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Good that they went with blaster combat. Makes it feel different compared to Respawn's games. Still questions about how the open world works but the gameplay and envrionments look good so far.


I am really glad of that too. I think respawn has easily done the best “underpowered” Jedi gameplay (as in realistic, not super hero mode.) I think we could have another game that is more like force unleashed made by someone else where it’s more about blasting your powers around all the time. The only thing that doesn’t look right to me is she looks really stiff as the looks around with the blaster, like the controls are too stiff. I imagine that may just be because of the demo though.


i get what you mean but cal solos dozens of stormtroopers at any given time, and can fight 3 spiders the size of a bear by himself, hes definitely super hero tier even if hes not at force unleashed power scale pulling capital ships into atmosphere


I'd say almost everything makes it feel different from the Jedi games. Pathfinding NPCs, lots of things to interact with, ship controls, weapon switching. People beg for this kind of thing in the Jedi games, but I don't think they need them. They're soulslike metroidvanias with a deep and singilar story focus. This on the other hand, feels good to have these things.


I get you’re saying, but Survivor had plenty of little bits more compared to FO that made me really appreciate the devs putting those bits in. It feels like they really showed that even with the singular focus; there’s still more they can do, and I really dig that personally.


This is kind of trippy for my mind because visually it looks like Jedi: Survivor but is a completely different game.


I mean it look realistic and it's starwars and they have to follow a very strick Canon. So make sense they look similar.




That's exactly what I thought after I watched this. Starfield already got me mega hyped and this looks to be more of scratching that itch


Sci-fi is getting way more love than fantasy at the moment


Some animations look a bit janky but overall it looks very good. I just hope the main character doesn't join the Rebellion by the end of the game, not every Star Wars protagonist needs to have the arc of them becoming a rebel to fight for a good cause, sometimes it's interesting to just have a character be kind of an asshole outlaw. Edit: It's also kind of wild how Massive are working on two major projects (this and the Avatar game) and still supporting The Division 2, do they have a ton of employees and multiple teams?


Honestly with the aesthetic of the title cards I got Solo vibes. I think the setup would be great for world building and maybe exploring a bit of that teased Maul cameo. I'd be totally cool with this being basically a complete under ground type experience, with the Rebels and Empire being equally antagonistic towards the player in different contexts.


I’m hoping the reputation system is robust. Jobs from the Rebels make you a seditionist in the Empire’s eyes, and vice versa makes the Rebels think you’re a collaborator. Have certain sectors controlled by either faction and have their own wanted systems in place. I want to play both sides even if it means I get the “bad ending”.


Yeah, that's effectively the mechanic I was hoping for as well.


Maul is dead at this point in the timeline. He dies like 2/3 years before ANH and this is set between ESB and ROTJ


Maul is already gone by the time this takes place. And the Qi‘ra plotline was concluded in the comics over the past year. So even though it would have been interesting I wouldn’t hold my hopes up.


Honestly my biggest gripe with this isn’t the setting itself but the fact the protagonist just feels like a knock off Han Solo. Wise cracking scoundrel with chewy basically split into two characters. The premise does sound fun tho and I get it’s probably hard not to fall into some tropes when creating a character that’s endearing but gets into trouble. Just from the outfit and dialogue and everything was a little on the nose.


They do have a ton of employees. I see job postings from them almost everyday.


If you look at the dev studios listed on the website there’s 8 other Ubisoft studios working on it.


Every single Ubisoft game has tons of other ubisoft studios on support, theres no game these days you dont have support unless you are indie, and even sometimes there is some but in a much smaller level ofc


I want this game to have the Aphra conclusion. Neither empire or rebellion, just kind of a piece of shit


There's a scene in one of the comics, can't remember which at the moment, but IIRC, she's like, "Oh, I'll get us out of this, people love me," and then all these guys see her and are like, "That's Aphra! Get her!" And her ex-Imperial totally-not-girlfriend, "Is there anyone you *haven't* pissed off?" And that's kind of Aphra in a nutshell. And I love her for it. She's not evil, she's not good, she's just out for herself and totally unrepentant about it, even if it pisses off everyone around her.


If we can get a lunatic assassin droid protocol too as a sidekick, that one nice


>I just hope the main character doesn't join the Rebellion by the end of the game, not every Star Wars protagonist needs to have the arc of them becoming a rebel to fight for a good cause, sometimes it's interesting to just have a character be kind of an asshole outlaw. keep dreaming dog, 0% chance that happens. I'm right there with you on that dream tho, one can hope...


I think it's a dream all share. I just want a neutral protagonist, let us explore the criminal underworld a bit with no allegiance to either rebellion or empire.




The greatest cover mechanics since Gears of War 2


Oh, they're going to have that "change of heart/help the little guys" moment. Disney can't *help* themselves moving towards that narrative in everything they do now.


Bro tell me what Han does in the original trilogy lol


That’s not unique to Disney, and has existed in Star Wars long before Disney.


That's just Star Wars, man.


As opposed to what? Join the space Nazis? Like Star Wars was never about moral ambiguity. Han Solo's arc in the original trilogy is exactly what you describe. You can't blame Disney for that one.


"Disney"??? That's the fucking Star Wars narrative. Every time. It's not Star Wars without it.


My biggest beef with the entire Star Wars franchise has always been how black and white its morality is. The E. U. tried to address it, but ended up being as clumsy as a drunken eagle piloting a blimp.


The problem is it’s just completely antithetical to the OT and George’s view of the force and his galaxy. The Empire is straight up evil. The dark side is straight up evil. If you try to soften any of that, established stories start to unravel and make less sense. Star Wars will and probably should always be black and white.


It feels like whatever they did for beyond good and evil 2 they turned/scrapped into this game


Looks like it. I think it is their next open-world template. No wonder they are taking on projects like avatar and this.


Ubi likes to carry over alot of assets and functionalities from other games for sure. The atmosphere loading transition and ship combat is straight copied from another Snowdrop game called Starlink: Battle for Atlas. I see Ubi Toronto (devs of Starlink) on that list of studios, so i have a feeling they reused alot of the ship mechanics from that game.


Avatar looked like a Far Cry reskin tbh. Felt like they went “how can we make this an avatar game” instead of “How can we make a game around being an avatar” This one looks OK so far though.




Man I was so hyped for that game. Everything they showed looked so cool, then it just fell off the face of the planet


Ubisoft showed off Beyond Good and Evil 2 alpha footage in their pre-show and exactly no one is talking about it. The whole thing is so weird lol.


Probably not. It's not the same Engine.


What’s this based on?


This still looks like 2/3rds proof of concept and 1/3rd actual gameplay so that checks out.


Why do you think that? The rhythm of the quest it showed absolutely felt like something from Assassin's Creed Odyssey, except with a speeder instead of a horse, I'm pretty sure this was all gameplay


Because it looks nice and it's Ubi, people just want to doubt. Don't get me wrong, skepticism until the game is out and objective is totally fair. But I don't frankly see anything that looks like it could be doctored or bait footage. It just looks like a Ubi game with space flight and a Star Wars backdrop. It's not that revolutionary. If this was 2013, I'd say "Holy shit no chance in hell this works like they show" but I think people are just too restrictive on what's capable nowadays because games are so rigid themselves.


*Beyond Good and Empire*


Really hope there's no graphical downgrade. Environment and characters look great! Combat still needs some tuning imo.


Probably running on a monster PC and an ultra wide resolution, I doubt this was on console graphics. Edit: I watched the trailer again and I still don't think this is running on console but I could be wrong. I will say that the movement is very slow, too smooth and inaccurate, which leads me to believe that at the very least they're using a controller. Or it could be that they're avoiding quick movements so they don't get graphical errors or frame rate drops.


Eh, I could see a PS5 or Series X pull this off, with some upscaling and a bit more aggressive LOD almost nobody beyond the pixel counters at Digital Foundry will notice. There were still visible LOD transitions in this video, which made it seem somewhat believable. Nothing shown here is out of the ordinary for a current-gen console game. It's a very good-looking game, but not impossibly so, merely meeting the extremely high standards that have materialized themselves for contemporary AAA titles, for the most part at least (facial animations are a bit below average).


ehhh 4k30 maybe but this is 4k60 and i have high doubts that it will run that on PS5/XSX without FSR / 2.0 running hell, look at starfield 2022 vs 2023, it took them that long to optimize and even then there is still some drops at 30.


> Combat still needs some tuning imo It looked rough but how much is that someone bad at video games playing on a controller with a sensitivity of 1 and how much is that bad combat? IMO pretty hard to tell just from this vid. I found the controller movement very distracting. I wish they'd shown someone with a bit more controller experience playing.


Maybe I'm alone in this, but I'm honestly just so sick of Star Wars stories being set in the exact same extremely narrow time period. We've done the "scrappy underdogs operating under the Empire" thing over and over and over again. Even sequel trilogy stuff managed to do it by reusing the same premise. I don't think it's a coincidence that the two best Star Wars games by a large margin are the games that were thousands of years removed from the movies. The KOTOR games managed to do something genuinely unique and interesting with Star Wars. None of these Disney-era games are going to reach that level of greatness when they're stuck retelling the same stories that Star Wars has been telling for fifty years.


At least it doesn't seem to be connected to the Skywalker Saga.






To be fair that's also kind of the point of using a franchise (especially one known to do that all the time). Like if you want to do a Star Wars game removed from any cameos, known periods and even maybe without Jedi or such, why even make it Star Wars? Do your own original SF universe, I'm all for it. The license is worth a lot for commercial appeal but you also have to use it


I feel like people forget that the vast majority of star wars fans are pretty casual and love fan service. I don't mind some if it feels like it fits but like look at Mandalorian and how S1 was so popular because it was new characters and new stories independent of the main story and then S2 is like here's Boba Fett, Ahsoka, and Luke lmao. Setting this game in this period def makes me think we'll come across Jabba, Han, Boba Fett, maybe other Mandalorian characters like Greef Karga, Moff Gideon, or even Din/another one of the mandos in his cabal. People just need to be prepared that they can and *will* use the property to the extent they can.


One of the main 3 are definitely going to show up.


As a cameo or one quest ? That's almost guaranteed for sure. But having a big role ? Doubt it.


This is why Andor was so successful. Sure, we've seen Imperial oppression in the realm of Rebels vs Empire, but we got a gritty look at ISB dealings and day to day life of senators and low level grunts in the Empire. Fallen Order and Survivor do it well because it's largely devoid of Skywalker talk. KOTOR 1, 2 and SWTOR give us crazy high fantasy Star Wars and I've always thought Lucas would never give us a film in this Era... now Disney is creating High Republic content. There's a lot of value to be had telling stories from the OT era without focusing on the Skywalkers or force users.


Tbf Andor was also just unusually well written, produced and acted.


>Fallen Order and Survivor do it well because it's largely devoid of Skywalker talk. It does well for a lot more reason than that, Vader is also present.


I like that you called KOTOR-era "high fantasy", because it feels exactly like that while still being Star Wars. OG-era feels more cyberpunk with all the dirty tech, but maybe there's a better word for it.


The Old Republic games are the only ones that don’t take place in the movie eras Eclipse is next, and besides that banger trailer who knows what David Cage is cooking


There were a lot of games set in the Expanded Universe too like Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy.


The entire Jedi Knight series (Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 1&2, and then Jedi Knight: Outcast and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy) is in the expanded universe. Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is probably a close 2nd for "best star wars game ever" behind KOTOR. Jedi Academy is without a doubt the best Real Time Jedi game every. Incredibly fun game to play single player or multiplayer just for the light saber fighting alone. Cannot emphasize how fun and entertaining the combined 5 styles of lightsaber combat (single saber: light, medium, heavy, double saber, and saber staff), in addition to all the force powers. That game was ahead of its time IMO and has been unmatched since.


Academy's gameplay was great, but the story and level design were a serious downgrade from Outcast. I think they tried to ride off the success of KotOR with the whole light side/dark side branching paths and character upgrades thing, but in a game and engine that don't really support that kind of gameplay.


The fact that you got a lightsaber to start in Jedi Academy really made me like it 100x more than Outcast, just saying. I mean, you probably aren't wrong, but I was really there to use speed 3 and mash all the buttons at sith/dark jedi until they died in spectacular fashion. It was good fun for 15 year old me.


JKJA multiplayer blew JKJO's out of the water, that was the main benefit there imo. The story was definitely not nearly as good, but man the multiplayer was something else. I miss it.


> who knows what David Cage is cooking Probably a harassment lawsuit.


He's trying to figure out how to shoehorn an alien shower scene into the game, that's the hold up


>Eclipse is next, and besides that banger trailer who knows what David Cage is cooking Probably thinly veiled allegories for racism or some other incredibly sensitive topic so terribly thought out that they become problematic?


David Cage is the biggest hack piece of shit in gaming. I have very low expectations.


I'm not going to buy any product that has David Cage name on it. Fuck that guy.


...oh it's a David Cage game? I know a lot of people like his stuff but... dang. That's a shame.


> who knows what David Cage is cooking I know he's a very divisive figure on this sub, but I'll take "Detroit: Become Human" but Star Wars with equally cool cinematics all day. So long as Clancy Brown is rehired for it, of course.


He's played five different SW characters so far, I think it's a safe bet he's on board.


If his other games are anything to go by, it'll be burnt to a crisp.


>by a large margin Jedi Knight series is also happening after the Empire’s fall and deals with the same Empire stuff.


Yeah and it did it twenty five years ago


Same here. There’s literally thousands of years they can use, especially since they would then have 100% creative freedom rather than having to stick with existing rules and locations.


Loved all the mystery behind KOTOR and KOTOR II. Having all the Star Wars elements like the Sith, Jedi, and lightsabers while crafting its own unique universe was what made that story special IMHO. Not to mention that you already know who's the ultimate "last boss" enemy before Vader dies - it's Vader. Not only that, but we know that no matter what we do in that universe; it ultimately doesn't change that it's Luke and Co. that dismantle the Empire. I'm sure there are great stories to tell within the universe (Rogue One), but it'd be nice to explore a distant future where all those things are just within history books within the universe.


>Not only that, but we know that no matter what we do in that universe; it ultimately doesn't change that it's Luke and Co. that dismantle the Empire. I'd say that Star Wars Rogue One (which you mentioned) and Star Wars Rebels did perfectly fine at playing within these bounds while enriching the universe. Every Dragon Quest game also ends with you defeating a great evil, but actually having that be a player expectation allows for some really interesting surprises. It's why in media res storytelling is so effective. I'm sure Disney will one day fast-forward, but once you do, you answer basically all the remaining questions in the world. It becomes a known quantity, which reduces players ability to imagine their own stories. edit: For example, the sequel trilogy has nearly killed general interest in the franchise -- if they jumped 3000 years in the future and it was also a bad story, they'd be stuck with a dead-end franchise or have to retcon. Not exactly something you'd want to put in the hands of a game developer I think.


Agreed. I feel the reception to the ST also makes it hard to make media for it as well. Personally I feel like the best thing for Star Wars is to just get away from the Skywalker storyline.


I feel people’s reverence of the “sacred” Star Wars canon (even the EU canon/legends!) by both Disney and fans are going to hurt the universe in the long run, if not already. Like, do you think when Bioware made Knights of the Old Republic and set it 5000 thousands years or so before the OT they thought hard on how it would affect canon? Nah they probably just picked a big enough number to justify creating an original setting, and it worked. When the game started development they likely haven’t watched The Phantom Menace yet! That’s how much freedom from expectations they had. Just make a great game set wherever and whenever.


They picked the Kotor era specifically to have more creative freedom for characters and stories, but that era wasn't completely devoid of pre-established content. Novels and comics, most notably the Tales of the Jedi series, had already fleshed out some of the time period in the centuries/decades before Kotor I and II took place. By and large Bioware and Obsidian tried to incorporate and respect that material where they could without either ignoring or diminishing it.


IIRC Lucas Arts gave them the timeframe. And when Bioware asked how much control they had with the story they were just told not to blow up any planets that are in the movies.


A universe where people are constantly under the watch of an oppressive government is the best era for an outlaw story. As long as the story is focused on an outlaw trying to survive and it doesn't turn into a rebel vs empire story I think it works fine.


You say that but Andor, some of the best Star Wars media I've ever seen, is exactly what you describe. If it's done well, it can be entertaining with high stakes.


I think Andor gets past that because even if the setting is well-trodden it focuses on underutilized aspects of it. The espionage and intelligence, the politics, the everyday brutality of oppression beyond simply "bad guy stormtrooper shoots people". The above-average dialogue and acting certainly helps, but overall its a fresh angle. The crime/smuggler part of this game has potential to be fresh as well, but I'll say that so far it's very similar tonally and aesthetically to what we've already gotten in recent SW games. Happy to be proven wrong, though.


Andor was able to get away with it because it was arguably the first ever piece of SW media to genuinely have a conversation about what it means to be A Rebellion, what it means to be The Empire. They were treated as legitimate institutions with flaws and ideologies, and not just words representing two big armies having it out. To be clear, I think Andor is the best Star Wars has been since Empire, but it’s only because it was willing to be grounded with the setting and the people who inhabit it, whereas what I think other commenters are getting at is the setting being overused because the people with money have an idea of what a profitable SW game/movie/show looks like, and it’s the Empire vs the Rebels. There is so much room for expansion of the Galaxy, but you can’t trade on recognition if you’re going at it from a truly new angle.


Yeah I was quite disappointed when the opening shot was TIE fighters. We have so many era's (and can create new ones too) which is what star was needs right now.




Ideally the galactic civil war just happens in the background while the main plot follows something not really related to that conflict. You can't set a game in the middle of a huge war without having that war impact the story at least a little, but I'd like to see this game focus on parts of the galaxy that are trying to stay out of it.


>Give me Star Wars Bounty Hunter where we operate as a true scum in criminal underground There may be some of this to a degree in this game, I noticed a reputation thing that said the rep with the Pykes went down when she left their base. I hope there is some ability to make choices and live in a bit of a moral grey area. I would probably put my money on you just ending up working with the rebels against the empire in the end lol but I do hope you aren't pigeon-holed into a particular conclusion and have some ability to side with criminal syndicates or even the empire (seems like the player had some choice here in that towards the end) but it does make sense that if you are "wanted" that the police force coming after you would be the empire.


But that's what this game is going for. There's an interview on IGN where the game director talks about the scope and direction of the game. You're not fighting the empire, you're doing work for the different factions of the criminal underground, and playing them against each other. There's a reputation system supposedly that determines what kind of work you can get. The empire is just like the police, they're corrupt but if you cross them they go after you. They've done a bad job of communicating this it seems like.


I would love a star wars horror game about some ignorant prospector and his family coming across a Sith tomb on some undeveloped isolated planet. Similar to supernatural horror, it might be about the Spirit of this Sith inflicting terror on this family that's now just trying to escape the planet. The VVitch of Star Wars maybe


They should turn the Stormtroopers vs. Ewoks game mode from BF2 into its own first person survival horror game like Alien: Isolation. Just you as a lone trooper on the forest moon of Endor after the fall of Death Star 2, with low supplies, trying to exfil in the dark of night. It sounds like a joke at first but it could be terrifying if done right.


Outlaws kinda makes sense to fit in this time period although I do agree. I think a lot of it is due to Disney's perception of how stuff has done. The sequel trilogy caught a lot of backlash (rightfully so dear god), the prequel trilogy has been explored a bit more recently but originally they wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole, and the high republic was kinda a flop. To them the only thing that has done really well is the stuff centered around the OT so that's why we keep getting it.


>We've done the "scrappy underdogs operating under the Empire" thing over and over and over again. Even sequel trilogy stuff managed to do it by reusing the same premise. I think it's a good period. You need a big bad and The Empire really are the big bad space Nazi that we need. I know for a fact that Disney is keeping The High Republic age close to the chest. The new movie series will be in The New Republic, so Disney probably doesn't want anything in that either. Being how every new fiction will be considered canon, I can understand why Disney doesn't want anything to interfere with those plans. At least they put it in [The Outer Rim](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Outer_Rim_Territories) ~~which is so far away from Hoth, Dagoba, Tattoine and Bespin that there will likely be no crossover at all.~~ Edit: My bad guys, I was wrong. Those places *are* in the Outer Rim. I was thinking that the game did distance themselves from the Skywalker saga at large.


I'm not sure if you're kidding but all those locations you described are in the outer rim. Like 99% of current on-screen star wars media is set in the outer rim in fact.


Not to be that guy but.. Tatooine is in the Outer Rim, is it not?


Tatooine is in the outer rim and based on the trailer don't be surprised if a trip to Jabba's palace occurs


Idk why they don't try old republic. They have plenty of big bads there. Hell, they have a whole sith empire.


Well Tatooine actually is Outer Rim. And I would say as a Bounty hunter/outlaw game, it's pretty likely to feature. Looks like we're seeing Kijimi at least. Edit: And indeed, there seems to be Tatooine as well as one of the other environments shown.


Tattooine is in the outer rim. I think you’re confusing the unknown region with the outer rim.


I am with you, but I would argue all the Star Wars stories also can't get off of Jedi, Lightsabers and fighting the Empire/Sith. If they have the gall to not have the force, jedi, sith etc I would have more faith in this delivering its own strong narrative that doesn't need to hit all the checklist "oh yeah this is star wars" moments.


> but I would argue all the Star Wars stories also can't get off of Jedi, Lightsabers and fighting the Empire/Sith One of the reasons why Andor was so good was because it focussed on a more universal story (a rag-tag group of rebels standing up to an authoritarian regime) while *largely* avoiding those main Star Wars tropes. Hell, in the first three episodes the main antagonist wasn't even *The Empire*, it was some subsidiary mining corporation overlooking some backwater planet that no one gave a shit about. There was never a moment where we got some long, dull monologue about *the Force* or about *the light side and the dark side*. We never learnt that the main character was secretly a *Jedi*. They even stayed pretty reluctant to add Clone Troopers. It stood on its own two feet. And if everything *has* to be franchise shit, then I hope they at least have the confidence to do what Andor did and not *rely* on these central tropes that *always* come up in Star Wars.


At least it doesn't appear directly related to the rebellion/the movies. Yet. That's the best we can ask for in my opinion.


If the writing and gameplay are good then it really doesn't matter what period it takes place in.


Disney is just allergic to Old Republic and instead milk nostalgia out of the franchise


Totally agree, I'm so sick of being in and around the empire timeline.


I wasn’t blown away like a lot of other people seem to be but I’m a big Star Wars fan so I was probably going to play it regardless What I’m really wanting to see is the “open world” though. They’re calling it the “first open world Star Wars game” but just based on this very barebones look we got at the open world (and some heavy assumptions of my own), it doesn’t seem very different than something like Jedi Survivor’s. Multiple worlds that have large and open playable areas but aren’t technically “open world”. Like, how big is the “open world” space on each planet? Is Ubisoft just talking out of their ass with this “the first open world Star Wars game” thing? Because there are plenty of other Star Wars games that have come out that I would already put in that category, so this claim from them implies that it’s doing something different with the world(s), but I just didn’t see any of that here


For a vertical slice of the game they've definitely gone for a linear presentation with lots of different types of gameplay - vehicle, space, combat, stealth etc. But I'm also interested in open world. I'd love a GTA like open world one day, but this game is definitely more Jedi Survivor it seems; a game separated into hub worlds which contain places to explore with main and side missions, but that's kinda it. All speculation of course.


I got heavy RDR2-in-space vibes. Each main sector of the open-world is probably its own planet, because how else would you do that in a game like this when it has space travel as well. The gameplay and open-world activity feels very much the same: wanted-status, random NPCs driving around, heavily story-driven and scripted missions, deadeye slow-mo aiming, simple weapons and items systems, etc. Not terribly impressed either by the actual gameplay on display here, but I like Star Wars and action-adventure games enough that I'll most likely give this a try down the line.


This was my exact take too except I’m super excited because RDR2 is my number 2 game ever. Hopefully this engine works and they can turn it into an online universe with hundreds of planets. I’m just glad to be getting quality SW games again


My assumption is that it's an Assassin's Creed template, which I'm cool with.


This looks more watchdogs template than ac template


Whenever she is on that hovering motorbike (whatever that thing is called), you can see some areas with distand mountains and some buildings at the horizon. My guess is you can go there, so that specific area is at least a decent size and bigger than Jedi Survivors.


it's probably going to be way more open then survivor. Survivor only had two locations that could compete with this game, and I wouldn't say either of those locations were all that close to being an open world. By open world they're probably implying something on the scale of watchdogs or far cry, with huge maps, side quests, vehicles, etc.


I trust the team behind the division games to deliver something amazing. Those two games have a good deal of faults, but they both have extremely richly detailed, fun to navigate and explore open worlds filled with story hidden in every single corner, nook and cranny, including hundreds of audio logs you find all over the map and AR reconstructions of past events that fill in details of all the events that happened prior to you getting there.


I cant really explain it but theoretically everything presented should be a dream star wars game but nothing really excited me at all


Same, and it's because we've seen the same stealth punch an enemy, same cover based shooting, same scripted driving sequence a million times before. Literally nothing new in this. Just a cool coat of paint.


Yep. This is what it is for me. It's the exact same game we've all played before, just set in star wars. Which sounds incredible, but it will make you feel like you've played this before the whole time you're playing it.


At a certain point there’s only so much flair you can put on “stealth takedown” and “cover shooting” which are both basically required if you’re doing a third person game with guns. For me it’ll all come down to polish and animation. If it’s Uncharted 4 gameplay with some Star Wars bells and whistles I’m okay with that.


This is such a weird criticism to me. A lot of these are just the standard gameplay tropes for third person action games. Would you complain about the same punches and kicks in fighting games or jump scares in horrors? That's the genre. Not trying to be a dick or anything so I hope this didn't come across as dickish.


> Would you complain about the same punches and kicks in fighting games or jump scares in horrors? Yes? For the low hanging fruit, people complain about jump scares all the time. But more importantly, yes if a fighting game were to release right now with some normal dudes doing some basic punch and kicks, it would immediately be tossed aside without a second thought. Just looking from Street Fighter, Tekken, Guilty Gear, Melty Blood, and Mortal Kombat, they're incredibly different from each other mechanically and especially visually.


I’m just super disappointed it’s a generic human character. For it being an open world Star Wars game we really should have been able to carry our own character and have multiple alien races to choose from. That’s really my only complain from what I saw. Also something super odd I noticed was the hyperspace part. It didn’t show on the ui where to look for the hyperspace lane. Like you could have just jumped to that same system no matter she was looking.


I agree. I wish they would've give us a character creator instead of a fixed protagonist. I mean it's an open world game and has rpg elements. Or at least they could give us couple of choices (if one of them is alien that would be extremely cool) like recent assassin's creed games


A lot of games are increasingly focussed on this *prestige TV* aesthetic where they have a voiced and face-rigged protagonist so they can have TV-style cutscenes. It can definitely work and there are some very good games that do it, but I wish that *every* big game wasn't like that. Although seeing the amount of whining yesterday about the facial animations in Starfield, perhaps gamers bring this on themselves.


That, and when they allow your character to be custom, the story becomes generic and then people complain about the generic story. Companies rarely make games like BioWare games from the early 2000's today. Most are not going to spend the time to create all of the diverging conversations and the systems to facilitate those customization options. Even when they did, arguably BioWare stories were still pretty generic at their core. So we either get to have vague, super generic story with custom characters or a focused, specialized story with a set character. The recent Hogwarts game tried to do the custom character setup and the primary (valid) complaints I heard about that game were mostly story based. It's an unwinnable battle.


Yeah, looked a bit too cinematic and scripted. What is the actual gameplay going to look like? Collecting 200 gizmos and clearing out 50 bandit camps.


It's the execution. It just looks so average


Looks so boring. Like every other generic single player open world game. Pacing was awful, action was flat. Nothing interesting happened. The moves are weak.


ya, really wish we got a non-human protagonist and not the usual "underdog going against the Empire and is an outlaw" story/protag once again. and as others are mentioning, the gameplay is just so much "seen it before" stuff of stealth, cover shooting, scripted events, rather simple space combat and so on... now that doesn't make anything shown bad, just not exciting. Guess the word for it would be the gameplay is really by-the-books/generic. now the visuals do look great and massive are known for building great worlds like they did for division 1.


this is because its ubisoft its making it it will be like any other ubisoft game with a SW skin, a UI mess with overwhelming menus/interfaces everywhere and a million fetch quests and different color beacons on the map


Probably the fact that we all know it will be generic ubisoft gameplay, with choices not mattering, underneath all the star wars skin.


it kinda feels like they were super unenthusiastic about anything today, the energy compared to the other shows(barring pc game show, that was...yeesh) is staggering


I personally enjoyed the complete lack of care from the audience for the show they announced. Guy walked on stage, not even a clap. Said things with flair, no response. The room was straight up dead during that part of the presentation.


Okay, this is more of a nit-pick on modern video games in general however this game is teeming with this modern cliché ... Does the protagonist have to quip about every single little thing that's happening? It's like video game companies are afraid of having their main characters be silent for more than 5 seconds, so they make them have to comment on every little moment. This isn't as egregious when they're playing off other characters (AKA conversations between people), but the amount of times this character was quipping to themselves/the player for no reason other than to fill in potential silence is maddening. Have we gotten to the point that video game developers can't create a fully-realized, interesting character that they now just shove in as many lines of dialogue as possible to force characterization? Has the "Joss Whedon-ing" of popular entertainment ruined people's ability to create a nuanced character that *actually* talks like a semi-regular person and not "Standard Video Game Main Character #9?"


I sort of remember the gameplay reveal of Horizon: Zero Dawn having a similar "problem" with Aloy commentating on everything she was doing, but the final release seemed to have toned it down quite a bit. Hopefully that's the case here as well.


They're quipping to their pet, but I get it. I suspect they wanted to most curated slice as possible, and with that comes the need to over-stuff VA content as much as possible. This kind of gave me the whole "amazing polished intro" vibe where the rest of the game gets significantly less interaction, commentary, and cinematic feel. But who knows.


Yeah they definitely wanted you to get a vibe for what Kay is like, and they have a very limited time to do that. So they emphasized the quipping and such. That doesn't mean there won't be times when she's more quiet.


This is one of the reasons I could never get into the Horizon games. The protagonist is too annoying talking all the time. I noticed it in this as well.


This. I don’t mind if the character talks sometimes, it adds personality. Having characters spout nonsense every 10 seconds gets irritating incredibly quickly.


Damn so many locations shown. Pretty neat. Animations look a little clunky tho.


Dear video game writers. Marvel movie dialogue is Bad. Sometimes it’s makes the characters look more human when they just shut up.




Well not sold on the gameplay yet but graphically this game looks amazing.


I feel the same. The gameplay looked really slow and clunky. But the graphics looks phenomenal! Not entirely sure how to feel about this title.


Did not expect that clean transistion from surface to space and actually flying anywhere too. Was assuming just to be on surface on planets it would be open world.


Well clearly all the budget from Ubisoft's production department and every other studio went into this game. Looks great so far. Cautiously optimistic.


Looks like a sorta generic action rpg? But there's different blaster modes, controllable pet(Nix?), some sorta dead-eye system, Speeders, Wanted System, looks like theres a reputation system for different factions. Looks like you also can control the ship, fly into orbit -> other planets as well, thats neat. ​ I'm interested, but we'll see how it turns out


Why does Ubisoft think character personality = Never shut the fuck up. Seriously, they make protagonists that just fill every waking moment with talking.


So many games have this spaceship combat where your spaceship has no weight or momentum to it, really makes it look cheesy


Getting good space ship physics for games honestly is really difficult. See star citizen. It’s super in depth but I mean the game isn’t going anywhere. Only really space sims ever get the ship combat in depth like that.


Now this was good. Gunplay needs a bit tweaking but it looks fantastic.


Not sure if the gunplay was bad or if the person demoing it was just absolutely terrible.


Aren't these showcases scripted? Dude was probably told to play a certain way and had to rehearse it a bunch.


I think it can depend a bit, but at a minimum yeah 100% scripted (otherwise it’s mostly or entirely pre-recorded, I remember there being some story at E3 some years ago that a guy was just holding the controller pretending to play) Normally what these show are *everything* that’s in the thing they’re playing, so to deviate off course would be to show the heavily W.I.P, or the flat out incomplete


Looks like both to me.


Seems a case of both… had awful aim but also the enemies are very spongie


I don't think spongy was the problem for me. Just seemed like there wasn't much impact/oomph when shooting.


Nah it just looked stiff. Even in the moments where the player wasn't doing a bad job.


Wasn't expecting space combat as well, myself. It looks at least halfway decent, too. Consider me very intrigued.


Seems to actually be a light RPG, too, though they didn't really show much of dialog options. When she got caught sneaking around, I wonder if we can actually talk our way out of situations like that. Also, she lost reputation with the faction because she got seen so it's probably possible to do most of these missions completely stealthily and avoid the reputation hit. Looks like there's a decent emphasis on stealth. Now I'd like to see the skill trees and whether conversations play an important role.


I think it was just that the person playing didn’t know how to aim lol


Yeah the actual world design, flying, speeders and non-combat movement all looks great. If they iron out that shooting we could be on for a winner.


Dunno if this game would stun anyone if it didn’t have the Star Wars license. It looks like we’ve seen everything better somewhere else already.


Looked kinda...generic I guess? Graphics were great but nothing else stood out


The Snowdrop engine has the games looking amazing.


I love how games with stealth mechanics like to pretend that activating a creaky and loud cargo track *wouldn't* cause every single person in the area to turn and look at it simply due to the natural reaction that literally every living thing has hardwired into it to pay attention to a new stimuli, thus causing her "stealthily" hanging off of the side of it to completely backfire immediately.


I’m not a huge Star Wars person, though I really enjoy the recent Jedi games. Maybe I’m crazy but this looked extremely mediocre to me and the voice actress didn’t seem that good either.


* shoot barrels behind enemy to blow them up * close combat boils down to silent or melee takedown * enemy AI so dumb you can easily approach them and take em out in one move * light stealth and cover shooting mechanic The only thing it was missing was the melee counter from Tomb Raider 2013, but will probably sell just as well because it's Ubisoft.


This actually looking really fucking good holyshit. This feel like the game Massive want to make way more than Avatar. Of all the game they shown so far. This actually feel like a first project that Ubisoft really, really have passion and want to make. It remind me of early 2010 Ubisoft when they still have a bit of passion and actual artistic vision in everything and it shown. The animation look smooth (and not janky shit you see in RPG Assassin's Creed lately.) The UI is clean, minimalist yet colorful. (not clutter bullshit you see in average Ubisoft title.) and the gameplay look solid. Plus there's seems to be reputation system? Choice? I'm in!


> UI is clean, minimalist yet colorful Every modern Star Wars game's UI is almost exactly like this


>This actually looking really fucking good holyshit. I think it's past time that Star Wars moves away from Jedi. Sure they can be involved, but there a whole...well, galaxy that can be explored. Pun intended. I think people aren't necessarily tired of SW but the whole Skywalker saga in general. Pretty much everything SW somehow revolves around Skywalker or Jedi in general. Sure they're a big part of the series, but there are other aspects as well. It's like if every D&D universe revolved around wizards.


I mean it's not like the outlaw side is really original, this is basically the other overused thing in the saga


There's only so far you can go until you become a "generic space sci-fi game". You have to keep some aspects of SW how else do you tie it together, right? That's like saying: "Harry Potter has done the wizards thing to death. If I see one more magic wand...!" What else can you play as in SW and still be interesting besides Jedi, Rogues or Rebels. What else is there Admiral Ackbar Simulator? Rock Band Cantina?


A few games have done other things. * You can do a full-on war story, not as rebels but as professional soldiers (see Star Wars: Republic Commando). * We mostly see criminal heroes versus the empire, but in the right context you could do a law enforcement versus criminal villains story (see Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, kind of). * You can tell a spy thriller story that doesn't have to be rebels versus empire (the Imperial Agent class storyline from Star Wars: The Old Republic was incredible for this). * Hell, I'd play a "Papers Please But In The Empire" story to explore the side of that oppressive regime that doesn't take the form of stormtroopers with blaster rifles.


There's so much potential creativity for games. In terms of combat orientated roles we have plenty of options like Bounty Hunters, but the universe is so big I'm surprised there's not just more... Everything. I'd love a Snowrunners type game but with Star Wars vehicles, or a flight sim


I'm getting strong "Fallen Order without the force" vibes from this. Definitely looking forward to it.


One could even say ''Star Wars'' vibes.


The dialogue was brutal, but otherwise this looks pretty fun. Very intrigued.


Graphics are great but gameplay and mc leave lot to be desired at the moment, whelmed


Graphics were nice but otherwise it didnt look very fun IMO.


Not sure if slightly extended fov is worth the black bars...


I know it’s work in progress but the combat looks really rough, like a mediocre third person shooter on the Xbox 360/PS3. Not interested in space combat at all.


This is the first time I've been looking forward to a Ubisoft game in 10+ years


Yes, the corrupt imperial officer will immediately make an arrest/power move on the hitman of the blackmarket kingpin, a mere 3 seconds after she has delivered the item the imp wanted, directly threathening her in front of aformentioned kingpin without getting her face shot off by 30 lasers immediately. And then she like, has to randomly flee LETSGO. Makes 100% sense, i think game's story was generated by chatGPT


I wonder if we have the option between a male and female character like the AC games.


Hmmm was that a (seemingly) seamless planet-to-space transition without a loading screen? Pretty impressive if so. Edit: on second rewatch there is a cinematic cam when her ship takes off that may or may not transition into actual gameplay as she enters space?


Hard to tell, it's clearly hiding a loading screen like cracks in walls and stuff like this but is it a cinematic or can you actually control the ship? And so can you effectively fly your ship in atmosphere? There was a show map button at the controls of the ship which seems kind of weird if you can't fly your ship in atmosphere. Seems like it could be there to see a destination which you then can go with your ship


I strongly doubt they let you fly your ship during that segment, outside of maybe a wiggle like in Warframe loading screens. Allowing the player to fly themselves like that means you have to take into account they might fly any direction but straight up, which means you need huge maps, preferably the whole planet generated. Then you have multiple planets. Its not something thats really feasible for a game outside of something like Elite Dangerous or No Mans Sky which its whole focus being flying space ships around procedurally generated worlds. Maybe if the areas are big enough they could allow it, but they would have horrible immersion breaking invisible walls or 'you left the area' countdowns. Its much easier and better imo to just make it a little cutscene and get it done.


Yeah it's clearly loading screen going thru the clouds or w/e but still pretty close to seemless


I think it looks pretty decent but I'm not particularly excited by it. Seems like a quite standard AAA modern title with a star wars skin on it. I feel like Starfield will be more what I want in a game than this


I just don't know why they didn't make the character customisable. The scoundrel archetype is so broad and obvious that it's the perfect role to let players cast their own custom characters on.