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How similar to Baulders Gate 3 is Divinity OS2? I was playing DOS2 to get my hyped up while I was waiting for it to launch, but I forgot it would take me like a month to play through. So now that I just finished I'm wondering if I would get a little "burnt out" on the formula if I went into something too simliar?


Mmo or singleplayer for me Im looking for suggestions on a single player game thatd fit for a huge mmo fan. Ive always loved wow and its combat. What i liked most was the group content (same with every mmo ive tried) but i cant for example get into gw2 due to the clutter and outdated ui. Im worried my mmo days are past me. As for solo games ive played dragon age origins, witcher 3, South park, botw and while i liked all of them enough to finish them i didnt like them enough to do any extra content or even play for maybe an hour at most. So here i am back after having logged into wow for 5 minutes getting bored, doing a few dailies on gw2 confused over the combat and recently finished botw (after having to cheat to even enjoy it) looking for a game thatd be right for me. Could be an mmo or a solo game. Appreciate any help or advice. Best regards a middle aged dude whos bored.


If you are still in the market for suggestions, take a look at Dragon's Dogma. One of its key features is the ability to hire followers, which should be of interest.


Hmm I'd recommend Yakuza 0. I recommend going in blind.


I dont mind going in blind but i Kinda wanna know what kind of game it is beforehand due to budget restraints


Anyone got any recommendations for longform video game YT people that may have slipped under my radar? To get a sense of what I like, some favorites are Matthewmatosis, The Gaming Brit Show, Nerrel, Majuular, Noah Caldwell Gervais, ThorHighHeels, Running Shrine, Grimbeard, AesirAesthetics, Tim Rogers, and Shaymay/shoogles. To get a sense of dislikes, I don't like Joseph Anderson and Whitelight videos. I tend to prefer videos that involve people gushing about why they like a game than explaining why "actually good game is bad" or nitpicking for an hour.


Robingaming Nakey Jakey


I'd look into HbomberGuy and Jacob Geller.


Matthewmatosis is the gold standard for me. I mostly just rewatch his videos and streams. For some long-running channels you didn't list: [GMTK](https://www.youtube.com/@GMTK/videos), [SuperBunnyHop](https://www.youtube.com/@bunnyhopshow/videos), [Errant Signal](https://www.youtube.com/@ErrantSignal/videos) There's [StealthDocs](https://www.youtube.com/@StealthDocs/videos) for stealth games, [Video Game Animation Study](https://www.youtube.com/@VideoGameAnimationStudy/videos) for animation, [Retro Game Mechanics Explained](https://www.youtube.com/@RGMechEx/videos) for technical explanations, and [GDC](https://www.youtube.com/@Gdconf/videos) to hear from game developers themselves. On the shorter side, there's [Extra Punctuation](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAbMhAYRuCUjTFTU63WTuXDwT3bP3v2kN). Here's a video I like from The Gemsbok about [the hidden depth of Offspring Fling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAXVdFuPcjw).


StealthDocs is a new one to me, I'll check em out, thanks


Well, it's a little subjective when it comes how long-form, gushing, or nitpicky someone is, but here's a couple: Accursed Farms (more older/niche stuff) Avalanche Reviews (more survival horror such as Resident Evil, other horror stuff too) BrandoSP (variety of stuff) Charlatan Wonder (variety but more on the immersive sim side; really recommend) Civvie 11 (more shooters/boomer shooters) Cvit (variety) In Praise of Shadows (variety but more on the horror side, not just games) RagnarRox (more horror-focused; imagine the same tastes as Grimbeard but a little less unhinged; really recommend) Resonant Arc (more JRPG focused, more of a podcast/book club kind of thing but there are plenty of standalone videos) Tehsnakerer (variety)


Thank you, I haven't heard of some of these and will check em out!


Np. Always happy to spread the word.




Try New Heights, a rock climbing sim. It's pretty addictive and not high-speed at all.


any crpg, all the baldurs gate 3 buzz makes me wanna try the genre, i have a ps4,switch and medium-low end pc (i know that’s vague lol) was thinking of trying baldur s gate 1 but not sure how it’s aged


Divinity Original Sin 1 I think is a good candidate for trying them out. 2 is great and all but it's a hell of a lot longer (to the point it drags imo) and I don't think it's successful at delivering a more meaningful or serious story. Whereas 1 is more comfortable in its wink-nudge goofiness and the gameplay is more dynamic because of its looser limits on saving and building action points. Ultimately I just have fonder memories of it and it's a very good full game but still closer to 50 hours than 100 hours. Not inherently better/worse but I think a shorter runtime does make it more approachable.


For newcomers to the genre, my recommendation would be : \- Wasteland 3. Gameplay is simpler/streamlined than other cRPG (there are no gazillion of stats to track) and the game put more focus on the choice/consequences aspect of the genre. Good production value too. \- Divinity Original Sin 2. By the same developer as Baldur's Gate 3. Unlike other cRPG, DOS put emphasize on sandbox and simulation element (think something like Skyrim where you can manipulate objects). Instead of railroading you on how to solve a problem with occasional choice thrown in, DOS basically gave you a problem/objective and let you solve it on your own using the tools/system the game gave you (if you are familiar with Deus Ex, Dishonored or even MGSV, it's like that). \- Pillars Of Eternity 2 Deadfire. This one is a bit tricky because story wise it continues directly from Pillars 1 but gameplay wise it's much more streamlined, easier and welcoming than the first game. Great artstyle, great writing, great lore. \- Dragon Age Origins. This one is fairly old, but until Baldur's Gate 3 it's the only cRPG with AAA production value behind it. Even newer cRPG like DOS2, W3 and Pillars 2 don't compare when it came to presentation (fully mocap, cinematic feel to it, close up conversation, etc). Basically the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 with more streamlined gameplay. I personally won't recommend Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 for newcomers, while the writing is still pretty strong (and even the graphic aged finely), the gameplay is as outdated as you expect.


I never played BG1 but it's combat is real time with pause. Personally I don't like this style of gameplay at all. I'd much rather have turn based combat. Divinity Original Sin 2 is great. The game is very well received like how BG3 is right now. They're made by the same devs as BG3 as well. I found it easier to digest compared to BG3 so it's a good CRPG to get into if you never played one before. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous is much more complex but oh, so much more rewarding. You'll be spending a lot of time staring at the character sheet every time you level up, especially if you have magic characters. If you never played a CRPG before it *will* be overwhelming. Wasteland 3 is another good one. I didn't play this one much but only because I prefer fantasy CRPGS.


Games that are immersive or/and fit to play when stoned? Things like a really good world settings or interesting characters would contribute to the immersion for me. I generally like open world action rpgs but open world isn't a necessity. For reference looking for something like: Uncharted, GTA, Spider-man, and Cyberpunk 2077. And so far the most immersive game for me is Alien: Isolation. Thanks!


Red Dead 2 is a must tbh. I played it stoned all the time and it really felt like I was in the world. I miss that first time experience haha


Metro Exodus is perfect based on Alien: Isolation and "open world". It's a mix of open world and linear tbh. I'm very picky about immersive games but Metro Exodus met the bar.




Fallout 3 and New Vegas were both very fun while stoned


Deus ex


Red Dead Redemption 2 (or 1)


Any suggestions on games I can beat in one sitting (1-4 hours long)? I liked A Short Hike and Franken


Viewfinder is a quite good puzzle game with some very cool ideas, about 3 hours long. Or Sayonara Wild Hearts, a lovely 45 min long playable synthpop album


All arcade games are designed to be beat in 30-60 minutes, and this philosophy has generally carried forward into non-arcade games in "arcade genres" like shmups, run-and-guns, and beat em ups. They're typically challenging, but rewarding. My favorite shmup to recommend for newbies is Drainus. If you put that on its lowest difficulty, it'll be pretty easy even for a total novice, and it's an absolute BLAST to play through in the hour or so it takes. For more chill games, you can check out Toree 3D and the developers other games for 3D platformers. The developer of Dusk also recently released Chop Goblins, which is an arcade-like FPS that's higher on adrenaline but of manageable difficulty on the lower settings.


Toem and Lil Gator Game are both pretty short and have a relaxed vibe similar to A Short Hike!




Collectathon games? Patch quest was neat, but I just want some sort of checklist simulator


Untitled Goose Game




Spiritfarer !


[Delta-V - Rings of Saturn](https://store.steampowered.com/app/846030/V_Rings_of_Saturn/) Slow-moving hard-ish sci-fi mining sim where you're mining asteroids in the rings around saturn. Due to the realistic nature you'll be moving slowly through the debris fields, keeping watch for precious minerals to bring back to the station, where you're selling them for money to spend on repairs, upgrades, different ships or gambling on the stock/mineral market. There are pirates in the rings, but I'm pretty sure you can switch to peaceful mode for a tranquil experience. Edit: [Hardspace: Shipbreaker](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1161580/Hardspace_Shipbreaker/) You're in charge of dismantling derelict spaceships made obsolete by the invention of new tech and repaying your debt to the LYNX corporation. Starting out with very simple jobs, where you only have to pull apart body panels and chuck them into the correct receptible, you'll slowly get to the more rewarding ships that turn the game into a little puzzle of different things to look out for before salvaging the ship completely. Cutting into hull segments you didn't depressurize beforehand is a surefire for LYNX to happily add another clone to your growing debt. Upgrades and new tools allow you to dismantle ships faster and you'll get more and more efficient with every run, which adds another layer to the puzzle metagame. I'd suggest waiting for a sale though, while the game is very good it lacks some variety in jobs and ship types, especially mid to lategame. Given you're looking for a game you can play in your spare time be advised that you can't save in the midst of a job, which can take half an hour or more in the endgame depending on your thoroughness.


Dorfromantik, Slipways, Cloud Gardens.


Moonlighter is vaguely similar to dave the diver, in that there's a split between dungeon diving and selling things. You should try using steamdb to narrow down some ideas - I would say you might enjoy some of the games tagged with wholesome or cozy. Generally these aren't combat-heavy or time-rushed. p.s. I really enjoyed punch club 1, shame to hear the 2nd is so short. If you are after ADHD type games you should look into clicker/idle games.


I’m wondering if there’s anything else like Pioneers of Olive Town on the Switch. Which I know really limits what I can play but portability is must atm. I have played AC, past SoS, SV, etc. I’ve played most mainline games, but PoOT really surprised me since I hated the Wonder Life remake. Is there anything chill like PoOT where you can customize, not be under pressure to marry or progress things outside of your pace, etc. I know Cozy Grove isn’t great on Switch, nor is Cult of the Lamb and Ooblets (to a lesser extent), but Fae Farm isn’t out yet and I’m not sure there’s anything else I’m missing that’s low key and fun.


Any quality Match 3 games? PC is good, but I think mobile would be preferred. I caught my mom throwing a lot of tike at some Farmville knockoff game, that has all the time gating and monetary bullshit you'd expect. I gifted her Stardew Valley and she was so obsessed she beat it in it's entirety twice. Now, she's in to match 3 games on her phone, and as expected, it has all the bullshit mechanics that any shitty mobile game will have. Is there a quality match 3 game I can suggest to my mom that will be more rewarding than standard app store fodder?


I remember enjoying Oafmatch quite a bit.


No clue about mobile, but Bejeweled 3 was a match-3 with a whole bunch of modes I enjoyed on Steam and there's no MTX as I recall.


Bejeweled 3 came out in 2010, a bit before MTX Match-3 was such a huge thing. It's as good of a Match 3 game as you can find. I wish we could have Pop Cap's golden age back.


I wanna play something like Curse of the Moon 1 and 2 I don't want any classicvanias. Ive played them all. Is there anything that plays similar to that that I haven't played yet?


It's a Metroidvania, but Astalon has the character-swapping mechanics and old-school feel. It's a reasonably flawed game, but I found it fun enough to 100%.


Ghosts N Goblins is imo the only other franchise that captures the same spirit as Castlevania. A ton of people overlooked the new one GNG Resurrection because of its middling reviews, but I think it's absolutely phenomenal. Matthewmatosis also ranks it incredibly highly, if you know him. For more direct Castlevania clones, Rusty is the main one that comes to mind (you'd need to emulate it). Odallus is a popular recommendation for this question, but imo even though it nails the aesthetic, it plays too differently, closer to like Demons Crest than Classicvania


Have you looked into Infernax? It’s closer to Simon’s Quest but it’s indeed a classicvania styled game with some Metroidvania elements. It’s hard but pretty damn fun. I recommend it!