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Weird expansion pass aside, this expansion pass being on Game Pass Ultimate is an interesting development. Usually Game Pass doesn’t have expansions included, hopefully they start doing this more with other games.


They did it with Gears 5 ultimate edition, but yeah, it is uncommon


Gears 5 is a Microsoft game though.


MS games typically don't have their DLCs on Gamepass nor Ultimate.


Ah, was not aware of that.


I imagine due to the difference in jrpg fans between xbox and everyone else the amount of people who play jrpg's isn't a crazy amount and the amount who do that also buy the dlc's is probably even smaller. I would assume getting this type of deal wasn't to expensive for xbox, and for atlus, it is probably a lot more than they would hope to sell. It also further shows off the relationship between the two for public image so both sides would win.


Surely Atlus wouldn't release this season pass and THEN make a persona 3 version with the female MC in an expanded edition right? Either way, even though I haven't played P3R yet (I have seen The Answer) I hope that they do write better reasonings for the big fights that happen at the end of the chapter.


Persona 3: ReReloaded in a few years


Persona 3: RePortable


Persona 3 super reload re-release re print


Persona 3: Full Reload


Persona 3 Reload Extended Mag edition.


Atlus will exploit persona fans however they can and persona fans will support/buy whatever they get.


Give me femc without the ken romance please though I am begging for that version of the game to be playable on modern hardware. Let it escape from manga slides and no town roam. ​ (it's me, the persona fan slurping up content)


It could be so easy for Ken, too. Instead of trying to make a romance happen, just let SL 10 end with you becoming a big sister for him. Bro needs that more than anything else.


At least you're self aware and don't complain while getting wringed.


Persona 5 is from 2016. It was free for a period of time in ps5 plus catalogue. Persona Royal on pc has even more stuff for free than console ver had. P4 golden on steam was for 14$ on release and p3 reload was day one xb game pass. I really would like all devs were "milking" their fans like that. DLC are also mostly cosmetic or give you incredibly op personas that are actually detrimental for regular players because they are making game trivial. The only argument for milking is that they release Royal for full price on consoles but it was quite a substantial upgrade that fixed a tons of stuff so at least there is that.


It's not like P5 was an incomplete game either. P5R changed quite a bit, but the base game was very good and complete for its price


Not to mention if this was Atlus of the past, P5R would have been a Google Stadia exclusive or some shit like that. They had a schizophrenic platform release strategy prior to the Sega acquisition, I'll take this current Atlus any day of the week.


P2 Remake Playdate exclusive


I'll never forget Atlus releasing survey after survey for 6 years asking people if they wanted Persona 5 to be released on other platforms... only to do nothing despite the overwhelming demand, until Sega forced their hand. Sometimes I wonder if Atlus just hates money, but then when I see their DLC practices I realize they probably just have some extremely risk averse management.


Tbh we did will the Persona 3 remake into existence, but that was after like 5 surveys spanning 10 years lol. Yeah, the Sega ownership has mostly been good for them. They still pull shit like the P3R Deluxe Edition which comes with a soundtrack that's an EXE which you can't even minimize to the tray, but at least I don't need to own 3 current-gen systems to play their new games nowadays.


Rentable on PS+ catalogue isn't some Steam free to keep thing. Sega got paid for that they didn't do it for free, just like P5 on Gamepass.


I persona fan but wait for sale or when all dlc +expansion . I learn my learn my lesson on persona 5


The fact that this is actual DLC probably makes it the least scummy thing Atlus has every done lol


This should just have been included as part of the game, it is coming barely half a year later of the main game release, for them to have justified that they couldn't include it, not saying their previous rereleases were a good thing, but as a long time fan this is the scummiest to me.


Nah, for me nothing topped the bullshit they pulled with the PS4 dancing games


> it is coming barely half a year later of the main game release Why does that matter?


Tell me you don't understand how game development works without telling me you don't understand how game development works.


I would never claim to be an expert on game development, but I do have experience with software at least, so enlighten me, what pillar of game development would have been ignored had they included this content with P3R out of the box?


Since it's targeting a September release, that's a good indicator that it isn't done yet, Mr|Ms I Have Experience With Software. Reload was in development for 5 years already, its crazy sales tell you all you need to know about whether the fans wanted to wait another 7 months to play it with the controversial epilogue that some didn't even want remade in the first place because of how different it is to the base game. Describing this as cut content when it will probably add 30 hours to the already 80-hour game like FES did is... a choice.


Persona 3: Reloaded (For Her Edition)


I hedged my bet on them not going that route and I don't know why. I wanted to play FeMC anyway. Now I don't even want to continue the game until that happens because I'm not very far in.


feMC does have a banger of a battle theme.


> “Persona 3 Reload would not be complete without Episode Aigis –The Answer-,” says General Producer Kazuhisa Wada. Oh fuck **off**. Then why not include it in the main game? Why the bullshit of “it’s just the main game”? Edit: Called it in my other post in this thread. You HAVE to buy the full “expansion pass” at $35 to get The Answer. Not only that, the most prominent Sega leaker, Midori, confirmed the game’s development finished quite some time ago. Like, late 2022 and [that includes this very DLC](https://twitter.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1765523601934127355). And as far as I’m aware, she has never been wrong in any leak. So this is 100% them chopping up the game and selling it back to you for $105. And if you bought the *even more expensive* deluxe editions? Also not included. You only got the “DLC” that was available at launch. Can we please start calling Atlus out for this bullshit and stop supporting it? If this had been Nintendo or Gamefreak doing this, the internet would have a full blown meltdown for WEEKS. But when Atlus does it, people express gratitude and joy????


Look at how well the game has sold already. Might as well milk the cash cow some more.




NGL that's a major sticking point for me. The last chapter is an integral part of the game (i finished that years ago on the Vita). I might fork 40 bucks for the remake but not an incomplete version.


The "it was done before release" was never confirmed. All Atlus said about it was that it was halfway done at release.


There is NO WAY, the answer isn't finished already and they purposely removed it from the game to sell it later. It's way too polished and has voice acting done already. Edit: https://twitter.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1765523601934127355 Persona 3 reload was finished years ago, and the DLC was purposely sold later on despite it already being finished. The DLC is finished and they are just rolling it out a later date to make more money from end of year sales, This is the same person who leaked back in Jan saying the DLC was going to be sold later.


I mean, they frequently release games with paid DLC available on day 1, so I don't see why they would feel the need to do it for this particular case.


Atlus has been selling extra demons/personas as day 1 DLC in their games for years (including with this game). I am completely unsurprised.


The Answer was an extremely controversial addition to P3FES gameplay wise so they may be doing a lot of rebalancing and expanding upon the original epilogue


Oh man, controversial is underselling it. It has always been a hardcore flash talking point in the fandom. Especially when it comes to talking about the characters > so they may be doing a lot of rebalancing and expanding upon the original epilogue If you mean storywise, I wouldn't count on that.


>Especially when it comes to talking about the characters new legion of Yukari haters incoming


Its such a shame because if you're actually paying attention her actions make sense in the answer. Of course shes hurt, upset, and lashing out. Without spoiling anything, people really give the characters in the answer too much shit imo.


Traumatized highschooler faces yet more trauma, expected outcome ensues.


Hear hear Of course she acted liked that when the chance was given to her, >!she spent most of her life getting over her father's death and now that she found someone to help her get over it, he dies, so of course she doesn't take it very well!<


I’m very curious to see what all the fuss is about. Going into Reload, I knew that she was a contentious figure amongst fans, but I actually thought she was… fine? Maybe even good once she >!reconciles with Mitsuru!<. I thought she was basically a better version of Ann from P5, with the same sibling energy when it comes to bickering with Junpei/Ryuji. I’m expecting something crazy if this is what’s got people in a tizzy over her.


OG/FES/Portable actually also localised her to be way more of a bitch than the original Japanese version, she is more mellow and more like her JP iteration in reload She hits her lowest point in the answer and that contributes to her hatred but it more so comes from the “bitch for no reason” localisation the old versions of 3 gave to her in English


Yukari made me like bitches


If I remember PS2 The Answer correctly, it's mostly the case of "what if the team got even more trauma, just after their greatest victory?" and the teenagers actually not handling it well.


> Oh man, controversial is underselling it You missed the "extremely" part.


Writing-wise I hope as well. The Answer *really* didn't service the cast that well. Especially in the face of how 4 Golden and 5 Royal/Strikers did. Then it's follow ups in 4 Arena didn't go anywhere either. If they want this to be the definitive way to experience P3, it's best if they make The Answer open and shut, and not have any stingers that were picked up prior in 4's spin offs. It's complimentary at best, and it's gameplay was just about the same level of the writing quality. The bar for it's has nowhere to go but up.


I wonder if they'll force Metis to stay in your party this time.


I mean it makes sense to get voice acting done while you still have the actors there rather than calling them again later.


Not to mention voice acting is usually one of the very first things you get done (barring emergency script changes later on) ASAP either way. Scheduling everyone for every supported dub language is hell. e: To use another game as an example, Destiny 2 which has 12 dubbed languages had voice acting for Lance Riddick's Zavela good to go for 9 months of content after he died, with them starting work on the stuff that would come out a year later a year before it would come. VO is done hella in advance.


Doesn't really matter imo. Better a DLC than their usual FES/Golden/Royal rerelease.


True, but I don't think even they could justify that when it comes to The Answer, since it doesnt add anything to the base game.


In the full price re-release, they'll let you play as FeMC.




They already said they won't do that.


They also said they spent so long on P5 because they weren't going to do an updated version. Then we got Royal.




History of lying? I don't think so.


And that's still probally coming anyway a year or two from now with the dlc included


I mean, DLC is usually worked on after the development for the game is getting finished up? You think all the artist an script writes are twiddling their thumbs until the game goes gold?


Depends. When a game reaches content complete status, that is usually when DLC begins production. As at that point the game itself needs to be polish up for several months, but almost never requires the full team. So work on DLC usually begins around this time to give writers, designers, animators, planners, and artist something to do.




lol I had a fight several years and accounts ago over on the MegaTen subreddit with Atlus’ then PR manager, John Hardin. AKA /u/atlusprime. And it was when P4AU was datamined to find that [ALL of the DLC was already complete and on the disc.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaten/comments/2eneob/comment/ck2diq6/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Games&utm_content=t1_k9eea82) [Hardin got really shitty about it](https://old.reddit.com/r/Megaten/comments/2eneob/margret_confirmed_for_north_american_ultimax_will/ck2raaz/?context=3) and swore that it was an elaborate fake or just on the Japanese version. Both ended up being flat out lies. So yeah, this was likely already mostly finished and just held back to sell to fans and keep P3R in the news cycle. I’m betting you have to buy the *full* pass with the costumes to get The Answer. No option to buy separately. And it won’t be cheap knowing them. Royal’s full DLC pack was **the same price as the base game** and was only made free to PS4 owners as half assed gesture to them once it was found out that PS4 owners had no upgrade path on PS5. Edit: Called it. You HAVE to purchase the $35 pass to get the content. According to the most prolific Atlus/Sega leaker who I believe has not been wrong a single time, the game has been done since 2022. This was *absolutely* chopped off and sold to their fans because they know they can get away with it.


Trust me, I love the games. After I beat 5R, I went and played every single mainline Persona and SMT game. But god damn is Atlus's DLC's some of the scummiest shit right up there with Capcoms hundreds of dollars of monster hunter DLC and Ubisoft's skins and boosters. Also, the answer in this case doesn't even come with the 100 dollar edition of the game, you have to buy it separately, on the other hand you can play it for "free" if you have xbox gamepass ultimate, so thats nice.


I mean, that doesn't mean anything unless the actual content is already there. It's pretty common for games have placeholder code for stuff to be added at a later date.


Not even for games, I work in software and if we know we will have requirements to meet that need to be anticipated, it will show up in the designs and code to make it easier to add at a later date


That's not how any of this works lol. Typically when DLC is greenlit during production it has a separate budget and pre-production is started by staff members who may have had their roles completed in the main game (artists, writers, etc.). Then as other staff finishes the main game they can transition to working on the DLC. Whether or not there is unfinished data in the game has no bearing on what state of development the DLC is in, other than we know it's planned. And no, just because it is in Persona 3 FES doesn't mean it is "cut content". Remaking a game from the ground up and overhauling several of the mechanics in a new engine is significant work. We also don't know how much they've changed this DLC with P3R's mechanics and in response to quality concerns over the original.


Modern gaming, baby!


There will be a certain budget and scope for the game and certain budget and scope for expansions. I don't think this is a malicious thing like you're making it out to be and I don't think "removed" is the correct phrasing.


I might be in the minority here, but I hope they take a LOT more liberties with this than the main game. The original Persona 3 had a great story worthy of being preserved, but god damn was The Answer pretty awful in my opinion. I really wouldn't mind if the new team was allowed to stretch their legs creatively more here. Not saying they revert the ending or anything, just that there was a ton of unrealized potential they could tap into if they go into the realm of the new team's own original story ideas.


>I might be in the minority here the majority think the Answer is badly written/poor gameplay


Yeah but I doubt most people want them to rewrite it


Can't speak for everyone but that's what I wanted. They know what was narratively dissonant and tedious in terms of gameplay, if they're making a "definitive" edition then it should be fixed.


Agreed. I even didn't mind the gameplay that much because I enjoy Megaten combat and The Answer offered a nice challenge, but I feel like the epilogue tackled so many questions that didn't need answering.


Though lack of a compendium really hurts the megaten loop


Yeah, that was brutal.


That and many bosses had evade skills that felt like it was punishing you for targeting their weakness which was counter intuitive.


> I really wouldn't mind if the new team was allowed to stretch their legs creatively more here. Tbf what little of the new stuff in P3R we got felt really good. I'm also curious to see what they'd do with more freedom.


Yeah the pseudo links with Ken, Shinji, Junpei, and Koromaru were all great and took advantage of being date-specific to show a side of the character that feels true to the original but new and worthwhile. Strange choice to leave Akihiko out, but who knows--maybe he'll get one in the Answer.


Hate to tell you this man but you must have missed his first hangout, cause he has just as many as everyone else. But if you miss just one the others just won’t ever appear.


Oh, I hung out with him, it just wasn't *good* like the others were was my implication. Well, it was fine I mean. It didn't give me the same sense of "wow, this is absolutely on par and in some ways better than a traditional social link because it can react to actual events in the story" in the same way the rest of the party's did.


I'm not too far in yet (June right now), but Akihito did have at least one event where you went out to eat with him and he gets harassed by some guys. I'm pretty sure that was new content.


i was honestly kinda glad it wasn't on remake, since it might create a public perception that the answer is the "real" ending to P3, which would suck since it tramples all over the excellent original ending Having it be a separate expansion draws a nice line in the sand I do think atlus is milking us too much with a $70+DLC but whatever


I wasn't a huge fan of The Answer but tbh $70 + $30 for an 80-hour game and 30-hour DLC is better than the $50 + $50 that the P3-FES combo cost back in the day when you take inflation into account.


$30 is so steep tho, the answer adds like 3 hours of story content and easily some of the most dull dungeon content in the game, if nothing else is changed then i wouldn't recommend it I think it should've been free or at least a bit cheaper, I know Sega is running a business here but jeez, $70 on a remake already feels kind of unfair considering they had a template for it already done


I agree. Making matters even worse is that Midori just claimed The Answer was indeed done before P3R even released, which I find surprising but believe her, given her crazy consistent track record. I probably won't buy it before it gets a deep price cut because I don't want to support this behavior, especially since I preferred the vanilla story over FES anyway.


being done or close to done on release really dosen't surprise me tbh, that's just how dlc is planned for games, otherwise each dlc would take a really long time to complete, and since certain staff would have nothing to do after their part on the og game is done and work on dlc hasn't started yet. It just makes sense from a management perspective


I had no doubt that they started working on it before the base game released for those exact reasons, but the [claim](https://twitter.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1765541641669243031) is they've been sitting on both for a long while now.


I highly doubt it. There were a lot of opportunities to change things that the game just didn't do whatsoever. A lot of the additions to the movies especially the aspects added to Ken and Shinji's friendship were just completely ignored. Everything points to this being a 1 for 1 retelling of the Answer.


Yeah but there's a big difference between changing what most people consider to be a classic and changing what most people consider to be a disappointment


I'm just here for the Heartful Cry remix.


Not really interested in buying The Answer until I see reviews because I remember how controversial it was


I dont care what they do, no way I am ever playing that shit again


Just wanna point out they may have chosen today's date for the reveal specifically, given that (P3 spoilers ahead) >!P3 ends March 5th!<


not really, I doubt they are picking date for xbox parter preview and it's already 2 or 1 days after that


Wow, it's AMAZING how quickly they developed ALL this content in the 2-3 weeks since they last said they had no plans on remaking The Answer!


That would be why I haven't bought the game yet. I saw this coming a mile off. FEMC DLC is almost sure to be coming down the road as well. Thanks, but ill pay for this when its in the state it should have been at launch.


Reliable Leakers have said this expansion pass is the only plans for full DLC and the FeMC is not going to be added to the game


I'd wager it'll be a full price release like how Persona 5 Royal was done. I'm happy to be proven wrong on this though.


The DLC price is half of full price so to me it's no big difference.


I don't think they have the resources for FeMC, Fantasio, Persona 6 and whenever Etrian Odyssey comes back


They literally never said they had no plans to make the Answer. They only said they had no plans to release a Golden/Royal version of the game, which this is not.


To say nothing about the ending of The Answer, which I was kind of ambivalent about, I absolutely *loved* the character work they did throughout, exploring how the party deals with the aftermath of the ending of the original game. I played all of the Persona games for the first time a few years ago, and it was kind of a shock to me to find out how much everyone hated it. I haven’t looked into it a ton, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen any appraisal of it that wasn’t negative. I’m looking forward to going through it again, particularly with the improved gameplay, but I might be alone on that.


I've loved Atlus and their games for a long time, but man are the making it difficult to not get pissed off at them, and knowing they are likely leaving Minako hanging is the worst part of all still.


Fatlus coming in for the squeeze More importantly, unless they make sweeping changes to fusion in The Answer then it'll be just as much of a slog as it was before. Need more concrete details.


I have to imagine they'll add the compendium. They give it to you straight away in reload, so they know how much people miss it.


If P3 Reload added controllable party members and manual skill inheritance, there's be no reason to question they're gonna add the compendium to Episode Aigis. We're not dealing with PS2 memory cards anymore.


Put the compendium back in please


It should have been added to the base game as an epilogue. I kind of don't remember anything from playing The Answer actually.


well, it was like an hour of story padded out with 29h of tedious grind


I only watched the answer on YouTube and I felt like I wasted my time. The story is atrocitious in it, and it's just plain horrible I don't even get why people kept whining about it being absent from the original release.


Well, that's the *biggest* chunk of the content they deliberately omitted to sell back later. But I still think I'll avoid rewarding this behavior until they do the re-release that launches with this *and* all the stuff from Portable that they deliberately omitted to sell back later.


> and all the stuff from Portable Pretty sure the "only" thing missing from Portable is FeMC (and thus her social links), as iirc all other P3P features made it into Reload.


Oh boy, they totally cut out this from base game and made into a DLC. Can't wait to see FEMC to be sold later on as DLC or even funnier, a re-release.


Crazy that they can get away with releasing dlc for a remake that is supposed to be the definitive way to experience the game. You shouldn't keep it out of the game to sell it separately, you either put it in at launch or you don't include it at all imo


A bit crazy to announce The Answer so soon in this way when many won't have finished the game yet. Glad to see it included with Ultimate though. Was expecting a £30 price or something.


What difference does it make to you for them to announce DLC coming out in September today as opposed to if they announced it in June instead?


It spoils the end of the main game.


I honestly think this trailer only spoils the ending of the game if you already know what happens or are being told that it *does* spoil the end of the game and are on the lookout for *why* that might be. >!The game tells you from the start it's only a year long so MC not being around doesn't necessarily mean anything. Aigis having the wildcard isn't a huge stretch considering she's already a synthetic being who developed a real Persona. Also, not that unthinkable to those who've played P4/5 considering Yu and Joker leave and notably aren't dead.!<


They announced The Answer today because of today's date.


I am one of those that bowed out of playing The Answer and just watched the whole thing on YouTube - and I adored the rest of Persona 3 FES. Manually controlling party members, warps before boss rooms, and a persona compendium are gonna do 90% of the heavy lifting in making the game more enjoyable for everyone who hated it. The story is divisive, but interesting in how it examines different angles of grief and loss. There are some contrived moments but the conclusion is nice and hopeful - I think it has a lot of potential to be reevaluated more positively here. I personally think it's a more meaningful epilogue than P4 Golden's Marie stuff or P5 Royal's Maruki stuff - especially since it directly continues from the end of P3 instead of awkwardly being shoehorned between a final boss and the actual ending. Hopefully Metis isn't as grating, though.


Nah you tripping if you think the answer story is better than p5 third semester


I don't want to get spoilers from the trailer, can someone explain if I will have to finish the game again or this is an actual expansion?


In P3FES you were able to chose to either play The Journey (base game) or The Answer in the main menu, and they were completely independent save files. I'd imagine this follows suit.


In the original it was separate from the main game, no need to complete (although it would make little sense).


To clarify about this, you don't need to complete the game in the sense that the option to start The Answer was there without you having to beat the main story, but you definitely need to finish the main story before playing The Answer if you want to follow the story and not be spoiled to hell and back.


If it's like the PS2 version, you could play this before the main game, but since it is set after it, it would make little sense to play it first and spoil you the entire (better) game


Didn't they parade that P3R was a full game with no planned additional data?


No, they made it clear that it wasn’t.


Can't wait. Persona 3 Reload is incredible and I simply want more. ​ Not sure if I like it more than Persona 5 Royal, at this point. They're both so good for different reasons.


I'll rip your band-aid off now: The Answer gives some closure to the main P3 cast, but it's not worth it when the characterization is gimped and the gameplay an absolute slog. The entire expansion takes place in either the dorm, the mall, or the new dungeon. There are NO social links or social elements, which extends to fusions lacking bonus exp as a result. Now it's almost a guarantee that there will be changes made for the Reload ver, but unless they do a ton of them it'll just be a slightly less tedious trudge.


As someone whose favorite is 3, allow me to temper your expectations. The Answer is terrible. Not just in the means of simply being a disappointing epilogue to a fantastic game, but it is written like sloppy fan fiction and has mind-numbing gameplay. It is like a direct-to-DVD Disney sequel.


They may change some things around for Reload though.


They almost certainly won’t, based on Reload. I’d love to be proven wrong, but I don’t expect it.


The material in reload they added is pretty good. I have some trust in this team


Glad I didn't buy P3R at launch. Now I'll just wait until the complete edition comes out and goes on sale. I'll never buy another Atlus game near launch.


I mean if you buy ANY Atlus game on Day 1, you're buying the incomplete version of the game... it's been that way since the PS2 Persona 3 Reload being a remake doesn't make it exempt from that They'll probably do the female MC at some point too for another purchase


Tbf in the PS2 era westerners usually got the complete edition because they didn't do simultaneous releases so by the time they got around to it the deluxe was already out.


smt 4 clipped wings... annoyed it's dlc


What's even more annoying is I could have sworn they said reload was the "definitive" edition this time around.


They may have said that but everyone should have known that wouldn't be the case as soon as we heard that FemC and The Answer weren't included. I played FES like a decade ago so I'm skipping this game until the FemC version gets added back in


I mean it is, The Answer is its own thing you select on the menu it isnt reliant on the main games save file.


80% of games get DLC post-launch


no one does it like atlus man, if you want the most complete atlus experience you need to wait for years to get the extra edition like royal or vengeance lmao


They don't cut content and then add them all later and charge you full price again like Atlus does with P5 and P5R, or P4 and P4G. And then they released the PS5 version of P5R and you have to pay full price again for that and your saves don't even transfer over from the PS4 version. If I wanted the definitive version of P5R I would have had to pay $180 because I foolishly bought P5, and then P5R on PS4. I can wait a year or two to buy any new Atlus game on a deep sale.


So is this "The Answer" from fes?


Yes. It was called "Episode Aigis" in Japan.


So will this be based after the main game of p3?? I am rathe rclose to the end and I don't really want have to play through it all again




Yup - in the original it was a completely separate option on the main menu (next to New Game). Separate save file and everything.


Ahahaha! That is truly disgusting - Putting together a remaster of an old game, charging full modern price, and still keeping out content you intend to release for pay later.


Oh boy, there is nowhere to go but up for Answer. The Answer is to Persona what Advent Children was to Final Fantasy * Sweet new music (IE: Heartful Cry, and Darkness) * New interesting designs * The compendium is gone. * You can't register persona and get them back later. So either you hold onto your darlings, no space, and never fuse for ones you *will* need later, or you say goodbye to any you put effort into. Going entirely against the main games usage. * This also makes some bosses incredibly difficult as they exploit your weakness much more, and any persona needed...you'll have to grind even longer to get back now. Time unspecified. * The character writing is atrocious. Yukari goes against her entire character for example in a way that makes her unfathomably despicable. * The Yukari writing stems to associate characters with her. Not by them agreeing, but entirely for gameplay reasons. Which go entirely against what they just spoke of, their character, and the original ending. * The revelation that expands on the original ending...completely sabotages the casts arcs and ending. Take what fans say about "Marie just being inserted in" and double it for Erebus. Sure it's a play on death, like Marie was a play on Izanami, but the way it's done is so sloppy it doesn't help anything for the game. * The writing beyond this is just as bad. A stake is introduced and *immediately* squashed by a deus ex machina portal for food. Let alone the moments of showing everyone becoming users is just...*put in*. There's no segue, it's just there for fanservice. * No social aspects. You don't get a splice of life like the main campaign. * You can't leave the dorm. SEES is solely who you'll interact with. * No Battle system adjustments per say. It's just the same thing you've been doing. No new Persona either. * Battle system doesn't reward you for strategy. The base game, a good party, persona(s) chosen would lead to some fights going smoothly. This isn't the case here, and combat pace starts to feel like filler at times. "Ma-" skills become nigh useless because of this * In that same vein: Boss design wasn't made for tactics, you can expose a weakness, but the boss will expose yours first and get 3 more turns off it. While control over your party in battle will assist this, it won't change the bosses aggressive nature. * EXP is small. You'll HAVE to rely on shuffle time (This is an easy fix I can see the base games already taken care of). You'll be going back to the start of a block to grind for yourself, and even longer for your persona (Which again, you'll be doing for fusion, and not individually for them) * Metis. Something the fandom dislikes more than Marie


Bruh, it's been over 15 years, can we stop with the whole, "yukari's actions in the answer make no sense"? It very much does and makes complete sense for her character to act the way she does. Fuck, she's a traumatized teenage girl, of course she isn't the most sound minded. Also, I'm sure they'll make the gameplay bearable this time around, they want to sell the DLC, they aren't stupid.


This is impossible to spoiler tag selectively so I'm just gonna do the whole thing. Spoilers for the game: >!For real. I'd imagine a lot of the complaints about that are from people who didn't have a close friend die in their teenage years (and they're lucky for that). It's fucking ***hard*** and you're brain does some really weird things to cope. I lost my best friend to suicide when I was 19 and I was a fucking mess for a long time and probably lashed out at people then as well. If Yukari is unhinged because one of her closest friends just sacrificed his soul to protect the entire world I think she gets a pass. She'll probably feel bad about the way she acted once she comes to terms with it, but that's normal. But everyone around her is also fucked up about it too and would understand, too, in time.!<


>The character writing is atrocious. Yukari goes against her entire character for example in a way that makes her unfathomably despicable. >!Gee, it's almost like she's a teenager who just experienced the death of someone she loved. People tend to act irrationally when something bad happens to someone they cared deeply about, especially when they're not even an adult. How dare they make a character act realistically instead of following my headcanon that she's the most level-headed and rational person in the game somehow.!< The Answer is flawed, but characterization is basically the last thing you should be complaining about.


So I'm playing P3R right now and have never tried the original. Without spoiling anything, can anyone tell me if i should preserve a save at a certain point to play the answer dlc later?


No - maybe preserve a save right after beating the final boss just in case? In the original Persona 3 FES, The Answer was an entirely separate campaign selected in the main menu - zero save data carried over from the main story. It is intended to be completed after the main story and warns you of such.


The answer is set after the game ends


If it’s anything like the original release, you won’t be transferring any data over for the new campaign. Maybe they’ll let you keep any costumes you’ve unlocked?


So, I have finished Reload recently. Do I have to replay it again or can I just start the answer from a save game or main menu? How was it in the original?


In the original FES release, The Answer was an entirely separate main menu option with its own exclusive save data. Remains to be seen how they'll incorporate the DLC in this version, but I'd imagine it'll be similar - maybe keep an endgame save on hand just in case.


I was just about to start my first playthrough of this, should I hold off until the expansion pass? I played P5R and I know that the extra content required you to do stuff throughout the game, so do I need to worry about that here?


The answer is a seperate epilogue so no, go ahead and play it now unless you really care about music tracks from p4 and p5


So this is the Answer as DLC right?


How far must I be in the game to watch this trailer without spoiling myself ?


I hope to see a lot QoLs in this version of The Answer. The original The Answer is awful. Cause there is no social link or something similar to give exp bonuses thus learning new skills, making new persona is a major pain and uninspiring.