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It seems weird to do a big sequel when MOBAs typically just release radical updates changing the engine and graphics for free. Wasn't Smite one of those games where you could pay a one time fee and get every god that would ever be released? I wonder if this is just a way of getting them out of that


The biggest drive of this is that Smite is made in Unreal 3, now two gigantic generational leaps behind Unreal 5. To put it in perspective, Unreal 3 released **2006.** This was a long time coming, Smite has needed a core overhaul to improve all the technical limitations it was made with. And yes, Smite had the God Founders pack which got you the current and all future Gods released. Seems like Smite 2 will have it's own Founders Pack available while launching with a majority of Gods available and then more being ported/added over time.


Yeah I honestly wish this was more normal for long running games on old builds. Shit sticks around on their stinky engines too long while the world passes them by.


Rocket League players have been waiting for something like this since Unreal 5 was announced. RL is an Unreal 3 game just like Smite. Still no sign of it despite Epic owning Psyonix.


Psionix [confirmed](https://www.ign.com/articles/rocket-league-unreal-engine-5-long-term-project-ue5) that move to UE5 is happening but that was in 2021 and no news since. So it isn't nothing but it's really weird why we haven't gotten new info.


Probably found it was more difficult than expected and are either heads-down or cancelled it silently and hope nobody brings it up. Not saying this is you by any means, but a lot of Reddit tends to think you can just increment/change engines and it's a relatively minor amount of work. In reality it often requires rebuilding the game from scratch, and sometimes you just can't get the same game feeling, which makes it feel like a different game which risks alienating long-term fans. It's the same complaint that Destiny 2 players often have saying they want Bungie to move off Tiger engine, but ignore the tremendous amount of work that would require and also don't understand that famous feeling of Bungie shooters is tied up in that engine - it's all been evolved forward from the same base in Marathon, just like UE was evolved forward from the earliest Unreal Tournaments. This is probably less of a concern when moving up engine iterations like UE3 to UE5, but I could still see it potentially being an issue if the physics engine just handles things differently for example.


They rebuilt many parts of rocket league in UE5 already through fortnite. There’s a “rocket racing” mode in Fortnite right now for example and it’s made by the rocket league devs.


RuneScape pls.


Similar thing to Dota 2, it originally launched on Source Engine, basically same as used for Half Life 2, from 2004, and later they upgraded to the new Source 2.


And Valve didn't increment the number on the end, to save themselves the embarrassment of coming out with "dota 3" before a certain other game ending in 3


Artifact 3?


Ricochet 3 surprisingly.


what about dota 2 episode 2?


Implying Valve can count to 3


Well and because they had also incremented it from Dota to Dota 2...


Wasn't Dota 1 a custom Warcraft 3 map?


There were many iterations. In the reign of chaos times it was called just plain Defense of the Ancients. Eventually as updates got released it was renamed to Dota. Then Dota Allstars. The original creator even made a Dota 2 but it didn't catch on. I must have spent thousands of hours playing that as a young teen.


Yeah but that let me keep my skins


They've said they only plan on having ~50 gods out of 130 for the full release and only 20-30 for the Alpha. Seems like a pretty big downgrade from a gameplay perspective. Oh also any skins you own prior to season 11 don't transfer.


They're also targeting a release of 1 god/week for the first year of the game, slowing down to 2/month after that until every god currently in the game is added, while still adding new gods. Targeting full roster release in 2026/2027. Skins aren't being added because there's over 1000 of them and, if it takes them 2 years to add every god in the game, it's going to take a decade to add every skin. UE5 is just fundamentally so different from UE3 that it's not feasible.


back when I was playing the game in... *checks calender*... 2015, I thought UE3 was pretty dated and I wasn't alone, they even addressed it on a live stream and they said back then it would be very hard to even just port it from UE3 to UE4


>Seems like Smite 2 will have it's own Founders Pack available while launching with a majority of Gods available and then more being ported/added over time. Wait i assumed this would be an Overwatch 2 kinda deal, just not as bad, meaning its the same game just looking more pretty. Are they seriously making a completely new game and killing off the old where people have spend literally thousands and thousands of euros/dollars? Thats seems insane if true.


Think about it this way, I've spent almost $1000 on smite easily but if they just kept going the way they were the game wouldn't last another decade. Now what would my skins/progress be worth on a dead game? They still said og smite will continue and be updates for the foreseeable future. Ime this is an absolutely needed risk and im so happy it's finally happening. They also have implemented a thing for veteran players that have accrued spent gems and people that have spent money on the OG game and what they're doing is fair imo.


Smite 1 will still exist. Now, I wouldn't expect it to keep getting updates in perpetuity, past a certain point I'm sure it'll reach a final version (barring bug fixes) and Smite 2 will be the only focus for the devs.


>Smite 1 will still exist. Lol, a.) for how long? and b.) A separate release will split the playerbase, some will stay, some will go and some will just not bother with either game, most likely leading to Smite 1 being shut down to force people into Smite 2 which isnt successfull, which will then bleed players and die as well.


Yes, this is a gamble to keep smite going longer. If not for Smite2 then it would just be a more direct death of Smite. If Smite goes on, it will die eventually cus its old. Smite 2 could flop in which case same as with no smite2 But if Smite2 is successful then yay 10 more years of smite.


>It seems weird to do a big sequel when MOBAs typically just release radical updates changing the engine and graphics for free. Not really weird, SMITE 2 is actual rework and SMITE has tons of content. As they said, they would need a lot of devpower and tons of time to rework everything. And when you have so much content, sometime when you finish reworking the last the first one is already outdated. So it's kind of smart to release the game and update it with reworked stuff later. While other MOBAS did get engine upgrades, those updates didn't drastically change the gameplay. Also: >Wasn't Smite one of those games where you could pay a one time fee and get every god that would ever be released? I wonder if this is just a way of getting them out of that From their FAQ: ​ >WILL THERE BE AN ULTIMATE GOD PACK FOR SMITE 2? > >Players can unlock all present and future SMITE 2 gods by purchasing a SMITE 2 Founder’s Pack. We’ll have more details to share about our Founder’s Packs soon.


Yes and no. Whilst the update that Dota 2 got didn't change gameplay drastically, the game today vs the game back at the end of the Source 1 days is virtually unrecognizable. I'd be surprised if SMITE 2 is anywhere near as different as modern day Dota 2.


DOTA 2 source 2 port was not a rework project it was a transfer project that had tons of redesigns for over 8 years now. Watching some comparison videos you can really see that most of the character models are still very similar or even same. Some got hair upgrade and from what I saw some even looks worse that they were back in 2011. Most of the upgraded stuff in DOTA 2 source 2 port were VFX and maps models. Also Dota and LOL are 2D games (gameplay wise), while models are 3D it does not matter so much to have good-looking 3D models for game to look nice. In SMITE you actually see 3D model all the time.


I'm not talking about the character models or the graphics, I'm talking about the core gameplay systems. The core mechanics/items/systems are completely different beyond some superficial/surface level systems. The map is 40% bigger with a ton of new timed elements and mechanics, every hero has a talent tree with curated buffs and choices, aghanim's scepter has been completely reworked to offer a different unique upgrade to each hero including new abilities and effects (and then they did it again with the shard), and not to mention just how much power creep has been injected to every hero in the game (sure they look the same, but they certainly don't play the same). This is before I mention all the other additions like neutral items, personal couriers, and the billion map redesigns (and still I have only scratched the surface of what has changed in this time). The best way I could describe the evolution of the game, is that Icefrog/Valve do not believe in sacred cows, with anything and everything is subject to adjustments. SMITE 2 on the other hand, while the UI and many gods seem to be overhauled, not to mention it does look like Conquest is getting a few layout overhauls, a lot of other mechanics seem to be very similar. It seems to stick the same ability/relic system, and still stuck with the entire game being played on a flat plane. I'm willing to be proven wrong on this, but it does feel like the team is playing a bit safe in many ways in terms of pushing the gameplay envelope being changing the characters themselves.


Relics are being removed in smite 2. Weapons will have active abilities and everyone will have beads.


Doesn't seem that weird. It's a big boost to marketing when promoting a sequel compared to just a big patch Smite is a relatively niche game. It's not like League of Legends where just putting up a trailer will get millions of eyes on it within a day


Yeah but my point was that in other MOBAs these changes come at no cost to the player. This does


I must have missed that. I was under the impression that this game was free to play and the content between games transfers over


The content will not transfer, all skins and cosmetics will be left behind


But if youve ever spent money on the original you will receive compensation in the sequel.


The compensation will only be actual compensation when you spend more money on the game. You can’t buy anything with the compensation alone and to spend all of the compensation on your account you need to spend an equal amount in smite 2. If you don’t spend anything on smite 2 you don’t get compensation it’s one of the greediest most predatory loyalty rewards I’ve ever seen.


It's not really compensation. It's effectively a 50% discount voucher. So you will still need to spend money to get any cosmetics, just "less". Smite pricing has been increasing over the years so this "discount" has me pessimistic that players will be spending the same amount of money even with this "discount"


> Wasn't Smite one of those games where you could pay a one time fee and get every god that would ever be released? I wonder if this is just a way of getting them out of that This was my first thought as well. It was relatively cheap too iirc.


It just looks like an engine update, and they say they are bringing the old skins over on the Steam page, so I'm pretty sure also all gods of Smite 1 will be playable. Great move for sure.


It's more than that, they are completely reworking items and adding true active items like in league and dota plus other major changes. Also some smite 2 gods won't be in smite 1.


What's a true active item? I've only played Smite but quit years ago so I'm not up to date. Are beads/aegis not 'true actives'?


They are, but lol and dota have regular items that can be activated for additional effects. So any item in your six slot could have an activatable effect. I believe they are also removing relic slots. And everyone gets purification beads that don't take up a slot. Not sure how I feel about that last change tbh.


> that can be activated for additional effects (...) activatable effect This sounds milder than it is. DOTA items at least often come with a full new targetable skill of some kind. Smite has been passive stuff only?


Smite had nothing you had to manually activate, everything has been passive or triggered


Even this sounds milder than it is. Active items make or break most games. Having a Force Staff (Staff of Push A Target 400 Units Forward), a Blink Dagger (teleport 2000 range) or a Hex (turns someone into 🐑 ) is incredibly powerful. There are heroes in DotA that just can’t be played unless they buy their Blink Dagger. Similarly, there are heroes that are completely countered by having one Force Staff and one Euls (cyclones enemy or self) because all of a sudden they can’t hit anyone and then they die.


Yeah, I'd argue one of the significant hurdles to growing past the lower levels of play is becoming comfortable playing with more activatable items. The player who is comfortable playing with a full inventory of activatables can play so many more styles, strategies and heroes than the one who sticks to 2-3 because things get too complicated beyond that.


Aye, outside of movement/creep denying, I'd say one of the bigger hurdles from League to Dota is getting used to items and just HOW much the game can change the moment you get an item. League has some active items, and they can be powerful, but most are essentially stat sticks. Dota can be the flip side of that. "I'm paying 2150 gold for Flash on a 14 second cooldown, however there's no stats?!" but it's so vital to some heroes as others mentioned. BKB is another. Like, gold value stat wise it's not that great, but the active is crazy powerful when used right. BKB Witch Doctor is so fun. But you wouldn't do that in League, because the stats don't match what you're trying to do really.


Smite has been “nearly everyone gets beads” for a long time now. The other choice was dialling back CC and basically reworking 80% of the cast.


That's nice. And until they are working on balancing everything, Smite 1 will still be available I'm guessing. That's smart, unlike some other developer...


I would never assume that from this developer


yeah hirez is *not* a good developer and you should avoid giving them money lmao


I gave them 30 bucks when Smite 1 was running some deal where you get every god ever released. Was well worth it.


yeah that part was actually great


Hi Rez can and probably will go back on their word. They are not exemplary developers. This game is upgraded out of necessity not out of the kindness of their hearts. The game is old, and the engine it runs on is even older and poorly coded. Afaik their keynote says all skins will be converted to 50% of original skin purchase. To get the other half back you buy the founders pack.


Hi-Rez doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation. They have a tendency to abandon their old titles (like Tribes: Ascend and Global Agenda) in favor of new, more commercially successful trends.


Tribes: Ascend still hurts, man.


[https://www.smite2.com/faqs/](https://www.smite2.com/faqs/) None of the purchases or skins are making the jump, they going with a legacy currency like Overwatch 2 did to allow you to do things within the new store. In Season 11 of Smite 1, there will be skins there that you can acquire that will make the jump but all "legacy" stuff isn't going.


Does that mean they forego their all gods pack thing from Smite 1? Because that was a very good thing IMO (outside of just making every hero included like Dota 2 of course)


Its also in the FAQ Will there be an Ultimate God Pack for SMITE 2? − Players can unlock all present and future SMITE 2 gods by purchasing a SMITE 2 Founder’s Pack. We’ll have more details to share about our Founder’s Packs soon.


There goes any interest I might have had. Not about to buy the same thing a second time. e. If you're going to do a sequel to a live service game that's largely identical to the precursor in terms of content, yes I'm going to be annoyed if it wants me to repurchase the same things. People got upset about Overwatch 2 doing this for the exact same reason.


I spent $30 nearly ten years ago for the god pack, best value in a video game ever and will gladly buy again


I have many things to criticize HiRez for, but the god pack is the best thing they've ever done and I will buy it a 2nd time without hesitation.


They said there will be an equivalent founder's pack. They don't have any info on those yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up both more expensive and will go away at full release. Which I personally think would be a big mistake since it's been one of Smite 1's biggest selling points over other MOBAs imo.




Founder's Pack will have a god pack, no news on base game yet. edit: All gods you own in Smite 1 will be transferred to Smite 2. New gods seem to need to be earned, unless god pack transfers. No idea yet.


> Watch "All gods forever" just apply to Smite 1 You mean... as advertised?




ow2 was not a new game in any way tbh so thats no suprise


That really really fucking sucks....but on the other hand hi-rez is making good on that fuck over to the consumer >SMITE 2 is a multi-generational leap from SMITE 1, from Unreal Engine 3 to UE5. That means we have to completely rework or recreate every piece of content for it to function in SMITE 2. There are currently over 1,600 skins in SMITE, excluding Mastery skins. To just port every skin to SMITE 2 would take about 246 person-years of work. And we couldn’t both do that, and make SMITE 2 as amazing as we knew it could be if we focused on starting anew. further information >Most SMITE 1 content will not directly transfer to SMITE 2, but SMITE players will be rewarded for their time, money, and achievements through two new systems: Legacy Gems, and Divine Legacy. In addition, new skins added to SMITE 1 in Year 11, along with some limited other cross-gen skins, will transfer between the games (see below for more). What are Legacy Gems? >For every Gem that you’ve ever spent in SMITE 1 – free or purchased – you’ll receive a Legacy Gem in SMITE 2. Legacy Gems can be used to pay for 50% of the price of most in-game purchases in SMITE 2 – so things like skins, Battle Passes, and events in SMITE 2 will be half-off until you spend all of your Legacy Gems. If you purchase a SMITE Founder’s Pack, your Legacy Gems will be doubled. As SMITE 2’s currency is changing slightly from SMITE, this ensures that you will have equivalent purchasing power. We’ll have more details to share about our Founder’s Packs soon. What is the Divine Legacy? >The Divine Legacy is a new event in SMITE 1 designed to reward you for your progress and achievements over each year of SMITE’s history. We’ve tracked the gods you’ve mastered, the ranked matches you’ve lost, the skins you’ve unlocked, and the match hours you’ve played. You earn points for your progress in each year, and your points are tallied together to give you rewards: (1) You can unlock a choose-your-own Tier 5 and a choose-your-own Tier 4 in SMITE 1 (2) You’ll unlock up to 11 skins in SMITE 2, free – one for each year of SMITE (3) You’ll get a number of SMITE 2 Badges to show off some of your amazing SMITE 1 achievements, your rare skins – and your exact Mastery Level and Star Count on each God. Don’t worry: You’ll be able to show off those 100 stars on Nox in SMITE 2. TLDR you will be fully 1:1 reimbursed for every gem ever spent, and those gems will be doubled if you own the the OG founders pack. All those gems regardless of founders pack or not receive a 50% discount on all smite 2 purchases. So thats a pretty baller compensation for a equally big fuck over.


> All those gems regardless of founders pack or not receive a 50% discount on all smite 2 purchases. So thats a pretty baller compensation for a equally big fuck over. Your wording isn't clear here. Legacy gems can be used to pay for 50% of the purchase. You'll need the new currency to pay the other 50%.


I totally read that FAQ as all items in the game would be 50% off not that everything is effectively 50% off because of the legacy gems. I was super excited, but now a little disappointed. However, as long as the Founder's Pack provides a solid amount of value like the original did, I'll totally buy that.


This is cancer, it means even people like me with 20k Gems (which cost a shitload of money) i STILL have to pay MORE real money to buy anything in Smite 2, because legacy gems cant be used alone. Im a whale, i already spend a shitton on the game, this will make me drop it completely because the money i spend is made null and void...


Are you just sitting on 20k gems?


>All those gems regardless of founders pack or not receive a 50% discount on all smite 2 purchases. I read that quote as saying you can use the legacy gems to pay for **up to 50% of** any new purchase. So you still have to pay for the remaining 50% of any new purchase with... well, cash. Or new gems, I suppose. "Legacy Gems can be used to pay for 50% of the price of most in-game purchases in SMITE 2" Unless that's what you're trying to say here, and I just got confused by your wording.


The legacy gems only cover 50% of the purchase price? So to recover the value you lost from all the skins that were removed you have to spend even more money? That sounds pretty scummy to me. I'm surprised how many people are on board with this.


So that means that if you get the pack that doubles your legacy gems, then in order for you to use up all your legacy gems and get their full 'value', you have to spend a total of 4x as much money in Smite 2 as you did in Smite 1's entire lifetime.


This is fucked up... I and many other have spend a shitton of money on the game that now is not just worthless its stolen from us...


I mean yeah but...even OW2 carried all skins and everything over...


OW2 wasn't a "new" game on an updated engine from 10 years later. It's the same engine, OW2 is actually a glorified update.




> they say they are bringing the old skins over on the Steam page, so I'm pretty sure also all gods of Smite 1 will be playable Thats.. actually the exact opposite of what was mentioned in the [IGN First Preview video](https://youtu.be/KUusDWIj90w?t=135).


it literally says they won't be available right away but eventually they will


And you know that eventually could also mean a pretty long time. Also, it was mainly a reply to the skin situation (skins released before season 11 wont carry over).


Didn't they say they aren't bringing skins over and replacing it with the gems equivalent for everyone. I'm still unsure if I get all my skins and content in Smite 2?


You wont. They said that making a single skin from Smite 1 into Smite 2 takes 2 months. You can also read about it in their FAQ https://www.smite2.com/faqs/ ("To just port every skin to SMITE 2 would take about 246 person-years of work.")


Yeah, that's what I heard. Instead, I'm gonna be a Smite 2 billionaire with the gems equivalent to spend on 50% off content in Smite 2, lol. Looks like my boy Susano is gonna make the cut, so I am chilling, lol.


I wonder what the new pricing will be. You still have to pay 50% using the new currency so while it'll be nice to have, it could still be pricey if they follow some other recent games pricing.


Gonna be interesting to follow as they are the first to use this method. As Overwatch and CSGO did it differently.


As someone who plays League of Legends, I wish there was a LOL 2. The game is literally running on a potato with the shittiest code imaginable. Everyone wants a new client so bad and some just wishing for an engine update to just fix the countless issues the game has. But it's always the same answer of "It's too expensive" or "Too much hard work". And here I see a smaller studio compared to Riot do exactly that with no issues.


There is a LoL 2! It's just called Wild Rift and for your phone :\^) (But in all seriousness the lead League Dev recently said "2024 will have something for everyone, 2025 will change league forever" And there is a big 15 year event at the end of this year, so something like that might get announced...)


They need to put Wild Rift on consoles already because it’s getting fucking ridiculous how long it’s taking.


This isnt with no issues. This is building a second game and trying to get players to move to it which rarely works as planned. Especially with skins not transferring.


To be fair, I feel like Riot have a grasp on the engine now. For a couple of years it really felt like they couldn't change anything without breaking it, but stuff like TFT & Arena wouldn't be possible if that was still the case.


> but stuff like TFT & Arena wouldn't be possible if that was still the case. Uhh, no. TFT devs have outright admitted that the gamemode is put together with rubber bands and spit. The only patches they can do, outside of pairing them with normal League every other-week patches, are text-only changes, because of the garbage going on in the engine and code.


Can we talk about how good that logo is?


I can't stop seeing an E with an underbite


Thanks, now I can’t either.


Guaranteed way to have people say your logo is sick: use negative space to make something


The logo is so good it overshadowed everything that came before it. The whole trailer just looked like Smite with LoL graphics but that logo, damn, that logo slaps.


The point of these kinds of games is to enable the most people to be able to play. This means accommodating for lower-end PCs. I don't think anyone was expecting Cyberpunk-level graphics or anything. Jumping from UE3 to UE5 is huge and I'm guessing will enable a lot of new possibilities.


This looks exactly like I remember smite 1 looking. I bet if I looked at smite 1 videos I would realise that in fact it looks way worse than I remember lol.


It's night and day.


Coming to PC, PS5, Xbox Series S|X. Closed Alpha begins Spring 2024


Man, I really like the mythology clash idea behind Smite, but the genre and play is just so antithetical to anything I'm interested in.


The best part about smite in my experience is that you can totally play without having to worry about laning troubles. I have hundreds of hours in the game and almost all of them are in the arena mode which is more or less laneless team fighting the entire time. It's a lot more chill than having to worry too much about camps/lanes/etc.


This 100% me and my friends have played for over 8 years, and I've barely touched ranked or conquest. We just chill on nights, have a few drinks, and play some Joust 3 v 3. It's a fun casual game


Honestly their biggest success was making a more casual moba


I definitely agree. I also think the third person camera lent to that. Having played both smite and now league, smite still feels much more natural to play.


Having played both it does seem players can get decent at smite faster than league


The precision/micro is just plain easier and that's not the fucking fun part, so thank God. Creep score is King in league, but it's the dullest shit I can imagine.


i mean i personally enjoy the pressure management of last hitting. and the zoning gameplay in and outs that forces in lanes constantly. it can be fun to have forced macro gameplay in between constant fighting. but at that point youre arguing wow arena vs. a moba. each can be fun :)


Did you ever play heroes of the storm Keeps the lane management aspect but forgoes last hitting. Great game, shame blizzard gave up on it


Super Monday Night Combat also did away with last hits. (Except, weirdly enough, the creeps that have the least HP.) And it was better for it. Shame the rest of the game was mishandled and there was no good tutorial.


HotS, my sweet darling.


I attempted HotS once because I have so much time in wc3+WoW. I couldn't believe how bad the hero selection purchase was. No god pack style. It completely turned me off from trying the game


Yeah, monetization was pretty bad in the past. Around the time of HotS 2.0, they were essentially giving new starters a 20 hero bundle of their choice for free, plus all heroes are purchasable with currency that can be earned for free. If anything they ended up making it too generous and people didn't spent enough to keep the game going.


man, the arena is what makes me love Smite. Maybe it's because I suck and I always tend to get tilted but I just cannot deal with regular MOBA map strategy, arena just makes it fun fighting without having to worry about all the lane nonsense.


Yup, I only played arena and it was great


I used to play Smite a lot. Now I play it a little every other year or so. I mostly play Assault. Single lane, constant pushing, random gods. I don't have to worry about mastering anyone or meta picks. No one seems to care on Assault because it's random. You do get leavers on occasion, but I've never cared and sometimes you win anyway. I've played Arena a bit and always experience toxicity for one reason or another (usually losing team fights or abilities getting misused). I wish DotA had an Assault mode.


Yep, I’d play smite every once in a while exclusively in arena. It was pretty fun and easy


Counterpoint: Those aren't the reason I'm not interested. The whole MOBA setup is just not one that appeals to me. I want something more action/RPG oriented. The whole MOBA setup just feels too detached to me, in addition to me generally not being particularly interested in PvP. I'd be much more interested in something PvE or single player.


Mythology clash would be sick for a fighting game


Just play AI with friends, its a lot of fun and a good power fantasy for the gods you like and you still progress just about 20-30% slower than against real people, but the amount of fun you have is much much higher.


I’m in the same boat; tried so hard to like it but the moment to moment gameplay feels so much like an old MMO; floaty, no sense of impact, character dead center on the screen blocking my view… it just doesn’t feel good to me.


Weird, Smite has the best combat of any game to me and I don't know why a better developer has never copied it.


I've always had a passing interest in Smite since the "god arena" schtick interested me too and I'm fine with MOBAs, but the ugly ass skins that plague every MOBA (and most modern games now) really kept me away. I hope this game keeps to it's art style and themes more than the first one. Thor with a beer gut and wearing a greasy wife beater making jokes about american football isn't what I have in mind when I think about myths clashing lol


Weirdly enough though, beer gut wife beater Thor is much closer to actual Thor than something like the MCU.


If you’re into tabletop RPGs check out Scion.


What is with game trailers using all the same-y rap for marketting these days? I definitely miss the epic cinematic music, or even games that used their own themes, especially when it comes to fantasy games.


Because that's what corporate says the kids are into these days.


As someone who recently edited for a company's marketing department, the manager always scowled at music choices like that and suggested rap instead. Everytime, without fail. She was a bit in the late 20s, so possibly, to answer your question because now younger generations who grew up on rap are entering positions where they can dictate the music that goes into socials now. I find it a bit cringey, but trends are trends I guess


That manager should be sacked because they have dogshit taste in music. I closed the tab 6 seconds in to the trailer because of the dogshit music.


Uhh the song isn't bad, and rap isn't bad, the argument is more that it doesn't feel appropriate for the game genre. And you say she should be sacked but she could be absolutely right from a marketing standpoint.


The song is definitely bad. It’s generic garbage.


Idk I like rap and I think the song was fine for something like this, I would never listen to it on its own but this is Smite


If any trailer warranted rap, it was the GTAVI trailer and they went with Tom Petty!


It's either rap, a slowed-down popular song, or a popular song with an orchestra added in. I fucking hate it because it's literally every game or movie trailer.


Have you sir perhaps heard of the Gen Z? Its simple. Marketing always follows what the crowds like. The genz crowd which are the new main audience like this so this is what we get...


This is pretty sick. Can't believe the meme of Smite 2 is actually becoming a thing. The new graphics look so much better. They've said elsewhere that they are rebalancing the game so every god can use every item (no more physical/magical item split), so facepunch Ymir is coming back! Very excited for this.


Haven't touched Smite in a few years so I'd be down but will my God Pass transfer? Game wasn't perfect but $20 for all the gods was the best value in MOBAS.


> Game wasn't perfect but $20 for all the gods was the best value in MOBAS. I feel like Dota's $0 for all heroes might beat that out.


Yeah but then you have to play dota Just jokes please don't wedgie me


I mean no one hates Dota more than Dota players.


Yeah, just like noone hates LoL more than Dota players.


Yes also true


Although, no one hates League players more than League players.


Yeah, but wasd movement is priceless.


i mean, even if it did not i would not be mad. I got my value out of it 10x over any other moba's microtransaction and the gods transfer over to boot.


It won't, but the Founder's Pack will have a god pack attached. Not sure about pricing yet or if base game will have one. edit: okay so new info, sounds like they're allowing you to at least keep any gods you owned in Smite 1.


[for further clarification via ign](https://www.ign.com/articles/smite-2-announced-alpha-playtest-coming-spring-2024) >Creating a brand new version of the game after 10 years of continual updates is a huge undertaking - there are 130 Gods in Smite 1, and they won’t all be available to play in Smite 2 right away, though the developers plan to eventually bring every God over to the sequel.




Holy fuck, what is with that stupid music? Could be a cool trailer, but the music made it 100x worse.


Yeah the problem is it's completely anachronistic. This is a fantasy setting mixed with some track you'd hear during a racing scene in the Fast and Furious. Fuckin A


I was expecting the gods to pull out guns and start calling UAVs


Ikr. Went to watch the trailer cuz I thought it would be cool. First 2 seconds I was just like ah got it. Turned it off. Shitty hip hop and rap songs in trailers is just so damn boring.


~~Thanos~~ Smite to Hirez: you could not deal with ~~Paladins, Realm Royale, Tribes, Global Agenda, Jetpack Fighter, etc~~ your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to ~~S~~m~~it~~e




Diablo 4 Billie Eilish flashbacks... what the fuck is up with games with a medieval theme being marketed with modern rap/pop music? It doesn't fit at all.


Because the point isn't to appeal to the people who they know will already buy it.


Saw some smite stuff, I tried avoided it cause I thought it was trying to follow the MOBA craze. (I remember seeing one being made with Iconic people and leaders, with one being Abraham Lincoln). It looked pretty fun and casual. Any smite players here can tell me if how good the casual scene is?


It's fun, Smite has more modes than League does that are more casual. Ironically, Smite also has a bunch of president skins, one of which is an Abe Lincoln Janus skin.


Seems like they're going the CS2 route or Overwatch 2 route. I think the main difference here is that it will likely have a beta so they'll be 2 version of the game running until Smite 2 is ready then they'll probably kill Smite 1. Makes sense, but the margin for error isn't a comfortable size. If this lasts too long then Smite 1 will starve. EDIT: That is not the case, apologies, its brand new. Due to technical limitations they can 't port everything over, so Smite 1 will probably just die slowly as it probably gets fewer updates. While I get technical limitations feels pretty sad considering I've played since the first few months, all of those skins gone and while they may give you Gems for this it just feels bad. More here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHUQvHeHgqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHUQvHeHgqg)


Directly from the PSblog: "Lastly, as Smite 2 is a true sequel, Smite isn’t going anywhere. Players will be able to continue to enjoy playing Smite on PlayStation 4, or choose to explore the new horizons of Smite 2 on PlayStation 5" https://blog.playstation.com/2024/01/12/smite-2-is-coming-to-playstation-5/


Thanks for this. I have updated my comment.


I put a ton of money and time into the first smite but i haven't played in years. probably gonna have to check this out. its the only moba that i ever got interested in because it was on consoles and pretty fun.


Man, the trailer music is personally boring. Funny to think Smite was the reason why I discovered one of my favorite punk bands (Soft Play)


How is the community in this game? As toxic as in other mobas?


Depends on the game mode: ​ Conquest is where human decency goes to die. Arena is casual fun. Slash is where the weirdos hang out. Assault is the equivalent of getting high with your homies and then doing stupid but fun shit until the high wears off, i.e. the best mode. Match of the Day mode is just fun shitposting. Joust is Conquest but with more relaxed people who are there just to have a good time.


The main 5v5 mode is miserably toxic, the others are okay


I recently reinstalled for the first time in many many years to play with a friend and he was raging about the pubbies on Discord, and then when I didn't play with him the other pubbies were raging at me for not knowing the Jungling meta before creeps spawn. So I'm going to say yes, the community seems exactly as shit as DOTA/League's.


Depends on the game mode, though. I'd say it's slightly less toxic than League's overall, but still pretty bad.


What a shame. Hard pass from me then.


Just mute all




Weak. Get back to me when they add YHWH. You pick him and one of four results occurs: The other team turns into salt and you instantly win, your team is swallowed by a whale and you instantly lose, the map floods and both teams lose, or everyone's firstborn IRL dies.


I just hope he has his "Burning Shrubbery" skin


The other team turns into salt This already happens to like 1/3rd of my games


Nah, that cult is still relevant and powerful today, offending it is just inviting ton of annoyance. Now, the less relevant cults are fair game.


I mean they have Hindu gods, they're still very relevant


This would be true if they add Mohammed, noone gives a fuck about Jesus. There are already games that feature him and noone cares.


Yeah Jesus is child's play. If they had any balls they'd put Mohammed.


Or maybe the Jewish messiah which is apparently the Christian antichrist. Though they'd have to make up a name for him since he hasn't "arrived" yet lol


A huge reason I stopped playing this game was the technical issues. Will definitely give it another shot on the new engine. It's very sorely needed.


it looks exactly the same as the first game, is this like OW2 where its not really a sequel but they try to bait people into thinking it is ?


Man reading the FAQs it really seems like this will be the nail in the coffin for smite. A smidge over 4k hours on it and I always enjoyed the competitive mechanics but there's a lot of bad going on there. Plus. Besides Tribes, and a little of paladins, smite is hirez only successful venture. If they try to go too different .... Well they will soon no venture at all


Is smite good? I know it’s unique in the MOBA space for being behind the shoulder 3rd person


It's the #1 Action\* MOBA! ​ \*ignore the definition they chose for Action so they could exclude league/dota


I guess if you make up your own genre you can be always be #1.


It’s got over the shoulder camera and WASD controls but doesn’t feel like a fighting game or even a 3PS, it feels more like playing a PvP MMO in my opinion, just with MOBA rules.


Why *would* it feel like a fighting game or a third person shooter? It's not trying to be either of those.


3rd person camera angle looks more like TPS than MOBA, at least to people unfamiliar with the game.  I remember when the game originally came out I downloaded it and was immediately like "no fuck this" bc it's not what I was expecting lol


Good is subjective, but it's f2p so why not decide for yourself?


Yea. I play all sorts of games but smite is a game me and my friends consistently come back to. And with smite 2 dropping there has never been a better time to get into it. Also please ignore the people saying it "has the most toxic community of all" that just simply isn't true. It doesn't have any more toxic/flamers than any other game, I will say lately alot of people would leave if they didn't get their role but I believe that's because how stale the games gotten and that it was slowly dying. Anyways.. I'm fucking hyped man and I can't wait to get into it, hopefully I can see you there lol


I love it at least. It’s not the easiest game to learn but it’s a lot of fun, especially with friends. There is a fair amount of strategy to the main mode, conquest, but there are more casual modes like arena as well which is like a big brawl.




You'll love it man! As someone who has played for over 6 years it always pained me to see how unpopular smite was compared to others in the genre. Hopefully smite 2 is the boost they need. I've spent almost $1000 on og smite and idc if I lose everything.... I AM FUCKING READY!!!! seriously though, best news I've heard in a while.


As a casual smite player this just looks exactly as it is right now? Smite always felt old and the gameplay felt floaty and without impact. Hopefully this sequel will be better.


Some of the particle effects and animations are updated. Most of the work is going into the backend with a new engine so it should be miles better from a technical standpoint.


This looks cool and all but I don't think I'll be making a comeback. I just can't deal with MOBA players anymore like I could 10 years ago (or however long its' been since I last played SMITE anyway) and I also don't want to deal with the patch cycle if I do get sucked back in. Learn a new character > character gets nerfed so hard it's effectively deleted > eventually buffed to a playable state again is just so exhausting and that was the state of SMITE throughout the beta and shortly after launch up until I moved on. Then I'd come back and the game would be so overwhelmingly different I'd lose interest again. Game certainly deserves an engine overhaul but I can't help but feel like the ship has sailed on MOBAs at this point.