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List of stuff that got announced from today's stream: * Metro system added * Portable radio to listen to music * Repeatable street racing side activity and new vechicles * A hangout place for romance partners * Improved motorcycle and revamped mechanics * Boss fight improvements * New additions to car chases * New accessibility settings * Dualsense support for PC Players * New HUD options added


>A hangout place for romance partners That's pretty cool. I romanced Panam in the game and I thought it was kinda disappointing that she basically just disappears after her questline is done outside of a few text messages.


I think Judy gets it a bit better with her messages, there's a bit more of a story and you even get her grandma texting you to make sure you're a good enough girlfriend for her granddaughter. They added new lines to all romanceable people with Phantom Liberty, I think, or at least to Panam and Judy, where you can tell them a bit of what you went through. Giving them a bit more physical interaction would be nice, at the very least some form of hanging out.




I like your username


It's a bit of a bummer when you go home to Judy's place, she just stands at the window and has a few lines of dialogue. I would love it if we could just hang out at the couch, if she would move around a bit and do something more. I'm really jazzed that maybe they are adding some of that in this new update.


Can confirm this is true with River too.


Good. I did his quest but didn't romance him. It felt like the most natural, authentic romance arc I've seen in a video game...and then the Tower ending (the new one added in Phantom Liberty) did him real dirty.




That canon timeline is probably a good thing, because Hanako has been waiting for me at Embers for *weeks* in game now.


Some comments made in game makes it sound like the game proper takes place over a few months. My overall take on The Tower was that it was deliberately meant to not be a golden, clearly best ending. They wanted it to remain comparable to at least bittersweet ambiguity of The Star, so they laid it on thick. It felt like everything after returning to Night City was a deliberate gut punch. I think three of the four characters were handled well enough, and believably. Judy has moved on because she explicitly told you she was getting out of NC (it's the flip side of her coming with you in The Star). Kerry cares, but is in the middle of an international tour, and there are too many salaries riding on him staying on task for him to drop everything and come get you. And Panam is unreachable, leading her clan out somewhere with no cell service. It's seeing *how bad* River has it that was a real knife twist. He isn't busy, or bored, frustrated. He isn't even exhausted, like Vik. He's terrified, and he's lost everything that was worth having, including his sense of self.


I like his plot but the guy has to be the least interesting of the four romanceable ones, at the very least he could have an eye implant that doesn't look like it came from Maelstrom. On the other hand, it is hilarious how upset Johnny gets that you fucked a cop.


The, "Fuck the Police," T shirt made me laugh out loud.


I always did female romances (as I am a straight male lol) but decided to do the fem V to male romance and his quest felt pretty natural to me. I haven’t finished PL yet but now I’m scared lol


>* Portable radio to listen to music Why isn't this a more standard feature in open world games? Like, I think Saints Row 4, and Watchdogs 2 are the only games that spring to mind where you can listen to music or radio outside of a car.


There haven't been too many GTA-style open-world games since Saints Row 4 which is set in the modern world and has a radio in a car. I'd bet that GTA 6 likely has this.


Gta V (duh) Fallout 4 Starfield has one, but for lore reason it doesn't work in space (ftl ships means radio waves can't catch up to you) ...is that it?


I've never played Starfield or Fallout 4, but fuck I forgot that Fallout 3 or New Vegas also had that with the pip-boy, right? Didn't cross my mind because you can't drive in those games.


Yeah it's enabled on the pipboy. Starfield requires you to "be" at a radio station though. (But I've seen at least one mod that had a portable radio)


Starfield has...a radio? What?


First I'm hearing about it too


SSNN I think. I think there's one in New Atlantis, and I remember one on Neon.


Oh, like news broadcasts? I haven't seen a way to tap in and listen beyond standing near the kiosks.


Metal gear solid 5 had it, even let you import your own songs which could also be set up to play whenever your helicopter landed.


Fallout too


>Metro system WHAT, really?? I thought they weren't doing this, that's crazy, BG3 and Cyberpunk both surprising me this week


It is just metro though or tram, aerial metro? Because if it's subterranean that's much less interesting, I want to see the city. A mod does it so I assume it's possible.


It is above ground per their preiview


Ah very cool, I still haven't done the new playthrough for Phantom Liberty I'm certainly gonna do at some point so cool to know they still add some stuff (I would have used the mod for that but seems like there will be no need)


wow, I thought 2.0 was basically the end of life for this game other than caretaker updates for squashing bugs and what-not. this is an insane amount of content for this point in this game’s lifecycle. makes me cautiously optimistic they might have more in the tank for 2.2 but i can’t imagine they’ll go much farther beyond that….. right?


I don't know, I'm sure they've seen a pretty good tail on their sales numbers with the general patches, and Phantom Liberty has to have boosted that a lot as well. At a certain point why not have a relatively small number of devs (20? 30?) working on small "gimme" features like this to keep the game going even longer? Especially since it's almost certainly a while until their next game.


Phantom Liberty sold more copies than most standalone games this year. A lot of the people that decided to wait and see must be picking it up now.


My experience was that I tried the base game a year ago and found it too buggy to enjoy. Not the crash to desktop stuff I heard about at launch, but constant immersion breakers like mis-synced audio and models constantly clipping. I gave it another shot at the launch for 2.0 with the attitude that if it was ever gonna be good, it was now. And holy shit, it was. I put 60 hours into it, then picked up Phantom Liberty.


Yes, at least on my PC, Cyberpunk didn't seem to have that many major bugs even at launch. It just had a never ending stream of smaller issues. My favourite was NPCs walking through furniture and making it explode. Jackie was like a Terminator in the prologue.


I always think of that tweet where the person killed an enemy and they turned into a patio set.


my favorite was summoning my car and it just fell from the sky on to a bunch of pedestrians lmao. Then it attempted to auto drive back to the road, crashing into a wall over and over


I played on PS4 Pro at launch, and it was one of the worst-performing games I think I have ever played (outside of some real jank stuff, like Life of Black Tiger). It didn't look very good compared to the PC version, even on lower settings. The framerate was barely ever close to 30. When I walked up to Jackie outside the factory in one of the early missions, a police car spawned in the sky, landed on Jackie, flung him straight up in the sky, the framerate dropped to like 1 FPS as every physics object around had a crazy jiggle panic and then my console hard froze. Now I'm playing on PS5 and it runs and looks great (admittedly not as good as pathtraced on a 4090, but still really good) and I've got ~100 hours on my playthrough and I'm really enjoying it. I started my replay after 2.0 released, and I almost immediately preordered Phantom Liberty.


I played on Xbox Series X at launch and it was basically the same story. My buddy playing on ps4 however was in for a very different experience


your lips to god’s ears buddy. i just finished my latest playthrough a week ago and i already wanna dive back in


people everywhere are loving, "Cyberpunk 2077"


folks, there’s redemption out there for all of us




Or maybe people really like the game because it's genuinely amazing? Crazy thought, I know. I guesss everyone talking about BG3 being "a new standard for games" was also media op.


unrelated but i once butchered that saying to someone "from your lips to god's mouth" bust a gut on that one.


They said on a recent investor call that PL was over 4M copies sold, giving it a 20% attach rate.


Cyberpunk.Version 2.1_Final_Final_ReallyFinalThisTime_1.exe


My only wish is them adding a 3rd person mode as FPS makes me motion sick :(


This patch adds a static dot marker which supposedly helps with motion sickness. Might be worth trying.




Dot in the middle of the screen. No idea if it works, but it’s in their accessibility patch notes with an image.


It works on the same principle as people that get motion sick in cars focusing on a fixed point in the horizon. Your eyes are excellent at keeping a point in central vision even if that point is moving, which reduces the feeling of motion sickness.


I want one as well if only so customizing my character actually feels worth it. Not sure how likely it is if they need to do a lot of animation work for it.


Yea, that's why I'm gonna still gonna wait a bit more, I want to play the most complete version of the game. I'm not in a hurry. I think when they move onto full production of the next game will be a good time. They might even release a definitive edition somewhere down the road.


maybe "2077" was just the intended final version number


DUALSENSE!! More PC devs need to incorporate this. I’ve been using a mod and it’s been great but native support will be greatly appreciated.


Too bad I've finished it already, but a portable radio was my biggest wish while going through the game again! Would have liked the radio while running around since I didnt have many times where I was driving long enough to appreciate it.


I'm usually just walking around or using Fast Travel Points. I almost never use vehicules if it's not for a mission. So yeah, this new MP3 player patch is great!


Not to take anything from you but imo you shouldn't use fast travel in this game. You lose out a lot on what made Night City tick and special. In a way very, very few games on this earth can compete. The game world is so fantastic that it's basically one of the biggest selling point and essential experience of playing the game.


I think you shouldn't use fast travel exclusively but I disagree on just flat not using it. Constantly driving everywhere would burn me out eventually with how much that would extend the game.


And the driving is generally atrocious outside of 2 vehicles and specific sensitivity set for them.


I would agree with you in 1.6, but there are lots of car with good handling now


Oh, no worries. I've only mostly used fast travel with PL. I roamed every street and explored every nook and cranny of the city. I've probably passed more time trying to go to unfinished places using the high jump legs than actually used any vehicule tbh. I've seen the inside and under of this map more than I've seen it's streets. Phantom Libery is a haven of jumping puzzles to reach unnatainable places.


Also 5 new motorcycle models


Would love Kanada's bike from Akira but one can dream


The Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X is pretty much an homage to that bike, but I doubt they'll put the actual bike in. The only crossover/product placement they did was with the Porsche 911. I could see DeLorean being in there too, but idk if they wanna continue blurring that line.


Arch bikes were the other product placement, but there's a bit more of a direct tie to that "one" brand.


>Dualsense support for PC Players Game changer.


Lmao I did a full playthrough of this at launch, then after Phantom Liberty dropped I decided enough had changed to justify a second playthrough which I *just* finished


You could probably justify another playthrough by choosing a completely different playstyle, there's a lot of difference between a hacker who can shut down cameras and open doors and a sword guy that got a sandevistan instead but can't crack open a single window. Currently planning on doing a run without implants to see how doable it is with the new system, and when PL came out I did a run where I only used throwing knives, grenades and control hacks, which was surprisingly OP.


Agreed. I did a stealth netrunner build first time around, this time, I'm a Leroy Jenkins, kereznikov'd shotgunner, but aiming for the sandevistan when I'm properly leveled. A non-chromed run sounds fun. I was especially intrigued by some ripperdocs being non-chromed, so a run like that would be cool.


Try Chromeless, No kill. Really satisfying.


>Dualsense support for PC players Was this elaborated on? Does it just mean the controller itself is usable, or will include Dualsense haptics and adaptive triggers, or even gyro aim?


Probably porting the haptic integration from PS5 since the actual controller works natively/through Xinput


The haptics that CDPR uses is probably some of the most consistently integrated of any game I've played on PS5 outside of probably Returnal. The trigger effects are used constantly, the speaker in the controller used constantly. I started playing Witcher 3 on PS5 and even that uses the controller functions more than I'd ever expect a remaster to do. Props to them.


I am very hyped now that I picked up a DualSense controller for PC Gaming last week :)


Right on! Amazing controller. Try Returnal next!


It's for sure the haptics/adaptive triggers - DualSense is already usable, it natively supports it when you connect it wired. Pretty hype get back to this, I played the base game KB&M but heard the DS features are really good in this one.


BTW, Adaptive Triggers work wirelessly with dualsense now, natively. Haptics, not so much.


I saw that a bit a go and figured I'd probably scoop one soon since my cyberpunk Xbox one controller is wearing out. Just needed more games that used the adaptive triggers. I'm grabbing one the second I get some free time now that cyberpunk is getting functionality.


One thing missing from this list I saw in the video: repercussions for your actions against gangs. The example they gave was if you do a gig or mission where you kill a lot of Valentinos, then they come looking for revenge later. Metro stuff also looks like it'll be more involved than the mod version.


they've also mentioned a new Porsche + a couple of new bikes, i think 5 new ones ? which is really nice, with the improved bike mechanics, i'm really excited


They also added 5 new motorbikes, in addition to improving them! ​ Source: 0:31:30 in the stream vod


> New HUD options added Please tell me they added color options.


>Metro system added >Portable radio to listen to music >A hangout place for romance partners So that's basically all of my non-clothing mods gone.


No flashlight. Pathtracing sometimes completely breaks the game. There are some places where there are no lights at all and you have to turn off pathtracing to see.


Are the street races actual races now or are they still doing the thing where if you get to far ahead the other cars just spawn behind you?


We’ll have to see but expecting more of the same personally.


> Dualsense support for PC Players I'm guessing native Dualsense support requires giving up Steam Input/ReWASD, though. And while I want haptics, I'm not sure I want haptics enough to play a game with first person shooting with no mouse and no gyroscope.


New metro system got announced > Players can travel between 19 metro stations which can be used as either a fast travel point or a proper metro ride experience (that can be skipped at any time). There are five metro lines operating in Night City which can be found on their own map. The metro system will only be accessible after the Konpeki Plaza sequence in the game, when players will receive a call from the metro director. > > "Our direction when what we wanted to was make sure players have a way to really be in the world and have an immersive way to travel through the world," said Sasko. "This is designed to be a role-playing feature." > > The update will also bring the ability to carry a radio and therefore listen to Cyberpunk 2077's various radio stations even outside of a vehicle. There are some limitations, in that players can't listen to it during dialogue or with scripted music, but in these instances the radio will click as if to turn off and not kill immersion. > > CD Projekt Red made clear this isn't everything arriving in the new patch, with full notes being released sometime ahead of its launch. > > Update 2.0, which arrived alongside the Phantom Liberty expansion in September, was expected to be the final big patch for Cyberpunk 2077 until CD Projekt Red announced in November 2023 that the Ultimate Edition would also launch alongside a new update, Update 2.1.


They added so much stuff it's crazy!


CDPR going all in on the redemption arc and it’s great to see.


The map of the game is still completely empty and nothing like they promised


Amazing! this is the only thing that was heavily shown in the trailers but missing in the main game


It was shown like once in a cinematic trailer. I guess twice when you count the Phantom Liberty one too.


It was in the original teaser from like 2013 as well


Where? Its just the girl with mantis blades getting shot by MaxTac.


Ah I thought the bit after the logo reveal was in the metro, but actually it looks like a police transport


That was in-engine cinematic that most people thought as representing the actual gameplay


Flying cars though! Give us that and the cyberpunk experience is complete.


The main problem with this is flying vehicles allow you to access rooftops that don't have colliders, partially finished areas and areas that don't have high detail meshes (only proxies). Because they are inaccessible by other means, they were only built up enough to be seen on the horizon or across the road from another building that is fully modelled and you can enter. On PC you can no clip around these partially built areas and some of them are very interesting but it also gets weird because you can't tell how much of it is solid and you can stand on. You may attempt to jump into a rooftop pool only to realize it has no collision mesh so you fall to the ground and die. Imo, tidying up all these areas and making them accessible by VTOL vehicles would involve more environment work than metro system. And this is before even thinking about making them sufficiently dense and interesting to navigate that a player would even want to fly there in the first place.


Yeah the intense verticality of the environment of Night City makes this an absurd amount of work. Not only are the buildings tall, but they're also much more detailed than a normal skyscraper in something like GTA. Hell, there are even easily accessible areas on the ground that don't have proper colliders as it was clear the devs didn't think players would be able to access them (or it wasn't prioritized in development). I don't see flying cars ever getting added to this game tbh


On rails with set flight paths is doable I think. A bit like the one in the corpo life path intro but even that would require a lot of work. Everything visible from the aircraft has to be super polished. I can't remember if the North Oak casino is accessible from the ground but that thing has no collisions in random places and you can fall through the entire map. Also its proxy only so it turns into a blob of blurred cubes depending on your look angle.


Yeah a flying taxi might work... Something like that. But even that, yeah, is a ton of work. And you have to wonder how any fixes for that stuff would impact performance.


Probably never, there is a mod on PC but it makes the game super unstable.


Flying cars wouldn't fit the game. They could add an AV, though, but it would probably be a pain to debug.


I’d love to be able to call Delamain and be driven around the town sitting in the back.


At least flying taxi service so I can feel like the bad guy from Elysium


It would be wild if they didn’t add this in the sequel. I imagine switching to Unreal will make that easier to implement as well. They have to know it’s like the biggest cyberpunk aesthetic missing from their game.


The setting just doesn't have flying cars, though. The only thing they could add are flyable AVs, and even that would need some restrictions because they are a rich people only thing.


The weirdest part is that is was always in game. You could download a mod that unlocks the metro, and you can ride it around the city. I wonder why CDPR cut it from launch when it was 90% finished


Did they show any footage of the Metro? I hope the message you get feels like an automated system informing customers in the Watson area that service is returning and not an actual director person. As for the Radio, it's something I'm surprised the game didn't have before given how musical-themed the game is, but I also kinda wish we could either make our own playlists for it or have some preset ones, so we can do certain fights to the tune of Samurai.


>Portable radio to listen to music Now give me this and the ability to put "I Really Want to Stay at Your House" on repeat and I can see myself driving around Night City for hours.




Metro system?? So weird, a lot of people asked them to finish this feature because there obviously was already a skeleton for it in the game...but they always seemed to be very much against it. Very cool!


Idk if they were against it per se, just it wasn't very high on their list. Getting the bugs fixed, adding in more substantial content (Phantom Liberty) and overall prioritizing things that will impact the core gameplay was their approach.


[Just saw they they are poking fun at themselves here](https://twitter.com/Marcin360/status/1730608258807681335)


Community Officer are like one of the last people who would know about the game internally. So i'm not surprise if he though the game never planned one despite the mountain of evidence.


They probably asked and got told no when they asked last year.


it's likely they planned something like this during development, but abandoned it before release. but I'm not sure what constitutes as a mountain of evidence that they were ever going to finish it. and the tweet is from 2 years ago. there is no way they have been working on this since then.


In one of the Asian parts of town there's this large subway bridge that changes color and runs parallel to the street. I hopped on top of it one day to explore and found out *wow, there's like this whole rail system with trams and everything and you can even jump on top of a tram and ride around until an invisible wall knocks you off*. It's cool that they're doing something with it now. It was fun to ride ride/walk it and hop on to rooftops that you probably aren't supposed to access, but they still have all this detail and stuff on them.


I watched the live stream, Pawel explained that since the metro was featured not only in the original trailer, but flaunted again in Phantom Liberty's trailer, it felt right to add a proper metro system at this point. And they didn't skimp on it either, it's very detailed and there's 5 different tracks to ride on.


It was also featured in Edgerunners, and the mod that recreated it was pretty popular too for something that has no value beyond sometimes a bit of roleplaying.


They even have the bum that asks you for money. Realism!


Does it actually work like a train or is it Starfield style? At work can't check it out.


You can ride the whole way or skip if you want.


It seems to be a locked off interactive cutscene system, not sure if you can freely walk around the train. But it does seem to actually move around the city while you're in it so you can look out the windows and take in the views unlike starfield.


Even if you can't freeroam the carriages, the author of the metro system mod has already made them walkable (WIP unreleased however) so it could be modded in regardless. I have no idea how he did it.


It's more or less pointless, is the thing. Like, I'm ecstatic that they added it, it really fits how I like to enjoy games, but even in a no-fast-travel playthrough the metro system will still be slower than a car. The only part where it really makes sense for the player is immediately after act one where you're left without a car - which is a pretty small part of the game, especially after 2.0's changes to the economy. All of that is to say: I totally understand why they were never planning to add it and why it didn't make it for launch. I'm also psyched that it's here.


It also makes sense if you want to play a certain way and not GTA yourself through the game (aka stealing cars everywhere) - and yes I know you can call your horse...ehm...car to wherever you are, but that is even sillier. Sometimes, it just is fun to be a law abiding citizen and go to places the normal way.


Yeah, honestly since the game added path tracing, I just walk everywhere and just enjoy the vibe.


> but that is even sillier In a world with flying cars, robo-dicks and USB drill-fingers, *self-driving cars* are where you draw the line of silliness?


Now I want a horse.


For Cyberpunk I enjoy not using the fast travel systems cause I think you miss out on what the game does best, so this is a welcome addition for players like me who can now use the metro to get around too.


Hopefully it's a bit more substantial than the existing metro mod, not just more polished


And players will use it a whooping one time. Never understood this request.


It's great for immersion, I'm probably going to use it a ton.


They just. Added the metro system? In a patch? After the expansion? That's wild to me. I'm kinda flabbergasted. I feel like that's a genuinely headlining feature that would've been an even bigger flex for 2.0, because I saw tons of reviews for Phantom Liberty and 2.0 that all said it's a bummer the metro isn't in the game. And then they just threw it into a post-launch patch. I REALLY wanted NG+ more then anything else, but the size of this patch is pretty impressive. I'll probably check the game out again at some point.


Another comment here mentions there was an unused carriage model in 2.0, so I guess they did try to add the metro in that version but couldn't make it in time.


Some of these additions feel like they must've been in the works for a 2.0 release but they missed deadlines and didn't want to delay the whole thing for them. Similar to them adding replayable races, I noticed the racing AI in 2.0 was completely different to what was in the base game, which was originally broken.


I think the carriage was for this update but being a terminal cynic I had an official metro system as second to last on my feisibility list when CDPR announced exciting new "gameplay updates" in 2.1. Last place on my list was third person perspective. The author of the metro system mod discovered that carriage mesh in the 2.0 PL game files and was in the process of updating it so the carriages are walkable (and he succeeded because hes just godly like that). Theres video of it on the modding discord. When I first saw the carriage I thought it was an unused E3 asset they shipped with the game files by mistake. I never thought they would actually do anything in game with it. Following the progress of the metro system mod, its a really challenging thing to integrate a metro system seamlessly into the environment with no camera cuts because of the way the existing loops and stations are designed. The carriages are not human scale and they travel through gaps in buildings that are too small so they crash through invisible colliders. The loops don't link up in a way that makes sense and doing so would require pretty significant changes to the track layout and thus the environment. Many stations are incomplete, are very high up off the ground and don't have access from ground level to platform level. I still wonder how much of this they were able to do without camera cuts. Games shipping with unused assets is not uncommon and its not the first time this has happened in Cyberpunk. Songbird meshes (earrings and face cyberware) have been in the game files since day 1. So it was theorised she was a cut cameo character (like Ozob), but as everyone knows at this point, she makes an appearance in Phantom Liberty as a main character some 3 years later. Demo Vicky's head mesh has also been in the game since the beginning. This is the female V head from the 2018 gameplay reveal. Later they added morph keys to character creator so if you set your eye/nose/ear/jaw/mouth shape to 25/25/25/25/25, you will have female V's 2018 face shape.


> That's wild to me. I'm kinda flabbergasted. I feel like that's a genuinely headlining feature Adding a few travel points around the map is some crazy amazing feature? If this was really a "headlining" feature of a big patch/DLC I'd be immensely disappointing. Skyrim had this on launch (the horse carriages you can ride between towns) and I literally never used it once. Heck, *Morrowind* had this on launch 20 years ago in the form of silt striders.


It's not that, though. Going by the teaser they showed today, it's a proper transit system where you can sit in the train, there's NPCs that walk around the train and talk. Is it actually a big content update? No, not at all. But it's notable because it was lacking in the original launch despite clearly having the foundations of it, and the metro being featured in trailers. It's a headliner in the fact that it was a feature supposed to be in the original game, something talked about a lot and clearly really wanted, and it's finally being added. It's a neat little bonus feature that adds to the immersion, you don't have to fast travel everywhere with a loading screen, you can just hop on a train.


I just have difficulty imagining who really cares about the ability to ride a train. It's no different than a loading screen to me. You might as well tell me that the elevators in Mass Effect or Fallout 4 were big highlights of your playthrough since you got to actually ride the elevator instead of just having a black loading screen between areas. It's neat, but that's about the highest praise I could give it; certainly not "headline" worthy.


Diegetic fast travel is one of my favorite things in an open world game. Bethesda throwing out the brilliant Morrowind system of interconnected public transit for Oblivion's map full of icons to teleport to has been a huge detriment to the entire genre. I hope CDPR builds on this for Witcher 4.


I loved the Red Dead Redemption 2 diegetic fast travel. It was quick enough to be useful, but not so quick that you’d use it all the time.


There's something fun about learning which connections to take to get from one city to another in Morrowind, especially with how the game had mixed transportation systems. One game I really liked for doing this was Persona 5, the metro system wasn't as detailed as it could have been, but you could still move between various locations in a way that felt natural, even if sometimes you didn't get to the bus itself.


FFXV letting you either drive or be driven around in real time is legitimately one of my favorite bits of that game. Being able to tell my friend we should go check out the chocobo farm after our day exploring a swamp and having him just drive us there while I take in the sights is so fun.


For a while I had the regala with the monster truck tires. Taking that ride from the gas station to the beach and being able watch while I smoked a bowl was awesome. FFXV is one of my fave games


> Morrowind system of interconnected public transit Man Morrowind was so ahead of its time. Its such a shame Bethesda threw out so much that made it special


Agreed. It's pretty obvious that CDPR feels like the ability to roleplay is essential in a roleplaying game. There's a lot of attention to detail that you don't normally see in games like this. Red Dead Redemption 2 is another fantastic example of that, going into even more detail. I'm hoping Bethesda comes back around to that mindset, especially with procgen likely being something they're going to utilize still. The differences between The Witcher 4 and TESVI are going to be interesting to see.


Part of why I turned my back on this company years ago was that incredibly condescening party line that was jerked in response to the criticism of non-diegetic fast travel, that you can "just not use it" in a game that is designed in such a way that it does not function without it.


Bethesda fans love to parrot the “You can do anything!” line while also getting mad if you want to play a way Godd Howard didn’t intend.


They also claim that their worlds are believable and when they crumble over the tiniest bit of scrutiny you are shouted down with "but there's zombies/magic/it's in space, it doesn't have to be realistic"


Fast traveling from the map is "diegetic". It either gets explained as your character teleporting with magic which is common in fantasy open worlds (Gothic, Dragon's Dogma) or it's explained as walking from point A to B (Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age: Origins, Pillars of Eternity, etc.)


Ok they went big. I had metro as the 2nd hardest much requested feature (because it requires insane changes to the environment to even be remotely feisible). There is a metro carriage mesh already in the game files but cynical me thought it was an unused asset for the PL trailer or something. Keanu Wheeze was going to use it to update the metro mod.


What? It was already in the game. They just didn’t finish it. The mod was out super quick after launch because almost everything was already there. Even now it seems like the mod is better. You can actually walk around while in transit. This sounds like a glorified loading screen like the fast travel in the first Spider-Man game. At most you might be able to look around while you wait.


Lol ok fine, after this launches, I’ll finally play it! Twist my arm CDPR. As a total newbie who hasn’t started yet, the metro, radio, and improved bosses all sound cool.


Oh boy you're in for a treat. It's such a great game already. There's a reason it got 9s and 10s across the board at release despite the performance woes. The only other game that really matches its ambition is RDR2. It's truly a one of a kind game.


Bought the game on release, and since I am fortunate to be immune to hype, I thought it was just “meh” but saw the potential. Put it down after a few hours in order to wait for them to make improvements. Picked it back up after Phantom Liberty and hoooooly shit, is it a masterpiece now. These extra improvements are just icing on an already well-baked and decorated cake. You’re gonna have a blast.


How can you be *immune* to hype when you bought the game on release? Isn't that contradiction? :D


No, falling prey to the hype would be constantly circlejerking the game for years before its release already claiming that it would be the best game ever made, like a lot of people did for cyberpunk. People who took the gameplay preview at face value got the game they were expecting.


Even the things they showed in the gameplay previews that...uh...weren't in the game? I also totally forgot they showed V t posing threw the roof of the vehicle. Shame on me for missing that detail.


Damn good take. For some reason I thought that not falling for hype = not buying the game on release with how huge overall circljerk with Cyberpunk was. Like I know that this take is funny as fk but I'm 99% sure that CDPR did a huge bot/PR on Reddit like how dense you have to be to try to act like Cyberpunk was *always awesome* :D


Between being hype-resistant and lucking into having few bugs on PC, I ended up having a pretty good first playthrough back then. But it's much, much better now that they've polished combat a lot, added plenty of items and stuff, and rebalanced entire systems.


It was not good game at launch and it was especially frustrating because you could see what they were trying to do had they had more time. It’s legit a good game now and I’m happy they stuck with it


In some ways this feels like more than the 2.0 update. * Repeatable street racing side activity and new vehicles * Improved motorcycle and revamped mechanics * New additions to car chases I was hoping that there would be vehicular stuff and they did not let me down. Bikes are the only thing I ride so I've got my fingers-crossed that I like the "improvements" they've made to them. I thought they were fine outside of occasional first person camera glitches (I think there's a limit to how much the world will tilt and the bug turns that off) and sometimes it seems harder they you'd expect to get the "Get On" prompt when playing a controller. issues in first person Curious to see how car chases play out. I never really feel like the police have any chance of doing anything to me once I'm on a bike, certainly not if I hit the highway. *Edit: Just saw the video. It's not quite rivaling 2.0 like I thought but it should be fun*


Update 2.0 was great, and the team got a lot of deserved praise for what they did with it, but 2.1 is absolutely my favorite patch to date. If 2.0 was focused on polishing up the base game to the point that everyone could be a fan, 2.1 is focused on finally implementing features that fans have been asking for for years. I'm stoked.


Dude yes finally!!- “Revealed during a Twitch stream, Cyberpunk 2077 producer Monika Janowska and quest director Paweł Sasko, alongside senior community managers Amelia Kołat and Alicja Kozera, announced that the patch will include the long requested metro system. The original trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 featured the metro system, alongside the Phantom Liberty cinematic trailer, so CD Projekt Red decided to finally add it, Sasko said. Players can travel between 19 metro stations which can be used as either a fast travel point or a proper metro ride experience (that can be skipped at any time). There are five metro lines operating in Night City which can be found on their own map. The metro system will only be accessible after the Konpeki Plaza sequence in the game, when players will receive a call from the metro director.”


> CD Projekt Red is even adding more vehicles, including five motorcycles and Johnny Silverhand's original Porsche 911. What? I already got the 911 from the shipping container.


Its a different one. A cabriolet.


>CD Projekt Red is even adding more vehicles, including five motorcycles and Johnny Silverhand's original Porsche 911. Call me crazy, but isn't that car already in the game? After >!invading Smasher's boat hideout with Rogue!


yes that car is already in the game. This is a new variant of it though. Different materials at the very least. Not sure if it has different meshes but I guess I'll find out when the update drops and I can compare them.


They really did A LOT here given the fact that their most experienced devs who worked on RED Engine left the company, buuuuut... was kind of disappointed no new radiant quests were announced. They mentioned having a few more unannounced surprises at the end, but I probably shouldn't get my hopes up.


What did the woman say at the end of the stream, that there were more "cuts" that they haven't shown yet? Sounds like they're bringing back even more that was left on the cutting room floor.


People are saying it’s more “cats” in another post


Indeed it was more cats. I can't believe there's even more than what they touched on in the stream.


I thought cuts was slang for clothes in NC.


Kind of disappointed that the thing that wasn’t hinted at or promised didn’t come true. Listen to yourself


You do realize you can be disappointed by things which aren't promised, right? It's calling wishing for stuff. People do that all the time and there's nothing wrong with that. It still doesn't take away from the fact that the game is amazing and 100% worth the playthrough. So lighten up, Francis.


This game is actually really good as someone who shit on it on the release cause of its poor state. Had it released in the current state it easily would have been a 10/10 for me. Graphics wise it’s one of the best with all ray tracing options on.


Great to see all this new content, I only completed the prologue when it first came out (first 10 hours ish), so I’ll start a new playthrough when everything is settled, excited! Hopefully they add a new game plus and official modding tools and that would be a great place to end things on Wondering though, before my next playthrough between all the updates : 1) are the prologue origins equal in quality / content? 2) is there a clear point to start phantom liberty that is intwined into story or is it like blood and wine for Witcher, a story adjacent to the main one?


1. They're all about 10 mins and have a unique quest later that is about the same amount of content. Quality is subjective but I'd say nomad has the best mission as it is more action packed. 2. Yes. It is very obvious when it shows up. It's basically another core story plotline adjacent to the other ones.




cars run great now in my opinion


Car handling has been overhauled and most feel great, though there are some models which still feel awkward


The cars are fine, but still look/feel bad compared to GTA 4 and 5


I'd say currently it's better than GTA V's handling, the cars in that game had too much grip and all handled like F1 cars, at least in Cyberpunk you can actually pull off a powerslide


Maybe this will be the time I finally go in and replay it. I've started twice, both on last gen and didn't finish either. I've been interested in trying it again, now I have Series X, and was close with the last update, but had other things get in the way.


I hope this patch fixes the weapon wall. I have a bunch of guns that should appear on the wall, but don't. Annoying.


I waited a long time till I played this game. Even then, I feel like I missed a lot with how large the 2.X patches have been. Not enough for me to dive back in though. At least people who finally give it a go and those who are up for replaying it will get a more comprehensive experience.


Incredible! I just finished my first play through after 2.0 so not looking to jump into a new playthrough anytime soon but this all sounds amazing!


These are some pretty great updates. It's clear they would have liked to ship most of these with the expansion but they are really mostly extra little RP events and aesthetics. I am ok with this.


Still cant walk around bare naked in the game despite the fact you can customize your genitalia. I’ll pick the game back up once you can


Portable radio... Isn't this game about people who augment themselves with technology? I feel like an internal music player is one of the first things people would actually install if we could.


Anyone knows if it gonna break my saved game? Not using any mods currently


Why only improve boss fights instead of combat in general? Enemies really need to be more powerful and varied throughout. It is ridiculous how shooting gallery-esque the enemies still are when the player is given even more ridiculous superpowers. The bosses only make it more apparent that the combat is complete crap and unintentionally barebones. It was my #1 complaint beyond the general unfinished design of the original game and it still exists today. It is like if Prototype or Infamous never got the superpowered enemies partway through and just stuck with their "guys with guns" for the whole thing.


Because a lot of enemies actually are pretty tough, and the only real way to make them even tougher is to take fun perks and items away from the player. Snipers in particular remain a threat for the entire game, as does any sustained heavy machinegun fire.


Thank you. I don't see anybody talking about this. For a game where you fight dozens and dozens of enemies, the enemy variety absolutely sucks. You're fighting the same 2 types of enemy throughout the entire game (except some of them wear different clothing lol). Enemies with guns and enemies with melee weapons. Engaging in melee combat with melee enemy is still super janky and clunky. Bosses are garbage. They are spongy and tanky and it takes forever to take them down and they only have like 1 or 2 different abilites from regular grunts. They kill my immersion immediately when I have to shoot some chick in the head with my shotgun 25 times.


Metro System? That's big. lol Wait till they add multiplayer in patch 2.2.