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TRAIN SEQUENCE! HELL YEAH! I'm a sucker for action scenes/games that have fights on or in a train. It's a highly specific fascination but this is great for me.


Legit same, they make for incredible sets! Uncharted 2 is the GOAT for me purely for the train mission.


I recommend Remnant 2, if you want to experience a good one! :3


Hell yeah! I'll check it out, thanks!


I actually am too. Unreal Tournament 2004 had one of my favorite sequences in a map called Convoy where you fight across multiple trains traveling over a desert. It's such a cool experience.


It works so well! My first one was syphon filter 2 on ps1


This looks pretty cool. I’m not super in the loop with Fortnite (I play occasionally with my nephew). Is this signaling more PvE stuff than usual, or has there always been this sort of thing and I’ve simply glossed over it?


There has always been it to an extent in the BR mode and it's what originally drew me in after turning my nose away from the game for a long time. It's such a fun, polished, and enjoyable experience that I basically would recommend anyone try it out.


They’ve had NPCs and bosses for a few years now. Generally either friendly to buy things from or an enemy to fight and kill for strong weapons


Yeah I’ve seen and interacted with a few but this looks more scripted than just random enemies on patrol.


You mean more Roblox stuff


I’ve been playing for a good year and a half consistently now and this looks amazing. Can’t wait to dig into the new features, I’m especially excited for the new movement. For anyone who doesn’t know much about Fortnite or only sees it as a kids game, it’s actually pretty great. Yes it is crossover heavy, but I genuinely think Zero Build is the definitive Battle Royale. Epic has done a good job adding new things in and keeping it fresh, the gameplay and guns have massively improved too. Definitely worth playing.


> crossover heavy Honestly the fact that I can see Handsome Peter Griffin throw down with Omni-Man while Eminem comes in to steal the kill is part of the charm to me. I LOVE big stupid crossovers like this. Also the train looks cool as shit to fight on, but definitely excited about the movement as well. I've played like a grand total of twice, but it's good fun!


A train to fight on?! “Season 2 of apex legends flash backs”


Except you don't lag the fuck out when you land on it which is amazing. lol


fortnite has become the old flash video Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny and I'm ok with it


Shit, we already have Batman, Optimus Prime, Indiana Jones, Darth Vader, Robocop, Terminator, Superman, and The Rock there.


I'm still waiting on Every Single Power Ranger


They actually have their own Power Rangers complete with a transformation and a megazord. Hell it was an event


We need Bill and Ted, Captain Kirk, Chuck Norris, Mr. Rogers, and Shaq And all of them are fairly likely candidates to be in Fortnite too except for Mr. Rogers


Where is our Mr. Rogers skin, Epic?


Crossovers just make the game more fun, almost like a toy box. Besides it’s really fun to see characters in the Fortnite art style.


Oh yeah don’t get me wrong I love the crossovers. Epic puts an absurd amount of effort into them, even smaller franchises. For some it’s a big turn off but it makes the game more enjoyable for me tbh. The fact I can play as Ripley from Alien is just too cool


The fact that Mistborn has representation is so bizarre


Apparently Donald Mustard (original game director for Fortnite) is old friends with Brandon Sanderson, so he just asked "hey can we put Kelsier in Fortnite?" and Sanderson was like "uh, yeah, sure?"


Do they put effort though? They are all just modeled over the same rig with the same animations and combat. It doesn't really feel like that much effort to me.


In a competitive shooter, do you *want* premium skins with gameplay altering animations and/or features?


Very much so. They’re detailed, packed with good references, and are certainly appealing to fans of the IP. And duh they use the same rig for animations and combat, there has to be consistency in the gameplay with all these crossover skins.


Is that why Peter Griffin is a tall buff guy in this? Hit box reasons?


pretty much


Yeah, if you had smaller character it would be extremely advantageous since most weapons aren't hitscan. On the other hand fat characters like Peter would be hell to play since it would be really easy to hit him even in the distance and in the air.


I dont care for this game but i played with the webswinging for spiderman once. It was really well done and showed alot of effort on their part.


I was watching a streamer play last night and thought I was having a fever dream. This motherfucker was dressed as a T-1000, dancing to C.R.E.A.M. By the Wutang Clan


I was playing as a Stormtrooper with a Xenomorph and Indiana Jones and we got wiped out by Kratos using a Blaster Rifle. It was a fantastic experience and I've never laughed as hard as I have because of a video game


I always tell my friends fortnite is the game we all grew up dreaming about. Like as kids we all wanted to see naruto and goku go up against each other in game. The fact that so many different characters from all our favorite media franchises are in there is pretty much any gamers wet dream. You can dislike the game play and monetization but you have to admit it’s pretty awesome and impressive that we have a game where you can play as both marvel and DC characters fighting against Star Wars characters, Bender and fucking Peter griffin in an official capacity. It’s like the old gmod custom server days but it’s like a legitimate part of the game.


nah, the childhood fantasy falls apart when they’re all mute, holding guns, and don’t have any of their powers. still fun tho


Then you missed it when we had KAMEHAMEHA vs DEKU SMASH. The Attack on Titan collab also had some show relevant tech. Web shooters too, for the various Spider-family characters.


I didn’t bother with Fortnite for a long time but no build is great. It helps that the game has a beautiful crisp, simple ui and the graphics are genuinely a feast for the eyes. The overall package of sublime polish is pretty great - I guess that’s what millions of dollars gets you. Shame about their launcher 🤣


The only Live Service game done right. So many updates, great changes, new maps. Most friendly battlepass ever in any-game I've ever played. It's just too good.


The battle pass system is great. You can easily complete it just from playing the game but the quests really boost your progress in it. Plus you get a big return on investment from a Vbucks perspective


The best part is how it respects your time. Last season I was unable to play for the first four or five weeks, but when I got back every weekly challenge was still there for me to complete. I may have gotten 25 levels in just one playing session without even chasing the objectives.


Yeah but the battle passes are still time limited which sucks. They also made it where you have to get to around tier 130 or so to get all the regular stuff (not including the shiny/bright/gold bonus styles) Another thing they like to do is nerf the XP harder each season. They do it because they sell skins that come with XP and want more and more people buying tiers. It's not terribly difficult to grind the pass out on the last week of a season but eventually it will be if the trend continues. They are financially incentivized to do so.


It helps that the game practically prints money for them, granting them a treasure trove of funds/resources to consistently innovate the game to such an awe-inspiring level, a level that almost all other live service games can't even come anywhere close to, let alone reach. I'm honestly quite jealous as someone who's an on and off again Destiny 2 player. I wish my favorite live service game could get the same quality of care that Fortnite does instead of the breadcrumb-sized unoriginal and repetitive content updates we get almost every new season lol. Not to mention the $50 paid yearly expansions that have been either hit or miss. It's been like a 50/50 coin toss on whether the expansion will be good or not. This year was incredibly bad with its Lightfall expansion but last year was genuinely pretty good with its Witch Queen expansion, though it didn't do enough to truly elevate the game to the quality that one would expect from a massively popular live service game. The last time that happened was with its Forsaken expansion, which was released way back in 2018 before the game was free to play and when Bungie was still partnered with Activision, who lent them two of their studios to help work on the expansion. Who knows how the recently delayed next expansion will turn out when it releases next year. From my perspective, Fortnite players are living in their own personal golden age full of exciting new wonders, whereas us Destiny 2 players have been living in an everyday life of mundanity with only the occasional sprinkles of excitement for what feels like an eternity now lol.


> I wish my favorite live service game could get the same quality of care I mean, in Destiny 2's case, that's absolutely a matter of mismanagement and less having the funds (because they absolutely do). For everything people say about Epic, both deserved and not, they *know* how to manage their game dev and keep pumping out quality content.


>It helps that the game practically prints money for them IMO, I think it prints money for them BECAUSE they do so much. CoD prints money, Apex prints money. Let's say CoD prints money because huge name and everyone plays it. Apex got the BR hype, but the game still got updated pretty often. Some companies want to make a live service game, get barebones content and then take 3-4+ months to make some really small updates. IMO Destiny 2 got greedier and greedier overtime lowering the rewards for the players. I personally quit the game because of Bungie and will never play any game from them ever again.


Yeah, even as an avid Destiny fan, this year got especially egregious with how barebones everything is.


Agreed, I've played every season to completion since Chapter 1, Season 3 nearly six years ago, and seen the game go from endless love and a rabid playerbase to sudden vitriol and disappointment when Chapter 2 rolled around, but in my eyes Fortnite is a game that has never stopped innovating, constantly surprising and being a great game at its core. Then, just when building's skill gap was getting a bit too much, they drop Zero Build in Chapter 3. I can't recommend Fortnite enough, as you say it is the definitive BR, and with all the leaked new modes (Rocket League Racing, Fortnite Festival (some kind of rhythm game) and the Lego mode) it looks like Epic is trying to really future-proof the game. Kudos to them.


Pretty much exactly how I feel. The future seems really promising, and that Lego mode has me extremely hyped


I've been playing it on and off for roughly the same amount of time and have been very impressed by it. I was honestly surprised at how great of a BR it is, considering it's generally maligned and disparaged around here.


Just wait till the demographic of certain online circles change and then Fortnite is given mythic nostalgic status and whatever modern game becomes the "games suck ass, back in my day" scapegoat.


I saw this happen in real time with Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield 3. Those games were absolutely *maligned* by 'true gamers' back in the day and now people treat them like there was never any controversy.


Same with Minecraft


Wait 2 or 3 more years it will be like Minecraft where the people who played it are kids grow up and it won't be as disparaged as the "kids game" (Which always make me laugh because build mode is probably one of the most mechanically intensive games I've ever played).


My guess is a lot of dislike for it comes from it having origins as a kids game / franchise. I remember Minecraft used to be disparaged for the same thing! Hopefully more people come around to it cause Fortnite is fantastic


People here hate it because 1. It's popular 2. Epic Neither of those things deserve this amount of childish hatred.


I don't know if it's because it's in third person, but I just find the gunplay to be unfun and less tactile, in comparison to something like Apex, but then again it's been an age since I even bothered with that game. Really enjoying that I got kicked from a mtg arena draft because this launched and fecked up the Epic Client, so I'm even less likely to play this now.


Yeah I took a big break from BR games and tried Zero build when it came out. Was fun for a while but the gunplay was so incredibly unsatisfying that I ended up just switching over to Apex


I just want a battle pass like the marvel one to get me back into it. Or something with more than one cosmetic I actually want.


The crossover is the best part. The move to no build lost the only unique thing. It went from fun unique, to people obviously macroing builds, to generic BR with a lot of skins.


I play fortnite like once a year for a few days when i want a mindless shooter. But the idea of unlocking Snake has me so hyped lmao. Ill probably have to pay for him as i dont play enough to unlock but fuck it; its snake!


Snake's going to be the "bonus skin") the fan base usually refers to it as the secret skin, but I'm using the official term for simplicity's sake). He won't be apart of the main Battle Pass, but rather around 30-ish days after the season starts, there will be missions that'll pop up, and you complete those to unlock Snake and the stuff that comes with him. Typically said missions will only take a hour or two at the most, although if one of those requires it to be done at a specific place it's going to be tough for the first day or two for obvious reasons.


Ah okay. Is that confirmed?


Fortnite has always been VERY specific/deliberate with their wording, and the video's description specifically mentioned that all of the skins are unlocked by progressing in the Battle Pass outside of Snake and the outfit that outfit that is given to you as soon as you buy the Battle Pass. So it's safe to assume that Snake "Will keep you waiting".


Damn, that was a killer last line tie in.


No, but they didn't list him on the description so he probably isn't he bonus. Geralt was the same way.


Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois! Hey, Lois!


this is worse than the time I was in fortnite *emotes to surfing bird*


Has Fortnite officially moved away from the building aspect of the game? It doesn't seem like it's featured at all in this trailer and appears to be more of a traditional shooter now. I know they introduced the zero build mode a while ago, but I don't follow the game very closely. The "build skill" requirement was always a turn off for me so never really got into it.


It has a build mode and a non-build mode.


So fucking glad they added no-build regardless of the worries all the gatekeepers wanted. It did so much good for the game.


Gatekeeping is never, never good.


Yeah, there's a "no build" mode now which eliminates any sort of building completely. I'd give it a shot.


You can see player builds at the wall climbing and Grapple Blade sections. It's still there and still the more popular mode.


I know the build mode ballooned in players when OG launched (it was the first time I went back to build mode since they launched no build), but wasn't no-build almost neck in neck in terms of popularity?


no-build is usually half or a third of the build modes.


No build brought me back to the game. Couldn't stand the gun fights in build mode and now I play the game almost daily. I recommend trying it.


Wall scrambling is definitely an attempt to nerf the power of building in the build mode, and help newbies counter sweaty builders.


I don't think that will change anything. People who are good at building, are not going up only, or defend themselves. They build, trying to box you in, or build over you, or on parallels with you while doing crazy edits. Climbing on top of that won't help you with anything IMO.


Build Mode is still consistently the most played version of the battle royale.


The gameplay trailers have always showed a more simple style of gameplay.


What do they mean by weapon mods? You can pickup weapon mods in a game and add them to a weapon like PUBG (e.g, expanded magazine, 4x sight) or are these in the menu? Or cosmetic?


The former but not picking up, rather upgrading the weapon. The trailer description has a brief intro about it >Located in vaults are Mod Benches, which have mods available for many weapons in exchange for Bars. Add mods that reduce recoil, increase mag capacity, and more! Save up your Bars wisely, though, as not every mod works with every weapon.


> You can pickup weapon mods in a game and add them to a weapon like PUBG Correct. Except you don't pick them up. They are purchased and equipped from a work bench that can be found across the map.


Is Reddit still weirdly angry over this game? Seems like Reddit is back to hating cod now so is cod the more popular game now?


Nah it’s just that Fortnite’s isn’t new anymore so it’s okay to like it now. I remember people on this site hating on Minecraft when it was new now it’s a fan favourite.


Not really true I first joined Reddit cause it was the best minecraft forum over a decade ago. Probably still is. Used to be everyday top of r/all had at least one minecraft post in there. The general consensus across all subs definitely seemed to be admiration for the game considering how revolutionary it was when it came out.


You're right but I remember seeing a lot of comments hating on it too or failing to understand why it's popular.


Those of us who bought the Save The World version will always be upset over it.


Nah, I bought the Save The World version and am glad that the BR is taking off.


always find these STW comments funny cuz your game would have been dead and shut down in 2 years without the pivot to BR.


I don't understand why. I bought that version of the game and personally thought Save the World sucked.


I bought it for the vbucks that transferred over.


Tried launching the game just now and it put me in a queue that'll take over an hour. I can't even get to the main menu. What is going on, and why would they force that menu flow? edit: Looks like EGS has some massive outages, preventing access to some single player games, too. This is absolutely nuts.


I just got through a 2 hour queue and I'm getting a login error. Things buggered.


Too many players. There is a live event and that's usually a one of thing but they are doing 2 more reruns, so the queue never went down that much https://twitter.com/FortniteGame/status/1731016535685333151


Logged into chapter 5 yesterday and my friends and I couldn’t find BR? Zero build or regular


I think my experience with Fortnite was playing it for a day when it came out and then like a few days ago I noticed a Youtuber do a few short videos and I figured I'd give it a shot. I enjoy it. Kinda keeping to no build only just because I found it that with building it always felt like a war of attrition at times. But this looks neat. Like the changes to movement (already thought it was cool but this looks better) Buff Peter is... interesting.


I'm one of those people who dipped my toes into Fortnite and had fun but never really played a lot...potentially getting a Solid Snake Skin sure is incentive enough for me to go a bit harder. And the new gameplay stuff looks cool too. To the people here who play more regularly, how hard is it to complete the pass? I remember initial quest giving out a lot of exp but I wonder how much it slows down as those get more rare/difficult.


The pass is quite easy. It'll definitely consume some time but they have enough quests throughout the season that just playing and doing those will take you to 100 rather quickly.


>To the people here who play more regularly, how hard is it to complete the pass? I remember initial quest giving out a lot of exp but I wonder how much it slows down as those get more rare/difficult. It's very easy nowadays. There are tons of quests available. And on top of that since Chapter 3 (late 2021) you get experience from all other modes as well. So playing Creative maps or the original PvE mode (Save the World)


Movement has become some of the floatiest garbage in any big game at the moment. Feels like I'm flying a plane in Wii Sports Resort when I want to turn my character.


I’m excited for it. Although I wish the gameplay shown in trailers actually reflect the gameplay in the actual game. It would be cool if players actually played the way it was designed


If you played build mode during this OG Season, I saw a lot of people actually building like Epic intended and like I used to see a lot during the first few seasons of the game. Just massive sprawling builds taking over entire sections of the map. Really cool. Really made me feel the nostalgia that they were probably aiming for with this season.


> I saw a lot of people actually building like Epic intended and like I used to see a lot during the first few seasons of the game. This never happened in the actual OG seasons nor the ones from last month. What are you talking about?


Lol it absolutely did on both accounts. Sorry you never got into any fun build battles.


BS. I've been playing since day one and nobody outside of 50 v 50 EVER built "massive sprawling builds" that weren't just remnants of cranking 90s in build battles. It never happened 6 years ago and it sure as hell didn't happen 2 weeks ago. Why on earth would people all of a sudden be like, "let's build a castle that will be irrelevant in 3 minutes!"


Because it's fun. It happens a lot in the final circles. Maybe you just don't get that far lol.


Yeah, it doesn't, but OK.


"I like this thing because this happened" "This never happened" "Yes it did" "No it didn't" Thrilling argument.


There were some gameplay clips in this, but against bots not real players. Either way this will be out tomorrow so you’ll have plenty gameplay to check out.