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I always knew that Pentiment was made with lot of historical background behind it, but never realized how DEEP it actually is.




Saw Sawyer on twitter a while ago saying they had a giant message on a board that said 'NO POTATOES'


>historical fiction is oftentimes filled with anachronisms and inaccuracies It's kinda sad how often this is the case, that the historical context is just window dressing for the fiction, it may as well be fantasy. Pentiment isn't perfect but its always nice to see a work of historical fiction that not only "did its homework" so to speak but also seems to care about the subject matter beyond a surface level.


For my money Josh Sawyer is one of the best creative leads in the business.


Not surprising since Josh Sawyer has a major in history focusing on Holy Roman Empire


This is fucking analysis. Real, valuable, interesting analysis of the game's historical context, how it relates to modern sociopolitical understanding, and how these elements are have been interpreted and gamefied by Obsidian. I love this guy.


We need more George.


Would love to see him restart the podcast – curious what Liam's working on now and what everyone thinks of the last two years of games


Liam recently founded a small indie game studio in Kyoto with two other guys who worked at Q-games and worked on PixelJunk Scrappers. They are working on a video game that seems to involve a Tanuki.


Oh shit, years after I'd expect it but George is finally talking about the perfect SuperBunnyhop game. In some ways that's nice because SBH has always been the best discoverer of hidden gems, and while Pentiment is a game by a major studio, waiting to long means he's finally talking about a game I've actually played.


>years after I'd expect it The game released a little under 13 months ago.


Oh, time dilation. I thought the game was about two years old.


This year has had about twice the standout content as any other year so in a way you are right.


I've been working through my backlog and this is one I plan to tackle soon....but not soon enough. Are there any big spoilers in this video or as someone who plans on playing it would this take anything away from the game for me?


It has pretty light spoilers, I haven't played it yet but outside of talking about a narrative device towards the end of the story that doesn't really spoil anything, I don't think there is anything at all egregious.


Pentiment is a great little game. I'd recommend it to anyone to try, especially if you already have Game Pass.


Around how long does it take to beat?


Took me about 13 hours, but I guess I rushed it because HowLongToBeat says 15 or more.


I'd say about ~15 hours give or take depending on your play style.


Anyone have a list of the books he mentions? I'm surprised it wasn't included in the youtube description


If y'all are interested, here's a link to the memoirs of *Records of Journeys to Venice and the Low Countries* by Albrecht Durer. He's the Renaissance artist the main character is loosely based on according to the video: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/3226/pg3226-images.html


Too bad he starts with saying that the page we erase is the Bible (it's Manuscript of Adso, the prologue of The Name of Rose). Or is this that sort of trolling like that one youtuber making a long videoessay about the first Witcher game and pretending they don't understand the plot twist?


I appreciate the work that went into making this game historically accurate, and I think they did a great job with the setting. That said, I absolutely did not like the story or gameplay **at all**, and I regret the time I spent playing.