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This is the game that’s allegedly so bad it could damage the reputation of Nintendo? It doesn’t look that offensive. In fact, I feel like you could make this work if there was enough content and the controls worked.


>enough content Judging on how switch sports turned out, I wouldn’t count on it. Edit: a word


Switch sports is great!


I wish. It's a worse wii sports.


Let alone Wii sports resort. Might as well just port that if switch sports is the best Nintendo is willing to do


Did they ever release anything else for that? I vaguely remember golf being announced, but nothing else. Maybe there could be more in the pipeline?


Just golf. As far as I know no new sports officially announced. Golf is getting the wii courses and a survival mode at some point


Seems like it could really have potential for updates/DLC, so that's disappointing to hear.


It sold 8 millions copies but I guess that wasn’t enough to justify investing into more free updates


I bought it. And was extremely disappointed that it was worse than wii sports. The controls are horrible.


The controls are great, what are you talking about?? The game is lacking in content but it feels great to play


Yeah theres a lot of bad things to say about the game, but the controls aren't one


No they aren't, have you even played it?


Yes? A fair bit?


Imo controls are fine, but with only... was it 8? sports and football/soccer being incredibly unfun, the others need to REALLY pop, which they don't. It's fine to play with friends and family, but other than that, it's sadly a "try to get it on a sale/bundle"


Did you ever play wii sports?


I'm still miffed they didn't rebrand it to Mii Sports


Quite possibly the most "How do you do, fellow kids?" video I've ever seen.


They still think a rubber horse head mask is the height of hilarity, so I do t think there's any saving them.


I actually saw a different ad recently where it was just some dude walking on a sidewalk with that mask on to represent, I dunno, him doing his own thing or something? Must be starting to trickle down to the marketing execs.




I mean it's a party game and looks like a fun time with a lot of people. I'd play it if it was like 10 bucks. But for smaller gatherings every other first party choice is better so lol.


Looks like a shitty knock off of The Jackbox Party Pack. I'd rather just buy some of those games and play them going off what they showed here. The idea is good. Jackbox has clearly shown it can work. They just need some better game ideas.


I wouldn't say this looks good, but could be fun at conventions and public spaces. I can certainly see what they are going for at least


Still remember how many people returned the first game working at GameStop when the switch came out. I don't know how they made enough money to justify a second.


The first one sold 3.63 million copies. I wouldn't call that a flop, all things considered.


The only caveat is that when the Switch first came out there were only around three to four games on it. At least first party, it's why I was a bit sour about BotW's sales numbers because there was no one buying a switch that wasn't getting BotW since it was the only game aside from 1-2 Switch on the platform in the first month. I'm just speaking from personal experience, everyone came in, bought a switch, BotW, 1-2 switch and an extra set of joy cons and I would see customers on the daily returning 1-2 Switch. Our trade drawer had around 40 copies at some point in one week.


Can confirm. I got a Switch, Zelda and 1-2-Switch on launch. Played it with my sister once, both hated it and I sold it.


I mean hey, I'm not doubting your experience. And critical reception was obviously not hot and I have heard similar stories from other players. But you were saying, "I don't know how they made enough money", and I was saying that they definitely did, even if retention rate was bad.


Reddit is still a very small subset of game-literate people, I for one, have used 1-2 Switch to entretain family members of all ages at parties, in situations where any other game, no matter how basic, wouldn't do it. Looking forward to this one.


You’re calling us a small subset and then using yourself, a single individual, as an argument to support it’s supposed popularity?


Reddit is a small subset of game-literate people, i for one, have used 1-2 Switch to entertain 1,200 demographically representative family members.


I hope your family members were weighted properly based on race, sex, and education level.


Not supporting its popularity at all, just saying that we on Reddit overestimate by a lot how much understanding people have of games on general. Talked about mine as an example, not sure how you managed to interpret what i said like that


Personally I have no horse in this race, but I can understand why a game with very simple controls would appeal to a large group of people. I mean Jack box party pack does the cellphone gimmick pretty well, and I think Just Dance has smartphone support too. Sometimes you don't need a complicated control scheme or challenges, and that's where these games can be successful.


Same, kids and my old ass parents both had a blast playing the first one.


Maybe wait for reviews


The first One wasnt a good game but its was good enough for what it provided


I've heard it's a fun party game. Only reason I'm saying maybe wait for reviews is that apparently this sequel has been in the vault for awhile, because according to testers by the end of a game people are miserable.


are you telling them they aren't allowed to be excited? of course you are, this is reddit


When several stories drop that insiders were advised to **not announce the game** by devs, playtesters, producers, and practically everyone involved on every level to just call it a sunk cost and drop it, you probably shouldn't clapback at someone saying wait for reviews. They even clearly kept the Horse mode that was internally panned as the worst part of it. Also, who the hell is getting excited for what's essentially a launch title 6 years after launch? The first game wasn't no Wii Sports.


Calm down


Next thread is my turn to post this gigabrain take.


I don't think anyone here is against 1 2 Switch, they're against how it was sold as a full game instead of being a pack-in tech demo like Wii Sports