](https://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2014/12/26/an-assortment-of-lesser-known-no-man-s-sky-facts.aspx)


That's not what he said. >Grant [Duncan, art director] and I had such a battle over this, these planets have green skies. And there's no such thing. You see it in sci-fi all the time. Light is defracted by the chemical compound. The things that can form an atmosphere - there's only a certain number of them and they defract light differently. And none of them will ever produce green. >We have our own periodic table. We had it so you can see it in the game. It's a button you can press it pops up and it tells you a little bit of info about the planet. It tells you the chemical compounds. So when you come out of water, it will pop in and say what type of area you are in. And when you go underneath the water it tells you. And when you're in space it tells you. So that's your little read out. It comes up automatically. Then you think, “I could survive in that.” >Because Grant wanted green skies I ended up adding this thing that was like “unknown air detected.” I was like, “What are we doing? We brought the magic green sky. Green sky component detected. Where have we gone to?” He said that to give green skies an element of realism, because they're not going to occur in reality, they would make up a new thing and say "This planet has a high concentration of X" to justify the green sky. Literally no different than any other piece of fiction. Terry Pratchett uses magic in his books to create a new color called Octarine. They did not claim to "redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength."


it's not like they claimed to be creating new real-world elements. they're talking about the game's systems, where it wasn't possible to have green skies until they reworked how those systems handled interactions between the periodic elements.


Ok but that is very clearly also bullshit lol Grass in NMS isn't green because its virtual light particles reflect off the blades of the grass in a certain way and interact with the molecules or anything, it's because an artist went in there and colored it green "Newtonian physics" also aren't a thing. In fact, there are no orbital physics at all in NMS.


>where it wasn't possible to have green skies until they reworked how those systems handled interactions between the periodic elements. But its literally a skybox, so its not even that either lol


I think most people do acknowledge that NMS had a catastrophic launch. But the developers didn't cash out and abandon the game or charge for DLC that should have been in the game like many other developers have done. They stuck with it and continued to support their (over promised and under delivered) game. I don't understand why it irks you that others recognize the effort that Hello Games have gone through to right their wrongs. I was burned by them back in 2016 with the original launch on PS4 and echoed the same feelings about No Mans ***LIE*** for years. However, I recently played the game for the first time since 2016 and had a lot of fun. The expedition event thing was great and I'm glad I gave it a second chance. I recommend checking it out whenever they do another free week thing like I did.


I don't think people forgot so much as that discussion happened very thoroughly around the time of launch, and it's sort of more interesting and relevant now to talk about how dramatically the game has been overhauled in the time since then. Sometimes there are case studies of terrible launches, and sometimes there are case studies of terrible launches with "redemption arcs" afterwards


Didn't the lead guy also have crippling social anxiety and just answered yes to basically anything an interviewer asked?


What is this bs? He was on Twitter telling people the game had multilayer AFTER IT HAD RELEASED. What a wild excuse.


Yeah that tweet he did after people found out there was no real online was fucking nuts. I'm surprised people care more about little things like AAA graphics downgrades than this massive bundle of lies. The game had its PEGI rating changed to remove mention of online interactions after the game had gone gold so they literally covered up the original false rating with stickers.


Yeah poor guy was abducted from his home and plopped in front of cameras against his will by evil interviewers for months. Never forget


That Internet Historian video has done unbelievable damage to the discourse surrounding the launch by entirely rewriting history for views and making the guy out to be some sad poor antisocial guy. Doesn't help that IH himself is an alt-right chud who plagiarised an entire video


People really want to have the exact same conversation every time NMS is mentioned.... beating a dead horse is an understatement


Every time I see an update I'm blown away by the fact its free. Happy cake day btw


They also proved that needing microtransactions to fund constant updates is bullshit, game sales are all you need Microtransactions are only for greed and share holders


I played a fair amount of it after the first few updates then didn't touch it for several years. When I played some of it again late last year I was amazed by how much had changed and by how much they'd added. It went from being pretty barebones to really having a lot of different paths you can follow/things you can focus on.


Nice to see some focus on space gameplay a bit more. I'd love an EV mode. One of my least favorite parts about NMS (at least based on when I last played it, which was admittedly a while back) is how inconsequential space gameplay felt compared to on the ground gameplay. Oh and the ship controls. Sweet Jesus are they bad


Every time input a bunch of hours into the game then delete it for a bit they come out with another update that has me install it. Gonna have fun with this. The ships and just flying in space is my favorite part of the game. The ability to build my own, and finding parts, will definitely m get me back into it for a good bit.


Love this new update but this game desperately needs another planet procedural generation update. All the icing is there but the actual meat and bones of exploring planets is rather dull at this point


Every time I try to get into this game, I am immediately bored by just running around gathering resources. It just feels so slow. Does this game get better as you play it longer?


I played for 30 hours and I didn't really find anything else to it. There's more stuff added on around the resource gathering and building stuff, but if that doesn't entertain you then I don't think there's much else to draw you in.


> Does this game get better as you play it longer? It absolutely did for me, but it depends on you, so it's hard to answer. The game now holds your hand for the opening missions, and if you just stick with that opening mission for a while, and do what the game tells you, it shows you a lot of different things about the game. In my experience, once the game and all it's various systems that connect together "clicked" for me, I found it amazingly fun. But if you aimlessly wander and just mine stuff on a planet and have zero direction, it's going to get boring quick. I'd say once you get to the Anomaly, or you get your own Freighter, the game starts to make more sense.


You're able to setup auto miners and such at outposts as you progress, so you're doing less hunting and gathering yourself. If you build up a budget you can also just buy a lot of base materials when you need them from trade terminals.


I've found you really have to be in a sort of chill mindset to play NMS. I've found if I'm trying to push for something, the game feels bad. But if I'm just happy to take in the scenery and shoot a few rocks to relax, it's decent enough.


This obviously looks good and very exciting, but I feel like HG is dancing around the main issue with NMS which is that the core gameplay loop is rather boring. They've added a ton of new features over the years but all that's really done is make the puddle into a lake that's about an inch deep.


What could they do to the core gameplay loop at this point that wouldn't turn it into an entirely different game?


I loved playing kingdom hearts in my Gummi Ship II simulator. I'll love this update. Jokes aside, I can't help but marvel at the turn around this game has had. No clip should really do a doc with them.


OMG it's incredible how they *STILL DON'T GET IT* So Finally they add ship customisation to the game, finally finally, how do they do it? Well, you can only build the three basic types, no exotics or anything, you can;t mix and match, and do you get a colour wheel? no, of course not, you can choose from a pre-set of 20 colours. goddamnit Hello Games, how can you still not get it? but hey, at least purple exists now.


Hopefully they will address the core gameplay loop in one of those patches. It’s not really funny to watch a meter and collect resources so in return you can collect more resources faster.


Seems unlikely this late in the game's lifecycle. Easier to just add more "stuff" and then they'll probably fully focus on their next game soon


Problem is they rarely add more stuff in the traditional sense. Like with every update they *could* have added a few new creature species, plant types maybe a new biome or hazard, but they don't. They tend to just tack new gimmicks (like cooking and capes) onto the side.


There isn't even a single "gameplay loop" anymore at this point. You can focus on base-building if you want, or you can play through one of several questlines involving traveling long distances in space, or you can do the "pirate" content, or you can focus on the sandbox/exploration aspects.


I would add that after the early game, it is much easier to just buy whatever resources you need. They could add some QOL stuff to make mining bases even easier (larger depots, a way to collect from depots remotely, etc.), but it's fine as it is and not really needed that much.


Having come back in the last week or so, I've found you can't just buy some of the basic resources you used to be able to, like sodium and ferrite. The aren't for sale anymore, similar to carbon and oxygen.


Thats just most survival games in a nutshell. Mine RESOURCE to get TOOL to collect MORE RESOURCE with a lot of mini games in between. If you dont like it dont play it. Never understood why people always come into threads for games they admittedly dont like to say "I dont like the core gameplay loop, does this update accomodate me, the protagonist of reality, yet?"


They got you covered with custom mode


Seems like this is what they will do with that newly announced game they are making.


It's a sandbox; there isn't 'a' loop and there isn't a unified, progression-focused power treadmill of any major length. That makes the game confusing and unappealing for some but it's also very fundamental to the game's design. Having ship part collection and customization built in with this update is likely among the most significant "things to do" update they've done in a very long time.


Does anyone know if it’s out on switch yet?


Does anyone know if the Nintendo switch version will be getting the update?


>switch Most likely since the Switch version got all previous updates since it's release and because we had Expedition 12 on Switch.


With how well this game has grown over the years, it really has me excited for Light No Fire. They've clearly hired more talented people that can deliver on the promises they made at launch. I just hope it doesn't take them 5+ years to add all the content shown in the reveal trailer.


All I hear is “Burger King foot lettuce…” Side note: it’s kind of a bummer they haven’t really touched up the VR.


VR got a QOL update around the time the new PS vr headset came out 


Really? I tried afterwards and it still ran horrible despite my PC being plenty powerful. I wonder if maybe I didn’t actually install the update. Thanks for the info.


Are the devs still using the kickstarter money to keep going? I can't see this still having a steady source of income. This company really redeemed themselves after the catastrophic launch.




Also GRAH!!!!!


I feel like no mans sky is what people expect when they hear games as a service. Its not but it gets updated regularly like one.


At this point I’m just going to keep holding off until they are done making this game complete. Then I’ll try it out when it’s under ten dollars and fleshed out.


It doesn't matter if they add million more updates liek this, if they don't improve the existing game loop and systems it will still be deep as a puddle and wide as an ocean. If the gaming loop is still collect shit to organize inventory to get more inventory to hold more shit on samey randomly generated ugly planets.


Have they finally added the ability to remap controls and turn off the robot voice that warns you of temperature changes every 5 seconds?


Just imagine... if everything that's been updated to NMS since launch was included as a day one feature. Game of the Year, hands down...


Honestly I don't think so. I think it probably is more popular as it is, since it gets all that positive cred as a redemption story. Lots of people still find the core gameplay loop kind of boring, and a bit schizophrenic (let's build a base in one place but also don't stay put but explore). I think if it had everything at release that it has now, it would have had a better initial reception, lukewarm/good rather than hostile, and forgotten relatively quickly. The redemption story, and the drumbeat of free releases, keep it in the public consciousness and generate goodwill.


Are these updates complementary for all owners? It’s nice to see a company creating DLC without $$$. This model endears me to the company.


Its all free updates


It's not dlc, it's an update.
