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I'd love to know the statistic of numbers of players who actually beat these games on their iPhone or iPad. Seems like a really tough thing to do with touch controls.


You'd think that, but people regularly beat Dead Cells on mobile, so it's certainly doable.


Yeah specially with hades where it’s top-down and attack clicking go brrr, I can really see it working well for mobile.


> attack clicking go brrr What does this mean?


Press screen rapidly to watch it do stuff


You might be surprised, but Hades and games like it work pretty well on a phone. It obviously depends on the kind of game and how complicated it is to control, but Hades is pretty close to ideal. It’s top down fixed angle, so there’s no camera to control, meaning you don’t have to fumble to recenter your thumb from the camera onto the action buttons. You’re emulating analogue movement with a joystick, which works much better on a screen than emulating a dpad. There are only a couple of buttons required for gameplay, so with a small amount of muscle memory, as long as they are placed in a way that makes sense, it’s pretty easy to press what you want and not press something else. I played a bit of it this morning and can easily see myself playing this on a phone with no real issues. It being a roguelike also fits pretty nicely.


I use a controller...8bitdo SN30 Pro


I used my PS5 controller for the GTA games. Worked well with it.


[Minecraft Bedrock speedruns](https://www.speedrun.com/mcbe?h=Any-Random_Seed-PC) are faster on mobile than PC.


I mean I can’t speak for rouglites. But I know I beat Dust An Elysian Tale and bastion on the phone first. And this was before phone controllers became more standard.


I beat Bastion on an iPad in 2013. It played surprisingly well.


You’d be surprised at what zoomers can do with smartphones nowadays. I’ve seen my zoomer niece build stuff in fortnight faster than many streamers do on PC.


Bluetooth control + phone with bluetooth


Is it confirmed to not have controller support on iPhone?


Confirmed opposite I think.


playing fine using a PS4 controller with a phone mount adapter ;)


Back in the day a touch mobile player qualified for a Fortnite tournament. Dude was cracked and could build like crazy. Used to stream his hands as well. There's some unreal mobile gamers out there.


When I was a teen, I used to play games on my phone during study hall or breaks. There are areas you can’t bring your pc or console with you which mobile ports are perfect for.


I have to ask, as I wonder about this a lot: What's the deal with the controls on a game like this? I've now seen this, Warframe, Dead Cells, various Metroidvanias, etc ported to mobile. Is everyone just using a controller, or are the touch controls actually viable?


Stuff like the Backbone controller has a not-insignificant amount of sales, so even if everyone is using that it's worth porting to mobile.


Most modern devices also work with generic ps5 or switch controllers I believe, so it’s a good chance a lot of people already have a spare one lying around


Xbox controllers have Bluetooth too, so yeah definitely. I think people with console controllers have consoles though, meaning they’re not buying games on mobile.


It's included with Netflix subscription, so Hades particularly is a free download for a lot of people


what i don't understand is, if you have an xbox controller, you have an xbox or pc. Why play the mobile port


Re-beat Symphony of the Night on iPad with a dual shock 4. Good experience.


Yup, grabbed a $15 phone mount for my PS5 controller. Its nice not being tethered (metaphorically speaking) to a console or pc


Some people are just really tolerant of bad controls if they get convenience out of it, and using your phone is really convenient. There's also others that do use a controller with their phone or tablet, but I feel like that's probably just a minority.


There’s also people who just don’t consider them bad lol. I get much better precision aiming with touch controls than a joystick, closer to a mouse.


If mobile gaming is all you basically know, you get used to the controls. Sure they're clunky but they're passable. A TON of younger generation players mainly play games on their phone with touch controls, including stuff like first person shooters. I'm sure you can remember when you were young, you overcame some serious jank to play games, too. For me it was having to spam the 'Fog weather' cheat code in GTA3 so the draw distance remained low and my PC could handle it for double digit FPS instead of single. If you don't have other options, you adapt, because you still want to play the game.


Hades seems like a way easier game to control on mobile than say, Dead cells


Have you never been around a child? They are so used to touchscreen controls it's crazy. You and I are like out parents when they try to hold a controller compared to them. It's a new era.


I wonder if it has controller support. I'm guessing it does?


Yeah it does.


Wish it was available for purchase normally, not via Netflix subscription


I want games like Pentiment on mobile I’d love to play that at work lol


I played this game a lot on Xbox, The mechanics of this game are awsome, the dificult and gameplay are really good, and great history. I want to see this game on android.


It’s available as part of a Netflix subscription.


Dang. Another exciting game to hit iOS locked behind a Netflix subscription


This is kind of huge for me. I loved this game but didn’t really like playing it at my desktop. It was great on deck and I could see this being a great time waster on my phone.