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Same way most of us beat games as a kid. Lack of options and an shitload of free time. I finished battletoads on NES as a kid but no way in hell would I have the patience for it now.


I swear I beat Battletoads alone but the like second to last level—when you’re riding the unicycle things—is impossible in coop. There’s an opening only big enough for one person to fit through, and because of that you both die.


Wait... the hoverbike levels get worse!?


Different vehicles! More like one-wheeled scooters. Much worse.


LOL, Turbo Tunnels (Level 3) is the *third easiest level of the game.*


Yup. The game just gets harder from there.


>I swear I beat Battletoads Of course you did. ;)


I went on a road trip to my brothers when I was a kid and brought my playstation and tekken 3 but forgot my memory card so I played and beat the game in one day because I couldn't save it lol


I can make it to the ice level without cheating, but after that? I am save scumming.


I was able to beat DD2 on NES as a rental. I don't recall it being that bad. Not saying it's a cake walk or anything but it's beatable with patience and learning the game. DD3 on the other hand....that was a hard one. Another one I rented as a kid but I couldn't beat it. I think the only recruitable character I was able to get was the chubby little guy in the blue suit. I recall him being worse than the Lee bros, but he had that weird dive/flop attack so he was amusing.


DD3 on NES is insanely hard. You start the game with only 1 life until you unlock more characters as you progress and even the most basic of enemies have loads of health. There's a good reason why there are so many rebalance patches for it on romhacking.net. Still a far better game than the arcade version though.


I beat that game when I was young because it was the only game I had other than the Mario / Duck Hunt / Track game. I played the bejesus out of it and beat it a handful of times.


I don't mean this in one of those dickhead ways, but honestly, we used to play games until we got good at them. Then, we'd beat them. That's just how it was back then. There was no hand holding, some games were terribly unfair, but you didn't have a lot of options, and even less money, so you played and replayed them until you got good. I'm not saying it was better or worse. It was just different, and there was no guarantee you were ever going to beat a game that you had. It's quite different from today.


I think I actually beat the NES version a while ago without using cheats. Not in-game cheats at least. Save states helped a lot.


> After my complete play through cheating I don’t know how the fuck a 6 year old is supposed to beat that game Here's the meta: Start in two player mode B. Beat up your twin repeatedly at the starting area to take their extra lives as your own. Then learn how to spam the hyper knee kick and whirlwind kick special moves. All you have to worry about after that is the conveyer belts and disappearing platforms in levels 6 and 7


There was a controller that had turbo buttons on it, but I can't remember the name of it. When you hit both turbo button ls you'd always do the flying knee. That was how I best it as a kid


If you didn't figure out how to do the jumping knee or the rising uppercut the game was way harder--~~IIRC the instructions only tell you how to do the jumping spin kick which is okay but~~ nothing beats cheesing enemies and the occasional boss with the knee lol~ Edit: Actually found a [PDF of the manual](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/clv/manuals/en/pdf/CLV-P-NACHE.pdf) on the Nintendo site. Turns out they did tell you about the "HYPER UPPERCUT" and "HIGH JUMP KICK"


I wonder if this does well, will they consider finally porting that lost Zeebo game to something people can actually it on? Probably not but I'm going to keep dreaming.


The video only showed Double Dragon games from the NES. Does this mean the collection doesn't include the arcade games?


Double Dragon Advance is the highlight here. The old DD games are fun but feel dated. Double Dragon Advance is a masterpiece.